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Zen / Chan / Meditation
to abdicate
(out-dated kanji) (1) (Buddhist term) dhyana (profound meditation); (2) (abbreviation) Zen (Buddhism); (surname) Yuzuri
To level a place for an altar, to sacrifice to the hills and fountains; to abdicate. Adopted by Buddhists for dhyāna, 禪 or 禪那, i.e. meditation, abstraction, trance. dhyāna is 'meditation, thought, reflection, especially profound and abstract religious contemplation'. M.W. It was intp. as 'getting rid of evil', etc., later as 靜慮 quiet meditation. It is a form of 定, but that word is more closely allied with samādhi, cf. 禪定. The term also connotes Buddhism and Buddhist things in general, but has special application to the 禪宗 q.v. It is one of the six pāramitās, cf. 波. There are numerous methods and subjects of meditation. The eighteen brahmalokas are divided into four dhyāna regions 'corresponding to certain frames of mind where individuals might be reborn in strict accordance with their spiritual state'. The first three are the first dhyāna, the second three the second dhyāna, the third three the third dhyāna, and the remaining nine the fourth dhyāna. See Eitel. According to Childers' Pali Dictionary, 'The four jhānas are four stages of mystic meditation, whereby the believer's mind is purged from all earthly emotions, and detached as it were from his body, which remains plunged in a profound trance.' Seated cross-legged, the practiser 'concentrates his mind upon a single thought. Gradually his soul becomes filled with a supernatural ecstasy and serenity', his mind still reasoning: this is the first jhāna. Concentrating his mind on the same subject, he frees it from reasoning, the ecstasy and serenity remaining, which is the second jhāna. Then he divests himself of ecstasy, reaching the third stage of serenity. Lastly, in the fourth stage the mind becomes indifferent to all emotions, being exalted above them and purified. There are differences in the Mahāyāna methods, but similarity of aim.


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shí jiè
    shi2 jie4
shih chieh

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Ten Commandments
the ten commandments (religion)
(1) (Buddhist term) the 10 precepts; (2) Ten Commandments; Decalogue; Decalog; (surname) Jukkai
Śikṣāpada. The ten prohibitions (in Pāli form) consist of five commandments for the layman: (1) not to destroy life 不殺生 pāṇātipātāveramaṇi; (2) not to steal 不倫盜 adinnādānāver; (3) not to commit adultery 不婬慾 abrahmacaryaver.; (4) not to lie 不妄語musāvādāver.; (5) not to take intoxicating liquor 不飮酒 suramereyya-majjapamādaṭṭhānāver. Eight special commandments for laymen consist of the preceding five plus: (6) not to eat food out of regulated hours 不非時食 vikāla-bhojanāver.; (7) not to use garlands or perfumes 不著華鬘好香塗身 mālā- gandha-vilepana-dhāraṇa-maṇḍana-vibhūṣanaṭṭhānā; (8) not to sleep on high or broad beds (chastity) 不坐高廣大牀 uccāsayanā-mahāsayanā. The ten commandments for the monk are the preceding eight plus: (9) not to take part in singing, dancing, musical or theatrical performances, not to see or listen to such 不歌舞倡伎不往觀聽 nacca-gīta-vādita-visūkadassanāver.; (10) to refrain from acquiring uncoined or coined gold, or silver, or jewels 不得捉錢金銀寶物 jātarūpa-rajata-paṭīggahaṇāver. Under the Māhayāna these ten commands for the monk were changed, to accord with the new environment of the monk, to the following: not to kill, not to steal, to avoid all unchastity, not to lie, not to slander, not to insult, not to chatter, not to covet, not to give way to anger, to harbour no scepticism.



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tiān lóng
    tian1 long2
t`ien lung
    tien lung
 tenryuu / tenryu

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Celestial Dragon / Tian Long
(place-name, surname) Tenryū
Devas, including Brahma, Indra, and the devas, together with the nāgas.



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rú lái
    ru2 lai2
ju lai

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tathagata (Buddha's name for himself, having many layers of meaning - Sanskrit: thus gone, having been Brahman, gone to the absolute etc)
(out-dated kanji) Tathagata; perfected one (suffix of high-ranking Buddhist deities)
tathāgata, 多陀阿伽陀 q. v.; 怛他揭多 defined as he who comes as do all other Buddhas; or as he who took the 眞如 zhenru or absolute way of cause and effect, and attained to perfect wisdom; or as the absolute come; one of the highest titles of a Buddha. It is the Buddha in his nirmāṇakāya, i. e. his 'transformation' or corporeal manifestation descended on earth. The two kinds of Tathāgata are (1) 在纏 the Tathāgata in bonds, i. e. limited and subject to the delusions and sufferings of life, and (2) 出纏 unlimited and free from them. There are numerous sutras and śāstras bearing this title of 如來 rulai.


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zì rán
    zi4 ran2
tzu jan

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nature; natural; naturally
(n,adv) (dated) occurring naturally (without human influence); (female given name) Minori
svayaṃbhū, also 自爾; 法爾 self-existing, the self-existent; Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and others; in Chinese it is 'self-so', so of itself, natural, of course, spontaneous. It also means uncaused existence, certain sects of heretics 自然外道 denying Buddhist cause and effect and holding that things happen spontaneously.



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yīn tuó luó
    yin1 tuo2 luo2
yin t`o lo
    yin to lo

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Indra (a Hindu deity)
Indra, 因坻; 因提; 因提梨; 因達羅; 天帝; 天主帝; 帝釋天; originally a god of the atmosphere, i. e. of thunder and rain; idem Śakra; his symbol is the vajra, or thunderbolt, hence he is the 金剛手; he became 'lord of the gods of the sky', 'regent of the east quarter', 'popularly chief after Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Śiva, '(M.W.); in Buddhism he represents the secular power, and is inferior to a Buddhist saint. Cf. 忉利 and 印.

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 kou; gou; kou / ko; go; ko
    こう; ごう; コウ
to rob; to plunder; to seize by force; to coerce; calamity; abbr. for kalpa 劫波[jie2 bo1]
(1) (こう, ごう only) {Buddh} kalpa (eon, aeon); (2) (kana only) {go} (usu. コウ) ko; position that allows for eternal capture and recapture of the same stones
刧 A kalpa, aeon, age; also translit. ka; 'a fabulous period of time, a day of Brahmā or 1, 000 Yugas, a period of four hundred and thirty-two million years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world; (a month of Brahmā is supposed to contain thirty such kalpas; according to the Mahābhārata twelve months of Brahmā constitute his year, and one hundred such years his lifetime; fifty years of Brahmā are supposed to have elapsed... ).' M. W. An aeon of incalculable time, therefore called a 大時節 great time-node. v. 劫波.; The three asaṃkhyeya kalpas, the three countless aeons, the period of a bodhisattva's development; also the past 莊嚴劫, the present 賢劫, and the future 星宿劫 kalpas. There are other groups. 三劫三千佛 The thousand Buddhas in each of the three kalpas.

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 kai; ingoto(ok)
    かい; いんごと(ok)
to guard against; to exhort; to admonish or warn; to give up or stop doing something; Buddhist monastic discipline; ring (for a finger)
(1) (かい only) {Buddh} admonition; commandment; (2) sila (precept)
śīla, 尸羅. Precept, command, prohibition, discipline, rule; morality. It is applied to the five, eight, ten, 250, and other commandments. The five are: (1) not to kill; (2 ) not to steal; (3) not to commit adultery; (4) not to speak falsely; (5) not to drink wine. These are the commands for lay disciples; those who observe them will be reborn in the human realm. The Sarvāstivādins did not sanction the observance of a limited selection from them as did the 成實宗 Satyasiddhi school. Each of the five precepts has five guardian spirits, in all twenty-five, 五戒二十五神. The eight for lay disciples are the above five together with Nos. 7, 8, and 9 of the following; the ten commands for the ordained, monks and nuns, are the above five with the following: (6) not to use adornments of flowers, nor perfumes; (7) not to perform as an actor, juggler, acrobat, or go to watch and hear them; (8) not to sit on elevated, broad, and large divans (or beds); (9) not to eat except in regulation hours; (10) not to possess money, gold or silver, or precious things. The 具足戒full commands for a monk number 250, those for a nun are 348, commonly called 500. Śīla is also the first of the 五分法身, i.e. a condition above all moral error. The Sutra of Brahma's Net has the following after the first five: (6) not to speak of the sins of those in orders; (7) not to vaunt self and depreciate others; (8) not to be avaricious; (9) not to be angry; (10) not to slander the triratna.

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abbr. for 梵教[Fan4 jiao4] Brahmanism; abbr. for Sanskrit 梵語|梵语[Fan4 yu3] or 梵文[Fan4 wen2]; abbr. for 梵蒂岡|梵蒂冈[Fan4 di4 gang1], the Vatican
(1) Brahman (ultimate reality of the universe in Hinduism); Brahma; (2) Brahma (Hindu creator god); (3) (abbreviation) (See 梵語) Sanskrit; (given name) Bon
Brahman (from roots bṛh, vṛh, connected with bṛṃh, "religious devotion," "prayer," "a sacred text," or mantra, "the mystic syllable om"; "sacred learning," "the religious life," "the Supreme Being regarded as impersonal," "the Absolute," "the priestly or sacerdotal class," etc. M.W. Translit.


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sān tiān
    san1 tian1
san t`ien
    san tien
 santen; sanden
    さんてん; さんでん
(1) {Buddh} the three deities (Marici, Mahakala, Sarasvati); (2) {Buddh} the three celestials (Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma)
The trimūrti— Śiva, Viṣṇu, and Brahmā.



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sān bǎo
    san1 bao3
san pao
Triratna, or Ratnatraya, i.e. the Three Precious Ones: 佛 Buddha, 法 Dharma, 儈 Saṅgha, i.e. Buddha, the Law, the Ecelesia or Order. Eitel suggests this trinity may be adapted from the Trimūrti, i.e, Brahma, Viṣṇu, and Sīva. The Triratna takes many forms, e.g. the Trikāya 三身 q.v. There is also the Nepalese idea of a triple existence of each Buddha as a Nirvāṇa-Buddha, Dhyāni-Buddha, and Mānuṣi-Buddha; also the Tantric trinity of Vairocana as Nirvāṇa-Buddha, Locana according to Eitel "existing in reflex in the world of forms", and the human Buddha, Śākyamuni. There are other elaborated details known as the four and the six kinds of triratna 四 and 六種三寳, e.g. that the Triratna exists in each member of the trinity. The term has also been applied to the 三仙 q.v. Popularly the 三寳 are referred to the three images in the main hall of monasteries. The centre one is Śākyamuni, on his left Bhaiṣajya 藥師 and on his right Amitābha. There are other explanations, e.g. in some temples Amitābha is in the centre, Avalokiteśvara on his left, and Mahāsthāmaprāpta or Mañjuśrī on his right. Table of Triratna, Trikāya, and Trailokya: — DHARMASAṄGHABUDDHAEssential BodhiReflected BodhiPractical BodhiDhyāni BuddhaDhyāni BodhisattvaMānuṣī BuddhaDharmakāyaSambhogakāyaNirmāṇakāyaPurityCompletenessTransformations4th Buddha-kṣetra3rd Buddha-kṣetra1st and 2nd Buddha kṣetraArūpadhātuRūpadhātuKāmadhātu.


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sān fàn
    san1 fan4
san fan
The three Brahma heavens of the first dhyāna: that of 梵衆 Brahma-pāriṣadya, the assembly of Brahma; 梵輔 Brahma-purohitas, his attendants; 大梵 Mahābrahmā, Great Brahma.


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sān jiè
    san1 jie4
san chieh
(1) {Buddh} (See 欲界,色界,無色界) the three realms of existence; (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 三千大千世界) the whole universe (of a billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened; (3) {Buddh} (See 三世・さんぜ・1) past, present and future existences; (suffix) (4) far-off ...; distant ...; (surname) Mikai
Trailokya or Triloka; the three realms; also 三有. It is the Buddhist metaphysical equivalent for the Brahmanic cosmological bhuvanatraya, or triple world of bhūr, bhuvaḥ, and svar, earth, atmosphere, and heaven. The Buddhist three are 欲, 色, and 無色界, i.e. world of sensuous desire, form, and formless world of pure spirit. (a) 欲界 Kāmadhātu is the realm of sensuous desire, of 婬 and 食 sex and food; it includes the six heavens of desire, the human world, and the hells. (b) 色界 Rūpadhātu is the realm of form, meaning 質礙 that which is substantial and resistant: it is above the lust-world and contains (so to speak) bodies, palaces, things, all mystic and wonderful一a semi-material conception like that in Revelation; it is represented in the 四禪天, or Brahmalokas. (c) 無色界 Arūpadhātu, or ārūpyadhātu, is the formless realm of pure spirit, where there are no bodies, places, things, at any rate none to which human terms would apply, but where the mind dwells in mystic contemplation; its extent is indefinable, but it is, conceived of in four stages, i,e. 四空處 the four "empty" regions, or regions of space in the immaterial world, which are 四無色 the four "formless" realms, or realms beyond form; being above the realm of form, their bounds cannot be defined. v. 倶舍論世間品.


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bù kōng
    bu4 kong1
pu k`ung
    pu kung
 fukuu / fuku
(given name, person) Fukuu
Amogha, Amoghavajra. 不空三藏; 智藏; 阿目佉跋折羅 Not empty (or not in vain) vajra. The famous head of the Yogācāra school in China. A Singhalese of northern brahmanic descent, having lost his father, he came at the age of 15 with his uncle to 東海, the eastern sea, or China, where in 718 he became a disciple of 金剛智 Vajrabodhi. After the latter's death in 732, and at his wish, Eliot says in 741, he went to India and Ceylon in search of esoteric or tantric writings, and returned in 746, when he baptized the emperor Xuan Tsung. He was especially noted for rain-making and stilling storms. In 749 he received permission to return home, but was stopped by imperial orders when in the south of China. In ?756 under Su Tsung he was recalled to the capital. His time until 771 was spent translating and editing tantric books in 120 volumes, and the Yogacara 密教 rose to its peak of prosperity. He died greatly honoured at 70 years of age, in 774, the twelfth year of Tai Tsung, the third emperor under whom he had served. The festival of feeding the hungry spirits 孟蘭勝會 is attributed to him. His titles of 智藏 and 不空三藏 are Thesaurus of Wisdom and Amogha Tripitaka.


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shì zhǔ
    shi4 zhu3
shih chu
(世主天) The Lord of the world, Brahmā; Maheśvara; also the four mahārājas 四天王; v. 梵天; 大自在天.


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èr tiān
    er4 tian1
erh t`ien
    erh tien
(place-name) Niten
The two devas. (1) 日天 and 月天Sun-deva and Moon-deva. (2) 同生天A deva born simultaneously with the individual and 同名天 a deva with the same name as the individual; both devas have the duty of watching over the individual. (3) 梵天 and 帝釋天 Brahma and Indra.


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wǔ shèng
    wu3 sheng4
wu sheng
The five vehicles conveying to the karma reward which differs according to the vehicle: they are generally summed up as (1) 入乘 rebirth among men conveyed by observing the five commandments; (2) 天乘 among the devas by the ten forms of good action; (3) 聲聞乘 among the śrāvakas by the four noble truths; (4) 緣覺乘 among pratyekabuddhas by the twelve nidānas; (5) 菩薩乘 among the Buddhas and bodhisattvas by the six pāramitās 六度 q. v. Another division is the various vehicles of bodhisattvas; pratyekabuddhas; śrāvakas; general; and devas-and-men. Another is Hīnayāna Buddha, pratyekabuddhas, śrāvakas, the gods of the Brahma heavens, and those of the desire-realm. Another is Hīnayāna ordinary disciples: śrāvakas: pratyekabuddhas; bodhisattvas; and the one all-inclusive vehicle. And a sixth, of Tiantai, is for men; devas; śrāvakas-cum-pratyekabuddhas; bodhisattvas: and the Buddha-vehicle. The esoteric cult has: men, corresponding with earth; devas, with water: śrāvakas, with fire: pratyekabuddhas, with wind; and bodhisattvas, with 空 the 'void'.


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wǔ zhàng
    wu3 zhang4
wu chang
 goshou / gosho
(1) {Buddh} five hindrances (that prevent a woman from becoming a Buddha, a Brahmā, a Shakra, a devil king, or a wheel-turning king); five obstructions to women's attainment; (2) {Buddh} five hindrances (that impede ascetic practices; sensory desire, ill-will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry, doubt)
The five hindrances, or obstacles; also 五礙; 五雲. I. Of women, i. e. inability to become Brahma-kings, Indras, Māra-kings, Caikravarti-kings, or Buddhas. II. The hindrances to the five 五力 powers, i. e. (self-) deception a bar to faith, as sloth is to zeal, anger to remembrance, hatred to meditaton, and discontent to wisdom. III. The hindrances of (1) the passion-nature, e. g. original sin; (2) of karma caused in previous lives; (3) the affairs of life; (4) no friendly or competent preceptor; (5) partial knowledge.


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liù tiān
    liu4 tian1
liu t`ien
    liu tien
(place-name) Rokuten
The six devalokas, i. e. the heavens with sense organs above Sumeru, between the brahmalokas and the earth, i. e. 四王天; 忉利天; 夜摩天; 兜率天; 樂變化天; and 他化自在天. The sixth is the heaven of Mara, v. 六欲天.



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liù lùn
    liu4 lun4
liu lun
 roku ron
The six 外道論 vedāṇgas, works which are 'regarded as auxiliary to and even in some sense as part of the Veda, their object being to secure the proper pronunciation and correctness of the text and the right employment of the Mantras of sacrifice as taught in the Brāhmaṇas '. M. W. They are spoken of together as the 四皮陀六論 four Vedas and six śāstras, and the six are Sikṣā, Chandas, Vyākarana, Nirukta, Jyotiṣa, and Kalpa.



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míng zhòng
    ming2 zhong4
ming chung
The invisible powers-Brahmā, Śakra, Yama; the spirits in general.


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sì zhù
    si4 zhu4
ssu chu
(surname) Shizumi
The four abodes or states in the 智度論 3, i. e. (1) 天住 the devalokas, equivalents of charity, morality, and goodness of heart; (2) 梵住 the brahmalokas, equivalents of benevolence, pity, joy, and indifference; (3) 聖住 the abode of śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, and bodhisattvas, equivalent of the samādhi of the immaterial realm, formless and still; (4) 佛住 the Buddha-abode, the equivalent of the samādhis of the infinite. v. 四住地.



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sì zhí
    si4 zhi2
ssu chih
The four erroneous tenets; also 四邪; 四迷; 四術; there are two groups: I. The four of the 外道 outsiders, or non-Buddhists, i. e. of Brahminism, concerning the law of cause and effect: (1) 邪因邪果 heretical theory of causation, e. g. creation by Mahesvara; (2) 無因有果 or 自然, effect independent of cause, e. g. creation without a cause, or spontaneous generation; (3) 有因無果 cause without effect, e. g. no future life as the result of this. (4) 無因無果 neither cause nor effect, e. g. that rewards and punishments are independent of morals. II. The four erroneous tenets of 內外道 insiders and outsiders, Buddhist and Brahman, also styled 四宗 the four schools, as negated in the 中論 Mādhyamika śāstra: (1) outsiders, who do not accept either the 人 ren or 法 fa ideas of 空 kong; (2) insiders who hold the Abhidharma or Sarvāstivādāḥ tenet, which recognizes 人空 human impersonality, but not 法空 the unreality of things; (3) also those who hold the 成實 Satyasiddhi tenet which discriminates the two meanings of 空 kong but not clearly; and also (4) those in Mahāyāna who hold the tenet of the realists.


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sì xìng
    si4 xing4
ssu hsing
 shisei / shise
(1) the four great families of the age (esp. the Minamoto clan, the Taira clan, the Fujiwara clan and the Tachibana clan); (2) (See ヴァルナ) varna (each of the four Hindu castes)
The four Indian 'clans' or castes— brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya, and śūdra, i. e. (1) priestly, (2) military and ruling, (3) farmers and traders, and (4) serfs; born respectively from the mouth, shoulders, flanks, and feet of Brahma.



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sì chán
    si4 chan2
ssu ch`an
    ssu chan
(四禪天) The four dhyāna heavens, 四靜慮 (四靜慮天), i. e. the division of the eighteen brahmalokas into four dhyānas: the disciple attains to one of these heavens according to the dhyāna he observes: (1) 初禪天 The first region, 'as large as one whole universe' comprises the three heavens, Brahma-pāriṣadya, Brahma-purohita, and Mahābrahma, 梵輔, 梵衆, and 大梵天; the inhabitants are without gustatory or olfactory organs, not needing food, but possess the other four of the six organs. (2) 二禪天 The second region, equal to 'a small chiliocosmos' 小千界, comprises the three heavens, according to Eitel, 'Parīttābha, Apramāṇābha, and Ābhāsvara, ' i. e. 少光 minor light, 無量光 infinite light, and 極光淨 utmost light purity; the inhabitants have ceased to require the five physical organs, possessing only the organ of mind. (3) 三禪天 The third region, equal to 'a middling chiliocosmos '中千界, comprises three heavens; Eitel gives them as Parīttaśubha, Apramāṇaśubha, and Śubhakṛtsna, i. e. 少淨 minor purity, 無量淨 infinite purity, and 徧淨 universal purity; the inhabitants still have the organ of mind and are receptive of great joy. (4) 四禪天 The fourth region, equal to a great chiliocosmos, 大千界, comprises the remaining nine brahmalokas, namely, Puṇyaprasava, Anabhraka, Bṛhatphala, Asañjñisattva, Avṛha, Atapa, Sudṛśa, Sudarśana, and Akaniṣṭha (Eitel). The Chinese titles are 福生 felicitous birth, 無雲 cloudless, 廣果 large fruitage, 無煩 no vexations, atapa is 無熱 no heat, sudṛśa is 善見 beautiful to see, sudarśana is 善現 beautiful appearing, two others are 色究竟 the end of form, and 無想天 the heaven above thought, but it is difficult to trace avṛha and akaniṣṭha; the inhabitants of this fourth region still have mind. The number of the dhyāna heavens differs; the Sarvāstivādins say 16, the 經 or Sutra school 17, and the Sthavirāḥ school 18. Eitel points out that the first dhyāna has one world with one moon, one mem, four continents, and six devalokas; the second dhyāna has 1, 000 times the worlds of the first; the third has 1, 000 times the worlds of the second; the fourth dhyāna has 1, 000 times those of the third. Within a kalpa of destruction 壞劫 the first is destroyed fifty-six times by fire, the second seven by water, the third once by wind, the fourth 'corresponding to a state of absolute indifference' remains 'untouched' by all the other evolutions; when 'fate (天命) comes to an end then the fourth dhyāna may come to an end too, but not sooner'.


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dì xiān
    di4 xian1
ti hsien
(See 仙人・せんにん・1) earthly immortal (in Taoism)
(地行仙) Earth-immortals, or genī, one of the classes of ṛṣis; i. e. bhūdeva = Brahman.


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yè shū
    ye4 shu1
yeh shu
Yajurveda, 'the sacrificial Veda' of the Brahmans; the liturgy associated with Brahminical sacrificial services.


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dà fàn
    da4 fan4
ta fan
Mahābrāhmaṇas; the third Brahmaloka, the third region of the first dhyāna. Mahābrahman; the great Brahma, 大梵天; it is also a title of one of the six Guanyin of the Tiantai sect.



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dà mǎn
    da4 man3
ta man
Great, full, or complete; tr. of mahā-pūrṇa, king of monster birds or garuḍas who are enemies of the nāgas or serpents; he is the vehicle of Viṣṇu in Brahmanism.


see styles
dà tōng
    da4 tong1
ta t`ung
    ta tung
 daitsuu / daitsu
Datong, a district of Huainan City 淮南市[Huai2nan2 Shi4], Anhui; Datong Hui and Tu Autonomous County in Xining 西寧|西宁[Xi1ning2], Qinghai
(surname) Daitsuu
大通智勝 Mahābhijñā Jñānābhibhu. The great Buddha of supreme penetraton and wisdom. "A fabulous Buddha whose realm was Sambhava, his kalpa Mahārūpa. Having spent ten middling kalpas in ecstatic meditation he became a Buddha, and retired again in meditation for 84,000 kalpas, during which his sixteen sons continued (as Buddhas) his preaching. Incarnations of his sons are," Akṣobhya, Merukūṭa, Siṃhaghoṣa, Siṃhadhvaja, Ākāśapratiṣṭhita, Nityapaṛvrtta, Indradhvaja, Brahmadhvaja, Amitābha, Sarvalokadhātū- padravodvegapratyuttīrna, Tamāla-patra-candanagandha, Merukalpa, Meghasvara, Meghasvararāja, Sarvaloka-bhayastambhitatva- vidhvaṃsanakāra, and Śākyamuni; v. Eitel. He is said to have lived in a kalpa earlier than the present by kalpas as numerous as the atoms of a chiliocosm. Amitābha is his ninth son. Śākyamuni his sixteenth, and the present 大衆 or assembly of believers are said to be the reincarnation of those who were his disciples in that former aeon; v. Lotus Sutra, chapter 7.


see styles
tiān kǒu
    tian1 kou3
t`ien k`ou
    tien kou
(surname) Amaguchi
The mouth of Brahma, or the gods, a synonym for fire, as that element devours the offerings; to this the 護摩 homa, or fire altar cult is attributed, fire becoming the object of worship for good fortune. Fire is also said to speak for or tell the will of the gods.


see styles
tiān táng
    tian1 tang2
t`ien t`ang
    tien tang
 tendou / tendo
paradise; heaven
heaven; paradise; (surname) Tendou
The mansions of the devas, located between the earth and the Brahmalokas; the heavenly halls; heaven. The Ganges is spoken of as 天堂來者 coming from the heavenly mansions.



see styles
tiān gōng
    tian1 gong1
t`ien kung
    tien kung
 tiangon; tenkyuu / tiangon; tenkyu
    ティアンゴン; てんきゅう
Temple in Heaven (e.g. of the Jade Emperor); Tiangong, Chinese space station program
Tiangong (Chinese space program); (surname) Amemiya
devapura; devaloka; the palace of devas, the abode of the gods, i. e. the six celestial worlds situated above the Meru, between the earth and the Brahmalokas. v. 六天.


see styles
tiān dì
    tian1 di4
t`ien ti
    tien ti
 tentei / tente
God of heaven; Celestial emperor
(1) Shangdi (supreme deity in ancient Chinese religion); (2) {Christn} God; (3) {Buddh} (See 帝釈天・たいしゃくてん) Shakra (king of heaven in Hindu mythology); Indra
King, or emperor of Heaven, i. e. 因陀羅 Indra, i. e. 釋 (釋迦); 釋迦婆; 帝 (帝釋); Śakra, king of the devaloka 忉利天, one of the ancient gods of India, the god of the sky who fights the demons with his vajra, or thunderbolt. He is inferior to the trimūrti, Brahma, Viṣṇu, and Śiva, having taken the place of Varuṇa, or sky. Buddhism adopted him as its defender, though, like all the gods, he is considered inferior to a Buddha or any who have attained bodhi. His wife is Indrāṇī.


see styles
tiān shén
    tian1 shen2
t`ien shen
    tien shen
god; deity
(1) (also pronounced てんしん) heavenly god; heavenly gods; (2) spirit of Sugawara no Michizane; (3) (See 天満宮) Tenmangu shrine (dedicated to Michizane's spirit); (4) (colloquialism) (See 梅干し) pit of a dried plum; dried plum; (5) (abbreviation) (See 天神髷) tenjin hairstyle; (6) prostitute of the second-highest class (Edo period); (7) (See 転軫) tuning peg (on a biwa or shamisen); (place-name, surname) Tenjin
deva 提婆 or devatā 泥縛多. (1) Brahma and the gods in general, including the inhabitants of the devalokas, all subject to metem-psychosis. (2) The fifteenth patriarch, a native of South India, or Ceylon and disciple of Nāgārjuna; he is also styled Devabodhisattva 提婆菩薩, Āryadeva 聖天, and Nilanetra 靑目 blue-eyed, or 分別明 clear discriminator. He was the author of nine works and a famous antagonist of Brahmanism.



see styles
tiān zhòng
    tian1 zhong4
t`ien chung
    tien chung
 tenshu; tenju; tenshuu / tenshu; tenju; tenshu
    てんしゅ; てんじゅ; てんしゅう
{Buddh} deva; celestial being
The host of heaven, Brahma, Indra, and all their host.



see styles
tiān yǔ
    tian1 yu3
t`ien yü
    tien yü
The deva language, i. e. that of the Brahman, Sanskrit.



see styles
nǚ guó
    nv3 guo2
nü kuo
The woman-kingdom, where matriarchal government is said to have prevailed, e.g. Brahmapura, v. 婆, and Suvarṇagotra, v. 蘇.


see styles
nǚ tiān
    nv3 tian1
nü t`ien
    nü tien
Female devas in the desire-realm. In and above the Brahmalokas 色界 they do not exist.


see styles
suō pó
    suo1 po2
so p`o
    so po
 shaba; shaba
    しゃば; シャバ
(1) this world; this life; (2) (kana only) (colloquialism) the free world (outside of prison, the army, red light district, etc.); (3) {Buddh} this corrupt world; present world
sahā; that which bears, the earth, v. 地; intp. as bearing, enduring; the place of good and evil; a universe, or great chiliocosm, Where all are subject to transmigration and which a Buddha transforms; it is divided into three regions 三界 and Mahābrahmā Sahāmpati is its lord. Other forms: 娑婆世界; 娑界; 娑媻; 娑訶; 沙訶; 索訶.



see styles
shī qì
    shi1 qi4
shih ch`i
    shih chi
Śikhin, 式棄; 式詰; 尸棄那 (or 尸棄佛); 罽那尸棄; crested, or a fame; explained by 火 fire; 刺那尸棄 Ratnaśikhin occurs in the Abhidharma. In the 本行經 it is 螺髻 a shell like tuft of hair. (1) The 999th Buddha of the last kalpa, whom Śākyamuni is said to have met. (2) The second of the seven Buddhas of antiquity, born in Prabhadvaja 光相城 as a Kṣatriya. (3) A Maha-brahma, whose name Śikhin is defined as 頂髻 or 火災頂 having a flaming tuft on his head; connected with the world-destruction by fire. The Fanyimingyi 翻譯名義 describes Śikhin as 火 or 火首 fame, or a flaming head and as the god of fire, styled also 樹提 Suddha, pure; he observed the 火定 Fire Dhyāna, broke the lures of the realm of desire, and followed virtue.


see styles
hé tiān
    he2 tian1
ho t`ien
    ho tien
Parīttābha, the fourth brahmaloka, the first region of the second dhyāna.



see styles
mí lè
    mi2 le4
mi le
Maitreya, the future Bodhisattva, to come after Shakyamuni Buddha
(surname) Miroku
Maitreya, friendly, benevolent. The Buddhist Messiah, or next Buddha, now in the Tuṣita heaven, who is to come 5,000 years after the nirvāṇa of Śākyamuni, or according to other reckoning after 4,000 heavenly years, i.e. 5,670,000,000 human years. According to tradition he was born in Southern India of a Brahman family. His two epithets are 慈氏 Benevolent, and Ajita 阿逸多 'Invincible'. He presides over the spread of the church, protects its members and will usher in ultimate victory for Buddhism. His image is usually in the hall of the four guardians facing outward, where he is represented as the fat laughing Buddha, but in some places his image is tall, e.g. in Peking in the Yung Ho Kung. Other forms are彌帝M075962; 迷諦隸; 梅低梨; 梅怛麗 (梅怛藥 or 梅怛邪); 每怛哩; 昧怛 M067070曳; 彌羅. There are numerous Maitreya sūtras.


see styles
tí pó
    ti2 po2
t`i p`o
    ti po
(rare) {Buddh} deva (being with god-like characteristics); (person) Aryadeva; (person) Devadatta (cousin of Gautama Buddha)
deva. Explained by 天 celestial; also by 梵天人 inhabitants of the brahmalokas, or by 天神 celestial spirits. General designation of the gods of Brahmanism, and of all the inhabitants of devalokas who are subject to metempsychosis. Also 提波; 提和; 提桓. Used also for Devadatta, infra.



see styles
mó nà
    mo2 na4
mo na
(摩納婆迦) Māṇavaka, a Brahman youth, a youth, a man; also 摩納縛 (摩納縛迦); 摩那槃; 那羅摩那 (naramana).


see styles
zhàng lín
    zhang4 lin2
chang lin
Yaṣṭivana, 洩瑟知林; the forest in which a Brahman tried to measure Buddha's height with a 16 ft. bamboo pole, but the more he measured the higher the body became; another part of the legend is that the forest grew from the bamboo which he left behind in chagrin.


see styles
fàn shèng
    fan4 sheng4
fan sheng
The brahmayāna, i.e. the noblest of the vehicles, that of the bodhisattva.


see styles
fàn chà
    fan4 cha4
fan ch`a
    fan cha
 bonsatsu; bonsetsu
    ぼんさつ; ぼんせつ
brahmakṣetra, Buddha-land; a name for a Buddhist: monastery, i.e. a place of purity.


see styles
fàn tǔ
    fan4 tu3
fan t`u
    fan tu
brahman-land, India.



see styles
fàn tán
    fan4 tan2
fan t`an
    fan tan
or 梵怛 brahmadaṇda, brahma-staff 梵杖, the brahma (i.e. religious) punishment (stick), but the derivation is uncertain; the explanation is "to send to Coventry" a recalcitrant monk, the forbidding of any conversation with him, called also 默擯 exclusion to silence.


see styles
fàn tiān
    fan4 tian1
fan t`ien
    fan tien
 bonten; bonden
    ぼんてん; ぼんでん
Nirvana (in Buddhist scripture); Lord Brahma (the Hindu Creator)
(1) Brahma (Hindu creator god); (2) (See 御幣) large staff with plaited paper streamers (used at religious festivals or as a sign); (3) buoy (used in longline fishing, gillnetting, etc.); (4) down puff (on the end of an ear pick); (given name) Bonten
Brahmadeva. Brahmā, the ruler of this world. India. brahmaloka, the eighteen heavens of the realm of form, divided into four dhyāna regions (sixteen heavens in Southern Buddhism). The first three contain the 梵衆天 assembly of brahmadevas, i.e. the brahmakāyika; the 梵輔天 brahmspurohitas, retinue of Brahmā; and 大梵天 Mahābrahman, Brahman himself.


see styles
fàn zì
    fan4 zi4
fan tzu
script used to write Sanskrit (esp. Siddham); (given name) Bonji
Brahma letters; saṃskṛtam; Sanskrit: also梵書 The classical Aryan language of India, systematized by scholars, in contradistinction to prākrit, representing the languages as ordinarily spoken. With the exception of a few ancient translations probably from Pali versions, most of the original texts used in China were Sanskrit. Various alphabets have been introduced into China for transliterating Indian texts, the devanāgarī alphabet, which was introduced via Tibet, is still used on charms and in sorcery. Pali is considered by some Chinese writers to be more ancient than Sanskrit both as a written and spoken language.



see styles
fàn xué
    fan4 xue2
fan hsüeh
The study of Buddhism; the study of Brahmanism.



see styles
fàn gōng
    fan4 gong1
fan kung
The realm of Brahmā; the first dhyāna heaven of the realm of form.; Brahmā's palace; a Buddhist temple.


see styles
fàn yán
    fan4 yan2
fan yen
 Bon En
Brahmā and Nārāyaṇa.


see styles
fàn dé
    fan4 de2
fan te
The power, or bliss, of Brahmā.


see styles
fàn zhì
    fan4 zhi4
fan chih
brahmacārin. 'studying sacred learning; practising continence or chastity.' M.W. A brahmacārī is a 'young Brahman in the first āśrama or period of his life' (M. W.); there are four such periods. A Buddhist ascetic with his will set on 梵 purity, also intp. as nirvana.


see styles
fàn mó
    fan4 mo2
fan mo
Brahmā; brahman, etc., v. 梵; 梵天, etc.; 梵覽摩 or 梵覽磨; 勃?摩; 婆羅賀摩; 沒羅憾摩; intp. as Brahmā, see 梵天; and brahman, or priest; it is used both in a noble and ignoble sense, ignoble when disparaging brahman opposition; it is intp. by 淨 pure, also by 離欲淸淨 celibate and pure.


see styles
fàn jiào
    fan4 jiao4
fan chiao



see styles
fàn shū
    fan4 shu1
fan shu
Brahmana, ancient Hindu texts


see styles
fàn wáng
    fan4 wang2
fan wang
Brahmā, cf. 梵天. The father of all living beings; the first person of the Brahminical trimūrti, Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Śiva, recognized by Buddhism as devas but as inferior to a Buddha, or enlightened man.


see styles
fàn xiàng
    fan4 xiang4
fan hsiang
Brahmadhvaja, one of the sons of Mahābhijña; his Buddha domain is south-west of our universe.


see styles
fàn zhāng
    fan4 zhang1
fan chang
Brahmavastu, a Sanskrit syllabary in twelve parts.



see styles
fàn wǎng
    fan4 wang3
fan wang
Brahmajāla; Brahma-net.


see styles
fàn xíng
    fan4 xing2
fan hsing
 bongyou / bongyo
{Buddh} ascetic practices (esp. celibacy)
Pure living; noble action; the discipline of celibacy which ensures rebirth in the brahmaloka, or in the realms beyond form.



see styles
fàn yǔ
    fan4 yu3
fan yü
Sanskrit (language)
(See サンスクリット語) Sanskrit
Brahma language, Sanskrit, the Sanskrit alphabet; 'the language of India'; supposed to come from Brahmā.



see styles
fàn lún
    fan4 lun2
fan lun
The brahma-wheel, the wheel of the law, or pure preaching of the Buddha; his four梵行 v. 四無量心; the first sermon at the request of Brahma; the doctrine or preaching of the Brahmans.


see styles
fàn dào
    fan4 dao4
fan tao
The way of purity, or celibacy; the brahmanway.



see styles
fàn shì
    fan4 shi4
fan shih
 Bon Shaku
Brahmā, the lord of the form-realm, and Śakra of the desire-realm.


see styles
fàn yīn
    fan4 yin1
fan yin
(1) Brahma voice, clear, melodious, pure, deep, far-reaching, one of the thirty-two marks of a Buddha. (2) Singing in praise of Buddha.


see styles
fàn mó
    fan4 mo2
fan mo
 Bon Ma
Brahmā and Māra, the former lord of the realm of form, the latter of desire or passion.



see styles
jìng yì
    jing4 yi4
ching i
Of pure descent, or line; a young Brahman; an ascetic in general.



see styles
zhǔn tí
    zhun3 ti2
chun t`i
    chun ti
Candī, or Cundi; also 准胝; 尊提. (1) In Brahmanic mythology a vindictive form of Durgā, or Pārvatī, wife of Śiva. (2) In China identified with Marīci 摩里支 or 天后 Queen of Heaven. She is represented with three eyes and eighteen arms; also as a form of Guanyin, or in Guanyin's retinue.


see styles
huǒ shén
    huo3 shen2
huo shen
god of fire
(female given name) Honoka
The gods of fire, stated as numbering forty-four in the Vedic pantheon, with Mahābrahmā as the first; of these the Vairocana sutra takes twelve, i. e. 大因陀羅; 行滿; 摩嚕多; 盧醯多; 沒口栗拏; 忿怒; 闍吒羅; 吃灑耶; 意生; 羯攞微; (11th unknown); 謨賀那. Cf. 火尊; 火天.



see styles
wú fán
    wu2 fan2
wu fan
Free from trouble, the thirteenth brahmaloka, the fifth region of the fourth dhyāna.



see styles
zhǎo dú
    zhao3 du2
chao tu
The long-nailed ascetic Brahmacārī (of the) Vātsīputrīyaḥ; it is said that his nails were a treatise and his hair a discourse 爪章髮論.



see styles
bì líng
    bi4 ling2
pi ling
(畢陵伽婆蹉) Pilindavatsa, who for 500 generations had been a Brahman, cursed the god of the Ganges, became a disciple, but still has to do penance, for his ill-temper.


see styles
bái yī
    bai2 yi1
pai i
 hakui(p); byakue; byakui; hakue; shirokinu; shiroginu
    はくい(P); びゃくえ; びゃくい; はくえ; しろきぬ; しろぎぬ
(1) white clothes; white robe; (2) (はくい only) white gown (worn by doctors, chemists, etc.); (3) (はくい, はくえ only) (hist) commoner without rank (in ancient China); (4) (びゃくえ, はくえ, しろきぬ, しろぎぬ only) (ant: 緇衣・しえ・2) layperson
White clothing, said to be that of Brahmans and other people, hence it and 白俗 are terms for the common people. It is a name also for Guanyin.


see styles
shén tōng
    shen2 tong1
shen t`ung
    shen tung
 jinzuu / jinzu
remarkable ability; magical power
(place-name) Jinzuu
(神通力) Ubiquitous supernatural power, especially of a Buddha, his ten powers including power to shake the earth, to issue light from his pores, extend his tongue to the Brahma-heavens effulgent with light, cause divine flowers, etc., to rain from the sky, be omnipresent, and other powers. Supernatural powers of eye, ear, body, mind, etc.



see styles
kōng chù
    kong1 chu4
k`ung ch`u
    kung chu
(surname) Sorajo
空無邊處 Ākāśānantyāyatana; the abode of infinite space, the formless, or immaterial world 無色界 the first of the arūpaloka heavens, one of the four brahmalokas.



see styles
wǎng mù
    wang3 mu4
wang mu
(1) mesh (of a net); (2) (abbreviation) (See 網目版) half-tone (printing)
The 'eyes', or meshes of a net. For the Brahmajāla sūtra v. 梵網經.



see styles
luó mén
    luo2 men2
lo men
(surname) Ramon
brāhmaṇa, v. 婆羅門.



see styles
shèng fú
    sheng4 fu2
sheng fu
Holy happiness, that of Buddhism, in contrast with 梵福 that of Brahma and Brahmanism.


see styles
sè jiè
    se4 jie4
se chieh
{Buddh} (See 三界・1) form realm
rūpadhātu, or rūpāvacara, or rūpaloka, any material world, or world of form; it especially refers to the second of the Trailokya 三界, the brahmalokas above the devalokas, comprising sixteen or seventeen or eighteen 'Heavens of Form', divided into four dhyānas, in which life lasts from one-fourth of a mahākalpa to 16,000 mahākalpas, and the average stature is from one-half a yojana to 16,000 yojanas. The inhabitants are above the desire for sex or food. The rūpadhātu, with variants, are given as— 初禪天 The first dhyāna heavens: 梵衆天 Brahmapāriṣadya, 梵輔天 Brahmapurohita or Brahmakāyika, 大梵天 Mahābrahmā. 二禪天 The second dhyāna heavens: 少光天 Parīttābha, 無量光天 Apramāṇābha, 光音天 Ābhāsvara. 三禪天 The third dhyāna heavens: 少淨天 Parīttaśubha, 無量淨天 Apramāṇaśubha, 徧淨天 Śubhakṛtsna. 四禪天 The fourth dhyāna heavens: 無雲天 Anabhraka, 福生天 Puṇyaprasava, 廣果天 Bṛhatphala, 無想天 Asañjñisattva, 無煩天 Avṛha, 無熱天 Atapa, 善現天 Sudṛśa, 善見天 Sudarśana, 色究竟天 Akaniṣṭha, 和音天 ? Aghaniṣṭha, 大自在天 Mahāmaheśvara.


see styles
luó jì
    luo2 ji4
lo chi
spiral coil (in hairdressing)
Tuft of hair on Brahmā's head resembling a conch, hence a name for Brahmā.



see styles
zhū xiān
    zhu1 xian1
chu hsien
All the hermits, mystics, ṛṣi; a term also applied to the Brahmans.



see styles
èr zhà
    er4 zha4
erh cha
Akaniṣṭha, not the smallest, i.e. the highest of the brahmalokas, v. 阿迦.



see styles
jiā shě
    jia1 she3
chia she
 kashou / kasho
(person) Kasyapa (Hindu sage); Kashou
(迦葉波) kāśyapa, 迦攝 (迦攝波) inter alia 'a class of divine beings similar to or equal to prajāpati'; the father 'of gods, demons, men, fish, reptiles, and all animals'; also 'a constellation'. M.W. It is intp. as 'drinking light', i.e. swallowing sun and moon, but without apparent justification. (1) One of the seven or ten ancient Indian sages. (2) Name of a tribe or race. (3) Kāśyapa Buddha, the third of the five buddhas of the present kalpa, the sixth of the seven ancient buddhas. (4) Mahākāśyapa, a brahman of Magadha, who became one of the principal disciples of Śākyamuni, and after his death became leader of the disciples, 'convoked and directed the first synod, whence his title Ārya Sthavira (上坐, lit. chairman) is derived.' Eitel. He is accounted the chief of the ascetics before the enlightenment; the first compiler of the canon and the first patriarch. (5) There were five Kāśyapas, disciples of the Buddha, Mahā-Kāśyapa, Uruvilā-Kāśyapa, Gayā-Kāśyapa, Nadī-Kāśyapa, and Daśabala-Kāśyapa; the second, third, and fourth are said to have been brothers. (6) A bodhisattva, whose name heads a chapter in the Nirvana Sutra. (7) 迦葉摩騰 Kāśyapa-Mātaṅga, the monk who with Gobharana, or Dharmarakṣa, i.e. Zhu Falan 竺法蘭, according to Buddhist statements, brought images and scriptures to China with the commissioners sent by Mingdi, arriving in Luoyang A.D. 67.



see styles
shì gōng
    shi4 gong1
shih kung
The transient mansions of Brahmā and of men. Astronomical 'mansions'.



see styles
dá mó
    da2 mo2
ta mo
 daruma(p); daruma
    だるま(P); ダルマ
(1) (kana only) daruma; tumbling doll; round, red-painted good-luck doll in the shape of Bodhidharma, with a blank eye to be completed when a person's wish is granted; (2) (kana only) Bodhidharma; (3) prostitute; (personal name) Daruma
dharma; also 達摩; 達麼; 達而麻耶; 曇摩; 馱摩 tr. by 法. dharma is from dhara, holding, bearing, possessing, etc.; and means 'that which is to be held fast or kept, ordinance, statute, law, usage, practice'; 'anything right.' M.W. It may be variously intp. as (1) characteristic, attribute, predicate; (2) the bearer, the transcendent substratum of single elements of conscious life; (3) element, i.e. a part of conscious life; (4) nirvāṇa, i.e. the Dharma par excellence, the object of Buddhist teaching; (5) the absolute, the real; (6) the teaching or religion of Buddha; (7) thing, object, appearance. Also, Damo, or Bodhidharma, the twenty-eighth Indian and first Chinese patriarch, who arrived in China A.D. 520, the reputed founder of the Chan or Intuitional School in China. He is described as son of a king in southern India; originally called Bodhitara. He arrived at Guangdong, bringing it is said the sacred begging-bowl, and settled in Luoyang, where he engaged in silent meditation for nine years, whence he received the title of wall-gazing Brahman 壁觀婆羅門, though he was a kṣatriya. His doctrine and practice were those of the 'inner light', independent of the written word, but to 慧可 Huike, his successor, he commended the Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra as nearest to his views. There are many names with Dharma as initial: Dharmapāla, Dharmagupta, Dharmayaśas, Dharmaruci, Dharmarakṣa, Dharmatrāta, Dharmavardhana, etc.



see styles
shì fàn
    shi4 fan4
shih fan
Indra and Brahma, both protectors of Buddhism.



see styles
shì jiā
    shi4 jia1
shih chia
sugar apple (Annona squamosa)
(personal name) Shaka
(釋迦婆) Śakra.; Śākya. the clan or family of the Buddha, said to be derived from śāka, vegetables, but intp. in Chinese as powerful, strong, and explained by 能 powerful, also erroneously by 仁charitable, which belongs rather to association with Śākyamuni. The clan, which is said to have wandered hither from the delta of the Indus, occupied a district of a few thousand square miles lying on the slopes of the Nepalese hills and on the plains to the south. Its capital was Kapilavastu. At the time of Buddha the clan was under the suzerainty of Kośala, an adjoining kingdom Later Buddhists, in order to surpass Brahmans, invented a fabulous line of five kings of the Vivartakalpa headed by Mahāsammata 大三末多; these were followed by five cakravartī, the first being Mūrdhaja 頂生王; after these came nineteen kings, the first being Cetiya 捨帝, the last Mahādeva 大天; these were succeeded by dynasties of 5,000, 7,000, 8,000, 9,000, 10,000, 15,000 kings; after which long Gautama opens a line of 1,100 kings, the last, Ikṣvāku, reigning at Potala. With Ikṣvāku the Śākyas are said to have begun. His four sons reigned at Kapilavastu. 'Śākyamuni was one of his descendants in the seventh generation.' Later, after the destruction of Kapilavastu by Virūḍhaka, four survivors of the family founded the kingdoms of Udyana, Bamyam, Himatala, and Sāmbī. Eitel.



see styles
yán mó
    yan2 mo2
yen mo
(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell
{Buddh} Yama (King of Hell who judges the dead); Enma; (dei) Yama (king of the world of the dead, who judges the dead); Emma; Yan; Yomna
閻王 閻羅; (閻魔王); 閻摩羅; 閻老 Yama, also v. 夜; 閻羅王 Yama. (1) In the Vedas the god of the dead, with whom the spirits of the departed dwell. He was son of the Sun and had a twin sister Yamī or Yamuna. By some they were looked upon as the first human pair. (2) In later Brahmanic mythology, one of the eight Lokapālas, guardian of the South and ruler of the Yamadevaloka and judge of the dead. (3) In Buddhist mythology, the regent of the Nārakas, residing south of Jambudvīpa, outside of the Cakravālas, in a palace of copper and iron. Originally he is described as a king of Vaiśālī, who, when engaged in a bloody war, wished he were master of hell, and was accordingly reborn as Yama in hell together with his eighteen generals and his army of 80,000 men, who now serve him in purgatory. His sister Yamī deals with female culprits. Three times in every twenty-four hours demon pours into Yama's mouth boiling copper (by way of punishment), his subordinates receiving the same dose at the same time, until their sins are expiated, when he will be reborn as Samantarāja 普王. In China he rules the fifth court of purgatory. In some sources he is spoken of as ruling the eighteen judges of purgatory.


see styles
ā hóng
    a1 hong2
a hung
(1) (kana only) Om (san:); Aun; syllable representing the primordial trinity of Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma; (2) inspiration and expiration; respiration; alpha and omega
ahūṃ, the supposed foundation of all sounds and writing, 'a' being the open and 'hūṃ' the closed sound. 'A' is the seed of Vairocana, 'hūṃ' that of Vajrasattva, and both have other indications. 'A' represents the absolute, 'hūṃ' the particular, or phenomenal.



see styles
ā ōu
    a1 ou1
a ou
au! An exclamation, e.g. Ho! Oh! Ah! Also 阿傴; 阿嘔; 阿漚 or 阿優. The two letters a and u fell from the comers of Brahmā's mouth when he gave the seventy-two letters of Kharoṣṭhī, and they are said to be placed at the beginning of the Brahminical sacred books as divine letters, the Buddhists adopting 如是 'Thus' (evam) instead.



see styles
ráo wáng
    rao2 wang2
jao wang
(饒王佛) Lokeśvara, 'the lord or ruler of the world; N. of a Buddha' (M.W.); probably a development of the idea of Brahmā, Viṣṇu or Śiva as lokanātha, 'lord of worlds.' In Indo-China especially it refers to Avalokiteśvara, whose image or face, in masculine form, is frequently seen, e.g. at Angkor. Also 世饒王佛. It is to Lokeśvara that Amitābha announces his forty-eight vows.


see styles
mó fàn
    mo2 fan4
mo fan
Māra and Brahmā; i.e. Māra, lord of the sixth desire-heaven, and Brahmā, lord of the heavens of form.



see styles
mò bìn
    mo4 bin4
mo pin
梵壇 brahmanaṇḍa; to 'send to Coventry' an obnoxious monk, all intercourse with him being forbidden.


see styles
(1) (kana only) Om (san:); Aun; syllable representing the primordial trinity of Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma; (2) inspiration and expiration; respiration; alpha and omega


see styles
Brahma (chicken breed)

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Rahma" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary