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The name Pride in Chinese / Japanese...

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 zì zūn
 chi juen
Pride Scroll

自尊 can mean “pride,” “self-respect,” or “self-esteem.” The first character means “oneself,” and the second can mean revered, valuable, precious, noble, exalted, honorable, or simply “pride.”

I have also seen this two-character word translated as “amour propre,” self-regard, and self-pride.

自尊 is universal between Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and Korean Hanja written languages. It may also be understood in old Vietnamese (they once used Chinese characters as well).

 zì háo
Pride Scroll

自豪 is used to convey “feeling a sense of pride.”

This can be the pride you feel in yourself or the sense of pride in belonging to a certain group, team, or organization.

Prideful Mind / Self-Respecting Heart

 zì zūn xīn
 ji son shin
Prideful Mind / Self-Respecting Heart Scroll

自尊心 is a Japanese and Korean word that means “pride” or “self-respect.”

The first Kanji/Hanja means oneself. The second can mean revered, valuable, precious, noble, or exalted. And the last Kanji/Hanja means heart, mind, and/or spirit.

While these characters make sense and hold the same general meaning in Chinese, this is not a normal Chinese word. This selection should only be used if your audience is Japanese or Korean.

See Also:  Respect | Self-Reliance | Self-Control | Self-Discipline

Proud / Pride / Lofty-Minded

 ào shì
Proud / Pride / Lofty-Minded Scroll

傲世 is a word used to describe someone that is very proud and holds themselves above others but with a valid (earned) reason to do so.

傲世 is what you would use to describe the way a mighty general of ancient China like Cao Cao acted or a more modern person like General Patton carried himself.

If you hang this word on your wall, it suggests that you hope to achieve that same level of pride from accomplishment.

Self-Respect / Self-Esteem

 zì zūn
Self-Respect / Self-Esteem Scroll

自尊 means self-respect or self-esteem in Chinese, Korean and Japanese. It can also mean “pride in oneself.”

Note: Japanese sometimes put the character for the heart after these two. However, this two-character word is universal between all three languages (which is often better since more than a third of the world's population can read this version as a native word).

Pride Goes Before a Fall

 jiāo bīng bì bài
 kyouheihippai / kyohehippai
Pride Goes Before a Fall Scroll

This literally means an arrogant army is bound to lose.

The meaning is similar to “pride goes before a fall.”

Others may translate this as “defeat is inevitable for an overconfident army,” “being arrogant and overconfident inevitably leads to defeat,” or “pride comes before a fall.”

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If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition


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shí fǎ
    shi2 fa3
shih fa

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Ten perfect Mahayana rules
The ten 成就 perfect or perfecting Mahāyāna rules; i.e. in (1) right belief; (2) conduct; (3) spirit; (4) the joy of the bodhi mind; (5) joy in the dharma; (6) joy in meditation in it; (7) pursuing the correct dharma; (8) obedience to, or accordance with it; (9) departing from pride, etc.; (10) comprehending the inner teaching of Buddha and taking no pleasure in that of the śrāvaka and pratyeka-buddha order.


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wǒ màn
    wo3 man4
wo man
 gaman(p); gaman
    がまん(P); ガマン

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(noun/participle) (1) endurance; patience; perseverance; bearing (with something); (noun/participle) (2) self-control; self-restraint; (surname) Gaman
abhimāna, ātma-mada. Egoism exalting self and depreciating others; self-intoxication, pride.


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zì zūn
    zi4 zun1
tzu tsun

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self-respect; self-esteem; ego; pride
self-respect; esteem; self-importance; pride


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zì zūn xīn
    zi4 zun1 xin1
tzu tsun hsin
self-respect; self-esteem; ego
self-esteem; self-respect; self-importance; conceit; pride



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jiāo bīng bì bài
    jiao1 bing1 bi4 bai4
chiao ping pi pai
 kyouheihippai / kyohehippai

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Pride Goes Before a Fall
lit. an arrogant army is bound to lose (idiom); fig. pride goes before a fall
(expression) (yoji) defeat is inevitable for an overconfident army; being arrogant and overconfident inevitably leads to defeat; pride comes before a fall


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Even Monkeys Fall From Trees
(exp,v1) (proverb) even monkeys fall from trees; anyone can make a mistake; pride comes before a fall; even Homer sometimes nods


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to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; to send; to instruct sb to do something; envoy; messenger
(1) messenger; (2) (abbreviation) (See 検非違使) police and judicial chief (Heian and Kamakura periods); (3) {Buddh} (See 煩悩・2) klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering); (female given name) Tsukasa
To send; cause; a messenger; a pursuer, molester, lictor, disturber, troubler, intp. as 煩惱 kleśa, affliction, distress, worldly cares, vexations, and as consequent reincarnation. There are categories of 10, 16, 98, 112, and 128 such troublers, e. g. desire, hate, stupor, pride, doubt, erroneous views, etc., leading to painful results in future rebirths, for they are karma-messengers executing its purpose. Also 金剛童子 q. v.

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proud; arrogant; to despise; unyielding; to defy

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dirt; disgrace
{Buddh} (See 煩悩・2) klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering); (personal name) Yoshimi
mala. Dust, impurity, dregs; moral impurity; mental impurity. Whatever misleads or deludes the mind; illusion; defilement; the six forms are vexation, malevolence, hatred, flattery, wild talk, pride; the seven are desire, false views, doubt, presumption, arrogance, inertia, and meanness.

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māna. Pride, arrogance, self-conceit, looking down on others, supercilious, etc.; there are categories of seven and nine kinds of pride.


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qī shǐ
    qi1 shi3
ch`i shih
    chi shih
The seven messengers, agents, or kleśas—desire 欲愛; anger, or hate 瞋恚; attachment, or clinging 有愛; pride or arrogance 慢; ignorance, or unenlightenment 無明; false views 見; and doubt 疑.


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qī gòu
    qi1 gou4
ch`i kou
    chi kou
The seven defilements―desire 欲, false views 見, doubt 疑, pride 慢, arrogance 憍 torpor 隨眠, and 慳 stinginess; cf. 七使.


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qī màn
    qi1 man4
ch`i man
    chi man
The seven pretensions or arrogances 慢 asserting superiority over inferiors and equality with equals, 過慢 superiority over equals and equality with superiors, 慢過慢 superiority over manifest superiors, 我慢 egotism or overweening pride, 增上慢 vaunting assertion of possessing the Truth, 卑慢 vaunting one's inferiority (or false humility), and 邪慢 vaunting lack of virtue for virtue.


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shàng màn
    shang4 man4
shang man
pride in superior [spiritual] attainment


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jiǔ màn
    jiu3 man4
chiu man
The nine forms of pride: that I surpass, am equal to, not so bad as others; that others surpass, are as bad as, are inferior to me; that none surpass, are equal to, or worse than me.



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jiǔ jié
    jiu3 jie2
chiu chieh
The nine bonds that bind men to mortality: love, hate, pride, ignorance, (wrong)views, possessions (or grasping), doubt, envy, meanness (or selfishness). They are the 六隨眠 plus grasping, envy, and meanness.



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wǔ zhuó
    wu3 zhuo2
wu cho
the five impurities (Buddhism)
五滓; 五渾 The five kaṣāya periods of turbidity, impurity, or chaos, i. e. of decay; they are accredited to the 住 kalpa, see 四劫, and commence when human life begins to decrease below 20,000 years. (1) 劫濁 the kalpa in decay, when it suffers deterioration and gives rise to the ensuing form; (2) 見濁 deterioration of view, egoism, etc., arising; (3) 煩惱濁 the passions and delusions of desire, anger, stupidity, pride, and doubt prevail; (4) 衆生濁 in consequence human miseries increase and happiness decreases; (5) 命濁 human life time gradually diminishes to ten years. The second and third are described as the 濁 itself and the fourth and fifth its results.



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wǔ jié
    wu3 jie2
wu chieh
Wujie or Wuchieh Township in Yilan County 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 Xian4], Taiwan
The five bonds to mortality: 貧 desire, 恚 hata, 慢 pride, 嫉 envy, 慳 grudging.


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ào rén
    ao4 ren2
ao jen
worthy of pride; impressive; enviable


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ào màn
    ao4 man4
ao man
arrogant; haughty
(noun or adjectival noun) pride; haughtiness; arrogance; insolence; hubris


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ào zì
    ao4 zi4
ao tzu
pride; overbearing


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bā màn
    ba1 man4
pa man
The eight kinds of pride, māna, arrogance, or self-conceit, 如慢 though inferior, to think oneself equal to others (in religion); 慢慢 to think oneself superior among manifest superiors; 不如慢 to think oneself not so much inferior among manifest superiors; 增上慢 to think one has attained more than is the fact, or when it is not the fact; 我慢 self-superiority, or self-sufficiency; 邪慢 pride in false views, or doings; 憍慢 arrogance; 大慢 extreme arrogance.


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bā jiāo
    ba1 jiao1
pa chiao
The eight kinds of pride, or arrogance, resulting in domineering: because of strength; of clan, or name; of wealth; of independence, or position; of years, or age; of cleverness, or wisdom; of good or charitable deeds; of good looks. Of these, eight birds are named as types: 鴟梟 two kinds of owl, eagle, vulture, crow, magpie, pigeon, wagtail.


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shí shǐ
    shi2 shi3
shih shih
 jū shi
十大惑; 十根本煩惱 The ten messengers, deluders, fundamental passions; they are divided into five sharp and five dull; the five 鈍使 dull ones are desire, hate, stupidity, pride, and doubt; the five sharp 利使 are 身見, 邊見, 邪見, 見取見, 戒禁見, v. 見.


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shí jìng
    shi2 jing4
shih ching
Ten objects of or stages in meditation觀 in the Tiantai school, i.e. 陰境 the five skandhas; 煩惱境 life's distresses and delusion; 病患境 sickness, or duḥkha, its cause and cure; 業相境 age-long karmaic influences; 魔事境 Māra affairs, how to overthrow their rule; 禪定境 the conditions of dhyāna and samādhi; 諸見境 various views and doubts that arise; 慢境 pride in progress and the delusion that one has attained nirvāṇa; 二乘境 temptation to be content with the lower nirvāṇa, instead of going on to the greater reward; 菩薩境 bodhisattvahood; see the 止觀 5.



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shí jiàn
    shi2 jian4
shih chien
 juumi / jumi
(surname) Jūmi
The ten (wrong) views; see 五見and add 貪, 恚 , 慢 , 無明 and 疑見 desire, hate, pride, ignorance, and doubt.


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bēi màn
    bei1 man4
pei man
(下慢) The pride of regarding self as little inferior to those who far surpass one; one of the 七慢.


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 kyoushi / kyoshi
pride; self-conceit; (given name) Takashi


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sì yì
    si4 yi4
ssu i
The four films, or things that becloud, i. e. rain-clouds; dust-storms; smoke; and asuras, i. e. eclipses of sun and moon; emblematic of desire, hate, ignorance, and pride; cf. 四結.


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national pride; (personal name) Kokka

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Pride自尊jisonzì zūn / zi4 zun1 / zi zun / zizuntzu tsun / tzutsun
Pride自豪zì háo / zi4 hao2 / zi hao / zihaotzu hao / tzuhao
Prideful Mind
Self-Respecting Heart
自尊心ji son shin
zì zūn xīn
zi4 zun1 xin1
zi zun xin
tzu tsun hsin
傲世ào shì / ao4 shi4 / ao shi / aoshiao shih / aoshih
自尊jisonzì zūn / zi4 zun1 / zi zun / zizuntzu tsun / tzutsun
Pride Goes Before a Fall驕兵必敗
kyouheihippai / kyohehippai
kyoheihipai / kyohehipai
jiāo bīng bì bài
jiao1 bing1 bi4 bai4
jiao bing bi bai
chiao ping pi pai
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Pride Kanji, Pride Characters, Pride in Mandarin Chinese, Pride Characters, Pride in Chinese Writing, Pride in Japanese Writing, Pride in Asian Writing, Pride Ideograms, Chinese Pride symbols, Pride Hieroglyphics, Pride Glyphs, Pride in Chinese Letters, Pride Hanzi, Pride in Japanese Kanji, Pride Pictograms, Pride in the Chinese Written-Language, or Pride in the Japanese Written-Language.

195 people have searched for Pride in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
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