Custom Truth Chinese & Japanese Calligraphy Wall Scroll

We have many options to create artwork with Truth characters on a wall scroll or portrait.
If you want to create a cool Truth wall scroll, this is the place. Below you will find a few Asian symbols that express the idea of truth.

Since you are looking for truth, don't forget to check out Honesty

  1. Truth

  2. Appreciation of Truth by Meditation

  3. Triple Truth of Japanese Buddhism

  4. Comparison Leads to Truth and Enlightenment

  5. Respect, Honor, Truth

  6. Seeking Truth

  7. Thirst for Truth

  8. The Three Truths

  9. True Religion / Buddha Truth

10. Truth Flashed Through The Mind

11. Truth Goodness and Beauty

12. In Wine there is Truth

13. Ultimate Truth

14. Knowledge of Ultimate Truth

15. Enlightened Truth

16. The Supreme Mahayana Truth

17. Kyojitsu: Falsehood and Truth

18. ...And this above all to thine own self be true

19. Be True to Yourself

20. Dream Come True / Enjoy Success

21. Makaze / True Wind

22. My True Love

23. True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence

24. Sincere / True Sincerity

25. To thine own self be true

26. True Friend

27. True Heart

28. True Love

29. True / Real / Genuine

30. True to Yourself

31. True Victory is Victory Over Oneself

32. The True and Complete Enlightenment

33. True Essence

34. True Love

35. Honesty

36. Honesty / Fidelity

37. Integrity: Sincere Honest and Faithful

38. Most Sincere Friend / Honest Friend / Real Friend / Best Friend

39. Honest / Straightforward

40. Integrity / Honesty

41. Dignity / Honor / Sanctity / Integrity

42. Fidelity / Personal Integrity / Honor

43. Fidelity Honor Courage

44. Having High Principles

45. Faithful / Honorable / Trustworthy / Fidelity / Loyalty

46. Honor and Integrity

47. Integrity

48. Loyalty to Duty or Master

49. Loyalty

50. Sense of Shame / Sense of Honor / Integrity / Modesty

51. Personal Integrity

52. Sincerity and Devotion

53. Sincerity and Faithfulness

54. Tathata / Ultimate Nature of All Things

55. Shin Buddhism

56. Trust / To Have Faith

57. Unwavering Integrity

58. Walk in the Way

 zhēn xiàng
 shin sou
Truth Scroll

Beyond “truth” in Chinese, 真相 can also be used to say “the actual facts” or “genuine” depending on context.

This also means "truth" in Japanese, just not as commonly used.

See Also:  Honesty

 shinjitsu / sana
Truth Scroll

真実 means “truth,” “actual,” or “reality” in Japanese.

The second character is modified or no longer used in Chinese vocabulary - so this is Japanese only.

Appreciation of Truth by Meditation

 xīn yìn
 shin nin
Appreciation of Truth by Meditation Scroll

心印 is a Buddhist concept that simply stated is “appreciation of truth by meditation.”

It's a deep subject, but my understanding is that you can find truth through meditation, and once you've found the truth, you can learn to appreciate it more through further meditation. This title is not commonly used outside of the Buddhist community (your Asian friends may or may not understand it). The literal translation would be something like “the mind seal,” I've seen this term translated this way from Japanese Buddhist poetry. But apparently, the seal that is stamped deep in your mind is the truth. You just have to meditate to find it.

Soothill defines it this way: Mental impression, intuitive certainty; the mind is the Buddha-mind in all, which can seal or assure the truth; the term indicates the intuitive method of the Chan (Zen) school, which was independent of the spoken or written word.

Reference: Soothill-Hodous Dictionary of Chinese Buddhism

See Also:  Zen

Triple Truth of Japanese Buddhism

 ningensei o saisei suruno wa kanyou na kokoro shinsetsu na kotoba houshi to omoi yari no seishin
Triple Truth of Japanese Buddhism Scroll

人間性を再生するのは寛容な心親切な言葉奉仕と思いやりの精神 is known as the Triple Truth of Buddhism in Japanese.

The Buddha ordered that all should know this triple truth...
A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things that renew humanity.

That is the English translation most commonly used for this Japanese Buddhist phrase. You might have seen this on a coffee cup or tee shirt.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Comparison Leads to Truth and Enlightenment

 bù bǐ bù zhī dào yī bǐ xià yì tiào
Comparison Leads to Truth and Enlightenment Scroll

不比不知道一比吓一跳 is a Chinese proverb that literally means: [If one not does] not make comparisons, [one will] not know [the truth] when [one] compares, [one will be] greatly surprised.

This goes to the idea that if you do not know bad times, you cannot know what good times are.
You can not know light without experiencing darkness.

Another way to translate this would be: If you wish to be enlightened, you need to make comparisons and analyze every aspect (of a situation, issue, or problem).

Respect, Honor, Truth

 zūn zhòng róng yù zhēn shí
Respect, Honor, Truth Scroll

尊重, 榮譽, 真實 means “Respect, Honor, Truth” in Chinese.

This is a word list, which is not the most natural kind of composition in Chinese (usually there is a subject, object, and verb - or a single word).

Respect, Honor, Truth

 keii meiyo shinjitsu
Respect, Honor, Truth Scroll

This means “Respect, Honor, Truth” in Japanese.

This is a word list, which is not the most natural kind of composition in Japanese (usually there is a subject, object, and verb - or a single word).

Seeking Truth

 qiú dào
 gu dou
Seeking Truth Scroll

求道 means seeking for truth, or to seek (practice for, strive for) enlightenment.

求道 is used mostly in a Buddhist context, so some non-Buddhists may not recognize it.

Thirst for Truth

 kě fǎ
Thirst for Truth Scroll

渴法 means to thirst for the truth or the Buddha-way.

渴法 is the internal need to seek the way of the truth in Buddhism.

The Three Truths

 sān dì
 san dai / san tai
The Three Truths Scroll

三諦 is a Buddhist term that means “threefold truth” or “three dogmas.”

The three truths are:
1. All things are void (卽空).
2. All things are temporary (卽假).
3. All things are in the middle state between these two (卽中).

True Religion / Buddha Truth

The way of the truth

 shí dào
 jitsu dou
True Religion / Buddha Truth Scroll

實道 is a Buddhist title that means “The true way,” “The true religion,” “The way of the truth,” or “The absolute Buddha-truth.”

Truth Flashed Through The Mind

 cān wù
Truth Flashed Through The Mind Scroll

參悟 is a Chan / Zen Buddhism concept that means “to understand (mystery) from meditation” or “to see truth flash through the mind.”

參悟 is a pretty deep idea; therefore, your study and contemplation may be required before fully appreciating it.

Truth Goodness and Beauty

 zhēn shàn měi
 shin zen bi
Truth Goodness and Beauty Scroll

真善美 means truth, goodness, and beauty in Chinese and Japanese.

These can also be read as “the true, the good, and the beautiful.”

In Japanese, this can be the female given name Mazemi or the personal name Shinzenbi.

In Wine there is Truth

 jiǔ hòu tǔ zhēn yán
In Wine there is Truth Scroll

酒后吐真言 / 酒後吐真言 is a nice Asian proverb if you know a vintner or wine seller - or wine lover - although the actual meaning might not be exactly what you think or hope.

The literal meaning is that someone drinking wine is more likely to let the truth slip out. It can also be translated as “People speak their true feelings after drinking alcohol.”

It's long believed in many parts of Asia that one can not consciously hold up a facade of lies when getting drunk, and therefore the truth will come out with a few drinks.

I've had the experience where a Korean man would not trust me until I got drunk with him (I was trying to gain access to the black market in North Korea which is tough to do as an untrusted outsider) - so I think this idea is still well-practiced in many Asian countries.

后 VS 後

Please note that there are two common ways to write the second character of this phrase. The way it's written will be left up to the mood of the calligrapher, unless you let us know that you have a certain preference.

See Also:  Honesty

Ultimate Truth

 shèng yì
Ultimate Truth Scroll

勝義 is a Buddhist term that can mean ultimate truth, beyond description, that which surpasses mere earthly ideas, superlative, or inscrutable.

In Japan, this can also be a given name romanized as Yoshitomo.

Knowledge of Ultimate Truth

 zhēn zhì
Knowledge of Ultimate Truth Scroll

眞智 can mean the wisdom or knowledge of ultimate truth.

眞智 is also the absolute knowledge of the non-thing or that which is immaterial. This makes more sense when you consider that true wisdom includes the knowledge of both the real and unreal, or what is material and immaterial.

In Japan, 眞智 (Masatoshi) can also be a given name.

Enlightened Truth

 shèng yì dì
 shou gi tai
Enlightened Truth Scroll

This Buddhist term means the superior truth or enlightened truth.

勝義諦 is a realm of understanding that is far beyond worldly truth.

Some will also define this as the ultimate truth.

The Supreme Mahayana Truth

 dà shèng wú shàng fǎ
 dai jou mu jou hou
The Supreme Mahayana Truth Scroll

大乘無上法 means the supreme Mahāyāna truth.

This refers to the ultimate reality in contrast with the temporary and apparent. Other translations include “the reliance on the power of the vow of the bodhisattva” or “the peerless great vehicle teaching.”

Note: This may suggest that Mahayana Buddhism, as practiced in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and other regions is superior (with subtle arrogance) to the original Theravada (or old school) Buddhism. Mahayana and Theravada Buddhists generally get along better than Catholics and Protestants, but there have been schisms.

Kyojitsu: Falsehood and Truth

 kyo jitsu
Kyojitsu: Falsehood and Truth Scroll

虚実 is a Japanese word that means “falsehood [and] truth” or “fiction [and] fact.”

This concept is used in warfare, gameplay, and martial arts strategies. 虚実 can be a strategy of real and/or deceptive moves. This gets to some Sun Tzu Art of War stuff where in warfare a strategic move is either a real and serious move or it is a deceptive blow.

Let's explore each character in more depth:

was originally written (there is a very subtle difference in the strokes at the bottom of the character) and means unpreparedness, falsehood, emptiness, void, abstract theory, empty or unoccupied, diffident or timid, false, humble or modest, virtual, or in vain.
In the Buddhist context, 虛 represents the Pali/Sanskrit word “śūnya,” meaning empty, vacant, unreal, unsubstantial, untrue, space, humble, or in vain.
In ancient Eastern/Chinese astronomy, 虛 represents the “Emptiness” constellation (one of the 28 mansions in the sky).

was originally in Chinese (they currently write it as in Simplified Chinese) with the meaning, truth, reality, sincerity, honesty, fidelity, and substance.
The Buddhist context is similar, adding real, true, honest, really, solid, definitely, sincere, solid, fixed, full, to fill, fruit, kernel, verily, in fact, the supreme fact, or ultimate reality to the definition.

...And this above all to thine own self be true

A line from Shakespeare's Hamlet

 yóu qí yào jǐn de nǐ bì xū duì nǐ zì jǐ zhōng shí
...And this above all to thine own self be true Scroll

尤其要緊的你必須對你自己忠實 is the classic translation of a line from Shakespeare's Hamlet into Chinese.

Be True to Yourself

 zuò zhēn shí de zì jǐ
Be True to Yourself Scroll

做真实的自己 means “be true to yourself” in Chinese.

Note: This is more a western-style phrase or idea, so it’s not that common to see this in Chinese.

Be True to Yourself

 jibun jishin ni chuujitsu de aru
Be True to Yourself Scroll

自分自身に忠実である is, “be true to yourself” in Japanese.

You could also translate this as “be true to oneself.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Dream Come True / Enjoy Success

 dé zhì
Dream Come True / Enjoy Success Scroll

得誌 is a Chinese word that means to accomplish one's ambition, a dream come true, or to enjoy your success.

Makaze / True Wind

 maji / makaze
Makaze / True Wind Scroll

This Japanese word means southerly breeze or true wind.

This can also be a Japanese surname that is romanized as Makaze.

My True Love

 wǒ xīn zhēn ài
My True Love Scroll

我心真愛 is a slightly poetic way to express this sentiment to someone.

The meaning is “My True Love,” but the characters directly translate as “I/Me/My Heart/Mind True/Real Love.”

Note that Chinese grammar and construction are different, so this sounds very eloquent and artsy in Chinese.
In Korean Hanja, the third character should be written differently. Just let me know when you place your order if you want that version - it will still make sense in Chinese. This phrase makes sense in Korean but is not commonly used.

My True Love

 shin jitsu no ai
My True Love Scroll

真実の愛 means “true love” or “genuine affection” in Japanese.

The first two Kanji mean true, real, genuine, or authentic.
The third Kanji is a connecting possessive article.
The last character is love or affection.

True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence

 zhēn kōng miào yǒu
 shin kuu myou u
True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence Scroll

According to Soothill 眞空妙有 means:
The true void is the mysteriously existing, truly void, or immaterial, yet transcendentally existing.

眞空妙有 is the state of being nonexistent after removing all errant worldly influences. 眞空妙有 is achieved when all forms of existence are seen for their real nature.

Sincere / True Sincerity

 zhēn chéng
Sincere / True Sincerity Scroll

真誠 is the true essence of sincerity.

It takes strength of personality to be truly sincere without overdoing it. Speaking of strength, this is probably the strongest way to convey the idea of sincerity in the Chinese language.

The first character literally means true, real, and genuine. While the second character means sincere and honest.

See Also:  Love | Honor

To thine own self be true

 onore ni chuujitsu nare
To thine own self be true Scroll

己に忠実なれ is “ thine own self be true” in Japanese.

This is a small portion of the classic line from Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

 gòu péng you
True Friend Scroll

夠朋友 is a colloquial title in Chinese meaning “to be a true friend.”

True Friend Scroll

真の友 is “true friend” in Japanese.

 zhēn xīn
 mago koro
True Heart Scroll

While 真心 literally reads as “true heart” or “genuine heart,” the understood meaning is sincerity, devotion, sincere, or heartfelt. Some will extend the meaning to be like “true love.” It's the idea of doing something or treating someone with genuine feelings.

真心 is valid and has the same meaning in both Chinese characters and Japanese Kanji.

Note: While not too common, this can be the female given name “Mami” in Japanese.

 zhēn ài
True Love Scroll

真愛 is literally “True Love” in Chinese.

The first character means “real,” “true,” and “genuine.” The second character means “love” and “affection.”

During the customization of your calligraphy wall scroll, there is a place to add an inscription. You might want that inscription to be your names in Chinese down the side of your wall scroll or perhaps just below these two main characters (just $9 extra). A nice gift to celebrate an anniversary or marriage!

True / Real / Genuine

 shin / makoto
True / Real / Genuine Scroll

真 is a simple way to express the idea that something is real, true, truth, or genuine.

Occasionally, this character refers to a Buddhist sect that originated in the 13th century.

真 is commonly used as a compound with other characters to create ideas like “true love.” It's also used similarly to the English words “really” or “truly” to say “really good” or “He is really knowledgeable.” Those phrases start with “他真的是... (note the second character is 真).

There are two ways to write this character, shown here is the most common way in China; however, a slight stroke variation is used in Korean Hanja. If you want that version, just let us know when you place your order.

See Also:  Honesty

True to Yourself

 zuò zhēn shí de zì jǐ
True to Yourself Scroll

真實的自己 means “true to yourself” in Chinese.

This is just a one-word difference from “be true to yourself.”

Note: This is more a western-style phrase or idea, so it’s not that common to see this in Chinese.

True Victory is Victory Over Oneself

 masa katsu a gatsu
True Victory is Victory Over Oneself Scroll

正勝吾勝 is a proverb that is often translated as “True victory is victory over oneself.”

However, literally, Kanji by Kanji, means “True victory [is] my/self victory.”

My Japanese friends rate this very highly for a wall scroll.

See Also:  Know Thy Enemy Know Thyself

The True and Complete Enlightenment

 zhēn jué
The True and Complete Enlightenment Scroll

眞覺 means true and complete enlightenment.

This can refer to the perfect nirvana of the Buddha or the perception of ultimate truth or true awareness of all things (reality and unreality).

True Essence

 zhēn dì
 shintai / shintei
True Essence Scroll

真諦 is a Buddhist term that can be defined as the real meaning, the true essence, or the ultimate truth.

True Love Scroll

屋烏の愛 is a Japanese way to express true love or deep love.

The phrase literally suggests that this is a love for someone so strong that it can reach a crow perched on that person's roof.

 zhèng zhí
Honesty Scroll

正直 or honesty is being truthful and sincere. It is important because it builds trust. When people are honest, they can be relied on not to lie, cheat or steal. Being honest means that you accept yourself as you are. When you are open and trustworthy, others can believe in you.

正直 is one of the 8 key concepts of Tang Soo Do.

Note: This entry is cross-listed as "integrity" because it also fits that definition.

Japanese jikiPlease note that the second Kanji sometimes has an alternate form in Japanese. Let us know if you want the alternate form shown to the right.

See Also:   Trust | Integrity

Honesty Scroll

實 means real, true, honest, or solid.

It is one of several ways to express the idea of truth.

Note: In some contexts, this can carry extended meanings of reality, actuality, sincerity, or substance.

See Also:  Trust | Justice

Honesty Scroll

誠 means truth, faith, fidelity, sincerity, trust, and/or confidence.

As a single-character wall scroll, this suggests that you believe “honesty is the best policy,” as your personal philosophy.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Sincerity | Sincere

Honesty / Fidelity

Honesty / Fidelity Scroll

信 is another character that expresses the idea of honesty.

It can also mean truth, faith, belief in, fidelity, sincerity, trust, and/or confidence.

Some have included this in the list for the Bushido, although “makoto” is probably more common/popular.

Note: In some contexts, this character can mean a letter (mail), news, or envoy. However, alone, it will generally be read with the honesty-meaning.

See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Loyalty Trustworthiness Trustworthy

Integrity: Sincere Honest and Faithful

 sei jitsu
Integrity: Sincere Honest and Faithful Scroll

誠実 is the Japanese version of integrity which can also be defined as a combination of “sincere, honest, and faithful.”

Some may also define this as “loyal” or “loyalty.” In some contexts, it can mean “genuine.” Yes, all of this meaning in just one Japanese word!

Most Sincere Friend / Honest Friend / Real Friend / Best Friend

 zhì yǒu
Most Sincere Friend / Honest Friend / Real Friend / Best Friend Scroll

摯友 is one way to say best friend in Chinese.

The first character can mean “honest” or “most sincere.” The second character means “friend” or “friends” (plural forms work differently in Chinese).

See Also:  Friendship | Soulmates

Honest / Straightforward

Honest / Straightforward Scroll

讜 is honest or straightforward in Chinese and old Korean Hanja.

Integrity / Honesty

 qīng lián
 sei ren
Integrity / Honesty Scroll

清廉 means honest, uncorrupted, honesty, integrity, purity, and unselfishness.

In Japanese, this can also be the given name Kiyoyuki.

Dignity / Honor / Sanctity / Integrity

 zūn yán
 son gen
Dignity / Honor / Sanctity / Integrity Scroll

尊嚴 is a form of honor that means showing great respect for yourself, other people, and the rules you live by.

When you are honorable, you keep your word. You do the right thing regardless of what others are doing.

尊嚴 is the kind of personal honor or dignity that is of great value. If you lose this, you have lost yourself and perhaps the reputation of your family as well.

While this is not directly the same thing as “face” or “saving face” in Asian culture, it is associated with the same concept in China.

厳In Japan, they currently use a more simplified second character for this word. The ancient Japanese form is the same as China but after WWII some Kanji were changed. If you want the modern Japanese version, just click on the Kanji image shown to the right, instead of the button above.

Fidelity / Personal Integrity / Honor

 cāo shǒu
Fidelity / Personal Integrity / Honor Scroll

操守 is the Chinese and Japanese Kanji for personal integrity, constancy, fidelity, and honor/honour.

The original meaning of the first character is chastity, fidelity, honor, and/or faith.

The second character means to defend, guard, keep watch, and be observant.

So, this is about being observant of and guarding your integrity and honor.

Fidelity Honor Courage

 xìn yì zūn yán yǒng qì
Fidelity Honor Courage Scroll

信義尊嚴勇氣 means fidelity, honor, and courage in Chinese.

This is a word list that was requested by a customer. Word lists are not common in Chinese, but we've put this one in the best order/context to make it as natural as possible.

We used the “honor” that leans toward the definition of “dignity” since that seemed the best match for the other two words.

Please note: These are three two-character words. You should choose the single-column format when you get to the options when you order this selection. The two-column option would split one word or be arranged with four characters on one side and two on the other.

Having High Principles

Do not bow down for the sake of five pecks of rice

 bù wèi wǔ dǒu mǐ zhé yāo
Having High Principles Scroll

不为五斗米折腰 is a Chinese idiom/proverb that speaks of being above bribes and not losing face or honor for short-term gain.

Some may also translate the perceived meaning as “high-hearted” or “integrity beyond reproach.”

The more literal meaning is “Do not bow down for the sake of five pecks of rice.”

Faithful / Honorable / Trustworthy / Fidelity / Loyalty

 xìn yì
Faithful / Honorable / Trustworthy / Fidelity / Loyalty Scroll

信義 is a word often used to describe a person with an honest and loyal reputation.

Simply put, this applies to somebody you can trust (with your life).

In Chinese, this is often defined as good faith, honor, trust, and justice.
In Korean, this word means fidelity, truthfulness, or faithfulness.
In Japanese: faith, fidelity, and loyalty. It's also a Japanese male given name when pronounced “Nobuyoshi.”

Honor and Integrity

 jié cāo
Honor and Integrity Scroll

節操 means honorable, integrity of principle, constancy, honor, and in a certain context, chastity.

Please note that there are a few ways to relay the idea of integrity in Asian languages and more than one way to define honor in English. 節操 is far from the only way to express “honor and integrity.”

 zhèng zhí
Integrity Scroll

Integrity is living by your highest values. It is being honest and sincere. Integrity helps you to listen to your conscience, do the right thing, and tell the truth. You act with integrity when your words and actions match. Integrity gives you self-respect and a peaceful heart.

Japanese jikiPlease note that the second Kanji sometimes has an alternate form in Japanese. Let us know if you want the alternate form shown to the right.

Note: This entry is cross-listed as “honesty” because it also fits that definition.

Beyond Integrity, this word also means "upright" and "honest" in Chinese. Means "integrity," "honesty" or "frankness" in Japanese.

See Also:  Honor | Honesty | Trust

Loyalty to Duty or Master

Loyalty to Duty or Master Scroll

忠 is the simplest way to write the word loyalty in Chinese and Japanese.

A single character like this leaves the meaning open. But alone, a Chinese or Japanese person would think of loyalty to duty or loyalty to one's master (in ancient times). I suppose that it could be loyalty to your boss or company in this day in age.

忠 can also mean fidelity or faithfulness.

This can also be romanized as “chung.”

 zhōng chéng
 chuu sei
Loyalty Scroll

忠誠 is the written form of loyalty that is universal in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

Loyalty is staying true to someone. It is standing up for something you believe in without wavering. It is being faithful to your family, country, school, friends, or ideals when the going gets tough and when things are good. With loyalty, you build relationships that last forever.


1. There is also a Japanese version that is part of the Bushido Code which may be more desirable depending on whether your intended audience is Japanese or Chinese.

2. This version of loyalty is sometimes translated as devotion, sincerity, fidelity, or allegiance.

See Also:  Honor | Trust | Integrity | Sincerity

Sense of Shame / Sense of Honor / Integrity / Modesty (Korean)

 lián chǐ
 ren chi
Sense of Shame / Sense of Honor / Integrity / Modesty (Korean) Scroll

廉恥 simultaneously means “sense of honor” and “sense of shame” in Korean.

This term is often used as a tenet of Taekwondo, where the English terms “integrity” and “modesty” are applied.

廉恥 is also a Chinese word, though it is usually read with the “sense of shame” meaning, and is a poor choice for a wall scroll if your audience is Chinese.

Personal Integrity

 zhì cāo
 shi sou
Personal Integrity Scroll

志操 is personal integrity - basically, holding yourself to a higher standard of honesty and reliability. These two characters also contain the ideas of constancy, principles, and faithfulness.

Note: In Japanese, this just means “principle.”

Personal Integrity

 ko jin no kan zen sei
Personal Integrity Scroll

個人の完全性 is “personal integrity” in Japanese.

Sincerity and Devotion

 zhì chéng
Sincerity and Devotion Scroll

至誠 is the idea that you enter into something with the utmost sincerity and fidelity. Ideas such as devotion, honesty, and “one's true heart” are also contained in this word.

至誠 is a universal word as the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and Korean Hanja are all identical.

Sincerity and Faithfulness

 dǔ shí
Sincerity and Faithfulness Scroll

篤實 means sincere, solid, and faithful.

Tathata / Ultimate Nature of All Things

 zhēn rú
Tathata / Ultimate Nature of All Things Scroll

真如 comes from the Sanskrit and Pali word often romanized as “tathata” or “tathatā.” Originally written, “तथता.”

It's a Buddhist term often translated as “thusness” or “suchness,” but this does not explain it.
A better explanation may be “the ultimate nature of all things” or “ultimate truth.” However, this gives it too strong of a feeling. This concept is sometimes described as being in awe of the simple nature of something - like a blade of grass blowing in the wind or ripples on water. It is what it is supposed to be, these things follow their nature. Amazing in their mundane simplicity.

Every sect of Buddhism will have a slightly different flavor or explanation, so don't get fixated on one definition.

Notes: Sometimes Buddhists use the word dharmatā, a synonym to tathatā.

In Japan, this can also be the female given name Mayuki, or the surname Majo.

Shin Buddhism

True Pure Land Buddhism

 jou do shin shuu
Shin Buddhism Scroll

浄土真宗 is known in the west as “Shin Buddhism.”

This is a school of Japanese “Pure Land Buddhism.” This form is also known as “True Pure Land Buddhism” or “Jodoshinshu” (jōdoshinshū).

If you are looking for this title, you probably already know the rest of the story.

See Also:  Pure Land Buddhism

Trust / To Have Faith

 xìn lài
Trust / To Have Faith Scroll

信賴 can also be translated as confidence, reliance, or dependence; thus, it can also mean “to rely on” or “to depend on.”

Trust is having faith in someone or something. It is a positive attitude about life. You are confident that the right thing will happen without trying to control or make it happen. Even when difficult things happen, trust helps us to find the gift or lesson in it.

頼There is a slight deviation in the Japanese Kanji form of the second character. If you want the modern Japanese version, please click on the special Kanji shown to the right instead of the button above. Note that the traditional Chinese form is still readable and understood by Japanese people.

See Also:  Confidence | Honor

Unwavering Integrity

 jiān zhēn bù yú
Unwavering Integrity Scroll

堅貞不渝 is a Chinese proverb that means unyielding integrity or unwavering resolution.

Walk in the Way

The Way of Buddha Truth

 xíng dào
Walk in the Way Scroll

In Taoist and Buddhist contexts, 行道 means to “Walk in the Way.” In Buddhism, that further means to follow the Buddha truth. In some Buddhist sects, this can mean making a procession around a statue of the Buddha (always with the right shoulder towards the Buddha).

Outside of that context, this can mean route (when going somewhere), the way to get somewhere, etc.

In Japanese, this can be the surname or given name Yukimichi.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Truth真相shin sou / shinsou / shin sozhēn xiàng
zhen1 xiang4
zhen xiang
chen hsiang
shinjitsu / sana
Appreciation of Truth by Meditation心印shin nin / shinninxīn yìn / xin1 yin4 / xin yin / xinyinhsin yin / hsinyin
Triple Truth of Japanese Buddhism人間性を再生するのは寛容な心親切な言葉奉仕と思いやりの精神ningensei o saisei suruno wa kanyou na kokoro shinsetsu na kotoba houshi to omoi yari no seishin
ningensei o saisei suruno wa kanyo na kokoro shinsetsu na kotoba hoshi to omoi yari no seishin
Comparison Leads to Truth and Enlightenment不比不知道一比嚇一跳
bù bǐ bù zhī dào yī bǐ xià yì tiào
bu4 bi3 bu4 zhi1 dao4 yi1 bi3 xia4 yi4 tiao4
bu bi bu zhi dao yi bi xia yi tiao
pu pi pu chih tao i pi hsia i t`iao
pu pi pu chih tao i pi hsia i tiao
Respect, Honor, Truth尊重, 榮譽, 真實
尊重, 荣誉, 真实
zūn zhòng róng yù zhēn shí
zun1 zhong4 rong2 yu4 zhen1 shi2
zun zhong rong yu zhen shi
tsun chung jung yü chen shih
Respect, Honor, Truth敬意, 名譽, 真実
敬意, 名誉, 真実
keii meiyo shinjitsu
kei meiyo shinjitsu
Seeking Truth求道gu dou / gudou / gu doqiú dào / qiu2 dao4 / qiu dao / qiudaoch`iu tao / chiutao / chiu tao
Thirst for Truth渴法katsuhōkě fǎ / ke3 fa3 / ke fa / kefak`o fa / kofa / ko fa
The Three Truths三諦
san dai / san tai
sandai / santai
sān dì / san1 di4 / san di / sandisan ti / santi
True Religion
Buddha Truth
jitsu dou / jitsudou / jitsu doshí dào / shi2 dao4 / shi dao / shidaoshih tao / shihtao
Truth Flashed Through The Mind參悟
cān wù / can1 wu4 / can wu / canwuts`an wu / tsanwu / tsan wu
Truth Goodness and Beauty真善美shin zen bi
zhēn shàn měi
zhen1 shan4 mei3
zhen shan mei
chen shan mei
In Wine there is Truth酒后吐真言 / 酒後吐真言
jiǔ hòu tǔ zhēn yán
jiu3 hou4 tu3 zhen1 yan2
jiu hou tu zhen yan
chiu hou t`u chen yen
chiu hou tu chen yen
Ultimate Truth勝義
shougi / shogishèng yì / sheng4 yi4 / sheng yi / shengyisheng i / shengi
Knowledge of Ultimate Truth眞智masatoshizhēn zhì / zhen1 zhi4 / zhen zhi / zhenzhichen chih / chenchih
Enlightened Truth勝義諦
shou gi tai
sho gi tai
shèng yì dì
sheng4 yi4 di4
sheng yi di
sheng i ti
The Supreme Mahayana Truth大乘無上法
dai jou mu jou hou
dai jo mu jo ho
dà shèng wú shàng fǎ
da4 sheng4 wu2 shang4 fa3
da sheng wu shang fa
ta sheng wu shang fa
Kyojitsu: Falsehood and Truth虚実kyo jitsu / kyojitsu
...And this above all to thine own self be true尤其要緊的你必須對你自己忠實
yóu qí yào jǐn de nǐ bì xū duì nǐ zì jǐ zhōng shí
you2 qi2 yao4 jin3 de ni3 bi4 xu1 dui4 ni3 zi4 ji3 zhong1 shi2
you qi yao jin de ni bi xu dui ni zi ji zhong shi
yu ch`i yao chin te ni pi hsü tui ni tzu chi chung shih
yu chi yao chin te ni pi hsü tui ni tzu chi chung shih
Be True to Yourself做真實的自己
zuò zhēn shí de zì jǐ
zuo4 zhen1 shi2 de zi4 ji3
zuo zhen shi de zi ji
tso chen shih te tzu chi
Be True to Yourself自分自身に忠実であるjibun jishin ni chuujitsu de aru
jibun jishin ni chujitsu de aru
Dream Come True
Enjoy Success
dé zhì / de2 zhi4 / de zhi / dezhite chih / techih
True Wind
真風maji / makaze
My True Love我心真愛
wǒ xīn zhēn ài
wo3 xin1 zhen1 ai4
wo xin zhen ai
wo hsin chen ai
My True Love真実の愛shin jitsu no ai
True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence眞空妙有shin kuu myou u
shin ku myo u
zhēn kōng miào yǒu
zhen1 kong1 miao4 you3
zhen kong miao you
chen k`ung miao yu
chen kung miao yu
True Sincerity
zhēn chéng
zhen1 cheng2
zhen cheng
chen ch`eng
chen cheng
To thine own self be true己に忠実なれonore ni chuujitsu nare
onore ni chujitsu nare
True Friend夠朋友
gòu péng you
gou4 peng2 you5
gou peng you
kou p`eng yu
kou peng yu
True Friend真の友shinnotomo
True Heart真心mago koro / magokorozhēn xīn / zhen1 xin1 / zhen xin / zhenxinchen hsin / chenhsin
True Love真愛
shinaizhēn ài / zhen1 ai4 / zhen ai / zhenaichen ai / chenai
真 or 眞
shin / makotozhēn / zhen1 / zhenchen
True to Yourself真實的自己
zuò zhēn shí de zì jǐ
zhen1 shi2 de zi4 ji3
zhen shi de zi ji
chen shih te tzu chi
True Victory is Victory Over Oneself正勝吾勝
masa katsu a gatsu
The True and Complete Enlightenment眞覺
shinkakuzhēn jué / zhen1 jue2 / zhen jue / zhenjuechen chüeh / chenchüeh
True Essence真諦
shintai / shinteizhēn dì / zhen1 di4 / zhen di / zhendichen ti / chenti
True Love屋烏の愛okuunoai / okunoai
Honesty正直shoujiki / shojikizhèng zhí
zheng4 zhi2
zheng zhi
cheng chih
shí / shi2 / shishih
makotochéng / cheng2 / chengch`eng / cheng
shinxìn / xin4 / xinhsin
Integrity: Sincere Honest and Faithful誠實
sei jitsu / seijitsu
Most Sincere Friend
Honest Friend
Real Friend
Best Friend
zhì yǒu / zhi4 you3 / zhi you / zhiyouchih yu / chihyu

dǎng / dang3 / dangtang
清廉sei ren / seirenqīng lián
qing1 lian2
qing lian
ch`ing lien
ching lien
尊严 / 尊厳
son gen / songenzūn yán / zun1 yan2 / zun yan / zunyantsun yen / tsunyen
Personal Integrity
操守soushu / soshucāo shǒu / cao1 shou3 / cao shou / caoshouts`ao shou / tsaoshou / tsao shou
Fidelity Honor Courage信義尊嚴勇氣
xìn yì zūn yán yǒng qì
xin4 yi4 zun1 yan2 yong3 qi4
xin yi zun yan yong qi
hsin i tsun yen yung ch`i
hsin i tsun yen yung chi
Having High Principles不為五斗米折腰
bù wèi wǔ dǒu mǐ zhé yāo
bu4 wei4 wu3 dou3 mi3 zhe2 yao1
bu wei wu dou mi zhe yao
pu wei wu tou mi che yao
shingixìn yì / xin4 yi4 / xin yi / xinyihsin i / hsini
Honor and Integrity節操
sessou / sesojié cāo / jie2 cao1 / jie cao / jiecaochieh ts`ao / chiehtsao / chieh tsao
Integrity正直shoujiki / shojikizhèng zhí
zheng4 zhi2
zheng zhi
cheng chih
Loyalty to Duty or Masterchuu / chuzhōng / zhong1 / zhongchung
chuu sei / chuusei / chu seizhōng chéng
zhong1 cheng2
zhong cheng
chung ch`eng
chung cheng
Sense of Shame
Sense of Honor
Modesty (Korean)
ren chi / renchilián chǐ / lian2 chi3 / lian chi / lianchilien ch`ih / lienchih / lien chih
Personal Integrity志操 / 誌操
shi sou / shisou / shi sozhì cāo / zhi4 cao1 / zhi cao / zhicaochih ts`ao / chihtsao / chih tsao
Personal Integrity個人の完全性ko jin no kan zen sei
Sincerity and Devotion至誠
shiseizhì chéng
zhi4 cheng2
zhi cheng
chih ch`eng
chih cheng
Sincerity and Faithfulness篤實
dǔ shí / du3 shi2 / du shi / dushitu shih / tushih
Ultimate Nature of All Things
真如shinnyozhēn rú / zhen1 ru2 / zhen ru / zhenruchen ju / chenju
Shin Buddhism浄土真宗jou do shin shuu
jo do shin shu
To Have Faith
shinraixìn lài / xin4 lai4 / xin lai / xinlaihsin lai / hsinlai
Unwavering Integrity堅貞不渝
jiān zhēn bù yú
jian1 zhen1 bu4 yu2
jian zhen bu yu
chien chen pu yü
Walk in the Way行道yukimichixíng dào / xing2 dao4 / xing dao / xingdaohsing tao / hsingtao
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


Lookup in my Japanese & Chinese Dictionary

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Kids 4 Truth - Creation Dynamation (Chinese)
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Kids 4 Truth - One Dynamation (Chinese)
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Weird Truth Productions
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The Truth Behind Japanese Food Video Hilarious humor fast and easy, updated daily.
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Total Quality Japanese: A Case of Collective Hearnia; how Lafcadio who embellished the truth won out over Basil the ...
Japanese Study Past and Present. Employment. School & Courses. Proficiency Tests ... Unlike Hearn, however, Chamberlain was a stickler to the truth.