The Mad Monk
Ji Gong
Wall Scroll

The Mad Monk - Ji Gong - Wall Scroll
The Mad Monk - Ji Gong - Wall Scroll

Typical Gallery Price: $110.00

Your Price: $49.88

• Delivered to you in by Jan 21st.
• Standard shipping is just $3.80 for any order.
• Unique Hand-Painted Art - Limited Supply.
• Handmade Wall Scroll.
• Money-Back Guarantee.

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 43.8cm x 69cm ≈ 17¼" x 27¼"

Silk/Brocade: 52.8cm x 124.5cm ≈ 20¾" x 49"

Width at Wooden Knobs: 61.8cm ≈ 24¼"

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Ji Gong, The Crazy Monk

The Mad Monk - Ji Gong - Wall Scroll close up view

Close up view of the artwork mounted to this silk brocade wall scroll

Ji Gong (as he is commonly known) lived during the 12th and 13th centuries. He's seen as the Robin Hood of China, as he always helped the poor. He also broke all of the rules (especially drinking alcohol and eating meat). It is said that as he walked past a temple one day, a statue of the Arhat Mahakasyapa fell to the ground. Thus it was believe the Arhat had descended to the earth in the form of this mischievous monk. With this sign and his infinite generousity, regardless of the rules he broke, or the temples he was kicked out of, he still had the respect of his peers and the masses. Even Taoists revere this man who was given the title "Living Buddha".

There is a temple of tribute to the Mad Monk in the Taishan area of Zhejiang Province. And these days, people who "do their own thing" or "march to the beat of a different drum" see Ji Gong as their personal hero or saint.

About the Art...

This is a very detailed painting that is mounted to a silk wall scroll. A lot of work went into this. It actually takes the artist almost a full day to complete.

You won't be disappointed if you become the owner of this work of art. I guarantee it personally or your money back.

About the Artist...

The artist's name is Jing Bin. He was born in Guanxi Province (southern China). His specialty is paintings of mythological and historical figures of ancient China.

This item was listed or modified
Oct 17th, 2013

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Typical Gallery Price: $110.00

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Ji Gong - The Mad Monk - Wall Scroll

Ji Gong
The Mad Monk
Wall Scroll

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