There are 76 total results for your Ken search.
Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
肯 see styles |
kěn ken3 k`en ken kō |
More info & calligraphy: Kento affirm |
林肯 see styles |
lín kěn lin2 ken3 lin k`en lin ken |
More info & calligraphy: Lincoln |
肯特 see styles |
kěn tè ken3 te4 k`en t`e ken te |
More info & calligraphy: Kent |
肯尼亞 肯尼亚 see styles |
kěn ní yà ken3 ni2 ya4 k`en ni ya ken ni ya |
More info & calligraphy: Kenya |
肯尼迪 see styles |
kěn ní dí ken3 ni2 di2 k`en ni ti ken ni ti |
More info & calligraphy: Kennedi |
肯德拉 see styles |
kěn dé lā ken3 de2 la1 k`en te la ken te la |
More info & calligraphy: Kendra |
啃 see styles |
kěn ken3 k`en ken |
to gnaw; to nibble; to bite |
墾 垦 see styles |
kěn ken3 k`en ken hiraku ひらく |
to reclaim (land); to cultivate (female given name) Hiraku |
懇 恳 see styles |
kěn ken3 k`en ken nengoro ねんごろ nemokoro ねもころ |
earnest (irregular okurigana usage) (adjectival noun) (1) kind; courteous; hospitable; warmly respectful; (2) intimate; (noun/participle) (3) (archaism) becoming intimate; having an intimate relationship (sometimes esp. a homosexual relationship); (irregular okurigana usage) (out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (adjectival noun) (1) kind; courteous; hospitable; warmly respectful; (2) intimate; (noun/participle) (3) (archaism) becoming intimate; having an intimate relationship (sometimes esp. a homosexual relationship) |
掯 see styles |
kèn ken4 k`en ken |
to push down; to make things difficult; to take by force |
硍 see styles |
kèn ken4 k`en ken |
rumbling of rolling stones |
肎 肯 see styles |
kěn ken3 k`en ken |
old variant of 肯[ken3] See: 肯 |
裉 see styles |
kèn ken4 k`en ken |
side seam in an upper garment |
K書 K书 see styles |
k shū k shu1 k shu |
(Tw) to cram; to study (from Taiwanese 齧書, Tai-lo pr. [khè su], lit. to gnaw a book); see also 啃書|啃书[ken3 shu1] |
不肯 see styles |
bù kěn bu4 ken3 pu k`en pu ken fukō |
does not assent |
中肯 see styles |
zhòng kěn zhong4 ken3 chung k`en chung ken |
pertinent; apropos |
勤懇 勤恳 see styles |
qín kěn qin2 ken3 ch`in k`en chin ken |
diligent and attentive; assiduous; sincere |
啃書 啃书 see styles |
kěn shū ken3 shu1 k`en shu ken shu |
lit. to gnaw a book; to study; to cram |
啃老 see styles |
kěn lǎo ken3 lao3 k`en lao ken lao |
(coll.) to live with and depend on one's parents even upon reaching adulthood |
圍墾 围垦 see styles |
wéi kěn wei2 ken3 wei k`en wei ken |
to reclaim land by diking |
墾丁 垦丁 see styles |
kěn dīng ken3 ding1 k`en ting ken ting |
Kenting, a national park on the southern tip of Taiwan, popular as a tourist destination (abbr. for 墾丁國家公園|垦丁国家公园[Ken3 ding1 Guo2 jia1 Gong1 yuan2]) |
墾利 垦利 see styles |
kěn lì ken3 li4 k`en li ken li |
Kenli District in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong |
墾殖 垦殖 see styles |
kěn zhí ken3 zhi2 k`en chih ken chih |
to open up land for cultivation |
墾耕 垦耕 see styles |
kěn gēng ken3 geng1 k`en keng ken keng |
to bring under cultivation (scrubland, marshland etc) |
墾荒 垦荒 see styles |
kěn huāng ken3 huang1 k`en huang ken huang |
to open up land (for agriculture) |
寧肯 宁肯 see styles |
nìng kěn ning4 ken3 ning k`en ning ken |
would rather...; it would be better...; would prefer |
屯墾 屯垦 see styles |
tún kěn tun2 ken3 t`un k`en tun ken |
to garrison troops to open up land |
懇切 恳切 see styles |
kěn qiè ken3 qie4 k`en ch`ieh ken chieh konsetsu こんせつ |
earnest; sincere (noun or adjectival noun) (See 懇切丁寧) kind and careful (instruction, explanation, etc.); considerate; helpful; thoughtful; detailed; scrupulous |
懇求 恳求 see styles |
kěn qiú ken3 qiu2 k`en ch`iu ken chiu |
to beg; to beseech; to entreat; entreaty |
懇請 恳请 see styles |
kěn qǐng ken3 qing3 k`en ch`ing ken ching konsei / konse こんせい |
to request earnestly (noun, transitive verb) appeal; entreaty; request |
懇責 恳责 see styles |
kěn zé ken3 ze2 k`en tse ken tse konseki |
to criticize |
懇辭 恳辞 see styles |
kěn cí ken3 ci2 k`en tz`u ken tzu |
to decline with sincere thanks |
肯亞 肯亚 see styles |
kěn yà ken3 ya4 k`en ya ken ya |
Kenya (Tw) (written as 肯尼亞|肯尼亚 in PRC) |
肯受 see styles |
kěn shòu ken3 shou4 k`en shou ken shou kōju |
affirming and accepting |
肯定 see styles |
kěn dìng ken3 ding4 k`en ting ken ting koutei / kote こうてい |
to be certain; to be positive; assuredly; definitely; to give recognition; to affirm; affirmative (answer) (noun, transitive verb) (1) (ant: 否定・1) affirmation; (2) {logic} affirmative affirmation |
誠懇 诚恳 see styles |
chéng kěn cheng2 ken3 ch`eng k`en cheng ken |
sincere; honest; cordial |
辧肯 see styles |
biàn kěn bian4 ken3 pien k`en pien ken benkō |
to discern |
開墾 开垦 see styles |
kāi kěn kai1 ken3 k`ai k`en kai ken kaikon かいこん |
to clear a wild area for cultivation; to put under the plow (noun, transitive verb) cultivating new land; clearing; reclamation; (place-name) Kaikon |
首肯 see styles |
shǒu kěn shou3 ken3 shou k`en shou ken shukou / shuko しゅこう |
to give a nod of approval (n,vs,vi) assent; consent nod in approval |
啃老族 see styles |
kěn lǎo zú ken3 lao3 zu2 k`en lao tsu ken lao tsu |
(coll.) adults still living with and depending on their parents |
嘴啃泥 see styles |
zuǐ kěn ní zui3 ken3 ni2 tsui k`en ni tsui ken ni |
to fall flat on one's face |
墾丁市 垦丁市 see styles |
kěn dīng shì ken3 ding1 shi4 k`en ting shih ken ting shih |
Kenting Town, at tourist resort in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], south Taiwan |
墾利區 垦利区 see styles |
kěn lì qū ken3 li4 qu1 k`en li ch`ü ken li chü |
Kenli District in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong |
墾利縣 垦利县 see styles |
kěn lì xiàn ken3 li4 xian4 k`en li hsien ken li hsien |
Kenli county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong |
林肯郡 see styles |
lín kěn jun lin2 ken3 jun4 lin k`en chün lin ken chün |
Lincolnshire (English county) |
肯塔基 see styles |
kěn tǎ jī ken3 ta3 ji1 k`en t`a chi ken ta chi |
Kentucky, US state |
肯定句 see styles |
kěn dìng jù ken3 ding4 ju4 k`en ting chü ken ting chü |
affirmative sentence |
肯德基 see styles |
kěn dé jī ken3 de2 ji1 k`en te chi ken te chi |
KFC; Kentucky Fried Chicken |
肯沃倫 肯沃伦 see styles |
kěn wò lún ken3 wo4 lun2 k`en wo lun ken wo lun |
Ken Warren (1927-1991), American adventurer and river runner |
薩爾州 萨尔州 see styles |
sà ěr zhōu sa4 er3 zhou1 sa erh chou |
Saarland, state of Germany, capital Saarbrücken 薩爾布呂肯|萨尔布吕肯[Sa4 er3 bu4 lu:3 ken3] |
阿肯色 see styles |
ā kěn sè a1 ken3 se4 a k`en se a ken se |
Arkansas, US state |
麥肯錫 麦肯锡 see styles |
mài kěn xī mai4 ken3 xi1 mai k`en hsi mai ken hsi |
(name) MacKenzie; McKinsey |
假肯定句 see styles |
jiǎ kěn dìng jù jia3 ken3 ding4 ju4 chia k`en ting chü chia ken ting chü |
false affirmative |
勤勤懇懇 勤勤恳恳 see styles |
qín qín kěn kěn qin2 qin2 ken3 ken3 ch`in ch`in k`en k`en chin chin ken ken |
industrious and conscientious; assiduous |
應善懇到 应善恳到 see styles |
yìng shàn kěn dào ying4 shan4 ken3 dao4 ying shan k`en tao ying shan ken tao ō zenkontō |
excellent and fine |
海塗圍墾 海涂围垦 see styles |
hǎi tú wéi kěn hai3 tu2 wei2 ken3 hai t`u wei k`en hai tu wei ken |
tideland reclamation |
發言中肯 发言中肯 see styles |
fā yán zhòng kěn fa1 yan2 zhong4 ken3 fa yen chung k`en fa yen chung ken |
to hit the nail on the head (idiom) |
真肯定句 see styles |
zhēn kěn dìng jù zhen1 ken3 ding4 ju4 chen k`en ting chü chen ken ting chü |
true affirmative (TA) |
肯塔基州 see styles |
kěn tǎ jī zhōu ken3 ta3 ji1 zhou1 k`en t`a chi chou ken ta chi chou |
Kentucky, US state |
肯尼迪角 see styles |
kěn ní dí jiǎo ken3 ni2 di2 jiao3 k`en ni ti chiao ken ni ti chiao |
Cape Kennedy, name 1963-1973 of Cape Canaveral 卡納維拉爾角|卡纳维拉尔角[Ka3 na4 wei2 la1 er3 jiao3], Florida |
肯普索恩 see styles |
kěn pǔ suǒ ēn ken3 pu3 suo3 en1 k`en p`u so en ken pu so en |
(Dirk) Kempthorne (US Senator from Idaho) |
能願動詞 能愿动词 see styles |
néng yuàn dòng cí neng2 yuan4 dong4 ci2 neng yüan tung tz`u neng yüan tung tzu |
modal verb (e.g. 肯[ken3], 能[neng2], 會|会[hui4], 要[yao4], 該|该[gai1], 得[dei3], 願意|愿意[yuan4 yi4], 可以[ke3 yi3], 可能[ke3 neng2], 敢[gan3], 應該|应该[ying1 gai1]) |
郎肯循環 郎肯循环 see styles |
láng kěn xún huán lang2 ken3 xun2 huan2 lang k`en hsün huan lang ken hsün huan |
Rankine cycle (engineering) |
阿肯色州 see styles |
ā kěn sè zhōu a1 ken3 se4 zhou1 a k`en se chou a ken se chou |
Arkansas, US state |
基孔肯雅熱 基孔肯雅热 see styles |
jī kǒng kěn yǎ rè ji1 kong3 ken3 ya3 re4 chi k`ung k`en ya je chi kung ken ya je |
chikungunya fever |
墾到福田生 垦到福田生 see styles |
kěn dào fú tián shēng ken3 dao4 fu2 tian2 sheng1 k`en tao fu t`ien sheng ken tao fu tien sheng kontō fukuden shō |
when the land has been cleared, the field of merit becomes productive |
肯定並例句 肯定并例句 see styles |
kěn dìng bìng lì jù ken3 ding4 bing4 li4 ju4 k`en ting ping li chü ken ting ping li chü |
active conjoined sentence |
肯德基炸雞 肯德基炸鸡 see styles |
kěn dé jī zhá jī ken3 de2 ji1 zha2 ji1 k`en te chi cha chi ken te chi cha chi |
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) |
薩爾布呂肯 萨尔布吕肯 see styles |
sà ěr bù lǚ kěn sa4 er3 bu4 lu:3 ken3 sa erh pu lü k`en sa erh pu lü ken |
Saarbrücken, capital of Saarland, Germany |
阿肯色大學 阿肯色大学 see styles |
ā kěn sè dà xué a1 ken3 se4 da4 xue2 a k`en se ta hsüeh a ken se ta hsüeh |
University of Arkansas |
卡納維拉爾角 卡纳维拉尔角 see styles |
kǎ nà wéi lā ěr jiǎo ka3 na4 wei2 la1 er3 jiao3 k`a na wei la erh chiao ka na wei la erh chiao |
Cape Canaveral, Florida, home of Kennedy space center 肯尼迪航天中心[Ken3 ni2 di2 Hang2 tian1 Zhong1 xin1] |
墾丁國家公園 垦丁国家公园 see styles |
kěn dīng guó jiā gōng yuán ken3 ding1 guo2 jia1 gong1 yuan2 k`en ting kuo chia kung yüan ken ting kuo chia kung yüan |
Kenting National Park on the Hengchun Peninsula 恆春半島|恒春半岛[Heng2 chun1 Ban4 dao3], Pingtung county, south Taiwan |
庫肯霍夫公園 库肯霍夫公园 see styles |
kù kěn huò fū gōng yuán ku4 ken3 huo4 fu1 gong1 yuan2 k`u k`en huo fu kung yüan ku ken huo fu kung yüan |
Keukenhof, flower garden in Netherlands |
斯托肯立石圈 see styles |
sī tuō kěn lì shí quān si1 tuo1 ken3 li4 shi2 quan1 ssu t`o k`en li shih ch`üan ssu to ken li shih chüan |
Stonehenge stone circle |
傑奎琳·肯尼迪 杰奎琳·肯尼迪 see styles |
jié kuí lín · kěn ní dí jie2 kui2 lin2 · ken3 ni2 di2 chieh k`uei lin · k`en ni ti chieh kuei lin · ken ni ti |
Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy (1929-1994) |
肯尼迪航天中心 see styles |
kěn ní dí háng tiān zhōng xīn ken3 ni2 di2 hang2 tian1 zhong1 xin1 k`en ni ti hang t`ien chung hsin ken ni ti hang tien chung hsin |
Kennedy space center, Cape Canaveral 卡納維拉爾角|卡纳维拉尔角[Ka3 na4 wei2 la1 er3 jiao3], Florida |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 76 results for "Ken" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.