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  1. Any success can not compensate for failure in the home

  2. Appreciation of Truth by Meditation

  3. 1000 good moves ruined by 1 bad

  4. Beautiful Sight

  5. Believe / Faith / Trust

  6. Be Not Afraid

  7. If you cannot bite, do not show your teeth

  8. Black or white cat matters not as long as it can catch mice

  9. Blessed by God

10. Do not shed a tear until you see the coffin

11. Not Long for this World

12. Predestined Love / Love by Fate

13. Brought Together from 1000 Miles Away by Fate

14. Religious Devotion / Faith in God / Religious Faith

15. Do not fear the task: Cooperation will lead to success

16. Failure in Not an Option

17. Failure is Not an Option

18. Faith / Trusting in the Unseen

19. Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark

20. Faith Hope Love

21. Faith Love Peace

22. Faith

23. Destiny Determined by Heaven

24. Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith

25. Hearing a Hundred Times is Not as Good as Seeing Once

26. Blessed by Heaven

27. Hishiryo / Not-Thinking

28. I walk my own path

29. It is the Journey, Not the Destination

30. Shadow of Karma / Dogged by Karma

31. Keep Calm, Be Not Impatient

32. Firm Belief / Strong Faith

33. We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?

34. Live By The Sword Die By The Sword

35. Love Faith Strength

36. Be Master of Mind, Not Mastered by Mind

37. If you have not been a monk, how can you know what it is like to be a vegetarian?

38. Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu

39. Fear not long roads; Fear only short ambition

40. Do not fear poverty; Fear low ambitions

41. Do not fear being slow, fear standing still

42. One who walks by the river may end up with wet feet

43. Do not take action until the time is right

44. Progress Day by Day

45. One Who Does Not Do Bad Things, Worries Not of Knocks at His Door

46. One who is drenched in rain does not fear drops of dew

47. Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao

48. Sanctified by God

49. Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also

50. Standing by Oneself / Walking by Oneself

51. Trust / To Have Faith

52. Trust in God / Faith in God

53. Schooled by Experience and Hard Knocks

54. Walk in the Way

Any success can not compensate for failure in the home

 suǒ yǒu de chéng gōng dōu wú fǎ bǔ cháng jiā tíng de shī bài
Any success can not compensate for failure in the home Scroll

所有的成功都無法補償家庭的失敗 is a Chinese proverb that can be translated into English as “No success can compensate for failure in the home.”

Also, the word “home” can be exchanged with “family.”

Appreciation of Truth by Meditation

 xīn yìn
 shin nin
Appreciation of Truth by Meditation Scroll

心印 is a Buddhist concept that simply stated is “appreciation of truth by meditation.”

It's a deep subject, but my understanding is that you can find truth through meditation, and once you've found the truth, you can learn to appreciate it more through further meditation. This title is not commonly used outside of the Buddhist community (your Asian friends may or may not understand it). The literal translation would be something like “the mind seal,” I've seen this term translated this way from Japanese Buddhist poetry. But apparently, the seal that is stamped deep in your mind is the truth. You just have to meditate to find it.

Soothill defines it this way: Mental impression, intuitive certainty; the mind is the Buddha-mind in all, which can seal or assure the truth; the term indicates the intuitive method of the Chan (Zen) school, which was independent of the spoken or written word.

Reference: Soothill-Hodous Dictionary of Chinese Buddhism

See Also:  Zen

1000 good moves ruined by 1 bad

 bú pà qiān zhāo huì zhǐ pà yī zhāo shú
1000 good moves ruined by 1 bad Scroll

不怕千招会只怕一招熟 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: Do not worry about making a thousand clever moves; what [one has to] fear is one bad move.

Figuratively, this means: Even if you have made many clever moves before, one wrong move will ruin the whole game.

I compare this to the English saying, “It takes only one Aw-shit to wipe out a thousand Attaboys.”

Beautiful Sight

 měi jǐng
 bi kei
Beautiful Sight Scroll

美景 can be translated as a beautiful view, beautiful scenery, or a beautiful sight.

Note: Not a commonly used word in modern Japanese.

Believe / Faith / Trust


Believe / Faith / Trust Scroll

信 can mean to believe, truth, faith, fidelity, sincerity, trust, and confidence in Chinese, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.

This single character is often part of other words with similar meanings.

It is one of the five basic tenets of Confucius.

In Chinese, it sometimes has the secondary meaning of a letter (as in the mail) depending on context but it will not be read that way when seen on a wall scroll.

In the Buddhist context, this is śraddhā (faith through hearing or being taught).

See Also:  Faith | Trust | Confucius

Be Not Afraid

Be Not Afraid Scroll

恐るる勿れ is a Japanese expression that means “Be not afraid.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

If you cannot bite, do not show your teeth

If you cannot fight, don't start one

 bù néng yǎo rén jiù bié zī yá
If you cannot bite, do not show your teeth Scroll

不能咬人就别龇牙 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [if you] can't bite people, don't bare [your] teeth.

Figuratively, this means: Don't show your anger if you can't do anything about the situation.

Some will also say this means “Don't start a fight that you cannot win.” Others will say it means that you must be willing to back up your words (perhaps with your fists).

Black or white cat matters not as long as it can catch mice

Ability is more important than looks

 bù guǎn hēi māo bái māo néng zhuō zhe lǎo shǔ de jiù shì hǎo mǎo
Black or white cat matters not as long as it can catch mice Scroll

不管黑猫白猫能捉着老鼠的就是好猫 literally translates as: It doesn't matter [if a] cat [is] black [or] white, [as long as it] can catch mice, it's a good cat.

This proverb was either composed or made famous by Deng XiaoPing in 1961 when he exclaimed, “I don't care if it's a white cat or a black cat. It's a good cat so long as it catches mice” when his critics pointed out that his ideas were Capitalistic (free market). The response was meant to say, “It does not matter if it's Communist or Capitalist, as long as it works.”

This is a Chinese proverb that can be used to suggest one should disregard looks or a person's race, as long as they can do the job. It can also be used as a metaphor for many other situations.

Deng XiaoPing probably saved China from collapse (as the Soviet Union experienced). He changed China’s economy from pure Communism to a hybrid where the free market (Capitalism) is encouraged. More about Deng XiaoPing

Blessed by God

 kami ni yotte shukufuku sa remashita
Blessed by God Scroll

神によって祝福された means “Blessed by God” in Japanese.

This would be understood to mean “We have been blessed by God.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Do not shed a tear until you see the coffin

 bú jiàn guān cái bú luò lèi
Do not shed a tear until you see the coffin Scroll

不見棺材不落淚 is a cautionary tale that suggests you are unknowingly (though it should be obvious)on a bad course.

It further suggests that you will not realize your folly until the worst has happened.

This can also be a warning of inaction until it's too late to take action. Again, not realizing your error until it's too late.

In an alternate interpretation, some will suggest this means doing something bad and not looking back - Then the worst happens.

It should be noted that this is one of the oddest selections for a wall scroll in our whole Asian calligraphy database. All of our translators are convinced that no Chinese person would ever hang this on their wall.

Not Long for this World

 fēng zhú cán nián
Not Long for this World Scroll

This phrase means “Old and ailing with little time left” or “Not long for this world.”
There is a real suggestion here that someone will die soon.

This was added by a special request of a customer and is perhaps, not the most positive phrase that you could put on a wall scroll.

This would be the most offensive possible gift to give to an older person - please do not do that!

Predestined Love / Love by Fate

 qíng yuán
Predestined Love / Love by Fate Scroll

This Chinese word means predestined love or love affinity.

This can be fate, karma, or the bond that brings two lovers together.

Brought Together from 1000 Miles Away by Fate

 yǒu yuán qiān lǐ lái xiāng huì
Brought Together from 1000 Miles Away by Fate Scroll

有緣千里來相會 means that fate or destiny has caused us to meet from a thousand miles away.

The 有緣 part suggests something that is connected as if by a thread due to fate, destiny, or karma.

This romantic phrase is seen in Chinese greeting cards. It relays the idea that your love was meant to be and that you were destined to meet (regardless of what distance or obstacles might have made such a meeting unlikely).

See Also:  Red Thread

Religious Devotion / Faith in God / Religious Faith

 xìn yǎng
 shin kou
Religious Devotion / Faith in God / Religious Faith Scroll

信仰 means firm belief, faith, persuasion, conviction, and sometimes religion or creed in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

This clearly fits the religious connotation of the English word “devotion.”

This is often used to refer to a person of faith or a religious person.

This can be directly translated as “firm belief,” “creed,” “conviction,” or simply as “religious,” depending on context.

Some will also use this to mean “trust in God” in Japanese (though the term for God is not actually in this title).

It should be noted that this word is a little strange alone on a wall scroll.

While this can be pronounced in Japanese, it’s not a great selection for a wall scroll if your audience is Japanese.

See Also:  Faith | Trust | Devotion | Trust | Trust in God

Do not fear the task: Cooperation will lead to success

Do not fear strong winds waves; just be sure to row in unison

 bù pà fēng làng dà jiù pà jiǎng bù qí
Do not fear the task: Cooperation will lead to success Scroll

不怕风浪大就怕桨不齐 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: Do not fear strong winds [and] high waves; what [one should] worry about whether or not you're rowing in unison.

Figuratively, this means: However difficult the task, the key to success lies in making collective efforts.

I like to translate this as “Don't sweat the details, just get together and get it done.”

Failure in Not an Option

 shī bài bìng fēi yì zhǒng xuǎn zé
Failure in Not an Option Scroll

失敗並非一種選擇 is probably the best way to say, “Failure is not an option,” in Chinese.

Just don't forget that some ancient Chinese proverbs suggest that failure is a learning opportunity that leads to success or innovation. So don't plan to fail but failure is only a waste if nothing is learned from the failure.

See Also:  Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success | Failure is the Mother of Success

Failure is Not an Option

 shippai wa yurusa remasearimasen
Failure is Not an Option Scroll

失敗は許されません means “failure is not an option,” in Japanese.

This can also be translated as “failure is not allowed/acceptable.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Faith / Trusting in the Unseen

 xìn niàn
Faith / Trusting in the Unseen Scroll

信念 expresses the idea of “having a belief” or “trusting in the unseen.”

信念 could also be translated as beliefs or convictions.

Note: Also considered to be one of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

See Also:  Devotion | Dedication | Trust

Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark

 xìn niǎn shì zài lí míng qián de hēi àn zhōng néng gǎn dào guāng míng de niǎo
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark Scroll

信唸是在黎明前的黑闇中能感到光明的鳥 is a philosophical poem/quote from Indian Poet and Philosopher, Rabindranath Tagore.

Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore, 1915

This quote is not sourced, and therefore several variations exist in English. Some suggest the original was in the Bengali language.

This, of course, is the Chinese translation that has the meaning of, “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”

More about Rabindranath Tagore

Faith Hope Love

 xìn wàng ài
Faith Hope Love Scroll

信望愛 is a Chinese list of words meaning faith, hope, and love.

This is not a typical phrase in Chinese but rather just random words strung together. There's no bad meaning, it's just not typical Chinese grammar.

Faith Hope Love

 shinkou to kibou to ai
Faith Hope Love Scroll

信仰と希望と愛 is a Japanese list of words (not really a phrase) meaning faith, hope, and love.

Some have associated this word list with Corinthians 13:13, though there are no specific religious connotations in this word list, and it's not directly from that Japanese Bible verse.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Faith Love Peace

 xìn ài hé
 shin ai wa
Faith Love Peace Scroll

信愛和 is a word list that reads, “Faith Love Peace.”

This is not a natural phrase in Chinese or Japanese, as it lacks a subject, verb, or object. But if this is what you want, here it is.

 xìn dé
 shin toku
Faith Scroll

信德 is a term used often in Buddhism to express faith.

信德 is sometimes translated as the merit of the believing heart, faith of virtue, the power of faith, or virtuous faith.

In this context:
信 = Faith
德 = Virtue

Destiny Determined by Heaven

 tiān yì
Destiny Determined by Heaven Scroll

天意 is a way to express destiny in a slightly religious way.

天意 means “Heaven's Wish” or “Heaven's Desire,” with the idea of fate and destiny being derived as well. It suggests that your destiny comes from God / Heaven and that your path has already been chosen by a higher power.

My Japanese dictionary defines this word as “divine will” or “providence,” but it also holds the meaning of “the will of the emperor.” Therefore, I don't suggest this phrase if your audience is Japanese - it feels strange in Japanese anyway.

Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith

 shàn yì
 zen i
Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith Scroll

善意 is a word that means good intentions, goodwill, or to things done in good faith in Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean Hanja.

It's the reason you do good deeds or the desire you have inside yourself to do the right thing.

This can also be translated as benevolence, kindness, virtuous mind, positive mindset, or favorable sense.

善意 is also used in the legal context for things done in good faith (regardless of outcome).

In Japanese, this can be the personal name Yoshi or Yoshii.

Hearing a Hundred Times is Not as Good as Seeing Once

 bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn
Hearing a Hundred Times is Not as Good as Seeing Once Scroll

百聞不如一見 is a Chinese proverb that means “Seeing once is better than hearing one hundred times” which is similar to the idea of “Seeing is believing.”

You can also get the idea, “Seeing for oneself is better than hearing from many others.”

If you break it down directly, you get “100 hears/listens (is) not as-good (as) one sight.”

Blessed by Heaven

 ten kei
Blessed by Heaven Scroll

天恵 means “Heaven's Blessing,” “Blessings from Heaven,” or “Blessed by Heaven” in Japanese Kanji.

Depending on the context in which this is used, it can also mean “gift of nature,” or even “natural resources” (as in Heaven or God bestowed things like oil, iron, gold, and other natural resources upon mankind).

Hishiryo / Not-Thinking

 fēi sī liáng
 hi shi ryou
Hishiryo / Not-Thinking Scroll

Hishiryō (非思量) literally means not-thinking.

Hishiryo can be described as a state of mind beyond thinking and non-thinking during the practice of Zazen.

Shiryō (思量) means “thinking,” and hi (非) is a prefix for negation and opposition.

Therefore, hishiryo amounts to “unthink” or “not the matter of thinking.” The word hishiryo appears in Dogen Zenji’s Fukanzazengi, Shobogenzo Zazengi, Shobogenzo Zazenshin, and Keizan Zenji’s Zazen Yojinki. It is one of the most important words used to describe zazen. Hishiryo in these writings comes from a dialogue between Yakusan Igen (745-828) and an unnamed monk, which is described in Keitoku, Dentoroku, and other Zen texts.

The above is an abridged except from School of Shodo: Hishiryo
I suggest you visit that page for a full explanation.

I walk my own path

 wǒ xíng wǒ sù
I walk my own path Scroll

我行我素 is a way to say, “I walk my own path,” or “to continue in one's own way,” in Chinese.

This does not always have a completely positive connotation. It can mean ignoring advice or to persist in your path, no matter what others say or think.

It is the Journey, Not the Destination

 shì lǚ tú bú shì mù dì
It is the Journey, Not the Destination Scroll

是旅途不是目的 is the English proverb, “It's the journey, not the destination,” translated into Chinese.

Shadow of Karma / Dogged by Karma

 yè yǐng
 gou you
Shadow of Karma / Dogged by Karma Scroll

業影 is a Buddhist title that literally means “Karma Shadow.”

It figuratively means karma dogging one's steps like a shadow.

It's similar to the western idea of “karma is a bitch.”

Keep Calm, Be Not Impatient

 shǎo ān wú zào
Keep Calm, Be Not Impatient Scroll

少安毋躁 is a short Chinese phrase that means keep calm, don't get excited, and don't be impatient or hot-tempered.

Firm Belief / Strong Faith

 jiān xìn
 ken shin
Firm Belief / Strong Faith Scroll

堅信 means to believe firmly, with firm faith, or without any doubt.

Japanese Christians sometimes use this term to mean the rite of confirmation.

This can also be the Japanese given name Kenshin.

We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?

 rén fēi shēng ér zhī zhī zhě shú néng wú huò
We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity? Scroll

This figuratively means “Without a teacher, how can we learn/mature?”

人非生而知之者熟能無惑 is a philosophic pondering by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty essayist, and philosopher (618-907 A.D.). This is a Chinese proverb that can be translated as “Knowledge is not innate to man, how can we overcome doubt?” or, “We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?.”

This infers that we need the guidance of a teacher if we wish to learn, mature, and become better.

Live By The Sword Die By The Sword

Matthew 26:52

 fán dòng dāo de bì sǐ zài dāo xià
Live By The Sword Die By The Sword Scroll

凡动刀的,必死在刀下 is the second part of Matthew 26:52 from the Chinese Union Bible where Jesus suggests that one who uses a sword will also die by it.

Love Faith Strength

 ài xìn qiáng
Love Faith Strength Scroll

愛信強 is the shortest way to write the word list, “love faith strength.”

The first character is love, the second is faith or believe, and the third means strong or strength.

It should be noted that word lists like this are not as natural sounding in Chinese as word lists can be in English. it’s more common to have a full phrase (with subject, verb, and object) or single words on calligraphy wall scrolls in Asia.

Love Faith Strength

 bó ài xìn niàn lì liàng
Love Faith Strength Scroll

博愛信念力量 is the verbose way to write the word list, “love faith strength.”

It should be noted that word lists like this are not as natural sounding in Chinese as word lists can be in English. it’s more common to have a full phrase (with subject, verb, and object) or single words on calligraphy wall scrolls in Asia.

Be Master of Mind, Not Mastered by Mind

 yuàn zuò xīn shī bù shī yú xīn
Be Master of Mind, Not Mastered by Mind Scroll

願作心師不師於心 means, “Be master of mind, rather than mastered by mind,” in Chinese.

This is not an ancient Chinese phrase but rather something we added at the request of a customer.

If you have not been a monk, how can you know what it is like to be a vegetarian?

Only by experiencing hardship will allow you understand the plight of others

 bù dāng hé shang bù zhī zhāi jiè kǔ
If you have not been a monk, how can you know what it is like to be a vegetarian? Scroll

不當和尚不知齋戒苦 literally translates as:
[One who has] not been a monk [does not] know the suffering of [being on a] vegetarian diet.

This is a bit like the “walk a mile in another man's shoes” saying. Basically, it's about you cannot fully understand the plight of others until you experience it yourself.

Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu

 yuǎn shàng hán shān shí jìng xiá bái yún shēng chù yǒu rén jiā tíng chē zuò ài fēng lín wǎn shuàng yè hóng yú èr yuè huā
Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu Scroll

This poem was written almost 1200 years ago during the Tang dynasty.

It depicts traveling up a place known as Cold Mountain, where some hearty people have built their homes. The traveler is overwhelmed by the beauty of the turning leaves of the maple forest that surrounds him just as night overtakes the day, and darkness prevails. His heart implores him to stop, and take in all of the beauty around him.

First, before you get to the full translation, I must tell you that Chinese poetry is a lot different than what we have in the west. Chinese words simply don't rhyme in the same way that English or other western languages do. Chinese poetry depends on rhythm and a certain beat of repeated numbers of characters.

I have done my best to translate this poem keeping a certain feel of the original poet. But some of the original beauty of the poem in its original Chinese will be lost in translation.

Far away on Cold Mountain, a stone path leads upwards.
Among white clouds, people's homes reside.
Stopping my carriage I must, as to admire the maple forest at nights fall.
In awe of autumn leaves showing more red than even flowers of early spring.

Hopefully, this poem will remind you to stop, and “take it all in” as you travel through life.
The poet's name is “Du Mu” in Chinese that is: 杜牧.
The title of the poem, “Mountain Travels” is: 山行
You can have the title, poet's name, and even “Tang Dynasty” written as an inscription on your custom wall scroll if you like.

More about the poet:

Dumu lived from 803-852 AD and was a leading Chinese poet during the later part of the Tang dynasty.
He was born in Chang'an, a city in central China and the former capital of the ancient Chinese empire in 221-206 BC. In present-day China, his birthplace is currently known as Xi'an, the home of the Terracotta Soldiers.

He was awarded his Jinshi degree (an exam administered by the emperor's court which leads to becoming an official of the court) at the age of 25 and went on to hold many official positions over the years. However, he never achieved a high rank, apparently because of some disputes between various factions, and his family's criticism of the government. His last post in the court was his appointment to the office of Secretariat Drafter.

During his life, he wrote scores of narrative poems, as well as a commentary on the Art of War and many letters of advice to high officials.

His poems were often very realistic and often depicted everyday life. He wrote poems about everything, from drinking beer in a tavern to weepy poems about lost love.

The thing that strikes you most is the fact even after 1200 years, not much has changed about the beauty of nature, toils, and troubles of love and beer drinking.

Fear not long roads; Fear only short ambition

 bú pà lù yuǎn zhǐ pà zhì duǎn
Fear not long roads; Fear only short ambition Scroll

不怕路遠隻怕志短 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as “Fear not long roads; fear only short ambition,” or “Don't fear that the road is long, only fear that your will/ambition/aspiration is short.”

Figuratively, this means: However difficult the goal is, one can achieve it as long as one is determined to do so.

Others may translate the meaning as “Don't let a lack of willpower stop you from pressing onward in your journey.”

Do not fear poverty; Fear low ambitions

 bú pà rén qióng zhǐ pà zhì duǎn
Do not fear poverty; Fear low ambitions Scroll

不怕人窮隻怕志短 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: It is not poverty that is to be feared; It is low ambition.

Figuratively, this means: It is not poverty but a lack of lofty aspiration that is to be regretted.

Do not fear being slow, fear standing still

 bú pà màn jiù pà zhàn
Do not fear being slow, fear standing still Scroll

不怕慢就怕站 is a Chinese proverb that translates as: Don't worry about being slow; only worry about standing still.

Figuratively, this means: A slow progress holds some promise but to stand still promises failure.

One who walks by the river may end up with wet feet

 cháng zài hé biān zǒu nǎ néng bù shī xié
One who walks by the river may end up with wet feet Scroll

常在河邊走哪能不濕鞋 is an old Chinese proverb that is sometimes compared to the English saying “Shit Happens.”

It's a reflection that there are risks in life, and you should not be surprised when things don't go your way.

A secondary translation might be, “When walking by a river, often one cannot avoid wet shoes.”

Do not take action until the time is right

 bù dào huǒ hou bù jiē guō
Do not take action until the time is right Scroll

不到火候不揭锅 translates as: Don't take the lid off the pot until the food is done.

Figuratively, this means: Don't take action until the time is right.

You can take this as a call to be patient or pick just the right time to do something (not too early, not too late).

Progress Day by Day

 rì jiàn
Progress Day by Day Scroll

This Chinese word means to progress, increase, or change day by day.

It suggests something getting better one day at a time or with each passing day.

One Who Does Not Do Bad Things, Worries Not of Knocks at His Door

 bái tiān bú zuò kuī xīn shì yè bàn qiāo mén bù chī jīng
One Who Does Not Do Bad Things, Worries Not of Knocks at His Door Scroll

白天不做亏心事夜半敲门不吃惊 literally translates as: [If one does] not do bad things in the daytime, one need not be alarmed at knocks on the door in the middle of the night.

The meaning is something like, “A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.” Basically, the message is, “don't commit crimes and you won't be jumpy every time the doorbell rings (so don't do anything wrong and your life will have fewer worries and you can sleep at night).”

One who is drenched in rain does not fear drops of dew

 bèi yǔ lín guò de rén bù pà lù shuǐ
One who is drenched in rain does not fear drops of dew Scroll

被雨淋過的人不怕露水 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as “One who has been drenched by the rain is not afraid of dew drops.”

Figuratively, this means:
One who has gone through hardships is not afraid of (minor)setbacks.

Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao

 shou fuku no hihou man byou no rei yaku kyou da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyou wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni asayuu gasshou shite kokoro ni nenji kuchi ni tonae yo shin shin kaizen usui rei ki ryou hou cho so usu i mika o
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao Scroll

These are the precepts of Reiki that are attributed to Usui Mikao.

Here is a breakdown of the characters and a rough translation:
招福の秘法, 萬病の霊薬。
Invite blessings of [the] secret method, 10,000 illnesses of spiritual medicine.
今日丈けは: 怒るな, 心配すな, 感謝して, 業をはげめ, 人に親切に。
At least for today: Do not be angry, do not worry, be grateful, work with diligence, and be kind to people.
朝夕合掌して, 心に念じ, 口に唱へよ, 心身改善。
Morning [and] evening perform gassho (join hands), [with your] heart/mind in silent prayer, [with your] mouth chant, [thusly] mind [and] body [will] reform/improve.
臼井靈氣療法! -肇祖, 臼井甕男。
Usui Reiki Ryōhō! -Founder, Usui Mikao.

The middle portion of this is often titled, “The Five Principles of Reiki” and makes a nice calligraphy selection by itself. The Japanese text presented here can be considered the more verbose version.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao (Alternate)

Alternate Version

 reiki ryouhou chouso usui mikao sensei ikun shoufuku no hihou yorozu byou no reiyaku kyou take ke wa oko ru na shinpai suna kansha shite gou o hagemu ge me hito ni shinsetsu ni
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao (Alternate) Scroll

靈氣療法肇祖臼井甕男先生遺訓招福の秘法萬病の霊薬今日丈けは心配すな感謝して業を励げめ人に親切に is an alternate version of the precepts or tenets of Reiki by Usui Mikao.

It is impossible to be sure which version or versions were actually written by Usui Mikao. This is the less common of the three versions that you might see in the wild.

Here is a breakdown of the characters and a rough translation:
靈氣 療法 肇祖 臼井甕男。
Reiki therapy founder Mikao Usui
先生 遺訓。
Teacher's testament 招福の秘法, 萬病の霊薬。
Invite blessings of [the] secret method, 10,000 illnesses of spiritual medicine.
今日丈けは: 怒るな, 心配すな, 感謝して, 業をはげめ, 人に親切に。
At least for today: Do not be angry, do not worry, be grateful, work with diligence, [and] be kind to people.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Sanctified by God

 shèng dì shǐ nǐ shén shèng
Sanctified by God Scroll

上帝使你神聖 means “Sanctified by God,” in Chinese.

This was added at the request of a customer. This may be more appropriate for a priest or reverend than a layman. But that depends on how your religion sees the order of things.

If you directly translate, you get something like, “God made you Holy.”

Here's the character breakdown:
上帝 = God
 使 = Makes; Made; Let
 你 = You
神聖 = Sacred; Holy; Sanctification; Divine; Hallow; Holiness

Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also

 shuǐ néng zài zhōu yì néng fù zhōu
Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also Scroll

Many things have opposite properties. The water you drink can also drown you. Pork may nourish you and keep you alive but under-cook it and it could kill you. Potassium nitrate is often used as a fertilizer to grow the food that sustains us but it's also been used as an explosive to topple buildings and destroy us.

This concept is easily associated with “yin yang” where an element has two opposite properties that are as different as night and day.

This proverb's meaning can be summed up this way: “Anything that can lead you to success may also contain great risks.”

This phrase is known in literary circles by Korean people (scholars or literature). It is therefore also a valid proverb in Korean Hanja, though most Koreans would not be able to make sense of it.

Please note that there is an unwritten rule when the same character appears twice in the same phrase, the calligrapher will alter the appearance so that no two characters are exactly alike in the same piece. This calligraphy has two repeating characters that will be written differently than they appear here.

Standing by Oneself / Walking by Oneself

 do kuritsu do ppo
Standing by Oneself / Walking by Oneself Scroll

獨立獨步 is a Japanese proverb that, Dokuritsu-Doppo, is an indication of independence, self-reliance, standing on one's own two feet, or making one's way in life.

Trust / To Have Faith

 xìn lài
Trust / To Have Faith Scroll

信賴 can also be translated as confidence, reliance, or dependence; thus, it can also mean “to rely on” or “to depend on.”

Trust is having faith in someone or something. It is a positive attitude about life. You are confident that the right thing will happen without trying to control or make it happen. Even when difficult things happen, trust helps us to find the gift or lesson in it.

頼There is a slight deviation in the Japanese Kanji form of the second character. If you want the modern Japanese version, please click on the special Kanji shown to the right instead of the button above. Note that the traditional Chinese form is still readable and understood by Japanese people.

See Also:  Confidence | Truth | Honor

Trust in God / Faith in God

 kami wo shin ze yo
Trust in God / Faith in God Scroll

神を信ぜよ is a way to express “Trust in God” in Japanese.

The first character is “God.”

The second character is a particle that links the ideas here.

The last three characters are a word that means “to believe,” “to believe in,” “to place trust in,” “to confide in,” and “to have faith in.”

Basically, this is the Japanese phrase for “Have faith in God,” “Belief in God,” or “Trust in God.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Schooled by Experience and Hard Knocks

Schooled by Experience and Hard Knocks Scroll

百戦錬磨 is a Japanese proverb or title that means veteran, or rather, someone schooled by adversity in many battles or someone rich in life experience.

If you are who you are because of the adversity you experienced in life, this could be your title.

Walk in the Way

The Way of Buddha Truth

 xíng dào
Walk in the Way Scroll

In Taoist and Buddhist contexts, 行道 means to “Walk in the Way.” In Buddhism, that further means to follow the Buddha truth. In some Buddhist sects, this can mean making a procession around a statue of the Buddha (always with the right shoulder towards the Buddha).

Outside of that context, this can mean route (when going somewhere), the way to get somewhere, etc.

In Japanese, this can be the surname or given name Yukimichi.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Any success can not compensate for failure in the home所有的成功都無法補償家庭的失敗
suǒ yǒu de chéng gōng dōu wú fǎ bǔ cháng jiā tíng de shī bài
suo3 you3 de cheng2 gong1 dou1 wu2 fa3 bu3 chang2 jia1 ting2 de shi1 bai4
suo you de cheng gong dou wu fa bu chang jia ting de shi bai
so yu te ch`eng kung tou wu fa pu ch`ang chia t`ing te shih pai
so yu te cheng kung tou wu fa pu chang chia ting te shih pai
Appreciation of Truth by Meditation心印shin nin / shinninxīn yìn / xin1 yin4 / xin yin / xinyinhsin yin / hsinyin
1000 good moves ruined by 1 bad不怕千招會隻怕一招熟
bú pà qiān zhāo huì zhǐ pà yī zhāo shú
bu2 pa4 qian1 zhao1 hui4 zhi3 pa4 yi1 zhao1 shu2
bu pa qian zhao hui zhi pa yi zhao shu
pu p`a ch`ien chao hui chih p`a i chao shu
pu pa chien chao hui chih pa i chao shu
Beautiful Sight美景bi kei / bikeiměi jǐng / mei3 jing3 / mei jing / meijingmei ching / meiching
shinxìn / xin4 / xinhsin
Be Not Afraid恐るる勿れosorurunakare
If you cannot bite, do not show your teeth不能咬人就別齜牙
bù néng yǎo rén jiù bié zī yá
bu4 neng2 yao3 ren2 jiu4 bie2 zi1 ya2
bu neng yao ren jiu bie zi ya
pu neng yao jen chiu pieh tzu ya
Black or white cat matters not as long as it can catch mice不管黑貓白貓能捉著老鼠的就是好貓
bù guǎn hēi māo bái māo néng zhuō zhe lǎo shǔ de jiù shì hǎo mǎo
bu4 guan3 hei1 mao1 bai2 mao1 neng2 zhuo1 zhe lao3 shu3 de jiu4 shi4 hao3 mao3
bu guan hei mao bai mao neng zhuo zhe lao shu de jiu shi hao mao
pu kuan hei mao pai mao neng cho che lao shu te chiu shih hao mao
Blessed by God神によって祝福されたkami ni yotte shukufuku sa remashita
Do not shed a tear until you see the coffin不見棺材不落淚
bú jiàn guān cái bú luò lèi
bu2 jian4 guan1 cai2 bu2 luo4 lei4
bu jian guan cai bu luo lei
pu chien kuan ts`ai pu lo lei
pu chien kuan tsai pu lo lei
Not Long for this World風燭殘年
fēng zhú cán nián
feng1 zhu2 can2 nian2
feng zhu can nian
feng chu ts`an nien
feng chu tsan nien
Predestined Love
Love by Fate
qíng yuán
qing2 yuan2
qing yuan
ch`ing yüan
ching yüan
Brought Together from 1000 Miles Away by Fate有緣千里來相會
yǒu yuán qiān lǐ lái xiāng huì
you3 yuan2 qian1 li3 lai2 xiang1 hui4
you yuan qian li lai xiang hui
yu yüan ch`ien li lai hsiang hui
yu yüan chien li lai hsiang hui
Religious Devotion
Faith in God
Religious Faith
信仰shin kou / shinkou / shin koxìn yǎng / xin4 yang3 / xin yang / xinyanghsin yang / hsinyang
Do not fear the task: Cooperation will lead to success不怕風浪大就怕槳不齊
bù pà fēng làng dà jiù pà jiǎng bù qí
bu4 pa4 feng1 lang4 da4 jiu4 pa4 jiang3 bu4 qi2
bu pa feng lang da jiu pa jiang bu qi
pu p`a feng lang ta chiu p`a chiang pu ch`i
pu pa feng lang ta chiu pa chiang pu chi
Failure in Not an Option失敗並非一種選擇
shī bài bìng fēi yì zhǒng xuǎn zé
shi1 bai4 bing4 fei1 yi4 zhong3 xuan3 ze2
shi bai bing fei yi zhong xuan ze
shih pai ping fei i chung hsüan tse
Failure is Not an Option失敗は許されませんshippai wa yurusa remasearimasen
shipai wa yurusa remasearimasen
Trusting in the Unseen
信念shinnenxìn niàn / xin4 nian4 / xin nian / xinnianhsin nien / hsinnien
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark信唸是在黎明前的黑闇中能感到光明的鳥
xìn niǎn shì zài lí míng qián de hēi àn zhōng néng gǎn dào guāng míng de niǎo
xin4 nian3 shi4 zai4 li2 ming2 qian2 de hei1 an4 zhong1 neng2 gan3 dao4 guang1 ming2 de niao3
xin nian shi zai li ming qian de hei an zhong neng gan dao guang ming de niao
hsin nien shih tsai li ming ch`ien te hei an chung neng kan tao kuang ming te niao
hsin nien shih tsai li ming chien te hei an chung neng kan tao kuang ming te niao
Faith Hope Love信望愛
xìn wàng ài
xin4 wang4 ai4
xin wang ai
hsin wang ai
Faith Hope Love信仰と希望と愛shinkou to kibou to ai
shinko to kibo to ai
Faith Love Peace信愛和
shin ai wa
xìn ài hé
xin4 ai4 he2
xin ai he
hsin ai ho
Faith信德shin toku / shintokuxìn dé / xin4 de2 / xin de / xindehsin te / hsinte
Destiny Determined by Heaven天意tenitiān yì / tian1 yi4 / tian yi / tianyit`ien i / tieni / tien i
Good Intentions
Good Will
Good Faith
善意zen i / zenishàn yì / shan4 yi4 / shan yi / shanyishan i / shani
Hearing a Hundred Times is Not as Good as Seeing Once百聞不如一見
bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn
bai3 wen2 bu4 ru2 yi1 jian4
bai wen bu ru yi jian
pai wen pu ju i chien
Blessed by Heaven天恵ten kei / tenkei
非思量hi shi ryou
hi shi ryo
fēi sī liáng
fei1 si1 liang2
fei si liang
fei ssu liang
I walk my own path我行我素wǒ xíng wǒ sù
wo3 xing2 wo3 su4
wo xing wo su
wo hsing wo su
It is the Journey, Not the Destination是旅途不是目的shì lǚ tú bú shì mù dì
shi4 lu:3 tu2 bu2 shi4 mu4 di4
shi lu: tu bu shi mu di
shih lü t`u pu shih mu ti
shih lü tu pu shih mu ti
Shadow of Karma
Dogged by Karma
gou you / gouyou / go yoyè yǐng / ye4 ying3 / ye ying / yeyingyeh ying / yehying
Keep Calm, Be Not Impatient少安毋躁shǎo ān wú zào
shao3 an1 wu2 zao4
shao an wu zao
shao an wu tsao
Firm Belief
Strong Faith
ken shin / kenshinjiān xìn / jian1 xin4 / jian xin / jianxinchien hsin / chienhsin
We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?人非生而知之者熟能無惑rén fēi shēng ér zhī zhī zhě shú néng wú huò
ren2 fei1 sheng1 er2 zhi1 zhi1 zhe3 shu2 neng2 wu2 huo4
ren fei sheng er zhi zhi zhe shu neng wu huo
jen fei sheng erh chih chih che shu neng wu huo
Live By The Sword Die By The Sword凡動刀的必死在刀下
fán dòng dāo de bì sǐ zài dāo xià
fan2 dong4 dao1 de bi4 si3 zai4 dao1 xia4
fan dong dao de bi si zai dao xia
fan tung tao te pi ssu tsai tao hsia
Love Faith Strength愛信強
ài xìn qiáng
ai4 xin4 qiang2
ai xin qiang
ai hsin ch`iang
ai hsin chiang
Love Faith Strength博愛信念力量
bó ài xìn niàn lì liàng
bo2 ai4 xin4 nian4 li4 liang4
bo ai xin nian li liang
po ai hsin nien li liang
Be Master of Mind, Not Mastered by Mind願作心師不師於心
yuàn zuò xīn shī bù shī yú xīn
yuan4 zuo4 xin1 shi1 bu4 shi1 yu2 xin1
yuan zuo xin shi bu shi yu xin
yüan tso hsin shih pu shih yü hsin
If you have not been a monk, how can you know what it is like to be a vegetarian?不當和尚不知齋戒苦
bù dāng hé shang bù zhī zhāi jiè kǔ
bu4 dang1 he2 shang bu4 zhi1 zhai1 jie4 ku3
bu dang he shang bu zhi zhai jie ku
pu tang ho shang pu chih chai chieh k`u
pu tang ho shang pu chih chai chieh ku
Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu遠上寒山石徑斜白雲生處有人家停車坐愛楓林晚霜葉紅於二月花
yuǎn shàng hán shān shí jìng xiá bái yún shēng chù yǒu rén jiā tíng chē zuò ài fēng lín wǎn shuàng yè hóng yú èr yuè huā
yuan3 shang4 han2 shan1 shi2 jing4 xia2 bai2 yun2 sheng1 chu4 you3 ren2 jia1 ting2 che1 zuo4 ai4 feng1 lin2 wan3 shuang4 ye4 hong2 yu2 er4 yue4 hua1
yuan shang han shan shi jing xia bai yun sheng chu you ren jia ting che zuo ai feng lin wan shuang ye hong yu er yue hua
yüan shang han shan shih ching hsia pai yün sheng ch`u yu jen chia t`ing ch`e tso ai feng lin wan shuang yeh hung yü erh yüeh hua
yüan shang han shan shih ching hsia pai yün sheng chu yu jen chia ting che tso ai feng lin wan shuang yeh hung yü erh yüeh hua
Fear not long roads; Fear only short ambition不怕路遠隻怕志短
bú pà lù yuǎn zhǐ pà zhì duǎn
bu2 pa4 lu4 yuan3 zhi3 pa4 zhi4 duan3
bu pa lu yuan zhi pa zhi duan
pu p`a lu yüan chih p`a chih tuan
pu pa lu yüan chih pa chih tuan
Do not fear poverty; Fear low ambitions不怕人窮隻怕志短
bú pà rén qióng zhǐ pà zhì duǎn
bu2 pa4 ren2 qiong2 zhi3 pa4 zhi4 duan3
bu pa ren qiong zhi pa zhi duan
pu p`a jen ch`iung chih p`a chih tuan
pu pa jen chiung chih pa chih tuan
Do not fear being slow, fear standing still不怕慢就怕站bú pà màn jiù pà zhàn
bu2 pa4 man4 jiu4 pa4 zhan4
bu pa man jiu pa zhan
pu p`a man chiu p`a chan
pu pa man chiu pa chan
One who walks by the river may end up with wet feet常在河邊走哪能不濕鞋
cháng zài hé biān zǒu nǎ néng bù shī xié
chang2 zai4 he2 bian1 zou3 na3 neng2 bu4 shi1 xie2
chang zai he bian zou na neng bu shi xie
ch`ang tsai ho pien tsou na neng pu shih hsieh
chang tsai ho pien tsou na neng pu shih hsieh
Do not take action until the time is right不到火候不揭鍋
bù dào huǒ hou bù jiē guō
bu4 dao4 huo3 hou bu4 jie1 guo1
bu dao huo hou bu jie guo
pu tao huo hou pu chieh kuo
Progress Day by Day日漸
rì jiàn / ri4 jian4 / ri jian / rijianjih chien / jihchien
One Who Does Not Do Bad Things, Worries Not of Knocks at His Door白天不做虧心事夜半敲門不吃驚
bái tiān bú zuò kuī xīn shì yè bàn qiāo mén bù chī jīng
bai2 tian1 bu2 zuo4 kui1 xin1 shi4 ye4 ban4 qiao1 men2 bu4 chi1 jing1
bai tian bu zuo kui xin shi ye ban qiao men bu chi jing
pai t`ien pu tso k`uei hsin shih yeh pan ch`iao men pu ch`ih ching
pai tien pu tso kuei hsin shih yeh pan chiao men pu chih ching
One who is drenched in rain does not fear drops of dew被雨淋過的人不怕露水
bèi yǔ lín guò de rén bù pà lù shuǐ
bei4 yu3 lin2 guo4 de ren2 bu4 pa4 lu4 shui3
bei yu lin guo de ren bu pa lu shui
pei yü lin kuo te jen pu p`a lu shui
pei yü lin kuo te jen pu pa lu shui
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao招福の秘法萬病の霊薬今日丈けは怒るな心配すな感謝して業をはげめ人に親切に朝夕合掌して心に念じ口に唱へよ心身改善臼井靈氣療法肇祖臼井甕男shou fuku no hihou man byou no rei yaku kyou da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyou wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni asayuu gasshou shite kokoro ni nenji kuchi ni tonae yo shin shin kaizen usui rei ki ryou hou cho so usu i mika o
sho fuku no hiho man byo no rei yaku kyo da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyo wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni asayu gasho shite kokoro ni nenji kuchi ni tonae yo shin shin kaizen usui rei ki ryo ho cho so usu i mika o
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao (Alternate)靈氣療法肇祖臼井甕男先生遺訓招福の秘法萬病の霊薬今日丈けは怒るな心配すな感謝して業を励げめ人に親切にreiki ryouhou chouso usui mikao sensei ikun shoufuku no hihou yorozu byou no reiyaku kyou take ke wa oko ru na shinpai suna kansha shite gou o hagemu ge me hito ni shinsetsu ni
reiki ryoho choso usui mikao sensei ikun shofuku no hiho yorozu byo no reiyaku kyo take ke wa oko ru na shinpai suna kansha shite go o hagemu ge me hito ni shinsetsu ni
Sanctified by God上帝使你神聖
shèng dì shǐ nǐ shén shèng
sheng4 di4 shi3 ni3 shen2 sheng4
sheng di shi ni shen sheng
sheng ti shih ni shen sheng
Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also水能載舟亦能覆舟
shuǐ néng zài zhōu yì néng fù zhōu
shui3 neng2 zai4 zhou1 yi4 neng2 fu4 zhou1
shui neng zai zhou yi neng fu zhou
shui neng tsai chou i neng fu chou
Standing by Oneself
Walking by Oneself
do kuritsu do ppo
do kuritsu do po
To Have Faith
shinraixìn lài / xin4 lai4 / xin lai / xinlaihsin lai / hsinlai
Trust in God
Faith in God
神を信ぜよkami wo shin ze yo
Schooled by Experience and Hard Knocks百戦錬磨hyakusenrenma
Walk in the Way行道yukimichixíng dào / xing2 dao4 / xing dao / xingdaohsing tao / hsingtao
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Walk by Faith Not by Sight Kanji, Walk by Faith Not by Sight Characters, Walk by Faith Not by Sight in Mandarin Chinese, Walk by Faith Not by Sight Characters, Walk by Faith Not by Sight in Chinese Writing, Walk by Faith Not by Sight in Japanese Writing, Walk by Faith Not by Sight in Asian Writing, Walk by Faith Not by Sight Ideograms, Chinese Walk by Faith Not by Sight symbols, Walk by Faith Not by Sight Hieroglyphics, Walk by Faith Not by Sight Glyphs, Walk by Faith Not by Sight in Chinese Letters, Walk by Faith Not by Sight Hanzi, Walk by Faith Not by Sight in Japanese Kanji, Walk by Faith Not by Sight Pictograms, Walk by Faith Not by Sight in the Chinese Written-Language, or Walk by Faith Not by Sight in the Japanese Written-Language.

68 people have searched for Walk by Faith Not by Sight in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Walk by Faith Not by Sight was last searched for by someone else on Jun 8th, 2024