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The name Transcend in Chinese / Japanese...

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  1. Beyond / Exceed / Surpass

  2. Excellence

  3. Overcome / Surpass / Rise Above

  4. True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence

  5. Super

  6. When Three People Gather, Wisdom is Multiplied

  7. Tranquility Yields Transcendence

Beyond / Exceed / Surpass

Beyond / Exceed / Surpass Scroll

逾 means: to exceed; to go beyond; to transcend; to cross over; to jump over.

You'll see this character used in Buddhism (same meaning).

Technically, this single character is a Japanese word but is seldom used as a single Kanji in modern Japanese.

 zhuó yuè
 taku etsu
Excellence Scroll

卓越 or “excellence” is doing your best, giving careful attention to every task and every relationship.

This word can also be defined as excellence, remarkable, surpassing, splendid, transcendence, preeminence, or distinguished. Sometimes it can mean “superiority.”

See Also:  Pride

Overcome / Surpass / Rise Above

 chāo yuè
 chou etsu
Overcome / Surpass / Rise Above Scroll

In Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja, 超越 means to overcome, surpass, transcendence, excel, exceed, go beyond, rise above, or transcend.

True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence

 zhēn kōng miào yǒu
 shin kuu myou u
True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence Scroll

According to Soothill 眞空妙有 means:
The true void is the mysteriously existing, truly void, or immaterial, yet transcendentally existing.

眞空妙有 is the state of being nonexistent after removing all errant worldly influences. 眞空妙有 is achieved when all forms of existence are seen for their real nature.

Super Scroll

超 is “super” in Chinese and Japanese Kanji.

It can also mean: to exceed; to overtake; to surpass; to transcend; to pass; to cross; to jump over. It can also be a suffix like ultra- hyper- super-

From Sanskrit, this can be the Buddhist “vikrama,” meaning to leap over; surpass; exempt from; to save.

When Three People Gather, Wisdom is Multiplied

 san nin yore ba monju no chie
When Three People Gather, Wisdom is Multiplied Scroll

三人寄れば文殊の知恵 literally means “when three people meet, wisdom is exchanged.”

Some will suggest this means when three people come together, their wisdom is multiplied.

That wisdom part can also be translated as wit, sagacity, intelligence, or Buddhist Prajna (insight leading to enlightenment).

In the middle of this proverb is “monju,” suggesting “transcendent wisdom.” This is where the multiplication of wisdom ideas comes from.

Note: This is very similar to the Chinese proverb, "When 3 people meet, one becomes a teacher."

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Tranquility Yields Transcendence

 níng jìng zhì yuǎn
Tranquility Yields Transcendence Scroll

寧靜致遠 is an ancient Chinese idiom that means “tranquility yields transcendence.”

This suggests pursuing a quiet life of profound study.

The first two characters mean tranquility. The last two characters mean “go far,” which suggests achieving much in your life or expanding beyond normal limits. The direct translation would read something like, “[With] tranquility [in your life, you'll] go far.”

Compare this to the English idiom: Still waters run deep.

These search terms might be related to Transcend:

Beyond / Exceed / Surpass

Overcome / Surpass / Rise Above

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Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your transcend search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition


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chāo dù
    chao1 du4
ch`ao tu
    chao tu
to surpass; to transcend; to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find peace
to transcend

see styles

More info & calligraphy:

to exceed; to overtake; to surpass; to transcend; to pass; to cross; ultra-; super-
(prefix) (1) (ちょう only) super-; ultra-; hyper-; extreme; (prefix) (2) (colloquialism) extremely; really; totally; absolutely; (suffix noun) (3) (ちょう only) (after a number or counter) over; more than; (given name) Wataru
vikrama. Leap over, surpass; exempt from; to save.; Two ways of passing over (to bliss): 豎 the lengthwise, or long way (of Hīnayāna); and 橫 the crosswise, or short way of Mahāyāna.

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Beyond / Exceed / Surpass
to exceed; to go beyond; to transcend; to cross over; to jump over
To pass over, exceed.


see styles
chāo yuè
    chao1 yue4
ch`ao yüeh
    chao yüeh
 chouetsu / choetsu

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Overcome / Surpass / Rise Above
to surpass; to exceed; to transcend
(n,vs,vi) transcendence; transcendency
Surpassing, supreme; to pass over, be exempt from.



see styles
jué míng
    jue2 ming2
chüeh ming
to transcend names


see styles
fān yuè
    fan1 yue4
fan yüeh
to cross; to surmount; to transcend



see styles
xián shèng
    xian2 sheng4
hsien sheng
 kensei / kense
(personal name) Kensei
Those who are noted for goodness, and those who are also noted for wisdom, or insight; the xian are still of ordinary human standard, the sheng transcend them in wisdom and character; the attainments from 見道 upwards are those of the sheng; the xian is on the moral plane, and has not eliminated illusion; the sheng has cut of illusion and has insight into absolute reality. The Mahāyāna has three stages for the xian and ten for the sheng; the Hīnayāna has seven for each.



see styles
chāo tuō
    chao1 tuo1
ch`ao t`o
    chao to
to stand aloof; to be detached from; to transcend worldliness; untrammeled; unconventional
See: 超脱


see styles
yuè dù
    yue4 du4
yüeh tu
mistake; error; fault; slip; blunder; omission; oversight; lapse; (surname) Koshido
to transcend



see styles
yuè guò
    yue4 guo4
yüeh kuo
to cross over; to transcend; to cover distance; to overcome; to rise above


see styles
tiào chū
    tiao4 chu1
t`iao ch`u
    tiao chu
to jump out; fig. to appear suddenly
to transcend



see styles
tiào tuō
    tiao4 tuo1
t`iao t`o
    tiao to
(Tw) to break free of (outmoded ways of thinking etc); to move beyond; to transcend


see styles
chāo míng xiàng
    chao1 ming2 xiang4
ch`ao ming hsiang
    chao ming hsiang
to transcend name and form



see styles
huài běn jué běn
    huai4 ben3 jue2 ben3
huai pen chüeh pen
 e hon zetsu hon
eradicate and transcend [the idea of] fundamental [Being]


see styles
shēng chū sè xīn
    sheng1 chu1 se4 xin1
sheng ch`u se hsin
    sheng chu se hsin
 shōshutsu shiki shin
transcend body and mind


see styles
chāo zōng yuè gé
    chao1 zong1 yue4 ge2
ch`ao tsung yüeh ko
    chao tsung yüeh ko
 chōshū okkyaku
transcend the tenets and go beyond the standards



see styles
chāo guō yǐng xiàng
    chao1 guo1 ying3 xiang4
ch`ao kuo ying hsiang
    chao kuo ying hsiang
 chōka yōzō
to transcend projections of consciousness


see styles
(v1,vi) (1) (See 立ち・たち・7) to rise above; to transcend; (v1,vi) (2) (See 立ち・たち・7) to surpass; to be superior to; (v1,vi) (3) to go out; to come around



see styles
lí gài qù ài yán jiào
    li2 gai4 qu4 ai4 yan2 jiao4
li kai ch`ü ai yen chiao
    li kai chü ai yen chiao
 rikai shuai gonkyō
discourses that free one from obscurations and transcend attachment


see styles
zhuó yuè
    zhuo2 yue4
cho yüeh

More info & calligraphy:

outstanding; surpassing; distinguished; splendid
(n,vs,vi) preeminence; excellence; superiority; transcendence



see styles
níng jìng zhì yuǎn
    ning2 jing4 zhi4 yuan3
ning ching chih yüan

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Tranquility Yields Transcendence
tranquility yields transcendence (idiom); quiet life of profound study; cf Still waters run deep.


see styles
wǔ lì
    wu3 li4
wu li
pañcabalāni, the five powers or faculties — one of the categories of the thirty-seven bodhipakṣika dharma 三十七助道品; they destroy the 五障 five obstacles, each by each, and are: 信力 śraddhābala, faith (destroying doubt); 精進力 vīryabala, zeal (destroying remissness); 念 or 勤念 smṛtibala, memory or thought (destroying falsity); 正定力 samādhibala, concentration of mind, or meditation (destroying confused or wandering thoughts); and 慧力 prajñābala, wisdom (destroying all illusion and delusion). Also the five transcendent powers, i. e. 定力 the power of meditation; 通力 the resulting supernatural powers; 借識力 adaptability, or powers of 'borrowing' or evolving any required organ of sense, or knowledge, i. e. by beings above the second dhyāna heavens; 大願力 the power of accomplishing a vow by a Buddha or bodhisattva; and 法威德力 the august power of Dharma. Also, the five kinds of Mara powers exerted on sight, 五大明王.


see styles
liù bō
    liu4 bo1
liu po
The six pāramitās, v. 波羅密.



see styles
shèng guǒ
    sheng4 guo3
sheng kuo
The surpassing fruit, i.e. that of the attainment of Buddhahood, in contrast with Hīnayāna lower aims; two of these fruits are transcendent nirvāṇa and complete bodhi.


see styles
shí dì
    shi2 di4
shih ti
 juuji / juji
{Buddh} dasabhumi (forty-first to fiftieth stages in the development of a bodhisattva); (place-name) Jūji
daśabhūmi; v. 十住. The "ten stages" in the fifty-two sections of the development of a bodhisattva into a Buddha. After completing the十四向 he proceeds to the 十地. There are several groups. I. The ten stages common to the Three Vehicles 三乘 are: (1) 乾慧地 dry wisdom stage, i. e. unfertilized by Buddha-truth, worldly wisdom; (2) 性地 the embryo-stage of the nature of Buddha-truth, the 四善根; (3) 八人地 (八忍地), the stage of the eight patient endurances; (4) 見地 of freedom from wrong views; (5) 薄地 of freedom from the first six of the nine delusions in practice; (6) 離欲地 of freedom from the remaining three; (7) 巳辨地 complete discrimination in regard to wrong views and thoughts, the stage of an arhat; (8) 辟支佛地 pratyeka-buddhahood, only the dead ashes of the past left to sift; (9) 菩薩地 bodhisattvahood; (10) 佛地 Buddhahood. v. 智度論 78. II. 大乘菩薩十地 The ten stages of Mahāyāna bodhisattva development are: (1) 歡喜地 Pramuditā, joy at having overcome the former difficulties and now entering on the path to Buddhahood; (2) 離垢地 Vimalā, freedom from all possible defilement, the stage of purity; (3) 發光地 Prabhākarī, stage of further enlightenment; (4) 焰慧地 Arciṣmatī, of glowing wisdom; (5) 極難勝地 Sudurjayā, mastery of utmost or final difficulties; (6) 現前地 Abhimukhī, the open way of wisdom above definitions of impurity and purity; (7) 遠行地 Dūraṁgamā, proceeding afar, getting above ideas of self in order to save others; (8) 不動地 Acalā, attainment of calm unperturbedness; (9) 善慧地 Sādhumatī, of the finest discriminatory wisdom, knowing where and how to save, and possessed of the 十力 ten powers; (10) 法雲地 Dharmamegha, attaining to the fertilizing powers of the law-cloud. Each of the ten stages is connected with each of the ten pāramitās, v. 波. Each of the 四乘 or four vehicles has a division of ten. III. The 聲聞乘十地 ten Śrāvaka stages are: (1) 受三歸地 initiation as a disciple by receiving the three refuges, in the Buddha, Dharma, and Saṅgha; (2) 信地 belief, or the faith-root; (3) 信法地 belief in the four truths; (4) 内凡夫地 ordinary disciples who observe the 五停心觀, etc.; (5) 學信戒 those who pursue the 三學 three studies; (6) 八人忍地 the stage of 見道 seeing the true Way; (7) 須陀洹地 śrota-āpanna, now definitely in the stream and assured of nirvāṇa; (8) 斯陀含地 sakrdāgāmin, only one more rebirth; (9) 阿那含地 anāgāmin, no rebirth; and (10) 阿羅漢地 arhatship. IV. The ten stages of the pratyekabuddha 緣覺乘十地 are (1) perfect asceticism; (2) mastery of the twelve links of causation; (3) of the four noble truths; (4) of the deeper knowledge; (5) of the eightfold noble path; (6) of the three realms 三法界; (7) of the nirvāṇa state; (8) of the six supernatural powers; (9) arrival at the intuitive stage; (10) mastery of the remaining influence of former habits. V. 佛乘十地 The ten stages, or characteristics of a Buddha, are those of the sovereign or perfect attainment of wisdom, exposition, discrimination, māra-subjugation, suppression of evil, the six transcendent faculties, manifestation of all bodhisattva enlightenment, powers of prediction, of adaptability, of powers to reveal the bodhisattva Truth. VI. The Shingon has its own elaborate ten stages, and also a group 十地十心, see 十心; and there are other groups.



see styles
shǐ jué
    shi3 jue2
shih chüeh
The initial functioning of mind or intelligence as a process of 'becoming', arising from 本覺 which is Mind or Intelligence, self-contained, unsullied, and considered as universal, the source of all enlightenment. The 'initial intelligence' or enlightenment arises from the inner influence 薰 of the Mind and from external teaching. In the 'original intelligence' are the four values adopted and made transcendent by the Nirvāṇa-sūtra, viz. 常, 樂, 我, 淨 Perpetuity, joy, personality, and purity; these are acquired through the 始覺 process of enlightenment. Cf. 起信論 Awakening of Faith.


see styles
xìng sè
    xing4 se4
hsing se
Transcendent rūpa or form within or of the tathāgatagarbha; also 眞色.


see styles
wén shū
    wen2 shu1
wen shu
Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness
(Buddhist term) Manjushri; Manjusri; Bodhisattva that represents transcendent wisdom; (p,s,f) Monju
(文殊師利) Mañjuśrī 滿殊尸利 -later 曼殊室利. 文殊 is also used for Mañjunātha, Mañjudeva, Mañjughoṣa, Mañjuṣvara, et al. T., hjamdpal; J., Monju. Origin unknown; presumably, like most Buddhas and bodhisattvas, an idealization of a particular quality, in his case of Wisdom. Mañju is beautiful, Śrī; good fortune, virtue, majesty, lord, an epithet of a god. Six definitions are obtained from various scriptures: 妙首 (or 頭 ) wonderful or beautiful) head; 普首 universal head; 濡首 glossy head (probably a transliteration); 敬首 revered head; 妙德 wonderful virtue (or power); 妙吉祥 wonderfully auspicious; the last is a later translation in the 西域記. As guardian of wisdom 智慧 he is often placed on Śākyamuni's left, with 普顯 on the right as guardian of law 理, the latter holding the Law, the former the wisdom or exposition of it; formerly they held the reverse positions. He is often represented with five curls or waves to his hair indicating the 五智 q. v. or the five peaks; his hand holds the sword of wisdom and he sits on a lion emblematic of its stern majesty: but he has other forms. He is represented as a youth, i. e. eternal youth. His present abode is given as east of the universe, known as 淸涼山 clear and cool mountain, or a region 寶住 precious abode, or Abode of Treasures, or 寶氏 from which he derives one of his titles, 寶相如來. One of his dhāraṇīs prophesies China as his post-nirvāṇa realm. In past incarnations he is described as being the parent of many Buddhas and as having assisted the Buddha into existence; his title was 龍種上佛 the supreme Buddha of the nāgas, also 大身佛 or 神仙佛; now his title is 歡喜藏摩尼寶精佛 The spiritual Buddha who joyfully cares for the jewel: and his future title is to be 普現佛 Buddha universally revealed. In the 序品 Introductory Chapter of the Lotus Sutra he is also described as the ninth predecessor or Buddha-ancestor of Śākyamuni. He is looked on as the chief of the Bodhisattvas and represents them, as the chief disciple of the Buddha, or as his son 法王子. Hīnayāna counts Śāriputra as the wisest of the disciples, Mahāyāna gives Mañjuśrī the chief place, hence he is also styled 覺母 mother, or begetter of understanding. He is shown riding on either a lion or a peacock, or sitting on a white lotus; often he holds a book, emblem of wisdom, or a blue lotus; in certain rooms of a monastery he is shown as a monk; and he appears in military array as defender of the faith. His signs, magic words, and so on, are found in various sutras. His most famous centre in China is Wu-tai shan in Shansi. where he is the object of pilgrimages, especially of Mongols. The legends about him are many. He takes the place in Buddhism of Viśvakarman as Vulcan, or architect, of the universe. He is one of the eight Dhyāni-bodhisattvas, and sometimes has the image of Akṣobhya in his crown. He was mentioned in China as early as the fourth century and in the Lotus Sutra he frequently appears, especially as the converter of the daughter of the Dragon-king of the Ocean. He has five messengers 五使者 and eight youths 八童子 attending on him. His hall in the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala is the seventh, in which his group numbers twenty-five. His position is northeast. There are numerous sutras and other works with his name as title, e. g. 文殊師利問菩提經 Gayaśīrṣa sūtra, tr. by Kumārajīva 384-417: and its 論 or .Tīkā of Vasubandhu, tr. by Bodhiruci 535. see list in B. N.


see styles
(Buddhist term) Manjushri; Manjusri; Bodhisattva that represents transcendent wisdom; (female given name) Yukimi


see styles
wù wài
    wu4 wai4
wu wai
transcendent world; world outside of the material world; somewhere removed from the world; (given name) Butsugai
beyond things

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
yuyú / yu2 / yu
Excellence卓越taku etsu / takuetsuzhuó yuè / zhuo2 yue4 / zhuo yue / zhuoyuecho yüeh / choyüeh
Rise Above
超越chou etsu / chouetsu / cho etsuchāo yuè / chao1 yue4 / chao yue / chaoyuech`ao yüeh / chaoyüeh / chao yüeh
True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence眞空妙有shin kuu myou u
shin ku myo u
zhēn kōng miào yǒu
zhen1 kong1 miao4 you3
zhen kong miao you
chen k`ung miao yu
chen kung miao yu
Superchou / chochāo / chao1 / chaoch`ao / chao
When Three People Gather, Wisdom is Multiplied三人寄れば文殊の知恵san nin yore ba monju no chie
Tranquility Yields Transcendence寧靜致遠
níng jìng zhì yuǎn
ning2 jing4 zhi4 yuan3
ning jing zhi yuan
ning ching chih yüan
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

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single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

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