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Jing1 Shen2 in Chinese / Japanese...

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  1. Spirit

  2. Spirituality

  3. The Spirit of the Dragon Horse

  4. The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger

  5. Esprit de Corps / Team Spirit

  6. Free Spirit

  7. Independent Spirit

  8. Spiritual Soul Mates

  9. Spiritual Strength / Strength of Spirit

10. Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit

11. Soul of a Warrior

12. Spirit of Taekwondo

13. Fruit of the Spirit

14. The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger

15. Taekwondo Tenets / Spirit of Taekwon-do

 jīng shén
 sei shin
Spirit Scroll

精神 is the kind of spirit you have if you perform well in sports or competitions. It is the idea of having a good attitude and putting your all into something - so much so that others can see or feel your spirit. It is the essence of your being that can only be subjectively described because there are no words that can fully explain what “spirit” really is.

For your information:
My Japanese dictionary further tries to explain this word by comparing it to mind, soul, heart, or intention.
My Chinese dictionary compares these characters to meanings like vigor, vitality, drive, and mentality.
My Korean dictionary defines this as mind, spirit, and soul.

See Also:  Vitality | Heart | Soul


 jīng shén xìng
 seishinsei / seshinse
Spirituality Scroll

精神性 is the Chinese and Japanese Kanji for spirituality or spiritual nature.

This can also refer to someone's mental state or psychogenic essence.

The Spirit of the Dragon Horse

 lóng mǎ jīng shén
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse Scroll

龍馬精神 is an old proverb that is used to wish someone good health and success combined as a great compliment.

The meaning is “The vigor and spirit of the legendary dragon-horse.” These four characters are often accompanied by four more which mean “...and the power and prestige of the tiger.” Here we are just offering the first part which is considered the short version.

By giving a wall scroll like this to someone, you were either wishing or telling them that they have an amazing quality. There is also a suggestion of good health - at least anyone with the vigor of a dragon horse would seem to also be in good health.

Note: In Japanese, this would be read as the spirit of 坂本龍馬 (Sakamoto_Ryōma), a beloved rebel who help abolish the old Japanese feudal system. This can be confusing, so I am declaring this proverb to be Chinese only.

The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger

 lóng hǔ jīng shén
 ryu ko sei shin
The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger Scroll

龍虎精神 means the spirit of the dragon and tiger.

It speaks to the vitality and vigor that is the nature of these two creatures.

Beyond “spirit,” the last two characters can also mean mind, soul, or heart. Therefore, you can also say this means “Heart of the Dragon and Tiger,” etc.

龍虎精神 is often titled “Ryukoseishin” in many Japanese martial arts.

Esprit de Corps / Team Spirit

 tuán duì jīng shén
Esprit de Corps / Team Spirit Scroll

團隊精神 is a Chinese word that can mean “esprit de corps” or “team spirit.”

Other translations include collectivism, teamwork, or solidarity.

 zì yóu jīng shén
Free Spirit Scroll

The first two characters mean freedom or liberty.

The second two characters mean spirit, heart, mind, or soul.

Together, 自由精神 is a title that is very similar to the English term “free spirit.”

See Also:  Freedom | Independence

Independent Spirit

 dú lì jīng shén
Independent Spirit Scroll

獨立精神 means independent spirit in Chinese.

The first two characters mean independent, independence, or to stand alone.

The last two characters mean spirit, spiritual, vigor, vitality, drive, mind, consciousness, thought, essence, heart, or soul.

With this information, you can make your translation combination such as “independent heart,” “stand-alone spirit,” or more creatively, “the drive to stand alone” in English. There are a lot of ways to interpret 獨立精神.

Spiritual Soul Mates

 jīng shén bàn lǚ
 sei shin han ryo
Spiritual Soul Mates Scroll

精神伴侶 means “Spiritual Soul Mates.” The first two characters mean “spiritual” or “soul.” The second two characters mean “mates,” “companions,” or “partners.”

This is more about the spiritual connection between partners rather than a “fate-brought-us-together” kind of soul mates.

Both halves of this title have meaning in Japanese but I've not yet confirmed that this is a commonly used title in Japan.

Spiritual Strength / Strength of Spirit

 jīng shén lì liàng
 seishin rikiryou
Spiritual Strength / Strength of Spirit Scroll

精神力量 is a title that speaks of one's soul or spirit and the capacity or strength that soul possesses.

The first two characters mean mind, heart, spirit, and/or soul.

The last two characters mean strength, capacity, or ability.

Note: Separately, these are two words in Japanese and can be pronounced, but this does not make a natural title in Japanese (best if your audience is Chinese).

Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit

 yǒng shì jīng shén
Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit Scroll

勇士精神 can be translated as the warrior's spirit or warrior's soul. The first two characters can be translated as “warrior” or literally “brave soldier/man,” although some will translate this word as “hero.” Therefore, this is also how to say “heroic spirit.”

The second two characters mean vigor, vitality, drive, spirit, mind, heart, mental essence, and psychological component. Basically “your soul.”

We have two versions of this phrase. The only difference is the first two and last two characters are swapped. The version here suggests that you admire or like the idea of the spirit of a warrior. The other version suggests that you are the warrior or hero.

Soul of a Warrior

 jīng shén yǒng shì
Soul of a Warrior Scroll

精神勇士 can be translated as the spirit or soul of a warrior. The first two characters can be translated as vigor, vitality, drive, spirit, mind, heart, mental essence, and psychological component. Basically, “your soul.”

The second two characters mean “warrior” or literally “brave soldier/man,” although some will translate this word as “hero.” Therefore, this is also how to say “soul of a hero.”

Note: This title is best for Chinese and old Korean. It does make sense in Japanese but is not a common or natural Kanji combination in Japanese.

We have two versions of this phrase. The only difference is the first two and last two characters are swapped. The version here suggests that you are the warrior or hero. The other version suggests that you admire or like the idea of the spirit of a warrior.

Spirit of Taekwondo

 tái quán dào jīng shen
 te kon do sei shin
Spirit of Taekwondo Scroll

跆拳道精神 means “Taekwondo Spirit” or “The Spirit of Taekwondo.”

跆拳道精神 is the title of General Choi's calligraphy often referred to as “The Tenets of Taekwon-do.”

Fruit of the Spirit

 jīng shén de guǒ shí
Fruit of the Spirit Scroll

精神的果實 means “Fruit of the Spirit” in Chinese.

The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger

 lóng mǎ jīng shén hǔ hǔ shēng wēi
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger Scroll

龍馬精神虎虎生威 is an old proverb that is used to wish someone great health and success combined as a great compliment.

The meaning is “The vigor and spirit of the legendary dragon-horse and the power and prestige of the tiger.”

By giving a wall scroll like this to someone, you were either wishing or telling them that they have these qualities. There is also a suggestion of good health - at least anyone with the vigor of a dragon horse would seem to also be in good health.

Taekwondo Tenets / Spirit of Taekwon-do

 tái quán dào jīng shén lǐ yì lián chǐ rěn nài kè jǐ bǎi zhé bù qū
Taekwondo Tenets / Spirit of Taekwon-do Scroll

跆拳道精神禮義廉耻忍耐克己百折不屈 is General Choi's writing that is often called “The Tenets of Taekwon-do.”

Taekwondo Tenets

The actual title would be translated as “Taekwondo Spirit” or “The Spirit of Taekwondo.” It was originally written in Korean Hanja (Chinese characters used in Korea for about 1600 years).

General Choi's original calligraphy is shown to the right. Your custom calligraphy will be unique, and not an exact match, as each calligrapher has their own style.

In modern times, the common form of written Korean is Hangul (a phonetic character set). The table below shows the text in Hangul and Hanja along with a pronunciation guide and a brief English translation:

Traditional Korean HanjaModern Korean HangulPronunciationEnglish
跆拳道精神태권도정신tae gweon do jeong sinTaekwondo Spirit
禮儀예의ye yiCourtesy / Etiquette / Propriety / Decorum / Formality
廉耻염치yeom ciIntegrity / Sense of Honor
忍耐인내in naePatience / Perseverance / Endurance
克己극기geug giSelf-Control / Self-Denial / Self-Abnegation
百折不屈백절불굴baeg jeor bur gurIndomitable Spirit (Undaunted even after repeated attacks from the opponent)
Note that the pronunciation is the official version now used in South Korea. However, it is different than what you may be used to. For instance, “Taekwon-do” is “tae gweon do.” This new romanization is supposed to be closer to actual Korean pronunciation.

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Spirit精神sei shin / seishinjīng shén
jing1 shen2
jing shen
ching shen
Spirituality精神性seishinsei / seshinsejīng shén xìng
jing1 shen2 xing4
jing shen xing
ching shen hsing
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse龍馬精神
lóng mǎ jīng shén
long2 ma3 jing1 shen2
long ma jing shen
lung ma ching shen
The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger龍虎精神
ryu ko sei shin
lóng hǔ jīng shén
long2 hu3 jing1 shen2
long hu jing shen
lung hu ching shen
Esprit de Corps
Team Spirit
tuán duì jīng shén
tuan2 dui4 jing1 shen2
tuan dui jing shen
t`uan tui ching shen
tuan tui ching shen
Free Spirit自由精神zì yóu jīng shén
zi4 you2 jing1 shen2
zi you jing shen
tzu yu ching shen
Independent Spirit獨立精神
dú lì jīng shén
du2 li4 jing1 shen2
du li jing shen
tu li ching shen
Spiritual Soul Mates精神伴侶
sei shin han ryo
jīng shén bàn lǚ
jing1 shen2 ban4 lv3
jing shen ban lv
ching shen pan lü
Spiritual Strength
Strength of Spirit
精神力量seishin rikiryou
seishin rikiryo
jīng shén lì liàng
jing1 shen2 li4 liang4
jing shen li liang
ching shen li liang
Warrior Soul
Heroic Spirit
勇士精神yǒng shì jīng shén
yong3 shi4 jing1 shen2
yong shi jing shen
yung shih ching shen
Soul of a Warrior精神勇士jīng shén yǒng shì
jing1 shen2 yong3 shi4
jing shen yong shi
ching shen yung shih
Spirit of Taekwondo跆拳道精神te kon do sei shin
tái quán dào jīng shen
tai2 quan2 dao4 jing1 shen2
tai quan dao jing shen
t`ai ch`üan tao ching shen
tai chüan tao ching shen
Fruit of the Spirit精神的果實
jīng shén de guǒ shí
jing1 shen2 de guo3 shi2
jing shen de guo shi
ching shen te kuo shih
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger龍馬精神虎虎生威
lóng mǎ jīng shén hǔ hǔ shēng wēi
long2 ma3 jing1 shen2 hu3 hu3 sheng1 wei1
long ma jing shen hu hu sheng wei
lung ma ching shen hu hu sheng wei
Taekwondo Tenets
Spirit of Taekwon-do
tái quán dào jīng shén lǐ yì lián chǐ rěn nài kè jǐ bǎi zhé bù qū
tai2 quan2 dao4 jing1 shen2 li3 yi4 lian2 chi3 ren3 nai4 ke4 ji3 bai3 zhe2 bu4 qu1
tai quan dao jing shen li yi lian chi ren nai ke ji bai zhe bu qu
t`ai ch`üan tao ching shen li i lien ch`ih jen nai k`o chi pai che pu ch`ü
tai chüan tao ching shen li i lien chih jen nai ko chi pai che pu chü
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Jing1 Shen2 Kanji, Jing1 Shen2 Characters, Jing1 Shen2 in Mandarin Chinese, Jing1 Shen2 Characters, Jing1 Shen2 in Chinese Writing, Jing1 Shen2 in Japanese Writing, Jing1 Shen2 in Asian Writing, Jing1 Shen2 Ideograms, Chinese Jing1 Shen2 symbols, Jing1 Shen2 Hieroglyphics, Jing1 Shen2 Glyphs, Jing1 Shen2 in Chinese Letters, Jing1 Shen2 Hanzi, Jing1 Shen2 in Japanese Kanji, Jing1 Shen2 Pictograms, Jing1 Shen2 in the Chinese Written-Language, or Jing1 Shen2 in the Japanese Written-Language.

21 people have searched for Jing1 Shen2 in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
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