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Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your cloud search...
Characters If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese |
Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
雲 云 see styles |
yún yun2 yün kumo くも |
More info & calligraphy: Cloudcloud; (surname, given name) Kumo megha. Cloud, cloudy, abundant. |
卍 see styles |
wàn wan4 wan manji まんじ |
swastika, a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism swastika (esp. a counterclockwise swastika as a Buddhist symbol); fylfot; gammadion; (given name) Manji sauvastika, 塞縛悉底迦; also styled 室利靺瑳 śrīvatsa, lucky sign, Viṣṇu's breast-curl or mark, tr. by 海雲 sea-cloud, or cirrhus. Used as a fancy form of 萬 or 萬; and is also written in a form said to resemble a curl. It is the 4th of the auspicious signs in the footprint of Buddha, and is a mystic diagram of great antiquity. To be distinguished from 卐svastika, the crampons of which turn to the right. |
團 团 see styles |
tuán tuan2 t`uan tuan madoka まどか |
round; lump; ball; to roll into a ball; to gather; regiment; group; society; classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke) (personal name) Madoka Round; a ball, mass, lump; a group, company, train-band. |
泱 see styles |
yāng yang1 yang hiroshi ひろし |
agitated (wind, cloud); boundless (given name) Hiroshi |
渰 see styles |
yǎn yan3 yen |
(of cloud) forming or rising |
一抹 see styles |
ichimatsu いちまつ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) a touch (of sadness, unease, etc.); a tinge (of); a hint (of); a wreath (of smoke, cloud, etc.); (2) a smear (of paint, ink, etc.); one stroke (of a brush) |
九喩 see styles |
jiǔ yú jiu3 yu2 chiu yü kuyu |
The nine similes: stars, eye-film, lamp, prestidigitation, dew, bubble, dream, lightning, cloud. There is also another group. |
乱雲 see styles |
ranun らんうん |
rain cloud |
五翳 see styles |
wǔ yì wu3 yi4 wu i go ei |
The five films, or interceptors of the light of sun and moon— smoke, cloud dust, fog, and the hands of asuras. |
十地 see styles |
shí dì shi2 di4 shih ti juuji / juji じゅうじ |
{Buddh} dasabhumi (forty-first to fiftieth stages in the development of a bodhisattva); (place-name) Jūji daśabhūmi; v. 十住. The "ten stages" in the fifty-two sections of the development of a bodhisattva into a Buddha. After completing the十四向 he proceeds to the 十地. There are several groups. I. The ten stages common to the Three Vehicles 三乘 are: (1) 乾慧地 dry wisdom stage, i. e. unfertilized by Buddha-truth, worldly wisdom; (2) 性地 the embryo-stage of the nature of Buddha-truth, the 四善根; (3) 八人地 (八忍地), the stage of the eight patient endurances; (4) 見地 of freedom from wrong views; (5) 薄地 of freedom from the first six of the nine delusions in practice; (6) 離欲地 of freedom from the remaining three; (7) 巳辨地 complete discrimination in regard to wrong views and thoughts, the stage of an arhat; (8) 辟支佛地 pratyeka-buddhahood, only the dead ashes of the past left to sift; (9) 菩薩地 bodhisattvahood; (10) 佛地 Buddhahood. v. 智度論 78. II. 大乘菩薩十地 The ten stages of Mahāyāna bodhisattva development are: (1) 歡喜地 Pramuditā, joy at having overcome the former difficulties and now entering on the path to Buddhahood; (2) 離垢地 Vimalā, freedom from all possible defilement, the stage of purity; (3) 發光地 Prabhākarī, stage of further enlightenment; (4) 焰慧地 Arciṣmatī, of glowing wisdom; (5) 極難勝地 Sudurjayā, mastery of utmost or final difficulties; (6) 現前地 Abhimukhī, the open way of wisdom above definitions of impurity and purity; (7) 遠行地 Dūraṁgamā, proceeding afar, getting above ideas of self in order to save others; (8) 不動地 Acalā, attainment of calm unperturbedness; (9) 善慧地 Sādhumatī, of the finest discriminatory wisdom, knowing where and how to save, and possessed of the 十力 ten powers; (10) 法雲地 Dharmamegha, attaining to the fertilizing powers of the law-cloud. Each of the ten stages is connected with each of the ten pāramitās, v. 波. Each of the 四乘 or four vehicles has a division of ten. III. The 聲聞乘十地 ten Śrāvaka stages are: (1) 受三歸地 initiation as a disciple by receiving the three refuges, in the Buddha, Dharma, and Saṅgha; (2) 信地 belief, or the faith-root; (3) 信法地 belief in the four truths; (4) 内凡夫地 ordinary disciples who observe the 五停心觀, etc.; (5) 學信戒 those who pursue the 三學 three studies; (6) 八人忍地 the stage of 見道 seeing the true Way; (7) 須陀洹地 śrota-āpanna, now definitely in the stream and assured of nirvāṇa; (8) 斯陀含地 sakrdāgāmin, only one more rebirth; (9) 阿那含地 anāgāmin, no rebirth; and (10) 阿羅漢地 arhatship. IV. The ten stages of the pratyekabuddha 緣覺乘十地 are (1) perfect asceticism; (2) mastery of the twelve links of causation; (3) of the four noble truths; (4) of the deeper knowledge; (5) of the eightfold noble path; (6) of the three realms 三法界; (7) of the nirvāṇa state; (8) of the six supernatural powers; (9) arrival at the intuitive stage; (10) mastery of the remaining influence of former habits. V. 佛乘十地 The ten stages, or characteristics of a Buddha, are those of the sovereign or perfect attainment of wisdom, exposition, discrimination, māra-subjugation, suppression of evil, the six transcendent faculties, manifestation of all bodhisattva enlightenment, powers of prediction, of adaptability, of powers to reveal the bodhisattva Truth. VI. The Shingon has its own elaborate ten stages, and also a group 十地十心, see 十心; and there are other groups. |
卷雲 卷云 see styles |
juǎn yún juan3 yun2 chüan yün |
cirrus (cloud) |
卿雲 see styles |
keiun / keun けいうん |
auspicious cloud; (given name) Keiun |
土埃 see styles |
tsuchibokori つちぼこり |
dust; cloud of dust |
土煙 see styles |
tsuchikemuri つちけむり |
cloud of dust |
垂布 see styles |
chuí bù chui2 bu4 ch`ui pu chui pu suifu |
(cloud) hangs down and spreads out |
塵雲 尘云 see styles |
chén yún chen2 yun2 ch`en yün chen yün |
dust cloud |
塵霧 尘雾 see styles |
chén wù chen2 wu4 ch`en wu chen wu |
cloud of dust; smog |
夏雲 see styles |
natsumo なつも |
summer cloud; summer clouds; (female given name) Natsumo |
夕雲 see styles |
yuugumo / yugumo ゆうぐも |
early evening cloud; clouds at sunset |
大雲 大云 see styles |
dà yún da4 yun2 ta yün daiun だいうん |
(given name) Daiun vast cloud |
如雲 如云 see styles |
rú yún ru2 yun2 ju yün joun / jon じょうん |
like the clouds in the sky (i.e. numerous) (given name) Jōn like a cloud. |
妖雲 see styles |
youun / youn よううん |
ominous cloud |
層雲 层云 see styles |
céng yún ceng2 yun2 ts`eng yün tseng yün souun / soun そううん |
stratus (cloud) stratus |
巻雲 see styles |
makigumo まきぐも kenun けんうん |
cirrus (cloud) |
彌伽 弥伽 see styles |
mí qié mi2 qie2 mi ch`ieh mi chieh miga |
Megha, a cloud; name of one of the bodhisattvas renowned as a healer, or as a cloud-controller for producing rain. |
惠雲 惠云 see styles |
huì yún hui4 yun2 hui yün eun |
a beneficent cloud |
慈雲 慈云 see styles |
cí yún ci2 yun2 tz`u yün tzu yün jiun じうん |
(given name) Jiun The over-spreading, fructifying cloud of compassion, the Buddha-heart; also Ciyun, the name of a noted Sung monk. |
慶雲 庆云 see styles |
qìng yún qing4 yun2 ch`ing yün ching yün keiun / keun けいうん kyouun / kyoun きょううん |
Qingyun county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong (1) auspicious cloud; (2) Keiun era (704.5.10-708.1.11); Kyouun era; Keiun era (704.5.10-708.1.11); Kyouun era |
景雲 see styles |
keiun / keun けいうん |
auspicious cloud; (given name) Keiun |
曇る see styles |
kumoru くもる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to get cloudy; to cloud over; to become overcast; (v5r,vi) (2) to cloud up; to fog up; to mist up; to become dim; (v5r,vi) (3) to be gloomy; to be clouded (expression); to be downcast; (v5r,vi) (4) (from 面曇る) (See 照る・てる・2) to look slightly downward (of a noh mask; indicating sadness, grief, etc.) |
The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Cloud | 雲 云 | kumo | yún / yun2 / yun | yün |
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line. In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese. |
Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
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Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
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The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
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We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.
Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.
Some people may refer to this entry as Cloud Kanji, Cloud Characters, Cloud in Mandarin Chinese, Cloud Characters, Cloud in Chinese Writing, Cloud in Japanese Writing, Cloud in Asian Writing, Cloud Ideograms, Chinese Cloud symbols, Cloud Hieroglyphics, Cloud Glyphs, Cloud in Chinese Letters, Cloud Hanzi, Cloud in Japanese Kanji, Cloud Pictograms, Cloud in the Chinese Written-Language, or Cloud in the Japanese Written-Language.
75 people have searched for Cloud in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
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