There are 164 total results for your Church search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
僧 see styles |
sēng seng1 seng sou / so そう |
More info & calligraphy: Sangha / Order of Monks(1) monk; priest; (2) (abbreviation) (See 僧伽・そうぎゃ) sangha (the Buddhist community); (surname) Sou 僧伽 saṅgha, an assembly, collection, company, society. The corporate assembly of at least three (formerly four) monks under a chairman, empowered to hear confession, grant absolution, and ordain. The church or monastic order, the third member of the triratna. The term 僧 used alone has come to mean a monk, or monks in general. Also僧佉, 僧加, 僧企耶.; A fully ordained monk, i.e. a bhikṣu as contrasted with the śramaņa. |
教友 see styles |
jiào yǒu jiao4 you3 chiao yu |
More info & calligraphy: Christian Friend |
加特力 see styles |
katorikku カトリック |
More info & calligraphy: Catholic |
チャーチ see styles |
chaachi / chachi チャーチ |
More info & calligraphy: Church |
天主教會 天主教会 see styles |
tiān zhǔ jiào huì tian1 zhu3 jiao4 hui4 t`ien chu chiao hui tien chu chiao hui |
More info & calligraphy: The Catholic Church |
政教 see styles |
zhèng jiào zheng4 jiao4 cheng chiao masanori まさのり |
church and state; government and education; political education religion and politics; church and state; (given name) Masanori Political teaching, governmental education; politics and the church or religion). |
教 see styles |
jiào jiao4 chiao yuki ゆき |
religion; teaching; to make; to cause; to tell (female given name) Yuki pravacana, to teach, instruct, inculcate; śāśana, teaching, precept, doctrine; āgama, sect, school, church. |
会堂 see styles |
kaidou / kaido かいどう |
church; chapel; synagogue; tabernacle |
側廊 see styles |
sokurou / sokuro そくろう |
(See 身廊) aisle (of a church) |
僧寶 僧宝 see styles |
sēng bǎo seng1 bao3 seng pao sōbō |
saṅgha, the idealized church, the third member of the triratna. |
勝共 see styles |
shoukyou / shokyo しょうきょう |
(org) International Federation for Victory over Communism (group affiliated with the former Unification Church) (abbreviation); (o) International Federation for Victory over Communism (group affiliated with the former Unification Church) (abbreviation) |
奉仕 see styles |
houshi / hoshi ほうし |
(n,vs,vi) (1) service; ministry; attendance; church work; (n,vs,vi) (2) offering goods at a reduced price; providing a service for free |
奧迹 奥迹 see styles |
ào jì ao4 ji4 ao chi |
Holy mystery; Holy sacrament (of Orthodox church) |
寺院 see styles |
sì yuàn si4 yuan4 ssu yüan jiin / jin じいん |
cloister; temple; monastery; CL:座[zuo4] (1) Buddhist temple; (2) religious building; church; cathedral; mosque Monastery grounds and buildings, a monastery. |
彌勒 弥勒 see styles |
mí lè mi2 le4 mi le miroku みろく |
Maitreya, the future Bodhisattva, to come after Shakyamuni Buddha (surname) Miroku Maitreya, friendly, benevolent. The Buddhist Messiah, or next Buddha, now in the Tuṣita heaven, who is to come 5,000 years after the nirvāṇa of Śākyamuni, or according to other reckoning after 4,000 heavenly years, i.e. 5,670,000,000 human years. According to tradition he was born in Southern India of a Brahman family. His two epithets are 慈氏 Benevolent, and Ajita 阿逸多 'Invincible'. He presides over the spread of the church, protects its members and will usher in ultimate victory for Buddhism. His image is usually in the hall of the four guardians facing outward, where he is represented as the fat laughing Buddha, but in some places his image is tall, e.g. in Peking in the Yung Ho Kung. Other forms are彌帝M075962; 迷諦隸; 梅低梨; 梅怛麗 (梅怛藥 or 梅怛邪); 每怛哩; 昧怛 M067070曳; 彌羅. There are numerous Maitreya sūtras. |
招提 see styles |
zhāo tí zhao1 ti2 chao t`i chao ti shodai しょだい |
(place-name) Shodai 拓鬪提舍 caturdiśaḥ, the four directions of space; cāturdiśa, belonging to the four quarters, i. e. the saṃgha or Church; name for a monastery. |
拱廊 see styles |
gǒng láng gong3 lang2 kung lang |
triforium (gallery of arches above side-aisle vaulting in the nave of a church) |
教会 see styles |
kyoukai / kyokai きょうかい |
church; congregation |
教內 教内 see styles |
jiào nèi jiao4 nei4 chiao nei kyōnai |
Within instruction; in the sect or church; especially those who receive normal instruction from the written canon, opposite of 教外. |
教堂 see styles |
jiào táng jiao4 tang2 chiao t`ang chiao tang kyōdō |
church; chapel; CL:座[zuo4],所[suo3],間|间[jian1] Buddhist center |
教外 see styles |
jiào wài jiao4 wai4 chiao wai kyōge |
Outside the sect, or school, or church; also not undergoing normal instruction i.e. the intuitive school which does not rely on texts or writings, but on personal communication of its tenets, either oral or otherwise, including direct contact with the Buddha or object of worship, e.g. 'guidance'. |
教會 教会 see styles |
jiào huì jiao4 hui4 chiao hui kyōe |
Christian church An assembly, for instruction; a congregation; a church. |
教父 see styles |
jiào fù jiao4 fu4 chiao fu kyoufu / kyofu きょうふ |
godfather (1) godfather; sponsor; (2) {Christn} Church Father |
教籍 see styles |
jiào jí jiao4 ji2 chiao chi kyouseki / kyoseki きょうせき |
church membership canonical collection |
早課 早课 see styles |
zǎo kè zao3 ke4 tsao k`o tsao ko sōka |
matins; morning service (in the Catholic Church); morning chorus (of birds) morning devotions |
末願 末愿 see styles |
mò yuàn mo4 yuan4 mo yüan |
final vows (in a religious order or congregation of the Catholic Church) |
正教 see styles |
zhèng jiào zheng4 jiao4 cheng chiao masanori まさのり |
lit. true religion; orthodox religion; orthodox Christianity; Islam (in the writing of Chinese or Hui theologians) orthodoxy; (Greek) orthodox church; (given name) Masanori correct teaching |
歸入 归入 see styles |
guī rù gui1 ru4 kuei ju kinyū |
to assign (to a class); to classify as; to include To turn to and enter, e.g. a religion, church, society, etc. |
歸正 归正 see styles |
guī zhèng gui1 zheng4 kuei cheng kishō |
to return to the right path; to mend one's ways; to reform; Reformed (church etc) rely on what is correct |
瑪竇 玛窦 see styles |
mǎ dòu ma3 dou4 ma tou |
Matthew; St Matthew the evangelist; less common variant of 馬太|马太[Ma3 tai4] (preferred by the Catholic Church) |
破門 破门 see styles |
pò mén po4 men2 p`o men po men hamon はもん |
to burst or force open a door; to excommunicate sb (from the Roman Catholic Church); to score a goal (in football, hockey etc) (noun, transitive verb) (1) expulsion (of a pupil); (noun, transitive verb) (2) excommunication; anathema To break a door, leave a sect. |
礼拝 see styles |
raihai らいはい |
(noun, transitive verb) worship (esp. Christian); (church) service; (place-name) Raihai |
祭政 see styles |
saisei / saise さいせい |
church and state |
立教 see styles |
lì jiào li4 jiao4 li chiao rikkyou / rikkyo りっきょう |
establishment (of religious teachings); formulation; (surname) Rikkyō To establish a 'school', sect, or church. |
聖堂 see styles |
seidou / sedo せいどう |
(Confucian) temple; church; sanctuary |
聖楽 see styles |
sera せら |
church music; sacred music; (female given name) Sera |
若望 see styles |
ruò wàng ruo4 wang4 jo wang |
John; Saint John; less common variant of 約翰|约翰[Yue1 han4] preferred by the Catholic Church |
贖宥 see styles |
shokuyuu / shokuyu しょくゆう |
{Christn} (See 免罪符・1) indulgence (in the Catholic Church) |
身廊 see styles |
shinrou / shinro しんろう |
nave (of a church) |
伊蒲塞 see styles |
yī pú sāi yi1 pu2 sai1 i p`u sai i pu sai ibusoku |
upāsaka, a lay member of the Buddhist Church, v. 優. |
低教会 see styles |
teikyoukai / tekyokai ていきょうかい |
the Low Church |
做禮拜 做礼拜 see styles |
zuò lǐ bài zuo4 li3 bai4 tso li pai |
to worship; to pray (esp. in a regular religious gathering at a church or mosque) |
免罪符 see styles |
menzaifu めんざいふ |
(1) {Christn} indulgence (esp. in the Catholic Church); pardon; (2) excuse; justification; rationalization; (3) (colloquialism) making amends for a previous misdoing |
八思巴 see styles |
bā sī bā ba1 si1 ba1 pa ssu pa Hasshiha |
Also 發思巴 Bashpa, Phagspa, Baghcheba, Blo-gros-rgyal-mtshah, Chos-rgyal-ḥphags-pa. A śramaṇa of Tibet, teacher and confidential adviser of Kublai Khan, who appointed him head of the Buddhist church of Tibet A.D. 1260. He is the author of a manual of Buddhist terminology彰所知論 and translated another work into Chinese. In A.D. 1269 he constructed an alphabet for the Mongol language, "adapted from the Tibetan and written vertically," and a syllabary borrowed from Tibetan, known by the name of Hkhor-yig, for which, however, the Lama Chos-kyi-hod-zer 1307-1311 substituted another alphabet based on that of Śākya-paṇḍita. |
公教会 see styles |
koukyoukai / kokyokai こうきょうかい |
(Roman) Catholic Church |
分教会 see styles |
bunkyoukai / bunkyokai ぶんきょうかい |
branch temple or church |
大主教 see styles |
dà zhǔ jiào da4 zhu3 jiao4 ta chu chiao daishukyou / daishukyo だいしゅきょう |
archbishop; primate (of a church); metropolitan (See 大司教) archbishop (Orthodox, Anglican, etc.) |
大弟子 see styles |
dà dì zǐ da4 di4 zi3 ta ti tzu dai daishi |
sthavira, a chief disciple, the Fathers of the Buddhist church; an elder; an abbot; a priest licensed to preach and become an abbot; also 上坐. |
天主堂 see styles |
tenshudou / tenshudo てんしゅどう |
(Catholic) church; cathedral |
宗客巴 see styles |
zōng kè bā zong1 ke4 ba1 tsung k`o pa tsung ko pa Shūkyaha |
Sumatikīrti (Tib. Tsoṅ-kha-pa), the reformer of the Tibetan church, founder of the Yellow Sect (黃帽教); according to the 西藏新志 b. A. D. 1417 at Hsining, Kansu. His sect was founded on strict discipline, as opposed to the lax practices of the Red sect, which permitted marriage of monks, sorcery, etc. He is considered to be an incarnation of Mañjuśrī; others say of Amitābha. |
教会史 see styles |
kyoukaishi / kyokaishi きょうかいし |
church history |
教会員 see styles |
kyoukaiin / kyokain きょうかいいん |
church member |
教会堂 see styles |
kyoukaidou / kyokaido きょうかいどう |
church; cathedral; chapel |
教会暦 see styles |
kyoukaireki / kyokaireki きょうかいれき |
church calendar |
會長團 会长团 see styles |
huì zhǎng tuán hui4 zhang3 tuan2 hui chang t`uan hui chang tuan |
presidency (Mormon Church) |
東正教 东正教 see styles |
dōng zhèng jiào dong1 zheng4 jiao4 tung cheng chiao |
Eastern Orthodox Church |
枢機卿 see styles |
suukikyou; suukikei / sukikyo; sukike すうききょう; すうきけい |
{Christn} cardinal (Catholic church) |
正教会 see styles |
seikyoukai / sekyokai せいきょうかい |
Eastern Orthodox Church; Orthodox Church |
歸依佛 归依佛 see styles |
guī yī fó gui1 yi1 fo2 kuei i fo kie butsu |
歸依法; 歸依僧 To commit oneself to the triratna, i.e. Buddha, Dharma, Saṅgha; Buddha, his Truth and his Church. |
母教会 see styles |
bokyoukai / bokyokai ぼきょうかい |
(1) {Christn} mother church; main church; (2) {Christn} church where one was baptized |
目犍連 目犍连 see styles |
mù jiān lián mu4 jian1 lian2 mu chien lien Mokkenren |
目連; 摩訶目犍連 (or 摩訶羅夜那); 大目犍連 (or 大目乾連) ; 沒特伽羅子 (or 沒力伽羅子); 目伽略 (Mahā-) Maudgalyāyana, or Maudgalaputra; explained by Mudga 胡豆 lentil, kidney-bean. One of the ten chief disciples of Śākyamuni, specially noted for miraculous powers; formerly an ascetic, he agreed with Śāriputra that whichever first found the truth would reveal it to the other. Śāriputra found the Buddha and brought Maudgalyāyana to him; the former is placed on the Buddha's right, the latter on his left. He is also known as 拘栗 Kolita, and when reborn as Buddha his title is to be Tamāla-patra-candana-gandha. In China Mahāsthāmaprapta is accounted a canonization of Maudgalyāyana. Several centuries afterwards there were two other great leaders of the Buddhist church bearing the same name, v. Eitel. |
禮拜堂 礼拜堂 see styles |
lǐ bài táng li3 bai4 tang2 li pai t`ang li pai tang |
chapel; church (Protestant) |
總主教 总主教 see styles |
zǒng zhǔ jiào zong3 zhu3 jiao4 tsung chu chiao |
archbishop; primate (of a church); metropolitan |
聖公会 see styles |
seikoukai / sekokai せいこうかい |
Anglican Church; Protestant Episcopal Church |
路德宗 see styles |
lù dé zōng lu4 de2 zong1 lu te tsung |
Lutheran church |
路德會 路德会 see styles |
lù dé huì lu4 de2 hui4 lu te hui |
Lutheran church |
長老派 see styles |
chourouha / choroha ちょうろうは |
Presbyterian Church; Presbyterians |
馬爾谷 马尔谷 see styles |
mǎ ěr gǔ ma3 er3 gu3 ma erh ku |
Mark; St Mark the evangelist; less common variant of 馬克|马克[Ma3 ke4] preferred by the Catholic Church |
PL教団 see styles |
piierukyoudan / pierukyodan ピーエルきょうだん |
(See パーフェクトリバティー教団) Church of Perfect Liberty (religious group founded in Japan in 1924) |
バシリカ see styles |
bashirika バシリカ |
basilica (church) |
三自教會 三自教会 see styles |
sān zì jiào huì san1 zi4 jiao4 hui4 san tzu chiao hui |
Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC government-sanctioned Protestant church from 1949 |
原始教会 see styles |
genshikyoukai / genshikyokai げんしきょうかい |
the early church; the primitive church |
同仁教会 see styles |
doujinkyoukai / dojinkyokai どうじんきょうかい |
Universalist Church |
大寶法王 大宝法王 see styles |
dà bǎo fǎ wáng da4 bao3 fa3 wang2 ta pao fa wang Daihō Hōō |
Mahāratna-dharma-rāja. Title of the reformer of the Tibetan church, founder of the Yellow sect, b. A.D. 1417 ,worshipped as an incarnation of Amitābha, now incarnate in every Bogdo gegen Hutuktu reigning in Mongolia. He received this title in A. D. 1426. See 宗客巴 Tsong-kha-Pa. |
宗教都市 see styles |
shuukyoutoshi / shukyotoshi しゅうきょうとし |
(1) holy city; (2) city developed around a church, temple, shrine, etc. (e.g. Ise, Mecca, Vatican) |
家貧如洗 家贫如洗 see styles |
jiā pín rú xǐ jia1 pin2 ru2 xi3 chia p`in ju hsi chia pin ju hsi |
extreme poverty (idiom); destitute; penniless; poor as church mice |
政教一致 see styles |
seikyouicchi / sekyoicchi せいきょういっち |
(yoji) unity of church and state |
政教分離 see styles |
seikyoubunri / sekyobunri せいきょうぶんり |
(yoji) separation of church and state |
教会旋法 see styles |
kyoukaisenpou / kyokaisenpo きょうかいせんぽう |
{music} church modes |
教会音楽 see styles |
kyoukaiongaku / kyokaiongaku きょうかいおんがく |
church music |
教区学校 see styles |
kyoukugakkou / kyokugakko きょうくがっこう |
parochial school; church school |
教友大會 教友大会 see styles |
jiào yǒu dà huì jiao4 you3 da4 hui4 chiao yu ta hui |
church conference |
教廷大使 see styles |
jiào tíng dà shǐ jiao4 ting2 da4 shi3 chiao t`ing ta shih chiao ting ta shih |
an ambassador of the church; an Apostolic Nuncio (from the Vatican) |
文化闘争 see styles |
bunkatousou / bunkatoso ぶんかとうそう |
(hist) Kulturkampf (church-state conflict in Prussia; 1872-1887) |
東方教会 see styles |
touhoukyoukai / tohokyokai とうほうきょうかい |
The Eastern Church |
樞機主教 枢机主教 see styles |
shū jī zhǔ jiào shu1 ji1 zhu3 jiao4 shu chi chu chiao |
cardinal (of the Catholic Church) |
監督教会 see styles |
kantokukyoukai / kantokukyokai かんとくきょうかい |
Episcopal Church |
祭政一致 see styles |
saiseiicchi / saisecchi さいせいいっち |
(yoji) unity of church and state; theocracy |
祭政分離 see styles |
saiseibunri / saisebunri さいせいぶんり |
separation of church and state; separation of religious ritual and government administration |
福音教会 see styles |
fukuinkyoukai / fukuinkyokai ふくいんきょうかい |
Evangelical Church |
精神領袖 精神领袖 see styles |
jīng shén lǐng xiù jing1 shen2 ling3 xiu4 ching shen ling hsiu |
spiritual leader (of a nation or church); religious leader |
統一教会 see styles |
touitsukyoukai / toitsukyokai とういつきょうかい |
Unification Church (new religious movement); Family Federation for World Peace and Unification |
羅馬教廷 罗马教廷 see styles |
luó mǎ jiào tíng luo2 ma3 jiao4 ting2 lo ma chiao t`ing lo ma chiao ting |
the Church (as Royal Court); the Holy See; the Vatican |
聖母教堂 圣母教堂 see styles |
shèng mǔ jiào táng sheng4 mu3 jiao4 tang2 sheng mu chiao t`ang sheng mu chiao tang |
Church of Our Lady; Frauenkirche |
西方教会 see styles |
seihoukyoukai / sehokyokai せいほうきょうかい |
(See 東方正教会) Western Church; Western Christianity |
長老教会 see styles |
chouroukyoukai / chorokyokai ちょうろうきょうかい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) the Presbyterian Church |
革出教門 革出教门 see styles |
gé chū jiào mén ge2 chu1 jiao4 men2 ko ch`u chiao men ko chu chiao men |
to excommunicate (from a church) |
エケレジヤ see styles |
ekerejiya エケレジヤ |
(archaism) (early Japanese Christian term) (See 教会) church (por: ecclesia) |
カソリック see styles |
kasorikku カソリック |
(See カトリック) Catholic; Catholicism; Catholic Church |
コプト教会 see styles |
koputokyoukai / koputokyokai コプトきょうかい |
Coptic Church |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "Church" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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