Chinese Painting

Galloping - Chinese Painting
Galloping - Chinese Painting

Typical Gallery Price: $350.00


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You will need a picture frame to properly display this artwork.

Framing is not included!

A silk brocade border is included, as shown. This border will save you a lot of money if you use that traditional border instead of matting when you have this framed.

See Larger Image of this Painting

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 132.3cm x 66.3cm ≈ 52" x 26"

Silk/Brocade Border: 153.7cm x 76.2cm ≈ 60½" x 30"

Information about how this Asian painting is mounted

Galloping Horses

This is a special private sale item for Maria Lucia.

This is painted on handmade tan xuan paper (often incorrectly called "rice paper") and mounted with a silk border at our workshop. Because it's handmade paper, you may find some artifacts such as husks or other fibers embedded in the paper. This is normal and attests to the authentic handmade nature of this piece.

This item was listed or modified
Aug 17th, 2012

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Typical Gallery Price: $350.00


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