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If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.

  1. Year-In Year-Out Have Abundance

  2. No man knows what he owes to his parents until he comes to have children of his own

  3. The Brave Have No Fears

  4. The Mysterious Bond Between People

  5. Fire and Water Have No Mercy

  6. Good Health

  7. Good Health / Healthy / Vigor

  8. Words Have Enormous Weight: One Word Worth Nine Caldrons

  9. Inner Strength / Inner Well-Being and Health

10. Jew / Jewish People

11. Longevity / Long Life Wishes

12. Longevity / Long Life

13. People’s Livelihood and Welfare

14. If you have not been a monk, how can you know what it is like to be a vegetarian?

15. Freedom from Anger and Worry Yields Longevity

16. Peace and Good Health

17. Restoration to Good Health

18. When Three People Gather, One Becomes a Teacher

19. When Three People Gather, Wisdom is Multiplied

20. Trust / To Have Faith

21. Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble

Year-In Year-Out Have Abundance

 nián nián yǒu yú
Year-In Year-Out Have Abundance Scroll

年年有餘 is a common proverb or wish of prosperity you'll hear around the time of Chinese New Year.

Directly translated character by character, it means “Year Year Have Surplus.” A more natural English translation including the deeper meaning would be “Every Year may you Have Abundance in your life.”

On a side note, this phrase often goes with a gift of something related to fish. This is because the last character, “yu” which means surplus or abundance, has exactly the same pronunciation in Mandarin as the word for “fish.”

This is also one of the most common titles for traditional paintings that feature koi fish.

In China, this phrase might make an odd wall scroll - a customer asked especially for this common phrase which is why it appears here. See my other abundance-related words if you want a wall scroll that will seem more comfortable in Chinese culture.

Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used term.

See Also:  Prosperity | Good Fortune

No man knows what he owes to his parents until he comes to have children of his own

 ko wo motte shiru oya no on
No man knows what he owes to his parents until he comes to have children of his own Scroll

子を持って知る親の恩 literally translates as: Only after you have a baby, you would appreciate your parents (feel the way they do, etc).

This is a bit like the “walk a mile in another man's shoes” saying. Basically, it's about you cannot fully understand the plight of others until you experience it yourself. It also shows appreciation for the plight of parents.

This Japanese proverb can also be translated a few more ways:

No man knows what he owes to his parents till he comes to have children of his own.

One knows not what one owes to one's parents till one comes to have children of one's own.

Only after you have a baby, you will appreciate your parents or feel the way they do.

Only after becoming a parent yourself do you realize how much you owe [how indebted you are] to your own parents.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

The Brave Have No Fears

 yǒng zhě bú jù
 yuu sha fu ku
The Brave Have No Fears Scroll

This proverb means “Brave people [are] without fear,” or “The brave are without fear.”

勇者不懼 is a proverb credited to Confucius. It's one of three phrases in a set of things he said.

This phrase is originally Chinese but has penetrated Japanese culture as well (many Confucian phrases have) back when Japan borrowed Chinese characters into their language.

This phrase has also been converted into modern Japanese grammar when written as 勇者は懼れず. If you want this version just click on those characters.

See Also:  No Fear

The Mysterious Bond Between People

The invisible force that brings people together forever

The Mysterious Bond Between People Scroll

緣 represents the fate that brings and bonds people together.

緣 is a complicated single character. It can mean a lot of different things depending on how you read it.

In Japanese, it can mean fate, destiny, a mysterious force that binds two people together, a relationship between two people, bond, link, connection, family ties, affinity, opportunity, or chance (to meet someone and start a relationship). It can also mean “someone to rely on,” relative, reminder, memento, or the female given name, Yori.

It's the same in Chinese, where it's defined as cause, reason, karma, fate, or predestined affinity.

In the Buddhist context, it's Pratyaya. This is the concept of indirect conditions, as opposed to direct causes. It's when something happens (meeting someone) by circumstance or a contributing environment. Instead of a direct cause or act, it is a conditioning cause without direct input or action by the involved people.

Occasionally, this character is used in a facetious way to say hem, seam, or edge of clothing. In this case, it's the seam that brings or holds the clothing together.

縁Note: Japanese will tend to use the variant of this Kanji shown to the right. If you want this version (and are ordering this from the Japanese master calligrapher), click on the Kanji at the right instead of the button above.

Fire and Water Have No Mercy

 shuǐ huǒ wú qíng
Fire and Water Have No Mercy Scroll

水火無情 is a Chinese proverb that means “fire [and] water have-not mercy.”

This serves to remind us that the forces of nature are beyond human control.

Some may also translate this as “implacable fate.”

 jiàn kāng
Good Health Scroll

健康 is the best way to express good health in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.

健康 also suggests the ideas of being solid, strong, sound, wholesome, and at peace.

Can also be used to express healthy, vitality, or well-being.

See Also:  Health | Vitality | Wellness

Good Health / Healthy / Vigor

Also suggests being at peace

Good Health / Healthy / Vigor Scroll

康 is a single character that means good health or vigor in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

康 can also mean peaceful, at ease, or abundant in some contexts.

Please note that this is rarely seen alone in Japanese Kanji. In Japanese, it is used both for health-related compound words and to denote the kouhou through koushou eras of Japan.

In Korean, this can also be the family name “Kang” (caution: not the only family name romanized as Kang in Korean).

See Also:  Health | Vitality | Wellness

Words Have Enormous Weight: One Word Worth Nine Caldrons

 yī yán jiǔ dǐng
Words Have Enormous Weight: One Word Worth Nine Caldrons Scroll

一言九鼎 is an ancient Chinese proverb used in modern times to talk of profound or powerful words.

Highly-Valued Bronze Tripod Caldron The literal meaning is “one word [worth] nine [sacred] tripods.” The tripod is a highly-prized three-legged (sometimes four-legged) metal pot or kettle of ancient China. They are often made of bronze, and the Emperor would have large ones gilded in gold. See the image to the right for an example.

Inner Strength / Inner Well-Being and Health

 nèi jiàn
Inner Strength / Inner Well-Being and Health Scroll

內健 is an old Chinese word meaning inner strength or inner health.

It's the idea of health and well-being starting or residing inside yourself. Also defined as fortitude within the context of good health.

Jew / Jewish People

 yudaya jin
Jew / Jewish People Scroll

ユダヤ人 is the Japanese title for Jews, Jewish people, or a Jewish person.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Katakana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Longevity / Long Life Wishes

A wish for a long and prosperous life

 fú rú dōng hǎi shòu bǐ nán shān
Longevity / Long Life Wishes Scroll

福如東海壽比南山 is a phrase that means “May you have good fortune as great as the eastern oceans, and may your life last as long as the southern mountains.”

In ancient Chinese mythology, the eastern oceans and southern mountains are where God resides (basically it is the same as saying “heaven”). So it's like saying, “May your good fortune and life be as vast as the heavens.”

There is also a longer, 14-character version of this phrase. Also, this can be cut into two scrolls (with half the phrase on each side - great for hanging on either side of a doorway). Just let me know if you'd like a special version (there is an additional cost).

Longevity / Long Life Wishes

 nan zan no jyu
Longevity / Long Life Wishes Scroll

南山之壽 is a wish for long life for someone. The first part of this Japanese phrase is “Nan Zan,” which means “south mountain.” This mountain is one of the good wishes, good fortune, and prosperity. The title is often used as a salutation of good wishes.

The third Kanji is just a connector, and the last Kanji means long life or longevity.

I guess you could translate this phrase as “May your life be as long as Nan Zan is tall.”

Longevity / Long Life

 cháng shòu
Longevity / Long Life Scroll

Used as a noun, this word means “longevity” or “the ability to live long.”

It can also be an adjective meaning “long-lived.”

Japanese LongevityPlease note that Japanese use a simplified version of the second character of longevity - it also happens to be the same simplification used in mainland China. Click on the character to the right if you want the Japanese/Simplified version of this two-character longevity calligraphy.

Longevity / Long Life

 ju / kotobuki
Longevity / Long Life Scroll

壽 can be defined as “long life” or “longevity” in the simplest form.

Japanese LongevityPlease note that Japanese use a simplified version of this character - it also happens to be the same simplification used in mainland China. Click on the character to the right if you want the Japanese/Simplified version.

People’s Livelihood and Welfare


 mín shēng
People’s Livelihood and Welfare Scroll

民生 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja for people’s livelihood, people’s welfare, or public welfare.

It is a product of benevolence for your fellow humans.

If you have not been a monk, how can you know what it is like to be a vegetarian?

Only by experiencing hardship will allow you understand the plight of others

 bù dāng hé shang bù zhī zhāi jiè kǔ
If you have not been a monk, how can you know what it is like to be a vegetarian? Scroll

不當和尚不知齋戒苦 literally translates as:
[One who has] not been a monk [does not] know the suffering of [being on a] vegetarian diet.

This is a bit like the “walk a mile in another man's shoes” saying. Basically, it's about you cannot fully understand the plight of others until you experience it yourself.

Freedom from Anger and Worry Yields Longevity

 bù qì bù chóu huó dào bái tóu
Freedom from Anger and Worry Yields Longevity Scroll

不气不愁活到白头 is a Chinese proverb that means “Without anger or worry, you will have a long life, until after all your hair is white.”

It more literally reads, “Don't get angry or worried [and you will] live [long] till [all your] hair [becomes] white.”

Peace and Good Health

 ān kāng
Peace and Good Health Scroll

安康 means just what it says. It's a word that expresses both the idea of being at peace and healthy at the same time.

Note: 安康 is a bonafide word in Chinese and Korean, and the characters will at least make sense in Japanese.

Restoration to Good Health

 píng fù
 byou fuku
Restoration to Good Health Scroll

平復 is a Chinese and Japanese expression that means “to be cured,” “to be healed,” “restoration to health,” or “recovery from illness.”

In some contexts, it can mean “to pacify” or “to calm down.”

When Three People Gather, One Becomes a Teacher

 sān rén xíng bì yǒu wǒ shī
When Three People Gather, One Becomes a Teacher Scroll

三人行必有我师 means “when three people meet, one becomes the teacher.”

This famous Chinese philosophy suggests that when people come together, they can always learn from each other.

One person must be the teacher and others learn. And in turn, the others become the teachers of the knowledge they possess.

It is important to remember that we all have something to teach, and we all have something to learn as well.

When Three People Gather, Wisdom is Multiplied

 san nin yore ba monju no chie
When Three People Gather, Wisdom is Multiplied Scroll

三人寄れば文殊の知恵 literally means “when three people meet, wisdom is exchanged.”

Some will suggest this means when three people come together, their wisdom is multiplied.

That wisdom part can also be translated as wit, sagacity, intelligence, or Buddhist Prajna (insight leading to enlightenment).

In the middle of this proverb is “monju,” suggesting “transcendent wisdom.” This is where the multiplication of wisdom ideas comes from.

Note: This is very similar to the Chinese proverb, "When 3 people meet, one becomes a teacher."

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Trust / To Have Faith

 xìn lài
Trust / To Have Faith Scroll

信賴 can also be translated as confidence, reliance, or dependence; thus, it can also mean “to rely on” or “to depend on.”

Trust is having faith in someone or something. It is a positive attitude about life. You are confident that the right thing will happen without trying to control or make it happen. Even when difficult things happen, trust helps us to find the gift or lesson in it.

頼There is a slight deviation in the Japanese Kanji form of the second character. If you want the modern Japanese version, please click on the special Kanji shown to the right instead of the button above. Note that the traditional Chinese form is still readable and understood by Japanese people.

See Also:  Confidence | Truth | Honor

Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble

 koro ba nu saki no tsue
Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble Scroll

転ばぬ先の杖 is a Japanese proverb that literally translates as: Have a walking stick ready before stumbling.

This is similar to the English idiom, “A stitch in time saves nine.”

In simple terms, this means: Always being prepared in advance.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

See Also:  Fix Roof Before the Rain; Dig the Well Before You Are Thirsty

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Year-In Year-Out Have Abundance年年有餘
nián nián yǒu yú
nian2 nian2 you3 yu2
nian nian you yu
nien nien yu yü
No man knows what he owes to his parents until he comes to have children of his own子を持って知る親の恩ko wo motte shiru oya no on
The Brave Have No Fears勇者不懼
yuu sha fu ku
yu sha fu ku
yǒng zhě bú jù
yong3 zhe3 bu2 ju4
yong zhe bu ju
yung che pu chü
The Mysterious Bond Between People緣 / 縁
enyuán / yuan2 / yuanyüan
Fire and Water Have No Mercy水火無情
shuǐ huǒ wú qíng
shui3 huo3 wu2 qing2
shui huo wu qing
shui huo wu ch`ing
shui huo wu ching
Good Health健康kenkou / kenkojiàn kāng
jian4 kang1
jian kang
chien k`ang
chien kang
Good Health
kou / kokāng / kang1 / kangk`ang / kang
Words Have Enormous Weight: One Word Worth Nine Caldrons一言九鼎yī yán jiǔ dǐng
yi1 yan2 jiu3 ding3
yi yan jiu ding
i yen chiu ting
Inner Strength
Inner Well-Being and Health
內健nèi jiàn / nei4 jian4 / nei jian / neijiannei chien / neichien
Jewish People
ユダヤ人yudaya jin / yudayajin
Long Life Wishes
fú rú dōng hǎi shòu bǐ nán shān
fu2 ru2 dong1 hai3 shou4 bi3 nan2 shan1
fu ru dong hai shou bi nan shan
fu ju tung hai shou pi nan shan
Long Life Wishes
nan zan no jyu
Long Life
chouju / chojucháng shòu
chang2 shou4
chang shou
ch`ang shou
chang shou
Long Life

ju / kotobukishòu / shou4 / shou
People’s Livelihood and Welfare民生minseimín shēng
min2 sheng1
min sheng
If you have not been a monk, how can you know what it is like to be a vegetarian?不當和尚不知齋戒苦
bù dāng hé shang bù zhī zhāi jiè kǔ
bu4 dang1 he2 shang bu4 zhi1 zhai1 jie4 ku3
bu dang he shang bu zhi zhai jie ku
pu tang ho shang pu chih chai chieh k`u
pu tang ho shang pu chih chai chieh ku
Freedom from Anger and Worry Yields Longevity不氣不愁活到白頭
bù qì bù chóu huó dào bái tóu
bu4 qi4 bu4 chou2 huo2 dao4 bai2 tou2
bu qi bu chou huo dao bai tou
pu ch`i pu ch`ou huo tao pai t`ou
pu chi pu chou huo tao pai tou
Peace and Good Health安康ān kāng / an1 kang1 / an kang / ankangan k`ang / ankang / an kang
Restoration to Good Health平復
byou fuku / byoufuku / byo fukupíng fù / ping2 fu4 / ping fu / pingfup`ing fu / pingfu / ping fu
When Three People Gather, One Becomes a Teacher三人行必有我師
sān rén xíng bì yǒu wǒ shī
san1 ren2 xing2 bi4 you3 wo3 shi1
san ren xing bi you wo shi
san jen hsing pi yu wo shih
When Three People Gather, Wisdom is Multiplied三人寄れば文殊の知恵san nin yore ba monju no chie
To Have Faith
shinraixìn lài / xin4 lai4 / xin lai / xinlaihsin lai / hsinlai
Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble転ばぬ先の杖koro ba nu saki no tsue
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Health People Have Longevity Kanji, Health People Have Longevity Characters, Health People Have Longevity in Mandarin Chinese, Health People Have Longevity Characters, Health People Have Longevity in Chinese Writing, Health People Have Longevity in Japanese Writing, Health People Have Longevity in Asian Writing, Health People Have Longevity Ideograms, Chinese Health People Have Longevity symbols, Health People Have Longevity Hieroglyphics, Health People Have Longevity Glyphs, Health People Have Longevity in Chinese Letters, Health People Have Longevity Hanzi, Health People Have Longevity in Japanese Kanji, Health People Have Longevity Pictograms, Health People Have Longevity in the Chinese Written-Language, or Health People Have Longevity in the Japanese Written-Language.

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