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There are 22120 total results for your Even the 100-Foot Bamboo Can Grow One More Foot search. I have created 222 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles
a wooden or bamboo pen for sheep or cattle; wood or bamboo trestlework; a warehouse; (computing) stack
(surname) Kakebashi

see styles
material (such as rocks, earth, bamboo etc) used to hastily repair a dike; (literary) door bar (vertical bar used to prevent the horizontal movement of a door bolt)

see styles
 bandou / bando
(1) teapot-like object made typically of lacquerware and used to pour hot and cold liquids; (2) basin of water with two handles on either side used for washing one's face or hands; (surname) Bandou

see styles
(Japanese kokuji) sakaki (Cleyera japonica), evergreen tree used in Shinto to decorate sacred spaces
(1) sakaki (species of evergreen sacred to Shinto, Cleyera japonica); (2) evergreen (esp. one planted or used at a shrine); (personal name) Tachibana

see styles
a raft made of bamboo or wood; to fell trees; to hew

see styles
 rou / ro
house with more than 1 story; storied building; floor; CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]
(surname) Rou
An upper storey, stored building, tower; one of the eighteen hells.

see styles
to owe; to lack; (literary) to be deficient in; (bound form) yawn; to raise slightly (a part of one's body)
lack; deficiency; vacancy; (1) (kana only) yawn; yawning (and stretching); (2) kanji "yawning" radical (radical 76); (place-name) Kake
To owe: debt; deficient; to bend, bow, yawn, etc.; the Sanskrit sign अ said to imply 大空不可得 space, great and unattainable or immeasurable.

see styles
to stop; to prohibit; until; only
(given name) Tomeru
To stop, halt, cease; one of the seven definitions of 禪定 dhyāna described as 奢摩他 śamatha or 三摩地 samādhi; it is defined as 靜息動心 silencing, or putting to rest the active mind, or auto-hypnosis; also 心定止於一處 the mind centred, lit. the mind steadily fixed on one place, or in one position. It differs from 觀 which observes, examines, sifts evidence; 止 has to do with 拂妄 getting rid of distraction for moral ends; it is abstraction, rather than contemplation; see 止觀 In practice there are three methods of attaining such abstraction: (a) by fixing the mind on the nose, navel, etc.; (b) by stopping every thought as it arises; (c) by dwelling on the thought that nothing exists of itself, but from a preceding cause.

see styles
to sprain (one's ankle) (Tw)
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) (kana only) distorted; crooked; irregular; warped; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) (kana only) oval; elliptical shape; (3) (kana only) (See 飯櫃・めしびつ) round, wooden container for cooked rice; (4) oval coin; (female given name) Hizumi

see styles
Japanese variant of 歲|岁
(counter) (archaism) counter for years (following a number in the hito-futa-mi counting system); (1) year; (2) age; years; (3) past one's prime; old age; (suffix) -years-old; (given name) Toshi

see styles
to return; to go back to; to give back to; (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by; to belong to; to gather together; (used between two identical verbs) despite; to marry (of a woman) (old); division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
Return to, give oneself up to; commit oneself to, surrender; cf. 三歸 śaraṇa-gamana.

see styles
different; unique; special; very; (classical) to behead; to die; to cut off; to separate; to surpass
(n,adj-na,n-pref) (1) (archaism) difference (from one another); different thing; other; (adjectival noun) (2) unusual; extraordinary; (adjectival noun) unusual; extraordinary
To kill, exterminate; different; very.

see styles
to grow; to reproduce
(given name) Shigeru

see styles
bamboo or wooden spear; Kangxi radical 79, occurring in 段[duan4], 毅[yi4], 殺|杀[sha1] etc
kanji radical 79 at right; (surname) Shiyu

see styles

to compare; (followed by a noun and adjective) more {adj.} than {noun}; ratio; to gesture; (Taiwan pr. [bi4] in some compounds derived from Classical Chinese)
(n,n-suf) (1) ratio; proportion; (2) match; equal; equivalent; comparison; (suffix noun) (3) compared with ...; relative to ...; (4) (abbreviation) (See 比律賓・フィリピン) Philippines; (5) (See 六義・1) explicit comparison (style of the Shi Jing); (place-name) Firipin
To compare; than; to assemble, arrive; partisan; each; translit. pi, bhi, vi, v. also 毘, 毗.

see styles
 mou / mo
hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; mold; coarse or semifinished; young; raw; careless; unthinking; nervous; scared; (of currency) to devalue or depreciate; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1])
(numeric) (1) one-thousandth; 0.03 mm (one-thousandth of a sun); 0.01 percent (one-thousandth of a wari); 3.75 milligrams (one-thousandth of a monme); (2) old monetary unit (0.0001 yen); (surname) Yashiyu
Hair; feathers.

see styles
 gou / go
hair; drawing brush; (in the) least; one thousandth; currency unit, 0.1 yuan
(male given name) Gō
Down, soft hair; minute, trifling, tiny.

see styles

 tei / te
foundation; on the whole
(1) (hist) Di (ancient Chinese ethnic group); (2) {astron} (See 二十八宿,蒼竜・そうりょう・3) Chinese "root" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)

see styles

Japanese variant of 氣|气
(suffix) (kana only) seeming; giving the appearance of; giving one the feeling of; (personal name) Taiki

see styles
bamboo fish trap; used in names of places connected with Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2]

see styles
moreover; situation
still more

see styles
to flow; to disseminate; to circulate or spread; to move or drift; to degenerate; to banish or send into exile; stream of water or something resembling one; class, rate or grade
(hist) (See 五刑・2) exile (second most severe of the five ritsuryō punishments); (surname, given name) Ryū
Flow; float; spread; wander.

see styles
(literary) alunite (formerly used as a black dye); (literary) to dye black
湼 Black mud at the bottom of a pool; muddy; to blacken, defile; the first form is more correct, but the second is more common.

see styles

to grow; to nourish; to increase; to cause; juice; taste; (dialect) to spout; to spurt
(personal name) Masa
more and more

see styles
a place where small streams flow into a large one

see styles
to rinse one's mouth with water; to gargle
(noun/participle) (kana only) gargling; rinsing one's mouth; (female given name) Susugu

see styles

to extinguish a burning object; to singe something with a smoldering object (e.g. burn a hole in one's trousers with a cigarette); to stir-fry; to pour a mixture of hot oil and flavorings over food

see styles
according to; in accordance with; to shine; to illuminate; to reflect; to look at (one's reflection); to take (a photo); photo; as requested; as before
(given name) Hikaru
To shine, illumine; to superintend; a dispatch, pass; as, according to.

see styles
to burn; to cook; to stew; to bake; to roast; to heat; to boil (tea, water etc); fever; to run a temperature; (coll.) to let things go to one's head
To burn.

see styles
(bound form) material or tool used to light a fire by means of friction or the sun's rays; (bound form) beacon fire (alarm signal in border regions), esp. one lit during daytime to produce smoke
hand drilling (to start a fire); hand drill; (place-name, surname) Hiuchi

see styles
 kou / ko
the solid and broken lines of the eight trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], e.g. ☶
(See 卦) yao (line representing yin or yang that comprises one third of a trigram)

see styles
classifier for strips of land or bamboo, shops, factories etc; slit bamboo or chopped wood (dialect)

see styles
thin piece; flake; a slice; film; TV play; to slice; to carve thin; partial; incomplete; one-sided; classifier for slices, tablets, tract of land, area of water; classifier for CDs, movies, DVDs etc; used with numeral 一[yi1]: classifier for scenario, scene, feeling, atmosphere, sound etc; Kangxi radical 91
(counter) (See 一片・いっぺん・1) counter for scraps, fragments, petals, etc.; (surname) Katayanagi
A slice, slip, card; brief, few.

see styles

 mono(p); mon; mono
    もの(P); もん; モノ
(bound form) thing; (literary) the outside world as distinct from oneself; people other than oneself
(1) thing; object; article; stuff; substance; (2) (as 〜のもの, 〜のもん) one's things; possessions; property; belongings; (3) things; something; anything; everything; nothing; (4) quality; (5) reason; the way of things; (6) (kana only) (formal noun often used as 〜ものだ) used to emphasize emotion, judgment, etc.; used to indicate a common occurrence in the past (after a verb in past tense); used to indicate a general tendency; used to indicate something that should happen; (suffix noun) (7) (kana only) item classified as ...; item related to ...; work in the genre of ...; (suffix noun) (8) cause of ...; cause for ...; (prefix) (9) (もの only) (See 物寂しい・ものさびしい) somehow; somewhat; for some reason; (prefix) (10) (もの only) (See 物珍しい・ものめずらしい) really; truly; (surname) Mono
Thing, things in general, beings, living beings, matters; "substance," cf. 陀羅驃 dravya.

see styles
one-color bullock

see styles
ruthless; fierce; ferocious; determined; resolute; to harden (one's heart); old variant of 很[hen3]

see styles
as if; (just) like; just as; still; yet
(out-dated kanji) (adv,conj) (kana only) furthermore; still; yet; more; still more; in addition; greater; further; (personal name) Rankoshi
A monkey; doubtful; if, so; like, as; yet, still; to scheme.

see styles
name of one kind of jade

see styles
blemish; flaw in jade
(1) wound; injury; cut; gash; bruise; scratch; scrape; scar; (2) chip; crack; scratch; nick; (3) flaw; defect; weakness; weak point; (4) stain (on one's reputation); disgrace; dishonor; dishonour; (5) (emotional) hurt; hurt feelings
a flaw

see styles
excessive; undue; to exceed; to be more than; very; extremely; (dialect) what; whatever (Taiwan pr. [shen2])
(personal name) Jinji
What? any; very, extreme.

see styles
to follow; from; because of; due to; by; via; through; (before a noun and a verb) it is for ... to ...
(1) reason; significance; cause; (2) piece of information that one has heard; I hear that ...; it is said that ...; (personal name) Yoshitsugu
From; by: a cause, motive; to allow, let; translit. yo, yu; e. g. 由乾; 由乾陀羅 由乾陁羅, Yugaṃdhara, idem 踰健達羅.

see styles
suburbs or outskirts; one of the five degrees of official mourning attire in dynastic China; official in charge of fields (old)
(given name) Osamu

see styles
 fugo; mokko; mokkou; ishimi / fugo; mokko; mokko; ishimi
    ふご; もっこ; もっこう; いしみ
a basket or pan used for earth, manure etc
implement for carrying heavy loads, generally made of bamboo and woven grass or rope

see styles

classifier for fields; unit of area equal to one fifteenth of a hectare
(rare) (See 畝・せ) mu (Chinese measure of land area, formerly approx. 600 m.sq., currently approx. 667 m.sq.); (surname) Bou

see styles

the whole of; to finish; to complete; complete; full; finished
{astron} (See 二十八宿,白虎・びゃっこ・2) Chinese "Net" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (surname) Pi
To end, final, complete, all; translit. p, v.

see styles
(bound form) foreign (non-Chinese); barbarian; classifier for processes or actions that take time and effort; (classifier) a kind; a sort; (classifier) (used after the verb 翻[fan1] to indicate how many times a quantity doubles, as in 翻一番[fan1 yi1 fan1] "to double")
(n,n-suf) (1) number (in a series); (2) (one's) turn; (3) watch; guard; lookout; (suffix noun) (4) rank; standing; position; (n,n-suf) (5) {sumo} bout; match; (suffix noun) (6) pieces (in a collection); (surname) Ban
Barbarian, foreign; a time, a turn.

see styles
arable fields; cultivated field; class; category
one's group, companions, peers

see styles

blemish; flaw; defect
(1) wound; injury; cut; gash; bruise; scratch; scrape; scar; (2) chip; crack; scratch; nick; (3) flaw; defect; weakness; weak point; (4) stain (on one's reputation); disgrace; dishonor; dishonour; (5) (emotional) hurt; hurt feelings

see styles

constipation; lump in the abdomen
(irregular okurigana usage) load on one's chest

see styles
imbecile; sentimental; stupid; foolish; silly
(1) foolishness; fool; (2) (Buddhist term) moha (ignorance, folly); (noun or adjectival noun) foolish thing; stupid thing; absurdity
moha, 'unconsciousness,' 'delusion,' 'perplexity,' 'ignorance, folly,' 'infatuation,' etc. M.W. Also, mūḍha. In Chinese it is silly, foolish, daft, stupid. It is intp. by 無明 unenlightened, i.e. misled by appearances, taking the seeming for real; from this unenlightened condition arises every kind of kleśa, i.e. affliction or defilement by the passions, etc. It is one of the three poisons, desire, dislike, delusion.

see styles

 kuse(p); heki; kuse
    くせ(P); へき; クセ
habit; hobby
(1) habit (usu. a bad one); tendency; (2) (くせ, クセ only) peculiarity; idiosyncrasy; mannerism; quirk; (3) (くせ, クセ only) crease; wrinkle; curl; kink; (personal name) Minehira
chronic swelling of the spleen

see styles

to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop; to make a bundle of money; classifier for gunshots (rounds)
(surname) Hatsu
To shoot forth, send, issue; start, initiate; expound; prosper.

see styles
hundred; numerous; all kinds of
(numeric) (1) (poetic term) hundred; 100; (prefix noun) (2) (poetic term) (a great) many; (surname, female given name) Momo
sata; a hundred, all.

see styles

one grain
(surname) Saikachi

see styles

leather; skin; fur; CL:張|张[zhang1]; pico- (one trillionth); naughty
(1) (See 革) skin; hide; pelt; fur; (2) rind; peel; husk; bark; (3) shell; sheath; wrapping; (4) (See 化けの皮) mask (hiding one's true nature); seeming; (personal name) Hi
皮革 Leather, skin, hide.

see styles

 eki(p); yaku; you / eki(p); yaku; yo
    えき(P); やく; よう
benefit; profit; advantage; beneficial; to increase; to add; all the more
(1) benefit; use; good; advantage; gain; (2) profit; gains; (male given name) Yutaka

see styles
to watch attentively; to fix one's attention on; to stare at; to gaze at

see styles
 sou / so
appearance; portrait; picture; government minister; (physics) phase; (literary) to appraise (esp. by scrutinizing physical features); to read sb's fortune (by physiognomy, palmistry etc)
(1) aspect; appearance; look; (2) physiognomy (as an indication of one's fortune); (3) {gramm} aspect; (4) {physics;chem} phase (e.g. solid, liquid and gaseous); (given name) Tasuku
lakṣana 攞乞尖拏. Also, nimitta. A 'distinctive mark, sign', 'indication, characteristic', 'designation'. M. W. External appearance; the appearance of things; form; a phenomenon 有爲法 in the sense of appearance; mutual; to regard. The four forms taken by every phenomenon are 生住異滅 rise, stay, change, cease, i. e. birth, life, old age, death. The Huayan school has a sixfold division of form, namely, whole and parts, together and separate, integrate and disintegrate. A Buddha or Cakravartī is recognized by his thirty-two lakṣana , i. e. his thirty-two characteristic physiological marks.

see styles
 shou / sho
(bound form) to scrutinize; (bound form) to reflect (on one's conduct); (bound form) to come to realize; (bound form) to pay a visit (to one's parents or elders)
(n,n-suf) (1) ministry; department; (n,n-suf) (2) province (of China); (prefix noun) (3) (See 省スペース) saving; conserving; (female given name) Mitsumu
Look into minutely, inspect, examine; arouse; spare, save; an inspectorate, hence a province.

see styles
 byou / byo
blind in one eye; blind; tiny; humble; to stare
(adj-t,adv-to) (1) (obsolete) (See 眇たる・びょうたる) small; minute; tiny; little; insignificant; (2) (obsolete) (See 眇・すがめ) squint eye; cross-eye; strabismus

see styles
(bound form) one's family, esp. wife and children; (literary) to regard with love and affection; to feel concern for
(given name) Ken
Regard, love; wife; family; relatives; retainers.

see styles
to open (one's eyes)

see styles
to take aim; (fig.) to aim one's looks at; to glance at

see styles

to narrow one's eyes; to squint; (dialect) to take a nap

see styles
(literary) to stare angrily; to glare
(Buddhist term) dosa (ill will, antipathy)
krodha; pratigha; dveṣa; one of the six fundamental kleśas, anger, ire, wrath, resentment, one of the three poisons; also called 瞋恚.

see styles
to open (one's eyes) wide; to stare at; to glare at

see styles

(coll.) (of something hard or rough) to press against some part of one's body causing discomfort (like a small stone in one's shoe); to hurt; to chafe

see styles

to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors); memorial ceremony; (in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon; (lit. and fig.) to wield
festival; feast; (surname, female given name) Matsuri
Sacrifice, sacrificial.

see styles
 shuu / shu
(bound form) refined; elegant; graceful; beautiful; (bound form) superior; excellent; (loanword) show; (literary) to grow; to bloom; (of grain crops) to produce ears
(on a scale measuring quality, results, etc.; higher than 優) preeminence; supremacy; distinction; excellence; (given name) Minoru

see styles
rule; order; regulations; formula; journey; procedure; sequence
(n,adv) (1) (kana only) extent; degree; measure; (2) (kana only) limit; bounds; (3) (kana only) (span of) time; (4) (kana only) (a) distance; (5) (kana only) (as 〜のほど) the state of; the status of; the condition of; (particle) (6) (kana only) about; around; approximately; or so; (particle) (7) (kana only) as much as ...; to the extent of ...; like ...; (particle) (8) (kana only) (oft. as 〜ば...ほど) the more ... the more ...; (surname) Hodo

see styles
 tane(p); tane(sk)
    たね(P); タネ(sk)
to plant; to grow; to cultivate
(1) seed (e.g. of a plant); pip; kernel; stone (e.g. of a peach); (2) progeny; offspring; issue; breed; (3) (See 胤) paternal blood; lineage; (4) sperm; semen; seed; (5) cause; source; seed; origin; (6) material (e.g. for an article); matter (e.g. of a story); subject (of discussion); theme; (news) copy; source (of a story); (7) {food} ingredient; main ingredient (of a piece of sushi); leaven; (8) mechanism (of a magic trick, etc.); secret; trickery; (9) (kana only) {hanaf} (oft. as タネ) 10-point card; tane; animal card; (surname) Tanezaki
vīja; bīja. Seed, germ; sort, species; also to sow, plant.

see styles
respectful; horrified; to raise (one's shoulders); to stand on tiptoe; to crane

see styles
 take(p); take
    たけ(P); タケ
bamboo; CL:棵[ke1],支[zhi1],根[gen1]; Kangxi radical 118
(1) bamboo (any grass of subfamily Bambusoideae); (2) (See 梅・うめ・2,松・まつ・2) middle (of a three-tier ranking system); (surname) Chikusaki

see styles

an article made of bamboo strips; fence
(1) (archaism) short roughly woven fence; (2) divider between boxes (i.e. for box seats) in a theatre, etc.; (surname) Magaki

see styles

 kyuu / kyu
trunks (for books)
(1) box carried on one's back to store books; (2) (See 笈・おい) wooden box carried on one's back to store items for a pilgrimage
A satchel, book-box; translit. g.

see styles
smiling countenance; bamboo rope

see styles
 zaru; zaru
    ざる; ザル
loosely woven bamboo ladle
(1) (kana only) draining basket (traditionally made of bamboo); colander; strainer; sieve; (2) (kana only) (See ざる法,ざる碁) something full of holes; (3) (abbreviation) (kana only) {food} (See ざる蕎麦) zaru soba; (4) (colloquialism) (kana only) strong drinker; someone who can drink like a fish; (surname) Zaru

see styles
(1) (kana only) bamboo shoot; (2) (abbreviation) (kana only) inexperienced doctor; quack; (out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (kana only) bamboo shoot; (place-name) Takanna

see styles
bamboo with black patches

see styles
 shou; sou / sho; so
    しょう; そう
sheng, a free reed wind instrument with vertical bamboo pipes
traditional Japanese wind instrument resembling panpipes; free-reed instrument used in Japanese court music; (female given name) Shouno

see styles
to whip with bamboo strips
(hist) (See 五刑・2) caning (10-50 strokes; least severe of the five ritsuryō punishments)

see styles

bamboo rain hat
(1) conical hat (East-Asian style); coolie hat; (2) (See 傘・かさ・2) something shaped like a conical hat or an umbrella; shade (of a lamp); mushroom cap; pileus; (personal name) Riyū

see styles

square bamboo container for food or clothing
(archaism) container (esp. for food)

see styles

rough bamboo mat

see styles

bamboo mat; bed mat

see styles
bamboo screen

see styles

(literary) birdcage; (used in place names)
(See 筌) cylindrical bamboo fishing basket

see styles
bamboo mold

see styles
bamboo grass; generally smaller species of running bamboo that do not shed their sheaths (e.g. Sasa spp.); (surname) Sasazaki

see styles
bamboo (archaic)

see styles
a kind of bamboo; old variant of 茵[yin1]

see styles
bamboo brush for utensils
(surname) Sen

see styles
(in ancient texts) type of bamboo sometimes used as a staff

see styles
 ue; uke; sen; age(ok)
    うえ; うけ; せん; あげ(ok)
bamboo fish trap
cylindrical bamboo fishing basket
A bamboo fishing-trap.

see styles
 takouna / takona
bamboo shoot
(1) (kana only) bamboo shoot; (2) (abbreviation) (kana only) inexperienced doctor; quack; (out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (kana only) bamboo shoot

see styles

thin outside skin of bamboo

see styles
 shou / sho
basket; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
(1) box; case; chest; package; pack; crate; (2) car (of a train, etc.); (3) shamisen case; shamisen; (4) (colloquialism) public building; community building; (5) (archaism) man who carries a geisha's shamisen; (6) (archaism) receptacle for human waste; feces (faeces); (suf,ctr) (7) counter for boxes (or boxed objects); (archaism) fine-meshed bamboo basket; (personal name) Shou

see styles
tube; cylinder; to encase in something cylindrical (such as hands in sleeves etc)
(counter) {mahj} counter for dot tiles; (surname) Tsutsusaki
bamboo tube

see styles

to answer; to reply; to respond
answer; reply; response; solution
A bamboo hawser, to draw out, to respond, reply, return thanks.

see styles

policy; plan; scheme; bamboo slip for writing (old); to whip (a horse); to encourage; riding crop with sharp spines (old); essay written for the imperial examinations (old); upward horizontal stroke in calligraphy
(n,n-suf) (1) plan; policy; means; measure; stratagem; scheme; (2) (See 永字八法) fifth principle of the Eight Principles of Yong; right upward flick; (male given name) Hakaru
A treatise, book, memo, tablet, card; a plan, scheme; question; whip; etc.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Even the 100-Foot Bamboo Can Grow One More Foot" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary