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Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine

 jīng qì shén
Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine Scroll

精, 氣, 神 are the characters jing, qi, and shen.

As a set, these three characters are known in English as the treasures of traditional Chinese medicine, the treasures of Qi Gong, or the three treasures of Taoism / Daoism.

Sometimes this set is titled 三寶 (sānbǎo) or “three treasures,” but here, we're writing each treasure out.

Here's how these characters are perceived in this context...
Jing: nutritive essence; refined; perfected; pure
Qi: vitality; energy; force; breath; vigor
Shen: spirit; soul; mind; being

To keep it simple, you can use “essence, vitality, and spirit” to define these.

Life Energy / Spiritual Energy

Chi Energy: Essence of Life / Energy Flow

Life Energy / Spiritual Energy Scroll

This 氣 energy flow is a fundamental concept of traditional Asian culture.

氣 is romanized as “Qi” or “Chi” in Chinese, “Gi” in Korean, and “Ki” in Japanese.
Chi is believed to be part of everything that exists, as in “life force” or “spiritual energy.” It is most often translated as “energy flow” or literally as “air” or “breath.” Some people will simply translate this as “spirit,” but you must consider the kind of spirit we're talking about. I think this is weighted more toward energy than spirit.

The character itself is a representation of steam (or breath) rising from rice. To clarify, the character for rice looks like this: 米
Steam was apparently seen as visual evidence of the release of “life energy” when this concept was first developed. The Qi / Chi / Ki character is still used in compound words to mean steam or vapor.
The etymology of this character is a bit complicated. It's suggested that the first form of this character from bronze script (about 2500 years ago) looked like these samples: 氣氣
However, it was easy to confuse this with the character for the number three. So the rice radical was added by 221 B.C. (the exact time of this change is debated). This first version with the rice radical looks like this: 氣
The idea of Qi / Chi / Ki is really a philosophical concept. It's often used to refer to the “flow” of metaphysical energy that sustains living beings. Yet there is much debate that has continued for thousands of years as to whether Qi / Chi / Ki is pure energy or consists partially or fully of matter.

You can also see the character for Qi / Chi / Ki in common compound words such as Tai Chi / Tai Qi, Aikido, Reiki, and Qi Gong / Chi Kung.

In the modern Japanese Kanji, the rice radical has been changed into two strokes that form an X.

気 The original and traditional Chinese form is still understood in Japanese, but we can also offer that modern Kanji form in our custom calligraphy. If you want this Japanese Kanji, please click on the character to the right instead of the “Select and Customize” button above.

More language notes: This is pronounced like “chee” in Mandarin Chinese, and like “key” in Japanese.
This is also the same way to write this in Korean Hanja where it is Romanized as “gi” and pronounced like “gee” but with a real G-sound, not a J-sound.
Though Vietnamese no longer use Chinese characters in their daily language, this character is still widely known in Vietnam.

See Also:  Energy | Life Force | Vitality | Life | Birth | Soul

Qi Gong / Chi Kung

 qì gōng
 ki kou
Qi Gong / Chi Kung Scroll

氣功 or Qigong is the title of a technique that is somewhere between medical practice, meditation, and in some cases, religion.

The definition is blurred depending on which school of Qigong you are following. In some cases, it is even incorporated with martial arts.

Some people (even Chinese people) mix this title with Tai Chi (Tai Qi) exercises.

Lately, in China, people will claim to practice Tai Chi rather than Qigong because the Qigong title was recently used as a cover for an illegal pseudo-religious movement in China with the initials F.G. or F.D. (I can not write those names here for fear of our website being banned in China).

You can learn those names and more here: Further info about Qigong

If you are wondering why I wrote “Qi Gong” and “Chi Kung” as the title of this calligraphy entry, I should teach you a little about the various ways in which Chinese can be Romanized. One form writes this as “Chi Kung” or “Chikung” (Taiwan). In the mainland and elsewhere, it is Romanized as “Qi Gong” or “Qigong.” The pronunciation is the same in Taiwan, mainland, and Singapore Mandarin. Neither Romanization is exactly like English. If you want to know how to say this with English rules, it would be something like “Chee Gong” (but the “gong” has a vowel sound like the “O” in “go”).

Romanization is a really confusing topic and has caused many Chinese words to be mispronounced in the west. One example is “Kung Pao Chicken,” which should actually be more like “Gong Bao” with the “O” sounding like “oh” for both characters. Neither the Romanization system in Taiwan nor the Mainland is perfect, in my opinion, and leads to many misunderstandings.

In modern Japan, you may see this written as 気功, but the original 氣功 is still recognized. If you need the Japanese version, please contact me.

Sit Quietly in Meditation

A state of mind

 rù jìng
Sit Quietly in Meditation Scroll

入靜 is used in Taoism and Qi Gong to describe the state you can reach while sitting quietly in meditation. It contains the idea of achieving a highly-tranquil and peaceful state. Some may describe this state as “sleeping while still awake.”

If you have a relaxation or meditation room, this is the calming wall scroll that you would want hanging in that room.

Tai Chi Ball

 tài jí qiú
 tai kyoku kyuu
Tai Chi Ball Scroll

太極球 is the title “Tai Chi Ball.”

This may refer to any number of variations of exercise balls, some with yin-yang themes, others strictly for taichi/taiji or qigong exercises.

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Not the results for qi gong that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your qi gong search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles
 kane; shou / kane; sho
    かね; しょう
gong used to halt troops
gong; handbell; (given name) Masashi
A small gong struck during the worship, or service.



see styles
tóng luó
    tong2 luo2
t`ung lo
    tung lo
(kana only) gong; tam-tam
A gong.


see styles
 gukou / guko
(char) Yu Gong (main character in the 4th century BC Chinese fable "The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains"); Yúgōng; Yukong; (ch) Yu Gong (main character in the 4th century BC Chinese fable "The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains"); Yúgōng; Yukong



see styles
fàn qìng
    fan4 qing4
fan ch`ing
    fan ching
The dinner-gong.


see styles
(1) (See 銅鑼・どら) gong (instrument); (2) {sports} gong (sound at the end of round, etc.); (personal name) Kongu


see styles
lǐ hóng zhì
    li3 hong2 zhi4
li hung chih
 rikoushi / rikoshi
Li Hongzhi (1951-), founder of Falun Gong 法輪功|法轮功[Fa3 lun2 gong1]
(person) Li Hongzhi (1951-) (founder of the Falun Gong)



see styles
fǎ lún gōng
    fa3 lun2 gong1
fa lun kung
 hourinkou; farungon / horinko; farungon
    ほうりんこう; ファルンゴン
Falun Gong (Chinese spiritual movement founded in 1992, regarded as a cult by the PRC government)
Falun Gong; Falun Dafa



see styles
wú cháng qìng
    wu2 chang2 qing4
wu ch`ang ch`ing
    wu chang ching
 mujō kei
無常鐘 The passing bell, or gong, for the dying.


see styles
(company) Gong Cha (Taiwan); (c) Gong Cha (Taiwan)



see styles
kāi tái luó gǔ
    kai1 tai2 luo2 gu3
k`ai t`ai lo ku
    kai tai lo ku
opening gong; gong strokes announcing start of opera performance



see styles
dāng miàn luó , duì miàn gǔ
    dang1 mian4 luo2 , dui4 mian4 gu3
tang mien lo , tui mien ku
lit. gong facing gong, drum opposite drum (idiom); fig. to come together to thrash out the issue face to face

see styles
 kei / ke

More info & calligraphy:

chime stones, ancient percussion instrument made of stone or jade pieces hung in a row and struck as a xylophone
sounding stone; qing; ancient Chinese chime shaped like a chevron (inverted 'v'), orig. of stone, today often metal, in Japan primarily used at Buddhist temples; (given name) Kei
A piece of flat stone or metal, used as a gong, or for musical percussion.

see styles

More info & calligraphy:

Kung / Gong
surname Gong
to provide


see styles
(archaism) (feminine speech) (secret language of court ladies) (See 牛蒡) great burdock; (place-name) Gong; Khong; Conn


see styles

More info & calligraphy:

dong (of a bell or gong); (surname) Ghosn

see styles
(onom.) bang! (gong, gun firing etc)

see styles
to hit; to strike; to tap; to rap; to knock; to rip sb off; to overcharge
(given name) Noboru
To knock, beat, pound, e.g. a drum, gong, or gate.

see styles
 shii; shii / shi; shi
    しい; シイ
(bound form) vertebra
(kana only) any beech tree of genus Castanopsis; chinquapin; chinkapin; (female given name) Shiina
A hammer, especially for a gong, etc.; idem 槌.

see styles
(bound form) a sieve; to sieve; to sift; to filter; to eliminate through selection; to warm a pot of rice wine (over a fire or in hot water); to pour (wine or tea); (dialect) to strike (a gong)
(1) sieve; sifter; screen; (2) screening (jobs, candidates, etc.)

see styles
clang of metals; small gong

see styles
gong; CL:面[mian4]


see styles
jing (Korean gong) (kor:); (place-name) Chin (Burmah); Ching; Chinn; Zinn



see styles
huàn zhōng
    huan4 zhong1
huan chung
半鐘 (or飯鐘) The dinner bell or gong.



see styles
    zi3 gong4
tzu kung
 shikou / shiko
Zi Gong or Duanmu Ci 端木賜|端木赐[Duan1 mu4 Ci4] (520 BC-), disciple of Confucius
(personal name) Shikou



see styles
sī luó
    si1 luo2
ssu lo
small gong



see styles
qiāo luó
    qiao1 luo2
ch`iao lo
    chiao lo
to beat a gong



see styles
zēng gǒng
    zeng1 gong3
tseng kung
 soukyou / sokyo
Zeng Gong (1019-1083), Song dynasty writer, one of the eight giants 唐宋八大家[Tang2-Song4 ba1da4jia1]
(personal name) Soukyō



see styles
mù duó
    mu4 duo2
mu to
(1) bell with wooden clapper; (2) leader; guide (of the public)
wooden gong



see styles
mù yú
    mu4 yu2
mu yü
mokugyo; wooden fish (percussion instrument)
(Buddhist term) fish gong; fish wood block; temple block; round, hollow, wood block (vaguely fish-shaped, usu. with scales), struck while chanting sutras
The wooden fish; there are two kinds, one round for use to keep time in chanting, the other long for calling to meals. The origin of the use of a fish is unkজxample to monks to be watchful: there is no evidence of connection with the Christian ίχθύς.ί 木馬 Wooden horse, a symbol of emancipation.


see styles
(Buddhist term) fish gong; fish wood block; temple block; round, hollow, wood block (vaguely fish-shaped, usu. with scales), struck while chanting sutras

Click here for more qi gong results from our dictionary

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine精氣神
jīng qì shén
jing1 qi4 shen2
jing qi shen
ching ch`i shen
ching chi shen
Life Energy
Spiritual Energy

气 / 気
kiqì / qi4 / qich`i / chi
Qi Gong
Chi Kung
ki kou / kikou / ki koqì gōng / qi4 gong1 / qi gong / qigongch`i kung / chikung / chi kung
Sit Quietly in Meditation入靜
rù jìng / ru4 jing4 / ru jing / rujingju ching / juching
Tai Chi Ball太極球
tai kyoku kyuu
tai kyoku kyu
tài jí qiú
tai4 ji2 qiu2
tai ji qiu
t`ai chi ch`iu
tai chi chiu
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Qi Gong Kanji, Qi Gong Characters, Qi Gong in Mandarin Chinese, Qi Gong Characters, Qi Gong in Chinese Writing, Qi Gong in Japanese Writing, Qi Gong in Asian Writing, Qi Gong Ideograms, Chinese Qi Gong symbols, Qi Gong Hieroglyphics, Qi Gong Glyphs, Qi Gong in Chinese Letters, Qi Gong Hanzi, Qi Gong in Japanese Kanji, Qi Gong Pictograms, Qi Gong in the Chinese Written-Language, or Qi Gong in the Japanese Written-Language.

146 people have searched for Qi Gong in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
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