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(1) (See 仙人・1) hermit; wizard; (2) (See 仙術) wizardry; (personal name) Hisa
僊 ṛṣi, 哩始 an immortal. 仙人; 人仙 the genī, of whom there is a famous group of eight 八仙; an ascetic, a man of the hills, a hermit; the Buddha. The 楞嚴經 gives ten kinds of immortals, walkers on the earth, fliers, wanderers at will, into space, into the deva heavens, transforming themselves into any form, etc. The names of ten ṛṣis, who preceded Śākyamuni, the first being 闍提首那? Jatisena; there is also a list of sixty-eight 大仙 given in the 大孔雀咒經下 A classification of five is 天仙 deva genī, 神仙 spirit genī, 人仙 human genī, 地仙 earth, or cavern genī, and 鬼仙 ghost genī.

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Buddhism / Buddha
Buddha; Buddhism (abbr. for 佛陀[Fo2tuo2])
(surname) Hotoke
Buddha, from budh to "be aware of", "conceive", "observe", "wake"; also 佛陀; 浮圖; 浮陀; 浮頭; 浮塔; 勃陀; 勃馱; 沒馱; 母馱; 母陀; 部陀; 休屠. Buddha means "completely conscious, enlightened", and came to mean the enlightener. he Chinese translation is 覺 to perceive, aware, awake; and 智 gnosis, knowledge. There is an Eternal Buddha, see e.g. the Lotus Sutra, cap. 16, and multitudes of Buddhas, but the personality of a Supreme Buddha, an Ādi-Buddha, is not defined. Buddha is in and through all things, and some schools are definitely Pan-Buddhist in the pantheistic sense. In the triratna 三寳 commonly known as 三寳佛, while Śākyamuni Buddha is the first "person" of the Trinity, his Law the second, and the Order the third, all three by some are accounted as manifestations of the All-Buddha. As Śākyamuni, the title indicates him as the last of the line of Buddhas who have appeared in this world, Maitreya is to be the next. As such he is the one who has achieved enlightenment, having discovered the essential evil of existence (some say mundane existence, others all existence), and the way of deliverance from the constant round of reincarnations; this way is through the moral life into nirvana, by means of self-abnegation, the monastic life, and meditation. By this method a Buddha, or enlightened one, himself obtains Supreme Enlightenment, or Omniscience, and according to Māhāyanism leads all beings into the same enlightenment. He sees things not as they seem in their phenomenal but in their noumenal aspects, as they really are. The term is also applied to those who understand the chain of causality (twelve nidānas) and have attained enlightenment surpassing that of the arhat. Four types of the Buddha are referred to: (1) 三藏佛the Buddha of the Tripiṭaka who attained enlightenment on the bare ground under the bodhi-tree; (2) 通佛the Buddha on the deva robe under the bodhi-tree of the seven precious things; (3) 別佛the Buddha on the great precious Lotus throne under the Lotus realm bodhi-tree; and (4) 圓佛the Buddha on the throne of Space in the realm of eternal rest and glory where he is Vairocana. The Hīnayāna only admits the existence of one Buddha at a time; Mahāyāna claims the existence of many Buddhas at one and the same time, as many Buddhas as there are Buddha-universes, which are infinite in number.

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 chuu / chu

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Universe / Space
eternity; (geology) eon
(1) space; air; midair; (2) (See 空・そら・5) (from) memory; (by) heart; (male given name) Hiroshi

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 kuu / ku
to empty; vacant; unoccupied; space; leisure; free time
(1) empty air; sky; (2) {Buddh} shunyata (the lack of an immutable intrinsic nature within any phenomenon); emptiness; (3) (abbreviation) (See 空軍) air force; (noun or adjectival noun) (4) fruitlessness; meaninglessness; (noun or adjectival noun) (5) (See 五大・1) void (one of the five elements); (can be adjective with の) (6) {math} empty (e.g. set); (female given name) Ron
śūnya, empty, void, hollow, vacant, nonexistent. śūnyatā, 舜若多, vacuity, voidness, emptiness, non-existence, immateriality, perhaps spirituality, unreality, the false or illusory nature of all existence, the seeming 假 being unreal. The doctrine that all phenomena and the ego have no reality, but are composed of a certain number of skandhas or elements, which disintegrate. The void, the sky, space. The universal, the absolute, complete abstraction without relativity. There are classifications into 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 16, and 18 categories. The doctrine is that all things are compounds, or unstable organisms, possessing no self-essence, i.e. are dependent, or caused, come into existence only to perish. The underlying reality, the principle of eternal relativity, or non-infinity, i.e. śūnya, permeates all phenomena making possible their evolution. From this doctrine the Yogācārya school developed the idea of the permanent reality, which is Essence of Mind, the unknowable noumenon behind all phenomena, the entity void of ideas and phenomena, neither matter nor mind, but the root of both.


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shì jiè
    shi4 jie4
shih chieh

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The World
world (CL:個|个[ge4])
(1) the world; society; the universe; (2) sphere; circle; world; (can be adjective with の) (3) world-renowned; world-famous; (4) {Buddh} (original meaning) realm governed by one Buddha; space; (surname, female given name) Sekai
Loka 世間; the finite world, the world, a world, which is of two kinds: (1) 衆生世界 that of the living, who are receiving their 正報 correct recompense or karma; (2) 器世界 that of the material, or that on which karma depends for expression. By the living is meant 有情 the sentient.


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wǔ dà
    wu3 da4
wu ta

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Godai / Five Elements
(1) {Buddh} (See 五行・ごぎょう・1) the five elements (in Japanese philosophy: earth, water, fire, wind and void); (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 五大明王) five great wisdom kings; (surname) Godai
The five elements— earth, water, fire, wind, and space. v. also 五行 the five agents. In the esoteric cult the five are the physical manifestation, or garbhadhātu, v. 胎; as being in all phenomena they are called 五輪 the five evolvers; their phonetic embryos 種子 are those of the Five Dhyani-Buddhas of the five directions, v. 五佛.


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wǔ xíng
    wu3 xing2
wu hsing
 gogyou / gogyo

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Five Elements
five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水
(1) (See 五大・ごだい・1) the five elements (in Chinese philosophy: wood, fire, earth, metal and water); the five phases; wu xing; (2) {Buddh} five practices of the Bodhisattvas; (3) (See 六信五行) the five pillars of Islam; (surname, given name) Gogyou
The five lines of conduct. I. According to the 起信論 Awakening of Faith they are almsgiving; keeping the commandments; patience under insult; zeal or progress; meditation. II. According to the 涅槃經 Nirvana Sutra they are saintly or bodhisattva deeds; arhat, or noble deeds; deva deeds; children's deeds (i. e. normal good deeds of men, devas, and Hinayanists); sickness conditions, e. g. illness, delusion, etc.; — into all these lines of conduct and conditions a Bodhisattva enters. III. The five elements, or tanmātra— wood, fire, earth, metal, and water; or earth, water, ire, air, and ether (or space) as taught by the later Mahāyāna philosophy; idem 五大.


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dì fang
    di4 fang5
ti fang
 chihou / chiho

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area; place; space; room; territory; CL:處|处[chu4],個|个[ge4],塊|块[kuai4]
(1) district; region; area; locality; (2) (See 中央・2) the country; countryside; the provinces; rural area; (3) (obsolete) (Imperial Japanese Army jargon) civilian society; (surname) Chikata



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tài jí
    tai4 ji2
t`ai chi
    tai chi

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Tai Chi / Tai Ji
the Absolute or Supreme Ultimate, the source of all things according to some interpretations of Chinese mythology
taiji (in Chinese philosophy, the principle that embodies all potential things, incl. time and space); (personal name) Taikyoku


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yǔ zhòu
    yu3 zhou4
yü chou
 uchuu / uchu

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Universe / Cosmos
universe; cosmos
universe; cosmos; space; (given name) Hiroshi



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wú jìn
    wu2 jin4
wu chin

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Endless / Without Limit
endless; inexhaustible
(given name) Mujin
Inexhaustible, without limit. It is a term applied by the 權教 to the noumenal or absolute; by the 實教 to the phenomenal, both being considered as infinite. The Huayan sūtra 十地品 has ten limitless things, the infinitude of living beings, of worlds, of space, of the dharmadhātu, of nirvāṇa, etc.


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 kokuu / koku

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Nothingness / Empty / Void
empty space; empty sky; (given name) Kokuu



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xū kōng
    xu1 kong1
hsü k`ung
    hsü kung

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Nothingness / Empty / Void
void; hollow; empty
śūnya; empty, void, space; ākāśa, in the sense of space, or the ether; gagana, the sky, atmosphere, heaven; kha, space, sky, ether, 虛 is defined as that which is without shape or substantiality, 空 as that which has no resistance. The immaterial universe behind all phenomena.



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fēng lún
    feng1 lun2
feng lun

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Wind Wheel
The wheel, or circle, of wind below the circle of water and metal on which the earth rests; the circle of wind rests on space.


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wài xīng rén
    wai4 xing1 ren2
wai hsing jen

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Star Man
space alien; extraterrestrial


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(noun or adjectival noun) (1) blank; blank space; (2) gap; time spent not doing something (e.g. working, practicing); (surname) Planck; Plank



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ā lì yà nà
    a1 li4 ya4 na4
a li ya na

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Ariane (name); Ariane European space launch vehicle



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tiān gōng
    tian1 gong1
t`ien kung
    tien kung
 tiangon; tenkyuu / tiangon; tenkyu
    ティアンゴン; てんきゅう
Temple in Heaven (e.g. of the Jade Emperor); Tiangong, Chinese space station program
Tiangong (Chinese space program); (surname) Amemiya
devapura; devaloka; the palace of devas, the abode of the gods, i. e. the six celestial worlds situated above the Meru, between the earth and the Brahmalokas. v. 六天.



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shí kōng
    shi2 kong1
shih k`ung
    shih kung
 jikuu / jiku
time and place; world of a particular locale and era; (physics) space-time
{physics} space-time; spacetime


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kòng bái
    kong4 bai2
k`ung pai
    kung pai
 kuuhaku / kuhaku
blank space
(1) blank space (in a document); (n,adj-no,adj-na) (2) blank; void; gap; vacuum; (3) {comp} whitespace; (given name) Kuuhaku



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kōng jiān
    kong1 jian1
k`ung chien
    kung chien
 kuukan / kukan
space; room; (fig.) scope; leeway; (astronomy) outer space; (physics, math.) space
space; room; airspace; (surname) Sorama



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lǐng kōng
    ling3 kong1
ling k`ung
    ling kung
 ryoukuu / ryoku
territorial air space
territorial airspace

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surname Qu
Translit. kha, also khya, ga, gha, khu, khi; cf. 呿, 喀, 吃, 呵, 珂, 恪, 轗; it is used to represent 虛空 space, empty. Skt. khainter alia means "sky", "ether".

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to print; to mark; to engrave; a seal; a print; a stamp; a mark; a trace; image
(1) stamp; seal; chop; (2) seal impression; seal; sealing; stamp; mark; print; (3) {Buddh} mudra (symbolic hand gesture); (4) ninja hand sign; (5) (abbreviation) (See 印度・インド) India; (surname) In
mudrā; seal, sign, symbol, emblem, proof, assurance, approve; also 印契; 契印; 印相. Manual signs indicative of various ideas, e. g. each finger represents one of the five primary elements, earth, water, fire, air, and space, beginning with the little finger; the left hand represents 定 stillness, or meditation, the right hand 慧 discernment or wisdom; they have also many other indications. Also, the various symbols of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, e. g. the thunderbolt; cf. 因.; (度) The five Indias, or five regions of India, idem 五天竺 q. v.

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to go; to go to (a place); (of a time etc) last; just passed; to send; to remove; to get rid of; to reduce; to be apart from in space or time; to die (euphemism); to play (a part); (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do something; (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker); (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
Go, go away; gone, past; depart, leave; to remove, dismiss; the 去 tone.

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space between mouth and ears

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large place used for a specific purpose; stage; scene (of a play); classifier for sporting or recreational activities; classifier for number of exams
(1) place; spot; space; (2) field; discipline; sphere; realm; (3) (See その場・1) occasion; situation; (4) scene (of a play, movie, etc.); (5) {stockm} session; (6) {cards} field; table; area in which cards are laid out; (7) {mahj} (See 東場,南場) round (east, south, etc.); (8) {physics} field; (9) {psych} field (in Gestalt psychology); (surname) Bazaki
Area, arena, field, especially the bodhi-plot, or place of enlightenment, etc.; cf. 道場; 菩提場.

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border; place; condition; boundary; circumstances; territory
(1) border; boundary; (2) turning point; watershed; (3) area; region; spot; space; environment; (4) psychological state; mental state; (1) border; boundary; (2) area; region; spot; space; environment; (3) psychological state; mental state; (4) (Buddhist term) cognitive object; something perceptible by the sense organs or mind; (surname) Sakae
viṣaya; artha; gocara. A region, territory, environment, surroundings, area, field, sphere, e.g. the sphere of mind, the sphere of form for the eye, of sound for the ear, etc.; any objective mental projection regarded as reality.

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see 大夫[dai4 fu5]
(pref,adj-na,n) (1) large; big; great; huge; vast; major; important; serious; severe; (prefix) (2) great; prominent; eminent; distinguished; (suffix) (3) -sized; as big as; the size of; (suffix noun) (4) (abbreviation) (See 大学・1) university; (5) large (e.g. serving size); large option; (6) (abbreviation) (See 大の月) long month (i.e. having 31 days); (given name) Yutaka
Maha. 摩訶; 麼賀. Great, large, big; all pervading, all-embracing; numerous 多; surpassing ; mysterious 妙; beyond comprehension 不可思議; omnipresent 體無不在. The elements, or essential things, i.e. (a) 三大 The three all-pervasive qualities of the 眞如 q.v. : its 體, 相 , 用 substance, form, and functions, v. 起信論 . (b) 四大 The four tanmātra or elements, earth, water, fire, air (or wind) of the 倶舍論. (c)五大 The five, i.e. the last four and space 空, v. 大日經. (d) 六大 The six elements, earth, water, fire, wind, space (or ether), mind 識. Hīnayāna, emphasizing impersonality 人空, considers these six as the elements of all sentient beings; Mahāyāna, emphasizing the unreality of all things 法空, counts them as elements, but fluid in a flowing stream of life, with mind 識 dominant; the esoteric sect emphasizing nonproduction, or non-creation, regards them as universal and as the Absolute in differentiation. (e) 七大 The 楞嚴經 adds 見 perception, to the six above named to cover the perceptions of the six organs 根.

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to store; to stand; space between the door and the entrance screen

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 yuu / yu
long or drawn out; remote in time or space; leisurely; to swing; pensive; worried
(adj-nari) (1) (archaism) quiet; calm; leisurely; composed; (adj-nari) (2) (archaism) distant; far-off; boundless; endless; eternal; (personal name) Yutaka

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eaves; space between two pillars

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empty space inside a building

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to owe; to lack; (literary) to be deficient in; (bound form) yawn; to raise slightly (a part of one's body)
lack; deficiency; vacancy; (1) (kana only) yawn; yawning (and stretching); (2) kanji "yawning" radical (radical 76); (place-name) Kake
To owe: debt; deficient; to bend, bow, yawn, etc.; the Sanskrit sign अ said to imply 大空不可得 space, great and unattainable or immeasurable.

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space between the eyebrows and the eyelashes

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joint; node; (bound form) section; segment; solar term (one of the 24 divisions of the year in the traditional Chinese calendar); seasonal festival; (bound form) to economize; to save; (bound form) moral integrity; chastity; classifier for segments: lessons, train wagons, biblical verses etc; knot (nautical miles per hour)
(archaism) space between two nodes (on bamboo, etc.); (female given name) Misao; Misawo

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(bound form) hollow space

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(coll.) color; used in 色子[shai3zi5]
(counter) counter for colours; (female given name) Shiki
rūpa, outward appearance, form, colour, matter, thing; the desirable, especially feminine attraction. It is defined as that which has resistance; or which changes and disappears, i. e. the phenomenal; also as 顯, 形 and 表色 colour and quality, form or the measurable, and mode or action. There are divisions of two, i. e. inner and outer, as the organs and objects of sense; also colour and form; of three, i. e. the visible object, e. g. colour, the invisible object, e. g. sound, the invisible and immaterial; of eleven, i. e. the five organs and five objects of sense and the immaterial object; of fourteen, the five organs and five objects of sense and the four elements, earth, water, fire, air. rūpa is one of the six bāhya-āyatana, the 六塵; also one of the five skandhas, 五蘊, i. e. the 色身. Keith refers to rūpa as 'material form or matter which is underived (no-utpādā) and which is derived (utpādā)', the underived or independent being the tangible; the derived or dependent being the senses, e. g. of hearing; most of their objects, e. g. sound; the qualities or faculties of feminity, masculinity, vitality; intimation by act and speech, space; qualities of matter, e. g. buoyancy and physical nutriment.

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place; location; spot; point; office; department; bureau; respect; classifier for locations or items of damage: spot, point
(out-dated kanji) (n,suf) (1) place; spot; scene; site; (2) (kana only) address; (3) (kana only) district; area; locality; (4) (kana only) one's house; (5) (kana only) point; aspect; side; facet; (6) (kana only) passage (in text); part; (7) (kana only) space; room; (8) (kana only) thing; matter; (9) (kana only) whereupon; as a result; (10) (kana only) about to; on the verge of; (11) (kana only) was just doing; was in the process of doing; have just done; just finished doing; (surname) Tokoro
To dwell, abide; fix, decide, punish; a place, state. āyatana, 阿耶怛那, also tr. 入, place or entrance of the sense, both the organ and the sensation, or sense datum; hence the 十二處 twelve āyatana, i. e. six organs, and six sense data that enter for discrimination.

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emptiness; void; abstract theory or guiding principles; empty or unoccupied; diffident or timid; false; humble or modest; (of health) weak; virtual; in vain
śūnya. Empty, vacant; unreal, unsubstantial, untrue; space; humble; in vain.

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wheel; disk; ring; steamship; to take turns; to rotate; classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
(counter) counter for wheels and flowers; (female given name) Run
cakra; wheel, disc, rotation, to revolve; v. 研. The three wheels are 惑業苦illusion, karma, suffering, in constant revolution. The five are earth, water, fire, wind, and space; the earth rests on revolving spheres of water, fire, wind, and space. The nine are seen on the tops of pagodas, cf. 九輪.; The two wheels of a cart compared by the Tiantai school to 定 (or to its Tiantai form 止觀) and 慧 meditation and wisdom; see 止觀 5. Also 食 food and 法 the doctrine, i. e. food physical and spiritual.

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field; plain; open space; limit; boundary; rude; feral
(1) plain; field; (prefix noun) (2) lacking a political post; (1) plain; field; (2) hidden (structural) member; (prefix noun) (3) wild; (out-dated or obsolete kana usage) plain; field; (surname) Yazaki
The country, wilderness, wild, rustic, uncultivated, rude.

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gap; to separate; to thin out (seedlings); to sow discontent
(1) time; pause; (2) space; (3) room; (personal name) Mamine
A crevice, interval, space, room; separate, intermission; between, during, in; to divide, interfere, intervene.

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crack; crevice; gap or interval; loophole; discord; rift
(obsolete) gap; opening; space
A crack, crevice, rift; translit. kha.

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 chuu / chu
to halt; to stay; to be stationed (of troops, diplomats etc)
(abbreviation) (See 駐車場) parking; parking lot; parking space

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(literary) hip bone; (TCM) space between two joints

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point; dot; drop; speck; o'clock; point (in space or time); to draw a dot; to check on a list; to choose; to order (food in a restaurant); to touch briefly; to hint; to light; to ignite; to pour a liquid drop by drop; (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更[geng1]; dot stroke in Chinese characters; classifier for items
To dot, touch, punctuate, light, nod; the stroke of a clock; to check off; a speck, dot, drop, etc.


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(abbreviation) insert a space (editor's mark)


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(n,suf) (1) (kana only) idiot; fool; touched in the head (from); out of it (from); space case; (2) (kana only) funny man (of a comedy duo); (in comedy) silly or stupid line; (3) Alzheimer's (impol); (kana only) bokeh; blur; lack of focus; unsharpness; (kana only) Japanese quince (Chaenomeles speciosa); flowering quince; (place-name) Boke (Guinea)


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qī dà
    qi1 da4
ch`i ta
    chi ta
Earth , water, fire, wind, space (or ether), sight, and perception 地, 水, 火, 風, 空, 見, 証識; cf. 大, 五大and 六境; 見大 and 六根; 識大 and 六識.


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sān jiè
    san1 jie4
san chieh
(1) {Buddh} (See 欲界,色界,無色界) the three realms of existence; (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 三千大千世界) the whole universe (of a billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened; (3) {Buddh} (See 三世・さんぜ・1) past, present and future existences; (suffix) (4) far-off ...; distant ...; (surname) Mikai
Trailokya or Triloka; the three realms; also 三有. It is the Buddhist metaphysical equivalent for the Brahmanic cosmological bhuvanatraya, or triple world of bhūr, bhuvaḥ, and svar, earth, atmosphere, and heaven. The Buddhist three are 欲, 色, and 無色界, i.e. world of sensuous desire, form, and formless world of pure spirit. (a) 欲界 Kāmadhātu is the realm of sensuous desire, of 婬 and 食 sex and food; it includes the six heavens of desire, the human world, and the hells. (b) 色界 Rūpadhātu is the realm of form, meaning 質礙 that which is substantial and resistant: it is above the lust-world and contains (so to speak) bodies, palaces, things, all mystic and wonderful一a semi-material conception like that in Revelation; it is represented in the 四禪天, or Brahmalokas. (c) 無色界 Arūpadhātu, or ārūpyadhātu, is the formless realm of pure spirit, where there are no bodies, places, things, at any rate none to which human terms would apply, but where the mind dwells in mystic contemplation; its extent is indefinable, but it is, conceived of in four stages, i,e. 四空處 the four "empty" regions, or regions of space in the immaterial world, which are 四無色 the four "formless" realms, or realms beyond form; being above the realm of form, their bounds cannot be defined. v. 倶舍論世間品.


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sān jīn
    san1 jin1
san chin
(surname) Mikane
The three metals, gold, silver, copper. The esoterics have (a) earth, water, fire, representing the 身密 mystic body; (b) space and wind, the 語密 mystic mouth or speech; (c) 識 cognition, the 意密 mystic mind.


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space without columns



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zhōng fèng
    zhong1 feng4
chung feng
vertical space in a newspaper between two attached pages; vertical line on the back of clothing


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jiǔ dì
    jiu3 di4
chiu ti
 kyuuchi / kyuchi
very low land; (surname) Kuji
The nine lands, i.e. the 欲界 realm of desire or sensuous realm the four 色界 realms of form or material forms; and the four 無色界 formless realms, or realms beyond form; v. 九有, 九有情居, 禪 and 定. The nine realms are:—(1) 欲界五趣地; the desire realm with its five gati, i.e. hells, hungry ghosts, animals, men, and devas. In the four form-realms are:— (2) 離生喜樂地 Paradise after earthly life, this is also the first dhyāna, or subject of meditation, 初禪. (3) 定生喜樂地 Paradise of cessation of rebirth, 二禪. (4) 離喜妙樂地 Land of wondrous joy after the previous joys, 三禪. (5) 捨念淸淨地 The Pure Land of abandonment of thought, or recollection (of past delights), 四禪. The four formless, or infinite realms, catur arūpa dhātu, are:—(6) 空無邊處地 ākāśānantyā-yatanam, the land of infinite space; also the first samādhi, 第一定. (7) 識無邊處地 vijñānānamtyāyatanam, the land of omniscience, or infinite perception, 二定. (8) 無所有處地 ākiñcanyāyatana, the land of nothingness, 三定. (9) 非想非非想處地 naivasaṁjñānā-saṁjñāyatana, the land (of knowledge) without thinking or not thinking, or where there is neither consciousness nor unconsciousness, i.e. above either; this is the 四定. Eitel says that in the last four, "Life lasts 20,000 great kalpas in the 1st, 40,000 in the 2nd, 60,000 in the 3rd, and 80,000 great kalpas in the 4th of these heavens."



see styles
jiǔ lún
    jiu3 lun2
chiu lun
kurin; nine vertically stacked rings on a pagoda finial; (given name) Kurin
The nine wheels or circles on the top of a pagoda, also called 空輪the wheels of space; the nine should only be on the stūpa of a Buddha, others are entitled to as many as eight and a few as one.



see styles
jiǔ yīn
    jiu3 yin1
chiu yin
The five elements together with time, space, mind (manas), and soul (ātman) according to the teaching of the "heretical" Vaiśeṣika sect; v. 鞞.


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èr rú
    er4 ru2
erh ju
There are various definitions of the two aspects of the 眞如 bhūtatathatā. (1) (a) 不變眞如 The changeless essence or substance, e.g. the sea; (b) 隨緣眞如 its conditioned or ever-changing forms, as in the phenomenal world, e.g. the waves. (2) (a) 離言眞如 The inexpressible absolute, only mentally conceivable; (6) 依言眞如 aspects of it expressible in words, its ideal reflex. (3) (a) 空眞如 The absolute as the void, e.g. as space, the sky, a clear mirror; (b) 不空眞如 the absolute in manifestation, or phenomenal, e. g. images in the mirror: the womb of the universe in which are all potentialities. (4) (a) 在纏眞如The Buddha-nature in bonds, i.e. all beings in suffering; (b) 出纏真如the Buddha-nature set free by the manifestation of the Buddha and bodhisattvas. (5) (a) 有垢眞如The Buddha-nature defiled, as in unenlightened man, etc., e.g. the water-lily with its roots in the mud; (b) 無垢眞如 the pure Buddha-nature, purifed or bright as the full moon. (6) 安立 and 非安立眞如 similar to the first definition given above.


see styles
wǔ zhì
    wu3 zhi4
wu chih
(place-name, surname) Gochi
The five kinds of wisdom of the 眞言宗 Shingon School. Of the six elements 六大 earth, water, fire, air (or wind), ether (or space) 曇空, and consciousness (or mind 識 ), the first five form the phenomenal world, or Garbhadhātu, the womb of all things 胎藏界, the sixth is the conscious, or perceptive, or wisdom world, the Vajradhātu 金剛界, sometimes called the Diamond realm. The two realms are not originally apart, but one, and there is no consciousness without the other five elements. The sixth element, vijñāna, is further subdivided into five called the 五智 Five Wisdoms: (1) 法界體性智 dharmadhātu-prakṛti-jñāna, derived from the amala-vijñāna, or pure 識; it is the wisdom of the embodied nature of the dharmadhātu, defined as the six elements, and is associated with Vairocana 大日, in the centre, who abides in this samādhi; it also corresponds to the ether 空 element. (2) 大圓鏡智 adarśana-jñāna, the great round mirror wisdom, derived from the ālaya-vijñāna, reflecting all things; corresponds to earth, and is associated with Akṣobhya and the east. (3) 平等性智 samatā-jñāna, derived from mano-vijñāna, wisdom in regard to all things equally and universally; corresponds to fire, and is associated with Ratnasaṃbhava and the south. (4) 妙觀察智 pratyavekṣaṇa-jñāna, derived from 意識, wisdom of profound insight, or discrimination, for exposition and doubt-destruction; corresponds to water, and is associated with Amitābha and the west. (5) 成所作智 kṛtyānuṣṭhāna-jñāna, derived from the five senses, the wisdom of perfecting the double work of self-welfare and the welfare of others; corresponds to air 風 and is associated with Amoghasiddhi and the north. These five Dhyāni-Buddhas are the 五智如來. The five kinds of wisdom are the four belonging to every Buddha, of the exoteric cult, to which the esoteric cult adds the first, pure, all-refecting, universal, all-discerning, and all-perfecting.



see styles
wǔ lún
    wu3 lun2
wu lun
(1) (See オリンピック) Olympic Games; Olympics; (2) Olympic rings; (p,s,f) Gorin
The five wheels, or things that turn: I. The 五體 or five members, i. e. the knees, the elbows, and the head; when all are placed on the ground it implies the utmost respect. II. The five foundations of the world. first and lowest the wheel or circle of space; above are those of wind; of water; the diamond, or earth; on these rest the nine concentric circles and eight seas. III. The esoteric sect uses the term for the 五大 five elements, earth, water, fire, wind, and space; also for the 五解脫輪 q. v. IV. The five fingers (of a Buddha).


see styles
blank space; margin; blank canvas; (given name) Yohaku


see styles
 yoyuu / yoyu
(1) surplus; margin; leeway; room; space; time; allowance; flexibility; scope; (2) composure; placidity; complacency; calm


see styles
chōng sè
    chong1 se4
ch`ung se
    chung se
 juusoku / jusoku
congestion; to block; to congest; to crowd; to choke; to cram; to fill up; to stuff; to take up all the space
(n,vs,vt,vi) plug; full up; being filled; stopped up


see styles
(1) the whole newspaper; the entire space (of a newspaper); (2) all the newspapers; (3) whole sheet of paper; uncut paper


see styles
bā wèi
    ba1 wei4
pa wei
The eight savours (or pleasures) of the Buddha's nirvāṇa: 常住 perpetual abode, 寂滅extinction (of distress, etc.), 不老 eternal youth, 不死 immortality, 淸淨 purity, 虛通 absolute freedom (as space), 不動 imperturbility, and 快樂 joy.


see styles
 koukuu / koku
{law} international airspace; international space


see styles
liù yīn
    liu4 yin1
liu yin
The six causations of the 六位 six stages of Bodhisattva development, q. v. Also, the sixfold division of causes of the Vaibhāṣikas (cf. Keith, 177-8); every phenomenon depends upon the union of 因 primary cause and 緣 conditional or environmental cause; and of the 因 there are six kinds: (1) 能作因 karaṇahetu, effective causes of two kinds: 與力因 empowering cause, as the earth empowers plant growth, and 不障因 non-resistant cause, as space does not resist, i. e. active and passive causes; (2) 倶有因 sahabhūhetu, co-operative causes, as the four elements 四大 in nature, not one of which can be omitted; (3) 同類因 sabhāgahetu, causes of the same kind as the effect, good producing good, etc.; (4) 相應因 saṃprayuktahetu, mutual responsive or associated causes, e. g. mind and mental conditions, subject with object; Keith gives 'faith and intelligence'; similar to (2); (5) 遍行因 sarvatragahetu, universal or omnipresent cause, i. e. of illusion, as of false views affecting every act; it resembles (3) but is confined to delusion; (6) 異熟因 vipākahetu, differental fruition, i. e. the effect different from the cause, as the hells are from evil deeds.


see styles
liù dà
    liu4 da4
liu ta
{Buddh} the six elements (earth, water, fire, wind, void, and consciousness); (place-name) Rokudai
The six great or fundamental things, or elements — earth; water; fire; wind (or air); space (or ether); and 識 mind, or perception. These are universal and creative of all things, but the inanimate 非情 are made only of the first five, while the animate 有情 are of all six. The esoteric cult represents the six elements, somewhat differently interpreted in the garbhadhātu and vajradhātu. Also 六大界.


see styles
liù jiè
    liu4 jie4
liu chieh
The six elements: earth, water, fire, air (or wind), space, and mind; idem 六大.


see styles
chàn à
    chan4 a4
ch`an a
    chan a
(n-adv,n-t) moment (san: ksana); instant; juncture; (female given name) Setsuna
kṣaṇa. An indefinite space of time, a moment, an instant; the shortest measure of time, as kalpa is the longest; it is defined as 一念 a thought; but according to another definition 60 kṣaṇa equal one finger-snap, 90 a thought 念, 4,500 a minute; there are other definitions. In each kṣaṇa 900 persons are born and die.



see styles
liú yáng
    liu2 yang2
liu yang
Liu Yang (1978-), China's first female astronaut in space (June 16, 2012)


see styles
shí fāng
    shi2 fang1
shih fang
 jippou / jippo
(1) the ten directions (north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up and down); (2) all directions; everywhere; (place-name) Toohou
The ten directions of space, i.e. the eight points of the compass and the nadir and zenith. There is a Buddha for each direction 十方十佛.



see styles
shí xū
    shi2 xu1
shih hsü
ten directions of space


see styles
(1) square (shape); (2) (in a castle) rectangular space between the inner and outer gates (where troops can gather); (place-name, surname) Masugata


see styles
zhàn dì
    zhan4 di4
chan ti
to take up space; to occupy (space)
(1) (kana only) Lyophyllum shimeji (species of edible mushroom); (2) euagaric fungus (in grocery stores, usu. refers to cultivated field mushrooms, etc.)


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to take; to pick up; to grab; to catch; (transitive verb) (2) to pass; to hand; to give; (transitive verb) (3) to get; to obtain; to acquire; to win; to receive; to earn; to take (e.g. a vacation); (transitive verb) (4) to adopt (a method, proposal, etc.); to take (a measure, attitude, etc.); to choose; (transitive verb) (5) to remove; to get rid of; to take off; (transitive verb) (6) to take away; to steal; to rob; (transitive verb) (7) (See 摂る) to eat; to have (e.g. lunch); to take (e.g. vitamins); (transitive verb) (8) to pick (e.g. flowers); to gather; to extract (e.g. juice); to catch (e.g. fish); to harvest (a crop); (transitive verb) (9) to take up (time, space); to occupy; to spare; to set aside; (transitive verb) (10) to secure; to reserve; to save; to put aside; to keep; (transitive verb) (11) to take (e.g. a joke); to interpret; to understand; to make out; to grasp; (transitive verb) (12) to record; to take down; (transitive verb) (13) to subscribe to (e.g. a newspaper); to take; to buy; to get; (transitive verb) (14) to order; to have delivered; (transitive verb) (15) to charge; to fine; to take (tax); (transitive verb) (16) to take (e.g. a wife); to take on (e.g. an apprentice); to adopt; to accept; (transitive verb) (17) to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.); to play



see styles
tóng diào
    tong2 diao4
t`ung tiao
    tung tiao
 douchou / docho
same tone; in agreement with; homology (invariant of a topological space in math.)
(n,vs,vi) (1) conformity; alignment; agreement; sympathy; following suit; (n,vs,vi) (2) {elec} tuning; (3) same tone; same pitch


see styles
(n,suf) (1) (kana only) idiot; fool; touched in the head (from); out of it (from); space case; (2) (kana only) funny man (of a comedy duo); (in comedy) silly or stupid line; (3) Alzheimer's (impol)


see styles
 eitei / ete
open space within a barracks compound


see styles
sì yú
    si4 yu2
ssu yü
The four metaphors (of infinity, etc. ): 山斤 the weight of all the mountains in pounds; 海 the drops in the ocean; 地塵 the atoms of dust in the earth; 空 界 the extent of space.



see styles
sì lún
    si4 lun2
ssu lun
(can be adjective with の) four-wheeled
The four wheels or circles: (1) 大地四輪 the four on which the earth rests, wind (or air), water, metal, and space. (2) Four images with wheels, yellow associated with metal or gold, white with water, red with fire, and black with wind. (3) The four dhyāni-buddhas, 金剛輪 Akṣobhya; 寳輪 Ratnasaṃbhava; 法輪 Amitābha; 羯磨輪 Amoghasiddhi. (4) Also the four metals, gold, silver, copper, iron, of the cakravartin kings.



see styles
dì r
    di4 r5
ti r
place; space


see styles
dì dà
    di4 da4
ti ta
(personal name) Chihiro
Earth as one of the 四大 four elements, 地 earth, 水大 water, 火大 fire, and 風大 air (i. e. air in motion, wind); to these 空大 space (Skt. ākāśa) is added to make the 五大 five elements; 識 vijñāna, perception to make the six elements; and 見 darśana, views, concepts, or reasonings to make the seven elements. The esoteric sect use the five fingers, beginning with the little finger, to symbolize the five elements.



see styles
dì lún
    di4 lun2
ti lun
The earth-wheel, one of the 五輪 five circles, i. e. space, wind, water, earth, and above them fire: the five 'wheels' or umbrellas shown on the top of certain stūpas or pagodas.


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) reeling by hand (esp. silk); hand filature; (noun/participle) (2) counter sinking (making conical depression so screw-heads don't protrude above surface); spot facing (machining a flat space for bolt head, etc.); spotfacing; (3) hollowing out (e.g. wooden chair seat, scallop pattern on roof, etc.)


see styles
 tsubosuu / tsubosu
floor space; area (in tsubo)



see styles
chǎng dì
    chang3 di4
ch`ang ti
    chang ti
space; site; place; sports pitch
(surname) Bachi



see styles
chǎng suǒ
    chang3 suo3
ch`ang so
    chang so
location; place
(1) place; location; spot; position; (2) room; space; (3) {sumo} basho; wrestling tournament; (surname) Basho


see styles
(1) admission fee (at the theatre, etc.); (2) stall space fee (at an outdoor market, etc.); (3) stake (in gambling); bet


see styles
tián chōng
    tian2 chong1
t`ien ch`ung
    tien chung
to fill up; to stuff; to fill in a blank space



see styles
diàn dàng
    dian4 dang4
tien tang
to fill a blank space; to fill a slot (in a newspaper column, a TV program etc)


see styles
 zoushou / zosho
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) expansion (in space) of a sales area; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) increase in the number of beds (in a hospital, etc.)


see styles
dà kōng
    da4 kong1
ta k`ung
    ta kung
wide open sky; the blue; heavens; firmament; (male given name) Masataka
The great void, or the Mahāyāna parinirvāṇa, as being more complete and final than the nirvāṇa of Hīnayāna. It is used in the Shingon sect for the great immaterial or spiritual wisdom, with its esoteric symbols; its weapons, such as the vajra; its samādhis; its sacred circles, or maṇḍalas, etc. It is used also for space, in which there is neither east, west, north, nor south.



see styles
dà xū
    da4 xu1
ta hsü
 dai ko
vast space



see styles
tiān wèn
    tian1 wen4
t`ien wen
    tien wen
Tianwen, or Questions to Heaven, a long poem by Chu Yuan 屈原[Qu1 Yuan2]; Tianwen, a series of interplanetary missions developed by the China National Space Administration starting in 2016, named after the poem
(1) (ev) Tianwen (Chinese interplanetary mission); (2) (work) Heavenly Questions (classical Chinese poem); (ev) Tianwen (Chinese interplanetary mission); (wk) Heavenly Questions (classical Chinese poem)


see styles
tiān wài
    tian1 wai4
t`ien wai
    tien wai
beyond the earth; outer space
beyond the heavens; farthest regions; furthest regions; (surname) Tenge


see styles
tiān tī
    tian1 ti1
t`ien t`i
    tien ti
stairway to heaven; high mountain road; tall ladder on a building or other large structure; space elevator


see styles
storage space above closet; (place-name) Amanofukuro


see styles
tài kōng
    tai4 kong1
t`ai k`ung
    tai kung
outer space


see styles
rú kōng
    ru2 kong1
ju k`ung
    ju kung
like space

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Space" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary