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The name Japan in Chinese / Japanese...

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Emperor of Japan

 tiān huáng
 ten nou
Emperor of Japan Scroll

天皇 is the title of the Emperor of Japan.

This title is used in China, Korea, and Japan to refer specifically to the Emperor of Japan.

 rì běn
 nippon / nihon
Japan Scroll

This is the Chinese and Japanese Kanji name for the country of Japan.

日 means sun and 本 means origin. That is how Japan is known as the land of the rising sun (literally the place where the sun originates from).

See Also:  Asia

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Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your Japan search...


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Simple Dictionary Definition

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Peace / Harmony
to mix (ingredients) together; to blend; classifier for rinses of clothes; classifier for boilings of medicinal herbs
(1) (mathematics term) sum; (2) harmony; peace; (n,n-pref,adj-no) (3) Japan; Japanese-style; (noun or adjectival noun) (kana only) soft; fragile; weak; poorly built; insubstantial; (adj-nari) (archaism) tranquil; calm; quiet; peaceful; calm (at sea); lull; (given name) Wataru
Harmony, peace; to blend, mix; with, unite with; respond, rhyme.

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(1) country; state; (2) region; (3) national government; central government; (4) home (i.e. hometown, home country); (5) (archaism) province (of Japan); (6) (archaism) land; earth; (given name) Kokuki

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country; nation; state; (bound form) national
(out-dated kanji) (1) country; state; (2) region; (3) national government; central government; (4) home (i.e. hometown, home country); (5) (archaism) province (of Japan); (6) (archaism) land; earth; (personal name) Kuniyuki
A country, a nation; national.

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 kyou / kyo

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Strong / Powerful / Force
to force; to compel; to strive; to make an effort
(suffix) (1) (ant: 弱・1) a little over; a little more than; (2) (ant: 弱・2) strength; the strong; (suffix) (3) powerhouse; one of the biggest; one of the most powerful; (suffix) (4) (after a number on the Japan Meteorological Agency seismic intensity scale; e.g. 5強) (ant: 弱・3) -upper (seismic intensity); (personal name) Tsuyomi
Strong, forceful, violent; to force; to strengthen.

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 kei / ke

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chime stones, ancient percussion instrument made of stone or jade pieces hung in a row and struck as a xylophone
sounding stone; qing; ancient Chinese chime shaped like a chevron (inverted 'v'), orig. of stone, today often metal, in Japan primarily used at Buddhist temples; (given name) Kei
A piece of flat stone or metal, used as a gong, or for musical percussion.

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 dou / do

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Daoism / Taoism
road; path (CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3]); (bound form) way; reason; principle; (bound form) a skill; an art; a specialization; (Daoism) the Way; the Dao; to say (introducing a direct quotation, as in a novel); (bound form) to express; to extend (polite words); classifier for long thin things (rivers, cracks etc), barriers (walls, doors etc), questions (in an exam etc), commands, courses in a meal, steps in a process; (old) circuit (administrative division)
(1) (abbreviation) (See 道・みち・1) road; path; street; route; (2) (See 道・みち・5) way; set of practices; rules for conducting oneself; (3) (abbreviation) (in Japanese schools) (See 道徳教育) moral education; (4) Buddhist teachings; (5) Taoism; (6) administrative region of Japan (Hokkaido); (7) (hist) administrative region of Japan (Tokaido, Tosando, etc.); (8) province (administrative region of Korea); (9) circuit (administrative region of China); (10) (hist) province (Tang-era administrative region of China); (personal name) Wataru
mārga. A way, road; the right path; principle, Truth, Reason, Logos, Cosmic energy; to lead; to say. The way of transmigration by which one arrives at a good or bad existence; any of the six gati, or paths of destiny. The way of bodhi, or enlightenment leading to nirvāṇa through spiritual stages. Essential nirvāṇa, in which absolute freedom reigns. For the eightfold noble path v. 八聖道.; The two Ways: (1) (a) 無礙道 or 無間道 The open or unhindered way, or the way of removing all obstacles or intervention, i. e. all delusion; (b) 解脫道 the way of release, by realization of truth. (2) (a) 難行道 The hard way of "works", i. e. by the six pāramitā and the disciplines. (b) 易行道 the easy way salvation, by the invocation of Amitābha. (3) (a) 有漏道 The way of reincarnation or mortality; (b) 無漏 the enlightened way of escape from the miseries of transmigration. (4) (a) 教道 The way of instruction; (b) 證道 the way of realization. (5) The two lower excretory organs.


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(1) three countries; (2) (hist) (See 魏・ぎ・1,蜀・しょく・2,呉・ご・3) Three Kingdoms (in China, 220 CE-280 CE); (3) (hist) (See 新羅・しらぎ,百済・くだら,高句麗・こうくり) Three Kingdoms (in Korea, 57 BCE-668 CE); (4) (archaism) Japan, China and India; Japan, Korea and China; the whole world; (p,s,f) Mikuni


see styles
tiān huáng
    tian1 huang2
t`ien huang
    tien huang
 tennou / tenno

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Emperor of Japan
Heavenly Sovereign, one of the three legendary sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2]; emperor; emperor of Japan
Emperor of Japan; (place-name) Tennou
Deva-king; the Tang monk 道悟 Daowu of the 天皇 Tianhuang monastery at 荊州 Jingzhou.


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rěn zhě
    ren3 zhe3
jen che

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(hist) (See 忍術) ninja; person trained in ninjutsu and employed for covert purposes in feudal Japan


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rì běn
    ri4 ben3
jih pen
 nihon(p); nippon
    にほん(P); にっぽん

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Japan; (surname) Yamatono
Japan. Buddhism was introduced there from Korea in the sixth century, and in the seventh from China.


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rì háng
    ri4 hang2
jih hang
 nikkou / nikko

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Japan Airlines (JAL) (abbr. for 日本航空[Ri4ben3 Hang2kong1])
(company) Japan Airlines (abbreviation); JAL; (c) Japan Airlines (abbreviation); JAL



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dōng jīng
    dong1 jing1
tung ching
 toukei / toke

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Tokyo, capital of Japan; Tonkin (northern Vietnam during the French colonial period)
Tokyo; (place-name) Luoyang, China


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liú qiú
    liu2 qiu2
liu ch`iu
    liu chiu
 ryuukyuu / ryukyu

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Ryūkyū; refers to the Ryūkyū Islands 琉球群島|琉球群岛[Liu2 qiu2 Qun2 dao3] stretching from Japan to Taiwan; Liuchiu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
(See 沖縄) Ryukyu; chain of southwestern Japanese islands comprising Okinawa Prefecture; (place-name) Ryūkyū


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 kamikaze(p); shinpuu; kamukaze / kamikaze(p); shinpu; kamukaze
    かみかぜ(P); しんぷう; かむかぜ

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Kamikaze / Divine Wind
(1) divine wind (esp. a typhoon thought to have protected Japan from a Mongolian invasion in the 13th century); (2) (かみかぜ only) kamikaze; (surname) Jinpuu


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fù shì shān
    fu4 shi4 shan1
fu shih shan

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Mt. Fuji
Mt. Fuji, Japan
Mount Fuji; Mt. Fuji; Fujiyama; Fuji-san; (place-name, surname) Fujiyama



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jìng tǔ zōng
    jing4 tu3 zong1
ching t`u tsung
    ching tu tsung
 Jōdo Shū
Pure Land Buddhism
The Pure-land sect, whose chief tenet is salvation by faith in Amitābha; it is the popular cult in China, also in Japan, where it is the Jōdo sect; it is also called 蓮宗(蓮花宗) the Lotus sect. Established by Hui-yuan 慧遠 of the Chin dynasty (317— 419), it claims P'u-hsien 普賢 Samantabhadra as founder. Its seven chief textbooks are 無量淸淨平等覺經; 大阿彌陀經; 無量壽經; 觀無量壽經; 阿彌陀經; 稱讚淨土佛攝受經; and 鼓音聲三陀羅尼經. The淨土眞宗 is the Jōdo-Shin, or Shin sect of Japan.


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(often in French contexts) Japan (fre: Japon); (place-name) Japan


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(1) (company) Laksman; (2) (person) Adam Laksman (Russia's first envoy to Japan); (c) Laksman; (person) Adam Laksman (Russia's first envoy to Japan)

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down; downwards; below; lower; later; next (week etc); second (of two parts); to decline; to go down; to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc); measure word to show the frequency of an action
(1) (ant: 上・かみ・1) lower reaches (of a river); (2) bottom; lower part; (3) lower half (of the body, esp. the privates); feces (faeces); urine; menses; (4) end; far from the imperial palace (i.e. far from Kyoto, esp. of western Japan); (can be adjective with の) (5) dirty (e.g. dirty jokes, etc.); (place-name, surname) Shimo
hīna, adhara. Below, lower, inferior, low; to descend, let down, put down.

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to summon; to propagate; to transmit
(1) legend; tradition; (2) biography; life; (3) method; way; (4) horseback transportation and communication relay system used in ancient Japan; (surname) Fu

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dwarf; Japanese (derog.) (old)
(1) (mathematics term) sum; (2) harmony; peace; (n,n-pref,adj-no) (3) Japan; Japanese-style; (1) Yamato; ancient province corresponding to modern-day Nara Prefecture; (2) (ancient) Japan; (can act as adjective) (3) Japanese; (surname, given name) Yamato

see styles
a plain; ping, unit of area equal to approx. 3.3058 square meters (used in Japan and Taiwan)
(1) tsubo; traditional unit of land area, approx. 3.3 square meters; (2) tsubo; traditional unit of fabric or paper area, approx. 9.18 square centimeters; (3) tsubo; traditional unit of leather or tile area, approx. 918 square centimeters; (4) (See 立坪) cubic tsubo (approx. 6 cubic metres); (surname) Hei

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 sei(p); shou(ok); sou(ok) / se(p); sho(ok); so(ok)
    せい(P); しょう(ok); そう(ok)
family name; surname; to be surnamed ...
(1) surname; family name; (2) (せい only) (See 姓・かばね・1) hereditary title (used in ancient Japan to denote rank and political standing)

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 sou / so
school; sect; purpose; model; ancestor; clan; to take as one's model (in academic or artistic work); classifier for batches, items, cases (medical or legal), reservoirs
(1) (rare) origin; source; (2) (rare) virtuous ancestor; (given name) Motoi
Ancestors, ancestral; clan; class, category. kind; school, sect; siddhānta, summary, main doctrine, syllogism, proposition, conclusion, realization. Sects are of two kinds: (1) those founded on principles having historic continuity, as the twenty sects of the Hīnayāna, the thirteen sects of China, and the fourteen sects of Japan: (2) those arising from an individual interpretation of the general teaching of Buddhism, as the sub-sects founded by Yongming 永明 (d. 975), 法相宗, 法性宗, 破相宗, or those based on a peculiar interpretation of one of the recognized sects, as the Jōdo-shinshū 淨土眞宗 found by Shinran-shōnin. There are also divisions of five, six, and ten, which have reference to specific doctrinal differences. Cf. 宗派.

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emperor (of Japan); mikado; (female given name) Mikado
Ruler, sovereign; translit. t.

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weak; feeble; young; inferior; not as good as; (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than
(suffix) (1) (ant: 強・1) a little less than; a little under; slightly fewer than; (2) (ant: 強・2) weakness; the weak; low (setting); (suffix) (3) (after a number on the Japan Meteorological Agency seismic intensity scale; e.g. 5弱) (ant: 強・4) -lower (seismic intensity)

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generic term for weapons (old); army (matters); military affairs
Ebisu; god of fishing and commerce; (1) (archaism) peoples formerly of northern Japan with distinct language and culture (i.e. the Ainu); (2) provincial (i.e. a person who lives far from the city); (3) brutish, unsophisticated warrior (esp. used by Kyoto samurai to refer to samurai from eastern Japan); (4) (derogatory term) foreigner; barbarian; (personal name) Munemori

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 kyuu / kyu
(prefix) (1) old; former; ex-; (2) the old; old things; old customs; (3) old times; bygone days; (n,pref) (4) (abbreviation) (See 旧暦) Japan's old (lunisolar) calendar

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 tsuga; toga; tsuga; toga
    つが; とが; ツガ; トガ
(kana only) southern Japanese hemlock (species of conifer native to Japan, Tsuga sieboldii); (surname) Togasaki

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(1) ball (for sport, games, etc.); (2) kemari; type of football played by courtiers in ancient Japan; (bot) (kana only) cone (e.g. pine, hemlock); (bot) (kana only) burr (e.g. chestnut); bur; cupule; case; (female given name) Mari

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Emperor of Japan天皇ten nou / tennou / ten notiān huáng
tian1 huang2
tian huang
t`ien huang
tien huang
Japan日本nippon / nihon
nipon / nihon
rì běn / ri4 ben3 / ri ben / ribenjih pen / jihpen


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Japan Kanji, Japan Characters, Japan in Mandarin Chinese, Japan Characters, Japan in Chinese Writing, Japan in Japanese Writing, Japan in Asian Writing, Japan Ideograms, Chinese Japan symbols, Japan Hieroglyphics, Japan Glyphs, Japan in Chinese Letters, Japan Hanzi, Japan in Japanese Kanji, Japan Pictograms, Japan in the Chinese Written-Language, or Japan in the Japanese Written-Language.

108 people have searched for Japan in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
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