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Chinese in Chinese...

Buy a Chinese calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Chinese” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Chinese” title below...

  1. Chinese Traditional Medicine

  2. Chinese or Korean Army General

  3. Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine

  4. Japanese Snapping Turtle / Chinese Soft Shell Turtle

  5. Aries

  6. Cancer

  7. Capricorn

  8. Ophiuchus

  9. Pisces

10. Scorpio

11. Taurus

12. Virgo

13. Cooperation / Collaboration

14. Loyalty / Devotion

15. Martial Arts / Wushu

16. Passion for a Cause

17. Peace of Mind

18. Truth

19. Shakyamuni / The Buddha

20. Marine Corps

21. Marine

Chinese Traditional Medicine

 zhōng yī
Chinese Traditional Medicine Scroll

中醫 is how to write “Chinese traditional medicine.”

The original medicine consists of herbal remedies derived from over 3000 years of research.

Chinese or Korean Army General

 jiāng jūn
Chinese or Korean Army General Scroll

將軍 is the more Chinese and Korean Hanja version or General.

There is a slight variation in the way the first character is written compared to the Japanese Shogun (将軍) title. So if you want to specifically refer to a Chinese or Korean General, this is the way. Japanese people would still easily identify this as “shogun.”

Note: This term is also used for Admiral in Korean in a certain context (if you need a better title for Admiral, just let me know).

Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine

 jīng qì shén
Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine Scroll

精, 氣, 神 are the characters jing, qi, and shen.

As a set, these three characters are known in English as the treasures of traditional Chinese medicine, the treasures of Qi Gong, or the three treasures of Taoism / Daoism.

Sometimes this set is titled 三寶 (sānbǎo) or “three treasures,” but here, we're writing each treasure out.

Here's how these characters are perceived in this context...
Jing: nutritive essence; refined; perfected; pure
Qi: vitality; energy; force; breath; vigor
Shen: spirit; soul; mind; being

To keep it simple, you can use “essence, vitality, and spirit” to define these.

Japanese Snapping Turtle / Chinese Soft Shell Turtle

Japanese Snapping Turtle / Chinese Soft Shell Turtle Scroll

鼈 refers to a species of turtle.

Sinensis Turtle

鼈 is Trionyx Sinensis.

鼈 refers to different turtles in different languages. See individual language notes below:

Japanese: 鼈 means “snapping turtle” or “mud turtle.” But rarely used as a single Kanji like this in Japanese.

Chinese: 鼈 means soft-shelled turtle. A specific species, Trionyx Sinensis is native to Asia.
In China, this species is related to the “wang ba,” a soft-shelled turtle sometimes known in English as a banjo turtle (due to its long neck, and general shape). Unfortunately, there is a word, “wang ba dan” which means the egg of this species of turtle. That term has come to mean “bastard” in Chinese (a turtle hatches from an abandoned egg, and does not know who his mother or father is). 鼈 is not a good selection for a wall scroll if your audience is Chinese.

In Korean, this character can be pronounced (though most Koreans would have to look it up in a dictionary). It has not been in common use in Korea for at least a few hundred years.

General notes: You may notice that the bottom half of this character is the same as some other turtle-related titles. That bottom half is actually an ancient character that means “toad.” 黽 Though not seen in this way today, most turtle-related characters hold the meaning of “a toad with a shell” in their ancient origin. That toad character is rarely used alone anymore but you can see what it looks like in the image to the right.

Aries Zodiac Symbol / Sign

(Alternate / Chinese)

 bái yáng zuò
Aries Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

白羊座 is an alternate Chinese way to write Aries (ram) from western astrology.

I don't believe it is used at all in Japanese, so the other version is probably better or at least more universal.

Cancer Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 jù xiè zuò
Cancer Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

巨蟹座 is the Chinese way to write Cancer (crab) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

Capricorn Zodiac Symbol / Sign

(Alternate / Chinese)

 mó jié zuò
Capricorn Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

摩羯座 is an alternate Chinese way to write Capricorn (horned goat) from western astrology.

I don't believe it is used at all in Japanese, so the other version is probably better or at least more universal.

Ophiuchus Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 shé fū zuò
Ophiuchus Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

蛇夫座 is the Chinese way to write Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer) of western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (not Japanese).

Pisces Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 shuāng yú zuò
Pisces Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

雙魚座 is the Chinese way to write Pisces (fish) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

Scorpio Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 tiān xiē zuò
Scorpio Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

天蠍座 is the Chinese way to write Scorpio (scorpion) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

Taurus Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 jīn niú zuò
Taurus Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

金牛座 is the Chinese way to write Taurus (bull) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

Virgo Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 chù nǚ zuò
Virgo Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

處女座 is the Chinese way to write Virgo (virgin) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

Cooperation / Collaboration

 xié zuò
 kyou saku
Cooperation / Collaboration Scroll

協作 is a Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean word that means cooperation or collaboration.

Cooperation is working together and sharing the load. When we cooperate, we join with others to do things that cannot be done alone. We are willing to follow the rules which keep everyone safe and happy. Together we can accomplish great things.

The first character means “united” or “to coordinate.” The second character means “to do,” “to make,” or “to compose.” Knowing this, you can understand why together, these characters create a word that can be defined as “cooperation” in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

It is implied that you are cooperating to create some project or product.

See Also:  Partnership

Loyalty / Devotion

 zhōng yì
 chuu gi
Loyalty / Devotion Scroll

忠義 is another form of loyalty or devotion.

In Chinese, this is more specifically about being loyal and devoted to your friends.

In Japanese, this is more often used to mean loyalty to your country or nation.

Except for the slight difference noted above between Japanese and Chinese, this word is understood universally in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja. It can also be used to describe devotion or fidelity.

It should be noted that this Kanji combination is being used less and less in modern Japan (this is a better choice if your audience is Chinese, though any Japanese person will clearly understand it).

Martial Arts / Wushu

 wǔ shù
Martial Arts / Wushu Scroll

武術 is Wushu or Wu Shu, the very Chinese way to express “Martial Arts.”

Some even use this word to describe Kung Fu directly. But this is a label that fits all disciplines from Karate to Kung Fu to Taekwondo.

Note: This also means Martial Arts with the same appearance as old Korean Hanja characters and is pronounced “musul” or “musur” in Korean.

While this is best if your audience is Chinese or Korean, this also means “martial arts” in Japanese, where the popularity of this term is growing (romanized as Bujutsu or Bujitsu) in Japanese martial arts circles.

Passion for a Cause

 rè qíng
Passion for a Cause Scroll

Depending on the context, 熱情 can mean “cordial,” “enthusiastic,” “passionate,” or “passionately.”

This version is sometimes used in Japanese, but the character order is more common in Chinese and Korean Hanja. The meaning in Japanese for this Kanji order is ardor/ardour or zeal but rarely used in modern Japan. I suggest you choose a different version of “passion” if your audience is Japanese.

See Also:  Persistence | Devotion | Tenacity | Commitment | Motivation

Peace of Mind

 hé píng
 wa hei
Peace of Mind Scroll

和平 is the Chinese order for these two characters, which means peace but can also be translated as amicability, specifically, or mildness. 和平 is often translated as a simple way to say “peace of mind.” This combination is used in Korean Hanja to mean “peace and harmony.”

Alone, the first character means peace and harmony.
The second character means balance when read by itself.

Note: 和平 are often seen in the opposite order in Japanese with the same meaning (You'll sometimes find them in this order in Japan, so either way is OK).

 zhēn xiàng
 shin sou
Truth Scroll

Beyond “truth” in Chinese, 真相 can also be used to say “the actual facts” or “genuine” depending on context.

This also means "truth" in Japanese, just not as commonly used.

See Also:  Honesty

Shakyamuni / The Buddha

 shì jiā móu ní
 sha ka mu ni
Shakyamuni / The Buddha Scroll

釋迦牟尼 is a transliteration of “Shakyamuni” or “Sakyamuni” in Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean.

The perceived meaning of the name is roughly translated as “Sage of the Sakyas.”
This same Buddha is also known as “Siddhartha Gautama,” “Gotama Buddha,” “Tathagata,” or simply, “The Supreme Buddha.”

Shakyamuni is the legendary man and prince who eventually established the Buddhist religion.

Note: Occasionally Romanized as “Siddhattha Gotama.”

This combination of characters is sometimes seen and used in South Korea and Japan as well (with the same meaning).

Note: 釋迦牟尼 came from the Sanskrit शाक्यमुनि and can also be romanized with diuretics as Śākyamuni.

Marine Corps

 hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì
Marine Corps Scroll

海軍陸戰隊 is the Chinese way to express “Marine Corps.” This could be the Marine Corps of virtually any country that has an amphibious military force.

Let me know if you want a more specific title, such as British Royal Marines or U.S. Marine Corps.

The Chinese title for Marines is very verbose...
Breaking down each character this means:
“ocean/sea military/arms shore/land fighting/war/battle corps/team/group.”

See Also:  Military


Amphibious Warrior

 hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì yuán
Marine Scroll

海軍陸戰隊員 is the Chinese way to express “Marine.” (as in a member of the Marine Corps). It is not country-specific, so it could be the Royal Marines, U.S. Marines, Chinese Marines, etc.
In Australian English, they would translate this as “Naval Infantryman.”

Breaking down each character this means:
“ocean/sea military/arms shore/land fighting/war/battle corps/team/group person/member.” Note that the first two characters are presented together but outside of this phrase mean “navy” (sea military).

See Also:  Warrior | Military | Navy | Art of War

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Chinese Traditional Medicine中醫
zhōng yī / zhong1 yi1 / zhong yi / zhongyichung i / chungi
Chinese or Korean Army General將軍
shougun / shogunjiāng jūn
jiang1 jun1
jiang jun
chiang chün
Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine精氣神
jīng qì shén
jing1 qi4 shen2
jing qi shen
ching ch`i shen
ching chi shen
Japanese Snapping Turtle
Chinese Soft Shell Turtle
suppon / suponbiē / bie1 / biepieh
Aries Zodiac Symbol
白羊座bái yáng zuò
bai2 yang2 zuo4
bai yang zuo
pai yang tso
Cancer Zodiac Symbol
巨蟹座jù xiè zuò
ju4 xie4 zuo4
ju xie zuo
chü hsieh tso
Capricorn Zodiac Symbol
摩羯座mó jié zuò
mo2 jie2 zuo4
mo jie zuo
mo chieh tso
Ophiuchus Zodiac Symbol
蛇夫座shé fū zuò
she2 fu1 zuo4
she fu zuo
she fu tso
Pisces Zodiac Symbol
shuāng yú zuò
shuang1 yu2 zuo4
shuang yu zuo
shuang yü tso
Scorpio Zodiac Symbol
tiān xiē zuò
tian1 xie1 zuo4
tian xie zuo
t`ien hsieh tso
tien hsieh tso
Taurus Zodiac Symbol
金牛座jīn niú zuò
jin1 niu2 zuo4
jin niu zuo
chin niu tso
Virgo Zodiac Symbol
chù nǚ zuò
chu4 nv3 zuo4
chu nv zuo
ch`u nü tso
chu nü tso
kyou saku / kyousaku / kyo sakuxié zuò / xie2 zuo4 / xie zuo / xiezuohsieh tso / hsiehtso
chuu gi / chuugi / chu gizhōng yì / zhong1 yi4 / zhong yi / zhongyichung i / chungi
Martial Arts
bujutsuwǔ shù / wu3 shu4 / wu shu / wushu
Passion for a Cause熱情
netsujou / netsujorè qíng / re4 qing2 / re qing / reqingje ch`ing / jeching / je ching
Peace of Mind和平wa hei / waheihé píng / he2 ping2 / he ping / hepingho p`ing / hoping / ho ping
Truth真相shin sou / shinsou / shin sozhēn xiàng
zhen1 xiang4
zhen xiang
chen hsiang
The Buddha
sha ka mu ni
shì jiā móu ní
shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2
shi jia mou ni
shih chia mou ni
Marine Corps海軍陸戰隊
hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì
hai3 jun1 lu4 zhan4 dui4
hai jun lu zhan dui
hai chün lu chan tui
hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì yuán
hai3 jun1 lu4 zhan4 dui4 yuan2
hai jun lu zhan dui yuan
hai chün lu chan tui yüan
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Chinese Kanji, Chinese Characters, Chinese in Mandarin Chinese, Chinese Characters, Chinese in Chinese Writing, Chinese in Japanese Writing, Chinese in Asian Writing, Chinese Ideograms, Chinese Chinese symbols, Chinese Hieroglyphics, Chinese Glyphs, Chinese in Chinese Letters, Chinese Hanzi, Chinese in Japanese Kanji, Chinese Pictograms, Chinese in the Chinese Written-Language, or Chinese in the Japanese Written-Language.

20 people have searched for Chinese in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Chinese was last searched for by someone else on Oct 10th, 2024