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Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 22120 total results for your Even The 100-Foot Bamboo Can Grow One More Foot search. I have created 222 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles
old variant of 騙|骗[pian4]; to get on a horse by swinging one leg over

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to cheat; to swindle; to deceive; to get on (a horse etc) by swinging one leg over

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paralysis of one side of the body

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lots (to be drawn); lot (in a game of chance)
(kana only) lottery; lot
A lot, tally, ballot, ticket, made of wood, bamboo, or paper; To cast lots for good or ill fortune.

see styles

(bound form) evil spirit; devil; (prefix) supernatural; magical
(1) demon; devil; evil spirit; evil influence; (suffix noun) (2) (See 覗き魔) -crazed person; -obsessed person; fiend; (can be adjective with の) (3) dreaded; terrible; awful; dreadful; (surname) Ma
魔羅 Māra, killing, destroying; 'the Destroyer, Evil One, Devil' (M.W.); explained by murderer, hinderer, disturber, destroyer; he is a deva 'often represented with a hundred arms and riding on an elephant'. Eitel. He sends his daughters, or assumes monstrous forms, or inspires wicked men, to seduce or frighten the saints. He 'resides with legions of subordinates in the heaven Paranirmita Vaśavartin situated on the top of the Kāmadhātu'. Eitel. Earlier form 磨; also v. 波 Pāpīyān. He is also called 他化自在天. There are various categories of māras, e.g. the skandha-māra, passion-māra, etc.

see styles
(kana only) fishing weir; fish weir; fish trap; pouch-shaped bamboo fence across river, etc.

see styles
to choke on a piece of food; (literary) a fish bone lodged in one's throat
(archaism) small fish bone stuck in one's throat

see styles
 surume; surume
    するめ; スルメ
(1) (kana only) dried squid; dried cuttlefish; (2) (kana only) (See 鯣烏賊) Japanese common squid (Todarodes pacificus); (prefix noun) (3) (slang) (kana only) (thing that) grows on one over time

see styles
 mei / me
to cry (of birds, animals and insects); to make a sound; to voice (one's gratitude, grievance etc)
(female given name) Mei
Cry, sound, note of a bird, etc.; Oh ! alas ! to wail.

see styles
legendary bird whose feathers can be used as poison; poisonous; to poison sb
poisonfeather bird; zhenniao; zhen; mythical poisonous bird (of ancient China)

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mythical bird with one eye and one wing; see also 鰈鶼|鲽鹣[die2 jian1]

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point; dot; drop; speck; o'clock; point (in space or time); to draw a dot; to check on a list; to choose; to order (food in a restaurant); to touch briefly; to hint; to light; to ignite; to pour a liquid drop by drop; (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更[geng1]; dot stroke in Chinese characters; classifier for items
To dot, touch, punctuate, light, nod; the stroke of a clock; to check off; a speck, dot, drop, etc.

see styles
 gei; irezumi(gikun) / ge; irezumi(gikun)
    げい; いれずみ(gikun)
to tattoo criminals on the face or forehead
(noun/participle) (See 入れ墨・いれずみ) tattoo (esp. a traditional Japanese one); tattooing

see styles
 kanae; tei / kanae; te
    かなえ; てい
ancient cooking cauldron with two looped handles and three or four legs; pot (dialect); to enter upon a period of (classical); Kangxi radical 206; one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes
(hist) three-legged bronze vessel (used in ancient China); (given name) Tei

see styles

nose; (surname) Hanasaki
ghrāṇa. The nose; one of the five 根 indryas; the organ of smell; one of the six vijñānas (六識) or perceptions, the sense of smell; translit. vai, vi.

see styles

projecting teeth; to bare one's teeth

see styles
round-bottomed wicker basket; (dialect) to lift; to carry on one's shoulder

see styles
pot-scrubbing brush made of bamboo strips; basket (container) for chopsticks; variant of 筲[shao1]


see styles
(See K・ケー・8) apartment with one bedroom and a kitchen


see styles
 wanaaru; wan aaru / wanaru; wan aru
    ワンアール; ワン・アール
(See ワンルーム) one room apartment; studio apartment


see styles
c p
    c p
c p
 shii pii; shiipii(sk) / shi pi; shipi(sk)
    シー・ピー; シーピー(sk)
an imagined romantic relationship between two characters in fiction (or in real life) that one wishes for or fantasizes about (abbr. of "coupling")
(1) (See コマーシャルペーパー) commercial paper; CP; (2) (See 共産党) communist party; CP; (3) (See 脳性麻痺) cerebral palsy; cerebral paralysis; CP; (4) (See カウンターパーチェス) counterpurchase; (5) (See クリーナープロダクション) cleaner production; (6) (See コンプライアンスプログラム) compliance program; (7) {physics} charge parity; C parity; CP; (8) (See カップリング・2) shipping; pairing of characters in a romantic relationship (in fan fiction, manga, etc.)


see styles
Formula One (form of motor racing); F1


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(1) (kana only) (See オフ・1) (switched) on; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) (kana only) {golf} being on the green (of one's ball)


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(pn,adj-no) (archaism) you (when referring to one's equals or inferiors)


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(1) (kana only) (derogatory term) homely woman (esp. one with a small low nose, high flat forehead, and bulging cheeks); plain woman; (2) (abbreviation) (kana only) soba in soup with slices of boiled fish paste, shiitake mushrooms, greens, seaweed, etc.


see styles
(1) (honorific or respectful language) your house; your home; your family; (2) (honorific or respectful language) your husband; (3) (honorific or respectful language) your organization; (pn,adj-no) (4) (honorific or respectful language) you (referring to someone of equal status with whom one is not especially close)


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(noun/participle) (1) (kana only) leaving; going home; (2) quitting one's job; (3) free time; leisure; spare time


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one's forte


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(irregular kanji usage) (colloquialism) (kana only) one's mother


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(colloquialism) (kana only) one's mother


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(1) (honorific or respectful language) (polite language) one's parents' home; (2) one's origins; one's upbringing; one's past


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(1) (polite language) pot; (2) volcanic crater; (3) (one's) buttocks; (4) (kana only) (colloquialism) male homosexual; effeminate man; male transvestite


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(interjection) (used to get the attention of one's equals or inferiors) hey; oi; come on; look; listen; (personal name) Kole; Kolle


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(1) meal with family members eating separate foods; (2) eating alone (not with one's family); (3) food sold in single servings


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(particle) (1) even; (particle) (2) (in a conditional clause; indicates the only thing needed) (if) only; just; as long as; (particle) (3) besides; on top of that; what's more; (female given name) Sae


see styles
(particle) (with neg. verb or adjective) nothing but; except; no more than; (female given name) Shika


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(1) (kana only) stain; spot; smudge; blot; smear; blotch; (2) (kana only) spot (on one's skin, e.g. chloasma, liver spot); blemish; discoloration; freckle; (personal name) Jimi


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(particle) even; (person) Sulla (Lucius Cornelius Sulla, 138-78 BC)


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(1) wrapping something in a bamboo mat; (2) wrapping somebody in a bamboo mat and throwing him in a river (Edo period unofficial punishment)


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(suf,adj-na) (after the -masu stem of a verb) looking as if one wants to ...; looking eager to ...; (personal name) Daque


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(particle) (form) (usu. with しない, しなかった, etc.) (See 微動だにする) even; (personal name) Dani


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(particle) (form) (more emphatic than だに) even


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(expression) (1) if (an action, etc.); (2) since ...; if you are going to ...; (3) one after another; indicates repeated action; (4) adds emphasis; (female given name) Chiya


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(particle) (1) (after the -masu stem of a verb) (See つつある) while; (particle) (2) (See つつも) even though; despite


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 dei / de
(1) Di (ancient Chinese ethnic group); (2) (astron) Chinese "root" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (personal name) Day


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(particle) (1) (form) even; (particle) (2) (form) even if ...; even though ...; (particle) (3) (form) (oft. as こととて) because ...; as ...; on the grounds that ...; (particle) (4) (form) with the purpose of ...; in order to ...; with a view to ...


see styles
(exp,prt) (1) (See と言うのは・というのは・2) indicates word or phrase being defined; (exp,prt) (2) (indicates contrast or adds emphasis to a negative statement) (See と・4) used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.); (exp,prt) (3) (more emphatic than と) (See と・3) with; (exp,prt) (4) (with neg. verb) (not) as much as; (not) so much as; (exp,prt) (5) (indicates surprise, disbelief, anger, etc.; sometimes at sentence end) the fact that; to think that; such a thing as; (personal name) Doha


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 naa / na
(interjection) (familiar language) hey; say; look; used to get someone's attention or press one's point


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(suffix noun) (net-sl) (from あにき) (See 兄貴・あにき・1) bro; person who can be relied upon; dependable person; (personal name) Niki


see styles
(expression) (1) also; too; not ... either; as well; even; (expression) (2) (after the volitional or dictionary form of verb) (it's not possible) no matter what; although one might wish otherwise; (female given name) Nimo


see styles
(suffix noun) (net-sl) (from あねき) (See 姉貴・あねき・1,ニキ) sis; (female) person who can be relied upon; dependable woman


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(noun/participle) (1) passing (a test, examination, etc.); (2) pass (for admission, transport, etc.); ticket; (noun/participle) (3) {sports} pass (of a ball); (noun/participle) (4) (giving something a) pass; skipping (one's turn); (5) {comp} path (file, directory, graphics); (personal name) Pass; Path; Paz


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) spare time; free time; leisure; (2) time (e.g. time it takes to do something); (noun or adjectival noun) (3) time off; day off; vacation; holiday; leave; (4) quitting (one's job); firing someone; divorcing (one's spouse); (adjectival noun) (5) (of one's time) free; (of one's business) slow


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(prefix) (See マイホーム) my; one's own; personal; privately owned; (female given name) Mai; Maj


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(1) mil (one thousandth of an inch); (2) mill; (personal name) Mil; Mill; Mille; (female given name) Miru


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mel (unit of pitch on a scale of pitches perceived by listeners to be equally spaced from one another); (female given name) Mell; Mel; Meru


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moa (extinct, flightless bird formerly found in New Zealand); (personal name) Mohr; More


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 mou / mo
(adverb) (1) now; soon; shortly; before long; presently; (2) (See すでに) already; yet; by now; (not) anymore; (3) further; more; again; another; the other; (interjection) (4) interjection used to strengthen expression of an emotion (often exasperation); (personal name) Moe


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(personal name) Mole; Mollet


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(particle) (1) than; (particle) (2) rather than; instead of; over; above; (particle) (3) from; out of; since; at; on (and after); (particle) (4) (with neg. sentence; as よりほかに...ない, よりしかたがない, etc.) except; but; other than; (adverb) (5) more; (female given name) Yori


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(female given name) One; Wone


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(expression) (emphatic version of object-indicating particle を) (See を・1) even; (place-name) Umu (Womo)


see styles
 ichiichi / ichichi
(adv,n) (1) (kana only) one-by-one; separately; (2) (kana only) every single; each and every; without omission; fully; in detail


see styles
piece; fragment; one (object)


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(numeric) (1) one; (2) for one thing; (3) only; (4) (not) even; (adverbial noun) (5) just (e.g. "just try it")


see styles
yī yī
    yi1 yi1
i i
one by one; one after another
(adv,n) (1) (kana only) one-by-one; separately; (2) (kana only) every single; each and every; without omission; fully; in detail; (male given name) Kazuhiro
One by one, each, every one, severally.


see styles
 icchou / iccho
(1) one sheet; one page; one leaf; (2) one block of tofu; one serving (in a restaurant); (3) (also written as 一挺, 一梃) one long and narrow thing (e.g. guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc.); (4) one chō (unit of distance, 109.09 m); (5) one game; one task; (n,adv) (6) well then; come then


see styles
yī xià
    yi1 xia4
i hsia
(used after a verb) give it a go; to do (something for a bit to give it a try); one time; once; in a while; all of a sudden; all at once
(See 命令一下・めいれいいっか) something handed down (usu. an order); (surname) Ichishita
(to) strike once


see styles
yī shì
    yi1 shi4
i shih
 issei / isse
generation; period of 30 years; one's whole lifetime; lifelong; age; era; times; the whole world; the First (of numbered European kings)
(1) generation; lifetime; (2) the age; the day; (n,n-suf) (3) the first (e.g. Elizabeth I); (4) issei; first-generation Japanese (or Korean, etc.); (female given name) Hitoyo
one life


see styles
 ichiryou / ichiryo
(adverbial noun) (1) one vehicle; (2) one ryou (an old coin)


see styles
yī zhōng
    yi1 zhong1
i chung
 icchuu / icchu
(given name) Icchuu
A hall of spread tables; idem一普.


see styles
(See 一丸となって) one lump; one body; one group; (given name) Hitomaru


see styles
 ichijou / ichijo
{Buddh} ekayana (doctrine that only one teaching, usu. the Lotus Sutra, can lead to enlightenment); (given name) Kazunori


see styles
yī shèng
    yi1 sheng4
i sheng
 ichijou / ichijo
(surname) Ichijō
ekayāna, One yāna, the One yāna, the vehicle of one-ness.


see styles
yī shì
    yi1 shi4
i shih
one thing; (surname) Ichiji
a single entity


see styles
yī èr
    yi1 er4
i erh
one or two; a few; a little; just a bit
the first and second; a few; (female given name) Warutsu
one or two


see styles
yī rén
    yi1 ren2
i jen
(1) one person; (2) alone; unmarried; solitary; one person; (personal name) Masato
a person


see styles
yī dài
    yi1 dai4
i tai
generation; lifetime; age; (female given name) Kazuyo
A human lifetime; especially the lifetime of Śākyamuni on earth.


see styles
yī yǐ
    yi1 yi3
i i
by means of one


see styles
(one) matter; (one) item; (one) case


see styles
(adverb) (1) (before an interrogative, forms an emphatic question) (what) the heck; (why) in the world; (who) on earth; (2) one object; one body; unity; (3) one form; one style; (4) one Buddhist image (or carving, etc.); (n,adv) (5) (See 一体に) generally; in general


see styles
yī fó
    yi1 fo2
i fo
(surname) Ichibutsu
one buddha



see styles
yī lái
    yi1 lai2
i lai
firstly, ...
(一來向) sakṛdāgāmin. Only one more return to mortality, v. 斯 and 四向.


see styles
yī lì
    yi1 li4
i li
 ichirei / ichire
example; an instance
one example


see styles
 ippyou / ippyo
one (straw) bagful


see styles
piece; fragment; one (object)


see styles
(1) multiplying by one; original amount; (adverb) (2) (See 人一倍) (even) more; (3) (dated) (See 二倍) double; twice (as much); twofold


see styles
(suffix noun) (1) (obsolete) (after a noun) wholly; entirely; nothing but; wholeheartedly; devoted to; committed to; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) (archaism) intent; single-minded; wholehearted; (noun or adjectival noun) (3) (archaism) unbalanced; one-sided; prejudiced


see styles
(1) one matter; one case; (2) physical intimacy; sexual intercourse; (personal name) Kazuyoshi


see styles
100,000,000; one hundred million; (given name) Kazuo


see styles
 icchou / iccho
(numeric) 1,000,000,000,000; one trillion; (given name) Icchō


see styles
(archaism) one rabbit


see styles
 ittou / itto
one party; one faction; one clique


see styles
(adverb) (kana only) still more; especially; (personal name) Hitoshio


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 ippei / ippe
one soldier; (personal name) Kazuhei


see styles
one set


see styles
(1) one yen; (suf,adv) (2) throughout (an area); whole district; (place-name, surname) Ichien


see styles
one copy (e.g. book)


see styles
(1) one place; the same place; (2) (honorific or respectful language) (archaism) one person


see styles
one advantage; (male given name) Kazutoshi

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Even The 100-Foot Bamboo Can Grow One More Foot" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary