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There are 1071 total results for your General search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
dí jiàng
    di2 jiang4
ti chiang
the enemy general


see styles
wén jù
    wen2 ju4
wen chü
(1) complaint; grumbling; objection; (2) phrase; words; expression
Textual explanation or criticism, also termed 章; 疏; 述義; 記, etc.; the term applies to works on canonical texts in general, but has particular reference to the Lotus Sutra, i. e. the 妙法蓮華經文句.



see styles
fāng guǎng
    fang1 guang3
fang kuang
vaipulya, 毘佛略 expansion, enlargement, broad, spacious. 方 is intp. by 方正 correct in doctrine and 廣 by 廣博 broad or wide; some interpret it by elaboration, or fuller explanation of the doctrine; in general it may be taken as the broad school, or wider teaching, in contrast with the narrow school, or Hīnayāna. The term covers the whole of the specifically Mahāyāna sutras. The sutras are also known as 無量義經 scriptures of measureless meaning, i. e. universalistic, or the infinite. Cf. 方等.


see styles
fāng cè
    fang1 ce4
fang ts`e
    fang tse
 housaku / hosaku
strategy; policy; general plan; variant of 方冊|方册[fang1 ce4]
plan; policy; (given name) Housaku


see styles
áng shān
    ang2 shan1
ang shan
Aung San (1915-1947), Burmese general and politician, hero of Myanmar independence movement and father of Aung San Su Kyi 昂山素季[Ang2 Shan1 Su4 Ji4]


see styles
 jiryuu / jiryu
fashion (current) of the times; general drift of affairs; (female given name) Jiru



see styles
shí zhòng
    shi2 zhong4
shih chung
 jishu; jishuu / jishu; jishu
    じしゅ; じしゅう
(1) {Buddh} assembly of monks and laity (at a rite, sermon, etc.); (2) {Buddh} (See 時宗) (monks and laity of) the Jishū sect
The present company, i.e. of monks and laity; the community in general.


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (adj-no,n,vs) universal; general; ubiquitous; omnipresent; (given name) Fuhen


see styles
pǔ chá
    pu3 cha2
p`u ch`a
    pu cha
census; general survey; general investigation; reconnaissance survey



see styles
pǔ jí
    pu3 ji2
p`u chi
    pu chi
(classification) general; non-specialist


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (adj-no,n,vs) universal; general; ubiquitous; omnipresent


see styles
 chishou / chisho
skilled manager; resourceful general; (personal name) Chishou


see styles
gēng dài
    geng1 dai4
keng tai
 koutai / kotai
substitution; replacing former general; change of leader
(noun/participle) exchange (something)



see styles
shū dú
    shu1 du2
shu tu
letter; wooden writing strips (arch.); general term for letters and documents
epistle; missive; letter


see styles
cáo cāo
    cao2 cao1
ts`ao ts`ao
    tsao tsao
 sousou / soso
Cao Cao (155-220), famous statesman and general at the end of Han, noted poet and calligrapher, later warlord, founder and first king of Cao Wei 曹魏, father of Emperor Cao Pi 曹丕; the main villain of novel the Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义
(person) Cao Cao (155-220), famous statesman and general at the end of Han, noted poet and calligrapher, later warlord, founder and first king of Cao Wei, father of Emperor Cao Pi; the main villain of novel the Romance of Three Kingdoms



see styles
zhū jun
    zhu1 jun4
chu chün
Zhu Jun (-195), politician and general at the end of later Han



see styles
lǐ guǎng
    li3 guang3
li kuang
Li Guang (-119 BC), Han dynasty general, nicknamed Flying General 飛將軍|飞将军 and much feared by the Xiongnu 匈奴


see styles
lǐ líng
    li3 ling2
li ling
 riryou / riryo
Li Ling (-74 BC), Han dynasty general whose defeat by the Xiongnu 匈奴 in 104 BC led to a major scandal
(personal name) Riryō


see styles
lǐ jìng
    li3 jing4
li ching
 risei / rise
Li Jing (570-649 AD), Tang Dynasty general and purported author of "Duke Li of Wei Answering Emperor Taizong of Tang" 唐太宗李衛公問對|唐太宗李卫公问对[Tang2 Tai4 zong1 Li3 Wei4 Gong1 Wen4 dui4], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]
(personal name) Risei



see styles
dōng shān
    dong1 shan1
tung shan
 tousan; touzan; higashiyama / tosan; tozan; higashiyama
    とうさん; とうざん; ひがしやま
Dongshan county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian; Tungshan township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan
(1) eastern mountains; mountains to the east; (2) (とうさん only) (abbreviation) (hist) (See 東山道) Tōsandō (area between the Tōkaidō and Hokurikudō); (3) (ひがしやま only) Higashiyama (Kyoto district); (surname) Bigashiyama
An eastern hill, or monastery, general and specific, especially the 黃梅東山 Huangmei eastern monastery of the fourth and fifth patriarchs of the Chan (Zen) school.


see styles
huán xuán
    huan2 xuan2
huan hsüan
Huan Xuan (369-404), general involved in the break-up of Eastern Jin


see styles
 kyoushou / kyosho
brave general


see styles
shū bì
    shu1 bi4
shu pi
combs (in general); (archaic) to comb one's hair



see styles
qī xī
    qi1 xi1
ch`i hsi
    chi hsi
 seisoku / sesoku
(of a bird) to perch; (of creatures in general) to inhabit; to dwell
(noun/participle) inhabiting; living



see styles
yáng sēn
    yang2 sen1
yang sen
Yang Sen (1884-1977), Sichuan warlord and general



see styles
yáng yè
    yang2 ye4
yang yeh
Yang Ye (died 986), Chinese military general of the Northern Han and the Northern Song dynasties, defended the Song against invasion by the Liao 遼|辽[Liao2]


see styles
(adverb) (1) (kana only) in general; generally; mostly; roughly; largely; mainly; on the whole; by and large; (2) gist; point; main idea


see styles
general rules or principles


see styles
gài niàn
    gai4 nian4
kai nien
concept; idea; CL:個|个[ge4]
general idea; concept; notion


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) general view; outline



see styles
gài lǎn
    gai4 lan3
kai lan
general overview; to skim through


see styles
(noun/participle) summary; summarization; general remarks; abstract; epitome


see styles
 gaihyou / gaihyo
(noun, transitive verb) general view; comment



see styles
qiāng zhī
    qiang1 zhi1
ch`iang chih
    chiang chih
a gun; guns in general



see styles
qiāng zhī
    qiang1 zhi1
ch`iang chih
    chiang chih
a gun; guns in general; same as 槍支|枪支



see styles
wǔ jiàng
    wu3 jiang4
wu chiang
general; military leader; fierce man
See: 武将


see styles
máo dào
    mao2 dao4
mao tao
毛頭 A name for 凡夫 ordinary people, i. e. non-Buddhists, the unenlightened; the 毛 is said to be a translation of vāla, hair or down, which in turn is considered an error for bāla, ignorant, foolish, i. e. simple people who are easily beguiled. It is also said to be a form of bala-pṛthag-jana, v. 婆, which is intp. as born in ignorance; the ignorant and untutored in general.


see styles
 hanyou / hanyo
(n,vs,vt,adj-no) generic; general purpose; all-purpose



see styles
fàn lùn
    fan4 lun4
fan lun
(n,vs,vt,vi) general remarks; outline
to discuss generally



see styles
shā luó
    sha1 luo2
sha lo
 seira / sera
(1) sal (tree) (Shorea robusta); saul; (2) Japanese stewartia (Stewartia pseudocamellia); (female given name) Seira
sāla, or śāla, 裟羅 the Sāl or Śal tree; the teak tree; the Shorea (or Valeria) Robusta; a tree in general.



see styles
fǎ jiàng
    fa3 jiang4
fa chiang
Dharma-generals, i.e. monks of high character and leadership.


see styles
fǎ jiè
    fa3 jie4
fa chieh
 hokkai; houkai / hokkai; hokai
    ほっかい; ほうかい
(1) {Buddh} universe; (2) {Buddh} realm of thought; (3) {Buddh} underlying principle of reality; manifestation of true thusness; (4) (ほうかい only) (abbreviation) (See 法界悋気) being jealous of things that have nothing to do with one; being jealous of others who are in love with each other
dharmadhātu, 法性; 實相; 達磨馱都 Dharma-element, -factor, or-realm. (1) A name for "things" in general, noumenal or phenomenal; for the physical universe, or any portion or phase of it. (2) The unifying underlying spiritual reality regarded as the ground or cause of all things, the absolute from which all proceeds. It is one of the eighteen dhātus. These are categories of three, four, five, and ten dharmadhātus; the first three are combinations of 事 and 理 or active and passive, dynamic and static; the ten are: Buddha-realm, Bodhisattva-realm, pratyekabuddha-realm, śrāvaka, deva, Human, asura, Demon, Animal, and Hades realms-a Huayan category. Tiantai has ten for meditaton, i.e. the realms of the eighteen media of perception (the six organs, six objects, and six sense-data or sensations), of illusion, sickness, karma, māra, samādhi, (false) views, pride, the two lower Vehicles, and the Bodhisattva Vehicle.


see styles
fǎ yī
    fa3 yi1
fa i
 houi; houe / hoi; hoe
    ほうい; ほうえ
robe of a Buddhist priest; ceremonial garment of a Daoist priest; robe of a judge, nun, priest etc; cassock; vestment
(noun - becomes adjective with の) vestment; priest's robe
The religious dress, general name of monastic garments.


see styles
fàn zhǐ
    fan4 zhi3
fan chih
to make a general reference; to be used in a general sense



see styles
fàn chēng
    fan4 cheng1
fan ch`eng
    fan cheng
to refer broadly to; general term
general term



see styles
fàn lùn
    fan4 lun4
fan lun
to discuss in general terms; general exposition; general discussion
to discuss broadly


see styles
jīn yè
    jin1 ye4
chin yeh
bodily fluids (general term in Chinese medicine)
(1) saliva; spit; spittle; (2) fluid (in Chinese medicine, esp. a colourless bodily fluid, e.g. tears)


see styles
niè pán
    nie4 pan2
nieh p`an
    nieh pan
nirvana (Buddhism)
(1) {Buddh} nirvana; supreme enlightenment; (2) {Buddh} death; death of Buddha
nirvāṇa, 'blown out, gone out, put out, extinguished'; 'liberated-from existence'; 'dead, deceased, defunct.' 'Liberation, eternal bliss'; '(with Buddhists and Jainas) absolute extinction or annihilation, complete extinction of individual existence.' M.W. Other forms are 涅槃那; 泥日; 泥洹; 泥畔 Originally translated 滅 to extinguish, extinction, put out (as a lamp or fire), it was also described as 解脫 release, 寂滅 tranquil extinction; 無爲 inaction, without effort, passiveness; 不生 no (re)birth; 安樂 calm joy; 滅度transmigration to 'extinction'. The meaning given to 'extinction' varies, e.g. individual extinction; cessation of rebirth; annihilation of passion; extinction of all misery and entry into bliss. While the meaning of individual extinction is not without advocates, the general acceptation is the extinction or end of all return to reincarnation with its concomitant suffering, and the entry into bliss. Nirvāṇa may be enjoyed in the present life as an attainable state, with entry into parinirvāṇa, or perfect bliss to follow. It may be (a) with a 'remainder', i.e. the cause but not all the effect (karma), of reincarnation having been destroyed; (b) without 'remainder', both cause and effect having been extinguished. The answer of the Buddha as to the continued personal existence of the Tathāgata in nirvāṇa is, in the Hīnayāna canon, relegated 'to the sphere of the indeterminates' (Keith), as one of the questions which are not essential to salvation. One argument is that flame when blown out does not perish but returns to the totality of Fire. The Nirvāṇa Sutra claims for nirvāṇa the ancient ideas of 常樂我淨 permanence, bliss, personality purity in the transcendental realm. Mahāyāna declares that Hīnayāna by denying personality in the transcendental realm denies the existence of the Buddha. In Mahāyāna final nirvāṇa is transcendental, and is also used as a term for the absolute. The place where the Buddha entered his earthly nirvāṇa is given as Kuśinagara, cf. 拘.



see styles
jìng yì
    jing4 yi4
ching i
Of pure descent, or line; a young Brahman; an ascetic in general.



see styles
zhǔn jiàng
    zhun3 jiang4
chun chiang
brigadier general; commodore
See: 准将



see styles
mǎn zuò
    man3 zuo4
man tso
fully booked; every seat taken
A complete, or full assembly; also the last day of a general assembly.


see styles
yá qí
    ya2 qi2
ya ch`i
    ya chi
emperor's or general's banner erected on an ivory-tipped pole at a military camp or headquarters (in ancient times)


see styles
 gatou / gato
flagstaff decorated with ivory carried by the emperor or a general


see styles
prices of commodities; prices (in general); cost-of-living


see styles
tè shè
    te4 she4
t`e she
    te she
to grant a special pardon
(noun, transitive verb) special pardon; (general) amnesty


see styles
 moushou / mosho
brave general; brave warrior; courageous general; (given name) Moushou



see styles
měng jiàng
    meng3 jiang4
meng chiang
fierce general; valiant military leader; fig. brave individual
See: 猛将



see styles
xuán yì
    xuan2 yi4
hsüan i
The deep meaning; the meaning of the profound; it refers chiefly to the Tiantai method of teaching which was to proceed from a general explanation of the content and meaning of the various great sutras to a discussion of the deeper meaning. the method was: (1) 釋名 explanation of the terms; (2) 辨體 defintion of the substance; (3) 明宗 making clear the principles; (4) 論用 discussing their application; (5) 判教 discriminating the doctrine. v. also 玄疏.



see styles
wáng dǎo
    wang2 dao3
wang tao
Wang Dao (276-339), powerful official of Jin dynasty and brother of general Wang Dun 王敦, regent of Jin from 325


see styles
wáng dūn
    wang2 dun1
wang tun
Wang Dun (266-324), powerful general of Jin dynasty and brother of civil official Wang Dao 王導|王导, subsequently rebellious warlord 322-324


see styles
yòng rén
    yong4 ren2
yung jen
 younin / yonin
servant; to employ sb for a job; to manage people; to be in need of staff
(1) (See 御用人) manager; steward; factotum; person next in rank to the chief retainers and in charge of general management and accounting in a samurai family (Edo period); (2) useful person


see styles
chù sheng
    chu4 sheng5
ch`u sheng
    chu sheng
 chikushou(p); chikishou; chikushoo / chikusho(p); chikisho; chikushoo
    ちくしょう(P); ちきしょう; チクショー
domestic animal; brute; bastard
(interjection) (1) (kana only) damn it; damn; son of a bitch; for Christ's sake; (2) beast; animal; (3) {Buddh} (See 畜生道・1) person reborn into the animal realm; (4) brute; bastard
tiryagyoni, 底栗車; 傍生 'Born of or as an animal, ' rebirth as an animal; animals in general; especially domestic animals.


see styles
lüè jiè
    lve4 jie4
lve chieh
The first period of general moral law, before the detailed commandments became necessary; i.e. the first twelve years of the Buddha's ministry.


see styles
bái qǐ
    bai2 qi3
pai ch`i
    pai chi
Bai Qi (-258 BC), famous general of Qin 秦國|秦国, the victor at 長平|长平 in 260 BC; same as 公孫起|公孙起



see styles
bǎi huò
    bai3 huo4
pai huo
general merchandise
all kinds of goods


see styles
 kanshuu / kanshu
(noun, transitive verb) (1) (editorial) supervision; general editorship; (2) (See 監修者) supervising director


see styles
mù duō
    mu4 duo1
mu to
mukta, release, free, released; mukta, a pearl, jewels in general.



see styles
dū fǔ
    du1 fu3
tu fu
governor general 總督|总督[zong3 du1] and inspector general 巡撫|巡抚[xun2 fu3]



see styles
dū biāo
    du1 biao1
tu piao
army regiment at the disposal of province governor-general


see styles
 chishou / chisho
skilled manager; resourceful general; (personal name) Chishou



see styles
shén líng
    shen2 ling2
shen ling
god; spirit; demon; occult or supernatural entities in general


see styles
fú xù
    fu2 xu4
fu hsü
Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929), leading French general and commander-in-chief of allied forces in the latter stages of World War One



see styles
chán fáng
    chan2 fang2
ch`an fang
    chan fang
a room in a Buddhist monastery; a temple
Meditation abode, a room for meditation, a cell, a hermitage, general name for a monastery.



see styles
chán mén
    chan2 men2
ch`an men
    chan men
The meditative method in general. The dhyāna pāramitā, v. 六度. The intuitional school established in China according to tradition by Bodhidharma, personally propagated from mind to mind as an esoteric school.



see styles
qín huì
    qin2 hui4
ch`in hui
    chin hui
Qin Hui (1090-1155 AD), Song Dynasty official said to have betrayed General Yue Fei 岳飛|岳飞[Yue4 Fei1]


see styles
chéng yù
    cheng2 yu4
ch`eng yü
    cheng yü
Cheng Yu (141-220), advisor to General Cao Cao 曹操 during the Three Kingdoms era


see styles
 kuushou / kusho
(Self Defense Force's Air Force) general (defence); lieutenant; major


see styles
kōng fàn
    kong1 fan4
k`ung fan
    kung fan
vague and general; not specific; shallow; empty



see styles
kōng mén
    kong1 men2
k`ung men
    kung men
(surname) Sorakado
(1) The teaching which regards everything as unreal, or immaterial. (2) The school of unreality, one of the four divisions made by Tiantai (3) The teaching of immateriality, the door to nirvana, a general name for Buddhism; hence空門子 are Buddhist monks.



see styles
duān xù
    duan1 xu4
tuan hsü
 tansho(p); tancho
    たんしょ(P); たんちょ
start and development; thread (of a story); general outline; clue
start; beginning; first step; clue



see styles
guǎn xiàn
    guan3 xian4
kuan hsien
pipeline; general term for pipes, cables etc



see styles
jiǎn zé
    jian3 ze2
chien tse
general rule; simple principle



see styles
lǒng tǒng
    long3 tong3
lung t`ung
    lung tung
general; broad; sweeping; lacking in detail; vague


see styles
 toubaku / tobaku
general staff headquarters



see styles
tǒng chēng
    tong3 cheng1
t`ung ch`eng
    tung cheng
to be collectively called; collective term; general designation



see styles
jīng shī
    jing1 shi1
ching shih
A teacher of the sūtras, or canon in general.


see styles
 souran / soran
(n,vs,adj-no) guide; general survey; conspectus; comprehensive bibliography



see styles
zōng shù
    zong1 shu4
tsung shu
to sum up; a roundup; a general narrative



see styles
wéi nà
    wei2 na4
wei na
 ina; ino
    いな; いの
{Buddh} (See 六知事) one of the six administrators of a Zen temple (in charge of general affairs); (female given name) Yuina
羯磨陀那 karmadāna, the duty-distributor, deacon, arranger of duties, second in command of a monastery.



see styles
gāng lǐng
    gang1 ling3
kang ling
 kouryou / koryo
program (i.e. plan of action); guiding principle
general plan; main points; summary; platform (e.g. for a campaign); mission statement


see styles
 soukai / sokai
general meeting


see styles
 sousoku / sosoku
general provisions; general rules


see styles
 soumu / somu
general affairs; general business; manager; director; adjutant general


see styles
 soukyoku / sokyoku
head office; general office


see styles
 soukan / sokan
inspector general; commissioner


see styles
 soutoku / sotoku
(n,vs,adj-no) governor-general; governor; viceroy


see styles
 souken / soken
(abbreviation) (See 総合研究所) institute for general research; multidiscipline laboratory


see styles
 soushou / sosho
(noun, transitive verb) general term; generic name


see styles
 sousai / sosai
president (of an organization); director general; governor (of a central bank); party leader (esp. LDP)


see styles
 souran / soran
(n,vs,adj-no) guide; general survey; conspectus; comprehensive bibliography

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "General" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary