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There are 1776 total results for your state search. I have created 18 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 kanyuu / kanyu
(can be adjective with の) (See 国有) government-owned; state-owned; (place-name) Kan'yū


see styles
 kantou / kanto
(hist) state-owned rice (ritsuryō system)


see styles
guān shǔ
    guan1 shu3
kuan shu
official institution; state bureau
government office



see styles
guān fèi
    guan1 fei4
kuan fei
government funded; paid by state stipend
government expense



see styles
guān bàn
    guan1 ban4
kuan pan
government-run; state-run


see styles
 jitsujou / jitsujo
real condition; actual circumstances; actual state of affairs


see styles
true state; actual condition; reality


see styles
 jikkyou / jikkyo
(1) actual state (of things); real state; actual condition; real condition; actual scene; (can be adjective with の) (2) live; on-the-scene; (noun/participle) (3) (abbreviation) (See 実況放送) reporting live; live coverage; live broadcasting; (4) (abbreviation) (See 実況プレイ) Let's Play (playthrough of a video game with player commentary)


see styles
 jitsujou / jitsujo
real condition; actual circumstances; actual state of affairs


see styles
 jissou / jisso
(1) reality; real state of affairs; true state of affairs; (2) {Buddh} true form of all things as they are; ultimate reality; (surname) Jitsusou


see styles
hài xīn
    hai4 xin1
hai hsin
evil intentions; malice
harmful mental state


see styles
(1) home and country; (2) state; country; (3) home town; (given name) Iekuni


see styles
 youdai / yodai
    youtai / yotai
condition; state (of health)


see styles
 youko / yoko
(1) state; state of affairs; situation; circumstances; (2) appearance; look; aspect; (3) sign; indication; (female given name) Yōko


see styles
 youdai / yodai
    youtai / yotai
condition; state (of health)


see styles
 youdai / yodai
    youtai / yotai
(out-dated kanji) condition; state (of health)


see styles
 youdai / yodai
    youtai / yotai
(out-dated kanji) condition; state (of health)



see styles
fēng guó
    feng1 guo2
feng kuo
vassal state



see styles
jiāng shēng
    jiang1 sheng1
chiang sheng
a sentient being in the intermediate state between death and rebirth


see styles
xiǎo shèng
    xiao3 sheng4
hsiao sheng
Hinayana, the Lesser Vehicle; Buddhism in India before the Mayahana sutras; also pr. [Xiao3 cheng2]
Hīnayāna 希那衍. The small, or inferior wain, or vehicle; the form of Buddhism which developed after Śākyamuni's death to about the beginning of the Christian era, when Mahāyāna doctrines were introduced. It is the orthodox school and more in direct line with the Buddhist succession than Mahāyānism which developed on lines fundamentally different. The Buddha was a spiritual doctor, less interested in philosophy than in the remedy for human misery and perpetual transmigration. He "turned aside from idle metaphysical speculations; if he held views on such topics, he deemed them valueless for the purposes of salvation, which was his goal" (Keith). Metaphysical speculations arose after his death, and naturally developed into a variety of Hīnayāna schools before and after the separation of a distinct school of Mahāyāna. Hīnayāna remains the form in Ceylon, Burma, and Siam, hence is known as Southern Buddhism in contrast with Northern Buddhism or Mahāyāna, the form chiefly prevalent from Nepal to Japan. Another rough division is that of Pali and Sanskrit, Pali being the general literary language of the surviving form of Hīnayāna, Sanskrit of Mahāyāna. The term Hīnayāna is of Mahāyānist origination to emphasize the universalism and altruism of Mahāyāna over the narrower personal salvation of its rival. According to Mahāyāna teaching its own aim is universal Buddhahood, which means the utmost development of wisdom and the perfect transformation of all the living in the future state; it declares that Hīnayāna, aiming at arhatship and pratyekabuddhahood, seeks the destruction of body and mind and extinction in nirvāṇa. For arhatship the 四諦Four Noble Truths are the foundation teaching, for pratyekabuddhahood the 十二因緣 twelve-nidānas, and these two are therefore sometimes styled the two vehicles 二乘. Tiantai sometimes calls them the (Hīnayāna) Tripiṭaka school. Three of the eighteen Hīnayāna schools were transported to China: 倶舍 (Abhidharma) Kośa; 成實 Satya-siddhi; and the school of Harivarman, the律 Vinaya school. These are described by Mahāyānists as the Buddha's adaptable way of meeting the questions and capacity of his hearers, though his own mind is spoken of as always being in the absolute Mahāyāna all-embracing realm. Such is the Mahāyāna view of Hīnayāna, and if the Vaipulya sūtras and special scriptures of their school, which are repudiated by Hīnayāna, are apocryphal, of which there seems no doubt, then Mahāyāna in condemning Hīnayāna must find other support for its claim to orthodoxy. The sūtras on which it chiefly relies, as regards the Buddha, have no authenticity; while those of Hīnayāna cannot be accepted as his veritable teaching in the absence of fundamental research. Hīnayāna is said to have first been divided into minority and majority sections immediately after the death of Śākyamuni, when the sthāvira, or older disciples, remained in what is spoken of as "the cave", some place at Rājagṛha, to settle the future of the order, and the general body of disciples remained outside; these two are the first 上坐部 and 大衆部 q. v. The first doctrinal division is reported to have taken place under the leadership of the monk 大天 Mahādeva (q.v.) a hundred years after the Buddha's nirvāṇa and during the reign of Aśoka; his reign, however, has been placed later than this by historians. Mahādeva's sect became the Mahāsāṅghikā, the other the Sthāvira. In time the two are said to have divided into eighteen, which with the two originals are the so-called "twenty sects" of Hīnayāna. Another division of four sects, referred to by Yijing, is that of the 大衆部 (Arya) Mahāsaṅghanikāya, 上座部 Āryasthavirāḥ, 根本說一切有部 Mūlasarvāstivādaḥ, and 正量部 Saṃmatīyāḥ. There is still another division of five sects, 五部律. For the eighteen Hīnayāna sects see 小乘十八部.



see styles
shǎo jiàn
    shao3 jian4
shao chien
soon; a short while; a narrow gap; slightly better (state of health)



see styles
jú shì
    ju2 shi4
chü shih
situation; state (of affairs)


see styles
jú miàn
    ju2 mian4
chü mien
aspect; phase; situation
(1) {go;shogi} position in a game; state of the game; (2) situation; stage; phase; aspect


see styles
(v5r,vi) (1) (kana only) (humble language) to be (animate); to be; to exist; (v5r,aux-v) (2) (after the -te form of a verb; indicates continuing action or state) to be ...-ing; (v5r,aux-v) (3) (after -masu base of verb; indicates contempt or disdain for another's actions) (See やがる) to (have the audacity to) do


see styles
vassal state; vassal nation; dependency



see styles
shǔ guó
    shu3 guo2
shu kuo
vassal state
See: 属国


see styles
 shuushuu / shushu
every state; every province


see styles
 shuunai / shunai
(noun - becomes adjective with の) in the state; within the state


see styles
 shuukyou; shuuzakai / shukyo; shuzakai
    しゅうきょう; しゅうざかい
state boundary; provincial boundary


see styles
 shuugai / shugai
(noun - becomes adjective with の) out of state; outside the state


see styles
 shuushuu / shushu
every state; every province


see styles
 shuuchou / shucho
state government; state office; provincial government; county government


see styles
 shuuki / shuki
state flag


see styles
 shuuka / shuka
(US) state song; (female given name) Shuuka


see styles
 shuumin / shumin
state resident; people of a state


see styles
 shuuhou / shuho
state law (e.g. in the US); state statute


see styles
zhōu jiè
    zhou1 jie4
chou chieh
state border; state line


see styles
 shuuzei / shuze
state tax


see styles
 shuugi / shugi
(abbreviation) (See 州議会) state legislature; state or provincial parliament


see styles
 shuuto / shuto
state capital; provincial capital; county town



see styles
zhōu zhǎng
    zhou1 zhang3
chou chang
governor (of a province or colony); (US) state governor; (Australian) state premier


see styles
jǐ fǎ
    ji3 fa3
chi fa
one's own state


see styles
(See 都市国家) city-state (e.g. the Vatican)


see styles
tǎng zàng
    tang3 zang4
t`ang tsang
    tang tsang
state treasury


see styles
jiàn bái
    jian4 bai2
chien pai
to propose; to suggest; to state a view
(noun, transitive verb) petition; memorial


see styles
jiàn yán
    jian4 yan2
chien yen
to make a suggestion; to state (one's views, ideas etc); suggestion; advice; idea
(noun/participle) right to speak; offering one's opinion to one's superior; proposal


see styles
fú zhōu
    fu2 zhou1
fu chou
Virginia, US state; abbr. for 弗吉尼亞州|弗吉尼亚州[Fu2 ji2 ni2 ya4 zhou1]


see styles
 kyouken / kyoken
strong power of the state; iron fist; heavy hand



see styles
hòu yān
    hou4 yan1
hou yen
 kouen / koen
Later Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (384-409)
(hist) Later Yan (dynastic Chinese state)



see styles
dé zhuǎn
    de2 zhuan3
te chuan
state of existence


see styles
(v5s,vt,vi) (See 復する・1) to return (to the original state); to revert (to); to restore (to); to be restored (to)



see styles
fù yuán
    fu4 yuan2
fu yüan
variant of 復原|复原[fu4 yuan2]
(noun/participle) restoration (to original state); reconstruction



see styles
fù yuán
    fu4 yuan2
fu yüan
to restore (something) to (its) former condition; to recover from illness; recovery
(noun/participle) restoration (to original state); reconstruction; (surname) Fukuhara



see styles
fù fā
    fu4 fa1
fu fa
to recur (of a disease); to reappear; to relapse (into a former bad state)


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to stick through; to force through; (2) to spread throughout; to thoroughly diffuse; (3) to make a path between two points; (4) to proceed in a logical manner; (5) to let pass; to allow through; (6) to lead (someone) into (a house, room, etc.); to show in; (7) to go through (a middleman); (8) to (look, listen) through (a window, wall, etc.); (9) to pass (a law, applicant, etc.); (10) to force to accept; to force agreement; (11) to continue (in a state); to persist in; (12) to do to the entirety of; to cover all of; to span the whole ...; (13) to do from beginning to end without a break; (14) to convey (one's ideas, etc.) to the other party; (15) to do to the end; to carry through; to complete


see styles
xīn zhù
    xin1 zhu4
hsin chu
mental state



see styles
xīn tài
    xin1 tai4
hsin t`ai
    hsin tai
attitude (of the heart); state of one's psyche; way of thinking; mentality


see styles
state of mind



see styles
xīn jī
    xin1 ji1
hsin chi
thinking; scheme
mental state; attitude
The motive power of the mind, the mind the motor.



see styles
xīn qì
    xin1 qi4
hsin ch`i
    hsin chi
intention; motive; state of mind; ambition; aspiration; heart 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)


see styles
xīn lǐ
    xin1 li3
hsin li
psychology; mentality
state of mind; mentality; psychology
principle of the mind


see styles
xīn shén
    xin1 shen2
hsin shen
mind; state of mind; attention; (Chinese medicine) psychic constitution
The spirit of the mind, mental intelligence: mind.



see styles
xīn xù
    xin1 xu4
hsin hsü
 shinsho; shincho
    しんしょ; しんちょ
state of mind; mood
emotion; mind; (female given name) Mio



see styles
xīn cháng
    xin1 chang2
hsin ch`ang
    hsin chang
heart; intention; one's inclination; state of mind; to have the heart for something; mood



see styles
sī xù
    si1 xu4
ssu hsü
train of thought; emotional state; mood; feeling


see styles
qià hǎo
    qia4 hao3
ch`ia hao
    chia hao
 kakkou / kakko
as it turns out; by lucky coincidence; (of number, time, size etc) just right
(1) shape; form; figure; posture; pose; (2) appearance; (3) state; situation; (adj-na,adj-no,n) (4) suitable; fit; reasonable; (suffix noun) (5) about



see styles
wù chù
    wu4 chu4
wu ch`u
    wu chu
 go sho
state of enlightenment



see styles
qíng shì
    qing2 shi4
ch`ing shih
    ching shih
 jousei / jose
situation; circumstance
state of things; state of affairs; condition; situation; circumstances


see styles
qíng xing
    qing2 xing5
ch`ing hsing
    ching hsing
 joukei / joke
circumstances; situation; CL:個|个[ge4]
(obsolete) state; condition; situation; circumstances



see styles
qíng tài
    qing2 tai4
ch`ing t`ai
    ching tai
 joutai / jotai
spirit; mood; (linguistics) modal
current status; condition; situation; circumstances; state



see styles
qíng xù
    qing2 xu4
ch`ing hsü
    ching hsü
 joucho(p); jousho(p) / jocho(p); josho(p)
    じょうちょ(P); じょうしょ(P)
mood; state of mind; moodiness; CL:種|种[zhong3]
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) emotion; feeling; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) atmosphere; mood; spirit



see styles
è chù
    e4 chu4
o ch`u
    o chu
evil state


see styles
 sankyou / sankyo
wretched state; pitiable condition



see styles
ài zhōu
    ai4 zhou1
ai chou
Iowa, US state (abbr. for 愛奧華州|爱奥华州[Ai4 ao4 hua2 zhou1])
(surname) Aisu



see styles
tài zi
    tai4 zi5
t`ai tzu
    tai tzu
state of matter (solid, liquid or gas)


see styles
 taiyou / taiyo
state; condition; situation; terms



see styles
cǎn kuàng
    can3 kuang4
ts`an k`uang
    tsan kuang
tragic situation; dreadful state


see styles
(noun/participle) {chem} suspension (state)



see styles
xuán dàng
    xuan2 dang4
hsüan tang
to hang suspended; to dangle; (fig.) to be in limbo; to be in a state of uncertainty


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) (kana only) to build up; to establish; (2) (kana only) to form; to become (a state); (3) (kana only) to accomplish; to achieve; to succeed in; (4) (kana only) to change into; (5) (kana only) to do; to perform; (auxiliary verb) (6) (archaism) to intend to; to attempt; to try


see styles
jiè xiàng
    jie4 xiang4
chieh hsiang
The commandments or rules in their various forms; also the commandments as expressions for restraining evil, etc.


see styles
state of the war; war situation


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to put back; to return; to give back; to restore (to a previous state, e.g. defrosting, reconstituting, reconciling); to turn back (e.g. clock hand); (transitive verb) (2) to vomit; to throw up; (v5s,vi) (3) {finc} to recover (of a market price)


see styles
fú nán
    fu2 nan2
fu nan
Funan, ancient state in Southeast Asia (1st - 6th century)
(personal name) Funan


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) seasoning; flavour; flavor; (2) condition; state; situation; (3) arrangement; assignment; adjustment


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) seasoning; flavour; flavor; (2) condition; state; situation; (3) arrangement; assignment; adjustment



see styles
shě shòu
    she3 shou4
she shou
The state of renunciation, or indifference to sensation.



see styles
shě xīn
    she3 xin1
she hsin
The mind of renunciation.



see styles
shàn bāng
    shan4 bang1
shan pang
Shan state of east Myanmar (Burma)


see styles
 hanashi; panashi(sk)
    はなし; ぱなし(sk)
(suffix noun) (1) (kana only) (usu. as ...っぱなし; after the -masu stem of a verb; indicates that something is left in an improper state) (See っぱなし・1) leaving (on, open, unfinished, etc.); (suffix noun) (2) (kana only) (usu. as ...っぱなし; after the -masu stem of a verb) (See っぱなし・2) (doing) continuously; constantly; keep ...-ing


see styles
zhèng bǐng
    zheng4 bing3
cheng ping
 seihei / sehe
at the helm of state; political power; regime
political power


see styles
gù zhǐ
    gu4 zhi3
ku chih
old site; site of something (palace, ancient state etc) that no longer exists
historic ruins



see styles
jiāo shū
    jiao1 shu1
chiao shu
 kyousho / kyosho
to teach (in a school)
(1) (See 一般教書) message (delivered by the US president or a state governor); address; (2) (papal) bull; decree; (3) (obsolete) (See 教科書) textbook


see styles
sàn shàn
    san4 shan4
san shan
Goodness cultivated during normal life, not as 定善, i.e. by meditation.



see styles
zhěng bèi
    zheng3 bei4
cheng pei
 seibi / sebi
preparedness; to bring something to a state of readiness
(noun, transitive verb) (1) maintenance; servicing; (noun, transitive verb) (2) putting in place; development; improvement; preparation; provision; equipping; outfitting



see styles
wén zhǒng
    wen2 zhong3
wen chung
Wen Zhong (-467 BC), adviser to the state of Yue during Spring and Autumn period
(personal name) Fumitane



see styles
dǒu zhàng
    dou3 zhang4
tou chang
A bushel-shaped curtain, e. g. a state umbrella.


see styles
flag state (of a vessel or aircraft)


see styles
 kyuutai / kyutai
old state of affairs


see styles
 kyuukan / kyukan
former state; former appearance

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "state" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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Japanese Kanji Dictionary

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Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

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