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If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.

  1. Happy New Year

  2. It is the Journey, Not the Destination

  3. The Destination is Nothing Without the Journey

  4. A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step

  5. Journey / Travel

  6. Journey to the West

  7. Life is a Journey

  8. Journey of Life

  9. New Beginning

10. New Caledonia

11. New Guinea

12. New Life

13. New York

14. New Zealand

15. New Moon

16. Learn New Ways From Old / Onkochishin

17. Papua New Guinea

18. Pleasant Journey

19. A Journey of 1000 Miles Feels Like One

Happy New Year

 xīn nián kuài lè
Happy New Year Scroll

If you want to wish someone a happy new year, 新年快樂 is the way.

You can hang this up during Western New Years (Dec 31st - Jan 1st) and keep it up until after Chinese New Year which happens in either January or February of each year (it changes from year to year because China uses a lunar calendar).

It is the Journey, Not the Destination

 shì lǚ tú bú shì mù dì
It is the Journey, Not the Destination Scroll

是旅途不是目的 is the English proverb, “It's the journey, not the destination,” translated into Chinese.

The Destination is Nothing Without the Journey

 bù jīng lǚ tú bù chéng mù dì
The Destination is Nothing Without the Journey Scroll

不經旅途不成目的 is the English proverb, “The destination is nothing without the journey,” translated into Chinese.

A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step

 qiān lǐ zhī xíng shǐ yú zú xià
A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step Scroll

千里之行始於足下 is a Chinese proverb that means “a thousand-mile journey begins with the first step.”

This proverb figuratively means “big accomplishments come from an accumulation of little achievements made one by one.”

A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step

senri no michi mo ippo kara

 sen ri no michi mo i-ppo ka ra
A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step Scroll

千里の道も一歩から is the Japanese version of an ancient Chinese proverb that means “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Some will also translate this as a 1000-mile road starts with one brick (a small amount).

In this case, the real measurement is an ancient Chinese “li” or 里, which is romanized as “ri” in Japanese. It's about half a kilometer, so three 里 would be a western mile. A journey of 333 miles begins with a single step, just doesn't sound as natural.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Journey / Travel

 lǚ xíng
Journey / Travel Scroll

旅行 means journey or travels. It is sometimes used to refer to a vacation.

If you like a good adventure, maybe this is the word for you.

Journey / Travel

 ryo / tabi
Journey / Travel Scroll

旅 is a single Chinese character, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja that means trip, travel, or journey.

In an older context, this could refer to an army brigade or a 500-man battalion from the Zhou-dynasty Chinese army.

Journey to the West

 xī yóu jì
 sei yuu ki
Journey to the West Scroll

西遊記 is the original title of the novel Journey to the West.

Written during the Ming dynasty, this novel by Wu Cheng'en (吳承恩) is one of the four classic stories of Chinese literature.

Sometimes this book is titled, Pilgrimage to the West, Monkey King, or Magic Monkey.

Many movies and TV series depict or adapt portions of this story.

Life is a Journey

 rén shēng shì yí duàn lǚ chéng
Life is a Journey Scroll

人生是一段旅程 is a proverb that means “Life is a Journey.”

If this matches your philosophy, this might be the perfect Chinese calligraphy for you.

Journey of Life

Journey of Life Scroll

If you believe that life is a journey, this is a nice Japanese title for your wall.

人生行路 means “journey of life” in Japanese Kanji. The actual word order is more like “life (人生) journey (行路)” as Japanese grammar is a bit different than English.

Note: The “journey” part can also be translated as “road,” so this is also how to say “the road of life.”

New Beginning

 xīn de kāi shǐ
New Beginning Scroll

新的開始 literally means “new beginning” in Chinese characters.

The character means “new.”

The second is a possessive article connecting the ideas of new & beginning.

The last two characters can mean “to begin,” “beginning,” “to start,” “initial,” “commencement,” or “initiation.”

New Beginning

 yī shǐ
New Beginning Scroll

伊始 is a short version of “new beginning” or simply “beginning” in Chinese characters.

You can also translate this as “from this moment on,” “starting now,” or “henceforth.”

In the day-to-day speech, this word can apply to starting a new job, beginning a new career, entering a new chapter of your life, or taking a new position (in politics, scholarship, etc.).

New Beginning

 arata na hajimari
New Beginning Scroll

新たな始まり is a Japanese word that means “new beginning” or “new start.”

Here's the character breakdown:
新た (arata) = new; fresh; novel; newly; freshly; or this can be like the prefix “re-” like “re-start” or “reset.”
な (na) is kind of a connecting article. This glues “new” to “beginning.”
始まり (hajimari) = origin; beginning.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

New Beginning

New Beginning Scroll

事始め is a Japanese word that means taking up a new line of work or the beginning of new things.

In another context, it can refer to starting the preparations for New Year's festivities or resuming work after the New Year's vacation.

New Beginning

 atarashii hajime
New Beginning Scroll

新しい始め is a verbose Japanese phrase that means “new beginning.”

The first three characters mean new, novel, fresh, recent, latest, up-to-date, or modern.

The last two characters mean beginning, start outset, opening, or origin.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

New Caledonia

 xīn kǎ lǐ duō ní yà
New Caledonia Scroll

This is the Chinese name for the country of New Caledonia (overseas territory of France).

See Also:  North America

New Caledonia

New Caledonia Scroll

ニューカレドニア島 is the Japanese name for the island of New Caledonia.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Katakana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

 nyuu gi ni a
New Guinea Scroll

This is New Guinea in Japanese Katakana.

Note: Because this title is entirely Japanese Katakana, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

 xīn shēng
 waka ki
New Life Scroll

新生 literally means “new life” or “new birth” in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

Depending on the context, this word can also mean newborn, new student, rebirth, new birth, or nascent.
In Japanese, this can be the given name Wakaki.

Note: This is not the most common word selection for a calligraphy wall scroll. But if you’re a westerner, you can bend the rules a bit.

 shin sei katsu
New Life Scroll

This literally means “new life” or “new livelihood” in Japanese Kanji.

新生活 is most appropriate if you are starting a new career or otherwise are starting a new chapter in your life or a new beginning.

Note: This is not the most common word selection for a calligraphy wall scroll. But if you’re a westerner, you can bend the rules a bit.

 niǔ yuē
New York Scroll

紐約 is how to write New York in Chinese.

紐約 is also the old way New York was written in Japanese.

Just as with English, this may refer to the city or the state of New York.

New York Scroll

ニューヨーク is how New York is written in Japanese Katakana.

Note: Because this title is entirely Japanese Katakana, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

 xīn xī lán
 nyuu jii ran do
New Zealand Scroll

This is the Chinese name used in Mainland China for the country of New Zealand.

Note: There are two common titles for New Zealand. Just the first character changes but you might see the other title in Taiwan and Singapore.

Japanese note: This is an archaic way to write New Zealand in Japanese Kanji. In modern times, it’s written ニュージーランド (same pronunciation but using Katakana characters).

See Also:  Australia | Oceania

 nyuu jii ran do
New Zealand Scroll

This is New Zealand in Japanese Katakana.

Note: Because this title is entirely Japanese Katakana, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

 niǔ xī lán
New Zealand Scroll

This is the Chinese name used in Taiwan for the country of New Zealand.

See Also:  Australia | Oceania

 xīn yuè
New Moon Scroll

新月 literally means new moon.

This can also refer to a crescent moon or the first lunar phase that occurs every 29.53 days.

In Japanese, this can be the female given names Wakatsuki, Nidzuki, or Nitsuki. It can also be the surnames Shintsuki, Shingetsu, or Aratsuki.

Learn New Ways From Old / Onkochishin

New ideas coming from past history

 wēn gù zhī xīn
 on ko chi shin
Learn New Ways From Old / Onkochishin Scroll

溫故知新 is a proverb from Confucius that is used in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures.

It can be translated in several ways:
Coming up with new ideas based on things learned in the past.
Examine things of the past, and obtain new knowledge.
Developing new ideas based on the study of the past.
Gain new insights through restudying old issues.
Understand the present by reviewing the past.
Learning from the past.
Review the old and know the new.
Taking a lesson from the past.
Taking a lesson from the wisdom of the ancients.
Follow the old ways.

The direct translation would be, “By asking old things, know new things.”
The Character meanings breakdown this way:
溫故 = ask old
知新 = know new

Explained: To learn new things that are outside of your experience, you can learn from old things of the past. You can find wisdom in history.

溫 VS. 温

Note: Japanese use a variant of the first Kanji in modern times.
Therefore if you order this from a Japanese calligrapher, expect the first Kanji to look like 温 instead of 溫.

In addition to 温故知新 as mentioned above, this is sometimes written as 温古知新 in Japan.

Papua New Guinea

 pa pu a nyuu gi ni a
Papua New Guinea Scroll

パプアニューギニア is Papua new Guinea in Japanese Katakana.

Note: Because this title is entirely Japanese Katakana, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Papua New Guinea

 niǔ jī nèi yà
Papua New Guinea Scroll

紐幾內亞 is the short name for New Guinea or Papua-New Guinea in Chinese (Mandarin).

Papua New Guinea

 bā bù yà xīn jǐ nèi yà
Papua New Guinea Scroll

巴布亞新幾內亞 is the full name of Papua New Guinea in Chinese (Mandarin - Mainland).

In Taiwan, they use a similar version, 巴布亞紐幾內亞 (just the 4th character differs).

Pleasant Journey

 yī lù shùn fēng
Pleasant Journey Scroll

一路順風 is a Chinese and Japanese proverb that means “to have a pleasant journey,” “sailing with the wind at your back,” or as an expression to say, “everything is going well.”

A Journey of 1000 Miles Feels Like One

 sen ri mo ichi ri
A Journey of 1000 Miles Feels Like One Scroll

千里も一里 is a Japanese proverb that states “A journey of a thousand miles feels like only one mile.” It is understood that in the proverb, this applies when going to see the one you love.

Note that the “mile” or 里 used in this proverb is an old Chinese “li” (pronounced “ri” in Japanese). It's not actually a mile, as the measurement is really closer to 500 meters (it would take 3 of these to get close to a western mile). Still, 1000里 (333 miles) is a long way.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Happy New Year新年快樂
xīn nián kuài lè
xin1 nian2 kuai4 le4
xin nian kuai le
hsin nien k`uai le
hsin nien kuai le
It is the Journey, Not the Destination是旅途不是目的shì lǚ tú bú shì mù dì
shi4 lu:3 tu2 bu2 shi4 mu4 di4
shi lu: tu bu shi mu di
shih lü t`u pu shih mu ti
shih lü tu pu shih mu ti
The Destination is Nothing Without the Journey不經旅途不成目的
bù jīng lǚ tú bù chéng mù dì
bu4 jing1 lu:3 tu2 bu4 cheng2 mu4 di4
bu jing lu: tu bu cheng mu di
pu ching lü t`u pu ch`eng mu ti
pu ching lü tu pu cheng mu ti
A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step千里之行始於足下
qiān lǐ zhī xíng shǐ yú zú xià
qian1 li3 zhi1 xing2 shi3 yu2 zu2 xia4
qian li zhi xing shi yu zu xia
ch`ien li chih hsing shih yü tsu hsia
chien li chih hsing shih yü tsu hsia
A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step千里の道も一歩からsen ri no michi mo i-ppo ka ra
sen ri no michi mo i-po ka ra
旅行ryokou / ryokolǚ xíng / lv3 xing2 / lv xing / lvxinglü hsing / lühsing
ryo / tabilǚ / lu:3 / lu:
Journey to the West西遊記
sei yuu ki / seiyuuki / sei yu kixī yóu jì
xi1 you2 ji4
xi you ji
hsi yu chi
Life is a Journey人生是一段旅程rén shēng shì yí duàn lǚ chéng
ren2 sheng1 shi4 yi2 duan4 lv3 cheng2
ren sheng shi yi duan lv cheng
jen sheng shih i tuan lü ch`eng
jen sheng shih i tuan lü cheng
Journey of Life人生行路jinseikouro
New Beginning新的開始
xīn de kāi shǐ
xin1 de kai1 shi3
xin de kai shi
hsin te k`ai shih
hsin te kai shih
New Beginning伊始yī shǐ / yi1 shi3 / yi shi / yishii shih / ishih
New Beginning新たな始まりarata na hajimari
New Beginning事始めkotohajime
New Beginning新しい始めatarashii hajime
atarashi hajime
New Caledonia新卡里多尼亞
xīn kǎ lǐ duō ní yà
xin1 ka3 li3 duo1 ni2 ya4
xin ka li duo ni ya
hsin k`a li to ni ya
hsin ka li to ni ya
New Caledoniaニューカレドニア島nyuukaredoniatou
New Guineaニューギニアnyuu gi ni a
nyu gi ni a
New Life新生waka ki / wakakixīn shēng
xin1 sheng1
xin sheng
hsin sheng
New Life新生活shin sei katsu
New York紐約
nyuyooku / nyuyokuniǔ yuē / niu3 yue1 / niu yue / niuyueniu yüeh / niuyüeh
New Yorkニューヨークnyuuyooku / nyuyoku
New Zealand新西蘭
nyuu jii ran do
nyu ji ran do
xīn xī lán
xin1 xi1 lan2
xin xi lan
hsin hsi lan
New Zealandニュージーランドnyuu jii ran do
nyu ji ran do
New Zealand紐西蘭
niǔ xī lán
niu3 xi1 lan2
niu xi lan
niu hsi lan
New Moon新月shingetsuxīn yuè / xin1 yue4 / xin yue / xinyuehsin yüeh / hsinyüeh
Learn New Ways From Old
on ko chi shin
wēn gù zhī xīn
wen1 gu4 zhi1 xin1
wen gu zhi xin
wen ku chih hsin
Papua New Guineaパプアニューギニアpa pu a nyuu gi ni a
pa pu a nyu gi ni a
Papua New Guinea紐幾內亞
niǔ jī nèi yà
niu3 ji1 nei4 ya4
niu ji nei ya
niu chi nei ya
Papua New Guinea巴布亞新幾內亞
bā bù yà xīn jǐ nèi yà
ba1 bu4 ya4 xin1 ji3 nei4 ya4
ba bu ya xin ji nei ya
pa pu ya hsin chi nei ya
Pleasant Journey一路順風
yī lù shùn fēng
yi1 lu4 shun4 feng1
yi lu shun feng
i lu shun feng
A Journey of 1000 Miles Feels Like One千里も一里sen ri mo ichi ri
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as A New Journey Kanji, A New Journey Characters, A New Journey in Mandarin Chinese, A New Journey Characters, A New Journey in Chinese Writing, A New Journey in Japanese Writing, A New Journey in Asian Writing, A New Journey Ideograms, Chinese A New Journey symbols, A New Journey Hieroglyphics, A New Journey Glyphs, A New Journey in Chinese Letters, A New Journey Hanzi, A New Journey in Japanese Kanji, A New Journey Pictograms, A New Journey in the Chinese Written-Language, or A New Journey in the Japanese Written-Language.