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in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy an calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “氣” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “氣” title below...

  1. Breath of Life

  2. Courageous Spirit

  3. Electricity / Lightning

  4. Heroic Spirit

  5. Heroic Spirit / Heroism

  6. Life Energy / Spiritual Energy

  7. Positive Attitude

  8. Qi Gong / Chi Kung

  9. Strong Willed

10. Vitality / Virility

11. Fighting Spirit

12. Aikido

13. Aiki-Jutsu

14. Hapkido

15. Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine

16. Kyuki-Do

17. Reiki

18. Air / Atmosphere

19. Bravery / Courage

20. Strength / Vigor / Energy

21. Aiki Budo

22. Engage with Confidence

23. Honor Courage

24. Okami Hapkido

25. Strength and Courage

26. Strong-Willed / Strong of Heart

27. Takemusu Aiki

28. Aikikai

29. Strength and Courage

30. Fidelity Honor Courage

31. Honor Courage Commitment

32. Aiki Jujutsu

33. Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu

34. Attack When The Enemy Has Low Morale

35. Energy Sword Body in Concert

36. Freedom from Anger and Worry Yields Longevity

37. Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do

38. Kodokan Aikido

39. Shotokan Aikido

40. Serenity Prayer

41. Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao

42. Five Reflections / Gosei

43. Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao

Breath of Life

 qì xī
Breath of Life Scroll

氣息 can mean breath of life or panting for want of breath in the Buddhist context.

In other contexts, it can mean breath, smell, odor, or flavor.

Courageous Spirit

 gǔ qì
Courageous Spirit Scroll

骨氣 is a Chinese title that means “unyielding character,” “courageous spirit,” “integrity,” or “moral backbone.”

Electricity / Lightning

 den ki
Electricity / Lightning Scroll

電氣 is the title for electricity in Japanese Kanji.

This can also be used to mean lightning in Japanese.

Heroic Spirit

 yīng qì
Heroic Spirit Scroll

英氣 is a way to write heroic spirit in Chinese.

This may be an arrogant thing to hang on your wall.

Heroic Spirit / Heroism

 háo qì
Heroic Spirit / Heroism Scroll

豪氣 is heroic spirit or heroism in Chinese and old Korean Hanja.

This might come across as a bit arrogant to hang on your wall.

Life Energy / Spiritual Energy

Chi Energy: Essence of Life / Energy Flow

Life Energy / Spiritual Energy Scroll

This 氣 energy flow is a fundamental concept of traditional Asian culture.

氣 is romanized as “Qi” or “Chi” in Chinese, “Gi” in Korean, and “Ki” in Japanese.
Chi is believed to be part of everything that exists, as in “life force” or “spiritual energy.” It is most often translated as “energy flow” or literally as “air” or “breath.” Some people will simply translate this as “spirit,” but you must consider the kind of spirit we're talking about. I think this is weighted more toward energy than spirit.

The character itself is a representation of steam (or breath) rising from rice. To clarify, the character for rice looks like this: 米
Steam was apparently seen as visual evidence of the release of “life energy” when this concept was first developed. The Qi / Chi / Ki character is still used in compound words to mean steam or vapor.
The etymology of this character is a bit complicated. It's suggested that the first form of this character from bronze script (about 2500 years ago) looked like these samples: 氣氣
However, it was easy to confuse this with the character for the number three. So the rice radical was added by 221 B.C. (the exact time of this change is debated). This first version with the rice radical looks like this: 氣
The idea of Qi / Chi / Ki is really a philosophical concept. It's often used to refer to the “flow” of metaphysical energy that sustains living beings. Yet there is much debate that has continued for thousands of years as to whether Qi / Chi / Ki is pure energy or consists partially or fully of matter.

You can also see the character for Qi / Chi / Ki in common compound words such as Tai Chi / Tai Qi, Aikido, Reiki, and Qi Gong / Chi Kung.

In the modern Japanese Kanji, the rice radical has been changed into two strokes that form an X.

気 The original and traditional Chinese form is still understood in Japanese, but we can also offer that modern Kanji form in our custom calligraphy. If you want this Japanese Kanji, please click on the character to the right instead of the “Select and Customize” button above.

More language notes: This is pronounced like “chee” in Mandarin Chinese, and like “key” in Japanese.
This is also the same way to write this in Korean Hanja where it is Romanized as “gi” and pronounced like “gee” but with a real G-sound, not a J-sound.
Though Vietnamese no longer use Chinese characters in their daily language, this character is still widely known in Vietnam.

Positive Attitude

 qì pò
Positive Attitude Scroll

氣魄 is a Chinese word that means “positive attitude.”

This can also be translated as spirit, boldness, positive outlook, or imposing attitude.

Qi Gong / Chi Kung

 qì gōng
 ki kou
Qi Gong / Chi Kung Scroll

氣功 or Qigong is the title of a technique that is somewhere between medical practice, meditation, and in some cases, religion.

The definition is blurred depending on which school of Qigong you are following. In some cases, it is even incorporated with martial arts.

Some people (even Chinese people) mix this title with Tai Chi (Tai Qi) exercises.

Lately, in China, people will claim to practice Tai Chi rather than Qigong because the Qigong title was recently used as a cover for an illegal pseudo-religious movement in China with the initials F.G. or F.D. (I can not write those names here for fear of our website being banned in China).

You can learn those names and more here: Further info about Qigong

If you are wondering why I wrote “Qi Gong” and “Chi Kung” as the title of this calligraphy entry, I should teach you a little about the various ways in which Chinese can be Romanized. One form writes this as “Chi Kung” or “Chikung” (Taiwan). In the mainland and elsewhere, it is Romanized as “Qi Gong” or “Qigong.” The pronunciation is the same in Taiwan, mainland, and Singapore Mandarin. Neither Romanization is exactly like English. If you want to know how to say this with English rules, it would be something like “Chee Gong” (but the “gong” has a vowel sound like the “O” in “go”).

Romanization is a really confusing topic and has caused many Chinese words to be mispronounced in the west. One example is “Kung Pao Chicken,” which should actually be more like “Gong Bao” with the “O” sounding like “oh” for both characters. Neither the Romanization system in Taiwan nor the Mainland is perfect, in my opinion, and leads to many misunderstandings.

In modern Japan, you may see this written as 気功, but the original 氣功 is still recognized. If you need the Japanese version, please contact me.

Strong Willed

 yìng qì
Strong Willed Scroll

硬氣 means firm, unyielding, or strong-willed in Chinese.

If you take pride in being strong-willed or a bit stubborn, this could be for you.

Vitality / Virility

 jīng qì
Vitality / Virility Scroll

精氣 is a Chinese, Japanese, and Korean word that means vitality or virility.

Depending on the context, this can also mean “mind and spirit,” “life energy,” or “essence.”

This term is often used in Buddhism with the same meaning.

気Note: In modern Japanese, they have simplified the last Kanji to look like the version shown to the right. If you want this modern version, please click on this Kanji. Otherwise, if you click the button above, you’ll get the ancient or traditional version (which is also universal between Chinese, old Korean, and old Japanese).

Fighting Spirit

 tou ki
Fighting Spirit Scroll

闘気 is an alternate Japanese title for “fighting spirit.”

This one is more like “fighting energy.” The second character is “ki,” the same “ki” in Aikido. This “ki” is the spiritual energy that all martial arts practitioners must master and focus on.

 hé qì dào
 ai ki dou
Aikido Scroll

合気道 is the modern Japanese way to write Aikido.

Aikido is often referred to as the defensive martial art.

While Aikido was born in Japan, it has become a somewhat famous form of defensive tactics taught to soldiers and Marines, as well as some law enforcement officers in the West.

Looking at the characters, the first means “union” or “harmony.”
The second character means “universal energy” or “spirit.”
The third means “way” or “method.”

Please note that while the original 合氣道 characters can be pronounced in Chinese, this word is not well-known in China and is not considered part of the Chinese lexicon.

Note: It is somewhat accepted that this is the origin of Hapkido in Korea. And other than a modern simplification to the middle Kanji of this 3-Kanji word, it is written the same in Korean Hanja.

 ai ki jutsu
Aiki-Jutsu Scroll

合気術 (Aiki-Jutsu) is a school of martial arts descended from Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu.

Note: Some also romanize 合気術 as Aiki-Jitsu.


Korean Martial Art of re-directing force

 hé qì dào
 ai ki do
Hapkido Scroll

Hapkido or 合氣道 is a mostly-defensive martial art in Korea.

Hapkido has some connection to the Aikido of Japan. They are written with the same characters in both languages. However, it should be noted that the Korean Hanja characters shown here are the traditional Chinese form - but in modern Japan, the middle character was slightly simplified.
Note: You can consider this to be the older Japanese written form of Aikido. Titles on older books and signs about Aikido use this form.

The connection between Japanese Aikido and Korean Hapkido is muddled in history. The issue is probably due to the difficult relationship between the two countries around WWII. Many Koreans became virtual slaves to the Japanese during that period. After WWII, many things in Korea were disassociated from having any Japanese origin. The relationship has greatly mellowed out now.

Looking at the characters, the first means “union” or “harmony.”
The second character means “universal energy” or “spirit.”
The third means “way” or “method.”
One way to translate this into English is the “Harmonizing Energy Method.” This makes sense, as Hapkido has more to do with redirecting energy than fighting strength against strength.

More Hapkido info

More notes:
1. Sometimes Hapkido is Romanized as “hap ki do,” “hapki-do” “hab gi do” or “hapgido.”

2. Korean Hanja characters are actually Chinese characters that usually hold the same meaning in both languages. There was a time when these characters were the standard and only written form of Korean. The development of modern Korean Hangul characters is a somewhat recent event in the greater scope of history. There was a time when Chinese characters were the written form of many languages in places known in modern times as North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China, and a significant portion of Malaysia. Even today, more people in the world can read Chinese characters than English.

3. While these Korean Hanja characters can be pronounced in Chinese, this word is not well-known in China and is not considered part of the Chinese lexicon.

Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine

 jīng qì shén
Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine Scroll

精, 氣, 神 are the characters jing, qi, and shen.

As a set, these three characters are known in English as the treasures of traditional Chinese medicine, the treasures of Qi Gong, or the three treasures of Taoism / Daoism.

Sometimes this set is titled 三寶 (sānbǎo) or “three treasures,” but here, we're writing each treasure out.

Here's how these characters are perceived in this context...
Jing: nutritive essence; refined; perfected; pure
Qi: vitality; energy; force; breath; vigor
Shen: spirit; soul; mind; being

To keep it simple, you can use “essence, vitality, and spirit” to define these.


Korean Martial Art

 jī qì dào
Kyuki-Do Scroll

擊氣道 is the title of the Kyuki-Do form of Korean martial arts.

In Korean Hangul, it's 격기도.

While “Kyuki-Do” is the most common romanized form of this title, the official Korean romanization is actually “Gyeog Gi Do” or “Gyeoggi-Do.”

The first character means to hit, strike, attack, rout, or break.
The second means “life energy” or “atmosphere.”
The last means “the way” or “method.”

FYI: The last two characters are the same as the last two in the titles Hapkido and Aikido.

I have included Mandarin Chinese pronunciation above; However, this term would only be known by Chinese people familiar with this style of martial arts. Consider this to be a Korean-only title.

 líng qì
Reiki Scroll

靈氣 is the title of a healing practice now found globally but with origins in Japan.

Special note: Outside of the context of the healing practice of Reiki, this means “aura” or “spiritual essence that surrounds all living things.” A Japanese person unfamiliar with the practice will take the “aura” meaning.

Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also heals. It can be compared to massage but is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If your life force energy is low, you'll be more likely to get sick or feel stressed. If your life force energy is abundant and flowing well, you become more capable of being happy and healthy.

There is a lot of information available if you want to Google this term - my job is to offer the calligraphy while you can decide if it is right for you.

Note: We are showing the ancient (traditional) form of the Reiki Kanji. I have seen Reiki written with the slightly simplified version and this more classic form. If you want the form of Reiki with the two strokes in the shape of an X on the second character and the modern first character, simply click on the Kanji characters to the right.

Note: 靈氣 is also a Chinese word, but in Chinese, these characters create a word that refers to a smart person or someone with high aspirations. It is not read as a healing method in Chinese.
In Korean Hanja, this can be read as a “mysterious atmosphere” by a Korean who is not familiar with the practice of Reiki (still has a cool meaning in Korean).

Air / Atmosphere

 kōng qì
 kuu ki
Air / Atmosphere Scroll

空氣 means air or atmosphere in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

This is an unusual title for an Asian calligraphy wall scroll, but many of our western customers have requested it.

Japanese 気While 空氣 is common in Chinese and Korean Hanja (and ancient Japanese Kanji); please note that in modern Japanese, the second character is written as 気, with slightly fewer strokes. If you want the modern Japanese version, please click on the character to the right. Both versions are understood by native Chinese, Japanese, and many (but not all) Korean people. You should choose the appropriate version based on the intended audience for your calligraphy artwork.

Bravery / Courage

Courageous Energy

 yǒng qì
Bravery / Courage Scroll

勇氣 is one of several ways to express bravery and courage in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

This version is the most spiritual. This is the essence of bravery from deep within your being. This is the mental state of being brave versus actual brave behavior. You'd more likely use this to say, “He is very courageous,” rather than “He fought courageously in the battle.”

The first character also means bravery or courage when it's seen alone. With the second character added, an element of energy or spirit is added. The second character is the same “chi” or “qi” energy that Kung Fu masters focus on when they strike. For this reason, you could say this means “spirit of courage” or “brave spirit.”

This is certainly a stronger word than just the first character alone.

Beyond bravery or courage, dictionaries also translate this word as valor/valour, nerve, audacity, daring, pluck, plucky, gallantry, guts, gutsy, and boldness.

This is also one of the 8 key concepts of tang soo do.

Japanese 気 While the version shown to the left is commonly used in Chinese and Korean Hanja (and ancient Japanese Kanji), please note that the second character is written with slightly fewer strokes in modern Japanese. If you want the modern Japanese version, please click on the character to the right. Both styles would be understood by native Chinese, Japanese, and many (but not all) Korean people. You should make your selection based on the intended audience for your calligraphy artwork. Or pick the single-character form of bravery/courage which is universal.

Strength / Vigor / Energy

Physical Strength

 qì lì
Strength / Vigor / Energy Scroll

氣力 can mean any of the words in the title above, and in some contexts, can also mean effort, will-power, or talent.

This refers mostly to physical strength (as opposed to mental or spiritual).

気In modern Japan, they use a simplified first character for this word. If you want to order this title with that special Japanese version, click on the character to the right instead of the button above.

 hé qì wǔ dào
 ai ki bu dou
Aiki Budo Scroll

合気武道 is the title Aiki-Budo or “Aiki Martial Arts” in Japanese Kanji.

合 means “union” or “harmony.”
気/氣 means “universal energy” or “spirit.”
武 means “martial” or “military.”
道 means “way” or “method.”

合気武道 is the modern Japanese way to write this. You may also see 合氣武道, where the second character is written in the older traditional (pre-1945) form. If you want this written 合氣武道, just include a note or email with your order.

合氣武道 are all Chinese characters as well, so I included the Chinese pronunciation above. However, while it can be understood in Chinese, this is not a common term in that language and is not used in any Chinese martial arts. Also, 気 is only used in Japan - Chinese will understand 気 to be the Japanese form of 氣.

Engage with Confidence

 lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
Engage with Confidence Scroll

理直氣壯 is a Chinese proverb that means “to do something while knowing you’re in the right.”

This can also be translated as and is appropriate when you are:

“In the right and self-confident”
“Bold and confident with justice on one's side”
“Having the courage of one's convictions”
“Justified and forceful”
“To be confident and vigorous because reason and logic are on one's side”
“Justified and confident”

Honor Courage

 zūn yán yǒng qì
Honor Courage Scroll

尊嚴勇氣 is a word list that means “Honor [and] Courage.”

Word lists are not common in Chinese, but we've put this one in the best order/context to make it as natural as possible.

We used the “honor” that leans toward the definition of dignity and integrity since that seemed like the best match for courage.

Okami Hapkido

 láng hé qì dào
 okami ai ki do
Okami Hapkido Scroll

狼合氣道 is the title for Okami Hapkido or Wolf Hapkido.

Strength and Courage

 riki to yu ki
Strength and Courage Scroll

力と勇気 may not be the most common Japanese phrase, but this is how to write “strength and courage” or “power and bravery” in Japanese.

Strong-Willed / Strong of Heart

 ki no tsuyo i
Strong-Willed / Strong of Heart  Scroll

気の強い means strong-willed or strong of heart in Japanese.

Here's the character breakdown of this Japanese title:
気 (ki) spirit; mind; heart; nature; motivation; intention; feelings; essence.
の (no) possessive particle.
強い (tsuyoi) strong; powerful; mighty; potent; resistant; resilient; durable.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Takemusu Aiki

 take musu ai ki
Takemusu Aiki Scroll

武産合氣 is one of the core spiritual concepts developed by Morihei Ueshiba to support his practice of Aikido.

Breaking down the characters:

武 - Bu (as in Bushido) is read as “Take” here. It means martial.

産 - Musu means innocent or naive, but also refers to the idea of birth and creation.

合氣 - Aiki as in Aikido - unifying spirit.

 ai ki kai
Aikikai Scroll

合気会 or “Aikikai” is the original school of Aikido.

Several organizations use this title. The first was established in Japan in 1940 (The Aikikai Foundation or 財団法人合気会).

The only difference between this title and Aikido is the last character, “kai” which means club, group, fraternity, organization, or assembly.

Note: 合気会 may be romanized with a dash like this: Aiki-Kai.

Strength and Courage

 lì liàng hé yǒng qì
Strength and Courage Scroll

While 力量和勇氣 is not a typical Chinese phrase, this is how to write “strength and courage.”

If this is an important idea for you, we can make a great custom Chinese “strength and courage” wall scroll for you.

Fidelity Honor Courage

 xìn yì zūn yán yǒng qì
Fidelity Honor Courage Scroll

信義尊嚴勇氣 means fidelity, honor, and courage in Chinese.

This is a word list that was requested by a customer. Word lists are not common in Chinese, but we've put this one in the best order/context to make it as natural as possible.

We used the “honor” that leans toward the definition of “dignity” since that seemed the best match for the other two words.

Please note: These are three two-character words. You should choose the single-column format when you get to the options when you order this selection. The two-column option would split one word or be arranged with four characters on one side and two on the other.

Honor Courage Commitment

 róng yù yǒng qì zé rèn
Honor Courage Commitment Scroll

榮譽勇氣責任 is a word list that reads, “榮譽 勇氣 責任” or “honor courage commitment.”

If you are looking for this, it is likely that you are in the military (probably Navy or Marines).

We worked on this for a long time to find the right combination of words in Chinese. However, it should still be noted that word lists are not very natural in Chinese. Most of the time, there would be a subject, verb, and object for a phrase with this many words.

Aiki Jujutsu

 ai ki juu jutsu
Aiki Jujutsu Scroll

合気柔術 is the title for the Japanese martial arts style known as “Aiki-Jujutsu.”

Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu

School of Japanese Martial Arts

 dai tou ryuu ai ki ju jutsu
Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu Scroll

大東流合気柔術 is Daitō-Ryū Aiki-jūjutsu, a Japanese martial art established by Takeda Sōkaku.

The most famous student of Daitō-Ryū Aiki-jūjutsu is Morihei Ueshiba who later founded the school or branch of martial arts known as Aikido.

Note: 大東流合気柔術 can also be romanized as Daito-ryu Aiki-Jujutsu, Daitou-Ryuu Aiki-Juujutsu or Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujitsu.

Attack When The Enemy Has Low Morale

 bì qí ruì qì jī qí duò guī
Attack When The Enemy Has Low Morale Scroll

避其鋭氣擊其惰歸 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: Avoid [your enemy's] fighting spirit [and] attack [when] his [morale is] declining.

Figuratively, this means: Avoid the enemy when his morale is high and strike him when his morale is flagging.

Energy Sword Body in Concert

Spirit, Sword & Body as One

 ki ken tai icchi
Energy Sword Body in Concert Scroll

气剑体一致 often gets translated as “Mind Sword Body,” or “Spirit, Sword, and Body as One.” But I think these translations don't tell you enough about what this is really saying.

In this context, 気, which is the modern Japanese version of 氣, means spiritual and unseen energy or “life energy.” In some cases, 気 can be translated as spirit, feeling, or nature. If defined as the mind, it's more about the invisible or intangible parts of one's mind (or soul).

剣 is the Japanese version of 劍 meaning sword.

体 is the modern Japanese version of 體 meaning body.

The Kanji 一 means one, and in this case, suggests “all in one.” The Kanji 到 means to send, deliver, or convey. But together, 一到 suggests all these things in agreement, union cooperation, or in concert.

Note: Arguments exist as to whether this should be romanized as Kikentaiitchi, Kikentaiicchi, or kikentaiichi. Technically, if you drop the last character, you get 気剣体一 and kikentaiichi (ki ken tai ichi), which is also a valid phrase.

Freedom from Anger and Worry Yields Longevity

 bù qì bù chóu huó dào bái tóu
Freedom from Anger and Worry Yields Longevity Scroll

不气不愁活到白头 is a Chinese proverb that means “Without anger or worry, you will have a long life, until after all your hair is white.”

It more literally reads, “Don't get angry or worried [and you will] live [long] till [all your] hair [becomes] white.”

Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do

 mì dōng liú qì mù guǎn kōng shǒu dào
 shito-ryu ki-me-kan karate-dou
Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do Scroll

糸東流氣目館空手道 is the title for Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do.
A school of Karate.

Note that while this title can be pronounced in Chinese, it only makes complete sense in Japanese.

Kodokan Aikido

 kou dou kan ai ki dou
Kodokan Aikido Scroll

光道館合気道 / 光道館合氣道 is Kodokan Aikido.

Be sure this is the right Kodokan for your school, as there are two different titles that romanize as Kodokan in Japanese.

Shotokan Aikido

 sōng tāo guǎn hé qì dào
 shou tou kan ai ki dou
Shotokan Aikido Scroll

松涛館合気道 is the title for Shotokan Aikido in Japanese.

Note: Chinese and Korean pronunciations of these characters are included above, however, this title would only be understood in Chinese or Korean by someone who practices or is familiar with Shotokan Aikido. Please consider this title to be “Japanese only.”

Serenity Prayer

 shàng dì cì wǒ píng jìng qù jiē shòu wǒ suǒ bù néng gǎi biàn de wǒ yǒng qì qù gǎi biàn wǒ suǒ néng gǎi biàn de bìng wǒ zhì huì qù fēn biàn zhè liǎng zhě
Serenity Prayer Scroll

This is the serenity prayer, as used by many 12-step programs and support groups.

In Chinese, this says:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao (Alternate)

Alternate Version

 reiki ryouhou chouso usui mikao sensei ikun shoufuku no hihou yorozu byou no reiyaku kyou take ke wa oko ru na shinpai suna kansha shite gou o hagemu ge me hito ni shinsetsu ni
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao (Alternate) Scroll

靈氣療法肇祖臼井甕男先生遺訓招福の秘法萬病の霊薬今日丈けは心配すな感謝して業を励げめ人に親切に is an alternate version of the precepts or tenets of Reiki by Usui Mikao.

It is impossible to be sure which version or versions were actually written by Usui Mikao. This is the less common of the three versions that you might see in the wild.

Here is a breakdown of the characters and a rough translation:
靈氣 療法 肇祖 臼井甕男。
Reiki therapy founder Mikao Usui
先生 遺訓。
Teacher's testament 招福の秘法, 萬病の霊薬。
Invite blessings of [the] secret method, 10,000 illnesses of spiritual medicine.
今日丈けは: 怒るな, 心配すな, 感謝して, 業をはげめ, 人に親切に。
At least for today: Do not be angry, do not worry, be grateful, work with diligence, [and] be kind to people.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Five Reflections / Gosei

 shi se i ni moto ru na ka ri shi ka? gen kou ni ha zu ru na ka ri shi ka?
ki ryo ku ni ka ku ru na ka ri shi ka? do ryo ku ni u ra mi na ka ri shi ka?
bu sho u ni wa ta ru na ka ri shi ka?
Five Reflections / Gosei Scroll

These are the “Five Reflections” of Vice Admiral Hajime Matsushita of the Japanese Imperial Navy.

These days, the Five Reflections are recited or contemplated daily by Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force recruits in training. This long proverb is popularly translated into English this way:

Hast thou not gone against sincerity?
Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds?
Hast thou not lacked vigor?
Hast thou not exerted all possible efforts?
Hast thou not become slothful?

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao

 shou fuku no hihou man byou no rei yaku kyou da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyou wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni asayuu gasshou shite kokoro ni nenji kuchi ni tonae yo shin shin kaizen usui rei ki ryou hou cho so usu i mika o
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao Scroll

These are the precepts of Reiki that are attributed to Usui Mikao.

Here is a breakdown of the characters and a rough translation:
招福の秘法, 萬病の霊薬。
Invite blessings of [the] secret method, 10,000 illnesses of spiritual medicine.
今日丈けは: 怒るな, 心配すな, 感謝して, 業をはげめ, 人に親切に。
At least for today: Do not be angry, do not worry, be grateful, work with diligence, and be kind to people.
朝夕合掌して, 心に念じ, 口に唱へよ, 心身改善。
Morning [and] evening perform gassho (join hands), [with your] heart/mind in silent prayer, [with your] mouth chant, [thusly] mind [and] body [will] reform/improve.
臼井靈氣療法! -肇祖, 臼井甕男。
Usui Reiki Ryōhō! -Founder, Usui Mikao.

The middle portion of this is often titled, “The Five Principles of Reiki” and makes a nice calligraphy selection by itself. The Japanese text presented here can be considered the more verbose version.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

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If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

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Life Energy / Spiritual Energy
gas; air; smell; weather; to make angry; to annoy; to get angry; vital energy; qi
(out-dated kanji) (1) spirit; mind; heart; (2) nature; disposition; (3) motivation; intention; (4) mood; feelings; (5) ambience; atmosphere; mood



see styles
yǒng qì
    yong3 qi4
yung ch`i
    yung chi

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Bravery / Courage
courage; valor



see styles
qì lì
    qi4 li4
ch`i li
    chi li

More info & calligraphy:

Strength / Vigor / Energy
strength; energy; vigor; talent



see styles
qì gōng
    qi4 gong1
ch`i kung
    chi kung

More info & calligraphy:

Qi Gong / Chi Kung
qigong, a traditional Chinese system of cultivating vital energy |气[qi4] through coordinated breathing, movement and meditation



see styles
qì xī
    qi4 xi1
ch`i hsi
    chi hsi

More info & calligraphy:

Breath of Life
breath; smell; odor; flavor



see styles
qì pò
    qi4 po4
ch`i p`o
    chi po

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Positive Attitude
spirit; boldness; positive outlook; imposing attitude



see styles
yìng qì
    ying4 qi4
ying ch`i
    ying chi

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Strong Willed
firm; unyielding; strong-willed



see styles
kōng qì
    kong1 qi4
k`ung ch`i
    kung chi

More info & calligraphy:

Air / Atmosphere
air; atmosphere



see styles
jīng qì
    jing1 qi4
ching ch`i
    ching chi

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Vitality / Virility
Vitality, virility.



see styles
yīng qì
    ying1 qi4
ying ch`i
    ying chi

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Heroic Spirit
heroic spirit



see styles
háo qì
    hao2 qi4
hao ch`i
    hao chi

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Heroic Spirit / Heroism
heroic spirit; heroism



see styles
diàn qì
    dian4 qi4
tien ch`i
    tien chi
electricity; electric; electrical



see styles
líng qì
    ling2 qi4
ling ch`i
    ling chi
 reiki / reki

More info & calligraphy:

spiritual influence (of mountains etc); cleverness; ingeniousness
Reiki (healing method)



see styles
gǔ qì
    gu3 qi4
ku ch`i
    ku chi

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Courageous Spirit
unyielding character; courageous spirit; integrity; moral backbone



see styles
hé qì dào
    he2 qi4 dao4
ho ch`i tao
    ho chi tao
 aikidou / aikido

More info & calligraphy:

aikido (Japanese martial art); hapkido (Korean martial art)
(out-dated kanji) (martial arts term) aikido



see styles
jīng qì shén
    jing1 qi4 shen2
ching ch`i shen
    ching chi shen

More info & calligraphy:

Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine
the three energies of Chinese medicine: 精[jing1], |气[qi4], and 神[shen2]



see styles
lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
    li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4
li chih ch`i chuang
    li chih chi chuang

More info & calligraphy:

Engage with Confidence
in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one's side; to have the courage of one's convictions; just and forceful



see styles
yī qì
    yi1 qi4
i ch`i
    i chi
at one go; at a stretch; for a period of time; forming a gang



see styles
rén qì
    ren2 qi4
jen ch`i
    jen chi
popularity; personality; character



see styles
xiān qì
    xian1 qi4
hsien ch`i
    hsien chi
ethereal quality; (Chinese folklore) a puff of breath from the mouth of a celestial being, which can magically transform an object into something else



see styles
rèn qì
    ren4 qi4
jen ch`i
    jen chi
to act on impulse



see styles
sú qì
    su2 qi4
su ch`i
    su chi
tacky; inelegant; in poor taste; vulgar; banal



see styles
xiá qì
    xia2 qi4
hsia ch`i
    hsia chi



see styles
ào qì
    ao4 qi4
ao ch`i
    ao chi
air of arrogance; haughtiness



see styles
shǎ qì
    sha3 qi4
sha ch`i
    sha chi
foolish; foolishness



see styles
chǔ qì
    chu3 qi4
ch`u ch`i
    chu chi
gas storage



see styles
yuán qì
    yuan2 qi4
yüan ch`i
    yüan chi
strength; vigor; vitality; (TCM) vital energy
(given name) Genki



see styles
chōng qì
    chong1 qi4
ch`ung ch`i
    chung chi
to pump air (into something); to inflate



see styles
guāng qì
    guang1 qi4
kuang ch`i
    kuang chi
phosgene COCl2, aka carbonyl chloride, a poisonous gas



see styles
yuān qì
    yuan1 qi4
yüan ch`i
    yüan chi
resentment over unfair treatment

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Breath of Life氣息
kisokuqì xī / qi4 xi1 / qi xi / qixich`i hsi / chihsi / chi hsi
Courageous Spirit骨氣
gǔ qì / gu3 qi4 / gu qi / guqiku ch`i / kuchi / ku chi
den ki / denki
Heroic Spirit英氣
yīng qì / ying1 qi4 / ying qi / yingqiying ch`i / yingchi / ying chi
Heroic Spirit
háo qì / hao2 qi4 / hao qi / haoqihao ch`i / haochi / hao chi
Life Energy
Spiritual Energy

气 / 気
kiqì / qi4 / qich`i / chi
Positive Attitude氣魄
qì pò / qi4 po4 / qi po / qipoch`i p`o / chipo / chi po
Qi Gong
Chi Kung
ki kou / kikou / ki koqì gōng / qi4 gong1 / qi gong / qigongch`i kung / chikung / chi kung
Strong Willed硬氣
yìng qì / ying4 qi4 / ying qi / yingqiying ch`i / yingchi / ying chi
seikijīng qì / jing1 qi4 / jing qi / jingqiching ch`i / chingchi / ching chi
Fighting Spirit闘氣
tou ki / touki / to ki
ai ki dou / aikidou / ai ki dohé qì dào
he2 qi4 dao4
he qi dao
ho ch`i tao
ho chi tao
ai ki jutsu
ai ki do / aikidohé qì dào
he2 qi4 dao4
he qi dao
ho ch`i tao
ho chi tao
Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine精氣神
jīng qì shén
jing1 qi4 shen2
jing qi shen
ching ch`i shen
ching chi shen
jī qì dào
ji1 qi4 dao4
ji qi dao
chi ch`i tao
chi chi tao
灵气 霊気
reikilíng qì / ling2 qi4 / ling qi / lingqiling ch`i / lingchi / ling chi
空气 / 空気
kuu ki / kuuki / ku kikōng qì / kong1 qi4 / kong qi / kongqik`ung ch`i / kungchi / kung chi
勇气 / 勇気
yuuki / yukiyǒng qì / yong3 qi4 / yong qi / yongqiyung ch`i / yungchi / yung chi
气力 / 気力
kiryokuqì lì / qi4 li4 / qi li / qilich`i li / chili / chi li
Aiki Budo合氣武道
ai ki bu dou
ai ki bu do
hé qì wǔ dào / /
Engage with Confidence理直氣壯
lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4
li zhi qi zhuang
li chih ch`i chuang
li chih chi chuang
Honor Courage尊嚴勇氣
zūn yán yǒng qì
zun1 yan2 yong3 qi4
zun yan yong qi
tsun yen yung ch`i
tsun yen yung chi
Okami Hapkido狼合氣道
okami ai ki do
láng hé qì dào
lang2 he2 qi4 dao4
lang he qi dao
lang ho ch`i tao
lang ho chi tao
Strength and Courage力と勇氣
riki to yu ki
Strong of Heart
ki no tsuyo i
Takemusu Aiki武産合氣take musu ai ki
Aikikai合気会 / 合氣會
ai ki kai / aikikai
Strength and Courage力量和勇氣
lì liàng hé yǒng qì
li4 liang4 he2 yong3 qi4
li liang he yong qi
li liang ho yung ch`i
li liang ho yung chi
Fidelity Honor Courage信義尊嚴勇氣
xìn yì zūn yán yǒng qì
xin4 yi4 zun1 yan2 yong3 qi4
xin yi zun yan yong qi
hsin i tsun yen yung ch`i
hsin i tsun yen yung chi
Honor Courage Commitment榮譽勇氣責任
róng yù yǒng qì zé rèn
rong2 yu4 yong3 qi4 ze2 ren4
rong yu yong qi ze ren
jung yü yung ch`i tse jen
jung yü yung chi tse jen
Aiki Jujutsu合気柔術 / 合氣柔術
ai ki juu jutsu
ai ki ju jutsu
Daito-Ryu Aiki-jujutsu大東流合氣柔術
dai tou ryuu ai ki ju jutsu
dai to ryu ai ki ju jutsu
Attack When The Enemy Has Low Morale避其鋭氣擊其惰歸
bì qí ruì qì jī qí duò guī
bi4 qi2 rui4 qi4 ji1 qi2 duo4 gui1
bi qi rui qi ji qi duo gui
pi ch`i jui ch`i chi ch`i to kuei
pi chi jui chi chi chi to kuei
Energy Sword Body in Concert気剣体一致 / 氣劍體一致
ki ken tai icchi
ki ken tai ichi
Freedom from Anger and Worry Yields Longevity不氣不愁活到白頭
bù qì bù chóu huó dào bái tóu
bu4 qi4 bu4 chou2 huo2 dao4 bai2 tou2
bu qi bu chou huo dao bai tou
pu ch`i pu ch`ou huo tao pai t`ou
pu chi pu chou huo tao pai tou
Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do糸東流氣目館空手道
shito-ryu ki-me-kan karate-dou
shito-ryu ki-me-kan karate-do
mì dōng liú qì mù guǎn kōng shǒu dào
mi4 dong1 liu2 qi4 mu4 guan3 kong1 shou3 dao4
mi dong liu qi mu guan kong shou dao
mi tung liu ch`i mu kuan k`ung shou tao
mi tung liu chi mu kuan kung shou tao
Kodokan Aikido光道館合気道 / 光道館合氣道
kou dou kan ai ki dou
ko do kan ai ki do
Shotokan Aikido鬆濤館合氣道 (Old Japanese/Chinese)
松涛館合気道 (Modern Japanese)
shou tou kan ai ki dou
sho to kan ai ki do
sōng tāo guǎn hé qì dào
song1 tao1 guan3 he2 qi4 dao4
song tao guan he qi dao
sung t`ao kuan ho ch`i tao
sung tao kuan ho chi tao
Serenity Prayer上帝賜給我平靜去接受我所不能改變的給我勇氣去改變我所能改變的並給我智慧去分辨這兩者
shàng dì cì wǒ píng jìng qù jiē shòu wǒ suǒ bù néng gǎi biàn de wǒ yǒng qì qù gǎi biàn wǒ suǒ néng gǎi biàn de bìng wǒ zhì huì qù fēn biàn zhè liǎng zhě
shang4 di4 ci4 gei3 wo3 ping2 jing4 qu4 jie1 shou4 wo3 suo3 bu4 neng2 gai3 bian4 de gei3 wo3 yong3 qi4 qu4 gai3 bian4 wo3 suo3 neng2 gai3 bian4 de bing4 gei3 wo3 zhi4 hui4 qu4 fen1 bian4 zhe4 liang3 zhe3
shang di ci gei wo ping jing qu jie shou wo suo bu neng gai bian de gei wo yong qi qu gai bian wo suo neng gai bian de bing gei wo zhi hui qu fen bian zhe liang zhe
shang ti tz`u kei wo p`ing ching ch`ü chieh shou wo so pu neng kai pien te kei wo yung ch`i ch`ü kai pien wo so neng kai pien te ping kei wo chih hui ch`ü fen pien che liang che
shang ti tzu kei wo ping ching chü chieh shou wo so pu neng kai pien te kei wo yung chi chü kai pien wo so neng kai pien te ping kei wo chih hui chü fen pien che liang che
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao (Alternate)靈氣療法肇祖臼井甕男先生遺訓招福の秘法萬病の霊薬今日丈けは怒るな心配すな感謝して業を励げめ人に親切にreiki ryouhou chouso usui mikao sensei ikun shoufuku no hihou yorozu byou no reiyaku kyou take ke wa oko ru na shinpai suna kansha shite gou o hagemu ge me hito ni shinsetsu ni
reiki ryoho choso usui mikao sensei ikun shofuku no hiho yorozu byo no reiyaku kyo take ke wa oko ru na shinpai suna kansha shite go o hagemu ge me hito ni shinsetsu ni
Five Reflections
一至誠に悖るなかりしか一言行に恥づるなかりしか一氣力に缺くるなかりしか一努力に憾みなかりしか一不精に亘るなかりしかshi se i ni moto ru na ka ri shi ka? gen kou ni ha zu ru na ka ri shi ka?
ki ryo ku ni ka ku ru na ka ri shi ka? do ryo ku ni u ra mi na ka ri shi ka?
bu sho u ni wa ta ru na ka ri shi ka?
shi se i ni moto ru na ka ri shi ka? gen ko ni ha zu ru na ka ri shi ka?
ki ryo ku ni ka ku ru na ka ri shi ka? do ryo ku ni u ra mi na ka ri shi ka?
bu sho u ni wa ta ru na ka ri shi ka?
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao招福の秘法萬病の霊薬今日丈けは怒るな心配すな感謝して業をはげめ人に親切に朝夕合掌して心に念じ口に唱へよ心身改善臼井靈氣療法肇祖臼井甕男shou fuku no hihou man byou no rei yaku kyou da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyou wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni asayuu gasshou shite kokoro ni nenji kuchi ni tonae yo shin shin kaizen usui rei ki ryou hou cho so usu i mika o
sho fuku no hiho man byo no rei yaku kyo da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyo wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni asayu gasho shite kokoro ni nenji kuchi ni tonae yo shin shin kaizen usui rei ki ryo ho cho so usu i mika o
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

7 Heavenly VirtuesAadonAaronAartiAbbieAbdelilahAbdullahAbhishekAbubakarAbundance and ProsperityAdaraAdariAdeelAdenAdhiAdriellAdrijaAerynAetherAfonsoAguilarAhmedAileeAimanAimeeAkariAkemiAkimAkitaAkumaAlanisAlayaAlexandraAlinaAlirezaAllisAlmightyAlvaAlways and ForeverAmaanAmalAmanAmereAmitAmnaAmonAnasAndersonAndraAnesaAngelAngiAniahAnikAnn-MarieAnnikaAnnyaAnupAnyaArabellaArbabAreebAreebaAriaArianneAriyaArshadArthurArunArunaAsadAspenAsuraAthilaAudieAvengeAvengerAvisAwakeningAyanAylaAyraAzizAzzyBajiquanBalanceBalwinderBarbarBarbaraBarrettBarryBarunBe Like WaterBe True to YourselfBeatriceBellaBenaBerryBhumikaBikoBillieBlancaBless This HouseBlessed by GodBlessingsBlissBobbiBobbyBooneBoys Be AmbitiousBradleyBrandanBrodieBrodyBrotherly LoveBruce LeeBrysonBubbaBushido CodeCadeCaidenCaitlynCalvinCandiceCaoimheCardenasCarlaCarpe DiemCarsonCasanovaCassandraCastroCatherineCatholicCathyCaydenCelestial Dragon Tian LongChaceChaeChandraChantellChaunceyCherry BlossomChetChi EnergyChiemiChito-RyuChloeChoiChonsuChop Wood Carry WaterChristophClaireCobraCocoColtenCondolenceCookie MonsterCorazonCoryCrouching Tiger Hidden DragonCruzDaisyDaliaDanaDarcyDaronDarrenDeath Before DishonorDebbieDeepikaDela-CruzDesireeDestinyDetermination to AchieveDevinDewiDexterDimaDinahDisciplineDivineDivyaDominguezDontaDouble HappinessDragon HorseDragon SpiritDragon WarriorDwayneEdisonEdmundEduardoEekayEight ImmortalsEishin RyuElangoElenaElineEllen

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.