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Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ
唵麼抳鉢訥銘吽 is one of the earliest and best-known mantras in the Buddhist tradition.
It can be heard in temples from Tokyo to Tibet.
This mantra is an expression of the basic attitude of compassion. It translates literally as “oṃ the jewel in the lotus hūṃ.”
There are several titles and transliterations for this mantra, including, 六字大明呪 (Great 6-syllable mantra), 六字真言 (6-syllable Sanskrit mantra of Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva), 唵嘛呢叭咪吽, 唵嘛呢叭咪哞, and 唵嘛咪叭呢哞.
Contact me if you need any of these alternates on your wall scroll.
Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your Mani search...
Characters If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese |
Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
寶 宝 see styles |
bǎo bao3 pao takara たから |
More info & calligraphy: Treasuretreasure; (surname) Takara ratna, precious, a treasure, gem, pearl, anything valuable; for saptaratna v. 七寶. Also maṇi, a pearl, gem. |
マニ see styles |
mani マニ |
More info & calligraphy: Mani |
マニー see styles |
manii / mani マニー |
More info & calligraphy: Mannie |
マーニー see styles |
maanii / mani マーニー |
More info & calligraphy: Marnie |
唵嘛呢叭咪吽 see styles |
ǎn má ní bā mī hōng an3 ma2 ni2 ba1 mi1 hong1 an ma ni pa mi hung |
More info & calligraphy: Om Mani Padme Hum |
唵麼抳鉢訥銘吽 唵么抳钵讷铭吽 see styles |
ǎn mó nǐ bō ne míng hǒu an3 mo2 ni3 bo1 ne4 ming2 hou3 an mo ni po ne ming hou on mani padomei un |
More info & calligraphy: Om Mani Padme Hum |
唵 see styles |
ǎn an3 an on おん |
(interjection) oh!; (dialect) to stuff something in one's mouth; (used in buddhist transliterations) om (interjection) (See オーム) om (ritual chant in Hinduism, etc.); aum oṃ; auṃ; 'a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent (sometimes translated by yes, verily, so be it, and in this sense compared with Amen). 'M. W. It is 'the mystic name for the Hindu triad', and has other significations. It was adopted by Buddhists, especially by the Tantric school, as a mystic spell, and as an object of meditation. It forms the first syllable of certain mystical combinations, e. g. 唵?呢叭 061971 吽 oṃ maṇi padme huṃ, which is a formula of the Lamaistic branch, said to be a prayer to Padmapani; each of the six syllables having its own mystic power of salvation from the lower paths of transmigration, etc.; the formula is used in sorcery, auguries, etc.; other forms of it are 唵?呢鉢頭迷吽; 唵麽抳鉢訥銘吽. |
珠 see styles |
zhū zhu1 chu megumi めぐみ |
bead; pearl; CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1] (1) ball; sphere; globe; orb; (2) bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; droplet; (3) ball (in sports); (4) pile (of noodles, etc.); (5) bullet; (6) bulb (i.e. a light bulb); (7) lens (of glasses, etc.); (8) bead (of an abacus); (9) (slang) (abbreviation) ball (i.e. a testicle); (10) gem; jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively); pearl; (11) female entertainer (e.g. a geisha); (12) (derogatory term) person (when commenting on their nature); character; (13) item, funds or person used as part of a plot; (n,n-suf) (14) egg; (suffix noun) (15) coin; (16) precious; beautiful; excellent; (female given name) Megumi mani. A pearl; a bead; synonym for buddha-truth. |
寶珠 宝珠 see styles |
bǎo zhū bao3 zhu1 pao chu houju / hoju ほうじゅ |
(surname) Houju maṇi, a precious pearl, or gem; a talisman; a symbol of Śāriputra. |
意珠 see styles |
yì zhū yi4 zhu1 i chu iju |
maṇi jewel |
摩尼 see styles |
mó ní mo2 ni2 mo ni mani まに |
Mani (3rd century AD), Persian prophet and founder of Manichaeism (1) {Buddh} jewel (san: mani); pearl; gemstone; (2) {Buddh} Cintamani stone; wish-fulfilling jewel; (surname) Mani maṇi; 'a jewel, gem, precious stone (especially a pearl, bead, or other globular ornament).' M.W. A bright luminous pearl, symbol of Buddha and his doctrines. Tr. 'as wished', or at wish, whoever possesses the pearl receives whatever he desires. One of the seven treasures. With Shivaites a symbol of the Liṅga. Also 末尼. |
末尼 see styles |
mò ní mo4 ni2 mo ni mani |
maṇi 摩尼; a jewel, a crystal, a pearl, symbol of purity, therefore of Buddha and of his doctrine. It is used in oṃ-maṇi -padmi-hūṃ. |
淨珠 see styles |
jìng zhū jing4 zhu1 ching chu jōshu |
(Skt. brahma-maṇi) |
瑪尼 玛尼 see styles |
mǎ ní ma3 ni2 ma ni |
Mani (god) |
麼抳 see styles |
mó nǐ mo2 ni3 mo ni |
maṇi |
マニ車 see styles |
maniguruma マニぐるま |
prayer wheel; Mani wheel |
摩尼教 see styles |
mó ní jiào mo2 ni2 jiao4 mo ni chiao Mani kyō マニきょう |
Manichaeism (ateji / phonetic) Manichaeism Manichaeism |
摩尼珠 see styles |
mó ní zhū mo2 ni2 zhu1 mo ni chu maniju; manishu まにじゅ; まにしゅ |
{Buddh} (See 摩尼・1) jewel; pearl; gemstone (Skt. maṇi) |
明月珠 see styles |
míng yuè zhū ming2 yue4 zhu1 ming yüeh chu myōgetsushu |
明珠; 摩尼 The bright-moon maṇi or pearl, emblem of Buddha, Buddhism, the Buddhist Scriptures, purity, etc. |
末尼寶 末尼宝 see styles |
mò ní bǎo mo4 ni2 bao3 mo ni pao manibō |
maṇi-jewel |
末尼教 see styles |
mò ní jiào mo4 ni2 jiao4 mo ni chiao Mani Kyō マニきょう |
(ateji / phonetic) Manichaeism The Manichean religion, first mentioned in Chinese literature by Xuanzang in his Memoirs, between A. D. 630 and 640. The first Manichean missionary from 大秦 Daqin reached China in 694. In 732, an imperial edict declared the religion of Mani a perverse doctrine, falsely taking the name of Buddhism. It continued, however, to flourish in parts of China, especially Fukien, even to the end of the Ming dynasty. Chinese writers have often confused it with Mazdeism 火祅教. |
梵摩尼 see styles |
fàn mó ní fan4 mo2 ni2 fan mo ni bon mani |
Brahma-maṇi, pure pearl, or the magic pearl of Brahmā. |
六字文殊 see styles |
liù zì wén shū liu4 zi4 wen2 shu1 liu tzu wen shu rokuji monju |
The six-word dhāraṇī of Mañjuśrī 闇婆髻駄那麽 (or 闇婆計陀那麽) or 唵縛鷄淡納莫. There are also the esoteric (Shingon) six words connected with the six forms of Guanyin and the 六字法, 六字供, 六字河臨法, and六字護摩 ceremonials, some connected with Mañjuśrī, and all with Guanyin. There are several 六字 dhāraṇīs, e. g. the Ṣaḍakṣara-vidyāmantra. The six words generally associated with Guanyin are 安荼詈般茶詈 (or 安荼隸般茶詈). There is also the six word Lamaistic charm oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ 唵?呢叭 M061971 吽. |
六字真言 see styles |
liù zì zhēn yán liu4 zi4 zhen1 yan2 liu tzu chen yen |
the six-syllable Sanskrit mantra of Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva (i.e. om mani padme hum) |
大寶摩尼 大宝摩尼 see styles |
dà bǎo mó ní da4 bao3 mo2 ni2 ta pao mo ni daihō mani |
The great precious maṇi, or pure pearl, the Buddha-truth. |
振多摩尼 see styles |
zhèn duō mó ní zhen4 duo1 mo2 ni2 chen to mo ni shinta mani |
maṇi jewel |
摩尼寶珠 摩尼宝珠 see styles |
mó ní bǎo zhū mo2 ni2 bao3 zhu1 mo ni pao chu mani hōju |
maṇi-jewel |
摩尼義晴 see styles |
maniyoshiharu まによしはる |
(person) Mani Yoshiharu |
日精摩尼 see styles |
rì jīng mó ní ri4 jing1 mo2 ni2 jih ching mo ni nisshō mani |
A maṇi 摩尼, or pearl, crystal-clear as the sun, which gives sight to the blind. |
明月摩尼 see styles |
míng yuè mó ní ming2 yue4 mo2 ni2 ming yüeh mo ni myōgetsu mani |
moon-bright maṇi |
The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Mani | マニ | mani | ||
Mani | 瑪妮 玛妮 | mǎ nī / ma3 ni1 / ma ni / mani | ||
Om Mani Padme Hum | 唵嘛呢叭咪吽 | ǎn ma ní bā mī hōng an3 ma5 ni2 ba1 mi1 hong1 an ma ni ba mi hong anmanibamihong | an ma ni pa mi hung anmanipamihung |
Om Mani Padme Hum | 唵麼抳鉢訥銘吽 唵么抳钵讷铭吽 | on mani padomei un onmanipadomeiun | ǎn mó nǐ bō míng hǒu an3 mo2 ni3 bo1 ne4 ming2 hou3 an mo ni bo ne ming hou anmoniboneminghou | an mo ni po ne ming hou anmoniponeminghou |
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line. In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese. |
Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.
The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.
Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.
Some people may refer to this entry as Mani Kanji, Mani Characters, Mani in Mandarin Chinese, Mani Characters, Mani in Chinese Writing, Mani in Japanese Writing, Mani in Asian Writing, Mani Ideograms, Chinese Mani symbols, Mani Hieroglyphics, Mani Glyphs, Mani in Chinese Letters, Mani Hanzi, Mani in Japanese Kanji, Mani Pictograms, Mani in the Chinese Written-Language, or Mani in the Japanese Written-Language.
71 people have searched for Mani in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Mani was last searched for by someone else on Dec 8th, 2024