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Look up Zan in my Japanese Kanji & Chinese Character Dictionary(My dictionary is a different system then the calligraphy search you just tried)
If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.
1. Alekzandra
2. Alezana
3. Chezane
4. Danzan
5. Danzanravjaa
6. Faizan
7. Farzan
8. Farzana
9. Furinkazan
10. Hafizan
11. Jaszanne
12. Nazanin
13. Reizan
14. Ryuzan
15. Suzan
16. Suzana
17. Suzann
18. Suzanna
19. Suzanne
20. Tanzania
21. Tarzan
22. Xezander
23. Zan
24. Zandar
25. Zander
26. Zandra
27. Zane
28. Zania
29. Zanzi
military strategy
風林火山 is the battle strategy and proverb of Japanese feudal lord Takeda Shingen (1521-1573 AD).
This came from the Art of War by Chinese strategist and tactician Sun Tzu (Sunzi).
You can think of this as an abbreviation to remind officers and troops how to conduct battle.
風林火山 is a word list: Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain.
The more expanded meaning is supposed to be...
“Swift as the wind, quiet as the forest, fierce as fire, and immovable as a mountain”
“As fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and immovable as the mountain”
“Move as swift as the wind, stay as silent as a forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain”
“Move swiftly like the wind, stay silent like the forest, attack fiercely like fire, take a tactical position on the mountain”
See Also: Art of War
泰山 is Tarzan (a fictional character reared by apes in the jungle) in Mandarin Chinese.
The meaning of 泰山 is large mountain.
泰山 can also represent Taishan township in New Taipei City, Taiwan.
This can also be Mt. Taishan (or Tai Shan) in Shandong, the eastern sacred mountain of China.
In Japanese, this can be the surname Yasuyama or that same Mt. Taishan in China.
The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Alekzandra | 亞歷山德拉 亚历山德拉 | yà lì shān dé lā ya4 li4 shan1 de2 la1 ya li shan de la yalishandela | ya li shan te la yalishantela |
Alekzandra | アレクザンドラ | arekuzandora | ||
Alezana | 阿萊扎娜 阿莱扎娜 | ā lái zhā nà a1 lai2 zha1 na4 a lai zha na alaizhana | a lai cha na alaichana |
Alezana | アレザナ | arezana | ||
Chezane | 切贊 切赞 | qiè zàn / qie4 zan4 / qie zan / qiezan | ch`ieh tsan / chiehtsan / chieh tsan | |
Chezane | シェザン | shezan | ||
Danzan | 丹贊 丹赞 | dān zàn / dan1 zan4 / dan zan / danzan | tan tsan / tantsan | |
Danzan | ダンサン | dansan | ||
Danzanravjaa | 丹贊拉賈 丹赞拉贾 | dān zàn lā jiǎ dan1 zan4 la1 jia3 dan zan la jia danzanlajia | tan tsan la chia tantsanlachia |
Danzanravjaa | ダンザンラブジャー | danzanrabujaa danzanrabuja | ||
Faizan | 費贊 费赞 | fèi zàn / fei4 zan4 / fei zan / feizan | fei tsan / feitsan | |
Faizan | フェイザン | feizan | ||
Farzan | 法贊 法赞 | fǎ zàn / fa3 zan4 / fa zan / fazan | fa tsan / fatsan | |
Farzan | ファーザン | faazan / fazan | ||
Farzana | 法爾莎娜 法尔莎娜 | fǎ ěr shā nà fa3 er3 sha1 na4 fa er sha na faershana | fa erh sha na faerhshana |
Farzana | ファルザナ | faruzana | ||
Furinkazan | 風林火山 风林火山 | fuu rin ka zan fuurinkazan fu rin ka zan | fēng lín huǒ shān feng1 lin2 huo3 shan1 feng lin huo shan fenglinhuoshan | |
Hafizan | 哈菲贊 哈菲赞 | hā fēi zàn ha1 fei1 zan4 ha fei zan hafeizan | ha fei tsan hafeitsan |
Hafizan | ハフィザン | hafizan | ||
Jaszanne | 賈桑尼 贾桑尼 | jiǎ sāng nī jia3 sang1 ni1 jia sang ni jiasangni | chia sang ni chiasangni |
Jaszanne | ジャザンヌ | jazannu | ||
Nazanin | 納贊寧 纳赞宁 | nà zàn níng na4 zan4 ning2 na zan ning nazanning | na tsan ning natsanning |
Nazanin | ナザニン | nazanin | ||
Reizan | 礼山 | rei zan / rei san reizan / reisan | ||
Ryuzan | リュウザン | ryuuzan / ryuzan | ||
Suzan | 蘇珊 苏珊 | sū shān / su1 shan1 / su shan / sushan | ||
Suzan | スーザン | suuzan / suzan | ||
Suzana | 蘇沙娜 苏沙娜 | sū shā nà su1 sha1 na4 su sha na sushana | ||
Suzana | スザナ | suzana | ||
Suzann | 蘇珊 苏珊 | sū shān / su1 shan1 / su shan / sushan | ||
Suzanna | 蘇珊娜 苏珊娜 | sū shān nà su1 shan1 na4 su shan na sushanna | ||
Suzanna | スザンナ | suzanna | ||
Suzanne | 蘇珊 苏珊 | sū shān / su1 shan1 / su shan / sushan | ||
Suzanne | スーザン | suuzan / suzan | ||
Tanzania | 坦桑尼亞 坦桑尼亚 | tǎn sāng ní yà tan3 sang1 ni2 ya4 tan sang ni ya tansangniya | t`an sang ni ya tansangniya tan sang ni ya |
Tanzania | タンザニア | tan za ni a tanzania | ||
Tarzan | 泰山 | yasuyama | tài shān / tai4 shan1 / tai shan / taishan | t`ai shan / taishan / tai shan |
Tarzan | ターザン | |||
Xezander | 謝贊德 谢赞德 | xiè zàn dé xie4 zan4 de2 xie zan de xiezande | hsieh tsan te hsiehtsante |
Xezander | ゼザンダー | zezandaa / zezanda | ||
Zan | 咱 | zán / zan2 / zan | tsan | |
Zandar | 贊達爾 赞达尔 | zàn dá ěr zan4 da2 er3 zan da er zandaer | tsan ta erh tsantaerh |
Zandar | ザンダー | zandaa / zanda | ||
Zander | 贊德 赞德 | zàn dé / zan4 de2 / zan de / zande | tsan te / tsante | |
Zander | ザンダー | zandaa / zanda | ||
Zandra | 贊德拉 赞德拉 | zàn dé lā zan4 de2 la1 zan de la zandela | tsan te la tsantela |
Zandra | ザンドラ | zandora | ||
Zane | 扎恩 | zhā ēn / zha1 en1 / zha en / zhaen | cha en / chaen | |
Zane | ゼイン | zein | ||
Zania | 扎尼亞 扎尼亚 | zhā ní yà zha1 ni1 ya4 zha ni ya zhaniya | cha ni ya chaniya |
Zania | ザニア | zania | ||
Zanzi | 贊子 赞子 | zàn zi / zan4 zi5 / zan zi / zanzi | tsan tzu / tsantzu | |
Zanzi | ザンジ | zanji | ||
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line. In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese. |
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.
The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.
Some people may refer to this entry as Zan Kanji, Zan Characters, Zan in Mandarin Chinese, Zan Characters, Zan in Chinese Writing, Zan in Japanese Writing, Zan in Asian Writing, Zan Ideograms, Chinese Zan symbols, Zan Hieroglyphics, Zan Glyphs, Zan in Chinese Letters, Zan Hanzi, Zan in Japanese Kanji, Zan Pictograms, Zan in the Chinese Written-Language, or Zan in the Japanese Written-Language.