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There are 323 total results for your Symbol search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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Enso - Japanese Zen Circle
(1) circle (sometimes used for zero); (2) 'correct' (when marking); (3) symbol used as a placeholder (either because a number of other words could be used in that position, or because of censorship); (4) period; full stop; (5) maru mark; semivoiced sound; p-sound

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Double Happiness
double happiness (similar to 喜喜); symbol of good luck, esp. marriage

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 hoshi(p); hoshi(sk)
    ほし(P); ホシ(sk)

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star; heavenly body; satellite; small amount
(1) star (usu. excluding the Sun); planet (usu. excluding Earth); heavenly body; (2) star (glyph, symbol, shape); asterisk; (3) star (actor, player, etc.); (4) dot; spot; fleck; (5) bullseye; (6) (slang) (police slang; oft. written as ホシ) perp; perpetrator; culprit; offender; suspect; (7) (See 九星) one's star (that determines one's fate); one's fortune; (8) {sumo} point; score; (9) {go} star point (intersection marked with a dot); hoshi; (10) (pyrotechnic) star; (surname) Hotsu
Tara, a star; the 25th constellation consisting of stars in Hydra; a spark.

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dew; syrup; nectar; outdoors (not under cover); to show; to reveal; to betray; to expose
(1) dew; (2) tears; (adverb) (3) (See 露聊かも) (not) a bit; (not) at all; (place-name) Russia
Dew; symbol of transience; to expose, disclose.


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 shika(p); kasegi(ok); ka(ok); roku(ok); shika
    しか(P); かせぎ(ok); か(ok); ろく(ok); シカ

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deer (esp. the sika deer, Cervus nippon); cervid; (personal name) Roku
mṛga; a deer; as Śākyamuni first preached the four noble truths in the Deer-garden, the deer is a symbol of his preaching.



see styles
ài xīn
    ai4 xin1
ai hsin

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Loving Heart / Compassion
compassion; kindness; care for others; love; CL:片[pian4]; charity (bazaar, golf day etc); heart (the symbol ♥)
(obsolete) love; affection; (female given name) Rabu
A loving heart; a mind full of desire; a mind dominated by desire.



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bèi kè
    bei4 ke4
pei k`o
    pei ko

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becquerel (unit of radioactivity, symbol Bq) (abbr. for 貝克勒爾|贝克勒尔[bei4 ke4 le4 er3])



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jīn gāng
    jin1 gang1
chin kang
 kongou / kongo

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diamond; (used to translate Sanskrit "vajra", a thunderbolt or mythical weapon); guardian deity (in Buddhist iconography)
(1) vajra (indestructible substance); diamond; adamantine; (2) thunderbolt; Indra's weapon; Buddhist symbol of the indestructible truth; (p,s,g) Kongou
vajra, 伐闍羅; 跋折羅 (or跋闍羅); 縛曰羅(or 縛日羅) The thunderbolt of Indra, often called the diamond club; but recent research considers it a sun symbol. The diamond, synonym of hardness, indestructibility, power, the least frangible of minerals. It is one of the saptaratna 七寶.


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 sutaa / suta

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(1) star (cinema, sports, etc.); celebrity; idol; (2) (e.g. ★ or ☆) star symbol; asterisk; (3) (celestial) star; (surname) Starr; Star


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(n,vs,vt,conj,pref,suf) (1) (ant: マイナス・1) plus; addition; (adj-no,n) (2) positive (number); (3) plus sign; positive symbol; (n,adj-no,vs,vi) (4) advantage; plus; asset; positive factor; positive effect; (5) profit; gain; (6) anode; plus terminal; positive pole; (adj-no,n) (7) positive (test result); (surname) Plath; Plass


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 maaku / maku

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(1) mark; sign; symbol; emblem; logo; label; brand; (vs,vt) (2) to mark; to put a mark on; (3) (abbreviation) (See トレードマーク) trademark; (noun, transitive verb) (4) paying attention to; keeping one's eye on; watching; marking (a player); guarding; (noun, transitive verb) (5) setting (a record); posting; recording; (personal name) Marg



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yīn tuó luó
    yin1 tuo2 luo2
yin t`o lo
    yin to lo

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Indra (a Hindu deity)
Indra, 因坻; 因提; 因提梨; 因達羅; 天帝; 天主帝; 帝釋天; originally a god of the atmosphere, i. e. of thunder and rain; idem Śakra; his symbol is the vajra, or thunderbolt, hence he is the 金剛手; he became 'lord of the gods of the sky', 'regent of the east quarter', 'popularly chief after Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Śiva, '(M.W.); in Buddhism he represents the secular power, and is inferior to a Buddhist saint. Cf. 忉利 and 印.



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miào lián huá
    miao4 lian2 hua2
miao lien hua
 myō renge

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Wisdom Lotus
The wonderful lotus, symbol of the pure wisdom of Buddha, unsullied in the midst of the impurity of the world.



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bù dòng míng wáng
    bu4 dong4 ming2 wang2
pu tung ming wang
 fudoumyouou / fudomyoo

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Fudo Myo-o / Wisdom King
{Buddh} Acala (Wisdom King); Acalanatha; Fudō Myōō (Myō-ō); fierce Buddhist deity; (place-name) Fudoumyouou
不動尊 Aryacalanatha 阿奢羅曩 tr. 不動尊 and 無動尊 and Acalaceta, 阿奢囉逝吒 tr. 不動使者. The mouthpiece or messenger, e. g. the Mercury, of the Buddhas; and the chief of the five Ming Wang. He is regarded as the third person in the Vairocana trinity. He has a fierce mien overawing all evil spirits. He is said to have attained to Buddhahood, but also still to retain his position with Vairocana. He has many descriptive titles, e. g. 無量力神通無動者; 不動忿怒王, etc. Five different verbal signs are given to him. He carries a sharp wisdom-sword, a noose, a thunder-bolt. The colour of his images is various—black, blue, purple. He has a youthful appearance; his hair falls over his left shoulder; he stands or sits on a rock; left eye closed; mouth shut, teeth gripping upper lip, wrinkled forehead, seven locks of hair, full-bodied, A second representation is with four faces and four arms, angry mien, protruding teeth, with fames around him. A third with necklaces. A fourth, red, seated on a rock, fames, trident, etc. There are other forms. He has fourteen distinguishing symbols, and many dharanis associated with the realm of fire, of saving those in distress, and of wisdom. He has two messengers 二童子 Kimkara 矜羯羅 and Cetaka 制吒迦, and, including these, a group of eight messengers 八大童子 each with image, symbol, word-sign, etc. Cf. 不動佛.

see styles
swastika, a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism
swastika (esp. a counterclockwise swastika as a Buddhist symbol); fylfot; gammadion; (given name) Manji
sauvastika, 塞縛悉底迦; also styled 室利靺瑳 śrīvatsa, lucky sign, Viṣṇu's breast-curl or mark, tr. by 海雲 sea-cloud, or cirrhus. Used as a fancy form of 萬 or 萬; and is also written in a form said to resemble a curl. It is the 4th of the auspicious signs in the footprint of Buddha, and is a mystic diagram of great antiquity. To be distinguished from 卐svastika, the crampons of which turn to the right.


see styles
yīn fú
    yin1 fu2
yin fu
(music) note; phonetic component of a Chinese character; phonetic symbol; phonogram
(1) musical note; note symbol; (2) phonetic symbol (incl. the kanji and kana-doubling symbols, vowel-lengthening symbol, etc.); (3) (See 意符) part of a kanji for which the role is primarily to represent the pronunciation (as opposed to the meaning); (female given name) Onpu

see styles
(unc) (See チルダ,にょろ) tilde symbol

see styles
swastika, a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, later adopted by Nazi Germany
(Skt. svastika)

see styles
to print; to mark; to engrave; a seal; a print; a stamp; a mark; a trace; image
(1) stamp; seal; chop; (2) seal impression; seal; sealing; stamp; mark; print; (3) {Buddh} mudra (symbolic hand gesture); (4) ninja hand sign; (5) (abbreviation) (See 印度・インド) India; (surname) In
mudrā; seal, sign, symbol, emblem, proof, assurance, approve; also 印契; 契印; 印相. Manual signs indicative of various ideas, e. g. each finger represents one of the five primary elements, earth, water, fire, air, and space, beginning with the little finger; the left hand represents 定 stillness, or meditation, the right hand 慧 discernment or wisdom; they have also many other indications. Also, the various symbols of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, e. g. the thunderbolt; cf. 因.; (度) The five Indias, or five regions of India, idem 五天竺 q. v.

see styles

letter; symbol; character; word; CL:個|个[ge4]; courtesy or style name traditionally given to males aged 20 in dynastic China
(1) character (esp. kanji); letter; written text; (2) handwriting; penmanship; (3) (as 〜の字) (See ほの字) the ... word (e.g. "the L word" = "love"); (place-name) Aza
akṣara, 阿乞史囉; 阿刹羅; a letter, character; akṣara is also used for a vowel, especially the vowed 'a' as distinguished from the other vowels; a word, words.

see styles

 azusa; shi; azusa
    あずさ; し; アズサ
Chinese catalpa (Catalpa ovata), a tree that serves as a symbol of one's hometown and whose wood is used to make various items; (bound form) printing blocks
(1) (あずさ, アズサ only) (kana only) (See 夜糞峰榛) Japanese cherry birch (Betula grossa); (2) (あずさ, アズサ only) (See キササゲ) yellow catalpa (Catalpa ovata); (3) (あずさ, アズサ only) (See 赤芽柏・1) Japanese mallotus (Mallotus japonicus); (4) printing block; (5) (あずさ only) (abbreviation) (See 梓弓) catalpa bow; (6) (あずさ only) (abbreviation) (See 梓巫女) catalpa medium; (surname) Shin

see styles
 hyou / hyo
mark; sign; label; to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc; to bear (a brand name, registration number etc); prize; award; bid; target; quota; (old) the topmost branches of a tree; visible symptom; classifier for military units
(1) (rare) mark; sign; target; (2) (archaism) plain wood showing the seating order of officials at court; (3) (archaism) nameplate; (female given name) Maaku
Signal, flag, banner; the troops under a particular banner; a notice, list, signboard, ticket; to publish.

see styles

mark; sign; talisman; to seal; to correspond to; tally; symbol; written charm; to coincide
(1) charm; talisman; amulet; (2) tally; (3) sign; mark; note; (counter) (4) {mahj} fu; unit used in calculation of a hand's score; (surname) Fu

see styles

(archaic) motif of axes with black handles and white heads, a symbol of authority embroidered on ceremonial robes


see styles
(1) symbol used as a placeholder (either because a number of other words could be used in that position, or because of censorship); (prefix noun) (2) certain; unnamed; undisclosed; unidentified


see styles
yī yìn
    yi1 yin4
i yin
A seal, sign, symbol.


see styles
swastika (esp. a counterclockwise swastika as a Buddhist symbol); fylfot; gammadion; (place-name, surname) Manji


see styles
    chuuten / chuten
middle dot (typographical symbol used between parallel terms, names in katakana, etc.); full-stop mark at mid-character height; interpoint (interword separation); (1) middle point; median point; (2) middle dot (typographical symbol used between parallel terms, names in katakana, etc.); full-stop mark at mid-character height; interpoint (interword separation)


see styles
(・) middle dot; centred period; full-stop mark at mid-character height; interpoint; symbol used for interword separation, between parallel terms, names in katakana, etc.; (place-name, surname) Nakaguro


see styles
 marushii / marushi
(1) copyright symbol; copyright sign; (2) copyright


see styles
jiǔ dǐng
    jiu3 ding3
chiu ting
the Nine Tripod Cauldrons, symbol of state power, dating back to the Xia Dynasty


see styles
wǔ gǔ
    wu3 gu3
wu ku
Wugu township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
(五股杵 or 五股金剛); also 五鈷, 五古, or 五M029401 The five-pronged vajra or thunderbolt emblem of the 五部 five groups and 五智 five wisdom powers of the vajradhātu; doubled it is an emblem of the ten pāramitās. In the esoteric cult the 五股印 five-pronged vajra is the symbol of the 五智 five wisdom powers and the 五佛 five Buddhas, and has several names 五大印, 五智印, 五峯印; 金剛慧印, 大羯印, and 大率都婆印, and has many definitions.


see styles
(1) well curb consisting of wooden beams crossed at the ends; (2) pattern resembling the symbol #; parallel crosses; (3) (See 番号記号) number sign; hash; (surname) Ikou



see styles
jǐng hào
    jing3 hao4
ching hao
number sign # (punctuation); hash symbol; pound sign


see styles
lìng jiàn
    ling4 jian4
ling chien
arrow banner of command (archaic used as symbol of military authority); fig. instructions from one's superiors


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) symbol used in place of a censored word (e.g. blank, circle, X, asterisk); (2) turn (in set-type proofing); upside-down character



see styles
bìng jí
    bing4 ji2
ping chi
union (symbol ∪) (set theory)


see styles
xiàng huà
    xiang4 hua4
hsiang hua
 zō ke
The religion of the image or symbol Buddhism. Also the second or formal period of the teaching of Buddhism by symbol, v. 像法.



see styles
yōu tán
    you1 tan2
yu t`an
    yu tan
(優曇鉢) The udumbara tree; supposed to produce fruit without flowers; once in 3,000 years it is said to flower, hence is a symbol of the rare appearance of a Buddha. The Ficus glomerata. Also 優曇婆羅; 烏曇跋羅; 鄔曇婆羅.


see styles
wàn zì
    wan4 zi4
wan tzu
swastika (esp. a counterclockwise swastika as a Buddhist symbol); fylfot; gammadion


see styles
yìn guāng
    yin4 guang1
yin kuang
Illumination from the symbol on a Buddha's or Bodhisattva's breast.


see styles
 souki / soki
(represented by the 囍 character) double happiness (Chinese ornamental symbol)


see styles
quān a
    quan1 a
ch`üan a
    chüan a
at symbol, @



see styles
tú lì
    tu2 li4
t`u li
    tu li
legend (of a map, etc); diagram; illustration; graphical symbol


see styles
rú yì
    ru2 yi4
ju i
as one wants; according to one's wishes; ruyi scepter, a symbol of power and good fortune
(1) (See 不如意・ふにょい・1) going according to one's wishes; (2) {Buddh} ceremonial sceptre used by monks when reciting sutras (scepter); (place-name, surname) Neoi
At will; according to desire; a ceremonial emblem, originally a short sword; tr. of Manoratha 末笯曷刺他 successor of Vasubandhu as 22nd patriarch and of Mahāṛddhiprāpta, a king of garuḍas.


see styles
(1) kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of for the meaning; phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character; (2) kanji used for their meaning, irrespective of reading



see styles
bǎo yìn
    bao3 yin4
pao yin
Precious seal, or symbol. (1) The second of the triratna, i.e. 法寶. (2) The three evidences of the genuineness of a sutra, v. 三法印. (3) The symbols of buddhas, or bodhisattvas. (4) Their magical 種子, i.e. germ-letters, or sounds.



see styles
bǎo zhū
    bao3 zhu1
pao chu
 houju / hoju
(surname) Houju
maṇi, a precious pearl, or gem; a talisman; a symbol of Śāriputra.


see styles
ní tè
    ni2 te4
ni t`e
    ni te
nit (symbol: nt), unit of luminance (loanword)


see styles
 shishou / shisho
city symbol; city emblem


see styles
chuáng xiàng
    chuang2 xiang4
ch`uang hsiang
    chuang hsiang
A sign, symbol, i.e. the monk's robe.


see styles
part alternation mark (symbol indicating the following words are taken from a song or that the person saying the words is singing); Unicode U+303D symbol


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of for the meaning; phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character; (2) kanji used for their meaning, irrespective of reading



see styles
hòu fǎ
    hou4 fa3
hou fa
像法 The latter, or symbol, age of Buddhism; see above.


see styles
mó ní
    mo2 ni2
mo ni
Mani (3rd century AD), Persian prophet and founder of Manichaeism
(1) {Buddh} jewel (san: mani); pearl; gemstone; (2) {Buddh} Cintamani stone; wish-fulfilling jewel; (surname) Mani
maṇi; 'a jewel, gem, precious stone (especially a pearl, bead, or other globular ornament).' M.W. A bright luminous pearl, symbol of Buddha and his doctrines. Tr. 'as wished', or at wish, whoever possesses the pearl receives whatever he desires. One of the seven treasures. With Shivaites a symbol of the Liṅga. Also 末尼.



see styles
xié xiàn
    xie2 xian4
hsieh hsien
oblique line; slash (symbol)
oblique line; forward slash


see styles
(1) star (symbol); (2) (See アステリスク) asterisk


see styles
 sharekoube / sharekobe
    sharikoube / sharikobe
    sarekoube / sarekobe
(kana only) skull (esp. weatherbeaten, used as symbol of death); death's head; cranium; criminal's head on public display; displaying a beheaded head; beheaded head



see styles
mù yú
    mu4 yu2
mu yü
mokugyo; wooden fish (percussion instrument)
(Buddhist term) fish gong; fish wood block; temple block; round, hollow, wood block (vaguely fish-shaped, usu. with scales), struck while chanting sutras
The wooden fish; there are two kinds, one round for use to keep time in chanting, the other long for calling to meals. The origin of the use of a fish is unkজxample to monks to be watchful: there is no evidence of connection with the Christian ίχθύς.ί 木馬 Wooden horse, a symbol of emancipation.


see styles
mò ní
    mo4 ni2
mo ni
maṇi 摩尼; a jewel, a crystal, a pearl, symbol of purity, therefore of Buddha and of his doctrine. It is used in oṃ-maṇi -padmi-hūṃ.


see styles
guì guān
    gui4 guan1
kuei kuan
 keikan / kekan
laurel (as a symbol of victory or merit)
crown of laurel


see styles
táo xīn
    tao2 xin1
t`ao hsin
    tao hsin
heart symbol
(female given name) Momomi


see styles
 hyouchou / hyocho
(noun/participle) (1) appearing on the surface; (2) symbol; sign; (3) (biol) distinguishing mark; diagnostic character



see styles
biāo gān
    biao1 gan1
piao kan
benchmark; pole serving as mark or symbol; pole with a trophy hung on it



see styles
biāo jì
    biao1 ji4
piao chi
 hyouki / hyoki
sign; mark; symbol; to mark up; (computing) token
(noun, transitive verb) (1) marking; mark; (noun, transitive verb) (2) subject (of memo, email, etc.); title



see styles
biāo zhì
    biao1 zhi4
piao chih
sign; mark; symbol; logo; to symbolize; to indicate; to mark


see styles
fǎ luó
    fa3 luo2
fa lo
 hora; hora
    ほら; ホラ
(1) (kana only) boasting; bragging; big talk; (2) (kana only) (abbreviation) (orig. meaning) (See 法螺貝) conch (esp. Charonia tritonis); trumpet shell
Conch of the Law, a symbol of the universality, power, or command of the Buddha's teaching. Cf. 商佉 śaṅkha.


see styles
hǎi yìn
    hai3 yin4
hai yin
The ocean symbol, indicating the vastness of the meditation of the Buddha, the vision of all things.



see styles
huǒ lún
    huo3 lun2
huo lun
steamboat (old)
(personal name) Hiwa
alātacakra, a wheel of fire, produced by rapidly whirling a fire-brand, a symbol of the unreality of the visible, since such a wheel does not exist.; Whirling fire, e. g. fire whirled in a circle, the whole circle seeming to be on fire, emblem of illusion; a fire wheel.



see styles
dēng huì
    deng1 hui4
teng hui
a lamp as (a symbol of) wisdom



see styles
dēng míng
    deng1 ming2
teng ming
 toumyou / tomyo
light offered to a god or Buddha; votive light; (surname) Toumyou
The lamp hung before a Buddha, etc., as symbol of his wisdom.


see styles
xiè zhì
    xie4 zhi4
hsieh chih
 kaichi; kaichi
    かいち; カイチ
Xiezhi, mythical Chinese unicorn
xiezhi (mythical Chinese beast, symbol of justice and law)


see styles
yù jué
    yu4 jue2
yü chüeh
penannular jade pendant (often used as a symbol of separation or resolution, for homophony reasons)


see styles
gān zhe
    gan1 zhe5
kan che
 kansho; kansha
    かんしょ; かんしゃ
sugar cane; CL:節|节[jie2]
sugar cane; (surname) Kansho
Sugar-cane, symbol of many things. A tr. of Ikṣvāku, one of the surnames of Śākyamuni, from a legend that one of his ancestors was born from a sugar-cane.


see styles
 ryakugou / ryakugo
code; mark; symbol



see styles
hào chǐ
    hao4 chi3
hao ch`ih
    hao chih
white teeth (symbol of youth and beauty)
white teeth


see styles
(1) arrow (symbol); (2) (colloquialism) (romantic) interest (for a certain person); direction (of one's attention, etc.)


see styles
shí liu
    shi2 liu5
shih liu
(kana only) pomegranate (Punica granatum); (female given name) Zakuro
The pomegranate, symbol of many children because of its seeds; a symbol held in the hand of 鬼子母神 Hariti, the deva-mother of demons, converted by the Buddha.


see styles
 fuchou / fucho
(1) mark; symbol; sign; (2) code; cipher; (3) password; (4) secret jargon; argot; code; (5) secret price tag


see styles
 fugou / fugo
(1) sign; mark; symbol; code; (2) {math} sign (e.g. positive, negative)


see styles
 fuchou / fucho
(1) mark; symbol; sign; (2) code; cipher; (3) password; (4) secret jargon; argot; code; (5) secret price tag


see styles
 fuchou / fucho
(1) mark; symbol; sign; (2) code; cipher; (3) password; (4) secret jargon; argot; code; (5) secret price tag



see styles
fú hào
    fu2 hao4
fu hao
symbol; mark; sign
See: 符号



see styles
jiàn tóu
    jian4 tou2
chien t`ou
    chien tou
 yatou / yato
arrowhead; arrow symbol
(surname) Yatou


see styles
rice symbol; note (supplementary information) symbol; symbol with an "x" and four dots



see styles
hóng xīn
    hong2 xin1
hung hsin
heart ♥ (in card games); red, heart-shaped symbol; bullseye



see styles
hóng xīng
    hong2 xing1
hung hsing
red star; five pointed star as symbol or communism or proletariat; hot film star
(surname) Akaboshi


see styles
 juusen; tatesen / jusen; tatesen
    じゅうせん; たてせん
(1) (See 横線) vertical line; (2) vertical bar (symbol); (3) (じゅうせん only) {music} bar line


see styles
juàn suǒ
    juan4 suo3
chüan so
A noose, or net for catching birds; a symbol of Buddha-love in catching and saving the living.



see styles
lián jí
    lian2 ji2
lien chi
union (symbol ∪) (set theory) (Tw)


see styles
ài tè
    ai4 te4
ai t`e
    ai te
at symbol, @


see styles
jiè zǐ
    jie4 zi3
chieh tzu
(kana only) poppy (Papaver somniferum); (out-dated kanji) (kana only) mustard; (surname) Keshi
sarṣapa, 薩利刹跛; 舍利沙婆 Mustard seed. (1) A measure of length, 10,816,000th part of a yojana, v. 由旬. (2) A weight, the 32nd part of a 賴提 or 草子 raktikā, 2 3; 16 grains. (3) A trifle. (4) On account of its hardness and bitter taste it is used as a symbol for overcoming illusions and demons by the esoteric sects. (5) The appearance of a buddha is as rare as the hitting of a needle's point with a mustard seed thrown from afar.


see styles
huā yā
    hua1 ya1
hua ya
 kaou / kao
signature (in grass-style writing); symbol used in place of a signature (on a document, contract etc)
(temporal noun) signature (not stamp)



see styles
wàn zì
    wan4 zi4
wan tzu
(surname) Manji
The sauvastika 卍, also styled śrīvatsa-lakṣana, the mark on the breast of Viṣṇu, 'a particular curl of hair on the breast'; the lightning; a sun symbol; a sign of all power over evil and all favour to the good; a sign shown on the Buddha' s breast. One of the marks on a Buddha' s feet.



see styles
xuè lèi
    xue4 lei4
hsüeh lei
tears of blood (symbol of extreme suffering); blood and tears


see styles
 hyougou / hyogo
(noun/participle) symbol; emblem; sign


see styles
 hyouchou / hyocho
(noun/participle) (1) appearing on the surface; (2) symbol; sign; (3) (biol) distinguishing mark; diagnostic character



see styles
biǎo zhēng
    biao3 zheng1
piao cheng
symbol; indicator; representation


see styles
biǎo zhāng
    biao3 zhang1
piao chang
 hyoushou / hyosho
memorial to the Emperor
(noun/participle) (1) symbol; emblem; image; (noun/participle) (2) expressing; representation; making clear (e.g. someone's virtues)
to show


see styles
biǎo xiàng
    biao3 xiang4
piao hsiang
 hyoushou / hyosho
outward appearance; superficial; (philosophy, psychology) representation; idea; (math.) representation
(noun, transitive verb) (1) symbol (of); emblem; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {psych;phil} (mental) image; representation; idea

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Symbol" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary