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White Water Dragon in Chinese / Japanese...

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  1. Water Rooster

  2. Golden/Metal Dragon

  3. Water Horse

  4. Water Goat/Sheep

  5. Water Dragon

  6. Water Snake

  7. Water Tiger

  8. Water Rabbit

  9. Wood Dragon

10. Water Rat

11. Water Ox/Bull

12. Fire Dragon

13. Water Dog

14. Earth Dragon

15. Water Pig/Boar

16. Water Monkey

17. Blue Dragon / Azure Dragon

18. White Eagle Style

19. Be Like Water

20. Black Dragon

21. Black or white cat matters not as long as it can catch mice

22. Blue Dragon

23. Celestial Dragon

24. Chop Wood, Carry Water

25. Water Dragon / Coiled Dragon

26. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

27. Dragon / Emperor Symbol

28. Dragon Fist

29. The Spirit of the Dragon Horse

30. The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger

31. Dragon Lady

32. Dragon and Phoenix

33. Dragon and Phoenix Brings Luck

34. Dragon Spirit

35. The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger

36. Dragon Warrior

37. Dragon Ball Kai

38. Dragon Crane Tiger

39. Dragon Quest

40. Drinking the water of a well: One should never forget who dug it

41. Dripping Water Penetrates Stone

42. Earth Dragon

43. Earth Fire Water Air

44. Fire Dragon

45. Fire and Water Have No Mercy

46. Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water

47. Flying Dragon

48. Flying Dragon Karate-Do

49. Put out a burning wood cart with a cup of water

50. Golden Dragon

51. Ultimate Goodness of Water

52. Green Dragon / Blue Dragon

53. Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger

54. Flying Dragon Horse

55. Home of the Black Dragon

56. Home of the Dragon

57. Home of the Auspicious Golden Dragon

58. Iron Dragon

59. Laughing Dragon Kung Fu

60. Little Dragon

61. Mind Like Water

62. Red Dragon

63. Red Dragon / Vermillion Dragon

64. Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also

65. Spirit Of The Dragon Martial Arts

66. Swan / White Crane

67. Celestial Dragon / Tian Long

68. The White Hairs of Old Age

69. Under the Protection of the Dragon Saint

70. Water

71. Water Dragon / Rain Dragon

72. Be Like Water

73. Water Tiger

74. Water Polo

75. Year of the Water Rabbit

76. Water Rat

77. The Way of the Dragon

78. White

79. White Bear / Polar Bear

80. White Crane

81. White Crane Fist

82. White Dragon

83. White Swan

84. White Tiger

85. White Crane Karate

86. White Crane Kempo

87. White Crane Temple

88. White Lotus

89. White Stork

90. Year Of The Water Rabbit

91. Yellow Dragon

92. Dragon

Water Rooster

The Year of the Water Rooster

 shuǐ jī
Water Rooster Scroll

水雞 is Water Rooster in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1873, 1933, 1993, and 2053.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 癸酉.

See Also:  Rooster

Golden/Metal Dragon

The Year of the Golden/Metal Dragon

 jīn lóng
Golden/Metal Dragon Scroll

金龍 is Golden/Metal Dragon in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1880, 1940, 2000, and 2060.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚辰.

See Also:  Dragon

Water Horse

The Year of the Water Horse

 shuǐ mǎ
Water Horse Scroll

水馬 is Water Horse in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1882, 1942, 2002, and 2062.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 壬午.

See Also:  Horse

Water Goat/Sheep

The Year of the Water Goat/Sheep

 shuǐ yáng
Water Goat/Sheep Scroll

水羊 is Water Goat/Sheep in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1883, 1943, 2003, and 2063.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 癸未.

See Also:  Goat/Sheep

Water Dragon

The Year of the Water Dragon

 shuǐ lóng
Water Dragon Scroll

水龍 is Water Dragon in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1892, 1952, 2012, and 2072.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 壬辰.

See Also:  Dragon

Water Snake

The Year of the Water Snake

 shuǐ shé
Water Snake Scroll

水蛇 is Water Snake in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1893, 1953, 2013, and 2073.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 癸巳.

See Also:  Snake

Water Tiger

The Year of the Water Tiger

 shuǐ hǔ
Water Tiger Scroll

水虎 is Water Tiger in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1902, 1962, 2022, and 2082.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 壬寅.

See Also:  Tiger

Water Rabbit

The Year of the Water Rabbit

 shuǐ tù
Water Rabbit Scroll

水兔 is Water Rabbit in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1903, 1963, 2023, and 2083.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 癸卯.

See Also:  Rabbit

Wood Dragon

The Year of the Wood Dragon

 mù lóng
Wood Dragon Scroll

木龍 is Wood Dragon in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1904, 1964, 2024, and 2084.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 甲辰.

See Also:  Dragon

Water Rat

The Year of the Water Rat

 shuǐ shǔ
Water Rat Scroll

水鼠 is Water Rat in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1912, 1972, 2032, and 2092.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 壬子.

See Also:  Rat

Water Ox/Bull

The Year of the Water Ox/Bull

 shuǐ niú
Water Ox/Bull Scroll

水牛 is Water Ox/Bull in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1913, 1973, 2033, and 2093.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 癸丑.

See Also:  Ox/Bull

Fire Dragon

The Year of the Fire Dragon

 huǒ lóng
Fire Dragon Scroll

火龍 is Fire Dragon in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1916, 1976, 2036, and 2096.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 丙辰.

See Also:  Dragon

Water Dog

The Year of the Water Dog

 shuǐ gǒu
Water Dog Scroll

水狗 is Water Dog in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1922, 1982, 2042, and 2102.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 壬戌.

See Also:  Dog

Earth Dragon

The Year of the Earth Dragon

 tǔ lóng
Earth Dragon Scroll

土龍 is Earth Dragon in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1868, 1928, 1988, and 2048.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 戊辰.

See Also:  Dragon

Water Pig/Boar

The Year of the Water Pig/Boar

 shuǐ zhū
Water Pig/Boar Scroll

水豬 is Water Pig/Boar in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1923, 1983, 2043, and 2103.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 癸亥.

See Also:  Pig/Boar

Water Monkey

The Year of the Water Monkey

 shuǐ hóu
Water Monkey Scroll

水猴 is Water Monkey in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1872, 1932, 1992, and 2052.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 壬申.

See Also:  Monkey

Blue Dragon / Azure Dragon

 qīng lóng
 sei ryuu
Blue Dragon / Azure Dragon Scroll

青龍 is a scholarly title for “Blue Dragon” or “Azure Dragon.”

You'll find this title used in ancient Chinese literature and astronomy. This dragon has dominion over the eastern sky or eastern heavens. The Azure Dragon is also noted for representing the spring season. Also seen as an auspicious omen.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty canonized the five colored dragons as “kings.” The Azure Dragon represents the most compassionate of kings.

In Japanese, this title is known with the same meaning but can also be a given name, Seiryuu or Seiryu.

Note, the first character can be written as 青 OR 靑. Same character, just two ways to write it.

White Eagle Style

Bai Ying Pai

 bái yīng pài
White Eagle Style Scroll

白鷹派 is the title “Bai Ying Pai” or “White Eagle School.”

The first character means white.
The second means eagle, falcon, and/or hawk.
The third means school (as in the school or style of martial arts).

Be Like Water

 xiàng shuǐ yí yàng
Be Like Water Scroll

像水一樣 is a short quote from a much longer statement by Bruce Lee.

He summarized how people should be flexible to all circumstances, attacks, or situations. In the end, he exclaims, “Be like water, my friend.” 像水一樣 is the “Be like water” part alone since that seems to be what most people want.

Black Dragon

 hēi lóng
 koku ryuu
Black Dragon Scroll

黒龍 is a generic title for “Black Dragon.”

The first character is black color.
The second means dragon.

Sometimes written as 黑龍 (just a minor variation in the first character).

Black Dragon

 xuān lóng
Black Dragon Scroll

玄龍 is a sophisticated or scholarly way to say “Black Dragon.”

玄龍 is the title you'd expect in ancient Chinese literature.

The first character means black or mysterious.

The second character means dragon.

This black dragon represents a king dwelling in the depths of the mystic waters.

Black Dragon

 mò lóng
Black Dragon Scroll

墨龍 is a cool way to say “Black Dragon.”

墨龍 is literally “Ink Dragon.” The ink part is black Chinese ink, the deepest, darkest ink available for thousands of years.

Black or white cat matters not as long as it can catch mice

Ability is more important than looks

 bù guǎn hēi māo bái māo néng zhuō zhe lǎo shǔ de jiù shì hǎo mǎo
Black or white cat matters not as long as it can catch mice Scroll

不管黑猫白猫能捉着老鼠的就是好猫 literally translates as: It doesn't matter [if a] cat [is] black [or] white, [as long as it] can catch mice, it's a good cat.

This proverb was either composed or made famous by Deng XiaoPing in 1961 when he exclaimed, “I don't care if it's a white cat or a black cat. It's a good cat so long as it catches mice” when his critics pointed out that his ideas were Capitalistic (free market). The response was meant to say, “It does not matter if it's Communist or Capitalist, as long as it works.”

This is a Chinese proverb that can be used to suggest one should disregard looks or a person's race, as long as they can do the job. It can also be used as a metaphor for many other situations.

Deng XiaoPing probably saved China from collapse (as the Soviet Union experienced). He changed China’s economy from pure Communism to a hybrid where the free market (Capitalism) is encouraged. More about Deng XiaoPing

Blue Dragon

 cāng lóng
Blue Dragon  Scroll

蒼龍 is one of a couple of possible titles for “blue dragon” (occasionally also translated as “green dragon”).

The first character means “deep blue” or “azure.”

The last character is dragon.

Celestial Dragon

 ten ryuu bito
Celestial Dragon Scroll

天竜人 is Celestial Dragon or Tenryūbito in Japanese.

This title is associated with the One Piece Manga/Anime series. This title is also translated in this context as “World Nobles” with the literal meaning “Heavenly Dragon Folk” or “Heaven Dragon Person/People.”

Can also be romanized as Tenryūbito, Tenryūhito, or Tenryūjin.

Chop Wood, Carry Water

Before enlightenment or after, chores remain.

 dùn wù zhī qián kǎn chái tiāo shuǐ dùn wù zhī hòu kǎn chái tiāo shuǐ
Chop Wood, Carry Water Scroll

頓悟之前砍柴挑水; 頓悟之後砍柴挑水 means “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water; After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.

This is a Chinese proverb that is attributed to 吴力 (Wú Lì) who lived between 1632 and 1718 - living part of his life as a devout Buddhist, and many years as a Catholic Jesuit Priest in China - what an interesting life!

This has been explained many times in many ways. I am a Buddhist, and here is my brief take on this proverb...

Before enlightenment, one may find daily chores mundane, tedious, and boring. However, upon reaching enlightenment one is not relieved of the details of daily life. An enlightened person will, however, see such chores as a joy, and do them mindfully.

There is another version floating around, which is 在你領悟之前砍柴、運水。在你領悟之後,砍柴、運水。
If you want this other version, just contact me. The meaning is the same, just different phrasing.

Water Dragon / Coiled Dragon

 pān lóng
 han ryuu
Water Dragon / Coiled Dragon Scroll

蟠龍 is sometimes seen as a lower-level of dragon or a dragon that has not-yet-reached its potential.

蟠龍 is often defined as a “lake dragon” that has not ascended to heaven.
Another way to put that is a dragon coiled on the earth, which has not yet ascended to the sky.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

 wò hǔ cáng lóng
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Scroll

臥虎藏龍 is the movie title of the Kung Fu epic that was very popular in the west a few years back.

This is a re-ordering of an ancient Chinese proverb that refers to undiscovered talents.

The movie was one of the most popular Chinese foreign films to ever debut in the USA but received a lukewarm reception in China.

Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used term.

Dragon / Emperor Symbol

 ryuu / tatsu
Dragon / Emperor Symbol Scroll

竜 is an alternate form of the dragon.

Still pronounced the same in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

This particular Kanji is often associated as an imperial symbol as well as representing the mythical Asian dragon. You may have seen it on the chest or flag of the emperor in old Japanese and Chinese movies.

Note: I would rate this as a non-universal alternate form. The other dragon character is by far more common, and universally understood.

We strongly recommend symbol of dragon if you are looking for the symbol of dragon.

See Also:  Phoenix | Emperor | King

 lóng quán
Dragon Fist Scroll

龍拳 is a title that literally means “Dragon Fist.”

The Spirit of the Dragon Horse

 lóng mǎ jīng shén
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse Scroll

龍馬精神 is an old proverb that is used to wish someone good health and success combined as a great compliment.

The meaning is “The vigor and spirit of the legendary dragon-horse.” These four characters are often accompanied by four more which mean “...and the power and prestige of the tiger.” Here we are just offering the first part which is considered the short version.

By giving a wall scroll like this to someone, you were either wishing or telling them that they have an amazing quality. There is also a suggestion of good health - at least anyone with the vigor of a dragon horse would seem to also be in good health.

Note: In Japanese, this would be read as the spirit of 坂本龍馬 (Sakamoto_Ryōma), a beloved rebel who help abolish the old Japanese feudal system. This can be confusing, so I am declaring this proverb to be Chinese only.

The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger

 lóng mǎ jīng shén hǔ hǔ shēng wēi
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger Scroll

龍馬精神虎虎生威 is an old proverb that is used to wish someone great health and success combined as a great compliment.

The meaning is “The vigor and spirit of the legendary dragon-horse and the power and prestige of the tiger.”

By giving a wall scroll like this to someone, you were either wishing or telling them that they have these qualities. There is also a suggestion of good health - at least anyone with the vigor of a dragon horse would seem to also be in good health.

 lóng nǚ
Dragon Lady Scroll

龍女 is literally “Dragon Lady” or “Dragon Woman.”

Dragon and Phoenix

 lóng fèng
 ryuu hou
Dragon and Phoenix Scroll

龍鳳 is the simplest way to express “Dragon and Phoenix” in Chinese and Japanese.

This title can be used to represent, “The emperor and empress,” or a metaphor for an outstanding personage.

It should be noted that this is most often used as a given name, “Ryuuhou” in Japanese. It may be read more as a name than by meaning in Japanese.

Dragon and Phoenix Brings Luck

 lóng fèng chéng xiáng
Dragon and Phoenix Brings Luck  Scroll

龍鳳呈祥 is often seen at weddings and other celebrations in China.

It suggests that the dragon and phoenix will bring you auspicious tidings.

The first character is a dragon.
The second is a phoenix.
The third is presents or brings.
And the last means auspicious, propitious, or luck.

Throughout China, the dragon and phoenix are symbols of good fortune. You will see these auspicious figures as decorative symbols on everything from buildings, furniture, wedding costumes, and sculptures in public parks to caskets and items used in ceremonies.

Dragon Spirit

 lóng hún
Dragon Spirit Scroll

龍魂 means “Dragon Spirit” or “Dragon Ghost.”

Dragon Spirit

 lóng shén
 ryuu jin
Dragon Spirit Scroll

龍神 is a Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja title that can mean “dragon god,” “dragon king,” or “dragon spirit.”

In the context of Buddhism, this is one of eight kinds of spiritual beings found in Mahāyāna texts.

The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger

 lóng hǔ jīng shén
 ryu ko sei shin
The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger Scroll

龍虎精神 means the spirit of the dragon and tiger.

It speaks to the vitality and vigor that is the nature of these two creatures.

Beyond “spirit,” the last two characters can also mean mind, soul, or heart. Therefore, you can also say this means “Heart of the Dragon and Tiger,” etc.

龍虎精神 is often titled “Ryukoseishin” in many Japanese martial arts.

Dragon Warrior

 lóng wǔ shì
 ryuu bu shi
Dragon Warrior Scroll

龍武士 is a generic title for “Dragon Warrior.”

Just as in English, it's a bit ambiguous. It can mean one who fights against dragons or the title of a warrior himself (imagine a warrior with a dragon symbol on his chest).

Dragon Warrior

 lóng zhàn shì
Dragon Warrior Scroll

龍戰士 is another version of “Dragon Warrior.”

It's still a bit ambiguous. This one reads more like “Dragon Fighter” than “Dragon Warrior.” Perhaps you can also translate this one as “One who fights like a dragon.”

Dragon Warrior

 dòu lóng zhàn shì
Dragon Warrior Scroll

斗龍戰士 or “Dragon Warrior” is specifically one who fights against dragons.

This can also be read as “Dragon Fighter.”

Dragon Ball Kai

 doragon bouru kai
Dragon Ball Kai Scroll

ドラゴンボール改 is the name for Doragon Bōru Kai (Dragon Ball Revised), a high-definition remastered and recut of the original Dragon Ball Z, released on the 20th anniversary.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Katakana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Dragon Crane Tiger

 lóng hè hǔ
Dragon Crane Tiger Scroll

龍鶴虎 is Dragon Crane Tiger in Chinese.

Dragon Quest

 yǒng zhě dòu è lóng xì liè
Dragon Quest Scroll

This is the title of the Nintendo Dragon Quest series/game in Chinese.

Drinking the water of a well: One should never forget who dug it

 chī shuǐ bú wàng jué jǐng rén
Drinking the water of a well: One should never forget who dug it Scroll

This proverb suggests that one should always be grateful to those who helped one succeed.

And remember your ancestors and those that came before you whose sacrifices made your present life better.

Some Chinese will separate the intended meaning from this proverb and translate this as “Don't forget the people who once helped you.” In Modern China, this idiom is virtually never used to refer to an actual well.

Note: This can be pronounced in Korean but it's not a commonly used phrase.

Dripping Water Penetrates Stone

 dī shuǐ chuān shí
Dripping Water Penetrates Stone Scroll

滴水穿石 is a Chinese proverb that means, dripping water penetrates stone.

The figurative meaning can be translated as:
Constant perseverance yields success.
You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.
Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty.

While 滴水穿石 is the most common character order, you will likely see 水滴石穿, might see 滴水石穿, and will rarely see 小水穿石 in the wild.

Earth Dragon

 dì lóng
Earth Dragon Scroll

地龍 is the Earth Dragon, king of rivers and seas.

地龍 is sometimes used in Chinese as a nickname for earthworms.

Earth Fire Water Air

Earth Fire Water Air Scroll

四大元素 is the title for the four classical chemical elements (fire, earth, air, and water) in Japanese.

四大 = four great/big. 元素 = elements. So 四大元素 literally means “Four Great Elements.”

 huǒ lóng
 hi ryuu
Fire Dragon Scroll

火龍 is how to write “Fire Dragon” in Chinese and Japanese Kanji.

This title is used more often in Chinese, a little lesser known in Japanese.

Fire and Water Have No Mercy

 shuǐ huǒ wú qíng
Fire and Water Have No Mercy Scroll

水火無情 is a Chinese proverb that means “fire [and] water have-not mercy.”

This serves to remind us that the forces of nature are beyond human control.

Some may also translate this as “implacable fate.”

Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water

 jìng huā shuǐ yuè
 kyou ka sui getsu
Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water Scroll

鏡花水月 is an old Asian proverb that means “flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake” or “flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected on the water's surface.”

Literally, 鏡花水月 reads “Mirror Flower, Water Moon.”

Figuratively this can be used to represent a lot of different ideas. It can be used to express an unrealistic rosy view or viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles. So you can use it to relay an idea about something that is visible but has no substance, something that can be seen but not touched, or something beautiful but unattainable such as dreams or a mirage.

This expression is used to describe things like the subtle and profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words.

鏡 = Mirror (or lens)
花 = Flower(s)
水 = Water
月 = Moon

Can also be written 水月鏡花 (just a slight change in word/character order).

Flying Dragon

Flying Dragon Scroll

螣 is the Chinese character and old Korean Hanja that means “flying dragon.”

Flying Dragon Karate-Do

 fēi lóng kòng shǒu dào

 hi ryuu kara te dou
Flying Dragon Karate-Do Scroll

飛龍空手道 is the title Flying Dragon Karate-Do.

Put out a burning wood cart with a cup of water

An utterly inadequate measure

 bēi shuǐ chē xīn
Put out a burning wood cart with a cup of water Scroll

杯水車薪 is a warning against a futile effort.

This proverb literally refers to one who is “trying to put out a burning cart of wood with a cup of water,” or “throw a cup of water on a cartload of wood.” The lesson to be learned is about using the right measure or tool for the job and not wasting your effort if you are inadequately equipped for the task at hand - in other words the postscript should be “go get a bucket or a fire hose.”

Golden Dragon

 jīn lóng
 kin ryuu
Golden Dragon Scroll

金龍 is the Chinese title for Golden Dragon.

The first character means gold, golden, or metal.

The second character is dragon.

This title has the same meaning in Japanese but is used mainly as a given name, Kinryu, or in reference to a certain kind of noodle soup in Japan.

Ultimate Goodness of Water

Quote from Lao Tzu

 shàng shàn ruò shuǐ
Ultimate Goodness of Water Scroll

上善若水 is a quote that is sometimes presented as “Be like water.”

However, this is an ancient quote from the great philosopher Lao Tzu. It suggests that the ultimate goodness and purity (in the world) is water. Many take this as a suggestion to be like pure/good water.

Green Dragon / Blue Dragon

 qīng lóng
 sei ryū
Green Dragon / Blue Dragon Scroll

靑龍 is a title that can mean blue or green dragon.

The first character can mean blue, green, azure, or celadon.

The second character means dragon.

This is mostly a Chinese title (especially in Buddhism). It will be understood but less commonly used in Japanese and Korean.

Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger

Undiscovered persons of exceptional ability

 cáng lóng wò hǔ
Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger Scroll

The meaning of 藏龍臥虎 is that both the tiger and dragon have amazing talents, but if they are out of view, you may not have discovered them.

This old Chinese idiom/proverb is appropriate for someone with an amazing ability that keeps that ability hidden.

You might think this title is in reverse, but actually, this is the original Chinese proverb.
The movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, popularized this alternate version.

Flying Dragon Horse

 fēi lóng mǎ
 hi ryuu me
Flying Dragon Horse Scroll

飛龍馬 is the title for a “flying dragon-horse.”

This can refer to a mythical beast or, more realistically, a very fast horse at the track.

Home of the Black Dragon

 hēi lóng zhī jiā
Home of the Black Dragon Scroll

黑龍之家 was added by special request of a customer. This phase is natural in Chinese, but it is not a common or ancient title.

The first character is black.
The second is dragon.
The third is a possessive modifier (like making “dragon” into “dragon's”).
The fourth character means home (but in some context can mean “family” - however, here it would generally be understood as “home”).

Home of the Dragon

 lóng zhī jiā
Home of the Dragon Scroll

Added by special request of a customer. This phase is natural in Chinese, but it is not a common or ancient title.

The first character is dragon.
The second is a possessive modifier (like making “dragon” into “dragon's”).
The third character means home (but in some context can mean “family” - however, here, it would generally be understood as “home”).

Home of the Auspicious Golden Dragon

 jīn ruì xiáng lóng zhī jiā
Home of the Auspicious Golden Dragon Scroll

This 金瑞祥龍之家 or “home golden auspicious dragon” title was added by special request of a customer.

The first character means gold or golden.
The second and third characters hold the meaning of auspiciousness and good luck.
The fourth character is dragon.
The fifth is a possessive modifier (like making “dragon” into “dragon's”).
The last character means home (but in some context can mean “family” - however, here it would generally be understood as “home”).

Note: The word order is different than the English title because of grammar differences between English and Chinese. This phrase sounds very natural in Chinese in this character order. If written in the English word order, it would sound very strange and lose its impact in Chinese.

Note: Korean pronunciation is included above, but this has not been reviewed by a Korean translator.

 tiě lóng
Iron Dragon Scroll

鐵龍 is the title Iron Dragon in Chinese.

Laughing Dragon Kung Fu

 xiào lóng gōng fu
Laughing Dragon Kung Fu Scroll

笑龍功夫 is the title for a Martial Arts studio (custom-made at by request of the owner of the studio).

Little Dragon

 xiǎo lóng
Little Dragon Scroll

小龍 literally means “little dragon” or “young dragon.”

小龍 is often used as a given name in Chinese.

In fact, Bruce Lee's real given name is “Little Dragon.”

See Also:  Bruce Lee

Mind Like Water

Mizu No Kokoro

 mizu no kokoro
Mind Like Water Scroll

水の心 is the Japanese Buddhist and martial arts phrase, “Mizu no Kokoro,” which means “mind like water” or “heart of water.”

The phrase is a metaphor describing the pond that clearly reflects its surroundings when calm but whose images are obscured once a pebble is dropped into its waters.

 chì lóng
Red Dragon Scroll

赤龍 is a generic title for “Red Dragon.”

The first character can mean red, crimson, or scarlet.

The second character is dragon.

Red Dragon / Vermillion Dragon

 zhū lóng
Red Dragon / Vermillion Dragon Scroll

朱龍 is a sophisticated or scholarly way to say “Red Dragon.” 朱龍 is the title you'd expect in ancient Chinese literature.

The first character means red, cinnabar, or vermillion.

The second character means dragon.

It is said that the Vermillion Dragon represents kings that bestow blessings on lakes or bodies of water. This makes more sense in an ancient Chinese context.

Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also

 shuǐ néng zài zhōu yì néng fù zhōu
Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also Scroll

Many things have opposite properties. The water you drink can also drown you. Pork may nourish you and keep you alive but under-cook it and it could kill you. Potassium nitrate is often used as a fertilizer to grow the food that sustains us but it's also been used as an explosive to topple buildings and destroy us.

This concept is easily associated with “yin yang” where an element has two opposite properties that are as different as night and day.

This proverb's meaning can be summed up this way: “Anything that can lead you to success may also contain great risks.”

This phrase is known in literary circles by Korean people (scholars or literature). It is therefore also a valid proverb in Korean Hanja, though most Koreans would not be able to make sense of it.

Please note that there is an unwritten rule when the same character appears twice in the same phrase, the calligrapher will alter the appearance so that no two characters are exactly alike in the same piece. This calligraphy has two repeating characters that will be written differently than they appear here.

Spirit Of The Dragon Martial Arts

 lóng zhī hún wǔ shù
Spirit Of The Dragon Martial Arts Scroll

龍之魂武術 is the title Spirit Of The Dragon Martial Arts in Chinese.

This can also be translated as “Dragon Soul Martial Arts.”

Swan / White Crane

 hakuchou / shirotori
Swan / White Crane Scroll

白鳥 is the Japanese Kanji and old Korean Hanja title for white swan (Cygnus Bechstein).

The title literally means white-feathered bird. This title can also be used to refer to a white crane.

This can also be the Japanese surname, Hakuchou.

Celestial Dragon / Tian Long

 tiān lóng
Celestial Dragon / Tian Long Scroll

天龍 can mean Heavenly Dragon (Dragon of Heaven), Sky Dragon, Holy Dragon, Celestial Dragon, or Divine Dragon.

This can be a given name in both China and Japan (天龍 is pronounced Tenryū and sometimes written 天竜 in Japanese).

In an older Buddhist context, this can refer to Brahma, Indra, and the devas, together with the nāgas. It can also refer to celestials and snake spirits.

The White Hairs of Old Age

Until death do us part

 bái tóu xié lǎo
The White Hairs of Old Age Scroll

白頭偕老 is a Chinese proverb that means (to live together until the) white hairs of old age.

This is the Chinese way of saying “to live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss” or “until death do us part.”

Under the Protection of the Dragon Saint

 shén lóng bì hù
Under the Protection of the Dragon Saint Scroll

神龍庇護 is not the most common thing to say in Chinese, but it is grammatically correct and a cool title.

The first character means “supernatural or saintly.” The second is “dragon.” The last two mean protection. You could also translate this as something like “Protected by the Dragon God” or more closely “Holy Dragon.”


(One of the five elements)

 mizu / sui
Water Scroll

水 is the symbol for water in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

Water is one of the five elements that ancient Chinese believed all things were composed of. These elements are also part of the cycle of Chinese astrology. Every person has both an animal sign, and one of the five elements according to the date of their birth. See also Five Elements and Chinese 12 Animals / Zodiac.

Water Dragon / Rain Dragon

 kou ryuu
Water Dragon / Rain Dragon Scroll

蛟龍 is the title for the water dragon is the hornless or scaled dragon. 蛟龍 is the king of all aquatic animals with the ability to control rain and floods.

In Japanese, the rain dragon can represent hidden genius. This dragon's domain is the deep murky water, thus with hidden potential. This can also be the Japanese given name Kouryuu.

Be Like Water

Quote from Lao Tzu

 ruò shuǐ
Be Like Water Scroll

若水 is part of a very old saying from Lao Tzu.

In these two characters, there is a suggestion to be like water. The full phrase is about the goodness and purity of water. So, when this suggests being like water, it is actually a suggestion to be a good person (one who does not dishonor himself/herself, etc.).

 shuǐ hǔ
 sui ko
Water Tiger Scroll

水虎 means “water tiger” in Chinese and Japanese.

 shuǐ qiú
 sui kyuu
Water Polo Scroll

水球 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja title for water polo.

The literal meaning of the characters is “water ball.”

Year of the Water Rabbit

1903 1963 2023

 shuǐ tù nián
 mizu usagi toshi
Year of the Water Rabbit Scroll

水兔年 means water rabbit year.

This happens to be the combination in the 60-year cycle for the year 2023, starting on Feb 4th, 2023.

 shuǐ shǔ
Water Rat Scroll

This means Water Rat in Chinese.

As a year designator, written 壬子 for 1912, 1972, or 2032.

The Way of the Dragon

 lóng zhī dào
The Way of the Dragon Scroll

龍之道 is how the way of the dragon is written in Chinese.

龍之道 is not the same as the Chinese movie that was titled in English as “The Way of the Dragon.” 龍之道 is, rather, the literal meaning of the dragon's way. The first character is dragon, the second is a possessive article, and the third character means way or path.

The Way of the Dragon

 měng lóng guò jiāng
The Way of the Dragon Scroll

猛龍過江 is the title of the 1972 movie, “The Way of the Dragon.”

This means “Fierce dragons crossing the river.”
If you want a title that means “way of the dragon,” please see the more accurate 龍之道 3-character title.

White Scroll

A lot of people search our website for “white.” I am not sure of the purpose unless your family name is white.

白 is the universal character for white in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

In a certain context, outside of the white definition, it can mean snowy, empty, blank, bright, clear, plain, pure, or innocent. In Korean, this can be a family name romanized as Paek or Baeg.

White Bear / Polar Bear

 bái xióng
 haguma / shirokuma
White Bear / Polar Bear Scroll

白熊 literally means “white bear.”

白熊 is a way to say “polar bear” (Ursus maritimus) in Chinese and Japanese.

This can also be the Japanese surname Shirokuma.

 bái hè
White Crane Scroll

白鶴 means White Crane.

This title directly means “White Crane” in Chinese, but in English, this particular crane is referred to as the “red-crowned crane” or “Grus Japonensis.” This crane is mostly white with a red bill (crown).

White Crane Fist

 bái hè quán
White Crane Fist Scroll

白鶴拳 is the title for the White Crane Fist style of martial arts.

白鶴拳 is also known as “Baihequan” or “Fujian White Crane.”

White Dragon

 bái lóng
White Dragon Scroll

白龍 is a sophisticated or scholarly way to say “White Dragon.” 白龍 is the title you'd expect in ancient Chinese literature.

The first character means white, pure, or bright.

The second character means dragon.

The White Dragon represents a king who is virtuous and pure.

 bái hú
 byaku koku
White Swan Scroll

白鵠 is the Chinese title for the white swan.

It has the same meaning in Japanese but is used more often as the female given name, Akiko in Japan.

 bái hǔ
 byakko / hakko
White Tiger Scroll

白虎 is the title “White Tiger” in Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean Hanja.

In Chinese folklore, the White Tiger rules or represents the seven mansions (constellations) of the western sky. However, in modern Chinese, a “white tiger” is also slang for hairless female genitalia (be careful about this, as Chinese men might secretly laugh or snicker when they see your white tiger wall scroll).

In Japanese folklore, the White Tiger is a god said to rule over the western heavens. They also know of the Chinese seven mansions of the western heavens. In Japanese, this can also be the given name Byakko.

White Crane Karate

 shiro tsuru kara te
White Crane Karate Scroll

This is the title for White Crane Karate in Japanese Kanji.

White Crane Kempo

 hakka ku ken pou
White Crane Kempo Scroll

白鶴拳法 means White Crane Kenpo.

This can be romanized as Hakutsuru Kempo or Hakkaku Kenpō in Japanese.

White Crane Temple

 bái hè
White Crane Temple Scroll

白鶴寺 is the title for White Crane Temple.

You might be looking for 白鹤萻 which is noted as the place where Mrs. Fang Qiniang (founder of the Fujian White Crane style) retired to. But this is really "White Crane Nunnery" rather than temple.

 bái lián
White Lotus Scroll

白蓮 is the title for the white lotus (flower) or a short name for the White Lotus society.

The white lotus represents purity or a pure heart and is often associated with Buddhism.
Notes: This can be the Japanese given name Byakuren. In the Buddhist context, the white lotus represented by these characters is originally puṇḍarīka in Sanskrit.

 bái guàn
White Stork Scroll

白鸛 means “white stork.”

The scientific name of this Chinese bird species is Ciconia ciconia from the stork family Ciconiidae.

White Stork Scroll

朱嘴鸛 means white stork in Japanese.

The scientific name is Ciconia ciconia.

Year Of The Water Rabbit

 guǐ mǎo
 mizunotou / kibou
Year Of The Water Rabbit Scroll

癸卯 is the designation for the 40th year of the 60-year or sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1903, 1963, or 2023.

This is the year of the Water Rabbit. The characters here designate the year in a special way, but do not literally mean water and rabbit.

The 60 year cycle has 5 elements and 12 animals. As each cycles every year, the math works out to 5 x 12 = 60.

Yellow Dragon

 huáng lóng
Yellow Dragon Scroll

黃龍 is a sophisticated or scholarly way to say “Yellow Dragon.” 黃龍 is the title you'd expect in ancient Chinese literature.

The first character means yellow.

The second character means dragon.

The Yellow Dragon represents a king that favorably hears all petitions of his subjects.

Note: This title can be the name of Huanglong county in Yan’an, located in Shaanxi province of China.


Year of the Dragon / Zodiac Sign

 ryuu / tatsu
Dragon Scroll

龍 is the character for dragon in Chinese, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.

The dragon is a creature of myth and legend that dominates Chinese, Japanese, and even European folklore. In China, the dragon is the symbol of the Emperor, strength, and power, and the Chinese dragon is known as the god of water.

From the Chinese Zodiac, if you were born in the year of the Dragon, you . . .

Have a strong body and spirit.
Are full of energy.
Have vast goals.
Have a deep level of self-awareness.
Will do whatever you can to “save face.”

See also our Chinese Zodiac or Dragon Calligraphy pages.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Water Rooster水雞
shuǐ jī / shui3 ji1 / shui ji / shuijishui chi / shuichi
Golden/Metal Dragon金龍
jīn lóng / jin1 long2 / jin long / jinlongchin lung / chinlung
Water Horse水馬
shuǐ mǎ / shui3 ma3 / shui ma / shuima
Water Goat/Sheep水羊shuǐ yáng
shui3 yang2
shui yang
Water Dragon水龍
shuǐ lóng
shui3 long2
shui long
shui lung
Water Snake水蛇shuǐ shé / shui3 she2 / shui she / shuishe
Water Tiger水虎shuǐ hǔ / shui3 hu3 / shui hu / shuihu
Water Rabbit水兔shuǐ tù / shui3 tu4 / shui tu / shuitushui t`u / shuitu / shui tu
Wood Dragon木龍
mù lóng / mu4 long2 / mu long / mulongmu lung / mulung
Water Rat水鼠shuǐ shǔ / shui3 shu3 / shui shu / shuishu
Water Ox/Bull水牛shuǐ niú / shui3 niu2 / shui niu / shuiniu
Fire Dragon火龍
huǒ lóng / huo3 long2 / huo long / huolonghuo lung / huolung
Water Dog水狗shuǐ gǒu / shui3 gou3 / shui gou / shuigoushui kou / shuikou
Earth Dragon土龍
tǔ lóng / tu3 long2 / tu long / tulongt`u lung / tulung / tu lung
Water Pig/Boar水豬
shuǐ zhū / shui3 zhu1 / shui zhu / shuizhushui chu / shuichu
Water Monkey水猴shuǐ hóu / shui3 hou2 / shui hou / shuihou
Blue Dragon
Azure Dragon
青龍 / 靑龍
sei ryuu / seiryuu / sei ryuqīng lóng
qing1 long2
qing long
ch`ing lung
ching lung
White Eagle Style白鷹派
bái yīng pài
bai2 ying1 pai4
bai ying pai
pai ying p`ai
pai ying pai
Be Like Water像水一樣xiàng shuǐ yí yàng
xiang4 shui3 yi2 yang4
xiang shui yi yang
hsiang shui i yang
Black Dragon黒龍
koku ryuu / kokuryuu / koku ryuhēi lóng / hei1 long2 / hei long / heilonghei lung / heilung
Black Dragon玄龍
xuān lóng
xuan1 long2
xuan long
hsüan lung
Black Dragon墨龍
mò lóng / mo4 long2 / mo long / molongmo lung / molung
Black or white cat matters not as long as it can catch mice不管黑貓白貓能捉著老鼠的就是好貓
bù guǎn hēi māo bái māo néng zhuō zhe lǎo shǔ de jiù shì hǎo mǎo
bu4 guan3 hei1 mao1 bai2 mao1 neng2 zhuo1 zhe lao3 shu3 de jiu4 shi4 hao3 mao3
bu guan hei mao bai mao neng zhuo zhe lao shu de jiu shi hao mao
pu kuan hei mao pai mao neng cho che lao shu te chiu shih hao mao
Blue Dragon 蒼龍
cāng lóng
cang1 long2
cang long
ts`ang lung
tsang lung
Celestial Dragon天竜人ten ryuu bito
ten ryu bito
Chop Wood, Carry Water頓悟之前砍柴挑水頓悟之后砍柴挑水
dùn wù zhī qián kǎn chái tiāo shuǐ dùn wù zhī hòu kǎn chái tiāo shuǐ
dun4 wu4 zhi1 qian2 kan3 chai2 tiao1 shui3 dun4 wu4 zhi1 hou4 kan3 chai2 tiao1 shui3
dun wu zhi qian kan chai tiao shui dun wu zhi hou kan chai tiao shui
tun wu chih ch`ien k`an ch`ai t`iao shui tun wu chih hou k`an ch`ai t`iao shui
tun wu chih chien kan chai tiao shui tun wu chih hou kan chai tiao shui
Water Dragon
Coiled Dragon
han ryuu / hanryuu / han ryupān lóng / pan1 long2 / pan long / panlongp`an lung / panlung / pan lung
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon臥虎藏龍
wò hǔ cáng lóng
wo4 hu3 cang2 long2
wo hu cang long
wo hu ts`ang lung
wo hu tsang lung
Emperor Symbol
ryuu / tatsu
ryu / tatsu
lóng / long2 / longlung
Dragon Fist龍拳
lóng quán
long2 quan2
long quan
lung ch`üan
lung chüan
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse龍馬精神
lóng mǎ jīng shén
long2 ma3 jing1 shen2
long ma jing shen
lung ma ching shen
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger龍馬精神虎虎生威
lóng mǎ jīng shén hǔ hǔ shēng wēi
long2 ma3 jing1 shen2 hu3 hu3 sheng1 wei1
long ma jing shen hu hu sheng wei
lung ma ching shen hu hu sheng wei
Dragon Lady龍女
lóng nǚ / long2 nv3 / long nv / longnvlung nü / lungnü
Dragon and Phoenix龍鳳
ryuu hou / ryuuhou / ryu holóng fèng
long2 feng4
long feng
lung feng
Dragon and Phoenix Brings Luck 龍鳳呈祥
lóng fèng chéng xiáng
long2 feng4 cheng2 xiang2
long feng cheng xiang
lung feng ch`eng hsiang
lung feng cheng hsiang
Dragon Spirit龍魂
lóng hún / long2 hun2 / long hun / longhunlung hun / lunghun
Dragon Spirit龍神
ryuu jin / ryuujin / ryu jinlóng shén
long2 shen2
long shen
lung shen
The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger龍虎精神
ryu ko sei shin
lóng hǔ jīng shén
long2 hu3 jing1 shen2
long hu jing shen
lung hu ching shen
Dragon Warrior龍武士
ryuu bu shi
ryu bu shi
lóng wǔ shì
long2 wu3 shi4
long wu shi
lung wu shih
Dragon Warrior龍戰士
lóng zhàn shì
long2 zhan4 shi4
long zhan shi
lung chan shih
Dragon Warrior斗龍戰士
dòu lóng zhàn shì
dou4 long2 zhan4 shi4
dou long zhan shi
tou lung chan shih
Dragon Ball Kaiドラゴンボール改doragon bouru kai
doragon boru kai
Dragon Crane Tiger龍鶴虎
lóng hè hǔ
long2 he4 hu3
long he hu
lung ho hu
Dragon Quest勇者鬥惡龍系列
yǒng zhě dòu è lóng xì liè
yong3 zhe3 dou4 e4 long2 xi4 lie4
yong zhe dou e long xi lie
yung che tou o lung hsi lieh
Drinking the water of a well: One should never forget who dug it吃水不忘掘井人chī shuǐ bú wàng jué jǐng rén
chi1 shui3 bu2 wang4 jue2 jing3 ren2
chi shui bu wang jue jing ren
ch`ih shui pu wang chüeh ching jen
chih shui pu wang chüeh ching jen
Dripping Water Penetrates Stone滴水穿石dī shuǐ chuān shí
di1 shui3 chuan1 shi2
di shui chuan shi
ti shui ch`uan shih
ti shui chuan shih
Earth Dragon地龍
dì lóng / di4 long2 / di long / dilongti lung / tilung
Earth Fire Water Air四大元素yondaigenso
Fire Dragon火龍
hi ryuu / hiryuu / hi ryuhuǒ lóng / huo3 long2 / huo long / huolonghuo lung / huolung
Fire and Water Have No Mercy水火無情
shuǐ huǒ wú qíng
shui3 huo3 wu2 qing2
shui huo wu qing
shui huo wu ch`ing
shui huo wu ching
Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water鏡花水月
kyou ka sui getsu
kyo ka sui getsu
jìng huā shuǐ yuè
jing4 hua1 shui3 yue4
jing hua shui yue
ching hua shui yüeh
Flying Dragonténg / teng2 / tengt`eng / teng
Flying Dragon Karate-Do飛龍空手道
hi ryuu kara te dou
hi ryu kara te do
fēi lóng kòng shǒu dào
fei1 long2 kong4 shou3 dao4
fei long kong shou dao
fei lung k`ung shou tao
fei lung kung shou tao
Put out a burning wood cart with a cup of water杯水車薪
bēi shuǐ chē xīn
bei1 shui3 che1 xin1
bei shui che xin
pei shui ch`e hsin
pei shui che hsin
Golden Dragon金龍
kin ryuu / kinryuu / kin ryujīn lóng / jin1 long2 / jin long / jinlongchin lung / chinlung
Ultimate Goodness of Water上善若水shàng shàn ruò shuǐ
shang4 shan4 ruo4 shui3
shang shan ruo shui
shang shan jo shui
Green Dragon
Blue Dragon
sei ryū / seiryūqīng lóng
qing1 long2
qing long
ch`ing lung
ching lung
Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger藏龍臥虎
cáng lóng wò hǔ
cang2 long2 wo4 hu3
cang long wo hu
ts`ang lung wo hu
tsang lung wo hu
Flying Dragon Horse飛龍馬
hi ryuu me / hiryuume / hi ryu mefēi lóng mǎ
fei1 long2 ma3
fei long ma
fei lung ma
Home of the Black Dragon黑龍之家
hēi lóng zhī jiā
hei1 long2 zhi1 jia1
hei long zhi jia
hei lung chih chia
Home of the Dragon龍之家
lóng zhī jiā
long2 zhi1 jia1
long zhi jia
lung chih chia
Home of the Auspicious Golden Dragon金瑞祥龍之家
jīn ruì xiáng lóng zhī jiā
jin1 rui4 xiang2 long2 zhi1 jia1
jin rui xiang long zhi jia
chin jui hsiang lung chih chia
Iron Dragon鐵龍
tiě lóng / tie3 long2 / tie long / tielongt`ieh lung / tiehlung / tieh lung
Laughing Dragon Kung Fu笑龍功夫
xiào lóng gōng fu
xiao4 long2 gong1 fu
xiao long gong fu
hsiao lung kung fu
Little Dragon小龍
xiǎo lóng
xiao3 long2
xiao long
hsiao lung
Mind Like Water水の心mizu no kokoro
Red Dragon赤龍
chì lóng / chi4 long2 / chi long / chilongch`ih lung / chihlung / chih lung
Red Dragon
Vermillion Dragon
zhū lóng / zhu1 long2 / zhu long / zhulongchu lung / chulung
Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also水能載舟亦能覆舟
shuǐ néng zài zhōu yì néng fù zhōu
shui3 neng2 zai4 zhou1 yi4 neng2 fu4 zhou1
shui neng zai zhou yi neng fu zhou
shui neng tsai chou i neng fu chou
Spirit Of The Dragon Martial Arts龍之魂武術
lóng zhī hún wǔ shù
long2 zhi1 hun2 wu3 shu4
long zhi hun wu shu
lung chih hun wu shu
White Crane
白鳥hakuchou / shirotori
hakucho / shirotori
Celestial Dragon
Tian Long
tenryuu / tenryutiān lóng
tian1 long2
tian long
t`ien lung
tien lung
The White Hairs of Old Age白頭偕老
bái tóu xié lǎo
bai2 tou2 xie2 lao3
bai tou xie lao
pai t`ou hsieh lao
pai tou hsieh lao
Under the Protection of the Dragon Saint神龍庇護
shén lóng bì hù
shen2 long2 bi4 hu4
shen long bi hu
shen lung pi hu
Watermizu / suishuǐ / shui3 / shui
Water Dragon
Rain Dragon
kou ryuu / kouryuu / ko ryujiāo
jiao1 long2
jiao long
chiao lung
Be Like Water若水ruò shuǐ / ruo4 shui3 / ruo shui / ruoshuijo shui / joshui
Water Tiger水虎sui ko / suikoshuǐ hǔ / shui3 hu3 / shui hu / shuihu
Water Polo水球sui kyuu / suikyuu / sui kyushuǐ qiú / shui3 qiu2 / shui qiu / shuiqiushui ch`iu / shuichiu / shui chiu
Year of the Water Rabbit水兔年mizu usagi toshi
shuǐ tù nián
shui3 tu4 nian2
shui tu nian
shui t`u nien
shui tu nien
Water Rat水鼠shuǐ shǔ / shui3 shu3 / shui shu / shuishu
The Way of the Dragon龍之道
lóng zhī dào
long2 zhi1 dao4
long zhi dao
lung chih tao
The Way of the Dragon猛龍過江
měng lóng guò jiāng
meng3 long2 guo4 jiang1
meng long guo jiang
meng lung kuo chiang
Whiteshirobái / bai2 / baipai
White Bear
Polar Bear
白熊haguma / shirokumabái xióng
bai2 xiong2
bai xiong
pai hsiung
White Crane白鶴
bái hè / bai2 he4 / bai he / baihepai ho / paiho
White Crane Fist白鶴拳
bái hè quán
bai2 he4 quan2
bai he quan
pai ho ch`üan
pai ho chüan
White Dragon白龍
bái lóng / bai2 long2 / bai long / bailongpai lung / pailung
White Swan白鵠
byaku koku / byakukokubái hú / bai2 hu2 / bai hu / baihupai hu / paihu
White Tiger白虎byakko / hakko
byako / hako
bái hǔ / bai2 hu3 / bai hu / baihupai hu / paihu
White Crane Karate白鶴空手shiro tsuru kara te
White Crane Kempo白鶴拳法
hakka ku ken pou
haka ku ken po
White Crane Temple白鶴寺
bái hè
bai2 he4 s4
bai he s
pai ho
White Lotus白蓮
byakurenbái lián / bai2 lian2 / bai lian / bailianpai lien / pailien
White Stork白鸛
bái guàn / bai2 guan4 / bai guan / baiguanpai kuan / paikuan
White Stork朱嘴鸛shubashikou
Year Of The Water Rabbit癸卯mizunotou / kibou
mizunoto / kibo
guǐ mǎo / gui3 mao3 / gui mao / guimaokuei mao / kueimao
Yellow Dragon黃龍
huáng lóng
huang2 long2
huang long
huang lung
ryuu / tatsu
ryu / tatsu
lóng / long2 / longlung
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as White Water Dragon Kanji, White Water Dragon Characters, White Water Dragon in Mandarin Chinese, White Water Dragon Characters, White Water Dragon in Chinese Writing, White Water Dragon in Japanese Writing, White Water Dragon in Asian Writing, White Water Dragon Ideograms, Chinese White Water Dragon symbols, White Water Dragon Hieroglyphics, White Water Dragon Glyphs, White Water Dragon in Chinese Letters, White Water Dragon Hanzi, White Water Dragon in Japanese Kanji, White Water Dragon Pictograms, White Water Dragon in the Chinese Written-Language, or White Water Dragon in the Japanese Written-Language.

25 people have searched for White Water Dragon in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
White Water Dragon was last searched for by someone else on May 26th, 2024