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Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles
(n,n-suf) (1) (archaism) special Nara-period administrative division for areas containing a detached palace (Yoshino and Izumi); (2) (archaism) (See 大宰府) secretary; third highest-ranking officials in the Dazaifu; (surname) Kanzaki
To survey, examine; a palace-eunuch; the Academy; to superintend, oversee; warden of a jail, warder, jail.

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straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
(prefix) (kana only) earnestly; immediately; exactly; (surname) Masami
Straight, upright, direct; to arrange.

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 sou / so
appearance; portrait; picture; government minister; (physics) phase; (literary) to appraise (esp. by scrutinizing physical features); to read sb's fortune (by physiognomy, palmistry etc)
(1) aspect; appearance; look; (2) physiognomy (as an indication of one's fortune); (3) {gramm} aspect; (4) {physics;chem} phase (e.g. solid, liquid and gaseous); (given name) Tasuku
lakṣana 攞乞尖拏. Also, nimitta. A 'distinctive mark, sign', 'indication, characteristic', 'designation'. M. W. External appearance; the appearance of things; form; a phenomenon 有爲法 in the sense of appearance; mutual; to regard. The four forms taken by every phenomenon are 生住異滅 rise, stay, change, cease, i. e. birth, life, old age, death. The Huayan school has a sixfold division of form, namely, whole and parts, together and separate, integrate and disintegrate. A Buddha or Cakravartī is recognized by his thirty-two lakṣana , i. e. his thirty-two characteristic physiological marks.

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space between the eyebrows and the eyelashes

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(bound form) one's family, esp. wife and children; (literary) to regard with love and affection; to feel concern for
(given name) Ken
Regard, love; wife; family; relatives; retainers.

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(literary) to regard with love and affection; to feel concern for (variant of 眷[juan4])

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short and small

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stone roller; roller and millstone; to grind; to crush; to husk

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old term for the right-falling stroke in Chinese characters (e.g. the last stroke of 大[da4]), now called 捺[na4]; sound made by birds (onom.); (literary) to dismember (form of punishment); to spread
(See 永字八法) eighth principle of the Eight Principles of Yong; stroke that falls rightwards and fattens at the bottom

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Ahura Mazda, the creator deity in Zoroastrianism
Xian, commonly but incorrectly written 祅 a Western Asian name for Heaven, or the 天神 God of Heaven, adopted by the Zoroastrians and borrowed later by the Manicheans; also intp. as Maheśvara.

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god of the earth
To revere, venerate; only; translit. j in 祇園精舍; 祇樹給孤獨園 The vihāra and garden Jetavana, bought by Anāthapiṇḍaka from prince Jeta and given to Śākyamuni.; The Earth-Spirit; repose; vast; translit. j, g.

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to implore; to pray; to request
(given name) Motomu
yācñā. Pray; prayer is spoken of as absent from Hīnayāna, and only known in Mahāyāna, especially in the esoteric sect.

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to cleanse; to remove evil; ritual for seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster
purification; exorcism

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to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors); memorial ceremony; (in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon; (lit. and fig.) to wield
festival; feast; (surname, female given name) Matsuri
Sacrifice, sacrificial.

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generic term for birds and animals; birds; to capture (old)
(1) bird; (2) bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry

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to accumulate; fine and close


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to wear; to put on; to dress; to bore through; to pierce; to perforate; to penetrate; to pass through; to thread
(female given name) Haku
To bore, pierce; to thread; to don, put on. To bore a well and gradually discover water, likened to the gradual discovery of the Buddha-nature.

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sunken eyes; deep and hollow; remote and obscure; variant of 杳[yao3]

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quiet and secluded; gentle, graceful, and elegant
(place-name) Utsuro

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cave; hole
(kana only) caves dug as tombs in and around Kamakura during the Kamakura and Muromachi periods; cavern; grotto; (surname) Iwaya
gūha. A cave.

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nest; pit or hollow on the human body; lair; den; place; to harbor or shelter; to hold in check; to bend; classifier for litters and broods

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poor; destitute; to use up; to exhaust; thoroughly; extremely; (coll.) persistently and pointlessly
Poor, impoverished, exhausted; to exhaust, investigate thoroughly.

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 hashi(p); haji; hana
    はし(P); はじ; はな
end; extremity; item; port; to hold something level with both hands; to carry; regular
(1) end (e.g. of street); tip; point; edge; margin; (2) beginning; start; first; (3) odds and ends; scrap; odd bit; least; (female given name) Mizuki
Beginning, coming forth, elementary principles; a point either beginning or end; straight, proper.

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free reed wind instrument similar to the sheng 笙[sheng1], used in ancient China
(hist) yu; free reed wind instrument used in ancient China and Nara-period Japan

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arrow end
(1) (kana only) expectation that something took place, will take place or was in some state; it should be so; bound to be; expected to be; must be; (2) nock (of a bow); (3) nock (of an arrow); (4) (sumo) nock-shaped grip (between thumb and forefinger); (5) wooden frame on the tip of the mast of a Japanese ship that prevents the hawser from falling out

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to wait for; to await; by the time; when; till; and so on; etc.; et al.; (bound form) class; rank; grade; (bound form) equal to; same as; (used to end an enumeration); (literary) (plural suffix attached to a personal pronoun or noun)
(suffix) (1) (kana only) pluralizing suffix; (suffix) (2) (kana only) (See あちら,いくら・1) or so; rough indicator of direction, location, amount, etc.; (suffix) (3) (kana only) (after the stem of an adjective) (See 清ら) nominalizing suffix; (s,m,f) Hitoshi
To pair; parallel, equal, of like order; a class, grade, rank; common; to wait; sign of plural. In Buddhist writings it is also used for 'equal everywhere', 'equally everywhere', 'universal'.

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variant of 個|个[ge4]
(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (counter) (kana only) counter for the hito-futa-mi counting system (forming hitotsu, futatsu, mitsu, and misoji, yasoji, etc.); (counter) (1) counter for articles; (2) counter for military units; (3) individual; (counter) counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system (usu. directly preceding the item being counted); a noun read using its on-yomi
Each, every.

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used in 箢箕[yuan1 ji1] and 箢篼[yuan1 dou1]; Taiwan pr. [wan3]

see styles
joint; node; (bound form) section; segment; solar term (one of the 24 divisions of the year in the traditional Chinese calendar); seasonal festival; (bound form) to economize; to save; (bound form) moral integrity; chastity; classifier for segments: lessons, train wagons, biblical verses etc; knot (nautical miles per hour)
(archaism) space between two nodes (on bamboo, etc.); (female given name) Misao; Misawo

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seal (of office); seal script (a calligraphic style); the small seal 小篆 and great seal 大篆; writing in seal script
(See 篆書) seal-engraving style (of writing Chinese characters); seal script

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ancient bronze food vessel with a round mouth and two or four handles; round basket of bamboo

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rice; CL:粒[li4]; meter (classifier)
(1) (because 米 can be deconstructed into 八十八) 88 years old; (2) (archaism) (See 米・こめ・1) rice; (surname) Yonehama
śāli, rice, i. e. hulled rice. The word śālihas been wrongly used for śarīra, relics, and for both words 舍利 has been used.

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cakes of rice-flour and honey

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Japanese variant of 粹
(1) essence; the best; cream; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) (See 粋・いき・1) chic; smart; stylish; tasteful; refined; sophisticated; (noun or adjectival noun) (3) considerate; understanding; thoughtful; tactful; (noun or adjectival noun) (4) familiar with worldly pleasures (esp. sexual relations, geisha districts and red-light districts); (female given name) Sui

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a traditional pastry of Taiwan and Fujian which is fried, then coated with maltose and rolled in sesame seeds or chopped peanuts etc; Taiwan pr. [lao3]


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rice cake (typically made with glutinous rice flour and steamed)

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 hoshii / hoshi
food for a journey; cakes
dried boiled rice used mainly as provisions of samurai troops and travelers (travellers); (place-name, surname) Hoshii

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 nuka; nuka
    ぬか; ヌカ
husk; (of a radish etc) spongy (and therefore unappetising)
rice bran; (place-name, surname) Nuka

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order; discipline; age; era; period; to chronicle
(n,n-suf) (1) {geol} period; (2) (abbreviation) (See 日本書紀) Nihon Shoki (second oldest work of Japanese history, compiled in 720 CE); Nihongi; Chronicles of Japan; (3) (abbreviation) (hist) Kii (former province located in present-day Wakayama and southern Mie prefectures); (personal name) Motoi
To record; regulate; a year, a period (of twelve years).

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crupper (harness strap running over a horse's hindquarters and under its tail)

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thin or slender; finely particulate; thin and soft; fine; delicate; trifling; (of a sound) quiet; frugal
(1) (abbreviation) (See 細引き,細糸) fine thread; hempen cord; (prefix noun) (2) slender; narrow; weak; (suffix noun) (3) (as ぼそ) narrowness; (surname) Hososaki
Fine, small, minute, in detail: careful.

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knot; sturdy; bond; to tie; to bind; to check out (of a hotel)
(female given name) Ribon
Knot, tie, bond; bound; settle, wind up; to form. The bond of transmigration. There are categories of three, five, and nine bonds; e.g. false views, the passions, etc.

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variant of 絕|绝[jue2]
(abbreviation) {hanaf} (See 絶場) starting field which contains the November and-or December 20-point card
To cut off, sunder, terminate, end; decidedly, superlatively.

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classics; sacred book; scripture; to pass through; to undergo; to bear; to endure; warp (textile); longitude; menstruation; channel (TCM); abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]
(female given name) Tsune
A warp, that which runs lengthwise; to pass through or by, past; to manage, regulate; laws, canons, classics. Skt. sūtras; threads, threaded together, classical works. Also called 契經 and 經本. The sūtras in the Tripiṭaka are the sermons attributed to the Buddha; the other two divisions are 律 the Vinaya, and 論 the śāstras, or Abhidharma; cf. 三藏. Every sūtra begins with the words 如是我聞 'Thus did I hear', indicating that it contains the words of Śākyamuni.


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cap tassels
The threads of beads or gems which hang, front and back, from the ceremonial square cap.

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(bound form) ample; spacious; (literary) graceful; used in 綽號|绰号[chuo4 hao4] and 綽名|绰名[chuo4 ming2]
(personal name) Yutaka

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cause; reason; karma; fate; predestined affinity; margin; hem; edge; along
pratyaya means conviction, reliance, but with Buddhists especially it means 'a co-operating cause, the concurrent occasion of an event as distinguished from its proximate cause'. M.W. It is the circumstantial, conditioning, or secondary cause, in contrast with 因 hetu, the direct or fundamental cause. hetu is as the seed, pratyaya the soil, rain, sunshine, etc. To reason, conclude. To climb, lay hold of. The mind 能緣can reason, the objective is 所緣, the two in contact constitute the reasoning process. The four kinds of causes are 因緣; 次第緣; 緣緣, and 增上緣 q.v.

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fine and dense

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plain white silk
(n,n-suf,adj-no) (1) stripe; bar; streak; (2) (also formerly written as 島 and 嶋) (weaved) stripe pattern (of 2 or more different colors); (surname) Shima

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fine and loose cloth; tassel

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to wind around; to wrap round; to coil; tangle; to involve; to bother; to annoy
(given name) Matome
To bind with cords; bonds; another name for 煩惱 the passions and delusions, etc.

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guilt; crime; fault; blame; sin
(n,adj-na,adj-no) (1) crime; sin; wrongdoing; indiscretion; (2) penalty; sentence; punishment; (3) fault; responsibility; culpability; (noun or adjectival noun) (4) thoughtlessness; lack of consideration
That which is blameworthy and brings about bad karma; entangled in the net of wrong-doing; sin, crime.

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a kind of tool used to dredge up fish, water plants or river mud, consisting of a net attached to a pair of bamboo poles, which are used to open and close the net; to dredge with such a tool

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broth made of fish and vegetables

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to open and close (the mouth etc); friendly; compliant; Taiwan pr. [xi4]
(given name) Sakari
to arise

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feather screen; to screen; to shade; cataract
(kana only) dimness (of sight); (1) shade; shadow; (2) other side; back; background; large fan-shaped object held by an attendant and used to conceal the face of a noble, etc.
A film; screen; fan; hide, invisible; translit. e, a.

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and; as well as; and so; but (not); yet (not); (indicates causal relation); (indicates change of state); (indicates contrast)

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ear; handle (archaeology); and that is all (Classical Chinese)
(1) ear; (2) hearing; (3) ear (for music, etc.); (4) edge; crust; heel (of bread or cheese); selvedge (of woven fabric); selvage; (5) ear (of a pot, jug, etc.); handle; (surname, female given name) Mimi
śrotra, the ear, one of the 六根 six organs of sense, hence 耳入 is one of the twelve 入, as 耳處 is one of the twelve 處.

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 kou / ko
(literary) bright; brilliant; honest; upright
(surname, given name) Kō

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sound; voice; tone; noise; reputation; classifier for sounds
(out-dated kanji) voice
śabda. Sound, tone, voice, repute; one of the five physical senses or sensations, i.e. sound, the聲入, 聲根, or聲塵, cf. 六 and 十二入.

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(arch. introductory particle); then; and then

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region between heart and diaphragm

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brittle; fragile; crisp; crunchy; clear and loud voice; neat
(personal name) Sumitomo

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the tissue between the skin and the flesh

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brisket; belly beef; spongy meat from cow's underside and neighboring ribs; see 牛腩[niu2 nan3] esp. Cantonese; erroneously translated as sirloin

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(usu. of an animal) the part of the side of the body between the ribs and the hipbone

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 hiza(p); hiza
    ひざ(P); ヒザ
(1) knee; (2) lap; knee and thigh (while sitting)

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to glue; glue; gum; rubber
gelatinous glue (usu. from animal and fish bones, hide, etc.)
Glue, gum.

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chopped meat or fish
(food term) (kana only) dish of raw fish and vegetables seasoned in vinegar

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Shun (c. 23rd century BC), mythical sage and leader
(male given name) Hitoshi
The legendary Emperor Shun, 2255-2205 B.C.

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(coll.) color; used in 色子[shai3 zi5]
(counter) counter for colours; (female given name) Shiki
rūpa, outward appearance, form, colour, matter, thing; the desirable, especially feminine attraction. It is defined as that which has resistance; or which changes and disappears, i. e. the phenomenal; also as 顯, 形 and 表色 colour and quality, form or the measurable, and mode or action. There are divisions of two, i. e. inner and outer, as the organs and objects of sense; also colour and form; of three, i. e. the visible object, e. g. colour, the invisible object, e. g. sound, the invisible and immaterial; of eleven, i. e. the five organs and five objects of sense and the immaterial object; of fourteen, the five organs and five objects of sense and the four elements, earth, water, fire, air. rūpa is one of the six bāhya-āyatana, the 六塵; also one of the five skandhas, 五蘊, i. e. the 色身. Keith refers to rūpa as 'material form or matter which is underived (no-utpādā) and which is derived (utpādā)', the underived or independent being the tangible; the derived or dependent being the senses, e. g. of hearing; most of their objects, e. g. sound; the qualities or faculties of feminity, masculinity, vitality; intimation by act and speech, space; qualities of matter, e. g. buoyancy and physical nutriment.

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bitter; hardship; pain; to suffer; to bring suffering to; painstakingly
(1) pain; anguish; suffering; distress; anxiety; worry; trouble; difficulty; hardship; (2) {Buddh} (See 八苦) duhkha (suffering)
duḥkha, 豆佉 bitterness; unhappiness, suffering, pain, distress, misery; difficulty. There are lists of two, three, four, five, eight, and ten categories; the two are internal, i. e. physical and mental, and external, i. e. attacks from without. The four are birth, growing old, illness, and death. The eight are these four along with the pain of parting from the loved, of meeting with the hated, of failure in one's aims, and that caused by the five skandhas; cf. 四諦.

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now; here; this; time; year
(1) (kana only) here (place physically close to the speaker, place pointed by the speaker while explaining); this place; (2) these last (followed by a duration noun and a past sentence: time period before the present time of the speaker); (3) these next ... (followed by a duration noun and a non past sentence: time period after the present time of the speaker); the next ...; (given name) Shigeru

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(bound form) (of newly sprouted grass) soft and fine; downy
(kana only) mushroom; (female given name) Kinoko

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 mou / mo
(bound form) dense growth of grass; (literary) vast; boundless; (bound form) boorish; reckless
(given name) Mou
Jungle; wild; rude; translit. ma, cf. 摩; intp. as 無 and 空.

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marshland; swamp; salted or pickled vegetables; to mince; to shred; to mince human flesh and bones; Taiwan pr. [ju1]

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legumes (peas and beans)
(1) legume (esp. edible legumes or their seeds, such as beans, peas, pulses, etc.); beans; peas; (2) soya bean (Glycine max); soybean; soy; (3) (colloquialism) female genitalia (esp. the clitoris); (4) (food term) (colloquialism) kidney; (prefix noun) (5) miniature; tiny; (6) child

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plant genus Aconitum, aka monkshood or wolf's bane (used as poison and medicine); Taiwan pr. [ze2]

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strong-smelling vegetable (garlic etc); non-vegetarian food (meat, fish etc); vulgar; obscene
(1) strong-smelling vegetable (esp. garlic, onion, Chinese chives, Chinese scallion, Japanese garlic); (2) pungent vegetable (esp. ginger and water pepper)
Strongly smelling vegetables, e.g. onions, garlic, leeks, etc., forbidden to Buddhist vegetarians; any non-vegetarian food.

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refers to various monocotyledonous flowering plants including Acorus calamus and Typha orientalis; common cattail; bullrush
(1) (See ガマ) common cattail (Typha latifolia); broadleaf cattail; common bulrush; great reedmace; (2) (abbreviation) (See 蒲色) reddish yellow; (surname) Makomo
Rushes, flags, grass.

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(literary) to cover; to shelter; (literary) 76 years (unit of time in ancient calendars)
{archit} latticed shutters (in traditional Japanese and Chinese architecture); (surname) Tobe

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root and lower stem of certain plants; classifier for pieces and clumps

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water spinach or ong choy (Ipomoea aquatica), used as a vegetable in south China and southeast Asia; Taiwan pr. [yong1]

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storehouse; depository; Buddhist or Taoist scripture
(surname) Kura
Treasury, thesaurus, store, to hide; the Canon. An intp. of piṭaka, a basket, box, granary, collection of writings. The 二藏 twofold canon may be the sutras and the vinaya; or the Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna scriptures. The 三藏 or tripiṭaka consists of the sutras, vinaya, and śāstras (abhidharma). The 四藏 fourfold canon adds a miscellaneous collection. The 五藏 fivefold collection is sutras, vinaya, abhidharma, miscellaneous, and spells, or, instead of the spells, a bodhisattva collection. There is also an esoteric fivefold canon, the first three being the above, the last two being the prājñāpāramitā and the dhāraṇīs.

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fence; hedge; (literary) screen; barrier; vassal state; Taiwan pr. [fan2]
(n,n-suf) (hist) han (estate of a daimyo in the Edo and early Meiji periods); feudal domain; fief; province; (given name) Mamoru

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Lophanthus rugosus; beans
Greens, bean-stalks, etc.; bishopwort, a kind of mint; the tamāla, 多摩羅 (多摩羅跋) Xanthochymus pictorius, Lauras cassia, and other odoriferous shrubs.

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fallen leaves and bark

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to accumulate; to hold in store; to contain; to gather together; to collect; depth; inner strength; profundity
(given name) Osamu
skandha, v. 塞; older tr. 陰, intp. as that which covers or conceals, implying that physical and mental forms obstruct realization of the truth; while the tr. 蘊, implying an accumulation or heap, is a nearer connotation to skandha, which, originally meaning the shoulder, becomes stem, branch, combination, the objects of sense, the elements of being or mundane consciousness. The term is intp. as the five physical and mental constituents, which combine to form the intelligent 性 or nature; rūpa, the first of the five, is considered as physical, the remaining four as mental; v. 五蘊. The skandhas refer only to the phenomenal, not to the 無爲 non-phenomenal.

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place; location; spot; point; office; department; bureau; respect; classifier for locations or items of damage: spot, point
(out-dated kanji) (n,suf) (1) place; spot; scene; site; (2) (kana only) address; (3) (kana only) district; area; locality; (4) (kana only) one's house; (5) (kana only) point; aspect; side; facet; (6) (kana only) passage (in text); part; (7) (kana only) space; room; (8) (kana only) thing; matter; (9) (kana only) whereupon; as a result; (10) (kana only) about to; on the verge of; (11) (kana only) was just doing; was in the process of doing; have just done; just finished doing; (surname) Tokoro
To dwell, abide; fix, decide, punish; a place, state. āyatana, 阿耶怛那, also tr. 入, place or entrance of the sense, both the organ and the sensation, or sense datum; hence the 十二處 twelve āyatana, i. e. six organs, and six sense data that enter for discrimination.

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a legendary dragon with the ability to control rain and floods; see also 蛟龍|蛟龙[jiao1 long2]
mizuchi; mythical dragon-like beast

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variety of small cicada with a green back and a clear song (in ancient books)

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spiral shell; snail; conch
(kana only) small spiral-shelled snail; (1) (kana only) whelk (esp. Neptunea and Buccinum spp.); (2) small spiral-shelled snail (esp. a pond snail); (out-dated or obsolete kana usage) small spiral-shelled snail (esp. a pond snail); (surname) Horagai
A conch, snail, spiral, screw.

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lower form of animal life, including insects, insect larvae, worms and similar creatures; CL:條|条[tiao2],隻|只[zhi1]; (fig.) person with a particular undesirable characteristic
The animal kingdom including man, but generally applied to worms, snails, insects, etc.; also 蟲 6 q. v.

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arch. legendary venomous insect; to poison; to bewitch; to drive to insanity; to harm by witchcraft; intestinal parasite
(1) (archaism) (See 蠱物) charmed and cursed; (2) something that bewilders; something that leads one astray; the work of demons

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to deduct; to show; bright and clean; glow-worm; galleyworm; millipede

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the blood of a sacrificial fowl which was sprinkled on doors and vessels

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 kou / ko
to walk; to go; to travel; a visit; temporary; makeshift; current; in circulation; to do; to perform; capable; competent; effective; all right; OK!; will do; behavior; conduct; Taiwan pr. [xing4] for the behavior-conduct sense
(n,n-suf) (1) going; travelling; traveling; journey; trip; (2) act; action; (suffix noun) (3) bank; (counter) (4) counter for banks; (counter) (5) counter for groups or parties of people; (6) type of classical Chinese verse (usu. an epic from the Tang period onwards); (7) (hist) shopping district (of similar merchants; in the Sui and Tang periods); (8) (hist) merchants' guild (in the Tang period); (female given name) Yukue
Go; act; do; perform; action; conduct; functioning; the deed; whatever is done by mind, mouth, or body, i.e. in thought, word, or deed. It is used for ayana, going, road, course; a march, a division of time equal to six months; also for saṁskāra, form, operation, perfecting, as one of the twelve nidānas, similar to karma, action, work, deed, especially moral action, cf. 業.

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various genera of flowers of Asteracea family (daisies and chrysanthemums), including Atractylis lancea
(kana only) way; method; means; (personal name) Yasushi
Way or method; art; trick, plan.

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(1) (kana only) the public (esp. much-discussed, much-heard); the street (e.g. "word on the street"); (2) (kana only) street; district; quarters; (3) (kana only) location (of a battle, etc.); scene (e.g. of carnage); (4) (kana only) divide (e.g. between life and death); (5) fork (in a road); crossroads
A thoroughfare, a way, cf. 瞿 18.

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to dress; to wear; to put on (clothes)
(1) clothes; garment; (2) gown; robe; (3) coating (e.g. glaze, batter, icing); (female given name) Matoi
Clothes, especially a monk's robes which are of two kinds, the compulsory three garments of five, seven, or nine pieces; and the permissive clothing for the manual work of the monastery, etc. The 三衣 or three garments are (1) 安陀會衣 antarvāsas, an inner garment; the five-piece 袈裟 cassock; (2) 鬱多羅僧衣 uttarāsaṇga, outer garment, the seven-piece cassock; (3) 僧伽梨衣 saṁghāti, assembly cassock of from nine to twenty-five pieces. The permissive clothing is of ten kinds.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Integrity - Sincere Honest and Faithful" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary