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Frightful Demon / Asura

 ē xiū luó
Frightful Demon / Asura Scroll

This demon title comes from the ancient Sanskrit word Asura.

阿修羅 is often used in Buddhism when describing various demons. Sometimes defined as “Fighting and battling a giant demon.”

In the context of Buddhism: This title originally meant a spirit, spirits, or even the gods (perhaps before 1700 years ago). It now generally indicates titanic demons, enemies of the gods, with whom, especially Indra, they wage constant war. They are defined as “not devas,” “ugly,” and “without wine.” There are four classes of asuras, separated according to their manner of rebirth. They can be egg-born, womb-born, transformation-born, and spawn- or water-born. Their abode is in the ocean, north of Sumeru but certain of the weaker dwell in a western mountain cave. They have realms, rulers, and palaces, as have the devas.

In terms of power, Asuras rank above humans but below most other deities. They live near the coastal foot of Mount Sumeru (on the northern side). Their domain is partially or wholly in the ocean.

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see styles
ā xiū luó
    a1 xiu1 luo2
a hsiu lo
 ashura; asura
    あしゅら; あすら

More info & calligraphy:

Frightful Demon / Asura
Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology
{Buddh} Asura; demigod; anti-god; titan; demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology; (female given name) Ashura
asura, 修羅 originally meaning a spirit, spirits, or even the gods, it generally indicates titanic demons, enemies of the gods, with whom, especially Indra, they wage constant war. They are defined as 'not devas', and 'ugly', and 'without wine'. Other forms are 阿須羅 (or 阿蘇羅, or 阿素羅); 阿修倫 (or羅須倫 or 阿修輪 or 羅須輪); 阿素洛; 阿差. Four classes are named according to their manner of rebirth-egg, born, womb-born, transformation-born, and spawn- or water-born. Their abode is in the ocean, north of Sumeru, but certain of the weaker dwell in a western mountain cave. They have realms, rulers, and palaces, as have the devas. The 阿修羅道 is one of the six gatis, or ways of reincarnation. The 修羅場 or 修羅巷 is the battlefield of the asuras against Indra. The 阿修羅琴 are their harps.


see styles
qī qù
    qi1 qu4
ch`i ch`ü
    chi chü
The seven gati or states of sentient beings- nārakagati, in hell; preta, hungry ghost; tiryagyoni, animal; manuṣya, man; ṛṣi, a genius or higher spiritual being; deva, god; asura, demon of the higher order.



see styles
xiū luó
    xiu1 luo2
hsiu lo
 shura; sura
    しゅら; すら
Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology
(1) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 阿修羅) Asura; demigod; anti-god; titan; demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology; (2) fighting; carnage; conflict; strife; (3) sledge (for conveying large rocks, logs, etc.); (4) (See 滑道) log slide; chute; flume; (female given name) Shura
asura, demons who war with Indra; v. 阿修羅; it is also sura, which means a god, or deity.


see styles
bā bù
    ba1 bu4
pa pu
(abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 八部衆) the eight legions (devas, nagas, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas); (surname) Yabe
(八部衆) The eight classes of supernatural beings in the Lotus sūtra: 天 deva, 龍 nāga, 夜叉yakṣa, 乾闥婆 gandharva, 阿修羅 asura, 迦樓羅 garuḍa, 緊那羅 kinnara, 摩喉羅迦 mahoraga. Also called 天龍八部 and 龍神八部.


see styles
liù qù
    liu4 qu4
liu ch`ü
    liu chü
The six directions of reincarnation, also 六道: (1) 地獄趣 naraka-gati, or that of the hells; (2) 餓鬼趣 preta-gati, of hungry ghosts; (3) 畜生趣 tiryagyoni-gati, of animals; (4) 阿修羅趣 asura-gati, of malevolent nature spirits; (5 ) 人趣 manuṣya-gati, of human existence; (6) 天趣 deva-gati, of deva existence. The 六趣輪廻經 is attributed to Aśvaghoṣa.


see styles
liù dào
    liu4 dao4
liu tao
 rokudou; rikudou / rokudo; rikudo
    ろくどう; りくどう
{Buddh} the six realms (Deva realm, Asura realm, Human realm, Animal realm, Hungry Ghost realm, Naraka realm); (place-name) Rokudō
The six ways or conditions of sentient existence; v. 六趣; the three higher are the 上三途, the three lower 下三途.


see styles
pó zhì
    po2 zhi4
p`o chih
    po chih
bandhi, or bali, the origin and meaning are obscure, defined as 'bound' and also as round, full-orbed, complete. Bandhiasura, an asura -king. Also, 婆梨; 跋稚; 跋塀; 跋移; 末利.


see styles
mò lí
    mo4 li2
mo li
Bali, an asura king.


see styles
fǎ jiè
    fa3 jie4
fa chieh
 hokkai; houkai / hokkai; hokai
    ほっかい; ほうかい
(1) {Buddh} universe; (2) {Buddh} realm of thought; (3) {Buddh} underlying principle of reality; manifestation of true thusness; (4) (ほうかい only) (abbreviation) (See 法界悋気) being jealous of things that have nothing to do with one; being jealous of others who are in love with each other
dharmadhātu, 法性; 實相; 達磨馱都 Dharma-element, -factor, or-realm. (1) A name for "things" in general, noumenal or phenomenal; for the physical universe, or any portion or phase of it. (2) The unifying underlying spiritual reality regarded as the ground or cause of all things, the absolute from which all proceeds. It is one of the eighteen dhātus. These are categories of three, four, five, and ten dharmadhātus; the first three are combinations of 事 and 理 or active and passive, dynamic and static; the ten are: Buddha-realm, Bodhisattva-realm, pratyekabuddha-realm, śrāvaka, deva, Human, asura, Demon, Animal, and Hades realms-a Huayan category. Tiantai has ten for meditaton, i.e. the realms of the eighteen media of perception (the six organs, six objects, and six sense-data or sensations), of illusion, sickness, karma, māra, samādhi, (false) views, pride, the two lower Vehicles, and the Bodhisattva Vehicle.



see styles
luó hóu
    luo2 hou2
lo hou
 rago; ragou / rago; rago
    らご; らごう
the intersection of the Moon's orbit with the ecliptic in Vedic astronomy (Sanskrit rahu)
Rago; mythological celestial body and-or evil spirit (asura) said to cause eclipses
Rāhu, also羅護; 羅虎; "the demon who is supposed to seize the sun and moon and thus cause eclipses." M.W.



see styles
jì dū
    ji4 du1
chi tu
 keito / keto
concept from Vedic astronomy (Sanskrit Ketu), the opposite point to 羅睺|罗睺[luo2 hou2]; imaginary star presaging disaster
Keito; mythological celestial body and-or evil spirit (asura) said to cause eclipses; (female given name) Keito
計部; 鷄都 or 兜 ketu, any bright appearance, comet, ensign, eminent, discernment, etc.; the name of two constellations to the left and right of Aquila.


see styles
xū luó
    xu1 luo2
hsü lo



see styles
jiū yuán
    jiu1 yuan2
chiu yüan
Kupana, 鳩洹; 仇桓; an asura who swells with anger.


see styles
sān shàn dào
    san1 shan4 dao4
san shan tao
 san zendō
(or 三善趣) The three good or upward directions or states of existence: 天 the highest class of goodness rewarded with the deva life, or heaven; 人 the middle class of goodness with a return to human life; 阿修羅 the inferior class of goodness with the asura state. Cf. 三惡道; v. 智度論 30.



see styles
xiū luó qù
    xiu1 luo2 qu4
hsiu lo ch`ü
    hsiu lo chü
 shura shu
rebirth as an asura



see styles
xiū luó jun
    xiu1 luo2 jun1
hsiu lo chün
 shura no ikusa
The army of asuras, fighting on the 修羅場 asura battlefield against Indra.



see styles
xiū luó dào
    xiu1 luo2 dao4
hsiu lo tao
 shuradou / shurado
(1) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 阿修羅道) Asura realm; (2) scene of carnage
(or 修羅趣) asura way, or destiny.



see styles
xiū luó jiǔ
    xiu1 luo2 jiu3
hsiu lo chiu
surā, wine, spirits; but it is also intp. as asura wine, i.e. the nonexistent.


see styles
(female given name) Asura


see styles
(female given name) Asura



see styles
luó xū lún
    luo2 xu1 lun2
lo hsü lun



see styles
ā xiū lún
    a1 xiu1 lun2
a hsiu lun


see styles
ā sù luò
    a1 su4 luo4
a su lo



see styles
ā sù luó
    a1 su4 luo2
a su lo



see styles
ā sū luó
    a1 su1 luo2
a su lo



see styles
ā xū lún
    a1 xu1 lun2
a hsü lun



see styles
ā xū luó
    a1 xu1 luo2
a hsü lo


see styles
 aasura / asura
(female given name) Ursula


see styles
wǔ dào liù dào
    wu3 dao4 liu4 dao4
wu tao liu tao
 godō rokudō
There is difference of statement whether there are five or six gati, i. e. ways or destinies; if six, then there is added the asura, a being having functions both good and evil, both deva and demon.



see styles
hé luó hù luó
    he2 luo2 hu4 luo2
ho lo hu lo
Rāhula, name of Śākyamuni's son, also of an asura.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Frightful Demon
ashuraē xiū luó
e1 xiu1 luo2
e xiu luo
o hsiu lo
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

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