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The name Sacred in Chinese / Japanese...

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 shèng dì
Holy Land Scroll

聖地 can be titled or translated in a lot of different ways: sacred ground, the Holy Land, Holy city, sacred place, Holy ground, or shrine.

I have seen all of these English translations used when coming from Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

 shèng huǒ
Sacred Fire Scroll

聖火 is a Chinese, Japanese and Korean term that applies to the sacred fire of the ancient Greek Olympic torch or games.

This could also apply to other sacred or holy fires, as it can be a somewhat generic term.

The Saint Scroll

聖 is the simple, single-character religious form of “saint” in Chinese (also holds the same meaning in Japanese and Korean, though rarely used alone like this).

This can also mean holy, sage, master, or priest.
Note: 聖 is often used in compound words (words of more than one character) to create further meanings. In compounds, it can mean holy, sacred, or divine.

聖 is also used as the first word for Spanish and English place names such as “San Diego” and “St. Louis” in Chinese (not Japanese).

In the Buddhist context, this can represent ārya or sādhu. And mean a sage; wise and good; upright, or correct in all his character; sacred, holy, or saintly.

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Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your sacred search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

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The Saint
(bound form) peerless (in wisdom, moral virtue, skill etc); (bound form) peerless individual; paragon (sage, saint, emperor, master of a skill etc); (bound form) holy; sacred
(1) highly virtuous monk; (2) (honorific or respectful language) monk; (3) Buddhist solitary; (4) (See 高野聖・1) Buddhist missionary; (5) saint (i.e. a virtuous person); (6) (archaism) (honorific or respectful language) emperor; (7) (in form 〜の聖) master; expert; (female given name) Mina
ārya; sādhu; a sage; wise and good; upright, or correct in all his character; sacred, holy, saintly.

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(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (1) (kana only) sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera); Indian lotus; lotus; (2) rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus); (kana only) sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera); Indian lotus; lotus; (f,m,s) Ren
puṇḍarīka, the lotus, especially the white lotus, Numphoea alba; padma, especially the Nelumbium speciosum; utpala, the Nymphoea coerulea, the blue lotus; kumuda, Nymphoea esculenta, white lotus, or N. rubra, red lotus; nīlotpala, N. cyanea, a blue lotus. The first four are called white, red, blue, and yellow lotuses; but the white lotus is generally meant unless otherwise specified.


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fèi tuó
    fei4 tuo2
fei t`o
    fei to

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Vedas (Hindu sacred writings or legends)
(kana only) Veda (san:)
Veda, v. 韋.


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tài shān
    tai4 shan1
t`ai shan
    tai shan

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Tarzan (fictional character reared by apes in the jungle); Taishan township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
large mountain; Mt Taishan (China); (surname) Yasuyama
Tai Shan in Shandong, the eastern sacred mountain of China.



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shèng dì
    sheng4 di4
sheng ti
 seichi / sechi

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Holy Land
holy land (of a religion); sacred place; shrine; holy city (such as Jerusalem, Mecca etc); center of historic interest
(1) sacred place; holy ground; the Holy Land; (2) (slang) real-life location used as a setting in a novel, film, anime, etc.; (place-name) Seichi
stage of enlightenment



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shèng huǒ
    sheng4 huo3
sheng huo
 seika / seka

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Sacred Fire
sacred fire; (esp.) the Olympic flame
(1) sacred fire; sacred flame; (2) (See オリンピック聖火) Olympic flame; Olympic torch; (given name) Seika



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shèng zhí
    sheng4 zhi2
sheng chih
 seishoku / seshoku

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Ministry / Priesthood
(noun - becomes adjective with の) sacred profession; holy orders; vocation; ministry


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 toutoi / totoi

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(adjective) precious; valuable; priceless; noble; exalted; sacred



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pú tí shù
    pu2 ti2 shu4
p`u t`i shu
    pu ti shu
 bodaiju; bodaiju
    ぼだいじゅ; ボダイジュ
pipal tree (Ficus religiosa); bo fig tree; Bodhi tree (sacred to Buddhism and Hinduism)
(1) Tilia miqueliana (species of linden tree); (2) (See インドボダイジュ) sacred fig (Ficus religiosa); bodhi tree; bo tree; peepal tree; pipal tree; (given name) Bodaiju
bodhidruma, bodhitaru, bodhivṛkṣa; the wisdom-tree, i.e. that under which Śākyamuni attained his enlightenment, and became Buddha. The Ficus religiosa is the pippala, or aśvattha, wrongly identified by Faxian as the palm-tree; it is described as an evergreen, to have been 400 feet high, been cut down several times, but in the Tang dynasty still to be 40 or 50 feet high. A branch of it is said to have been sent by Aśoka to Ceylon, from which sprang the celebrated Bo-tree still flourishing there.



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dào dé jīng
    dao4 de2 jing1
tao te ching
 Dōtoku kyō

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Daodejing / Tao Te Ching
the Book of Dao by Laozi or Lao-Tze, the sacred text of Daoism
Daode jing


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yī yán jiǔ dǐng
    yi1 yan2 jiu3 ding3
i yen chiu ting
one word worth nine sacred tripods (idiom); words of enormous weight

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swastika, a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism
swastika (esp. a counterclockwise swastika as a Buddhist symbol); fylfot; gammadion; (given name) Manji
sauvastika, 塞縛悉底迦; also styled 室利靺瑳 śrīvatsa, lucky sign, Viṣṇu's breast-curl or mark, tr. by 海雲 sea-cloud, or cirrhus. Used as a fancy form of 萬 or 萬; and is also written in a form said to resemble a curl. It is the 4th of the auspicious signs in the footprint of Buddha, and is a mystic diagram of great antiquity. To be distinguished from 卐svastika, the crampons of which turn to the right.

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swastika, a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, later adopted by Nazi Germany
(Skt. svastika)

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 tou / to
pagoda; tower; minaret; stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo); CL:座[zuo4]
(n,n-suf) (1) tower; steeple; spire; (2) (abbreviation) (original meaning) (See 卒塔婆・1,塔婆・1) stupa; pagoda; dagoba; (surname) Tousaki
stūpa; tope; a tumulus, or mound, for the bones, or remains of the dead, or for other sacred relics, especially of the Buddha, whether relics of the body or the mind, e.g. bones or scriptures. As the body is supposed to consist of 84,000 atoms, Aśoka is said to have built 84,000 stūpas to preserve relics of Śākyamuni. Pagodas, dagobas, or towers with an odd number of stories are used in China for the purpose of controlling the geomantic influences of a neighbourbood. Also 塔婆; 兜婆; 偸婆; 藪斗波; 窣堵波; 率都婆; 素覩波; 私鍮簸, etc. The stūpas erected over relics of the Buddha vary from the four at his birthplace, the scene of his enlightenment, of his first sermon, and of his death, to the 84,000 accredited to Aśoka.

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abbr. for 梵教[Fan4 jiao4] Brahmanism; abbr. for Sanskrit 梵語|梵语[Fan4 yu3] or 梵文[Fan4 wen2]; abbr. for 梵蒂岡|梵蒂冈[Fan4 di4 gang1], the Vatican
(1) Brahman (ultimate reality of the universe in Hinduism); Brahma; (2) Brahma (Hindu creator god); (3) (abbreviation) (See 梵語) Sanskrit; (given name) Bon
Brahman (from roots bṛh, vṛh, connected with bṛṃh, "religious devotion," "prayer," "a sacred text," or mantra, "the mystic syllable om"; "sacred learning," "the religious life," "the Supreme Being regarded as impersonal," "the Absolute," "the priestly or sacerdotal class," etc. M.W. Translit.

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(Japanese kokuji) sakaki (Cleyera japonica), evergreen tree used in Shinto to decorate sacred spaces
(1) sakaki (species of evergreen sacred to Shinto, Cleyera japonica); (2) evergreen (esp. one planted or used at a shrine); (personal name) Tachibana

see styles
classics; sacred book; scripture; to pass through; to undergo; to bear; to endure; warp (textile); longitude; menstruation; channel (TCM); abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]
(female given name) Tsune
A warp, that which runs lengthwise; to pass through or by, past; to manage, regulate; laws, canons, classics. Skt. sūtras; threads, threaded together, classical works. Also called 契經 and 經本. The sūtras in the Tripiṭaka are the sermons attributed to the Buddha; the other two divisions are 律 the Vinaya, and 論 the śāstras, or Abhidharma; cf. 三藏. Every sūtra begins with the words 如是我聞 'Thus did I hear', indicating that it contains the words of Śākyamuni.

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root of lotus
(kana only) sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera); Indian lotus; lotus
The water-lily root, arrowroot.


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(from 拝み) (See 御嶽・うたき) (Okinawa) sacred site; sacred grove; (female given name) On; On-TV


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qī sēng
    qi1 seng1
ch`i seng
    chi seng
A monastery is supposed to possess the following seven monks: 咒願師 invoker; 導師 leader; 唄師 intoner, or leader of the chanting; 散花師 flower-scatterer; 梵音師 master of sacred words, or Sanskrit; 錫杖師 shaker of the rings on the metal staff, or crozier; 堂達 distributor of missals, etc. Another division is 講師 expounder; 讀師 reader; 咒願師; 三禮師 director of the three ceremonies; 唄師; 散花師; and 堂達.



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qī shèng
    qi1 sheng4
ch`i sheng
    chi sheng
 nanasei / nanase
(male given name) Nanasei
v.七賢, 七聖, 七聖財, saptadhana. The seven sacred graces variously defined, e.g. 信 faith, 戒 observation of the commandments, 聞hearing instruction, 慙 shame (for self), 愧 shame (for others); 捨 renunciation; and慧 wisdom.



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sān yuán
    san1 yuan2
san yüan
The three nidānas or links with the Buddha resulting from calling upon him, a term of the Pure Land sect: (a) 親緣 that he hears those who call his name, sees their worship, knows their hearts and is one with them; (b) 近緣 that he shows himself to those who desire to see him; (c) 增上緣 that at every invocation aeons of sin are blotted out, and he and his sacred host receive such a disciple at death.



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zhōng yuè
    zhong1 yue4
chung yüeh
Mt Song 嵩山 in Henan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]
(surname) Nakatake


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wǔ shān
    wu3 shan1
wu shan
 gosan; gozan
    ごさん; ござん
(rare) five most important temples of a region; (surname) Goyama
Five mountains and monasteries: (1) in India, sacred because of their connection with the Buddha: 鞞婆羅跋怒 Vaibhāra-vana; 薩多般那求呵 Saptaparṇaguhā; 因陀羅勢羅求呵 Indraśailaguhā; 薩簸恕魂直迦鉢婆羅 Sarpiṣ kuṇḍikā-prāgbhāra; 耆闍崛 Gṛdhrakūṭa; (2) in China, established during the Five Dynasties and the Southern Sung dynasty, on the analogy of those in India; three at Hangzhou at 徑山 Jingshan, 北山 Beishan, and 南山 Nanshan and two at Ningbo at 阿育王山 King Aśoka Shan and 太白山 Taiboshan. Later the Yuan dynasty established one at 全陵 Chin Ling, the 天界大龍翔隻慶寺 which became chief of these under the Ming dynasty.



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wǔ yuè
    wu3 yue4
wu yüeh
Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoists, namely: Mt Tai 泰山[Tai4 Shan1] in Shandong, Mt Hua 華山|华山[Hua4 Shan1] in Shaanxi, Mt Heng 衡山[Heng2 Shan1] in Hunan, Mt Heng 恆山|恒山[Heng2 Shan1] in Shanxi, Mt Song 嵩山[Song1 Shan1] in Henan


see styles
place sacred to Buddhism


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fó gǔ
    fo2 gu3
fo ku
Buddha's bones (as a sacred relic)
A bone of the Buddha, especially the bone against whose reception by the emperor Xianzong the famous protest of Hanyu was made in 819.



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shì shèng
    shi4 sheng4
shih sheng
Sacred Monk's acolyte



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chū shèng
    chu1 sheng4
ch`u sheng
    chu sheng
The surpassing sacred truth, or the sacred immortal truth.


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zhì duō
    zhi4 duo1
chih to
 seita / seta
(personal name) Seita
制底 (or 質底); 制體 caitya, a tumulus, mausoleum, monastery, temple, spire, flagstaff on a pagoda, sacred place or thing, idem 支提 (or 支帝), cf. 刹.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Holy Land聖地
seichishèng dì / sheng4 di4 / sheng di / shengdisheng ti / shengti
Sacred Fire聖火
seikashèng huǒ
sheng4 huo3
sheng huo
The Saint
seishèng / sheng4 / sheng
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

1 Corinthians 13:4-8A Journey of a Thousand MilesAadhyaAaronAartiAbdelAbeerAbrhamAbsolute ZeroAbubakarAces DojoAddisonAdinaAdonicaAgapitoAguedaAhmedAidenAiki JujutsuAikidoAikoAileeAimanAjayAjmalAkashAkimAkiraAlbertineAlexandraAliaAliciaAlinAlishaAlissiaAlonzoAmanAmayaAmbarAmelAmeliaAmirAmmarAnalynAnandAndreasAnoukAntonAnupAnuragArgieAriaAriasAriellaArionAriyaArjunArleyArmanArmandoArshadArunArvanArvinAsayama Ichiden-RyuAsheAspenAsunaAudreyAugustinAurelianoAyanAzkaAzraBalanced LifeBe Like WaterBe True to YourselfBeccaBelieve in YourselfBenaBenicioBennettBerserkerBertoBettyBibekBible VerseBinitaBlacksmithBlessed by GodBlessingsBob WhatBodhicittaBogdanBohaiBoyceBradenBrajaBraveBrave the Wind and the WavesBreatheBroken SoulBuddhaBuddhismBuddyBujutsuBurmaBushido CodeByronCadeCamieCampbellCapricornCarlsonCarltonCarolineCarpe DiemCasperCastroCecileCelineCharanCharismaCharleneCharleyChellChoiChristinaClementineCliftonCocoCompassionCompassionate HeartConradConvictionCoraCornwallCosetteCougarCraneCristianoCurtisDaltonDamiDaniDaniaDannahDarcieDark AngelDarrenDarshanDaveDeanDeath Before DishonorDedicationDeepikaDeniseDennisDennyDerrickDeterminationDevotionDexterDiahDiamondDickDidierDitaDivine BlessingDivine GraceDogenDojoDominicDoodDragonDragon KingDream BigDrunken MonkeyDulceDustinEdouardEdsonEduardaEduardoEighteen ArhatsEikoElaineElenaEliasElineEllenElliotElmoElodieEmelyEmilyEmonEnduranceEnochEric

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Sacred Kanji, Sacred Characters, Sacred in Mandarin Chinese, Sacred Characters, Sacred in Chinese Writing, Sacred in Japanese Writing, Sacred in Asian Writing, Sacred Ideograms, Chinese Sacred symbols, Sacred Hieroglyphics, Sacred Glyphs, Sacred in Chinese Letters, Sacred Hanzi, Sacred in Japanese Kanji, Sacred Pictograms, Sacred in the Chinese Written-Language, or Sacred in the Japanese Written-Language.

106 people have searched for Sacred in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Sacred was last searched for by someone else on Jun 8th, 2024