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Marine Corps in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Marine Corps calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Marine Corps” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Marine Corps” title below...

  1. Marine Corps

  2. United States Marine Corps

  3. Training / Drill

  4. Marine

  5. Marine / Soldier of the Sea

  6. Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body

  7. Discipline

  8. Maintain An Army For 1000 Days, Use It For An Hour

  9. Gung Ho

Marine Corps

 hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì
Marine Corps Scroll

海軍陸戰隊 is the Chinese way to express “Marine Corps.” This could be the Marine Corps of virtually any country that has an amphibious military force.

Let me know if you want a more specific title, such as British Royal Marines or U.S. Marine Corps.

The Chinese title for Marines is very verbose...
Breaking down each character this means:
“ocean/sea military/arms shore/land fighting/war/battle corps/team/group.”

See Also:  Military

Marine Corps

Marine Corps Scroll

海兵隊 is the Japanese and Korean way to express “Marine Corps” or simply “Marines.” It is not specific, so this can be the Marine Corps of any country, such as the British Royal Marines to the U.S. Marines.

Breaking down each character, this means:
“ocean/sea soldiers/army corps/regiment/group.”

See Also:  Military

United States Marine Corps

 bei kai hei tai
United States Marine Corps Scroll

米海兵隊 is the Japanese way to write “United States Marine Corps” or simply “U.S. Marines.”

Breaking down each Kanji, this means:
“rice (American) ocean/sea soldiers/army/military corps/regiment/group.”

This title will only make sense in Japanese, it is not the same in Chinese! Make sure you know your audience before ordering a custom wall scroll.

If you are wondering about rice, America is known as “rice country” or “rice kingdom” when literally translated. The Kanji for rice is often used as an abbreviation in front of words (like a sub-adjective) to make something “American.” Americans say “rice burner” for a Japanese car and “rice rocket” for a Japanese motorcycle. If you did the same in Japanese, it would have the opposite meaning.

Note: I have not verified this but I’ve found this title used for U.S. Marines in Korean articles, so it’s most likely a normal Korean term as well (but only in Korean Hanja).

See Also:  Navy | Army | Art of War | Warrior | Military

Training / Drill

 xùn liàn
Training / Drill Scroll

If training or drill is important to you (especially for military drill and training), 訓練 might be just the thing for a drill master to hang behind his/her desk.

This term is universal in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja. It can also mean practice or exercise, depending on context.


Amphibious Warrior

 hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì yuán
Marine Scroll

海軍陸戰隊員 is the Chinese way to express “Marine.” (as in a member of the Marine Corps). It is not country-specific, so it could be the Royal Marines, U.S. Marines, Chinese Marines, etc.
In Australian English, they would translate this as “Naval Infantryman.”

Breaking down each character this means:
“ocean/sea military/arms shore/land fighting/war/battle corps/team/group person/member.” Note that the first two characters are presented together but outside of this phrase mean “navy” (sea military).

See Also:  Warrior | Military | Navy | Art of War

Marine / Soldier of the Sea

 kai hei
Marine / Soldier of the Sea Scroll

海兵 is a way to express “Marine” as in an individual “Soldier of the Sea” in Japanese Kanji and old Korean Hanja characters (not to be confused with Korean Hangul).

Breaking down each character, this means:
“ocean/sea soldier/army/warrior.”

Please note that this Japanese/Korean version kind of means “sailor” or “navy” in Chinese.

See Also:  Military

Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body

 itami wa karada kara nukeru yowasa
Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body Scroll

痛みは体から抜ける弱さ is how to write “pain is weakness leaving the body” in Japanese.

I remember this being shouted a lot during U.S. Marine Corps boot camp.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body

 téng tòng jiù shì shuāi ruò lí nǐ ér qù de shí hòu
Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body Scroll

I remember this being shouted a lot during U.S. Marine Corps boot camp. 疼痛就是衰弱離你而去的時候 is how to write that phrase in Chinese. At least, this is as close as we could compose/translate it, and hold the full original meaning and connotations.

The version shown here is really, “Pain is weakness leaving your body.” Although it's said in English both ways (the or your), it works better in Chinese with “your.”

 jì lǜ
Discipline Scroll

紀律 is a Chinese and Korean word that conveys the idea of extreme self-control and perhaps self-sacrifice, and obedience.

This word matches the kind of “discipline” I was in the Marine Corps. There is also an additional idea of maintaining order or being orderly in your tasks.

This idea would also fit an athlete training for the Olympics who gives up many pleasures to stay focused on their training.

See Also:  Self-Control | Will-Power

Maintain An Army For 1000 Days, Use It For An Hour

 yǎng bīng qiān rì, yàng bīng yì shí
Maintain An Army For 1000 Days, Use It For An Hour Scroll

Nothing could be more true. When I was in the Marine Corps, we trained for years for combat that often lasts only hours.

養兵千日用兵一時 is a Chinese proverb that, also reminds me of a common phrase used in the military to describe combat: “Weeks of total boredom, punctuated with five minutes of sheer terror.”

This may have some roots in Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Though I can not find this passage in his writings.

On the subject of the Art of War, if you have a favorite passage, we can create a custom calligraphy scroll with that phrase.

Gung Ho

Working Together

 gōng hé
Gung Ho Scroll

工合 is one of those Asian words that is used more in English than in the original Chinese.

Gung Ho was originally used to speak of Carlson's Raiders, a group of “Gung Ho” U.S. Marines who went on an island-hopping campaign of death during WWII.

A movie called Gung Ho came out in the mid-1940s and was later re-released in the 1950s depicting the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion, and brought this word to the mainstream.

It is still sometimes used today within the U.S. Marine Corps brotherhood to refer to a unit or group that works well together or is otherwise efficient and motivated (has good morals).

In 1986, there was a movie called Gung Ho about a Japanese company taking over an American automotive factory. They completely ignored the fact that this was a Chinese title.

It should be noted that this title actually means a condition, state, manner, or the health of something in Japanese.

Language and pronunciation notes:
Like many Asian words absorbed into common use in English, this one is drastically mispronounced. The official Romanization is “gong he” but that doesn't tell you enough. The vowel sound on the first character is like the English word “own,” now just add the g-sounds to the beginning and end. The second character is misleading, as you might think it is like the English word “he.” In reality, the vowel sound is more like the “u” in “up.”

It should also be noted that the current generation in China no longer uses or recognizes this as a common word or slogan.

Note: This can be pronounced and is a word in Japanese, though seldom used. Japanese will use a variation of "具合" instead. But still, not common.

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Marine Corps海軍陸戰隊
hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì
hai3 jun1 lu4 zhan4 dui4
hai jun lu zhan dui
hai chün lu chan tui
Marine Corps海兵隊
United States Marine Corps米海兵隊bei kai hei tai
kunrenxùn liàn / xun4 lian4 / xun lian / xunlianhsün lien / hsünlien
hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì yuán
hai3 jun1 lu4 zhan4 dui4 yuan2
hai jun lu zhan dui yuan
hai chün lu chan tui yüan
Soldier of the Sea
海兵kai hei / kaihei
Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body痛みは體から抜ける弱さ
itami wa karada kara nukeru yowasa
Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body疼痛就是衰弱離你而去的時候
téng tòng jiù shì shuāi ruò lí nǐ ér qù de shí hòu
teng2 tong4 jiu4 shi4 shuai1 ruo4 li2 ni3 er2 qu4 de shi2 hou4
teng tong jiu shi shuai ruo li ni er qu de shi hou
t`eng t`ung chiu shih shuai jo li ni erh ch`ü te shih hou
teng tung chiu shih shuai jo li ni erh chü te shih hou
jì lǜ / ji4 lv4 / ji lv / jilvchi lü / chilü
Maintain An Army For 1000 Days, Use It For An Hour養兵千日用兵一時
yǎng bīng qiān rì, yàng bīng yì shí
yang3 bing1 qian1 ri4 yang4 bing1 yi4 shi2
yang bing qian ri yang bing yi shi
yang ping ch`ien jih yang ping i shih
yang ping chien jih yang ping i shih
Gung Ho工合guaigōng hé / gong1 he2 / gong he / gonghekung ho / kungho
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Marine Corps Kanji, Marine Corps Characters, Marine Corps in Mandarin Chinese, Marine Corps Characters, Marine Corps in Chinese Writing, Marine Corps in Japanese Writing, Marine Corps in Asian Writing, Marine Corps Ideograms, Chinese Marine Corps symbols, Marine Corps Hieroglyphics, Marine Corps Glyphs, Marine Corps in Chinese Letters, Marine Corps Hanzi, Marine Corps in Japanese Kanji, Marine Corps Pictograms, Marine Corps in the Chinese Written-Language, or Marine Corps in the Japanese Written-Language.

46 people have searched for Marine Corps in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Marine Corps was last searched for by someone else on Oct 21st, 2024