Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Mandarin Chinese information.
Old Wade-Giles romanization used only in Taiwan.
Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

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Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 heii / he
military power


see styles
 heigaku / hegaku
military science; strategy; tactics


see styles
bīng jiā
    bing1 jia1
ping chia
 heika / heka
military strategist in ancient China; military commander; soldier
soldier; tactician; strategist; (place-name) Hyōge


see styles
bīng chāi
    bing1 chai1
ping ch`ai
    ping chai
labor conscripted to support the military


see styles
bīng yì
    bing1 yi4
ping i
 heieki / heeki
military service
military service; conscription



see styles
bīng shū
    bing1 shu1
ping shu
 heisho / hesho
a book on the art of war
book on military science


see styles
 heiken / heken
military authority



see styles
bīng quán
    bing1 quan2
ping ch`üan
    ping chüan
military leadership; military power


see styles
bīng yuán
    bing1 yuan2
ping yüan
manpower resources (for military service); sources of troops



see styles
bīng yíng
    bing1 ying2
ping ying
military camp; barracks



see styles
bīng zhǒng
    bing1 zhong3
ping chung
 heishu / heshu
(military) branch of the armed forces
branch of an army


see styles
bīng zhàn
    bing1 zhan4
ping chan
 heitan / hetan
army service station; military depot
supply train; communications; logistics


see styles
 heiseki / heseki
military register


see styles
 heigo / hego
military term



see styles
bīng mǎ
    bing1 ma3
ping ma
 heiba / heba
troops and horses; military forces
arms and cavalry; troops; war; military affairs; (personal name) Heima


see styles
 uchimaku(p); naimaku(p)
    うちまく(P); ないまく(P)
(1) lowdown; inside information; hidden circumstances; inside facts; inner workings; undisclosed circumstances; (2) (うちまく only) (hist) (See 外幕) inner curtain (in a military encampment)


see styles
zài shēng
    zai4 sheng1
tsai sheng
 saisei / saise
to be reborn; to regenerate; to be a second so-and-so (famous dead person); recycling; regeneration
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) restoration to life; coming to life again; resuscitation; regeneration; (n,vs,vi) (2) reformation; rehabilitation; (noun, transitive verb) (3) recycling; reclamation; recovery; (noun, transitive verb) (4) playback; regeneration (of video or sound); views (of an online video); (n,vs,vt,vi) (5) {biol} regeneration (of lost or damaged tissue); regrowth; (noun, transitive verb) (6) rebirth; reincarnation; (n,vs,vt,vi) (7) {psych} recall (memory); retrieval


see styles
chū liè
    chu1 lie4
ch`u lieh
    chu lieh
(military) to leave one's place in the ranks; to fall out; (fig.) to emerge; to become prominent


see styles
chū zhēng
    chu1 zheng1
ch`u cheng
    chu cheng
 shussei / shusse
to go into battle; to campaign (military)
(n,vs,vi) (1) going to war; departure for the front; (n,vs,vi) (2) departure for military service (in response to a draft)



see styles
chū zhàn
    chu1 zhan4
ch`u chan
    chu chan
(military) to go off to war; (sports) to compete



see styles
fēn duì
    fen1 dui4
fen tui
military platoon or squad
squad; team



see styles
liè duì
    lie4 dui4
lieh tui
in formation (military)



see styles
cì shā
    ci4 sha1
tz`u sha
    tzu sha
to assassinate; (military) to fight with a bayonet; (baseball) to put out (a baserunner)
(noun, transitive verb) (1) stabbing to death; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {baseb} putting out



see styles
qián dí
    qian2 di2
ch`ien ti
    chien ti
front line (military)


see styles
qián yán
    qian2 yan2
ch`ien yen
    chien yen
(military) forward position; frontier; cutting-edge; forefront



see styles
qián xiàn
    qian2 xian4
ch`ien hsien
    chien hsien
front line; military front; workface; cutting edge
(1) {met} (weather) front; (2) {mil} front line; the front; battlefront; forward area


see styles
qián máo
    qian2 mao2
ch`ien mao
    chien mao
forward patrol (military) (old); (fig.) the top ranks



see styles
chuàng liàn
    chuang4 lian4
ch`uang lien
    chuang lien
to form and train (a military unit); to create and practice (a martial art); to train oneself (by real-life experience)



see styles
liú jī
    liu2 ji1
liu chi
Liu Ji or Liu Bowen 劉伯溫|刘伯温[Liu2 Bo2 wen1] (1311-1375), general under the first Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang 朱元璋[Zhu1 Yuan2 zhang1], with a reputation as a military genius


see styles
zhù gōng
    zhu4 gong1
chu kung
 jokou / joko
(military) to mount a secondary attack; (fig.) to assist in tackling a problem; (sports) to participate in a play in which a teammate scores (i.e. perform an assist)
supporting attack


see styles
yǒng wǔ
    yong3 wu3
yung wu
 yuubu / yubu
(noun or adjectival noun) bravery; valor; valour; military prowess; (personal name) Isamu



see styles
shì li
    shi4 li5
shih li
 seiryoku / seryoku
power; influence; a force (military, political etc)
influence; power; might; strength; potency; force; energy; (place-name, surname) Seiriki



see styles
qín wù
    qin2 wu4
ch`in wu
    chin wu
service; duties; an orderly (military)
(n,vs,vi) service; duty; work


see styles
běi zhēng
    bei3 zheng1
pei cheng
 hokusei / hokuse
punitive expedition to the north
(noun/participle) (hist) northern expedition; military campaign to the north


see styles
nán zhēng
    nan2 zheng1
nan cheng
 nansei / nanse
punitive expedition to the south
(noun/participle) (hist) southern expedition; military campaign to the south


see styles
bó gǔ
    bo2 gu3
po ku
Bo Gu (1907-1946), Soviet-trained Chinese Communist, journalist and propagandist, 1930s Left adventurist, subsequently rehabilitated, killed in air crash


see styles
 senryou / senryo
(noun, transitive verb) (1) occupying; having (an area) all to oneself; (noun, transitive verb) (2) military occupation; possession; capture; seizure


see styles
 sanbou / sanbo
(1) staff officer; military staff; (2) adviser; counselor; counsellor


see styles


see styles
zhào jí
    zhao4 ji2
chao chi
 shoushuu / shoshu
to convene; to call together
(noun, transitive verb) convening; calling together (e.g. parliament); call-up (for military service)



see styles
wú zǐ
    wu2 zi3
wu tzu
Wuzi, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], written by Wu Qi 吳起|吴起[Wu2 Qi3]


see styles
zhōu bó
    zhou1 bo2
chou po
 shuubotsu / shubotsu
Zhou Bo (?-169 BC), military man and politician at the Qin-Han transition, a founding minister of Western Han
(personal name) Shuubotsu



see styles
dān bīng
    dan1 bing1
tan ping
individual soldier; (literary) isolated military unit, cut off from reinforcements



see styles
suǒ nà
    suo3 na4
so na
suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in festivals and processions or for military purposes; also written 鎖吶|锁呐; also called 喇叭[la3 ba5]


see styles
sì xìng
    si4 xing4
ssu hsing
 shisei / shise
(1) the four great families of the age (esp. the Minamoto clan, the Taira clan, the Fujiwara clan and the Tachibana clan); (2) (See ヴァルナ) varna (each of the four Hindu castes)
The four Indian 'clans' or castes— brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya, and śūdra, i. e. (1) priestly, (2) military and ruling, (3) farmers and traders, and (4) serfs; born respectively from the mouth, shoulders, flanks, and feet of Brahma.



see styles
huí fù
    hui2 fu4
hui fu
to reply; to recover; to return (to a previous condition); Re: in reply to (email)
(noun/participle) (1) restoration; rehabilitation; recovery; return; replevin; improvement; (2) recovery (from an illness); recuperation; convalescence


see styles
(n,vs,vi) (1) being in prison; being incarcerated; (n,vs,vi) (2) being in the military


see styles
tǎn kè
    tan3 ke4
t`an k`o
    tan ko
tank (military vehicle) (loanword)


see styles
(See 袴) typical dress of the military class, usually worn together with a hakama


see styles
jī dì
    ji1 di4
chi ti
base (of operations, industrial, military, research etc)
base (military, expedition, etc.)



see styles
bào shù
    bao4 shu4
pao shu
number off! (command in military drill); count off!



see styles
dǔ jī
    du3 ji1
tu chi
to intercept and attack (military)


see styles
 zouhei / zohe
(n,vs,vt,vi) military reinforcement


see styles
 gouato; horiato / goato; horiato
    ごうあと; ほりあと
remains of a dugout (usu. military)


see styles
shì guān
    shi4 guan1
shih kuan
warrant officer; petty officer; noncommissioned officer (NCO); Japanese military officer
{mil} officer



see styles
zhuàng nián
    zhuang4 nian2
chuang nien
lit. robust years; prime of life; summer; able-bodied (fit for military service); mature (talent, garden etc)
See: 壮年


see styles
(hist) (See 内幕・2) outer curtain (in a military encampment)


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) posting something to the exterior of a building, etc.; something posted in such a place; (2) fortifications outside a military encampment



see styles
wài xiàn
    wai4 xian4
wai hsien
(military) line of troops encircling an enemy position; (telephony) outside line; (basketball) outside the three-point line
outside telephone line; outer circle


see styles
dà shèng
    da4 sheng4
ta sheng
Mahayana, the Great Vehicle; Buddhism based on the Mayahana sutras, as spread to Central Asia, China and beyond; also pr. [Da4 cheng2]
(surname) Oonori
Mahāyāna; also called 上乘; 妙乘; 勝乘; 無上乘; 無上上乘; 不惡乘; 無等乘, 無等等乘; 摩訶衍 The great yāna, wain, or conveyance, or the greater vehicle in comparison with the 小乘 Hīnayāna. It indicates universalism, or Salvation for all, for all are Buddha and will attain bodhi. It is the form of Buddhism prevalent in Tibet, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, and in other places in the Far East. It is also called Northern Buddhism. It is interpreted as 大教 the greater teaching as compared with 小教 the smaller, or inferior. Hīnayāna, which is undoubtedly nearer to the original teaching of the Buddha, is unfairly described as an endeavour to seek nirvana through an ash-covered body, an extinguished intellect, and solitariness; its followers are sravakas and pratyekabuddhas (i.e. those who are striving for their own deliverance through ascetic works). Mahāyāna, on the other hand, is described as seeking to find and extend all knowledge, and, in certain schools, to lead all to Buddhahood. It has a conception of an Eternal Buddha, or Buddhahood as Eternal (Adi-Buddha), but its especial doctrines are, inter alia, (a) the bodhisattvas 菩薩 , i.e. beings who deny themselves final Nirvana until, according to their vows, they have first saved all the living; (b) salvation by faith in, or invocation of the Buddhas or bodhisattvas; (c) Paradise as a nirvana of bliss in the company of Buddhas, bodhisattvas, saints, and believers. Hīnayāna is sometimes described as 自利 self-benefiting, and Mahāyāna as 自利利他 self-benefit for the benefit of others, unlimited altruism and pity being the theory of Mahāyāna. There is a further division into one-yana and three-yanas: the trīyāna may be śrāvaka, pratyeka-buddha, and bodhisattva, represented by a goat, deer, or bullock cart; the one-yāna is that represented by the Lotus School as the one doctrine of the Buddha, which had been variously taught by him according to the capacity of his hearers, v. 方便. Though Mahāyāna tendencies are seen in later forms of the older Buddhism, the foundation of Mahāyāna has been attributed to Nāgārjuna 龍樹. "The characteristics of this system are an excess of transcendental speculation tending to abstract nihilism, and the substitution of fanciful degrees of meditation and contemplation (v. Samādhi and Dhyāna) in place of the practical asceticism of the Hīnayāna school."[Eitel 68-9.] Two of its foundation books are the 起信論and the 妙法蓮華經 but a larnge numberof Mahāyāna sutras are ascribed to the Buddha。.



see styles
dà shuài
    da4 shuai4
ta shuai
(old) commanding general; commander-in-chief; (Qing dynasty) title for a governor-general (provincial military governor) 總督|总督[zong3 du1]


see styles
dà tián
    da4 tian2
ta t`ien
    ta tien
Datian, a county in Sanming City 三明市[San1ming2 Shi4], Fujian; Daejeon Metropolitan City, capital of South Chungcheong Province 忠清南道[Zhong1qing1nan2dao4], South Korea
(place-name) Daejon (South Korea); Taejon


see styles
dà qiū
    da4 qiu1
ta ch`iu
    ta chiu
 tegu; teegu; taikyuu / tegu; teegu; taikyu
    テグ; テーグ; たいきゅう
Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of North Gyeongsang Province 慶尚北道|庆尚北道[Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] in east South Korea
Daegu (South Korea); (place-name) Daegu (South Korea); Taegu


see styles
dà dū
    da4 du1
ta tu
 taito; daito
    たいと; だいと
for the most part; on the whole; metropolitan
great city; large city; metropolis; (female given name) Yamato



see styles
dà duì
    da4 dui4
ta tui
group; a large body of; production brigade; military group


see styles
shī shǒu
    shi1 shou3
shih shou
(military) (of a city etc) to fall into enemy hands; (fig.) to take a turn for the worse


see styles
wēi míng
    wei1 ming2
wei ming
 imei / ime
fame for fighting prowess; military glory
fame; prestige


see styles
jié rán
    jie2 ran2
chieh jan
solitary; lonely; alone
(adj-t,adv-to) isolated; alone; helpless


see styles
 kojou / kojo
solitary castle; isolated castle; (given name) Kojō


see styles
gū jié
    gu1 jie2
ku chieh
lonesome; solitary



see styles
gū dǎo
    gu1 dao3
ku tao
 kotou / koto
isolated island
solitary island; isolated island; (given name) Kotō


see styles
solitary sailboat


see styles
 kotou / koto
solitary light



see styles
gū jué
    gu1 jue2
ku chüeh
isolated; solitary


see styles
gū lǎo
    gu1 lao3
ku lao
solitary old man or woman; regular patron (at brothels)



see styles
gū dǎn
    gu1 dan3
ku tan
solitary hero; maverick


see styles
 koshuu / koshu
solitary boat; (given name) Koshuu


see styles
solitary wild goose (i.e. separated from its flock, esp. flying); (given name) Kogan


see styles
gū gāo
    gu1 gao1
ku kao
 kokou / koko
(adj-no,n,adj-na) aloof; proudly independent; standing apart; solitary



see styles
sūn wǔ
    sun1 wu3
sun wu
Sun Wu, also known as Sun Tzu 孫子|孙子[Sun1 zi3] (c. 500 BC, dates of birth and death uncertain), general, strategist and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period (700-475 BC), believed to be the author of the “Art of War” 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]
(person) Sun Tzu (Chinese general and strategist, 544-496 BCE)



see styles
shǒu hù
    shou3 hu4
shou hu
 shugo; sugo(ok)
    しゅご; すご(ok)
to guard; to protect
(n,vs,adj-no) (1) protection; safeguard; (2) shugo (Kamakura or Muromachi period military governor); (surname) Shiyugo
To guard, protect.


see styles
guān bīng
    guan1 bing1
kuan ping
 kanpei / kanpe
(military) officers and soldiers; officers and men; (old) government troops
(1) government soldier; (2) officers and other ranks; officers and enlisted


see styles
civilian and military man


see styles
(1) retirement age; (2) (archaism) years of service in a military rank before eligibility for promotion; (personal name) Sadatoshi


see styles
dìng xìng
    ding4 xing4
ting hsing
 teisei / tese
to determine the nature (of something); to determine the chemical composition (of a substance); qualitative
(can be adjective with の) qualitative
Fixed nature; settled mind. A classification of 'five kinds of nature' 五種性 is made by the 法相宗, the first two being the 定性二乘, i. e. śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas, whose mind is fixed on arhatship, and not on Buddhahood. The 定性喜樂地 is the second dhyāna heaven of form, in which the occupants abide in surpassing meditation or trance, which produces mental joy.


see styles
 mitsuei; miryon / mitsue; miryon
    みつえい; ミリョン
secret military camp (Korea) (kor: miryeong); guerrilla camp


see styles
 kazei / kaze
small military force; numerically inferior force


see styles
 ryouiku / ryoiku
(irregular kanji usage) (noun/participle) rehabilitation (e.g. of disabled children)



see styles
jiàng lìng
    jiang4 ling4
chiang ling
(old) (military) a command; an order



see styles
jiàng cái
    jiang4 cai2
chiang ts`ai
    chiang tsai
talented field commander (military)



see styles
jiàng lǐng
    jiang4 ling3
chiang ling
high-ranking military officer



see styles
wèi liáo
    wei4 liao2
wei liao
Wei Lao (c. 450 BC, dates of birth and death unknown), advisor to the first Qin emperor Qin Shihuang 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2], possible author of the Wei Liaozi 尉繚子|尉缭子[Wei4 Liao2 zi5] text on military strategy



see styles
xún dì
    xun2 di4
hsün ti
homing; target-seeking (military)



see styles
duì lěi
    dui4 lei3
tui lei
to face off against one's adversary (military, sports etc)



see styles
xiǎo jiàng
    xiao3 jiang4
hsiao chiang
(in classical literature) young military officer of high rank for his age; (during the Cultural Revolution) young militant in the Red Guard; (in modern usage) rising star (in sport, politics etc)


see styles
shàng wǔ
    shang4 wu3
shang wu
 shoubu / shobu
to promote a martial spirit; to revere military skills; warlike
militarism; warlike spirit; (given name) Hisatake



see styles
píng dōng
    ping2 dong1
p`ing tung
    ping tung
Pingtung city, county and military airbase in south Taiwan
(place-name) Pingtung, Taiwan


see styles
 heikin / hekin
{law} solitary confinement


see styles
 tonei / tone
(noun/participle) military camp; barracks; camping


see styles
post; quarters; military station; police station; (place-name) Tontokoro

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Lita" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary