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There are 2161 total results for your this is life search. I have created 22 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 shoseikun / shosekun
guiding motto for one's life


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desire to succeed in life; ambition to make one's mark in the world



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chū shì jiān
    chu1 shi4 jian1
ch`u shih chien
    chu shih chien
monastic life
To go out of the world; the world (or life) beyond this; the supra-mundane; the spiritual world.


see styles
chū fū jiā
    chu1 fu1 jia1
ch`u fu chia
    chu fu chia
leave the secular life


see styles
(1) fork; junction; diverging point; (2) turning point (e.g. in one's life); crossroads; (place-name) Bunkiten


see styles
qián bàn shēng
    qian2 ban4 sheng1
ch`ien pan sheng
    chien pan sheng
 zenhansei / zenhanse
first half of one's life
first half of one's life


see styles
 benkyoudai / benkyodai
(colloquialism) cost of a lesson learned (e.g. from failing at something); price of a life lesson


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 boshuunin / boshunin
sales agent (esp. in life insurance); recruiter



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huà tā shòu
    hua4 ta1 shou4
hua t`a shou
    hua ta shou
A Buddha's long or 'eternal' life spent in saving others; implying his powers of unlimited salvation.



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huà lè tiān
    hua4 le4 tian1
hua le t`ien
    hua le tien
 keraku ten
Nirmāṇarati, 樂變化天 the fifth of the six desire-heavens, 640, 000 yojanas above Meru; it is next above the Tuṣita, or fourth deva. loka; a day is equal to 800 human years; life lasts for 8, 000 years; its inhabitants are eight yojanas in height, and light-emitting; mutual smiling produces impregnation and children are born on the knees by metamorphosis, at birth equal in development to human children of twelve— hence the 'joy-born heaven'.



see styles
shí shèng xíng
    shi2 sheng4 xing2
shih sheng hsing
The ten pāramitās observed by bodhisattvas, see 十地 and 十住. Hīnayāna has another group, adding to the four 梵福 q. v. the six of sacrificing one's life to save mother; or father; or a Buddha; to become a monk: to induce another to become a monk; to obtain authority to preach.


see styles
shí shàn wèi
    shi2 shan4 wei4
shih shan wei
 jū zen(no) gurai
十善戒力; 十善王 The position, or power, attained in the next life by observing the ten commandments here, to be born in the heavens, or as rulers of men.



see styles
shí nǎo luàn
    shi2 nao3 luan4
shih nao luan
 jū nōran
The ten disturbers of the religious life: a domineering (spirit); heretical ways; dangerous amusements; a butcher's or other low occupation; asceticism (or selfish hīnayāna salvation); (the condition of a) eunuch; lust; endangering (the character by improper intimacy); contempt; breeding animals, etc. (for slaughter).



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bàn tiáo mìng
    ban4 tiao2 ming4
pan t`iao ming
    pan tiao ming
half a life; only half alive; barely alive; (scared, beaten etc) half to death


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{physics;chem} half life


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bàn shuāi qī
    ban4 shuai1 qi1
pan shuai ch`i
    pan shuai chi


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 enseiteki / enseteki
(adjectival noun) sick of life; world-weary; pessimistic


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 enseikan / ensekan
(ant: 楽天観) pessimistic view of life; pessimism


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(transitive verb) (1) to receive; to get; (2) to catch (e.g. a ball); (3) to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.); (4) to sustain (damage); to incur (a loss); to suffer (an injury); to feel (influence); (5) to undergo (e.g. surgery); to take (a test); to accept (a challenge); (6) to be given (e.g. life, talent); (7) to follow; to succeed; to be descended from; (8) to face (south, etc.); (9) (linguistics terminology) to be modified by; (10) to obtain (a pawned item, etc.) by paying a fee; (v1,vi) (11) (kana only) to be well-received; to become popular; to go down well; (12) (colloquialism) (kana only) to be funny; to be humorous



see styles
chī xián fàn
    chi1 xian2 fan4
ch`ih hsien fan
    chih hsien fan
to lead an idle life; to be a loafer


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(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) risking one's life; (2) life and death; risky; desperate


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(noun/participle) begging for one's life; pleading for one's life


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the thread of life


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(exp,v5r) to put one's life on the line


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(noun/participle) begging for one's life; pleading for one's life


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(exp,v5r) to put one's life on the line


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(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) risking one's life; (2) life and death; risky; desperate


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(out-dated kanji) (noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) risking one's life; (2) life and death; risky; desperate


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(adverb) for dear life; barely escaping alive


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(adverb) for dear life; barely escaping alive



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zēng shòu xíng
    zeng1 shou4 xing2
tseng shou hsing
 zōju gyō
practices of prolonging life


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 sounenki / sonenki
(1) prime of one's life; (2) {geol} stage of maturity



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shòu mìng cháng
    shou4 ming4 chang2
shou ming ch`ang
    shou ming chang
 jumyō chō
long life



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shòu zhě xiàng
    shou4 zhe3 xiang4
shou che hsiang
 jusha sō
the marks (signs) of having a life span



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shòu zhě jiàn
    shou4 zhe3 jian4
shou che chien
 jusha ken
view of a life span


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 henkeitai / henketai
plasmodium (form within the life cycle of myxomycete slime molds)


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yè shēng huó
    ye4 sheng1 huo2
yeh sheng huo
night life


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(n,vs,vi) running off in the night (to leave one's old life behind, e.g. to get away from debt); moonlight flit; skipping town overnight; upping and leaving under the cover of darkness; midnight vanishing act



see styles
dà shèng jīng
    da4 sheng4 jing1
ta sheng ching
 daijō kyō
Mahāyāna sutras, the sūtra-piṭaka. Discourses ascribed to the Buddha, presumed to be written in India and translated into Chinese. These are divided into five classes corresponding to the Mahāyāna theory of the Buddha's life: (1) Avataṃsaka, 華嚴 the sermons first preached by Śākyamuni after enlightenment; (2) Vaipulya, 方等; (3) Prajñā Pāramitā, 般若; (4) Saddharma Puṇḍarīka, 法華; and last (5) Mahāparinirvāṇa, 涅槃. Another list of Mahāyāna sutras is 般若; 寳積; 大集; 華嚴 and 涅槃. The sutras of Hīnayāna are given as the Agamas 阿含, etc.



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dà jiào wǎng
    da4 jiao4 wang3
ta chiao wang
 daikyō mō
The net of the great teaching, which saves men from the sea of mortal life.


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tiān zhēn fó
    tian1 zhen1 fo2
t`ien chen fo
    tien chen fo
 tenshin butsu
The real or ultimate Buddha; the bhūtatathatā; another name for the Dharmakāya, the source of all life.


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hǎo rì zi
    hao3 ri4 zi5
hao jih tzu
auspicious day; good day; happy life


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miào fǎ chuán
    miao4 fa3 chuan2
miao fa ch`uan
    miao fa chuan
 myōhō sen
The bark or boat of wonderful dharma, capable of transporting men over the sea of life into nirvana.



see styles
pó luó mén
    po2 luo2 men2
p`o lo men
    po lo men
 baramon; baramon; buraaman / baramon; baramon; buraman
    ばらもん; バラモン; ブラーマン
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (kana only) Brahman (priest of Hinduism, members of the highest caste) (san: brahmana); (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) Brahmanism; priest of Brahmanism
跋濫摩; 沒囉憾摩 Brāhmaṇa; Brāhmanical; Brāhman; 淨行; 婆志 of pure life or mind; the highest of the four castes, those who serve Brahma, his offspring, the keepers of the Vedas.


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(v1,vi) to have a long life; to live a long time


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 zonmeichuu / zonmechu
(noun - becomes adjective with の) in one's lifetime; (while) in life


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 jisseikatsu / jissekatsu
real life; actual life; everyday life


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 ryouseikatsu / ryosekatsu
life in a dormitory; dormitory life



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jiāng lái shì
    jiang1 lai2 shi4
chiang lai shih
 shōrai se
in a future life


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xiǎo rì zi
    xiao3 ri4 zi5
hsiao jih tzu
simple life



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xiǎo què xìng
    xiao3 que4 xing4
hsiao ch`üeh hsing
    hsiao chüeh hsing
 shoukakkou / shokakko
something small that one can find pleasure in (e.g. a cold beer after a hard day or a serendipitous find in a second-hand store)
(slang) (abbr. of 小さいけど確かな幸せ; from an essay by Haruki Murakami) simple pleasure (in life)



see styles
shī pí jiā
    shi1 pi2 jia1
shih p`i chia
    shih pi chia
Śivi, 尸毘伽; 尸毘略; also wrongly 濕鞞; one of Śākyamuni's former incarnations, when to save the life of a dove he cut off and gave his own flesh to an eagle which pursued it, which eagle was Śiva transformed in order to test him. 智度論 35.



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ní mó luó
    ni2 mo2 luo2
ni mo lo
nirmāṇarati, 須密陀天 devas who 'delight in transformations', i. e. 化樂天 or 樂變化天; of the six devalokas of desire they occupy the fifth, where life lasts for 8, 000 years.



see styles
shī zǐ hǒu
    shi1 zi3 hou3
shih tzu hou
 shishi ku
siṃhanāda. The lion's roar, a term designating authoritative or powerful preaching. As the lion's roar makes all animals tremble, subdues elephants, arrests birds in their light and fishes in the water, so Buddha's preaching overthrows all other religions, subdues devils, conquers heretics, and arrests the misery of life.


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prime of life


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yán mìng fǎ
    yan2 ming4 fa3
yen ming fa
 enmyō hō
Methods of worship of the 延命菩薩 life-prolonging bodhisattvas to increase length of life; these bodhisattvas are 普賢; 金剛薩埵; 地藏; 觀音, and others.



see styles
yán shòu táng
    yan2 shou4 tang2
yen shou t`ang
    yen shou tang
 enju dō
The hall or room into which a dying person is taken to enter upon his 'long life'.


see styles
after ages; posterity; future life; the next world



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hòu bàn shēng
    hou4 ban4 sheng1
hou pan sheng
 kouhansei / kohanse
latter half of one's life
latter half of one's life


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(noun/participle) (1) eating between meals; wasteful eating habits; waste of resources; (2) living idly; loafing one's way through life


see styles
rěn rù xiān
    ren3 ru4 xian1
jen ju hsien
 Ninniku Sen
kṣāntyṛṣi; the ṛṣi who patiently suffered insult, i.e. Śākyamuni, in a former life, suffering mutilation to convert Kalirāja.


see styles
xìng shēng huó
    xing4 sheng1 huo2
hsing sheng huo
 seiseikatsu / sesekatsu
sex life
sex life; sexual activities


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(exp,n) (idiom) life


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huò yè kǔ
    huo4 ye4 ku3
huo yeh k`u
    huo yeh ku
Illusion, accordant action, and suffering; the pains arising from a life of illusion.


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xí shēn mìng
    xi2 shen1 ming4
hsi shen ming
 shaku shinmyō
prizes one's own life



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è wú guò
    e4 wu2 guo4
o wu kuo
 aku muka
That it is not wrong to do evil; that there are no consequences at attached to an evil life.



see styles
è jiàn chù
    e4 jian4 chu4
o chien ch`u
    o chien chu
 akuken jo
The place in Hades whence the sinner beholds the evil done in life, one of the sixteen special hells.


see styles
cí lì wáng
    ci2 li4 wang2
tz`u li wang
    tzu li wang
 Jiriki ō
Maitrībala-rāja, king of merciful virtue, or power, a former incarnation of the Buddha when, as all his people had embraced the vegetarian life, and yakṣas had no animal food and were suffering, the king fed five of them with his own blood.


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(1) fleeting life; this transient world; floating world; (2) sad world; world of grief and worry


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wretched life; life of misery


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 bouchuujutsu / bochujutsu
Taoist sexual alchemy (supposed to prolong the practitioner's life)


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(transitive verb) (1) to receive; to get; (2) to catch (e.g. a ball); (3) to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.); (4) to sustain (damage); to incur (a loss); to suffer (an injury); to feel (influence); (5) to undergo (e.g. surgery); to take (a test); to accept (a challenge); (6) to be given (e.g. life, talent); (7) to follow; to succeed; to be descended from; (8) to face (south, etc.); (9) (linguistics terminology) to be modified by; (10) to obtain (a pawned item, etc.) by paying a fee; (v1,vi) (11) (kana only) to be well-received; to become popular; to go down well; (12) (colloquialism) (kana only) to be funny; to be humorous


see styles
lā jiā cháng
    la1 jia1 chang2
la chia ch`ang
    la chia chang
to talk or chat about ordinary daily life


see styles
(colloquialism) period (of life) when one is enjoying more romantic attention than usual


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 teisuru / tesuru
(vs-s,vt) (usu. as 身を挺する) (See 身を挺する・1) to put (oneself) forward; to risk (one's life); to volunteer (bravely)


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) putting one's life on the line; giving everything one has got; acting out of desperation


see styles
 houjoue / hojoe
{Buddh} life release; ceremony of releasing captive animals; (surname) Hōjōe


see styles
fàng shēng chí
    fang4 sheng1 chi2
fang sheng ch`ih
    fang sheng chih
 houjouike / hojoike
(place-name) Hōjōike
pond for releasing life


see styles
jiù shēng quān
    jiu4 sheng1 quan1
chiu sheng ch`üan
    chiu sheng chüan
life buoy; life belt; (jocular) flab; spare tire


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jiù shēng fá
    jiu4 sheng1 fa2
chiu sheng fa
a life raft


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jiù shēng yī
    jiu4 sheng1 yi1
chiu sheng i
life jacket; life vest



see styles
yú cǐ shēng
    yu2 ci3 sheng1
yü tz`u sheng
    yü tzu sheng
 o shi shō
in this present life



see styles
yú yú shēng
    yu2 yu2 sheng1
yü yü sheng
 o yojō
in another life


see styles
(v5t,vi) (1) to begin a trip; to depart; to embark; (2) to die; to pass away; to depart this life


see styles
(v5t,vi) (1) to begin a trip; to depart; to embark; (2) to die; to pass away; to depart this life


see styles
rì yòng shì
    ri4 yong4 shi4
jih yung shih
 nichiyū no ji
affairs of everyday life


see styles
wǎn chū jiā
    wan3 chu1 jia1
wan ch`u chia
    wan chu chia
renouncing the world late in life


see styles
(n,n-suf) life; living; livelihood; life circumstances


see styles
gēng nián qī
    geng1 nian2 qi1
keng nien ch`i
    keng nien chi
 kounenki / konenki
menopause; andropause
menopause; change of life


see styles
 kouseiki / koseki
change of life; menopause


see styles
last years of one's life; very late in one's life


see styles
yuè miàn fó
    yue4 mian4 fo2
yüeh mien fo
 Gachimen Butsu
The 'moon-face Buddha', whose life is only a day and a night, in contrast with the sun-face Buddha whose life is 1, 800 years.



see styles
yǒu mìng yuán
    you3 ming4 yuan2
yu ming yüan
 umyō en
the conditions for life


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wèi liǎo yīn
    wei4 liao3 yin1
wei liao yin
The karma of past life not yet fulfilled.



see styles
wèi lái yǒu
    wei4 lai2 you3
wei lai yu
 mirai u
future life


see styles
mò qié lí
    mo4 qie2 li2
mo ch`ieh li
    mo chieh li
(or 末伽黎) 拘賖梨 (or 拘賖黎); 末佉梨劬奢離 Maskari Gośālīputra, one of the six Tīrthikas 外道六師. He denied that present lot was due to deeds done in previous lives, and the Laṅkāvatāra Sutra says he taught total annihilation at the end of this life.


see styles
 sueshijuu / sueshiju
(adv,n) forever; for life


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běn mìng xīng
    ben3 ming4 xing1
pen ming hsing
The life-star of an individual, i. e. the particular star of the seven stars of Ursa Major which is dominant in the year of birth; 本命宿 is the constellation, or star-group, under which he is born; 本命元辰 is the year of birth, i. e. the year of his birth-star.



see styles
běn shēng tú
    ben3 sheng1 tu2
pen sheng t`u
    pen sheng tu
 honjō zu
past life image

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "this is life" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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