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12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
韋伯 韦伯 see styles |
wéi bó wei2 bo2 wei po |
More info & calligraphy: Weber |
麥克斯韋 麦克斯韦 see styles |
mài kè sī wéi mai4 ke4 si1 wei2 mai k`o ssu wei mai ko ssu wei |
More info & calligraphy: Maxwell |
ウェーバー see styles |
reebaa / reeba ヴェーバー |
More info & calligraphy: Weber |
磁 see styles |
cí ci2 tz`u tzu ji |
magnetic; magnetism; porcelain Porcelain crockery, chinaware. |
鎂 镁 see styles |
měi mei3 mei |
magnesium (chemistry) |
MD see styles |
emu dii; emudii(sk) / emu di; emudi(sk) エム・ディー; エムディー(sk) |
(1) (See ミニディスク) minidisc; MD; (2) missile defense; MD; (3) magnetic disk; MD; (4) (See マーチャンダイジング) merchandising |
MO see styles |
emu oo; emuoo(sk) エム・オー; エムオー(sk) |
{comp} magneto-optical disk; MO |
MT see styles |
emu tii; emutii(sk) / emu ti; emuti(sk) エム・ティー; エムティー(sk) |
(1) (See マニュアルシフト) manual transmission; MT; (2) (See メガトン) megaton; megatonne; (3) (See 磁気テープ) magnetic tape; (4) (See マスターテープ) master tape; (5) (See 衛生検査技師) medical technologist; (6) {comp} (See 自動翻訳・じどうほんやく) machine translation |
偶極 偶极 see styles |
ǒu jí ou3 ji2 ou chi |
dipole (e.g. magnetic dipole) |
光磁 see styles |
guāng cí guang1 ci2 kuang tz`u kuang tzu |
magneto-optical |
兩極 两极 see styles |
liǎng jí liang3 ji2 liang chi |
the two poles; the north and south poles; both ends of something; electric or magnetic poles |
分極 see styles |
bunkyoku ぶんきょく |
(n,vs,vi) (1) {physics;chem} (electric) polarization; polarisation; (n,vs,vi) (2) {physics} (See 磁気分極,磁化) (magnetic) polarization; magnetization |
剩磁 see styles |
shèng cí sheng4 ci2 sheng tz`u sheng tzu |
residual magnetism |
北極 北极 see styles |
běi jí bei3 ji2 pei chi hokkyoku ほっきょく |
the North Pole; the Arctic Pole; the north magnetic pole (1) North Pole; (2) (abbreviation) (See 北極圏) the Arctic; (place-name) Hokkyoku |
吸力 see styles |
xī lì xi1 li4 hsi li |
(physics) attraction (gravitational, magnetic, electrostatic etc); suction; (fig.) attraction (power to attract interest or liking) |
安匝 see styles |
ān zā an1 za1 an tsa |
ampere-turn (unit of magnetomotive force) |
巻数 see styles |
kansuu; kanju; kanzu / kansu; kanju; kanzu かんすう; かんじゅ; かんず |
(1) volume number; reel number; scroll number; (2) number of volumes; number of reels; number of scrolls; number of turns (of a coil); number of windings (of a transformer, electromagnet, etc.); (3) (かんじゅ, かんず only) a set number of scrolls to be read by a Buddhist monk |
引力 see styles |
yǐn lì yin3 li4 yin li inryoku いんりょく |
gravitation (force); attraction (1) attraction (e.g. magnetic, gravitation); affinity; gravitational pull; (2) attractiveness; magnetism |
引網 see styles |
hikiami ひきあみ |
dragnet; seine; (surname) Hikiami |
弛緩 弛缓 see styles |
chí huǎn chi2 huan3 ch`ih huan chih huan shikan; chikan しかん; ちかん |
to relax; to slacken; relaxation (in nuclear magnetic resonance) (n,vs,vi) relaxation (e.g. of muscles); becoming flaccid |
感応 see styles |
kannou / kanno かんのう |
(n,vs,vi) (1) responsiveness; responding; sensitivity; sympathy; sympathizing; sympathising; (n,vs,vi) (2) divine response (e.g. to a prayer); (n,vs,vi) (3) divine inspiration; (n,vs,vi,adj-no) (4) induction (electromagnetism); inducing; (surname) Kannou |
慈石 see styles |
cí shí ci2 shi2 tz`u shih tzu shih |
magnetite Fe3O4 |
抽頭 抽头 see styles |
chōu tóu chou1 tou2 ch`ou t`ou chou tou |
to take a percentage of the winnings (in gambling); tap (in an electromagnetic coil); drawer (of a desk etc) |
拖網 拖网 see styles |
tuō wǎng tuo1 wang3 t`o wang to wang |
dragnet; trawl; trawlnet |
方針 方针 see styles |
fāng zhēn fang1 zhen1 fang chen houshin / hoshin ほうしん |
policy; guidelines; CL:個|个[ge4] (1) policy; course; plan (of action); principle; (2) (orig. meaning) (See 磁針) magnetic needle |
曳網 see styles |
hikiami ひきあみ |
(irregular okurigana usage) dragnet; seine |
永磁 see styles |
yǒng cí yong3 ci2 yung tz`u yung tzu |
permanent magnetism |
消磁 see styles |
shouji / shoji しょうじ |
demagnetization; demagnetisation; degaussing |
減磁 see styles |
genji げんじ |
(noun/participle) demagnetization |
無表 无表 see styles |
wú biǎo wu2 biao3 wu piao muhyō |
avijñapti. Unconscious, latent, not expressed, subjective, e.g. 'the taking of a religious vow impresses on a man's character a peculiar bent,' Keith. This is internal and not visible to others. It has a 'quasi-material' basis styled 無表色 or 無作色 which has power to resist evil. It is the Sarvāstivādin view, though certain other schools repudiated the material basis and defined it as mental. This invisible power may be both for good and evil, and may perhaps be compared to 'animal magnetism' or hypnotic powers. It means occult: power whether for higher spiritual ends or for base purposes. |
玄石 see styles |
xuán shí xuan2 shi2 hsüan shih genseki げんせき |
magnetite Fe3O4 (rare) (See 磁石・1) magnet; (given name) Genseki |
着磁 see styles |
chakuji ちゃくじ |
(noun/participle) magnetization; magnetisation |
砂鉄 see styles |
satetsu さてつ |
iron sand; magnetite sand |
磁力 see styles |
cí lì ci2 li4 tz`u li tzu li jiryoku じりょく |
magnetic force; magnetic magnetism; magnetic force |
磁化 see styles |
cí huà ci2 hua4 tz`u hua tzu hua jika じか |
to magnetize (n,vs,vt,vi) magnetization; magnetisation |
磁北 see styles |
jihoku じほく |
magnetic north |
磁区 see styles |
jiku じく |
magnetic domain |
磁卡 see styles |
cí kǎ ci2 ka3 tz`u k`a tzu ka |
magnetic card; IC Card (telephone) |
磁吸 see styles |
cí xī ci2 xi1 tz`u hsi tzu hsi |
(of a magnet) to attract metallic objects; (fig.) to exert a magnetic attraction (for investment, tourists etc) |
磁場 磁场 see styles |
cí chǎng ci2 chang3 tz`u ch`ang tzu chang jiba(p); jijou / jiba(p); jijo じば(P); じじょう |
magnetic field (1) magnetic field; (2) ambience; atmosphere; focal point |
磁壁 see styles |
jiheki じへき |
magnetic domain |
磁層 磁层 see styles |
cí céng ci2 ceng2 tz`u ts`eng tzu tseng |
magnetosphere; magnetic layer |
磁帶 磁带 see styles |
cí dài ci2 dai4 tz`u tai tzu tai |
magnetic tape; CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2] |
磁心 see styles |
jishin じしん |
(magnetic) core |
磁性 see styles |
cí xìng ci2 xing4 tz`u hsing tzu hsing jisei / jise じせい |
magnetic; magnetism magnetism |
磁束 see styles |
jisoku じそく |
magnetic flux |
磁條 磁条 see styles |
cí tiáo ci2 tiao2 tz`u t`iao tzu tiao |
magnetic stripe |
磁極 磁极 see styles |
cí jí ci2 ji2 tz`u chi tzu chi jikyoku じきょく |
magnetic pole NS magnetic pole |
磁歪 see styles |
jiwai じわい |
{physics} magnetostriction |
磁気 see styles |
jiki じき |
magnetism |
磁浮 see styles |
cí fú ci2 fu2 tz`u fu tzu fu |
maglev (type of train); magnetic levitation |
磁片 see styles |
cí piàn ci2 pian4 tz`u p`ien tzu pien |
magnetic disk |
磁界 see styles |
jikai じかい |
magnetic field |
磁矩 see styles |
cí jǔ ci2 ju3 tz`u chü tzu chü |
magnetic moment |
磁石 see styles |
cí shí ci2 shi2 tz`u shih tzu shih jishaku(p); jiseki じしゃく(P); じせき |
magnet (noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) magnet; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) compass A lodestone, magnet. |
磁碟 see styles |
cí dié ci2 die2 tz`u tieh tzu tieh |
(magnetic) computer disk (hard disk or floppy) |
磁貼 see styles |
cí tiē ci2 tie1 tz`u t`ieh tzu tieh |
magnetic sticker; (computing) tile (on the Windows start screen or menu) |
磁路 see styles |
jiro じろ |
{physics} magnetic circuit; magnetic path |
磁釘 磁钉 see styles |
cí dīng ci2 ding1 tz`u ting tzu ting |
button magnet (to use on whiteboards, refrigerator doors etc) |
磁針 see styles |
jishin じしん |
magnetic needle |
磁鉱 see styles |
jikou / jiko じこう |
(1) kaolin; China clay; (2) (abbreviation) (See 磁鉄鉱) magnetite |
磁鏈 磁链 see styles |
cí liàn ci2 lian4 tz`u lien tzu lien |
(computing) magnet link; (electromagnetism) magnetic flux linkage |
磁鐵 磁铁 see styles |
cí tiě ci2 tie3 tz`u t`ieh tzu tieh |
magnet |
磁阻 see styles |
cí zǔ ci2 zu3 tz`u tsu tzu tsu |
magnetic reluctance |
磁頭 磁头 see styles |
cí tóu ci2 tou2 tz`u t`ou tzu tou |
magnetic head (of a tape recorder etc) |
磁體 磁体 see styles |
cí tǐ ci2 ti3 tz`u t`i tzu ti |
magnet; magnetic body |
脱磁 see styles |
datsuji だつじ |
(noun/participle) demagnetization; demagnetisation; degaussing |
脳磁 see styles |
nouji / noji のうじ |
(can act as adjective) neuro-magnetic |
膠帶 胶带 see styles |
jiāo dài jiao1 dai4 chiao tai |
adhesive tape; magnetic tape |
苦土 see styles |
kudo くど |
(See 酸化マグネシウム) magnesia; magnesium oxide |
苦塩 see styles |
nigari にがり nigashio にがしお |
bittern; concentrated solution of salts (esp. magnesium chloride) left over after the crystallization of seawater or brine |
起磁 see styles |
qǐ cí qi3 ci2 ch`i tz`u chi tzu |
magnetization; to magnetize |
重聯 重联 see styles |
chóng lián chong2 lian2 ch`ung lien chung lien |
(physics) magnetic reconnection; (railways) double heading (using two locomotives at the front of a train) |
鎂砂 镁砂 see styles |
měi shā mei3 sha1 mei sha |
magnesium oxide (refractory material) |
鎂磚 镁砖 see styles |
měi zhuān mei3 zhuan1 mei chuan |
magnesium brick (refractory material) |
鎂粉 镁粉 see styles |
měi fěn mei3 fen3 mei fen |
magnesium powder (used in pyrotechnics etc); (sports) gym chalk (magnesium carbonate), used as a drying agent on the hands of gymnasts, weight lifters etc |
鎂鹽 镁盐 see styles |
měi yán mei3 yan2 mei yen |
magnesium salt |
防磁 see styles |
fáng cí fang2 ci2 fang tz`u fang tzu |
antimagnetic |
除鉄 see styles |
jotetsu じょてつ |
(noun/participle) deferrization; iron removal (using a magnet, etc.) |
雜鹽 杂盐 see styles |
zá yán za2 yan2 tsa yen |
carnallite (hydrated potassium magnesium chloride mineral) |
電磁 电磁 see styles |
diàn cí dian4 ci2 tien tz`u tien tzu denji でんじ |
electromagnetic (can act as adjective) {physics} electromagnetic |
順磁 顺磁 see styles |
shùn cí shun4 ci2 shun tz`u shun tzu |
paramagnetic |
香檳 香槟 see styles |
xiāng bīn xiang1 bin1 hsiang pin |
champagne (loanword) |
高斯 see styles |
gāo sī gao1 si1 kao ssu |
gauss, unit of magnetic induction |
黒体 see styles |
kokutai こくたい |
{physics} black body (object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation) |
EMC see styles |
ii emu shii; iiemushii(sk) / i emu shi; iemushi(sk) イー・エム・シー; イーエムシー(sk) |
{elec} (See 電磁両立性) electromagnetic compatibility; EMC |
E爆弾 see styles |
iibakudan / ibakudan イーばくだん |
{mil} e-bomb; electromagnetic bomb |
MRI see styles |
emu aaru ai; emuaaruai(sk) / emu aru ai; emuaruai(sk) エム・アール・アイ; エムアールアイ(sk) |
(See 磁気共鳴映像法) magnetic resonance imaging; MRI |
NMR see styles |
enu emu aaru; enuemuaaru(sk) / enu emu aru; enuemuaru(sk) エヌ・エム・アール; エヌエムアール(sk) |
(See 核磁気共鳴) nuclear magnetic resonance; NMR |
リニア see styles |
rinia リニア |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) linear; (2) (abbreviation) linear motor train; linear induction motor train; magnetic levitation train; maglev train; (personal name) Linnea |
リニモ see styles |
rinimo リニモ |
(serv) Linimo (magnetic levitation train line in Aichi Prefecture); (serv) Linimo (magnetic levitation train line in Aichi Prefecture) |
三鞭酒 see styles |
sanbenshu; shanpan さんべんしゅ; しゃんぱん |
(obscure) (See シャンパン) Champagne |
光磁気 see styles |
hikarijiki ひかりじき |
magneto-optical; MO |
光磁碟 see styles |
guāng cí dié guang1 ci2 die2 kuang tz`u tieh kuang tzu tieh |
magneto-optical disk; floptical disk |
光鹵石 光卤石 see styles |
guāng lǔ shí guang1 lu3 shi2 kuang lu shih |
carnallite (hydrated potassium magnesium chloride mineral) |
北磁極 see styles |
hokujikyoku ほくじきょく |
north magnetic pole |
南磁極 see styles |
nanjikyoku なんじきょく |
south magnetic pole |
古地磁 see styles |
gǔ dì cí gu3 di4 ci2 ku ti tz`u ku ti tzu |
paleomagnetism |
吸鐵石 吸铁石 see styles |
xī tiě shí xi1 tie3 shi2 hsi t`ieh shih hsi tieh shih |
a magnet; same as 磁鐵|磁铁 |
唐棕梠 see styles |
toujuro / tojuro とうじゅろ |
miniature Chusan palm (Trachycarpus wagnerianus); (poss. Trachycarpus fortunei) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "Agne" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.