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The Way of the Warrior in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a The Way of the Warrior calligraphy wall scroll here!

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See also: Bushido - Code of the Samurai Warrior

  1. Daredevil Warrior / Soul of a Warrior

  2. Quiet Warrior

  3. Warrior for Peace

  4. Warrior / Fighter

  5. Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit

  6. Brave Warrior

  7. Warrior / Musha

  8. Soul of a Warrior

  9. Warrior of Heaven

10. Warrior Soul / Spirit of a Fighter

11. Warrior of the Heavenly Realm

12. Value of Warrior Generals

13. Warrior Saint / Saint of War

14. Warrior Essence / Warrior Spirit / Martial

15. Ninja

16. United States Marine Corps

17. Bushido / The Way of the Samurai

18. Silent Warrior

19. Warrior Within

20. Dragon Warrior

21. Warrior’s Path

22. Peaceful Warrior

23. Dragon Warrior

24. Inner Warrior

25. Peaceful Warrior

26. Silent Warrior

27. Warrior

28. Holy Warrior

29. Warrior Scholar

30. Inner Warrior

31. Warrior’s Heart

32. Quiet Warrior

33. Noble Warrior

34. Enlightened Warrior

35. Wind Warrior

36. Dragon Warrior

37. Ghost Warrior

38. The Warrior Within

39. Shadow Warrior

40. Spiritual Warrior

41. Heart of a Warrior

42. Guan Gong / Warrior Saint

43. Warrior Monk / Soldier Priest

44. The Warrior’s Word, Dependable as Gold and Steel

45. Marine / Soldier of the Sea

46. Ronin / Masterless Samurai

47. Shogun / Japanese General

48. Soldier of the Gods

49. Marine Corps

50. Chinese or Korean Army General

51. Marine Corps

52. It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war

53. Heart of a Warrior / Samurai Heart

54. Warrior of God / Soldier of God

55. Fighter for God

56. Marine

57. Martial Arts / Budo

58. Fighter

59. Benevolence

60. Bravery / Courage

61. Honesty

62. Justice / Rectitude / Right Decision

63. Respect

64. Honor

65. Loyalty / Faithful / Devoted

66. Bushido Dragon

Daredevil Warrior / Soul of a Warrior

 oni mu sha
Daredevil Warrior / Soul of a Warrior Scroll

鬼武者 is an unusual title that can be translated two ways, daredevil warrior or demon warrior.

The most common is probably the daredevil warrior. However, the first character means demon, ghost, or soul of the departed. Therefore, it can mean the soul of a warrior or a demon warrior.

This title is Japanese only, and should not be used if your audience is Chinese.

Quiet Warrior

 jìng wǔ shì
Quiet Warrior Scroll

靜武士 is the shortest way to write “Quiet Warrior” or “Tranquil Warrior” in Chinese.

See Also:  Peaceful Warrior

Quiet Warrior

 jìng mì wǔ shì
Quiet Warrior Scroll

靜謐武士 means “Quiet Warrior” in Chinese.

靜謐 means quiet or tranquil.
武士 means warrior or soldier.

See Also:  Peaceful Warrior

Warrior for Peace

 hé píng wǔ shì
Warrior for Peace Scroll

和平武士 means “Warrior for Peace” (a warrior who fights for peace) in Chinese.

Note this is not the same thing as a “peaceful warrior.”

See Also:  Peace

Warrior / Fighter


 sen shi
Warrior / Fighter Scroll

戦士 is an alternate title for a warrior, soldier, fighter, warrior, guardian, or combatant in Japanese.

戦士 is often romanized as “Senshi” in Japanese.

See Also:  Knight | Army | Marines | Samurai

Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit

 yǒng shì jīng shén
Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit Scroll

勇士精神 can be translated as the warrior's spirit or warrior's soul. The first two characters can be translated as “warrior” or literally “brave soldier/man,” although some will translate this word as “hero.” Therefore, this is also how to say “heroic spirit.”

The second two characters mean vigor, vitality, drive, spirit, mind, heart, mental essence, and psychological component. Basically “your soul.”

We have two versions of this phrase. The only difference is the first two and last two characters are swapped. The version here suggests that you admire or like the idea of the spirit of a warrior. The other version suggests that you are the warrior or hero.

Brave Warrior

 yǒng shì
 yuu shi
Brave Warrior Scroll

勇士 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja for a brave warrior, a brave person, a hero, or a brave man.

In Japanese, this can be a given name, Yuuji.

Warrior / Musha

 mu sha
Warrior / Musha Scroll

武者 is an alternate title for a warrior or samurai in Japanese. It is often romanized as “Musha.”

The literal meaning of these Kanji is “war person,” “military person,” or “martial person.”

Soul of a Warrior

 jīng shén yǒng shì
Soul of a Warrior Scroll

精神勇士 can be translated as the spirit or soul of a warrior. The first two characters can be translated as vigor, vitality, drive, spirit, mind, heart, mental essence, and psychological component. Basically, “your soul.”

The second two characters mean “warrior” or literally “brave soldier/man,” although some will translate this word as “hero.” Therefore, this is also how to say “soul of a hero.”

Note: This title is best for Chinese and old Korean. It does make sense in Japanese but is not a common or natural Kanji combination in Japanese.

We have two versions of this phrase. The only difference is the first two and last two characters are swapped. The version here suggests that you are the warrior or hero. The other version suggests that you admire or like the idea of the spirit of a warrior.

Warrior of Heaven

 tiān lì shì
 ten riki shi
Warrior of Heaven Scroll

天力士 means “Heavenly Warrior,” or “Hero of Heaven,” in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.

Often used in a Buddhist context.

Warrior Soul / Spirit of a Fighter

 senshi damashii
Warrior Soul / Spirit of a Fighter Scroll

戦士魂 is “warrior soul” or “warrior spirit” in Japanese.

Here's the breakdown of the Kanji:

戦士 (senshi) warrior; soldier; combatant; fighter.

魂 (damashii/tamashii) soul; spirit; can sometimes mean “ghost.”

Warrior of the Heavenly Realm

 tiān jiè lì shì
 ten kai riki shi
Warrior of the Heavenly Realm Scroll

天界力士 means “warrior of the heavenly realm” in Chinese, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.

This is also known as Narayana in Buddhism.

Value of Warrior Generals

 bīng zài jīng ér bú zài duō jiàng zài móu ér bú zài yǒng
Value of Warrior Generals Scroll

兵在精而不在多將在謀而不在勇 is a proverb that informs how it is better to have warriors of quality, rather than just a large quantity of warriors in your army/force.

This literally means: [Just as] warriors [are valued for their] quality and not [just] for quantity, [so] generals [are valued] for their tactics, not [just] for [their] bravery.

See Also:  兵在精而不在多

Warrior Saint / Saint of War

 wǔ shèng
Warrior Saint / Saint of War Scroll

This Chinese title, Wusheng, means Saint of War.

武聖 is usually a reference to Guan Yu (關羽), also known as Guan Gong (關公).

Some Chinese soldiers still pray to Wusheng for protection. They would especially do this before going into battle.

Warrior Essence / Warrior Spirit / Martial

Warrior Essence / Warrior Spirit / Martial Scroll

武 is the essence or spirit of a warrior. 武 is part of the word “wu shu” which is sometimes translated as “martial arts” or “kung fu.”

In more modern speech and another context, this can mean military, martial, warlike, fierce, and perhaps violent but usually as a prefix for a longer word or phrase.

 rěn zhě
Ninja Scroll

In feudal Japan, ninjas or shinobi (literally, “one who is concealed” or “one that endures”) were sometimes assassins and agents of espionage. The ninja, like samurai, followed their special code of conduct.

The role of the ninja has been romanticized in many American movies (and to a lesser extent in Japanese movies). Because the ninja craze has taken off in the west, Japan has followed the trend, and you'll see plenty of ninja-related imagery in Japan.

忍Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese tend to write the first character in the form shown to the right. If you select a Japanese calligrapher, please expect that form. Our Chinese calligraphers can also write it in Japanese form, but only if you request it (in the special instructions about your order during checkout).

See Also:  Samurai | Warrior | Ninjitsu

United States Marine Corps

 bei kai hei tai
United States Marine Corps Scroll

米海兵隊 is the Japanese way to write “United States Marine Corps” or simply “U.S. Marines.”

Breaking down each Kanji, this means:
“rice (American) ocean/sea soldiers/army/military corps/regiment/group.”

This title will only make sense in Japanese, it is not the same in Chinese! Make sure you know your audience before ordering a custom wall scroll.

If you are wondering about rice, America is known as “rice country” or “rice kingdom” when literally translated. The Kanji for rice is often used as an abbreviation in front of words (like a sub-adjective) to make something “American.” Americans say “rice burner” for a Japanese car and “rice rocket” for a Japanese motorcycle. If you did the same in Japanese, it would have the opposite meaning.

Note: I have not verified this but I’ve found this title used for U.S. Marines in Korean articles, so it’s most likely a normal Korean term as well (but only in Korean Hanja).

See Also:  Marine Corps | Navy | Army | Art of War | Warrior | Military

Bushido / The Way of the Samurai

 wǔ shì dào
 bu shi do
Bushido / The Way of the Samurai Scroll

武士道 is the title for “The Code of the Samurai.”

Sometimes called “The Seven Virtues of the Samurai,” “The Bushido Code,” or “The Samurai Code of Chivalry.”

This would be read in Chinese characters, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja as “The Way of the Warrior,” “The Warrior's Way,” or “The Warrior's Code.”

It's a set of virtues that the Samurai of Japan and ancient warriors of China and Korea had to live and die by. However, while known throughout Asia, this title is mostly used in Japan and thought of as being of Japanese origin.

The seven commonly-accepted tenets or virtues of Bushido are Rectitude 義, Courage 勇, Benevolence 仁, Respect 礼(禮), Honour 名誉, Honesty 誠, and Loyalty 忠実. These tenets were part of oral history for generations, thus, you will see variations in the list of Bushido tenets depending on who you talk to.

See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Samurai | Warrior

Silent Warrior

 seijakuna senshi
Silent Warrior Scroll

靜寂な戦士 means “silent warrior” or “quiet warrior,” in Japanese.

Warrior Within

 wǔ zhě zhī xīn
Warrior Within Scroll

武者之心 means “Warrior Within” from the Chinese video game title, “Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.”

This more literally means “warrior or the heart” or “warrior of the soul/mind.”

Dragon Warrior

 lóng wǔ shì
 ryuu bu shi
Dragon Warrior Scroll

龍武士 is a generic title for “Dragon Warrior.”

Just as in English, it's a bit ambiguous. It can mean one who fights against dragons or the title of a warrior himself (imagine a warrior with a dragon symbol on his chest).

Warrior’s Path

 bu no dou
Warrior’s Path Scroll

This maeans path of the warrior or warrior’s path in Japanese.

Peaceful Warrior

 hei wa no bu shi
Peaceful Warrior Scroll

平和の武士 can be read as “Peaceful Warrior” or “Warrior for Peace” in Japanese. This sounds like an oxymoron in Japanese, so it's a weird title. Expect Japanese people to be perplexed when they see it.

Character breakdown:
平和 (heiwa) peace; harmony.
の (no) possessive particle.
武士 (bushi) warrior; samurai; soldier.

Dragon Warrior

 lóng zhàn shì
Dragon Warrior Scroll

龍戰士 is another version of “Dragon Warrior.”

It's still a bit ambiguous. This one reads more like “Dragon Fighter” than “Dragon Warrior.” Perhaps you can also translate this one as “One who fights like a dragon.”

Inner Warrior

Inner Warrior Scroll

This means inner warrior in Japanese.

內なる means inner or internal.

戦士 means warrior or fighter.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Peaceful Warrior

 píng hé de wǔ shì
Peaceful Warrior Scroll

平和的武士 means “Peaceful Warrior” in Chinese. This does in fact sound like an oxymoron in Chinese - but many of you have asked for this special title.

Note this is not the same thing as “warrior for peace.”

See Also:  Peace

Silent Warrior

 chén mò de wǔ shì
Silent Warrior Scroll

沉默的武士 is a way to write “silent warrior” in Chinese.

The first two characters mean “silent.”

The middle character is a connecting or possessive particle.

The last two characters mean “warrior.”

 wǔ shì
 bu shi
Warrior Scroll

The first character, 武, is the spirit or essence of a warrior. The second character, 士, means soldier, officer, or official. 武士 is also used appropriately enough to describe a piece of a chess game. 武士 can also be translated as a soldier, cavalier, palace guard, or samurai, and sometimes as a knight. I've occasionally seen this translated as strong man or tough man (gender not necessarily implied).

By far, 武士 is the most common way to write warrior in Chinese characters, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

Note: In Japanese, this is Bushi, as in Bushido.

See Also:  Knight | Army | Marines | Samurai

Holy Warrior

 sei senshi
Holy Warrior Scroll

聖戦士 means “Holy Warrior,” in Japanese.

Warrior Scholar

 zhàn shì xué zhě
Warrior Scholar Scroll

This means Warrior Scholar in Chinese.

Inner Warrior

 nèi xīn zhàn shì
Inner Warrior Scroll

內心戰士 means Inner Warrior in Chinese.

Warrior’s Heart

 yǒng shì zhī xīn
Warrior’s Heart Scroll

勇士之心 is “Warrior’s Heart” in Chinese.

Quiet Warrior

 shizukana senshi
Quiet Warrior Scroll

This means “Quiet Warrior” in Japanese.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Noble Warrior

 dà xiá
Noble Warrior Scroll

大俠 means knight, swordsman, noble warrior, or chivalrous hero in Chinese.

Enlightened Warrior

 jué xǐng wǔ shì
Enlightened Warrior Scroll

覺醒武士 is not a commonly used title in Chinese but is sometimes used in Martial arts and military contexts to refer to a warrior who seems always to be fully aware, enlightened, knowledgeable, noble, and just.

The first two characters are a word that means: to awaken; to come to realize; awakened to the truth; the truth dawns upon one; scales fall from the eyes; to become aware.

The last two characters mean warrior but can also refer to a samurai, soldier, or fighter.

Wind Warrior

 fēng zhōng zhàn shì
Wind Warrior Scroll

風中戰士 is the title Wind Warrior in Chinese.

Also the name of a 2005 Hong Kong movie.

Dragon Warrior

 dòu lóng zhàn shì
Dragon Warrior Scroll

斗龍戰士 or “Dragon Warrior” is specifically one who fights against dragons.

This can also be read as “Dragon Fighter.”

Ghost Warrior

 yōu líng zhàn shì
Ghost Warrior Scroll

幽靈戰士 means Ghost Warrior or Ghost Soldier in Chinese.

This title is used for at least one movie and a video game (about a sniper).

The Warrior Within

 chuu no senshi
The Warrior Within Scroll

中の戦士 means “The Warrior Within” in Japanese.

Shadow Warrior

 yīng wǔ zhǔ
Shadow Warrior Scroll

影武者 is the title for Shadow Warrior in Chinese and Japanese.

This may refer to a few video games that share this English title, or a Japanese movie called Kagemusha.

If you are looking for the Japanese TV show, that was originally 影の軍団 (Kage no Gundan), which more literally means “Army of Shadows,” but was re-titled Shadow Warrior when released outside Japan in English.

In Japan, this title can also refer to a body double or decoy of an army general or leader used to avoid assassination. It can also be somebody who does all the work (or fighting) behind the scenes (not getting much, if any, credit).

Shadow Warrior

Spiritual Warrior

 rei sen shi
Spiritual Warrior Scroll

霊戦士 is a Japanese title that means “Spiritual Warrior.”

The first Kanji means spiritual.

The second Kanji means war, warfare, or battle.

The third Kanji means soldier, officer, man or pawn.

Heart of a Warrior

 zhàn shì zhī xīn
Heart of a Warrior Scroll

戰士之心 can mean “Heart of a Warrior” or “Heart of a Fighter” in Chinese.

Guan Gong / Warrior Saint

 guān gōng
Guan Gong / Warrior Saint Scroll

關公 is a Chinese title, Guan Gong, that means Lord Guan (The warrior saint of ancient China).

Guan Gong Warrior Saint While his real name was Guan Yu / 關羽, he is commonly known by the title of Guan Gong (關公).

Some Chinese soldiers still pray to Guan Gong for protection. They would especially do this before going into battle. Statues of Guan Gong are seen throughout China.

Warrior Monk / Soldier Priest

 sēng bīng
 sou hei
Warrior Monk / Soldier Priest Scroll

藩士 is a strange title for a wall scroll, but it may suit you if you see yourself as a warrior monk.

This title is not commonly used but will be understood in Chinese and Japanese. It can also be read as “armed monks.”

The Warrior’s Word, Dependable as Gold and Steel

 bushi no ichigon kintetsu no gotoshi
The Warrior’s Word, Dependable as Gold and Steel Scroll

武士の一言金鉄の如し is an old Japanese proverb about the value of the word of a warrior.

Here are a couple of versions of how this can be translated:

A warrior's single word is as unchanging and reliable as gold and steel.
A warrior's promise is as dependable as gold, and his [scabbard contains] untarnished steel (a sword).

Note: Sometimes this phrase is written as 男子の一言、金鉄の如し (danshi no ichigon kintetsu no gotoshi)

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Marine / Soldier of the Sea

 kai hei
Marine / Soldier of the Sea Scroll

海兵 is a way to express “Marine” as in an individual “Soldier of the Sea” in Japanese Kanji and old Korean Hanja characters (not to be confused with Korean Hangul).

Breaking down each character, this means:
“ocean/sea soldier/army/warrior.”

Please note that this Japanese/Korean version kind of means “sailor” or “navy” in Chinese.

See Also:  Military

Ronin / Masterless Samurai

 làng rén
 rou nin
Ronin / Masterless Samurai Scroll

The 浪人 or Ronin have no master - The most famous are the 47 ronin created after their Lord committed suicide. This term was not a positive title for the Samurai of ancient Japan. However, in recent years, movies and video games have glorified the term Ronin.

In Chinese, this term has the original meaning of a hobo, vagabond, or ruffian.
In Korean Hanja, these characters would be read as adventurer, wanderer, someone without a steady job, or someone who is wasting away time.

In modern Japan, this term is used as a nickname for a high school student who has failed a college entry exam (and is trying again).

In Chinese and Korean, the Japanese definition of “Masterless Samurai” is known because of the historical context. Even in Japanese, the literal translation is closer to the Chinese and Korean definitions shown above.

This will make a fine wall scroll if you are a fan of the Ronin or see yourself as a Ronin of sorts. However, please think twice before getting a Ronin tattoo!

Shogun / Japanese General

 jiāng jūn
Shogun / Japanese General Scroll

将軍 or Shogun, in the simplest definition, is a General, but you could also use words such as commander, lord, overlord, highest ranking, or commanding officer.

The title “Shogun” has held some slightly ambiguous meanings at times in Japanese history.

In the west, when someone mentions “Shogun,” we may be filled with thoughts of gallant warriors. Some might even think of the TV mini-series with Richard Chamberlain. Often westerners use the words, Samurai and Shogun interchangeably, but that's really not technically correct. In the case of the Samurai, the Shogun was a designated (by the emperor) leader of a gild of Samurai. In this context, the Shogun was a Samurai lord. Or effectively, a commanding officer of a company of Samurai - to put it in modern military terms.

Sometimes a Shogun was a general; other times, he was the leader of a military government in Japan - but not a front-line warrior like a Samurai.

Variants of the same characters are used in China for the rank and title of a General of the People's Liberation Army (and the same term and characters have been used for the last 2200 years since the Qin Dynasty).

Soldier of the Gods

 shén bīng
 shin pei
Soldier of the Gods Scroll

神兵 is a Japanese, Chinese, and Korean title that means “soldier dispatched by a god,” or “soldier under the protection of the gods.”

神兵 is used more in Japanese (especially in animation) than the other languages.

Marine Corps

Marine Corps Scroll

海兵隊 is the Japanese and Korean way to express “Marine Corps” or simply “Marines.” It is not specific, so this can be the Marine Corps of any country, such as the British Royal Marines to the U.S. Marines.

Breaking down each character, this means:
“ocean/sea soldiers/army corps/regiment/group.”

See Also:  Military

Chinese or Korean Army General

 jiāng jūn
Chinese or Korean Army General Scroll

將軍 is the more Chinese and Korean Hanja version or General.

There is a slight variation in the way the first character is written compared to the Japanese Shogun (将軍) title. So if you want to specifically refer to a Chinese or Korean General, this is the way. Japanese people would still easily identify this as “shogun.”

Note: This term is also used for Admiral in Korean in a certain context (if you need a better title for Admiral, just let me know).

Marine Corps

 hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì
Marine Corps Scroll

海軍陸戰隊 is the Chinese way to express “Marine Corps.” This could be the Marine Corps of virtually any country that has an amphibious military force.

Let me know if you want a more specific title, such as British Royal Marines or U.S. Marine Corps.

The Chinese title for Marines is very verbose...
Breaking down each character this means:
“ocean/sea military/arms shore/land fighting/war/battle corps/team/group.”

See Also:  Military

It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war

 huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng ài wēng huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng
It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war Scroll

花園里的戰士好過戰場上的園丁 is the Chinese for the phrase, “It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”

This proverb is purported to come from the following exchange:

A student approaches his samurai master and says,
“Teacher, you instruct me how to fight, yet you preach to me about peace. How do I reconcile the two?”
The samurai responds,
“Because it is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”

Heart of a Warrior / Samurai Heart

 wǔ shì xīn
 bu shi kokoro
Heart of a Warrior / Samurai Heart Scroll

武士心 means “Warrior Heart.”

武士心 is more a Japanese title than Chinese, but it is understood in both languages.

Warrior of God / Soldier of God

 kami no heishi
Warrior of God / Soldier of God Scroll

神の兵士 means “Warrior of God” or “Soldier of God” in Japanese.

Fighter for God

 shàng dì de dòu shì
Fighter for God Scroll

上帝的鬥士 means “God's Fighter.”

While a lot of people search for “Warrior of God,” or “Soldier of God,” this is actually the most natural way to say something like this in Chinese.


Amphibious Warrior

 hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì yuán
Marine Scroll

海軍陸戰隊員 is the Chinese way to express “Marine.” (as in a member of the Marine Corps). It is not country-specific, so it could be the Royal Marines, U.S. Marines, Chinese Marines, etc.
In Australian English, they would translate this as “Naval Infantryman.”

Breaking down each character this means:
“ocean/sea military/arms shore/land fighting/war/battle corps/team/group person/member.” Note that the first two characters are presented together but outside of this phrase mean “navy” (sea military).

See Also:  Warrior | Military | Navy | Art of War

Martial Arts / Budo

Way of the Warrior

 wǔ dào
 bu dou
Martial Arts / Budo Scroll

武道 is the very common Japanese way to say “Martial Arts.”

武道 is used mostly in Japanese dojos but is also understood in Chinese and Korean.

Some will use this title to mean chivalry (the conduct of a knight) or military art. The way this word is understood would depend on the context in which it is used.

The first character means “force,” “warlike,” or “essence of a warrior.”

The second character means “method,” “path,” and “the way.” It is the same character used to describe/mean the philosophy of Taoism / Daoism.

Some will also translate this as “The Way of the Warrior”; especially in the context of Korean martial arts.


Warrior / Soldier

 zhàn shì
 sen shi
Fighter Scroll

戰士 is how to write “fighter” in Chinese, ancient Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

The first character means war, warfare, or battle.
The second character means soldier, officer, man, or pawn.

戰士 can also mean soldier or warrior. Usually this will be read as “fighter” or “one who fights.” 戰士 is an odd selection for a wall scroll unless you are a boxer, ultimate fighter, or otherwise participate in combat sports.

Other translations include combatant or champion.

戦Note that after WWII, the first Kanji was reformed/simplified. This modern Japanese version is shown to the right. If you want this version, click on the Kanji to the right, instead of the button above.

Benevolence Scroll

Beyond benevolence, 仁 can also be defined as “charity” or “mercy” depending on context.

The deeper meaning suggests that one should pay alms to the poor, care for those in trouble, and take care of his fellow man (or woman).

仁 is one of the five tenets of Confucius. In fact, it is a subject that Confucius spent a great deal of time explaining to his disciples.

I have also seen this benevolent-related word translated as perfect virtue, selflessness, love for humanity, humaneness, goodness, goodwill, or simply “love” in the non-romantic form.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Altruism | Kindness | Charity | Confucius

Bravery / Courage

Single Character for Courage

 isamu / yu-
Bravery / Courage Scroll

勇 can be translated as bravery, courage, valor, or fearless in Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

勇 is the simplest form to express courage or bravery, as there is also a two-character form that starts with this same character.

勇 can also be translated as brave, daring, fearless, plucky, or heroic.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Bravery | Courage

Honesty Scroll

誠 means truth, faith, fidelity, sincerity, trust, and/or confidence.

As a single-character wall scroll, this suggests that you believe “honesty is the best policy,” as your personal philosophy.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Sincerity | Sincere

Justice / Rectitude / Right Decision

Also means: honor loyalty morality righteousness

Justice / Rectitude / Right Decision Scroll

義 is about doing the right thing or making the right decision, not because it's easy but because it's ethically and morally correct.

No matter the outcome or result, one does not lose face if tempering proper justice.

義 can also be defined as righteousness, justice, morality, honor, or “right conduct.” In a more expanded definition, it can mean loyalty to friends, loyalty to the public good, or patriotism. This idea of loyalty and friendship comes from the fact that you will treat those you are loyal to with morality and justice.

義 is also one of the five tenets of Confucius's doctrine.

儀 There's also an alternate version of this character sometimes seen in Bushido or Korean Taekwondo tenets. It's just the addition of a radical on the left side of the character. If you want this version, click on the image to the right instead of the button above.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Judgment | Impartial | Confucius Tenets


Politeness, Gratitude and Propriety

Respect Scroll

礼 is one of the five tenets of Confucius.

Beyond respect, 礼 can also be translated as propriety, good manners, politeness, rite, worship, or an expression of gratitude.

We show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy. We treat others with dignity and honor the rules of our family, school, and nation. Respect yourself, and others will respect you.

禮 Chinese RespectPlease note that Japanese use this simplified 礼 version of the original 禮 character for respect. 礼 also happens to be the same simplification used in mainland China. While 禮 is the traditional and original version, 礼 has been used as a shorthand version for many centuries. Click on the big 禮 character to the right if you want the Traditional Chinese and older Japanese versions.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Confucius


(Modern Japanese version)

 míng yù
Honor Scroll

名譽 is a version of honor that is about having or earning the respect of others and about your reputation.

It is the status of being worthy of honor (not to be confused with doing honorable things or specific actions - see our other “honor” listing for that).

譽 Both modern Japanese and modern mainland Chinese use the same simplified version of the second character of honor. You can make a special request for the traditional second character as shown to the right (just click on that character to the right of you want to order that version). Before WWII, both Japan and China used the traditional form but modern Japanese and Chinese use this simplified form. Koreans still use the traditional form when they are not writing in their modern Hangul glyphs.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

Loyalty / Faithful / Devoted

 chuujitsu / chuugi
Loyalty / Faithful / Devoted Scroll

忠実 is a Japanese way to write “Loyalty” - it also contains the ideas of being faithful, devoted, true, and obedient.

The second character is a modified form only used in the Japanese lexicon; however, Chinese speakers can easily guess the meaning.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

Bushido Dragon

 wǔ shì dào lóng
 bu shi do ryuu
Bushido Dragon Scroll

This is the title Bushido Dragon in Chinese and Japanese Kanji.

In Japanese, this can also be written as 武士道竜.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Daredevil Warrior
Soul of a Warrior
鬼武者oni mu sha / onimusha
Quiet Warrior靜武士
jìng wǔ shì
jing4 wu3 shi4
jing wu shi
ching wu shih
Quiet Warrior靜謐武士
jìng mì wǔ shì
jing4 mi4 wu3 shi4
jing mi wu shi
ching mi wu shih
Warrior for Peace和平武士hé píng wǔ shì
he2 ping2 wu3 shi4
he ping wu shi
ho p`ing wu shih
ho ping wu shih
戦士sen shi / senshi
Warrior Soul
Heroic Spirit
勇士精神yǒng shì jīng shén
yong3 shi4 jing1 shen2
yong shi jing shen
yung shih ching shen
Brave Warrior勇士yuu shi / yuushi / yu shiyǒng shì / yong3 shi4 / yong shi / yongshiyung shih / yungshih
武者mu sha / musha
Soul of a Warrior精神勇士jīng shén yǒng shì
jing1 shen2 yong3 shi4
jing shen yong shi
ching shen yung shih
Warrior of Heaven天力士ten riki shi
tiān lì shì
tian1 li4 shi4
tian li shi
t`ien li shih
tien li shih
Warrior Soul
Spirit of a Fighter
戦士魂senshi damashii
senshi damashi
Warrior of the Heavenly Realm天界力士ten kai riki shi
tiān jiè lì shì
tian1 jie4 li4 shi4
tian jie li shi
t`ien chieh li shih
tien chieh li shih
Value of Warrior Generals兵在精而不在多將在謀而不在勇
bīng zài jīng ér bú zài duō jiàng zài móu ér bú zài yǒng
bing1 zai4 jing1 er2 bu2 zai4 duo1 jiang4 zai4 mou2 er2 bu2 zai4 yong3
bing zai jing er bu zai duo jiang zai mou er bu zai yong
ping tsai ching erh pu tsai to chiang tsai mou erh pu tsai yung
Warrior Saint
Saint of War
wǔ shèng / wu3 sheng4 / wu sheng / wusheng
Warrior Essence
Warrior Spirit
buwǔ / wu3 / wu
Ninja忍者ninjarěn zhě / ren3 zhe3 / ren zhe / renzhejen che / jenche
United States Marine Corps米海兵隊bei kai hei tai
The Way of the Samurai
武士道bu shi do / bushidowǔ shì dào
wu3 shi4 dao4
wu shi dao
wu shih tao
Silent Warrior靜寂な戦士
seijakuna senshi
Warrior Within武者之心wǔ zhě zhī xīn
wu3 zhe3 zhi1 xin1
wu zhe zhi xin
wu che chih hsin
Dragon Warrior龍武士
ryuu bu shi
ryu bu shi
lóng wǔ shì
long2 wu3 shi4
long wu shi
lung wu shih
Warrior’s Path武の道bu no dou / bunodou / bu no do
Peaceful Warrior平和の武士hei wa no bu shi
Dragon Warrior龍戰士
lóng zhàn shì
long2 zhan4 shi4
long zhan shi
lung chan shih
Inner Warrior內なる戦士
Peaceful Warrior平和的武士píng hé de wǔ shì
ping2 he2 de wu3 shi4
ping he de wu shi
p`ing ho te wu shih
ping ho te wu shih
Silent Warrior沉默的武士chén mò de wǔ shì
chen2 mo4 de wu3 shi4
chen mo de wu shi
ch`en mo te wu shih
chen mo te wu shih
Warrior武士bu shi / bushiwǔ shì / wu3 shi4 / wu shi / wushiwu shih / wushih
Holy Warrior聖戦士sei senshi / seisenshi
Warrior Scholar戰士學者
zhàn shì xué zhě
zhan4 shi4 xue2 zhe3
zhan shi xue zhe
chan shih hsüeh che
Inner Warrior內心戰士
nèi xīn zhàn shì
nei4 xin1 zhan4 shi4
nei xin zhan shi
nei hsin chan shih
Warrior’s Heart勇士之心yǒng shì zhī xīn / /
Quiet Warrior靜かな戦士
shizukana senshi
Noble Warrior大俠
dà xiá / da4 xia2 / da xia / daxiata hsia / tahsia
Enlightened Warrior覺醒武士
jué xǐng wǔ shì
jue2 xing3 wu3 shi4
jue xing wu shi
chüeh hsing wu shih
Wind Warrior風中戰士
fēng zhōng zhàn shì
feng1 zhong1 zhan4 shi4
feng zhong zhan shi
feng chung chan shih
Dragon Warrior斗龍戰士
dòu lóng zhàn shì
dou4 long2 zhan4 shi4
dou long zhan shi
tou lung chan shih
Ghost Warrior幽靈戰士
yōu líng zhàn shì
you1 ling2 zhan4 shi4
you ling zhan shi
yu ling chan shih
The Warrior Within中の戦士chuu no senshi
chu no senshi
Shadow Warrior影武者kagemushayīng wǔ zhǔ
ying1 wu3 zhu3
ying wu zhu
ying wu chu
Spiritual Warrior霊戦士rei sen shi
Heart of a Warrior戰士之心
zhàn shì zhī xīn
zhan4 shi4 zhi1 xin1
zhan shi zhi xin
chan shih chih hsin
Guan Gong
Warrior Saint
guān gōng
guan1 gong1
guan gong
kuan kung
Warrior Monk
Soldier Priest
藩士sou hei / souhei / so heisēng bīng
seng1 bing1
seng bing
seng ping
The Warrior’s Word, Dependable as Gold and Steel武士の一言、金鉄の如しbushi no ichigon kintetsu no gotoshi
Soldier of the Sea
海兵kai hei / kaihei
Masterless Samurai
浪人rou nin / rounin / ro ninlàng rén / lang4 ren2 / lang ren / langrenlang jen / langjen
Japanese General
shougun / shogunjiāng jūn
jiang1 jun1
jiang jun
chiang chün
Soldier of the Gods神兵shin pei / shinpeishén bīng
shen2 bing1
shen bing
shen ping
Marine Corps海兵隊
Chinese or Korean Army General將軍
shougun / shogunjiāng jūn
jiang1 jun1
jiang jun
chiang chün
Marine Corps海軍陸戰隊
hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì
hai3 jun1 lu4 zhan4 dui4
hai jun lu zhan dui
hai chün lu chan tui
It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war花園里的戰士好過戰場上的園丁
huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng ài wēng huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng
hua1 yuan2 li3 de zhan4 shi4 hao3 guo4 zhan4 chang3 shang4 de yuan2 ding1 hua1 yuan2 li3 de zhan4 shi4 hao3 guo4 zhan4 chang3 shang4 de yuan2 ding1 ai4 weng1 hua1 yuan2 li3 de zhan4 shi4 hao3 guo4 zhan4 chang3 shang4 de yuan2 ding1
hua yuan li de zhan shi hao guo zhan chang shang de yuan ding hua yuan li de zhan shi hao guo zhan chang shang de yuan ding ai weng hua yuan li de zhan shi hao guo zhan chang shang de yuan ding
hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan ch`ang shang te yüan ting hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan ch`ang shang te yüan ting ai weng hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan ch`ang shang te yüan ting
hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan chang shang te yüan ting hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan chang shang te yüan ting ai weng hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan chang shang te yüan ting
Heart of a Warrior
Samurai Heart
武士心bu shi kokoro
wǔ shì xīn
wu3 shi4 xin1
wu shi xin
wu shih hsin
Warrior of God
Soldier of God
神の兵士kami no heishi
Fighter for God上帝的鬥士
shàng dì de dòu shì
shang4 di4 de dou4 shi4
shang di de dou shi
shang ti te tou shih
hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì yuán
hai3 jun1 lu4 zhan4 dui4 yuan2
hai jun lu zhan dui yuan
hai chün lu chan tui yüan
Martial Arts
武道bu dou / budou / bu dowǔ dào / wu3 dao4 / wu dao / wudaowu tao / wutao
战士 / 戦士
sen shi / senshizhàn shì / zhan4 shi4 / zhan shi / zhanshichan shih / chanshih
Benevolencejinrén / ren2 / renjen
isamu / yu-yǒng / yong3 / yongyung
makotochéng / cheng2 / chengch`eng / cheng
Right Decision

giyì / yi4 / yii
reilǐ / li3 / li
meiyomíng yù / ming2 yu4 / ming yu / mingyuming yü / mingyü
chuujitsu / chuugi
chujitsu / chugi
Bushido Dragon武士道龍
bu shi do ryuu
bu shi do ryu
wǔ shì dào lóng
wu3 shi4 dao4 long2
wu shi dao long
wu shih tao lung
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as The Way of the Warrior Kanji, The Way of the Warrior Characters, The Way of the Warrior in Mandarin Chinese, The Way of the Warrior Characters, The Way of the Warrior in Chinese Writing, The Way of the Warrior in Japanese Writing, The Way of the Warrior in Asian Writing, The Way of the Warrior Ideograms, Chinese The Way of the Warrior symbols, The Way of the Warrior Hieroglyphics, The Way of the Warrior Glyphs, The Way of the Warrior in Chinese Letters, The Way of the Warrior Hanzi, The Way of the Warrior in Japanese Kanji, The Way of the Warrior Pictograms, The Way of the Warrior in the Chinese Written-Language, or The Way of the Warrior in the Japanese Written-Language.

80 people have searched for The Way of the Warrior in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
The Way of the Warrior was last searched for by someone else on Feb 2nd, 2025