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Independence in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy an Independence calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Independence” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Independence” title below...

  1. Independence

  2. Standing by Oneself / Walking by Oneself

  3. Free Spirit

  4. Independent Spirit

  5. Independent Spirit / Independent Heart

  6. Moon

  7. Hitori

  8. Appreciation of Truth by Meditation

  9. Riko

10. Nothingness

11. Brunei

12. Samoa

13. Strong Woman

14. American Samoa


 dú lì
Independence Scroll

Besides meaning “to be independent,” this can also mean “to stand alone,” self-reliance or self-support.

独Modern Japanese use a simplified version of the first character of independence. it’s the same simplified version currently used in mainland China, so understood by most Chinese and all Japanese people. Click on the character to the right if you want the simplified/Japanese version.

Standing by Oneself / Walking by Oneself

 do kuritsu do ppo
Standing by Oneself / Walking by Oneself Scroll

獨立獨步 is a Japanese proverb that, Dokuritsu-Doppo, is an indication of independence, self-reliance, standing on one's own two feet, or making one's way in life.

 zì yóu jīng shén
Free Spirit Scroll

The first two characters mean freedom or liberty.

The second two characters mean spirit, heart, mind, or soul.

Together, 自由精神 is a title that is very similar to the English term “free spirit.”

See Also:  Freedom

 ji yuu na sei shin
Free Spirit Scroll

自由な精神 is very similar to the English term “free spirit.”

The first two characters mean freedom or liberty.

The middle character is a connecting Hiragana which is needed for Japanese grammar.

The last two characters mean spirit, heart, mind, or soul.

See Also:  Freedom

Independent Spirit

 dú lì jīng shén
Independent Spirit Scroll

獨立精神 means independent spirit in Chinese.

The first two characters mean independent, independence, or to stand alone.

The last two characters mean spirit, spiritual, vigor, vitality, drive, mind, consciousness, thought, essence, heart, or soul.

With this information, you can make your translation combination such as “independent heart,” “stand-alone spirit,” or more creatively, “the drive to stand alone” in English. There are a lot of ways to interpret 獨立精神.

Independent Spirit / Independent Heart

Independent Spirit / Independent Heart Scroll

獨立心 means independent spirit or independent heart in Japanese.

The first two characters mean independent or independence. The third character means spirit, heart, or mind.

獨立心 is a Japanese term, although Chinese people could guess the meaning (the characters make sense individually in Chinese but are not often used this way). Also, the first character would be written 獨 in Traditional Chinese versus 独 which is the Simplified Chinese and modern Japanese version.

Moon Scroll

月 is how to write the title for “moon” in Chinese, Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.

月 is also used to refer to the month. This is because China traditionally uses a lunar calendar, so saying “next moon” is the same as saying “next month” etc.
In modern Chinese and Japanese and old Korean, the character for a number is put in front of this moon character to represent western months. So “one moon” is January “two moons” is February etc.

If you are wondering, in the east Asian way to write dates, the character for “sun” or “day” is used with a number in front of it to express the day of the month. So “ten moons, one sun” becomes “October 1st” or “10/1” (this date happens to be Chinese National Day - The equivalent of Independence Day in the USA, Canada Day, or the Queen's Birthday).

In Japanese, 月 can be a surname that romanizes as Tsuki, Tsukizaki, or Takagetsu.

 hitori / doku
Hitori Scroll

This is the Japanese given name 独 which romanizes as Hitori or Doku.

Originally this was written as 獨 but was simplified/modernized in Japan at some point.

独 can also be an abbreviation for Germany.

The actual meaning is alone, independent, single, sole, only, or solitary.

This is also a Simplified Chinese character, but most Chinese calligraphers would prefer to write the Traditional Chinese of 獨 instead of 独.

Appreciation of Truth by Meditation

 xīn yìn
 shin nin
Appreciation of Truth by Meditation Scroll

心印 is a Buddhist concept that simply stated is “appreciation of truth by meditation.”

It's a deep subject, but my understanding is that you can find truth through meditation, and once you've found the truth, you can learn to appreciate it more through further meditation. This title is not commonly used outside of the Buddhist community (your Asian friends may or may not understand it). The literal translation would be something like “the mind seal,” I've seen this term translated this way from Japanese Buddhist poetry. But apparently, the seal that is stamped deep in your mind is the truth. You just have to meditate to find it.

Soothill defines it this way: Mental impression, intuitive certainty; the mind is the Buddha-mind in all, which can seal or assure the truth; the term indicates the intuitive method of the Chan (Zen) school, which was independent of the spoken or written word.

Reference: Soothill-Hodous Dictionary of Chinese Buddhism

See Also:  Zen

 lí zǐ
Riko Scroll

離子 is one of several Japanese female given names that romanize as Riko.

This one vaguely means independent child. Though it can also refer to an ion (a departing particle).

 kōng wú
 kuu mu
Nothingness Scroll

空無 is “nothingness” in a Buddhist context.

The first character means empty but can also mean air or sky (air and sky have no form).

The second character means have not, no, none, not, or to lack.

Together these characters reinforce each other into a word that means “absolute nothingness.”

I know this is a term used in Buddhism, but I have not yet figured out the context in which it is used. I suppose it can be the fact that Buddhists believe that the world is a non-real illusion, or perhaps it's about visualizing yourself as “nothing” and therefore leaving behind your desire and worldliness.
Buddhist concepts and titles often have this element of ambiguity or, rather, “mystery.” Therefore, such ideas can have different meanings to different people, and that's okay. If you don't get it right in this lifetime, there will be plenty more lifetimes to master it (whatever “it” is, and if “it” really exists at all).

Soothill defines this as “Unreality, or immateriality, of things, which is defined as nothing existing of independent or self-contained nature.”

 wèn lái
Brunei Scroll

汶萊 is the Chinese name for Brunei Darussalam, an independent sultanate in northwest Borneo.

Sometimes also written as 文萊 or 文莱.

 sà mó yà
Samoa Scroll

薩摩亞 is the Chinese name for the country of Samoa (formerly known as Western Samoa).

The official name is the Independent State of Samoa. Not to be confused with American Somoa which is to the southeast.

See Also:  Oceania

Strong Woman

 nǚ qiáng rén
Strong Woman Scroll

女強人 is the best way to say “strong woman” or “strong and independent woman” in Chinese.

Grammar in China is a bit different, so these three characters literally read as “female strength person” or “woman strong person.” This might sound funny in English, but this is a natural-sounding title in Chinese.

American Samoa

 měi shǔ sà mó yà
American Samoa Scroll

This is the Chinese name for the territory of American Samoa (formerly known as Eastern Samoa).

This should not be confused with Independent Somoa which is to the west.

If you want just a general “Samoa” title, just use the plain “Samoa” entry, as it does not actually designate western, eastern, American, or independent.

See Also:  Oceania

These search terms might be related to Independence:

...And This Above All to Thine Own Self Be True

Changing Oneself / Self Reformation

Confucius: Golden Rule / Ethic of Reciprocity

Consciousness of Self


Determination to Achieve

Determination to Achieve / Will-Power

Esprit De Corps / Determination

Freedom / Liberty

Freedom Fighter

Freedom From Anger and Worry Yields Longevity

Golden Rule

Inner Freedom

Inner Strength / Self-Improvement

Introspection / Self-Awareness

Jiko No Kansei / Self-Completion

No Trouble / Freedom From Problems

Power of Oneself / Self-Sufficient

Prideful Mind / Self-Respecting Heart

Self Actualization

Self Awareness Becomes a Buddha

Self Consciousness

Self Sacrifice




Self-Discipline / Will-Power


Self-Love / Love Yourself / Love Oneself


Self-Respect / Self-Esteem

Self-Restraint / Self-Control

Sexual Freedom

To Be Free / Freedom

To Thine Own Self Be True

Unswerving Determination / Firm and Persistent

Unwavering Determination and Resolve

Will-Power / Self-Control

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
dokuritsudú lì / du2 li4 / du li / dulitu li / tuli
Standing by Oneself
Walking by Oneself
do kuritsu do ppo
do kuritsu do po
Free Spirit自由精神zì yóu jīng shén
zi4 you2 jing1 shen2
zi you jing shen
tzu yu ching shen
Free Spirit自由な精神ji yuu na sei shin
ji yu na sei shin
Independent Spirit獨立精神
dú lì jīng shén
du2 li4 jing1 shen2
du li jing shen
tu li ching shen
Independent Spirit
Independent Heart
Moontsukiyuè / yue4 / yueyüeh
Hitorihitori / dokudú / du2 / dutu
Appreciation of Truth by Meditation心印shin nin / shinninxīn yìn / xin1 yin4 / xin yin / xinyinhsin yin / hsinyin
Riko離子rikolí zǐ / li2 zi3 / li zi / lizili tzu / litzu
kuu mu / kuumu / ku mukōng wú / kong1 wu2 / kong wu / kongwuk`ung wu / kungwu / kung wu
wèn lái / wen4 lai2 / wen lai / wenlai
sà mó yà
sa4 mo2 ya4
sa mo ya
Strong Woman女強人
nǚ qiáng rén
nv3 qiang2 ren2
nv qiang ren
nü ch`iang jen
nü chiang jen
American Samoa美屬薩摩亞
měi shǔ sà mó yà
mei3 shu3 sa4 mo2 ya4
mei shu sa mo ya
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Independence Kanji, Independence Characters, Independence in Mandarin Chinese, Independence Characters, Independence in Chinese Writing, Independence in Japanese Writing, Independence in Asian Writing, Independence Ideograms, Chinese Independence symbols, Independence Hieroglyphics, Independence Glyphs, Independence in Chinese Letters, Independence Hanzi, Independence in Japanese Kanji, Independence Pictograms, Independence in the Chinese Written-Language, or Independence in the Japanese Written-Language.

20 people have searched for Independence in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Independence was last searched for by someone else on Oct 10th, 2024