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If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.

  1. Five Codes of Tang Soo Do

  2. Ba Ji Quan

  3. Da Ji Da Li

  4. Ding / Cho

  5. Jin Ji Du Li

  6. Tang Soo Do / Tang Hand Way

  7. Shorin Ji Ryu

  8. Tai Chi Chuan / Tai Ji Quan

  9. Tai Chi Chuan Dao / Tai Ji Quan Dao

10. Tai Chi Chuan Fa / Tai Ji Quan Fa

11. Tai Chi / Tai Ji

12. Tang Hand

13. Tang Soo Do Tenets

Five Codes of Tang Soo Do

 guó jiā zhōng chéng fù mǔ xiào dào péng yǒu yǒu xìn shā shēng yǒu zé lín zhàn wú tuì
Five Codes of Tang Soo Do Scroll

国家忠诚父母孝道朋友有信杀生有择临战无退 are the five codes of Tang Soo Do.

I suggest you have this arranged in five columns when you get to the options page for your custom calligraphy wall scroll.

Here are my translations of each of the five codes:
國家忠誠 Be loyal to your country.
父母孝道 In regards to parents, behave in a filial way.
朋友有信 Be faithful in friendship.
殺生有擇 When fighting for life and death, make noble choices.
臨戰無退 No retreat in battle.

Note: “Tang Soo Do” is a romanization of 唐手道. It's 당수도 in Korean Hangul. It can also be romanized as “Tangsudo” or “Dangsudo.”

 bā jí quán
 hakkyo ku ken
Ba Ji Quan Scroll

八極拳 is “Ba Ji Quan” or “Eight Extremes Fist.”

Some also translate this as “Eight Extremities Fist,” though I don't feel that's accurate.

八極拳 (Bājíquán) is a Chinese martial art that features explosive, short-range power and is famous for its elbow strikes. It originated in the Hebei Province in Northern China but spread to Taiwan and other places.

The full title is 開門八極拳 (Kāimén Bājíquán), which means Open-Door Bajiquan.

Other romanizations include: BaJiQuan, Pa Chi Ch`üan, or Pa Chi Chuan.

In Japan, this is known as Hakkyokuken.

 dà jí dà lì
Da Ji Da Li Scroll

大吉大利 or “Da Ji Da Li” is a Chinese proverb that means great luck, great profit, or everything is thriving.

Ding / Cho


 chou / tei / hinoto
Ding / Cho Scroll

丁 is the Mandarin Chinese surname Ding.

In Japanese, 丁 can be surnames that romanize as Chō or Chou. It can also be more unusual Japanese surnames Rei, Yoroi, Yoboro, Youro, Momoki, Hinoto, Tei, Chiyon, Choudei, Chiyun, or Jiyon.

丁 can refer to nails or pieces of something. It is also a counter for long thin objects like scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, etc.

Jin Ji Du Li

 jīn jī dú lì
 kin kei doku ritsu
Jin Ji Du Li Scroll

金雞獨立 or “Jin Ji Du Li,” means “golden rooster stands on one leg.”

This is also called “crane stance” in English. This is used in wushu, karate, and other forms of martial arts.

This can be pronounced, “kinkei dokuritsu” in Japanese but it's rarely a title used in Japanese.

Tang Soo Do / Tang Hand Way

 táng shǒu dào
 kara te do
Tang Soo Do / Tang Hand Way Scroll

唐手道 is the alternate title for Karate-do.

This title uses a character, 唐, which represents the Tang Dynasty of China. Thus, this is often translated as the “Tang Hand Way” or incorrectly, “Tang Fist Way.”
I have also seen some call it “China Hand Way.”
Many in Korea refer to and romanize these characters as “Tang Soo Do” (당수도) where these characters refer to a kind of Korean style of Karate.

There is not a lot of information on this title but some believe that a simplified form of Kung Fu that started in China and ended up very popular in Japan used this title initially. It was later changed in Japan to a different Karate title which means “Empty Hand” (as in, without weapons).

Note: When used in Korean, this is pronounced 당수도. This title is often romanized as “Tang Soo Do,” “Tangsudo,” “Dang Su Do,” or “Dangsudo.” The last two romanizations on that list are the official Korean government romanization, though martial arts schools tend to use other non-standard versions.

Shorin Ji Ryu

Shaolin Temple Style

 shou rin ji ryuu
Shorin Ji Ryu Scroll

少林寺流 is the Japanese martial arts title “Shorin-ji-ryu.”

Though the first part of the title comes from the Shaolin temple in China. In Japan, this refers to an Okinawa school of karate.

Note: Sometimes, this title is written without the “ji” or “temple” Kanji.

Tai Chi Chuan / Tai Ji Quan

 tài jí quán
 tai kyoku ken
Tai Chi Chuan / Tai Ji Quan Scroll

太極拳 is the famous Taoist meditation and martial art exercise. The direct translation of these characters would be something like “grand ultimate fist,” but that does not quite hit the mark for what this title really means.

An early-morning walk through any city in China near a park or an open area will yield a view of Chinese people practicing this ancient technique.

A typical scene is an old man of no less than 80 years on this earth, with a wispy white beard and perhaps a sword in one hand. He makes slow moves that are impossibly smooth. He is steady-footed and always in balance. For him, time is meaningless and proper form, and technique is far more important than speed.

For the younger generation, faster moves may look impressive and seem smooth to the casual observer. But more discipline and mental strength are needed to create perfectly smooth moves in virtual slow motion.

Note: There are two ways to Romanize these Chinese characters, as seen in the title above. The pronunciation and actual characters are the same in Chinese. If you really used English sounds/words to pronounce this, it would be something like “tie jee chew-on” (make the “chew-on” one flowing syllable).

Tai Chi Chuan Dao / Tai Ji Quan Dao

 tài jí quán dào
Tai Chi Chuan Dao / Tai Ji Quan Dao Scroll

太極拳道 is the common Tai Chi Chuan title with “Dao” (the Way) added to the end.

If you're not sure, I suggest shorter titles such as “Tai Chi Chuan,” or just “Tai Chi.”

Tai Chi Chuan Fa / Tai Ji Quan Fa

 tài jí quán fǎ
Tai Chi Chuan Fa / Tai Ji Quan Fa Scroll

太极拳法 literally translates as “Tai Chi Fist Law” though 拳法 is also known in Japanese as “Kempo” which is sometimes read as “boxing” depending on context.

Tai Chi / Tai Ji

 tài jí
Tai Chi / Tai Ji Scroll

太極 is the shortened title for Tai Chi Chuan or Tai Ji Quan that is sometimes used in Western countries.

Basically just removing the last character which means fist. I don't recommend this two-character selection because it's not really a word without the third character in Japanese and Chinese.

 táng shǒu
 kara te
Tang Hand Scroll

唐手 is a very seldom-used title for Karate.

This title uses a character that represents the Tang Dynasty of China. Thus, this is often translated as the “Tang Hand” or, incorrectly, “Tang Fist.”

I have also seen some call it “China Hand.”

There is not a lot of information on this title but some believe that a simplified form of Kung Fu that started in China, and ended up very popular in Japan used this title initially. It was later changed in Japan to a different Karate title which means "Empty Hand" (as in, without weapons).

I am sure that some will suggest a different history or argue a different origin. I think that nobody can be sure.

Note: Just like the more conventional Karate title, this one can have the "way" or "method" character added to the end, as in Karate-Do.

Tang Soo Do Tenets

 lián chǐ jīng jìn rěn nài zūn shǒu kè jǐ qiān xùn bǎi zhé bù qū
Tang Soo Do Tenets Scroll

廉耻精進忍耐遵守克己謙遜百折不屈 are the tenets of Tang Soo Do.

EnglishOld HanjaModern HangulPronunciation
1. Integrity廉耻렴치 or 염치yeom ci
2. Concentration精進정진jeong jin
3. Perseverance忍耐인내in nae
4. Respect & Obedience遵守준수jun su
5. Self-Control克己극기geug gi
6. Humility謙遜겸손gyeom son
7. Indomitable Spirit百折不屈백절불굴baeg jeor bur gur

After some research, it appears this list was compiled in English based on Taekwondo tenets. We filled in a few of the words that did not have a corresponding Hanja or Hangul. If someone else has a better list with characters included, please contact me.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Five Codes of Tang Soo Do國家忠誠父母孝道朋友有信殺生有擇臨戰無退
guó jiā zhōng chéng fù mǔ xiào dào péng yǒu yǒu xìn shā shēng yǒu zé lín zhàn wú tuì
guo2 jia1 zhong1 cheng2 fu4 mu3 xiao4 dao4 peng2 you3 you3 xin4 sha1 sheng1 you3 ze2 lin2 zhan4 wu2 tui4
guo jia zhong cheng fu mu xiao dao peng you you xin sha sheng you ze lin zhan wu tui
kuo chia chung ch`eng fu mu hsiao tao p`eng yu yu hsin sha sheng yu tse lin chan wu t`ui
kuo chia chung cheng fu mu hsiao tao peng yu yu hsin sha sheng yu tse lin chan wu tui
Ba Ji Quan八極拳
hakkyo ku ken
hakyo ku ken
bā jí quán
ba1 ji2 quan2
ba ji quan
pa chi ch`üan
pa chi chüan
Da Ji Da Li大吉大利dà jí dà lì
da4 ji2 da4 li4
da ji da li
ta chi ta li
chou / tei / hinoto
cho / tei / hinoto
dīng / ding1 / dingting
Jin Ji Du Li金雞獨立
kin kei doku ritsu
jīn jī dú lì
jin1 ji1 du2 li4
jin ji du li
chin chi tu li
Tang Soo Do
Tang Hand Way
唐手道kara te do / karatedotáng shǒu dào
tang2 shou3 dao4
tang shou dao
t`ang shou tao
tang shou tao
Shorin Ji Ryu少林寺流shou rin ji ryuu
sho rin ji ryu
Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Ji Quan
tai kyoku ken
tài jí quán
tai4 ji2 quan2
tai ji quan
t`ai chi ch`üan
tai chi chüan
Tai Chi Chuan Dao
Tai Ji Quan Dao
tài jí quán dào
tai4 ji2 quan2 dao4
tai ji quan dao
t`ai chi ch`üan tao
tai chi chüan tao
Tai Chi Chuan Fa
Tai Ji Quan Fa
tài jí quán fǎ
tai4 ji2 quan2 fa3
tai ji quan fa
t`ai chi ch`üan fa
tai chi chüan fa
Tai Chi
Tai Ji
taikyokutài jí / tai4 ji2 / tai ji / taijit`ai chi / taichi / tai chi
Tang Hand唐手kara te / karatetáng shǒu
tang2 shou3
tang shou
t`ang shou
tang shou
Tang Soo Do Tenets廉耻精進忍耐遵守克己謙遜百折不屈 / 廉恥精進忍耐遵守克己謙遜百折不屈
lián chǐ jīng jìn rěn nài zūn shǒu kè jǐ qiān xùn bǎi zhé bù qū
lian2 chi3 jing1 jin4 ren3 nai4 zun1 shou3 ke4 ji3 qian1 xun4 bai3 zhe2 bu4 qu1
lian chi jing jin ren nai zun shou ke ji qian xun bai zhe bu qu
lien ch`ih ching chin jen nai tsun shou k`o chi ch`ien hsün pai che pu ch`ü
lien chih ching chin jen nai tsun shou ko chi chien hsün pai che pu chü
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Ding Ji Tang Kanji, Ding Ji Tang Characters, Ding Ji Tang in Mandarin Chinese, Ding Ji Tang Characters, Ding Ji Tang in Chinese Writing, Ding Ji Tang in Japanese Writing, Ding Ji Tang in Asian Writing, Ding Ji Tang Ideograms, Chinese Ding Ji Tang symbols, Ding Ji Tang Hieroglyphics, Ding Ji Tang Glyphs, Ding Ji Tang in Chinese Letters, Ding Ji Tang Hanzi, Ding Ji Tang in Japanese Kanji, Ding Ji Tang Pictograms, Ding Ji Tang in the Chinese Written-Language, or Ding Ji Tang in the Japanese Written-Language.