Chinese Koi Fish and Lotus Large Painting

Chinese Koi Fish and Lotus Large Painting
Chinese Koi Fish and Lotus Large Painting

Typical Gallery Price: $200.00

Your Price: $89.00

• Delivered to you in Ashburn by Feb 12th.
• Standard shipping is just $3.80 for any order.
• This is a "Bargain Bin" item - A one-of-a-kind deal.

Chinese Koi Fish and Lotus Large Painting living room view

After you frame it, this koi fish artwork will look great in your home or office.

You will need a picture frame to properly display this artwork.

Framing is not included!

A silk brocade border is included, as shown. This border will save you a lot of money if you use that traditional border instead of matting when you have this framed.

See Larger Image of this Painting

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 107.4cm x 53.1cm ≈ 42¼" x 21"

Silk/Brocade Border: 127.7cm x 63cm ≈ 50¼" x 24¾"

Information about how this Asian painting is mounted

Reason for discount: There is a very minor (almost invisible) red smear/smudge. This almost passed inspection and the issue is easy to ignore (or not even notice in the first place).

This item was listed or modified
Aug 25th, 2021

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Your Price: $89.00

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