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Reincarnation Buddhism in Chinese / Japanese...

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Reincarnation (Buddhism)

 zhuǎn shì
 ten sei
Reincarnation (Buddhism) Scroll

轉世 is the Buddhist idea of reincarnation or transmigration.

Other definitions of this term: “Attainer of Nirvana from within the desire realm,” “A practitioner who enters directly into Nirvana from the desire realm, without traversing the form and formless realms. One of the 27 kinds of Hinayana sages,” or simply, “to return again to this life.”

轉世 is also a Japanese title, but the first Kanji was slightly simplified after WWII. Just let us know if you want the modern Japanese version when you order.

See Also:  Buddhism | Rebirth

Reincarnation / Transmigration of Souls

 lún huí
 rin ne
Reincarnation / Transmigration of Souls Scroll

輪回 is a universal word in Japanese and Chinese that expresses the Buddhist idea of “reincarnation,” “transmigration of souls,” or “the eternal cycle of birth and death.”

In some contexts, this can also mean “karma,” and others will say it represents “samsara.”

The first character means wheel, ring, turn, circle, loop, or rotate.
The second character can be thought of as a suffix meaning “-times.” This second character can also refer to something that revolves, returns, goes back, or is a counter of the number of occurrences of some event.
Together the sum supersedes the parts, and it means reincarnation. But knowing the essence of each character may help you understand some of the meaning behind the word.

廻Shown to the right is the more common way to write the second character in Japanese. it’s an alternate form of this character in Chinese (so neither way is technically wrong in either language). If you select a Japanese calligrapher, expect that is will look like the Kanji to the right.

See Also:  Buddhism | Rebirth

 huà shēn
Avatar Scroll

化身 is a way to say avatar in Chinese characters, Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.

This is the original Buddhist idea of an avatar (not the movie). This can also mean: incarnation; reincarnation; embodiment; personification; impersonation.

化身 is the Chinese word used for the original Sanskrit, nirmāṇakāya. Alternates for nirmāṇakāya include 應身, 應化身, or 變化身. In the context of Buddhism, this is a Buddha's metamorphosic body, which has the power to assume any shape to propagate the Truth. This title, 化身, is used for the appearance of a Buddha's many forms.

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Not the results for reincarnation buddhism that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your reincarnation buddhism search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
rén dào
    ren2 dao4
jen tao
 jindou(p); nindou / jindo(p); nindo
    じんどう(P); にんどう
human sympathy; humanitarianism; humane; the "human way", one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism); sexual intercourse
(1) humanity; (2) sidewalk; footpath; (3) (にんどう only) {Buddh} (See 六道) human realm
rebirth as a human being



see styles
zhuǎn shì
    zhuan3 shi4
chuan shih

More info & calligraphy:

Reincarnation (Buddhism)
reincarnation or transmigration (Buddhism)
To return to this life.

see styles

I; me; my
(1) {Buddh} obstinacy; (2) atman; the self; the ego
I, my, mine; the ego, the master of the body, compared to the ruler of a country. Composed of the five skandhas and hence not a permanent entity. It is used for ātman, the self, personality. Buddhism takes as a fundamental dogma 無我, i.e. no 常我, no permanent ego, only recognizing a temporal or functional ego. The erroneous idea of a permanent self continued in reincarnation is the source of all illusion. But the Nirvana Sutra definitely asserts a permanent ego in the transcendental world, above the range of reincarnation; and the trend of Mahāyāna supports such permanence; v. 常我樂淨.



see styles
wàng yǔ
    wang4 yu3
wang yü
 mougo; bougo(rk) / mogo; bogo(rk)
    もうご; ぼうご(rk)
to tell lies; to talk nonsense; lies; nonsense
{Buddh} (See 妄語戒) falsehood (as one of the five sins in Buddhism); lie
The commandment against lying. either as slander, or false boasting, or deception; for this the 智度論 gives ten evil results on reincarnation: (1) stinking breath; (2) good spirits avoid him, as also do men; (3) none believes him even when telling the truth; (4) wise men never admit him to their deliberations: etc.


see styles
bǐ àn
    bi3 an4
pi an
the other shore; (Buddhism) paramita
(1) equinoctial week (when Buddhist services are held); (2) (abbreviation) (See 彼岸会) Buddhist services during the equinoctial week; (3) {Buddh} (See 此岸) nirvana; (4) (form) opposite bank; opposite shore; shore on the other side
波羅 parā, yonder shore i. e. nirvāṇa. The saṃsāra life of reincarnation is 此岸 this shore; the stream of karma is 中流 the stream between the one shore and the other. Metaphor for an end to any affair. pāramitā (an incorrect etymology, no doubt old) is the way to reach the other shore.; The other shore; nirvāṇa.


see styles
niè pán
    nie4 pan2
nieh p`an
    nieh pan
(Buddhism) to achieve nirvana (extinction of desire and pain); to die (loanword from Sanskrit, abbr. for 涅槃那[nie4pan2na4])
(1) {Buddh} nirvana; supreme enlightenment; (2) {Buddh} death; death of Buddha
nirvāṇa, 'blown out, gone out, put out, extinguished'; 'liberated-from existence'; 'dead, deceased, defunct.' 'Liberation, eternal bliss'; '(with Buddhists and Jainas) absolute extinction or annihilation, complete extinction of individual existence.' M.W. Other forms are 涅槃那; 泥日; 泥洹; 泥畔 Originally translated 滅 to extinguish, extinction, put out (as a lamp or fire), it was also described as 解脫 release, 寂滅 tranquil extinction; 無爲 inaction, without effort, passiveness; 不生 no (re)birth; 安樂 calm joy; 滅度transmigration to 'extinction'. The meaning given to 'extinction' varies, e.g. individual extinction; cessation of rebirth; annihilation of passion; extinction of all misery and entry into bliss. While the meaning of individual extinction is not without advocates, the general acceptation is the extinction or end of all return to reincarnation with its concomitant suffering, and the entry into bliss. Nirvāṇa may be enjoyed in the present life as an attainable state, with entry into parinirvāṇa, or perfect bliss to follow. It may be (a) with a 'remainder', i.e. the cause but not all the effect (karma), of reincarnation having been destroyed; (b) without 'remainder', both cause and effect having been extinguished. The answer of the Buddha as to the continued personal existence of the Tathāgata in nirvāṇa is, in the Hīnayāna canon, relegated 'to the sphere of the indeterminates' (Keith), as one of the questions which are not essential to salvation. One argument is that flame when blown out does not perish but returns to the totality of Fire. The Nirvāṇa Sutra claims for nirvāṇa the ancient ideas of 常樂我淨 permanence, bliss, personality purity in the transcendental realm. Mahāyāna declares that Hīnayāna by denying personality in the transcendental realm denies the existence of the Buddha. In Mahāyāna final nirvāṇa is transcendental, and is also used as a term for the absolute. The place where the Buddha entered his earthly nirvāṇa is given as Kuśinagara, cf. 拘.



see styles
miè dù
    mie4 du4
mieh tu
to extinguish worries and the sea of grief; nirvana (Buddhism)
extinguishing illusion and passing over to Nirvana
nirvāṇa: extinction of reincarnation and escape from suffering.



see styles
lún huí
    lun2 hui2
lun hui
to reincarnate; reincarnation (Buddhism); (of the seasons etc) to follow each other cyclically; cycle; CL:個|个[ge4]
cyclic existence



see styles
zhuǎn shēng
    zhuan3 sheng1
chuan sheng
reincarnation (Buddhism)



see styles
zhuàn lún
    zhuan4 lun2
chuan lun
rotating disk; wheel; rotor; cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism
cakravartī, "a ruler the wheels of whose chariot roll everywhere without hindrance." M.W. Revolving wheels; to turn a wheel: also 轉輪王 (轉輪聖王); 輪王; 轉輪聖帝, cf. 斫. The symbol is the cakra or disc, which is of four kinds indicating the rank, i.e. gold, silver, copper, or iron, the iron cakravartī ruling over one continent, the south; the copper, over two, east and south: the silver, over three, east, west, and south; the golden being supreme over all the four continents. The term is also applied to the gods over a universe, and to a buddha as universal spiritual king, and as preacher of the supreme doctrine. Only a cakravartī possesses the 七寳 saptaratna and 1, 000 sons. The cakra, or discus, is also a missile used by a cakravartī for overthrowing his enemies. Its origin is probably the sun with its myriad rays.



see styles
ā luó hàn
    a1 luo2 han4
a lo han
arhat (Sanskrit); a holy man who has left behind all earthly desires and concerns and attained nirvana (Buddhism)
{Buddh} arhat
arhan, arhat, lohan; worthy, venerable; an enlightened, saintly man; the highest type or ideal saint in Hīnayāna in contrast with the bodhisattva as the saint in Mahāyāna; intp. as 應供worthy of worship, or respect; intp. as 殺賊 arihat, arihan, slayer of the enemy, i.e. of mortality; for the arhat enters nirvana 不生 not to be reborn, having destroyed the karma of reincarnation; he is also in the stage of 不學 no longer learning, having attained. Also 羅漢; 阿盧漢; 阿羅訶 or 阿羅呵; 阿梨呵 (or 阿黎呵); 羅呵, etc.; cf. 阿夷; 阿畧.



see styles
kǔ jí miè dào
    ku3 ji2 mie4 dao4
k`u chi mieh tao
    ku chi mieh tao
 kujuumetsudou; kujumetsudou; kushumetsudou / kujumetsudo; kujumetsudo; kushumetsudo
    くじゅうめつどう; くじゅめつどう; くしゅめつどう
the Four Noble Truths (Budd.), namely: all life is suffering 苦[ku3], the cause of suffering is desire 集[ji2], emancipation comes only by eliminating passions 滅|灭[mie4], the way 道[dao4] to emancipation is the Eight-fold Noble Way 八正道[ba1 zheng4 dao4]; also called 四諦|四谛[si4 di4]
{Buddh} (See 四諦) Suffering, Source of Suffering Desire, The Cessation of Suffering, The Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering (The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism)
The four axioms or truths: i. e. duḥkha, pain; samudaya, as above; nirodha, the extinguishing of pain and reincarnation; mārga, the way to such extinction; cf. 四諦.

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Reincarnation (Buddhism)轉世
ten sei / tenseizhuǎn shì
zhuan3 shi4
zhuan shi
chuan shih
Transmigration of Souls
輪回 / 輪廻
rin ne / rinnelún huí / lun2 hui2 / lun hui / lunhui
Avatar化身keshinhuà shēn / hua4 shen1 / hua shen / huashen
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Reincarnation Buddhism Kanji, Reincarnation Buddhism Characters, Reincarnation Buddhism in Mandarin Chinese, Reincarnation Buddhism Characters, Reincarnation Buddhism in Chinese Writing, Reincarnation Buddhism in Japanese Writing, Reincarnation Buddhism in Asian Writing, Reincarnation Buddhism Ideograms, Chinese Reincarnation Buddhism symbols, Reincarnation Buddhism Hieroglyphics, Reincarnation Buddhism Glyphs, Reincarnation Buddhism in Chinese Letters, Reincarnation Buddhism Hanzi, Reincarnation Buddhism in Japanese Kanji, Reincarnation Buddhism Pictograms, Reincarnation Buddhism in the Chinese Written-Language, or Reincarnation Buddhism in the Japanese Written-Language.

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