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Outer Strength in Chinese / Japanese...

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Look up Outer Strength in my Japanese Kanji & Chinese Character Dictionary(My dictionary is a different system then the calligraphy search you just tried)

If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.

  1. Courage and Strength

  2. Fortitude / Strength of Character

  3. God Give Me Strength

  4. Inner Strength / Inner Well-Being and Health

  5. Inner Strength is Better than Outward Appearance

  6. Inner Strength

  7. Inner Strength / Self-Improvement

  8. Love Faith Strength

  9. Strength and Love in Unity

10. Flexibility Overcomes Strength

11. Spiritual Strength / Strength of Spirit

12. Strength / Ability

13. Strength and Honor

14. Strength and Love

15. Strength and Courage

16. Herculean Strength

17. Strength / Vigor / Energy

18. Physical Strength

19. Power / Strength

20. Strength: Strong and Solid

21. Always Striving for Inner Strength

22. With all the strength of your heart

23. Conquering Yourself is a Sign of Strength

24. Strength Love Honor

Courage and Strength

 yǒng lì
 yuu ri
Courage and Strength Scroll

勇力 is a very short way to say “courage and strength” in Chinese and Japanese.

In Japanese, it's read more like “strong courage” or “powerful courage.” This can also be the personal name Yuri or Yuuri in Japanese.

Fortitude / Strength of Character

 gāng yì
Fortitude / Strength of Character Scroll

剛毅 is a Japanese and Chinese word that means resolute and firm, fortitude, firmness of character, hardihood, manliness, or macho.

See Also:  Perseverance | Strength | Tenacity

God Give Me Strength

 yuàn shàng dì gěi wǒ lì liàng
God Give Me Strength Scroll

願上帝給我力量 is a wish or a prayer that you might call out at a desperate time.

Translated by us for a military serviceman in Iraq. He may need to use this phrase often, though I am not sure where he's going to find a place to hang a wall scroll.

God Give Me Strength

 kami ga watashi ni chikara o atae te kudasai
God Give Me Strength Scroll

神が私に力を与えてください is “God give me strength” in Japanese.

This is the long and formal version. We also have a short version.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

God Give Me Strength

 kami wa watashi ni chikara o ataeru
God Give Me Strength Scroll

神は私に力を與える means “God give me strength,” in Japanese.

神は私に力を與える is the short version, we also have a longer more formal version.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Inner Strength / Inner Well-Being and Health

 nèi jiàn
Inner Strength / Inner Well-Being and Health Scroll

內健 is an old Chinese word meaning inner strength or inner health.

It's the idea of health and well-being starting or residing inside yourself. Also defined as fortitude within the context of good health.

Inner Strength is Better than Outward Appearance

 biǎo zhuàng bù rú lǐ zhuàng
Inner Strength is Better than Outward Appearance Scroll

表壯不如里壯 literally translates as: [Better to be] strong inside than [to be] strong outside.

The ancient original meaning was:
[An] able [husband] outside [working to support a family is] not as good as [an] able [wife] inside [working and saving to take care of the family].

The current meaning is:
Inner strength is more important than outward appearance.

Inner Strength is Better than Outward Appearance

 naimen no tsuyosa ha gaiken no yosa ni masaru
Inner Strength is Better than Outward Appearance Scroll

内面の強さは外見の良さに勝る is a Japanese proverb that literally translates as “inner/internal strength/power [versus] outward-appearance [the] merit/virtue/good quality [does] excel/surpass/exceed/outweigh.”

More naturally in English, this would be “Inner Strength Outweighs Outward Appearance.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Inner Strength

 nèi zài lì liàng
Inner Strength Scroll

內在力量 is the slightly-verbose way to say inner strength.

The first two characters mean “intrinsic” or “inner.” The second two characters mean “power,” “force” or “strength” (especially physical strength). 內在力量 is more a short phrase rather than just a word in Chinese and Korean. This can sort of be understood in Japanese but it's not normal/proper Japanese.

Inner Strength

 nèi lì
 nai ryoku
Inner Strength Scroll

內力 is the shorter version of inner strength (can also be translated as “internal force”). The first character holds the meaning of “inner” or “internal.” The second character means “power,” “force,” or “strength.”

內力 is a Kung Fu way of talking about an inner power or strength from within. This is a way to express “inner chi.” This is something that you might hear in a real Chinese Kung Fu movie.

While understood in Chinese and Japanese, this can have a secondary meaning of “inner stress” in Japanese.

Inner Strength / Self-Improvement

 zì qiáng
Inner Strength / Self-Improvement Scroll

自強 is the kind of inner strength that applies to a person who has will-power and can inspire themselves to do great things.

自強 can also be the creed of a person that always pursues self-improvement.

Other translations: self-strengthening, striving for improvement, self-improvement, striving to become stronger, and self-renewal.

Love Faith Strength

 ài xìn qiáng
Love Faith Strength Scroll

愛信強 is the shortest way to write the word list, “love faith strength.”

The first character is love, the second is faith or believe, and the third means strong or strength.

It should be noted that word lists like this are not as natural sounding in Chinese as word lists can be in English. it’s more common to have a full phrase (with subject, verb, and object) or single words on calligraphy wall scrolls in Asia.

Love Faith Strength

 bó ài xìn niàn lì liàng
Love Faith Strength Scroll

博愛信念力量 is the verbose way to write the word list, “love faith strength.”

It should be noted that word lists like this are not as natural sounding in Chinese as word lists can be in English. it’s more common to have a full phrase (with subject, verb, and object) or single words on calligraphy wall scrolls in Asia.

Strength and Love in Unity

 riki ai fu ni
Strength and Love in Unity Scroll

力愛不二 is a proverb that literally means:
“Strength [and] Love [are] Not Two [separate ideas/concepts/things].”

You'll find this proverb translated from Japanese to English as:
Love and strength are not separate.
Power and love are indivisible.
Strength and love in harmony.
Strength and love stand together.

Old Japanese grammar is quite different than English, and so this proverb says a lot within the brevity of just 4 characters. If you just read these characters directly as “Strength Love Not Two,” you'd probably miss the real meaning.

According to the Swedish Shorinji Kempo Federation, this is the second characteristic of Shorinji Kempo.

This post really explains the concept best in my opinion: Bushido by MS: Riki Ai Fu Ni, which states: "Riki Ai Funi" is the philosophy that power (Riki) and love (Ai) are indivisible. More concretely, a person, who is powerful but does not have love, cannot control and misuse his/her power; on the other hand, a person, who has loved ones but is not powerful enough, cannot protect himself/herself nor loved ones.

Flexibility Overcomes Strength

Softness Overcomes Hardness

 yǐ róu kè gāng
Flexibility Overcomes Strength Scroll

以柔克剛 can be translated as “Softness Overcomes Hardness,” “Flexibility Overcomes Power,” “Flexibility Overcomes Strength,” “Overcoming Powerful Strength with Flexibility,” or “Use Softness to Conquer Strength.”

Spiritual Strength / Strength of Spirit

 jīng shén lì liàng
 seishin rikiryou
Spiritual Strength / Strength of Spirit Scroll

精神力量 is a title that speaks of one's soul or spirit and the capacity or strength that soul possesses.

The first two characters mean mind, heart, spirit, and/or soul.

The last two characters mean strength, capacity, or ability.

Note: Separately, these are two words in Japanese and can be pronounced, but this does not make a natural title in Japanese (best if your audience is Chinese).

Strength / Ability

 lì liàng
 riki ryou
Strength / Ability Scroll

力量 is a general strength term.

It can refer to mental or physical strength (depending on context). 力量 can also be used to describe strength in terms of capability, capacity, ability, and even tact. Some may translate this as power or force.

Strength and Honor

 lì liàng yǔ róng yù
Strength and Honor Scroll

力量與榮譽 is “strength and honor” in Chinese.

The first two characters are usually understood as (physical) strength but can also mean power or force.

The middle character is a connecting particle similar to “and.”

The last two characters are a way to say honor but can also be understood as honorable reputation, honorary, or glory.

Strength and Honor

 chikara to mei yo
Strength and Honor Scroll

力と名譽 is “strength and honor” in Japanese Kanji (with one Hiragana).

The first Kanji is understood as strength, power, or force.

The second character is a connecting particle-like, “and” or “with.”

The last two Kanji mean honor/honour, credit, or prestige. This last word is also used in the Bushido code to mean honor.

Strength and Love

 lì yǔ ài
Strength and Love Scroll

While not a common title for a wall scroll in China, 力與愛 means “strength and love” or “power and love” in Chinese characters.

Strength and Courage

 lì liàng hé yǒng qì
Strength and Courage Scroll

While 力量和勇氣 is not a typical Chinese phrase, this is how to write “strength and courage.”

If this is an important idea for you, we can make a great custom Chinese “strength and courage” wall scroll for you.

Strength and Courage

 riki to yu ki
Strength and Courage Scroll

力と勇気 may not be the most common Japanese phrase, but this is how to write “strength and courage” or “power and bravery” in Japanese.

Herculean Strength

 qiáng lì
 kyou ryoku
Herculean Strength Scroll

強力 means herculean strength, powerful, or strong.

I've even heard this described as “strength to carry a mountain.”

Note: This can also be the Japanese surname Gouriki (like Mr. Strong).

Strength / Vigor / Energy

Physical Strength

 qì lì
Strength / Vigor / Energy Scroll

氣力 can mean any of the words in the title above, and in some contexts, can also mean effort, will-power, or talent.

This refers mostly to physical strength (as opposed to mental or spiritual).

気In modern Japan, they use a simplified first character for this word. If you want to order this title with that special Japanese version, click on the character to the right instead of the button above.

Physical Strength

 tǐ lì
 tai ryoku
Physical Strength Scroll

體力 means “physical strength,” “physical power,” or “physical stamina” in Chinese, ancient Japanese, and old Korean Hanja.

See Also:  Fortitude | Health

Physical Strength

 tǐ lì
Physical Strength Scroll

体力 means “physical strength” or “physical power.”

The first character was first simplified in Japan. Later, that simplified version became the standard in mainland China. Just in case you want this version, it is offered here. I suggest it if your audience is Japanese. Most Chinese know the older traditional version, which looks like 體力.

体力 can also be defined: stamina; endurance; physical strength; resilience; resistance to disease; clout; stability.

Power / Strength

 chikara / ryoku
Power / Strength Scroll

力 is the simplest form of “power” or “strength.”

In Japanese, it is pronounced “chikara” when used alone, and “ryoku” when used in a sentence (there are also a few other possible pronunciations of this Kanji in Japanese).

In some contexts, this can mean ability, force, physical strength, capability, and influence.

See Also:  Strength | Vitality | Health

Strength: Strong and Solid

 qiáng gù
Strength: Strong and Solid Scroll

強固 means firmness, stability, security, and strength in Japanese.

It's not used commonly in China, but it means “powerful,” “firm,” “solid,” “strong,” or “better than others” in Chinese. There is a slight variation in the top of the first character between Chinese and Japanese. Because this is more of a Japanese word, we are showing the Japanese form here.

強固 is also a Korean word, but Korean Hanja uses the Chinese form of the first character (one tiny stroke is a little different), so just let me know if your audience is Korean when you place your order, and we'll have it written in the Chinese/Korean version.

Always Striving for Inner Strength

 zì qiáng bú xī
Always Striving for Inner Strength Scroll

自強不息 is a proverb or idiom that suggests that the pursuit of self-improvement is eternal. It can also be a suggestion to strive unremittingly in life.

The first two characters mean inner strength with the idea of self-improvement. The last two characters mean “never rest” or “striving without giving up.”

Some will translate these four characters as “Exert and strive hard without any let-up.”

With all the strength of your heart

 omoi kiri
With all the strength of your heart Scroll

思い切り can be translated as “with all one's strength,” “with all one's heart,” “to the limits of your heart,” or “to the end of your heart/emotions.”

The character breakdown:
思い (omoi) thought; mind; heart; feelings; emotion; sentiment; love; affection; desire; wish; hope; expectation; imagination; experience
切り (kiri) bounds; limits.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Conquering Yourself is a Sign of Strength

 zì shèng zhě qiáng yě
Conquering Yourself is a Sign of Strength Scroll

自勝者強也 means “One who conquers oneself is strong” in Chinese.

自勝 = Self-overcoming or self-conquering
者 = is
強 = Strength
也 = Also

Strength Love Honor

 lì liàng bó ài róng yù
Strength Love Honor Scroll

力量 博愛 榮譽 is the verbose way to write the word list, “strength love honor.”

It should be noted that word lists like this are not as natural sounding in Chinese as word lists can be in English. it’s more common to have a full phrase (with subject, verb, and object) or single words on calligraphy wall scrolls in Asia.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Courage and Strength勇力yuu ri / yuuri / yu riyǒng lì / yong3 li4 / yong li / yongliyung li / yungli
Strength of Character
gouki / gokigāng yì / gang1 yi4 / gang yi / gangyikang i / kangi
God Give Me Strength願上帝給我力量
yuàn shàng dì gěi wǒ lì liàng
yuan4 shang4 di4 gei3 wo3 li4 liang4
yuan shang di gei wo li liang
yüan shang ti kei wo li liang
God Give Me Strength神が私に力を與えてください
kami ga watashi ni chikara o atae te kudasai
God Give Me Strength神は私に力を與える
kami wa watashi ni chikara o ataeru
Inner Strength
Inner Well-Being and Health
內健nèi jiàn / nei4 jian4 / nei jian / neijiannei chien / neichien
Inner Strength is Better than Outward Appearance表壯不如里壯
biǎo zhuàng bù rú lǐ zhuàng
biao3 zhuang4 bu4 ru2 li3 zhuang4
biao zhuang bu ru li zhuang
piao chuang pu ju li chuang
Inner Strength is Better than Outward Appearance内面の強さは外見の良さに勝るnaimen no tsuyosa ha gaiken no yosa ni masaru
Inner Strength內在力量
nèi zài lì liàng
nei4 zai4 li4 liang4
nei zai li liang
nei tsai li liang
Inner Strength內力
nai ryoku / nairyokunèi lì / nei4 li4 / nei li / neili
Inner Strength
zì qiáng / zi4 qiang2 / zi qiang / ziqiangtzu ch`iang / tzuchiang / tzu chiang
Love Faith Strength愛信強
ài xìn qiáng
ai4 xin4 qiang2
ai xin qiang
ai hsin ch`iang
ai hsin chiang
Love Faith Strength博愛信念力量
bó ài xìn niàn lì liàng
bo2 ai4 xin4 nian4 li4 liang4
bo ai xin nian li liang
po ai hsin nien li liang
Strength and Love in Unity力愛不二
riki ai fu ni
Flexibility Overcomes Strength以柔克剛
yǐ róu kè gāng
yi3 rou2 ke4 gang1
yi rou ke gang
i jou k`o kang
i jou ko kang
Spiritual Strength
Strength of Spirit
精神力量seishin rikiryou
seishin rikiryo
jīng shén lì liàng
jing1 shen2 li4 liang4
jing shen li liang
ching shen li liang
力量riki ryou / rikiryou / riki ryolì liàng / li4 liang4 / li liang / liliang
Strength and Honor力量與榮譽
lì liàng yǔ róng yù
li4 liang4 yu3 rong2 yu4
li liang yu rong yu
li liang yü jung yü
Strength and Honor力と名譽
chikara to mei yo
Strength and Love力與愛
lì yǔ ài
li4 yu3 ai4
li yu ai
li yü ai
Strength and Courage力量和勇氣
lì liàng hé yǒng qì
li4 liang4 he2 yong3 qi4
li liang he yong qi
li liang ho yung ch`i
li liang ho yung chi
Strength and Courage力と勇氣
riki to yu ki
Herculean Strength強力
kyou ryoku / kyouryoku / kyo ryokuqiáng lì / qiang2 li4 / qiang li / qianglich`iang li / chiangli / chiang li
气力 / 気力
kiryokuqì lì / qi4 li4 / qi li / qilich`i li / chili / chi li
Physical Strength體力
tai ryoku / tairyokutǐ lì / ti3 li4 / ti li / tilit`i li / tili / ti li
Physical Strength體力
tairyokutǐ lì / ti3 li4 / ti li / tilit`i li / tili / ti li
chikara / ryokulì / li4 / li
Strength: Strong and Solid強固
kyouko / kyokoqiáng gù / qiang2 gu4 / qiang gu / qiangguch`iang ku / chiangku / chiang ku
Always Striving for Inner Strength自強不息
zì qiáng bú xī
zi4 qiang2 bu2 xi1
zi qiang bu xi
tzu ch`iang pu hsi
tzu chiang pu hsi
With all the strength of your heart思い切りomoi kiri / omoikiri
Conquering Yourself is a Sign of Strength自勝者強也zì shèng zhě qiáng yě
zi4 sheng4 zhe3 qiang2 ye3
zi sheng zhe qiang ye
tzu sheng che ch`iang yeh
tzu sheng che chiang yeh
Strength Love Honor力量博愛榮譽
lì liàng bó ài róng yù
li4 liang4 bo2 ai4 rong2 yu4
li liang bo ai rong yu
li liang po ai jung yü
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Outer Strength Kanji, Outer Strength Characters, Outer Strength in Mandarin Chinese, Outer Strength Characters, Outer Strength in Chinese Writing, Outer Strength in Japanese Writing, Outer Strength in Asian Writing, Outer Strength Ideograms, Chinese Outer Strength symbols, Outer Strength Hieroglyphics, Outer Strength Glyphs, Outer Strength in Chinese Letters, Outer Strength Hanzi, Outer Strength in Japanese Kanji, Outer Strength Pictograms, Outer Strength in the Chinese Written-Language, or Outer Strength in the Japanese Written-Language.

24 people have searched for Outer Strength in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Outer Strength was last searched for by someone else on May 26th, 2024