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Mandarin Chinese information.
Old Wade-Giles romanization used only in Taiwan.
Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 530 total results for your Quality search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
lā jī
    la1 ji1
la chi
trash; refuse; garbage; (coll.) of poor quality; Taiwan pr. [le4 se4]


see styles
 seishitsu / seshitsu
voice quality; type of voice


see styles
(n,vs,vi) (1) alteration (of character or essence); change in quality; transformation; deterioration; degeneration; transmutation; (2) perversion (esp. sexual)



see styles
hǎo huài
    hao3 huai4
hao huai
good or bad; good and bad; standard; quality; (coll.) very bad


see styles
hǎo liào
    hao3 liao4
hao liao
something of good quality; good person (usu. in the negative); (Tw) delicious food


see styles
cheap article; poor quality article



see styles
shí dé
    shi2 de2
shih te
real quality


see styles
 kousetsu / kosetsu
skill; workmanship; dexterity; quality


see styles
high-quality Edo-period tissue paper (21 cm by 27 cm)


see styles
(1) (honorific or respectful language) summoning; calling; riding; wearing; dressing; clothing; (2) (abbreviation) (high-quality) silk crepe (fabric)



see styles
dé yì
    de2 yi4
te i
 toku i
difference in quality


see styles
huī mò
    hui1 mo4
hui mo
Anhui ink (known for its quality)


see styles
xīn xiù
    xin1 xiu4
hsin hsiu
not manifesting one's inner quality


see styles
xìng dì
    xing4 di4
hsing ti
innate quality; natural disposition
Spiritual nature, the second of the ten stages as defined by the 通教 Intermediate School, in which the illusion produced by 見思 seeing and thinking is subdued and the mind obtains a glimmer of the immateriality of things. Cf. 十地.



see styles
xìng zhì
    xing4 zhi4
hsing chih
 seishitsu / seshitsu
nature; characteristic; CL:個|个[ge4]
(1) nature (of a person); disposition; temperament; character; (2) quality; inherent characteristic; property; nature; (chemical) behavior


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) malicious; vicious; malignant; underhanded; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) shoddy; inferior; poor-quality; second-rate



see styles
è liè
    e4 lie4
o lieh
vile; nasty; of very poor quality



see styles
jù nǎng
    ju4 nang3
chü nang
guṇa, a power, quality, v. 求.


see styles
chéng sè
    cheng2 se4
ch`eng se
    cheng se
relative purity of silver or gold; purity in carat weight; quality; fineness


see styles
 tsutanai; mazui
    つたない; まずい
(adjective) (1) (kana only) poor-quality; shoddy; crude; (adjective) (2) (See 不味い・2) unskillful; inexpert; maladroit; inept; foolish; clumsy; (adjective) (3) unlucky


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) poor (tasting); low quality; bad situation


see styles
kòng guǎn
    kong4 guan3
k`ung kuan
    kung kuan
to control (quality etc); to manage (resources etc)


see styles
gǎi shuǐ
    gai3 shui3
kai shui
to improve water quality


see styles
wén shū
    wen2 shu1
wen shu
Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness
(Buddhist term) Manjushri; Manjusri; Bodhisattva that represents transcendent wisdom; (p,s,f) Monju
(文殊師利) Mañjuśrī 滿殊尸利 -later 曼殊室利. 文殊 is also used for Mañjunātha, Mañjudeva, Mañjughoṣa, Mañjuṣvara, et al. T., hjamdpal; J., Monju. Origin unknown; presumably, like most Buddhas and bodhisattvas, an idealization of a particular quality, in his case of Wisdom. Mañju is beautiful, Śrī; good fortune, virtue, majesty, lord, an epithet of a god. Six definitions are obtained from various scriptures: 妙首 (or 頭 ) wonderful or beautiful) head; 普首 universal head; 濡首 glossy head (probably a transliteration); 敬首 revered head; 妙德 wonderful virtue (or power); 妙吉祥 wonderfully auspicious; the last is a later translation in the 西域記. As guardian of wisdom 智慧 he is often placed on Śākyamuni's left, with 普顯 on the right as guardian of law 理, the latter holding the Law, the former the wisdom or exposition of it; formerly they held the reverse positions. He is often represented with five curls or waves to his hair indicating the 五智 q. v. or the five peaks; his hand holds the sword of wisdom and he sits on a lion emblematic of its stern majesty: but he has other forms. He is represented as a youth, i. e. eternal youth. His present abode is given as east of the universe, known as 淸涼山 clear and cool mountain, or a region 寶住 precious abode, or Abode of Treasures, or 寶氏 from which he derives one of his titles, 寶相如來. One of his dhāraṇīs prophesies China as his post-nirvāṇa realm. In past incarnations he is described as being the parent of many Buddhas and as having assisted the Buddha into existence; his title was 龍種上佛 the supreme Buddha of the nāgas, also 大身佛 or 神仙佛; now his title is 歡喜藏摩尼寶精佛 The spiritual Buddha who joyfully cares for the jewel: and his future title is to be 普現佛 Buddha universally revealed. In the 序品 Introductory Chapter of the Lotus Sutra he is also described as the ninth predecessor or Buddha-ancestor of Śākyamuni. He is looked on as the chief of the Bodhisattvas and represents them, as the chief disciple of the Buddha, or as his son 法王子. Hīnayāna counts Śāriputra as the wisest of the disciples, Mahāyāna gives Mañjuśrī the chief place, hence he is also styled 覺母 mother, or begetter of understanding. He is shown riding on either a lion or a peacock, or sitting on a white lotus; often he holds a book, emblem of wisdom, or a blue lotus; in certain rooms of a monastery he is shown as a monk; and he appears in military array as defender of the faith. His signs, magic words, and so on, are found in various sutras. His most famous centre in China is Wu-tai shan in Shansi. where he is the object of pilgrimages, especially of Mongols. The legends about him are many. He takes the place in Buddhism of Viśvakarman as Vulcan, or architect, of the universe. He is one of the eight Dhyāni-bodhisattvas, and sometimes has the image of Akṣobhya in his crown. He was mentioned in China as early as the fourth century and in the Lotus Sutra he frequently appears, especially as the converter of the daughter of the Dragon-king of the Ocean. He has five messengers 五使者 and eight youths 八童子 attending on him. His hall in the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala is the seventh, in which his group numbers twenty-five. His position is northeast. There are numerous sutras and other works with his name as title, e. g. 文殊師利問菩提經 Gayaśīrṣa sūtra, tr. by Kumārajīva 384-417: and its 論 or .Tīkā of Vasubandhu, tr. by Bodhiruci 535. see list in B. N.


see styles
(See 雁皮紙) traditional Japanese paper made from the fibre of plant species Diplomorpha sikokiana (high quality, glossy)



see styles
wú jì
    wu2 ji4
wu chi
indeterminate moral quality


see styles
(n,n-suf) (1) projection; reflection; image; reception (e.g. TV); picture quality; (2) match; harmony


see styles
mò méi
    mo4 mei2
mo mei
slack coal (final poor quality coal)


see styles
běn xìng
    ben3 xing4
pen hsing
 honshou(p); honsei / honsho(p); honse
    ほんしょう(P); ほんせい
natural instincts; nature; inherent quality
true character; real nature
The spirit one possesses by nature; hence, the Buddha-nature; the Buddha-nature within; one's own nature.


see styles
top-quality dried bonito



see styles
běn zhì
    ben3 zhi4
pen chih
essence; nature; innate character; intrinsic quality
(noun - becomes adjective with の) essence; true nature; substance; reality
Original substance, the substance itself; any real object of the senses.



see styles
běn lǐng
    ben3 ling3
pen ling
 honryou / honryo
skill; ability; capability; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]
(1) characteristic quality; special character; one's real ability; one's specialty; (2) one's function; one's duty; (3) fief; inherited estate; (place-name) Honryō



see styles
jí shàng
    ji2 shang4
chi shang
 gokujou / gokujo
(adj-no,n,adj-na) first-rate; finest quality; the best



see styles
jí pǐn
    ji2 pin3
chi p`in
    chi pin
best quality; item of the highest quality; (slang) outrageous; annoying in the extreme; gross; person with these qualities


see styles
 gokusei / gokuse
(can act as adjective) finest quality; specially made



see styles
biāo qīng
    biao1 qing1
piao ch`ing
    piao ching
standard definition (TV or video image quality)



see styles
jī xìng
    ji1 xing4
chi hsing
機根 Natural or fundamental quality, original endowment and nature, suitability, capacity.



see styles
dàng cì
    dang4 ci4
tang tz`u
    tang tzu
grade; class; quality; level


see styles
cì zhī
    ci4 zhi1
tz`u chih
    tzu chih
to rank second (in terms of some attribute: size, frequency, quality etc)


see styles
zhèng pǐn
    zheng4 pin3
cheng p`in
    cheng pin
certified goods; quality product; normal product; A-class goods


see styles
quality of teeth



see styles
qì gài
    qi4 gai4
ch`i kai
    chi kai
lofty quality; mettle; spirit


see styles
qiun à
    qiun2 a4
qiun a
guṇa, a quality, characteristic, or virtue, e. g. sound, taste, etc.


see styles
hot spring water quality; spring quality; hot spring type


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (1) draining blood from a live fish (from above the gills and at the base of the tail) to keep it fresh; (2) fasting fish for several days to preserve flavour and quality (and reduce mortality during transport); (3) killing fish in a fishtank (immediately before cooking); fish killed in a fishtank; (irregular kanji usage) (1) fasting fish for several days to preserve flavour and quality (and reduce mortality during transport); (2) killing fish in a fishtank (immediately before cooking); fish killed in a fishtank


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) draining blood from a live fish (from above the gills and at the base of the tail) to keep it fresh; (2) fasting fish for several days to preserve flavour and quality (and reduce mortality during transport); (3) killing fish in a fishtank (immediately before cooking); fish killed in a fishtank; (irregular okurigana usage) (1) fasting fish for several days to preserve flavour and quality (and reduce mortality during transport); (2) killing fish in a fishtank (immediately before cooking); fish killed in a fishtank


see styles
coal quality



see styles
wú dé
    wu2 de2
wu te
no quality


see styles
tè xìng
    te4 xing4
t`e hsing
    te hsing
 tokusei / tokuse
property; characteristic
special characteristic; special quality; trait; idiosyncrasy; peculiarity



see styles
tè jí
    te4 ji2
t`e chi
    te chi
 tokkyuu / tokkyu
special grade; top quality
high grade; special grade; classy


see styles
tè sè
    te4 se4
t`e se
    te se
characteristic; distinguishing feature or quality
(1) characteristic; feature; idiosyncrasy; personal colour; (2) {print} spot color


see styles
yù lù
    yu4 lu4
yü lu
gyokuro (shaded Japanese green tea); (old) early-morning autumn dew; fine liquor
(1) (See 煎茶・2,番茶) high-quality green tea; (2) (orig. meaning) jewel-like dewdrop


see styles
jiǎ yǐ
    jia3 yi3
chia i
 kouotsu / kootsu
first two of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]
(1) first and second; A and B; (2) superiority and (or) inferiority; distinction (in quality); discernment; discrimination


see styles
image quality (film, video, etc.)



see styles
yì zhì
    yi4 zhi4
i chih
(adj-na,adj-no) different (quality, nature); heterogeneous


see styles
gramophone record quality


see styles
mù lì
    mu4 li4
mu li
 mejikara; mejikara(ik)
    めぢから; めじから(ik)
eyesight (i.e. quality of vision)
strong impression conveyed by one's eyes; eyes that convey a strong sense of purpose



see styles
duān yàn
    duan1 yan4
tuan yen
high-quality ink stonemade in Duanxi and Guangdong



see styles
děng jué
    deng3 jue2
teng chüeh
samyak-saṃbodhi; absolute universal enlightenment, omniscience, a quality of and term for a Buddha; also the 51st stage in the enlightenment of a bodhisattva, the attainment of the Buddha, enlightenment which precedes 妙覺.


see styles
(1) inferior goods; low-quality article; (2) (humble language) trifling gift; (3) gift given out by companies to customers as a token of gratitude; marketing incentive


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) (See お粗末) crude; rough; plain; humble; shabby; poor-quality; low-quality



see styles
cū xì
    cu1 xi4
ts`u hsi
    tsu hsi
thick and thin; coarse and fine; thickness (caliber); coarseness; quality of work


see styles
jīng pǐn
    jing1 pin3
ching p`in
    ching pin
quality goods; premium product; fine work (of art)


see styles
jīng ròu
    jing1 rou4
ching jou
 seiniku / seniku
(dialect) lean meat
(good quality) meat; processed meat; small goods


see styles
jīng liáng
    jing1 liang2
ching liang
 seira / sera
excellent; of superior quality
(personal name) Seira



see styles
jīng ruì
    jing1 rui4
ching jui
elite (e.g. troops); crack; best quality personnel



see styles
yuē dìng
    yue1 ding4
yüeh ting
 yakujou / yakujo
to agree on something (after discussion); to conclude a bargain; to arrange; to promise; to stipulate; to make an appointment; stipulated (time, amount, quality etc); an arrangement; a deal; appointment; undertaking; commitment; understanding; engagement; stipulation
(noun, transitive verb) agreement; stipulation; contract



see styles
chún liáng
    chun2 liang2
ch`un liang
    chun liang
 junryou / junryo
pure and kindhearted
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) (of a thing) pure and good; unmixed and of high quality; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) (of a person) good-natured; genuine; wholesome; (male given name) Sumiyoshi



see styles
zhǐ zhì
    zhi3 zhi4
chih chih
paper; hard copy; printed (as opposed to electronically displayed)
(noun - becomes adjective with の) paper quality



see styles
sù zhì
    su4 zhi4
su chih
inner quality; basic essence
(1) makings (of); aptitude; talent; qualities; (2) nature; character; temperament



see styles
tǒng huò
    tong3 huo4
t`ung huo
    tung huo
unified goods; goods in the command economy that are not graded by quality and uniformly priced


see styles
(1) texture; feel; (2) skin texture; skin quality; skin type



see styles
chòu huò
    chou4 huo4
ch`ou huo
    chou huo
low-quality goods; scumbag; bitch


see styles
(See 良い・1) merit; virtue; good quality


see styles
 ryouhin / ryohin
fine article; good-quality item; quality product


see styles
 ryoushitsu / ryoshitsu
(adj-na,adj-no,n) good quality; fine quality; superior quality; high quality



see styles
sè chén
    se4 chen2
se ch`en
    se chen
The quality of form, colour, or sexual attraction, one of the 六塵.


see styles
 kumei / kume
(obsolete) bitter tea; low-quality tea


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to drop; to lose; to let fall; to shed (light); to cast (one's gaze); to pour in (liquid); to leave behind; (2) to clean off (dirt, makeup, paint, etc.); to remove (e.g. stains or facial hair); to lose; to spend money at a certain place; to omit; to leave out; to secretly let escape; (3) to lose (a match); to reject (an applicant); to fail (a course); to defeat (in an election); (4) to lower (e.g. shoulders or voice); to lessen (e.g. production or body weight); to worsen (quality); to reduce (e.g. rank or popularity); to speak badly of; to make light of; to fall into straitened circumstances; (5) to fall into (e.g. a dilemma or sin); to make one's own; to have one's bid accepted; to force surrender; to take (e.g. an enemy camp or castle); to forcefully convince; to press for a confession; to deal with; (6) (computer terminology) to download; to copy from a computer to another medium; (7) (martial arts term) to make someone swoon (judo); (8) to finish a story (e.g. with the punch line); (9) to finish (a period, e.g. of fasting)



see styles
chù chén
    chu4 chen2
ch`u ch`en
    chu chen
The medium or quality of touch.



see styles
shī yì
    shi1 yi4
shih i
 shii / shi
poetry; poetic quality or flavor
poetic sentiment; meaning of a poem



see styles
jiǎng jiu
    jiang3 jiu5
chiang chiu
 koukyuu / kokyu
to pay particular attention to; carefully selected for quality; tastefully chosen
(noun/participle) specialization (in a field of study); study


see styles
 kinsei / kinse
(adj-no,n,vs,vt) (1) (esp. used by manufacturers of food products, etc.) carefully made; carefully produced; (2) quality product; product made with care



see styles
gòng chá
    gong4 cha2
kung ch`a
    kung cha
tribute tea; fine quality tea
(company) Gong Cha (Taiwanese bubble tea chain)



see styles
zhì dì
    zhi4 di4
chih ti
texture; background (texture); grain; quality; character; disposition



see styles
zhì gǎn
    zhi4 gan3
chih kan
realism (in art); sense of reality; texture; tactile quality
feel (of a material); texture



see styles
zhì jiǎn
    zhi4 jian3
chih chien
quarantine; quality inspection



see styles
zhì liàng
    zhi4 liang4
chih liang
 shitsuryou / shitsuryo
quality; (physics) mass
{physics} mass


see styles
 akagome; akamai
    あかごめ; あかまい
(1) rice that has browned (due to age); (2) variety of low-quality foreign rice; (3) red rice (ancient variety of rice); red-kerneled rice; (personal name) Akayone



see styles
chē nú
    che1 nu2
ch`e nu
    che nu
car slave, sb forced to sacrifice quality of life to buy or maintain a car


see styles
 tsuusei / tsuse
(1) common quality; common property; (2) {gramm} common gender


see styles
(1) lost work; lost writings; (2) partially lost work; literary fragment; work that survives through quotations; (3) work of a superior quality


see styles
(adjective) (1) far; distant; far away; a long way off; in the distance; (adjective) (2) distant (past); remote (in time); remote; far-removed (in time); (adjective) (3) distant (relationship or kinship); having little to do (with someone); (adjective) (4) far (from something else in quality, degree, etc.); not similar; way off; (adjective) (5) (as 耳が遠い) hard (of hearing); (adjective) (6) (as 目が遠い) nearsighted


see styles
bù jiào
    bu4 jiao4
pu chiao
The sūtras, or canon, and their exposition.


see styles
silver quality


see styles
 meicha / mecha
fine tea; brand-name tea; famous tea; choice tea; well-known brand of quality green tea



see styles
ē jiāo
    e1 jiao1
o chiao
 akyou / akyo
donkey-hide gelatin (used in TCM); Taiwan pr. [a1 jiao1]
donkey hide gelatin; ejiao; high quality gelatin made in China from donkey hides


see styles
(1) call of a wild goose; (2) (kana only) wild goose (esp. a lesser white-fronted goose, Anser erythropus); (3) tea made from twigs of high-quality tea plants (esp. gyokuro); high-grade kukicha (esp. from gyokuro); (surname) Karigane


see styles
 yukishitsu; sekishitsu; sesshitsu
    ゆきしつ; せきしつ; せっしつ
snow quality; quality of snow


see styles
yīn sè
    yin1 se4
yin se
tone; timbre; sound color
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) tone color; tone colour; tone quality; timbre; (2) synthesizer patch; synthesiser patch; (female given name) Rizumu

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Quality" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary