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Fate Will Find a Way in Chinese / Japanese...

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If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.

  1. Optimism / Happy With Your Fate

  2. You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure

  3. Bushido / The Way of the Samurai

  4. Buddha Way

  5. Mark the boat to find the lost sword / Ignoring the changing circumstances of the world

  6. Destiny / Fate

  7. Fate / Chance Meeting

  8. Predestined Love / Love by Fate

  9. Destiny / Fate

10. Brought Together from 1000 Miles Away by Fate

11. A Truly Determined Person Will Find a Solution

12. Do not fear the task: Cooperation will lead to success

13. Fate / Opportunity / Chance

14. Free Will

15. Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith

16. Achieve Inner Peace; Find Deep Understanding

17. Tang Soo Do / Tang Hand Way

18. The Karma/Fate/Destiny that Brings Lovers Together

19. Kendo / The Way of the Sword

20. You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure

21. Love Will Find A Way

22. The Middle Way

23. Milky Way Galaxy

24. Where There is a Will, There is a Way

25. Move On / Change Way of Thinking

26. There is always a way out

27. The Old Way / Old School

28. Perseverance / Will-Power

29. The Red Thread of Fate

30. Self-Discipline / Will-Power

31. Tea Fate

32. There is one single thread binding my Way together

33. Walk in the Way

34. Walking 100 Miles: Stopping at 90 miles, is the same as stopping half-way

35. The Way of Five Pecks of Rice

36. The Way of the Wave

37. Way of Life / Art of Life

38. The Way of Tea

39. The Way of the Dragon

40. The Way of the Wave

41. Where there’s a will there’s a way

42. Where There is a Will, There is a Way

43. Stay Strong / Iron Will

44. Determination to Achieve / Will-Power

45. Will-Power / Self-Control

46. Will

47. Will of Fire

48. A Wise Man Changes His Mind

49. Zendo / The Zen Way

Optimism / Happy With Your Fate

 lè tiān
 raku ten
Optimism / Happy With Your Fate Scroll

樂天 is about being optimistic and also making the best of whatever life throws at you.

This is hard to define. One dictionary defines this as “acceptance of fate and happy about it.” There is one English word equivalent, which is sanguinity or sanguinary.

You can also say that this means “Be happy with whatever Heaven provides,” or “Find happiness in whatever fate Heaven bestows upon you.” 樂天 suggests being an optimist in life.

Note: This is sometimes a given name in China.

楽 Please note that Japanese tend to write the first character in a slightly-different form (as seen to the right). Let us know if you have a preference when you place your order.

You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure

 bǎi shèng nán lǜ dí sān zhé nǎi liáng yī
You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure Scroll

百胜难虑敌三折乃良医 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [Even a general who has won a] hundred victories [may be] hard put to see through the enemy's [strategy], [but one who has] broken [his] arm three [times] [will] be a good doctor.

Figuratively, this means: One cannot always depend on past successes to guarantee future success but one can always learn from lessons drawn from failure.

See Also:  Failure - Mother of Success | Experience - Mother of Success | Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8 | Hard Knocks

Bushido / The Way of the Samurai

 wǔ shì dào
 bu shi do
Bushido / The Way of the Samurai Scroll

武士道 is the title for “The Code of the Samurai.”

Sometimes called “The Seven Virtues of the Samurai,” “The Bushido Code,” or “The Samurai Code of Chivalry.”

This would be read in Chinese characters, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja as “The Way of the Warrior,” “The Warrior's Way,” or “The Warrior's Code.”

It's a set of virtues that the Samurai of Japan and ancient warriors of China and Korea had to live and die by. However, while known throughout Asia, this title is mostly used in Japan and thought of as being of Japanese origin.

The seven commonly-accepted tenets or virtues of Bushido are Rectitude 義, Courage 勇, Benevolence 仁, Respect 礼(禮), Honour 名誉, Honesty 誠, and Loyalty 忠実. These tenets were part of oral history for generations, thus, you will see variations in the list of Bushido tenets depending on who you talk to.

See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Samurai | Warrior

 fó dào
Buddha Way Scroll

佛道 is “The way of Buddha, leading to Buddhahood” or the way to becoming a bodhi and enlightened.

Known in Japanese as Butsudō, in Mandarin Chinese as Fódào, and in Korean as Buldo or 불도.

Mark the boat to find the lost sword / Ignoring the changing circumstances of the world

 kè zhōu qiú jiàn
Mark the boat to find the lost sword / Ignoring the changing circumstances of the world Scroll

刻舟求劍 is an originally-Chinese proverb that serves as a warning to people that things are always in a state of change.

Thus, you must consider that and not depend on the old ways or a way that may have worked in the past but is no longer valid.

This idiom/proverb comes from the following story:
A man was traveling in a ferry boat across a river. With him, he carried a treasured sword. Along the way, the man became overwhelmed and intoxicated by the beautiful view and accidentally dropped his prized sword into the river. Thinking quickly, he pulled out a knife and marked on the rail of the boat where exactly he had lost his sword.

When the boat arrived on the other side of the river, the man jumped out of the boat and searched for his sword right under where he'd made the mark. Of course, the boat had moved a great distance since he made the mark, and thus, he could not find the sword.

While this man may seem foolhardy, we must take a great lesson from this parable: Circumstances change, so one should use methods to handle the change. In modern China, this is used in business to mean that one should not depend on old business models for a changing market.

This proverb dates back to the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC) of the territory now known as China. It has spread and is somewhat known in Japan and Korea.

Destiny / Fate

 inochi / mei
Destiny / Fate Scroll

命 is often translated as “destiny.”

Sometimes this character is simply translated as “life” but more in terms of one's lot in life. In a certain context, this can mean command or decree (generally from a king or emperor). Of course, such a decree is part of fate and leads you to fulfill your destiny.

In Chinese, this word leans toward the fate or destiny definition.
In Korean, it is usually read simply as “life.”
In Japanese, it can mean all definitions shown above, depending on context.

See Also:  Good Fortune

Fate / Chance Meeting

 yuán fèn
Fate / Chance Meeting Scroll

緣份 specifically represents the fate or destiny that brings two people together.

This is like the chance meeting of two people that leads sometime later to marriage.

This could also be the chance meeting of two business people who become partners and build a huge and successful company.

This idea is often associated with a fateful meeting leading to good fortune.

Some will define this word as “Destiny brings you two together” or “Meant to be.”

分 Note: The second character can also be written without the left radical, as shown to the right. If you have a preference, please let use know in the special instructions for your project. There is no difference in meaning or pronunciation, just two (alternate) ways to write the same character.

See Also:  Soulmates | Good Fortune

Predestined Love / Love by Fate

 qíng yuán
Predestined Love / Love by Fate Scroll

This Chinese word means predestined love or love affinity.

This can be fate, karma, or the bond that brings two lovers together.

Destiny / Fate

 mìng yùn
Destiny / Fate Scroll

These two characters contain the ideas of fate, destiny, fortune, and luck.

You can also say that it means “what life throws at you” or “your lot in life” because the first character contains the idea of life or living.

This version is really only used in Chinese. There's another version with just the characters reversed that is more universal. In fact, skip this one. The opposite character order is better.

Destiny / Fate

 yùn mìng
 un mei
Destiny / Fate Scroll

These two characters contain the ideas of fate, destiny, fortune, and luck in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

運命 is often defined as “a person's fate” or “personal fate” in various dictionaries.

These two characters can be reversed (written in either order) and yield roughly the same meaning.

This particular character order is more common in old Korean and less common in modern Chinese.

See Also:  Good Fortune | Good Luck

Brought Together from 1000 Miles Away by Fate

 yǒu yuán qiān lǐ lái xiāng huì
Brought Together from 1000 Miles Away by Fate Scroll

有緣千里來相會 means that fate or destiny has caused us to meet from a thousand miles away.

The 有緣 part suggests something that is connected as if by a thread due to fate, destiny, or karma.

This romantic phrase is seen in Chinese greeting cards. It relays the idea that your love was meant to be and that you were destined to meet (regardless of what distance or obstacles might have made such a meeting unlikely).

See Also:  Red Thread

A Truly Determined Person Will Find a Solution

 yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng
A Truly Determined Person Will Find a Solution Scroll

有志者事竟成 is a Chinese proverb that means “A really determined person will find a solution.”

It figuratively means “Where there's a will, there's a way.”

Do not fear the task: Cooperation will lead to success

Do not fear strong winds waves; just be sure to row in unison

 bù pà fēng làng dà jiù pà jiǎng bù qí
Do not fear the task: Cooperation will lead to success Scroll

不怕风浪大就怕桨不齐 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: Do not fear strong winds [and] high waves; what [one should] worry about whether or not you're rowing in unison.

Figuratively, this means: However difficult the task, the key to success lies in making collective efforts.

I like to translate this as “Don't sweat the details, just get together and get it done.”

Fate / Opportunity / Chance

The Buddhist idea of Fate

 yīn yuán
 in nen
Fate / Opportunity / Chance Scroll

因緣 is the Buddhist concept of a chance meeting or an opportunity that presents itself by fate.

Sometimes this is used to describe a cosmic chain of events or cause and effect.

It also is used to describe predestined relationships between people - and sometimes married couples (although if you want one about marriage, try this: Fate / Destiny of Lovers.

因緣 can also be translated as origin, karma, destiny, affinity, connection, and relation. This all depends on context - seen alone on a wall scroll, this will be read with a “fate/chance” meaning by a Chinese person or a Korean person who can read Hanja.

The more complex definition of this word would be, “Direct causes and indirect conditions, which underlie the actions of all things.”

This concept is known as nidana in the original Sanskrit. Also sometimes presented as hetupratyaya (or “hetu and prataya”), which I believe is Pali.

Note: Japanese will tend to use this version of the second Kanji: 縁
If you order this from the Japanese master calligrapher, expect that you’ll get this version. However, this word often carries a negative connotation in Japanese (bad things happen), as it is used that way in a certain Japanese idiom. Therefore, this may not be the best choice if Japanese is your target language.

See Also:  Buddhism | Opportunity

 zì yóu yì zhì
 jiyuu ishi
Free Will Scroll

自由意志 is a concept that has existed for thousands of years that humans can understand right and wrong, then make a decision one way or the other (thus affecting their fate).

Sources such as Confucius, Buddhist scriptures, the Qur'an, and the Bible all address this idea.

As for the characters shown here, the first two mean free, freedom, or liberty. The last two mean “will.”

Can be romanized from Japanese as jiyū-ishi, jiyuu-ishi, and sometimes jiyuu-ishii.
It's 자유의지 or jayuu-yiji in Korean and zìyóu yìzhì in Chinese.

See Also:  Freedom | Strong Willed | Fate

Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith

 shàn yì
 zen i
Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith Scroll

善意 is a word that means good intentions, goodwill, or to things done in good faith in Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean Hanja.

It's the reason you do good deeds or the desire you have inside yourself to do the right thing.

This can also be translated as benevolence, kindness, virtuous mind, positive mindset, or favorable sense.

善意 is also used in the legal context for things done in good faith (regardless of outcome).

In Japanese, this can be the personal name Yoshi or Yoshii.

Achieve Inner Peace; Find Deep Understanding

 níng jìng ér zhì yuǎn
Achieve Inner Peace; Find Deep Understanding Scroll

寧靜而致遠 is five characters from a longer ten-character proverb composed by Zhuge Liang about 1800 years ago.

Zhuge Liang

诸葛亮 Zhuge Liang

The proverb means “Your inner peace/tranquility/serenity will help you see or reach far (into the world).”

The last word means “far” but the deeper meaning is that you will surpass what you can currently see or understand. Perhaps even opening up vast knowledge and understanding of complex ideas.

Tang Soo Do / Tang Hand Way

 táng shǒu dào
 kara te do
Tang Soo Do / Tang Hand Way Scroll

唐手道 is the alternate title for Karate-do.

This title uses a character, 唐, which represents the Tang Dynasty of China. Thus, this is often translated as the “Tang Hand Way” or incorrectly, “Tang Fist Way.”
I have also seen some call it “China Hand Way.”
Many in Korea refer to and romanize these characters as “Tang Soo Do” (당수도) where these characters refer to a kind of Korean style of Karate.

There is not a lot of information on this title but some believe that a simplified form of Kung Fu that started in China and ended up very popular in Japan used this title initially. It was later changed in Japan to a different Karate title which means “Empty Hand” (as in, without weapons).

Note: When used in Korean, this is pronounced 당수도. This title is often romanized as “Tang Soo Do,” “Tangsudo,” “Dang Su Do,” or “Dangsudo.” The last two romanizations on that list are the official Korean government romanization, though martial arts schools tend to use other non-standard versions.

The Karma/Fate/Destiny that Brings Lovers Together

 yīn yuán
The Karma/Fate/Destiny that Brings Lovers Together Scroll

姻緣 means “Destiny that brings lovers together.” It can also be translated technically as “Predestined matrimonial affinity” (wow, talk about taking the romance out of this word - that was from the Oxford C-E dictionary).

This speaks to the fate (or karma) that brings a husband and wife together. I would translate this as “Together by fate” or “Joined by destiny” but in the context of marriage. You could use this for non-married lovers, but the first character has a suggestion that this refers to those that are married.

Kendo / The Way of the Sword

 jiàn dào
Kendo / The Way of the Sword Scroll

Often associated with Kenjutsu, 剱道/劍道 means “The way of the sword” in Japanese (and Korean with an alternate form of the first character).
This is also the term used for swordsmanship and even fencing in Japanese and Korean, depending on context.

Note: These same characters are also used separately in Chinese, but this exact combination yields a common title in Japanese only (perhaps someone who is really into swords would use this in China).

Note: There is more than one way to write the “sword” character (shown above is the Japanese version - if you want the Korean version, please let me know when you place your order).

See Also:  Sword | Katana

You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure

 katte erumono mo areba makete erumono mo aru
You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure Scroll

You may learn when everything goes right but the lessons learned when everything goes wrong are more vivid and lead to long-lasting wisdom.

Another way to look at this: One cannot always depend on past successes to guarantee future success but one can always learn from lessons drawn from failure.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Love Will Find A Way

 zhōng chéng juàn shǔ
Love Will Find A Way Scroll

終成眷屬 is a Chinese proverb that translates roughly as “Love will find a way to come together.”

Love Will Find A Way

 yǒu qíng rén zhōng chéng juàn shǔ
Love Will Find A Way Scroll

有情人終成眷屬 is the long version of the Chinese proverb that translates as “Where there are lovers, love will find a way (to come together).”

The Middle Way

 zhōng dào
 chuu dou
The Middle Way Scroll

In the most basic translation, 中道 means road through the middle or middle road.

The expanded meaning can be moderation or the golden mean.

But if you are looking for this title, you are probably seeking the Buddhist definition, which is more complex.

中道 is the middle way or middle path of Buddhism. This has various interpretations. In general, it denotes the mean between two extremes and has special reference to the mean between realism and nihilism, or eternal substantial existence and annihilation.

The Buddha teaches that one should not take things to extremes. Don't be extremely evil and engage in debauchery and murder. But do not spend every waking out trying to be a perfect saint. Instead, take the middle path, try to help others, show loving kindness wherever you can, and try not to do harm. If you inadvertently harm another being, make amends if you can, and move on. Realize you are not perfect, but in time, a path of moderation lead toward proper living and enlightenment.

Milky Way Galaxy

 yín hé
Milky Way Galaxy Scroll

銀河 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja name for the Milky Way (our galaxy).

This can also be the Japanese female given name Ginga.

Milky Way Galaxy

 yín hé xì
Milky Way Galaxy Scroll

銀河系 is the long form of the Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean name for the Milky Way Galaxy (our galactic system).

Where There is a Will, There is a Way

A determined effort can move a mountain

 yū gōng yí shān
Where There is a Will, There is a Way Scroll

愚公移山 is the Chinese proverb (also somewhat known in Japan and Korea) for “the silly old man moves a mountain.”

Figuratively, this means “where there's a will, there's a way.”

Based on a fable of Lord Yu (愚公). He moved the soil of the mountain in front of his house. After years of effort, he finally moved the entire mountain (some versions of the story have God seeing how determined the man was, and sending two angels to whisk the mountains away).

The moral of the story: Anything can be accomplished if one works at it ceaselessly.

The Japanese version of this is 愚公山を移す (gu kou yama wo utsu su). But better to get the Chinese version, since this is originally a Chinese proverb.

See Also:  Nothing is Impossible

Move On / Change Way of Thinking

Move On / Change Way of Thinking Scroll

乗り換える is the Japanese way to say “move on.” This can also be translated as “to change one's mind,” “to change methods,” or “to change one's way of thinking.” For instance, if you changed your love interest or political ideology, you might describe the act of that change with this title.

Colloquially in Japan, this is also used to describe the act of transferring trains or changing from one bus or train to another.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

There is always a way out

Never say die

 tiān wú jué rén zhī lù
There is always a way out Scroll

天無絕人之路 is a proverb that means “Heaven never bars one's way,” “Don't despair and you will find a way through,” and “Never give up hope,” and is the Chinese way to say “Never say die.”

The Old Way / Old School

The Old Way / Old School Scroll

古道 is the Japanese word meaning “The Old Way.” The first character means old or ancient. The second character means “the way” and is the same character as used in Taoism / Daoism (Taoism literally means “the way”).

This second character can also be translated as “method,” as in a way of doing things.

古道 is sometimes Romanized as “Kodo,” though officially, the Romaji should be “Kodou.”

My Japanese-English dictionary further translates this word as the old road, ancient methods, ancient moral teachings, and the way of learning.

Note that this would be understood differently in Chinese. Most Chinese people would just read this as “The old road” without the other meanings derived in Japanese.

Perseverance / Will-Power

 yì lì
Perseverance / Will-Power Scroll

毅力 is a way to express “perseverance” with the idea of “willpower” in Chinese and old Korean Hanja. It can also mean “strong-willed.”

The first character means “strong” and “persistent,” while the second means “strength” and “power.”

The Red Thread of Fate

 yīn yuán hóng xiàn
The Red Thread of Fate Scroll

姻緣紅線 is the legendary red string of destiny that binds all soul mates or lovers together.

In ancient Chinese culture, a mythological matchmaker named 月老 (Yuè Lǎo) was the controller of the fate that led lovers to meet. He did this by tying a celestial red string to the ankle of each person. Sometime during their life, they will meet and marry as fate dictates.

While the origin of the red string comes from China, it has spread to other parts of Asia (such as Japan, where it's known as 赤い糸).

Self-Discipline / Will-Power

 zì lǜ
Self-Discipline / Will-Power Scroll

自律 means self-discipline and self-control.

It is doing what you really want to do rather than being tossed around by your feelings like a leaf in the wind. You act instead of reacting. You get things done in an orderly and efficient way. With self-discipline, you take charge of yourself.

Not sure if this one works for a Japanese audience.

See Also:  Discipline | Self-Control

 chá yuán
Tea Fate Scroll

茶緣 is a special title for the tea lover. This kind of means “tea fate,” but it's more spiritual and hard to define. Perhaps the tea brought you in to drink it. Perhaps the tea will bring you and another tea-lover together. Perhaps you were already there, and the tea came to you. Perhaps it's the ah-ha moment you will have when drinking the tea.

I've been told not to explain this further, as it will either dilute or confuse the purposefully-ambiguous idea embedded in this enigma.

I happen to be the owner of a piece of calligraphy written by either the son or nephew of the last emperor of China, which is the title he wrote. It was given to me at a Beijing tea house in 2001. 茶緣 is where I learned to love tea after literally spending weeks tasting and studying everything I could about Chinese tea. I did not understand the significance of the authorship or the meaning of the title at all. Some 10 years later, I realized the gift was so profound and had such providence. Only now do I realize the value of a gift that it is too late to give proper thanks for. It was also years later that I ended up in this business and could have the artwork properly mounted as a wall scroll. It has been borrowed for many exhibitions and shows and always amazes native Chinese and Taiwanese who read the signature. This piece of calligraphy I once thought was just a bit of ink on a thin and wrinkled piece of paper, is now one of my most valued possessions. And fate has taught me to be more thankful for seemingly simple gifts.

There is one single thread binding my Way together

 wú dào yī yǐ guàn zhī
 ware dou tsurayuki
There is one single thread binding my Way together Scroll

吾道一以貫之 is a phrase from the Analects of Confucius that translates as “My Way has one thread that runs through it.”

Other translations include:
My Way is penetrated by a single thread.
There is one single thread binding my Way together.
My Way is run through with a unifying thread.
My Way is Consistent.
And sometimes poetic license is taken, and it is translated as:
My Way is the only one; I'll treasure it and stick to it with humility until the end.

After this was said, some 2500+ years ago, another disciple of Confucius clarified the meaning by stating, “Our master's Way is to be loyal and have a sense of reciprocity.”

In Japanese, this is purported to be romanized as “Waga michi ichi wo motte kore wo tsuranuku,” though some will argue the true pronunciation.

Note: Sometimes written 吾道以一貫之 instead of 吾道一以貫之 with no difference in meaning.

Walk in the Way

The Way of Buddha Truth

 xíng dào
Walk in the Way Scroll

In Taoist and Buddhist contexts, 行道 means to “Walk in the Way.” In Buddhism, that further means to follow the Buddha truth. In some Buddhist sects, this can mean making a procession around a statue of the Buddha (always with the right shoulder towards the Buddha).

Outside of that context, this can mean route (when going somewhere), the way to get somewhere, etc.

In Japanese, this can be the surname or given name Yukimichi.

Walking 100 Miles: Stopping at 90 miles, is the same as stopping half-way

 xíng bǎi lǐ zhě bàn jiǔ shí
Walking 100 Miles: Stopping at 90 miles, is the same as stopping half-way Scroll

行百里者半九十 is an old Chinese proverb that speaks to the act of giving up. This phrase suggests that no matter how close you are to finishing your task or journey, giving up just before you finish is just as bad as giving up halfway.

50% finished or 90% finished, the result is the same: “You are not finished.”

You can take what you want from this proverb, but I think it suggests that you should finish what you start, and especially finish that last 10% of your journey or project so that you can honestly say “it's finished.”

Some notes: The character, 里, that I am translating as “mile” is an ancient “Chinese mile” which is actually about half a kilometer - it just doesn't sound right to say “When walking 100 half-kilometers...”

The Way of Five Pecks of Rice

 wǔ dǒu mǐ dào
The Way of Five Pecks of Rice Scroll

This Chinese and Japanese Kanji title means “Way of the Five Pecks of Rice.”

五斗米道 is a Taoist/Daoist movement that later became known as “The Way of the Celestial Masters.”

The Way of the Wave

The Tao of the Waves

 làng zhī dào
The Way of the Wave Scroll

浪之道 is a great title for a surfer whose lifestyle is entwined with the surf and waves.

This can be translated a few different ways:
The Way of the Wave
The Dao of the Wave
The Tao of the Waves
Note: Dao and Tao are the same character (道), just sometimes romanized differently.

Way of Life / Art of Life

 shēng huó fǎ
Way of Life / Art of Life Scroll

生活法 is a Japanese and Chinese title meaning “art of living” or “way of life.”

This can also be translated in a few other ways, such as “rule of life” and “the act of living.”

The “art” title kind of comes from the fact that the last character is the same as the book, “The Art of War.” So when you write your book, this is the title for “The Art of Life,” in Chinese and Japanese.

The Way of Tea

 chá dào
 cha dou
The Way of Tea Scroll

茶道 means The Way of Tea (literally, “tea way”) in Chinese and Japanese.

This may refer to a tea ceremony or a general lifestyle of tea preparation and drinking.

In Japanese, this can be pronounced sadō or chadō (seems that sadō refers more often to a tea ceremony, and chadō when it's the Way of Tea).

茶道 is also used in the Buddhist context with the same meaning as the Way of Tea.

The Way of the Dragon

 lóng zhī dào
The Way of the Dragon Scroll

龍之道 is how the way of the dragon is written in Chinese.

龍之道 is not the same as the Chinese movie that was titled in English as “The Way of the Dragon.” 龍之道 is, rather, the literal meaning of the dragon's way. The first character is dragon, the second is a possessive article, and the third character means way or path.

The Way of the Dragon

 měng lóng guò jiāng
The Way of the Dragon Scroll

猛龍過江 is the title of the 1972 movie, “The Way of the Dragon.”

This means “Fierce dragons crossing the river.”
If you want a title that means “way of the dragon,” please see the more accurate 龍之道 3-character title.

The Way of the Wave

 nami no michi
The Way of the Wave Scroll

波の道 is the simple way to write “The Way of the Wave” in Japanese.

I added this at the request of several customers. 波の道 is not a very common Japanese phrase.

波 = Wave
の = Of
道 = Way
The word order is the opposite of English. Most Japanese phrases that end in “の道” are translated to English as “The Way of...”

Technically, you could write “波道” as a shorter version of “The Way of the Wave.” However, without context, 波道 can mean channel or suggest a path to redirect ocean flow.

Where there’s a will there’s a way

persevere and you will succeed

 yǒu zhì jìng chéng
Where there’s a will there’s a way Scroll

有志竟成 is a Chinese proverb that means “persevere and you will succeed.”

It's very much like the English idiom, “where there's a will, there's a way.”

Where There is a Will, There is a Way

 seishin ittou nanigoto ka nara zaran
Where There is a Will, There is a Way Scroll

精神一到何事か成らざらん is a Japanese expression that means “Where there is a will, there is a way. There are other Japanese phrases with similar meanings but this one is the most commonly used (according to the number of results on Japanese Google).

This can also be romanized as “seshinittonanigotokanarazaran.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Stay Strong / Iron Will

 tesshin sekichou
Stay Strong / Iron Will Scroll

鉄心石腸 is a Japanese proverb that suggests you should have the inner-strength and will as hard and steadfast as iron.

It's the Japanese way of saying, “stay strong.” This is an especially uplifting thing to say to a person in distress or recovering from a disaster. It's kind of the survivor's creed.

If you literally translate this, it means “iron will, stone guts” or “iron heart, rock-hard bowels.”

Determination to Achieve / Will-Power

 yì zhì
Determination to Achieve / Will-Power Scroll

意志 is a Chinese, Korean, and Japanese word that means “determination to achieve.” It can also be translated as: will; willpower; determination; volition; intention; or intent.

In Japanese, this can also be the given name, Ishi.

Will-Power / Self-Control

 yì zhì lì
 ishi ryoku
Will-Power / Self-Control Scroll

意志力 is a form of willpower or self-control and is about having the determination or tenacity to keep going.

In Japanese, this is the power of will, the strength of will, volition, intention, intent, or determination.

 wēi ěr
Will Scroll

威爾 is the name Will in Chinese (Mandarin).

Will Scroll

ウィル is the name Will in Japanese.

Note: Because this title is entirely Japanese Katakana, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Will of Fire

 hi no ishi
Will of Fire Scroll

火の意志 or the “Will of Fire” is an element from the Naruto series.

The word order in Japanese makes this more like “Fire's Will.”

火 is fire.

の is a possessive article.

意志 means will, volition, intention, or intent.

A Wise Man Changes His Mind (but a fool never will)

 kun shi hyou hen su
A Wise Man Changes His Mind (but a fool never will) Scroll

君子豹変す is a Japanese proverb that suggests that a wise man is willing to change his mind, but a fool will stubbornly never change his.

The first word is 君子 (kunshi), a man of virtue, a person of high rank, a wise man.

The second word is 豹変 (hyouhen), sudden change, complete change.

The last part, す (su), modifies the verb to a more humble form.

The “fool” part is merely implied or understood. So if wise and noble people are willing to change their minds, it automatically says that foolish people are unwilling to change.

Zendo / The Zen Way

 chán dào
 zen dou
Zendo / The Zen Way Scroll

禪道 is a title used in certain contexts but is not widely known by the general population of China or Japan.

In Japanese, you will see this title romanized as “zendo,” which is the brand name of a board game, and also a title used by some martial arts studios and karate dojos. Oddly, many translate this as “zen fist,” although there is no “fist” in the title. If you literally translated this title, it would be “meditation way” or “meditation method.”

In Chinese, this would be “chan dao” with the same literal meaning as the Japanese title. It's used in China by just a handful of martial arts styles/studios.

You should only order this title if you really understand the meaning, and it has some personal connection to you (such as practicing a martial art style that uses this title, or if you love the board game Zendo). Many who see your wall scroll will not be familiar with this title, and you'll have some explaining to do.

禪The first character can also be written in a more complex traditional way as shown to the right. Let us know in the special instructions for your calligraphy project if you want this style.

禅If you order this from the Japanese master calligrapher, the first character will automatically be written with an extra dot on top. This is the variant form of the original Chinese character which is commonly used in modern Japan Kanji. See sample to the right.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Happy With Your Fate
樂天 / 楽天
raku ten / rakutenlè tiān / le4 tian1 / le tian / letianle t`ien / letien / le tien
You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure百勝難慮敵三折乃良醫
bǎi shèng nán lǜ dí sān zhé nǎi liáng yī
bai3 sheng4 nan2 lv4 di2 san1 zhe2 nai3 liang2 yi1
bai sheng nan lv di san zhe nai liang yi
pai sheng nan lü ti san che nai liang i
The Way of the Samurai
武士道bu shi do / bushidowǔ shì dào
wu3 shi4 dao4
wu shi dao
wu shih tao
Buddha Way佛道butsudōfó dào / fo2 dao4 / fo dao / fodaofo tao / fotao
Mark the boat to find the lost sword
Ignoring the changing circumstances of the world
kè zhōu qiú jiàn
ke4 zhou1 qiu2 jian4
ke zhou qiu jian
k`o chou ch`iu chien
ko chou chiu chien
inochi / meimìng / ming4 / ming
Chance Meeting
緣份 / 緣分
缘份 / 缘分
yuán fèn / yuan2 fen4 / yuan fen / yuanfenyüan fen / yüanfen
Predestined Love
Love by Fate
qíng yuán
qing2 yuan2
qing yuan
ch`ing yüan
ching yüan
mìng yùn / ming4 yun4 / ming yun / mingyunming yün / mingyün
un mei / unmeiyùn mìng / yun4 ming4 / yun ming / yunmingyün ming / yünming
Brought Together from 1000 Miles Away by Fate有緣千里來相會
yǒu yuán qiān lǐ lái xiāng huì
you3 yuan2 qian1 li3 lai2 xiang1 hui4
you yuan qian li lai xiang hui
yu yüan ch`ien li lai hsiang hui
yu yüan chien li lai hsiang hui
A Truly Determined Person Will Find a Solution有志者事竟成yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng
you3 zhi4 zhe3 shi4 jing4 cheng2
you zhi zhe shi jing cheng
yu chih che shih ching ch`eng
yu chih che shih ching cheng
Do not fear the task: Cooperation will lead to success不怕風浪大就怕槳不齊
bù pà fēng làng dà jiù pà jiǎng bù qí
bu4 pa4 feng1 lang4 da4 jiu4 pa4 jiang3 bu4 qi2
bu pa feng lang da jiu pa jiang bu qi
pu p`a feng lang ta chiu p`a chiang pu ch`i
pu pa feng lang ta chiu pa chiang pu chi
因缘 / 因縁
in nen / innenyīn yuán / yin1 yuan2 / yin yuan / yinyuanyin yüan / yinyüan
Free Will自由意志jiyuu ishi / jiyuuishi / jiyu ishizì yóu yì zhì
zi4 you2 yi4 zhi4
zi you yi zhi
tzu yu i chih
Good Intentions
Good Will
Good Faith
善意zen i / zenishàn yì / shan4 yi4 / shan yi / shanyishan i / shani
Achieve Inner Peace; Find Deep Understanding寧靜而致遠
níng jìng ér zhì yuǎn
ning2 jing4 er2 zhi4 yuan3
ning jing er zhi yuan
ning ching erh chih yüan
Tang Soo Do
Tang Hand Way
唐手道kara te do / karatedotáng shǒu dào
tang2 shou3 dao4
tang shou dao
t`ang shou tao
tang shou tao
The Karma/Fate/Destiny that Brings Lovers Together姻緣
yīn yuán / yin1 yuan2 / yin yuan / yinyuanyin yüan / yinyüan
The Way of the Sword
剱道 / 劍道
kendou / kendojiàn dào / jian4 dao4 / jian dao / jiandaochien tao / chientao
You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure勝って得るものも有れば負けて得るものも有るkatte erumono mo areba makete erumono mo aru
Love Will Find A Way終成眷屬
zhōng chéng juàn shǔ
zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3
zhong cheng juan shu
chung ch`eng chüan shu
chung cheng chüan shu
Love Will Find A Way有情人終成眷屬
yǒu qíng rén zhōng chéng juàn shǔ
you3 qing2 ren2 zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3
you qing ren zhong cheng juan shu
yu ch`ing jen chung ch`eng chüan shu
yu ching jen chung cheng chüan shu
The Middle Way中道chuu dou / chuudou / chu dozhōng dào
zhong1 dao4
zhong dao
chung tao
Milky Way Galaxy銀河
gingayín hé / yin2 he2 / yin he / yinheyin ho / yinho
Milky Way Galaxy銀河系
gingakeiyín hé xì
yin2 he2 xi4
yin he xi
yin ho hsi
Where There is a Will, There is a Way愚公移山yū gōng yí shān
yu1 gong1 yi2 shan1
yu gong yi shan
yü kung i shan
Move On
Change Way of Thinking
There is always a way out天無絕人之路
tiān wú jué rén zhī lù
tian1 wu2 jue2 ren2 zhi1 lu4
tian wu jue ren zhi lu
t`ien wu chüeh jen chih lu
tien wu chüeh jen chih lu
The Old Way
Old School
古道kodou / kodo
毅力yì lì / yi4 li4 / yi li / yilii li / ili
The Red Thread of Fate姻緣紅線
yīn yuán hóng xiàn
yin1 yuan2 hong2 xian4
yin yuan hong xian
yin yüan hung hsien
自律jiritsuzì lǜ / zi4 lv4 / zi lv / zilvtzu lü / tzulü
Tea Fate茶緣
chá yuán / cha2 yuan2 / cha yuan / chayuanch`a yüan / chayüan / cha yüan
There is one single thread binding my Way together吾道一以貫之
ware dou tsurayuki
ware do tsurayuki
wú dào yī yǐ guàn zhī
wu2 dao4 yi1 yi3 guan4 zhi1
wu dao yi yi guan zhi
wu tao i i kuan chih
Walk in the Way行道yukimichixíng dào / xing2 dao4 / xing dao / xingdaohsing tao / hsingtao
Walking 100 Miles: Stopping at 90 miles, is the same as stopping half-way行百里者半九十xíng bǎi lǐ zhě bàn jiǔ shí
xing2 bai3 li3 zhe3 ban4 jiu3 shi2
xing bai li zhe ban jiu shi
hsing pai li che pan chiu shih
The Way of Five Pecks of Rice五斗米道gotobeidou / gotobeidowǔ dǒu mǐ dào
wu3 dou3 mi3 dao4
wu dou mi dao
wu tou mi tao
The Way of the Wave浪之道làng zhī dào
lang4 zhi1 dao4
lang zhi dao
lang chih tao
Way of Life
Art of Life
shēng huó fǎ
sheng1 huo2 fa3
sheng huo fa
The Way of Tea茶道cha dou / chadou / cha dochá dào / cha2 dao4 / cha dao / chadaoch`a tao / chatao / cha tao
The Way of the Dragon龍之道
lóng zhī dào
long2 zhi1 dao4
long zhi dao
lung chih tao
The Way of the Dragon猛龍過江
měng lóng guò jiāng
meng3 long2 guo4 jiang1
meng long guo jiang
meng lung kuo chiang
The Way of the Wave波の道nami no michi
Where there’s a will there’s a way有志竟成yǒu zhì jìng chéng
you3 zhi4 jing4 cheng2
you zhi jing cheng
yu chih ching ch`eng
yu chih ching cheng
Where There is a Will, There is a Way精神一到何事か成らざらんseishin ittou nanigoto ka nara zaran
seishin itto nanigoto ka nara zaran
Stay Strong
Iron Will
鉄心石腸tesshin sekichou
teshin sekicho
Determination to Achieve
意志ishiyì zhì / yi4 zhi4 / yi zhi / yizhii chih / ichih
意志力ishi ryoku / ishiryokuyì zhì lì
yi4 zhi4 li4
yi zhi li
i chih li
wēi ěr / wei1 er3 / wei er / weierwei erh / weierh
Will of Fire火の意志hi no ishi / hinoishi
A Wise Man Changes His Mind (but a fool never will)君子豹変すkun shi hyou hen su
kun shi hyo hen su
The Zen Way
禅道 / 禪道
zen dou / zendou / zen dochán dào / chan2 dao4 / chan dao / chandaoch`an tao / chantao / chan tao
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

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