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The name Vigorous in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Vigorous calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Vigorous” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Vigorous” title below...

  1. Five Reflections / Gosei

  2. Devotion / Diligence / Vigorous / Energetic

  3. The Spirit of the Dragon Horse

  4. The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger

  5. The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger

  6. Dynamic Energy / Enthusiasm

  7. Rise and Fall / Ups and Downs

  8. Good Health / Healthy / Vigor

  9. Healthy Living

10. Independent Spirit

11. Initiative / Proactive / Positive

12. Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine

13. Spirit

14. Stamina / Vigor

15. Strength / Vigor / Energy

16. Strong / Healthy

17. Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit

18. Soul of a Warrior

19. Seiryoku Zenyo

20. Seishin Budo

21. Shitsujitsu Goken

22. Old, But More Vigorous in Spirit

23. Engage with Confidence

24. Seiryoku Saizen Katsuyo

Five Reflections / Gosei

 shi se i ni moto ru na ka ri shi ka? gen kou ni ha zu ru na ka ri shi ka?
ki ryo ku ni ka ku ru na ka ri shi ka? do ryo ku ni u ra mi na ka ri shi ka?
bu sho u ni wa ta ru na ka ri shi ka?
Five Reflections / Gosei Scroll

These are the “Five Reflections” of Vice Admiral Hajime Matsushita of the Japanese Imperial Navy.

These days, the Five Reflections are recited or contemplated daily by Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force recruits in training. This long proverb is popularly translated into English this way:

Hast thou not gone against sincerity?
Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds?
Hast thou not lacked vigor?
Hast thou not exerted all possible efforts?
Hast thou not become slothful?

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Devotion / Diligence / Vigorous / Energetic


 jīng jìn
Devotion / Diligence / Vigorous / Energetic Scroll

精進 is a wide-ranging word that is used in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

It can mean devotion, diligence, concentration, aggressive, enterprising, vigorous, energetic, purification, pushing, asceticism, assiduity, or virility. 精進 is deep, and these two characters can express ideas that take a full English phrase to describe, such as “concentration of mind,” “to forge ahead vigorously,” or “to dedicate oneself to progress.”

Used in the context of Buddhism, it means “making earnest efforts to cultivate virtue and get rid of evil” or “zeal in one's quest for enlightenment.”

The Spirit of the Dragon Horse

 lóng mǎ jīng shén
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse Scroll

龍馬精神 is an old proverb that is used to wish someone good health and success combined as a great compliment.

The meaning is “The vigor and spirit of the legendary dragon-horse.” These four characters are often accompanied by four more which mean “...and the power and prestige of the tiger.” Here we are just offering the first part which is considered the short version.

By giving a wall scroll like this to someone, you were either wishing or telling them that they have an amazing quality. There is also a suggestion of good health - at least anyone with the vigor of a dragon horse would seem to also be in good health.

Note: In Japanese, this would be read as the spirit of 坂本龍馬 (Sakamoto_Ryōma), a beloved rebel who help abolish the old Japanese feudal system. This can be confusing, so I am declaring this proverb to be Chinese only.

The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger

 lóng mǎ jīng shén hǔ hǔ shēng wēi
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger Scroll

龍馬精神虎虎生威 is an old proverb that is used to wish someone great health and success combined as a great compliment.

The meaning is “The vigor and spirit of the legendary dragon-horse and the power and prestige of the tiger.”

By giving a wall scroll like this to someone, you were either wishing or telling them that they have these qualities. There is also a suggestion of good health - at least anyone with the vigor of a dragon horse would seem to also be in good health.

The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger

 lóng hǔ jīng shén
 ryu ko sei shin
The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger Scroll

龍虎精神 means the spirit of the dragon and tiger.

It speaks to the vitality and vigor that is the nature of these two creatures.

Beyond “spirit,” the last two characters can also mean mind, soul, or heart. Therefore, you can also say this means “Heart of the Dragon and Tiger,” etc.

龍虎精神 is often titled “Ryukoseishin” in many Japanese martial arts.

Dynamic Energy / Enthusiasm

 huó lì
Dynamic Energy / Enthusiasm Scroll

活力 is a Chinese, Japanese, and Korean word that can be defined as energy, vitality, vigor, vital force, enthusiasm, energetic, or dynamism.

Rise and Fall / Ups and Downs


 ei ko sei sui
Rise and Fall / Ups and Downs Scroll

This Japanese proverb can be translated as “flourish and wither, prosper and perish,” “life is full of fortune and misfortune,” or simply “vicissitudes of life.”

栄枯盛衰 / 榮枯盛衰 is about the rise and fall of human affairs or the ups and downs of life. Prosperity comes and goes, everything is fleeting and temporary, but like waves, another swell of prosperity may come.

Here's how the Kanji break down in this proverb:

栄 = prosper; thrive; flourish; boom.
枯 = wither; die.
盛 = prosperous; flourishing; thriving; successful; energetic; vigorous; enthusiastic.
衰 = become weaker; decline; get weak; die down; subside; abate; fail.

榮 Notes: The original version of the first character looks like the image to the right. In modern Japan, they simplified that Kanji a bit into the version shown above. If you have a preference for which style is used for your calligraphy, please let me know when you place your order.

Apparently, with that original version of the first character, this is also used in Korean Hanja. However, I have not confirmed that it’s used in the same way or is widely-known in Korean.

Good Health / Healthy / Vigor

Also suggests being at peace

Good Health / Healthy / Vigor Scroll

康 is a single character that means good health or vigor in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

康 can also mean peaceful, at ease, or abundant in some contexts.

Please note that this is rarely seen alone in Japanese Kanji. In Japanese, it is used both for health-related compound words and to denote the kouhou through koushou eras of Japan.

In Korean, this can also be the family name “Kang” (caution: not the only family name romanized as Kang in Korean).

See Also:  Health | Vitality | Wellness

Healthy Living

 jiàn kāng shēng huó
 kenkou seikatsu
Healthy Living Scroll

If you are into healthy living, 健康生活 might be an excellent selection for a wall scroll to hang in your home.

The first two characters speak of health, vitality, vigor, and being of sound body. The second two characters mean living or life (daily existence).

See Also:  Strength | Vitality | Health

Independent Spirit

 dú lì jīng shén
Independent Spirit Scroll

獨立精神 means independent spirit in Chinese.

The first two characters mean independent, independence, or to stand alone.

The last two characters mean spirit, spiritual, vigor, vitality, drive, mind, consciousness, thought, essence, heart, or soul.

With this information, you can make your translation combination such as “independent heart,” “stand-alone spirit,” or more creatively, “the drive to stand alone” in English. There are a lot of ways to interpret 獨立精神.

Initiative / Proactive / Positive

 jī jí
Initiative / Proactive / Positive Scroll

This word closely matches the way initiative is often used in English. This word can also mean active, energetic, vigorous, positive (outlook), or proactive in Chinese.

The meaning also includes positive and progressive in Japanese and Korean.

Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine

 jīng qì shén
Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine Scroll

精, 氣, 神 are the characters jing, qi, and shen.

As a set, these three characters are known in English as the treasures of traditional Chinese medicine, the treasures of Qi Gong, or the three treasures of Taoism / Daoism.

Sometimes this set is titled 三寶 (sānbǎo) or “three treasures,” but here, we're writing each treasure out.

Here's how these characters are perceived in this context...
Jing: nutritive essence; refined; perfected; pure
Qi: vitality; energy; force; breath; vigor
Shen: spirit; soul; mind; being

To keep it simple, you can use “essence, vitality, and spirit” to define these.

 jīng shén
 sei shin
Spirit Scroll

精神 is the kind of spirit you have if you perform well in sports or competitions. It is the idea of having a good attitude and putting your all into something - so much so that others can see or feel your spirit. It is the essence of your being that can only be subjectively described because there are no words that can fully explain what “spirit” really is.

For your information:
My Japanese dictionary further tries to explain this word by comparing it to mind, soul, heart, or intention.
My Chinese dictionary compares these characters to meanings like vigor, vitality, drive, and mentality.
My Korean dictionary defines this as mind, spirit, and soul.

See Also:  Vitality | Heart | Soul

Stamina / Vigor

Stamina / Vigor Scroll

This Japanese word has a broad range of meanings. It can mean healthy, robust, vigor, vitality, stamina, spirit, or pep.

元気 is also used in part of a Japanese greeting, similar to “How are you doing?” but more like “How's your health?.”

Strength / Vigor / Energy

Physical Strength

 qì lì
Strength / Vigor / Energy Scroll

氣力 can mean any of the words in the title above, and in some contexts, can also mean effort, will-power, or talent.

This refers mostly to physical strength (as opposed to mental or spiritual).

気In modern Japan, they use a simplified first character for this word. If you want to order this title with that special Japanese version, click on the character to the right instead of the button above.

Strong / Healthy

Strong / Healthy Scroll

This “strong” character is the more “healthy” version of strong. 健 is the “strong” that is appropriate for an athlete.

Beyond “healthy,” it can also mean strength, persistence, vigorous, or invigorated/invigoration.

Strong / Healthy

Strong / Healthy Scroll

健やか is a verbose way to say strong and healthy in Japanese. 健やか is the “strong” that is appropriate for an athlete.

Beyond “healthy,” it can also mean strength, persistence, vigorous, or invigoration.

Japanese also use the first Kanji to mean the same thing. This version adds two hiragana which serve to emphasize or amplify the word and clarify the meaning.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit

 yǒng shì jīng shén
Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit Scroll

勇士精神 can be translated as the warrior's spirit or warrior's soul. The first two characters can be translated as “warrior” or literally “brave soldier/man,” although some will translate this word as “hero.” Therefore, this is also how to say “heroic spirit.”

The second two characters mean vigor, vitality, drive, spirit, mind, heart, mental essence, and psychological component. Basically “your soul.”

We have two versions of this phrase. The only difference is the first two and last two characters are swapped. The version here suggests that you admire or like the idea of the spirit of a warrior. The other version suggests that you are the warrior or hero.

Soul of a Warrior

 jīng shén yǒng shì
Soul of a Warrior Scroll

精神勇士 can be translated as the spirit or soul of a warrior. The first two characters can be translated as vigor, vitality, drive, spirit, mind, heart, mental essence, and psychological component. Basically, “your soul.”

The second two characters mean “warrior” or literally “brave soldier/man,” although some will translate this word as “hero.” Therefore, this is also how to say “soul of a hero.”

Note: This title is best for Chinese and old Korean. It does make sense in Japanese but is not a common or natural Kanji combination in Japanese.

We have two versions of this phrase. The only difference is the first two and last two characters are swapped. The version here suggests that you are the warrior or hero. The other version suggests that you admire or like the idea of the spirit of a warrior.

Seiryoku Zenyo

 sei ryoku zen yo
Seiryoku Zenyo Scroll

精力善用 means “maximum efficiency” and is often associated with Judo.

It is often matched with “Jita Kyoei” (mutual benefit) to complete the philosophy of Kodokan Judo.

精力 = sei ryoku = energy, vigor, and/or vitality.

善用 = zen yo = to be good at using (something), or to put (something) to good use.

Seishin Budo

 seishin budou
Seishin Budo Scroll

精神武道 is the Japanese martial arts title, Seishin Budo.

The first two characters, 精神, can mean vigor, vitality, drive, spiritual, mind, spirit, soul, heart, ethos, attitude, mentality, will, intention, essence, and fundamental significance.

The last two characters, 武道, are the Japanese word for martial arts (literally the Martial Way). This title can also be romanized as Seshin Budou or Seishin Budō.

Shitsujitsu Goken

 shitsu jitsu gou ken
Shitsujitsu Goken Scroll

質実剛健 is a Japanese word that can mean “unaffected and sincere, with fortitude and vigor” or “simplicity and fortitude.”

The first two characters, 質実 mean simplicity or the “essence of something.”
The last two, 剛健, mean strength, fortitude, or strong composure.

Old, But More Vigorous in Spirit

Age is just a number

 lǎo dāng yì zhuàng
Old, But More Vigorous in Spirit Scroll

老當益壯 is a Chinese proverb that means “old but vigorous” or “hale and hearty despite the years.”

Said of someone who is more spirited when he/she grows older.

The story behind this Chinese proverb:

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a man named Ma Yuan. He had been planning to herd animals on the frontier since he was young. When he grew up, Ma became a minor official of a county.

Once, he was sending some prisoners to another location. He felt pity for them, so he set them free, and then he fled to another county in the north. He herded animals there, and thus his dream came true. He always said: “If you want to be a great man, the poorer you are, the firmer in spirit you have to be; the older you are, the more spirited you should be.”

Later, when he was even older, Ma Yuan became a famous general of the Eastern Han Dynasty and contributed to many battles.

Engage with Confidence

 lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
Engage with Confidence Scroll

理直氣壯 is a Chinese proverb that means “to do something while knowing you’re in the right.”

This can also be translated as and is appropriate when you are:

“In the right and self-confident”
“Bold and confident with justice on one's side”
“Having the courage of one's convictions”
“Justified and forceful”
“To be confident and vigorous because reason and logic are on one's side”
“Justified and confident”

Seiryoku Saizen Katsuyo

 Seiryoku saizen katsuyou
Seiryoku Saizen Katsuyo Scroll

This is Seiryoku Saizen Katsuyō in Japanese.

The meaning is roughly “Optimal Use of Energy” although it can be translated in several other ways.

精力 = Energy/Vigor/Vitality
最善 = Optimal/Best/Utmost
活用 = Use/Employ/Engage

These search terms might be related to Vigorous:

Devotion / Diligence / Vigorous / Energetic


Dynamic Energy / Enthusiasm

Firm Belief / Strong Faith

Live Strong

Mighty / Powerful / Strong

Stay Strong / Indestructible / Unbreakable

Stay Strong / Iron Will

Strength: Strong and Solid

Strong / Healthy

Strong / Powerful

Strong / Powerful / Force

Strong / Robust

Strong and Beautiful

Strong Body, Strong Mind

Strong Bones Come From Hard Knocks

Strong Hearted / Strong Willed

Strong Mind Strong Body

Strong Minded

Strong Willed

Strong Woman

Strong-Minded Woman

Strong-Willed / Strong of Heart

Tempering Makes Strong Steel

The Strong One

The Weak Are Meat, the Strong Eat

Woman of Strong Character / Woman Hero

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Five Reflections
一至誠に悖るなかりしか一言行に恥づるなかりしか一氣力に缺くるなかりしか一努力に憾みなかりしか一不精に亘るなかりしかshi se i ni moto ru na ka ri shi ka? gen kou ni ha zu ru na ka ri shi ka?
ki ryo ku ni ka ku ru na ka ri shi ka? do ryo ku ni u ra mi na ka ri shi ka?
bu sho u ni wa ta ru na ka ri shi ka?
shi se i ni moto ru na ka ri shi ka? gen ko ni ha zu ru na ka ri shi ka?
ki ryo ku ni ka ku ru na ka ri shi ka? do ryo ku ni u ra mi na ka ri shi ka?
bu sho u ni wa ta ru na ka ri shi ka?
shoujin / shojinjīng jìn / jing1 jin4 / jing jin / jingjinching chin / chingchin
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse龍馬精神
lóng mǎ jīng shén
long2 ma3 jing1 shen2
long ma jing shen
lung ma ching shen
The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger龍馬精神虎虎生威
lóng mǎ jīng shén hǔ hǔ shēng wēi
long2 ma3 jing1 shen2 hu3 hu3 sheng1 wei1
long ma jing shen hu hu sheng wei
lung ma ching shen hu hu sheng wei
The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger龍虎精神
ryu ko sei shin
lóng hǔ jīng shén
long2 hu3 jing1 shen2
long hu jing shen
lung hu ching shen
Dynamic Energy
活力katsuryokuhuó lì / huo2 li4 / huo li / huoli
Rise and Fall
Ups and Downs
栄枯盛衰 / 榮枯盛衰
ei ko sei sui
Good Health
kou / kokāng / kang1 / kangk`ang / kang
Healthy Living健康生活kenkou seikatsu
kenko seikatsu
jiàn kāng shēng huó
jian4 kang1 sheng1 huo2
jian kang sheng huo
chien k`ang sheng huo
chien kang sheng huo
Independent Spirit獨立精神
dú lì jīng shén
du2 li4 jing1 shen2
du li jing shen
tu li ching shen
sekkyoku / sekyokujī jí / ji1 ji2 / ji ji / jijichi chi / chichi
Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine精氣神
jīng qì shén
jing1 qi4 shen2
jing qi shen
ching ch`i shen
ching chi shen
Spirit精神sei shin / seishinjīng shén
jing1 shen2
jing shen
ching shen
气力 / 気力
kiryokuqì lì / qi4 li4 / qi li / qilich`i li / chili / chi li
kenjiàn / jian4 / jianchien
Warrior Soul
Heroic Spirit
勇士精神yǒng shì jīng shén
yong3 shi4 jing1 shen2
yong shi jing shen
yung shih ching shen
Soul of a Warrior精神勇士jīng shén yǒng shì
jing1 shen2 yong3 shi4
jing shen yong shi
ching shen yung shih
Seiryoku Zenyo精力善用sei ryoku zen yo
Seishin Budo精神武道seishin budou
seishin budo
Shitsujitsu Goken質実剛健shitsu jitsu gou ken
shitsu jitsu go ken
Old, But More Vigorous in Spirit老當益壯
lǎo dāng yì zhuàng
lao3 dang1 yi4 zhuang4
lao dang yi zhuang
lao tang i chuang
Engage with Confidence理直氣壯
lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4
li zhi qi zhuang
li chih ch`i chuang
li chih chi chuang
Seiryoku Saizen Katsuyo精力最善活用Seiryoku saizen katsuyou
Seiryoku saizen katsuyo
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Vigorous Kanji, Vigorous Characters, Vigorous in Mandarin Chinese, Vigorous Characters, Vigorous in Chinese Writing, Vigorous in Japanese Writing, Vigorous in Asian Writing, Vigorous Ideograms, Chinese Vigorous symbols, Vigorous Hieroglyphics, Vigorous Glyphs, Vigorous in Chinese Letters, Vigorous Hanzi, Vigorous in Japanese Kanji, Vigorous Pictograms, Vigorous in the Chinese Written-Language, or Vigorous in the Japanese Written-Language.

101 people have searched for Vigorous in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
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