There are 200 total results for your Zan search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
咱 see styles |
zán zan2 tsan |
More info & calligraphy: Zan |
贊比亞 赞比亚 see styles |
zàn bǐ yà zan4 bi3 ya4 tsan pi ya |
More info & calligraphy: Zambia |
偺 咱 see styles |
zán zan2 tsan |
variant of 咱[zan2] |
儹 see styles |
zǎn zan3 tsan |
to accumulate, to hoard, to store up |
喒 咱 see styles |
zán zan2 tsan |
variant of 咱[zan2] |
寁 see styles |
zǎn zan3 tsan |
swift |
拶 see styles |
zǎn zan3 tsan |
to press or squeeze hard |
攢 攒 see styles |
zǎn zan3 tsan |
to collect; to hoard; to accumulate; to save |
昝 see styles |
zǎn zan3 tsan |
surname Zan |
暫 暂 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan zan |
temporary; Taiwan pr. [zhan4] Temporarily, briefly, meanwhile, suddenly. |
桚 see styles |
zǎn zan3 tsan |
old variant of 拶[zan3] |
欑 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan |
gather |
灒 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan |
to spatter, to splash, to scatter |
瓚 瓒 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan |
libation cup |
簪 see styles |
zān zan1 tsan kanzashi かんざし |
hairpin ornate hairpin |
簮 簪 see styles |
zān zan1 tsan |
old variant of 簪[zan1] See: 簪 |
糌 see styles |
zān zan1 tsan |
zanba, Tibetan barley bread |
讃 赞 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan san さん |
variant of 讚|赞[zan4] (1) praise; tribute; (2) inscription (on a painting); (personal name) San to praise |
讚 赞 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan san さん |
variant of 贊|赞[zan4]; to praise a style of Chinese poetry; legend or inscription on a picture stotra, hymn, praise. |
賛 赞 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan tatou / tato たとう |
variant of 贊|赞[zan4] (1) praise; tribute; (2) inscription (on a painting); (given name) Tatou |
贊 赞 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan san |
to patronize; to support; to praise; (Internet slang) to like (an online post on Facebook etc) To assist. |
趲 趱 see styles |
zǎn zan3 tsan |
to hasten; to urge |
蹔 暂 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan zan |
to scurry; variant of 暫|暂[zan4] momentarily |
酇 酂 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan |
group of 100 families; place name |
鏨 錾 see styles |
zàn zan4 tsan tagane たがね |
to engrave (1) (kana only) chisel; (2) (kana only) burin; graver; engraving tool; (3) (kana only) gad; jumper; mining tool |
偈讚 偈赞 see styles |
jié zàn jie2 zan4 chieh tsan gesan |
To sing in verse the praises of the object adored. |
傳贊 传赞 see styles |
zhuàn zàn zhuan4 zan4 chuan tsan |
postscript to a biography |
勸讚 劝讚 see styles |
quàn zàn quan4 zan4 ch`üan tsan chüan tsan kansan |
to praise |
參贊 参赞 see styles |
cān zàn can1 zan4 ts`an tsan tsan tsan |
to serve as an adviser; (diplomatic rank) attaché; counselor |
咱倆 咱俩 see styles |
zán lia zan2 lia3 tsan lia |
the two of us |
咱們 咱们 see styles |
zán men zan2 men5 tsan men |
we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to); (dialect) I or me; (dialect) (in a coaxing or familiar way) you; also pr. [za2 men5] |
咱家 see styles |
zán jiā zan2 jia1 tsan chia |
I; me; we; my home; our house |
唄讚 呗讚 see styles |
bài zàn bai4 zan4 pai tsan baisan |
To sing hymns of praise. |
多咱 see styles |
duō zan duo1 zan5 to tsan |
(dialect) when?; what time?; whenever |
廣讚 广讚 see styles |
guǎng zàn guang3 zan4 kuang tsan kōsan |
to praise widely (or in detail) |
慧瓚 慧瓒 see styles |
huì zàn hui4 zan4 hui tsan Ezan |
Huizan |
慶讚 庆讚 see styles |
qìng zàn qing4 zan4 ch`ing tsan ching tsan kyōsan |
service of felicitation |
所讚 see styles |
suǒ zàn suo3 zan4 so tsan sho san |
[that which is] praised |
拶刑 see styles |
zǎn xíng zan3 xing2 tsan hsing |
squeezing the fingers between sticks (old form of torture) |
拶子 see styles |
zǎn zi zan3 zi5 tsan tzu |
sticks used for squeezing the fingers (old form of torture) |
拶指 see styles |
zǎn zhǐ zan3 zhi3 tsan chih |
to squeeze the fingers (old form of torture) |
按讚 按赞 see styles |
àn zàn an4 zan4 an tsan |
to give sb a thumbs-up (on social media) |
暫且 暂且 see styles |
zàn qiě zan4 qie3 tsan ch`ieh tsan chieh zansho ざんしょ |
for now; for the time being; temporarily (obsolete) (See 暫時) short while |
暫停 暂停 see styles |
zàn tíng zan4 ting2 tsan t`ing tsan ting zanchō |
to suspend; time-out (e.g. in sports); stoppage; pause (media player) short rest |
暫定 暂定 see styles |
zàn dìng zan4 ding4 tsan ting zantei / zante ざんてい |
temporary arrangement; provisional; tentative (noun - becomes adjective with の) provisional; temporary; tentative |
暫息 暂息 see styles |
zàn xī zan4 xi1 tsan hsi |
a lull (in the storm); brief break (in rain) |
暫態 暂态 see styles |
zàn tài zan4 tai4 tsan t`ai tsan tai |
transient |
暫擱 暂搁 see styles |
zàn gē zan4 ge1 tsan ko |
temporarily stopped; in abeyance |
暫時 暂时 see styles |
zàn shí zan4 shi2 tsan shih zanji ざんじ |
temporary; provisional; for the time being (n,adv,adj-no) short while at that time |
暫牙 暂牙 see styles |
zàn yá zan4 ya2 tsan ya |
deciduous tooth; milk tooth; baby tooth; also written 乳齒|乳齿[ru3 chi3] |
暫短 暂短 see styles |
zàn duǎn zan4 duan3 tsan tuan |
brief (in time) |
暫緩 暂缓 see styles |
zàn huǎn zan4 huan3 tsan huan |
to postpone |
暫缺 暂缺 see styles |
zàn quē zan4 que1 tsan ch`üeh tsan chüeh |
currently in short supply; in deficit (of commodity); currently vacant (position) |
暫行 暂行 see styles |
zàn xíng zan4 xing2 tsan hsing |
provisional |
梁贊 梁赞 see styles |
liáng zàn liang2 zan4 liang tsan |
Ryazan, Russian city about 200 km southeast of Moscow |
毀讚 毁讚 see styles |
huǐ zàn hui3 zan4 hui tsan kisan |
censure and praise |
比贊 比赞 see styles |
bǐ zàn bi3 zan4 pi tsan |
to give a thumbs-up |
毘贊 毘赞 see styles |
pí zàn pi2 zan4 p`i tsan pi tsan bisan |
to remain nearby and assist |
激贊 激赞 see styles |
jī zàn ji1 zan4 chi tsan |
to heap praise on |
玄贊 玄赞 see styles |
xuán zàn xuan2 zan4 hsüan tsan Gensan |
An abbreviation of 法華經玄贊. |
發簪 发簪 see styles |
fā zān fa1 zan1 fa tsan |
hairpin |
白贊 白赞 see styles |
bái zàn bai2 zan4 pai tsan byakusan |
To speak praises to the Buddha. |
盛讚 盛赞 see styles |
shèng zàn sheng4 zan4 sheng tsan |
to praise highly; an accolade |
短暫 短暂 see styles |
duǎn zàn duan3 zan4 tuan tsan |
of short duration; brief; momentary |
禮讚 礼赞 see styles |
lǐ zàn li3 zan4 li tsan |
to praise; well done, bravo! |
稱讚 称赞 see styles |
chēng zàn cheng1 zan4 ch`eng tsan cheng tsan shōsan |
to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to compliment To praise. |
積攢 积攒 see styles |
jī zǎn ji1 zan3 chi tsan |
to save bit by bit; to accumulate |
糌粑 see styles |
zān bā zan1 ba1 tsan pa |
tsamba, Tibetan barley bread |
絕讚 绝赞 see styles |
jué zàn jue2 zan4 chüeh tsan |
amazing; awesome; ultimate |
自讚 see styles |
zì zàn zi4 zan4 tzu tsan jisan |
self-praise |
誇贊 夸赞 see styles |
kuā zàn kua1 zan4 k`ua tsan kua tsan |
to praise; to speak highly of; to commend |
講讚 讲讚 see styles |
jiǎng zàn jiang3 zan4 chiang tsan kōsan |
to expound in praise |
讚他 see styles |
zàn tā zan4 ta1 tsan t`a tsan ta santa |
to praise others |
讚佛 赞佛 see styles |
zàn fó zan4 fo2 tsan fo sanbutsu |
To praise Buddha. |
讚勵 讚励 see styles |
zàn lì zan4 li4 tsan li sanrei |
to arouse |
讚同 赞同 see styles |
zàn tóng zan4 tong2 tsan t`ung tsan tung |
to approve of; to endorse; (vote) in favor |
讚唄 讚呗 see styles |
zàn bài zan4 bai4 tsan pai sanbai |
A hymn in praise (of Buddha). |
讚善 see styles |
zàn shàn zan4 shan4 tsan shan sanzen |
to praise |
讚嘆 赞叹 see styles |
zàn tàn zan4 tan4 tsan t`an tsan tan sandan |
to exclaim in admiration 讚歎 To praise (Buddha). |
讚己 see styles |
zàn jǐ zan4 ji3 tsan chi sanko |
to be praised oneself |
讚巴 see styles |
zàn bā zan4 ba1 tsan pa Sanpa |
Campā |
讚揚 赞扬 see styles |
zàn yáng zan4 yang2 tsan yang sanyō |
to praise; to approve of; to show approval to lift up in praise |
讚敍 see styles |
zàn xù zan4 xu4 tsan hsü sanjo |
narrative in praise (?) |
讚曰 see styles |
zàn yuē zan4 yue1 tsan yüeh sanetsu |
the verse goes: |
讚歎 see styles |
zàn tàn zan4 tan4 tsan t`an tsan tan zandan さんだん |
(noun/participle) (1) (Buddhist term) praising Buddha; sermon; (2) (Buddhist term) praise (second of the five gates of mindfulness); (3) (Buddhist term) style of Buddhistic song of praise, usually praising Buddha, the Bodhisattva, the Buddhistic teachings, etc.; (4) (archaism) rumor; rumour; hearsay to praise |
讚毀 讚毁 see styles |
zàn huǐ zan4 hui3 tsan hui sanki |
praise and disparagement |
讚禮 讚礼 see styles |
zàn lǐ zan4 li3 tsan li sanrai |
To praise and worship. |
讚美 赞美 see styles |
zàn měi zan4 mei3 tsan mei sanbi さんび |
to admire; to praise; to eulogize (n,vs,adj-no) praise; adoration; glorification to praise |
讚衆 讚众 see styles |
zàn zhòng zan4 zhong4 tsan chung sanshu |
The assembly of praise-singers, led by the 讚頭 precentor. |
讚言 see styles |
zàn yán zan4 yan2 tsan yen sangon |
uttered |
讚許 赞许 see styles |
zàn xǔ zan4 xu3 tsan hsü |
to praise; to laud |
讚詠 讚咏 see styles |
zàn yǒng zan4 yong3 tsan yung sanei |
to praise |
讚誦 讚诵 see styles |
zàn sòng zan4 song4 tsan sung Sanshō |
To praise and intone; to sing praises; a tr. of Rigveda. |
讚說 讚说 see styles |
zàn shuō zan4 shuo1 tsan shuo sansetsu |
to extol |
讚譽 讚誉 see styles |
zàn yù zan4 yu4 tsan yü sanyo |
to praise |
讚賞 赞赏 see styles |
zàn shǎng zan4 shang3 tsan shang |
to admire; to praise; to appreciate |
讚頌 赞颂 see styles |
zàn sòng zan4 song4 tsan sung sanju |
to bless; to praise to sing |
讚頭 讚头 see styles |
zàn tóu zan4 tou2 tsan t`ou tsan tou santō |
intoner |
贊丹 赞丹 see styles |
zàn dān zan4 dan1 tsan tan |
Zaandam (town in Netherlands) |
贊助 赞助 see styles |
zàn zhù zan4 zhu4 tsan chu |
to support; to assist; to sponsor |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "Zan" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.