Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
xié dào
    xie2 dao4
hsieh tao
 jadou / jado
depraved life; evil ways; fornication
(1) improper way (of doing); wrong way; unorthodox method; (2) evil course; evil path; heresy
Heterodox ways, or doctrines.



see styles
yī nào
    yi1 nao4
i nao
(neologism c. 2013) organized disruption of healthcare facilities or verbal and physical abuse of medical staff, by an aggrieved patient or proxies such as family members or hired thugs, typically aimed at obtaining compensation



see styles
niàng méi
    niang4 mei2
niang mei
zymase (enzyme in yeast involved in fermentation)



see styles
shì rán
    shi4 ran2
shih jan
relieved; at ease; feel relieved



see styles
shì jiā
    shi4 jia1
shih chia
sugar apple (Annona squamosa)
(personal name) Shaka
(釋迦婆) Śakra.; Śākya. the clan or family of the Buddha, said to be derived from śāka, vegetables, but intp. in Chinese as powerful, strong, and explained by 能 powerful, also erroneously by 仁charitable, which belongs rather to association with Śākyamuni. The clan, which is said to have wandered hither from the delta of the Indus, occupied a district of a few thousand square miles lying on the slopes of the Nepalese hills and on the plains to the south. Its capital was Kapilavastu. At the time of Buddha the clan was under the suzerainty of Kośala, an adjoining kingdom Later Buddhists, in order to surpass Brahmans, invented a fabulous line of five kings of the Vivartakalpa headed by Mahāsammata 大三末多; these were followed by five cakravartī, the first being Mūrdhaja 頂生王; after these came nineteen kings, the first being Cetiya 捨帝, the last Mahādeva 大天; these were succeeded by dynasties of 5,000, 7,000, 8,000, 9,000, 10,000, 15,000 kings; after which long Gautama opens a line of 1,100 kings, the last, Ikṣvāku, reigning at Potala. With Ikṣvāku the Śākyas are said to have begun. His four sons reigned at Kapilavastu. 'Śākyamuni was one of his descendants in the seventh generation.' Later, after the destruction of Kapilavastu by Virūḍhaka, four survivors of the family founded the kingdoms of Udyana, Bamyam, Himatala, and Sāmbī. Eitel.


see styles
chóng dǎo
    chong2 dao3
ch`ung tao
    chung tao
(fig.) to follow (a path that has proved ill-advised)


see styles
(n,n-pref,adj-no) (1) red; (2) (abbreviation) red kidney bean; (3) (abbreviation) sweet potato (any of a number of different cultivars with red skin); (4) bowl of shaved ice with boiled adzuki beans; (surname) Kintoki


see styles
rice, meat and vegetable dish served in a small pot



see styles
zhēn yè
    zhen1 ye4
chen yeh
 shinyou / shinyo
needle-leaved (tree)
(See 針葉樹) (pine) needle; needle-leaf


see styles
(1) food served in bowls; (2) potted plant; bonsai



see styles
míng kè
    ming2 ke4
ming k`o
    ming ko
a carved inscription


see styles
 hodou / hodo
pavement; paved street



see styles
cuò zōng
    cuo4 zong1
ts`o tsung
    tso tsung
intricate; complicated; tangled; involved; to synthesize
(1) complication; intricacy; involution; (noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) (2) to become complicated; to get entangled


see styles
scalloped (noodles); boiled noodles served in a pot with broth


see styles
(slang) (See 垢・2) private account (esp. on Twitter); account on a social networking service that can only be viewed by approved followers


see styles
spear with curved or straight cross-blades


see styles
fén zǐ
    fen2 zi3
fen tzu
xun-zi, a bowl (or bowls) within an almsbowl. Buddha's bowl consisted of four heavy deva-bowls which he received miraculously one on the other; they are to be recovered with the advent of Maitreya; v. 鍵M086767.


see styles
 chouju / choju
(1) long life; longevity; (can act as adjective) (2) long-lived; long-running (e.g. TV program); (given name) Nagahisa



see styles
cháng xiù
    chang2 xiu4
ch`ang hsiu
    chang hsiu
long sleeves; long-sleeved shirt
(noun - becomes adjective with の) long sleeves



see styles
mén qiú
    men2 qiu2
men ch`iu
    men chiu
croquet; goal ball (served by the goal keeper)



see styles
yán mó
    yan2 mo2
yen mo
(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell
{Buddh} Yama (King of Hell who judges the dead); Enma; (dei) Yama (king of the world of the dead, who judges the dead); Emma; Yan; Yomna
閻王 閻羅; (閻魔王); 閻摩羅; 閻老 Yama, also v. 夜; 閻羅王 Yama. (1) In the Vedas the god of the dead, with whom the spirits of the departed dwell. He was son of the Sun and had a twin sister Yamī or Yamuna. By some they were looked upon as the first human pair. (2) In later Brahmanic mythology, one of the eight Lokapālas, guardian of the South and ruler of the Yamadevaloka and judge of the dead. (3) In Buddhist mythology, the regent of the Nārakas, residing south of Jambudvīpa, outside of the Cakravālas, in a palace of copper and iron. Originally he is described as a king of Vaiśālī, who, when engaged in a bloody war, wished he were master of hell, and was accordingly reborn as Yama in hell together with his eighteen generals and his army of 80,000 men, who now serve him in purgatory. His sister Yamī deals with female culprits. Three times in every twenty-four hours demon pours into Yama's mouth boiling copper (by way of punishment), his subordinates receiving the same dose at the same time, until their sins are expiated, when he will be reborn as Samantarāja 普王. In China he rules the fifth court of purgatory. In some sources he is spoken of as ruling the eighteen judges of purgatory.



see styles
kuò yè
    kuo4 ye4
k`uo yeh
    kuo yeh
broad-leaved (tree)


see styles
ā yóu
    a1 you2
a yu
(female given name) Ayu
āyurvēda, one of the vedas, the science of life or longevity.


see styles
ā chù
    a1 chu4
a ch`u
    a chu
Akṣobhya, 阿閦鞞; 阿閦婆; 阿芻閦耶 unmoved, imperturbable; tr. 不動; 無動 also 無怒; 無瞋恚 free from anger, according to his Buddha-vow. One of the Five Buddhas, his realm Abhirata, Delightful, now being in the east, as Amitābha's is in the west. He is represented in the Lotus as the eldest son of Mahābhijñābhibhū 大通智勝, and was the Bodhisattva ? jñānākara 智積 before he became Buddha; he has other appearances. akṣobhya is also said to mean 100 vivara s, or 1 followed by 17 ciphers, and a 大通智勝 is ten times that figure.


see styles
 hoitou / hoito
(1) (archaism) being served food outside the meditation hall (at a Zen temple); (2) (archaism) serving food; food served; (3) (archaism) begging; beggar; (archaism) begging; beggar


see styles
péi chuáng
    pei2 chuang2
p`ei ch`uang
    pei chuang
to look after a hospitalized loved one



see styles
yīn róu
    yin1 rou2
yin jou
gentle and reserved; soft; feminine


see styles
lóng zhōng
    long2 zhong1
lung chung
scenic area near Xiangyang 襄陽|襄阳[Xiang1 yang2] in Hubei, known as the secluded mountainous location where Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4] lived as a young man



see styles
suí xǐ
    sui2 xi3
sui hsi
(Buddhism) to be moved at the sight of good deeds; to join in charitable deeds; to tour temples
To rejoice in the welfare of others. To do that which one enjoys, to follow one's inclination.


see styles
 hayahito; hayato; haito
    はやひと; はやと; はいと
people who lived in Kyushu in ancient times, and who opposed the state of Yamato; (personal name) Hayahito


see styles
jí cān
    ji2 can1
chi ts`an
    chi tsan
communal dining where one takes one's food from dishes served to everyone at the table (contrasted with 分餐[fen1 can1])


see styles
diāo xiàng
    diao1 xiang4
tiao hsiang
sculpture; (carved) statue; CL:尊[zun1]


see styles
diāo qī
    diao1 qi1
tiao ch`i
    tiao chi
carved lacquerware


see styles
diāo bǎn
    diao1 ban3
tiao pan
a carved printing block


see styles
diāo huā
    diao1 hua1
tiao hua
carving; decorative carved pattern; arabesque



see styles
diāo lán
    diao1 lan2
tiao lan
carved railings



see styles
diāo shì
    diao1 shi4
tiao shih
to carve; to decorate; carved; decorated



see styles
shuāng fāng
    shuang1 fang1
shuang fang
bilateral; both sides; both parties involved
See: 双方



see styles
shuāng shū
    shuang1 shu1
shuang shu
lose-lose (situation); (of the two sides involved) to both be disadvantaged



see styles
zá bàn
    za2 ban4
tsa pan
assortment of preserved fruits; (fig.) hodgepodge


see styles
(suffix noun) (1) (See テレビ離れ) turning away from; shift away from; loss of interest in; alienation from; (suffix noun) (2) (See 素人離れ) being far removed from; being very different from; being (completely) unlike; (suffix noun) (3) (See 親離れ) becoming independent of



see styles
nán dù
    nan2 du4
nan tu
degree of difficulty
degree of difficulty
Hard to cross over, to save or be saved.



see styles
yún mén
    yun2 men2
yün men
(personal name) Unmon
The Cloud-gate monastery in Guangdong, from which 文偃 Wenyan derived his title; his name was 張雪峯 Zhang Xuefeng; he lived early in the tenth century and founded the 雲門宗 (雲門禪宗), v. 三句.


see styles
shuāng lù
    shuang1 lu4
shuang lu
 souro / soro
frost and dew; fig. difficult conditions
(1) (rare) frost and dew; (2) (rare) something fleeting; something transient; something short-lived
frost and dew


see styles
use of blue eyebrow pencil to indicate a character has shaved his cheeks (in kabuki)



see styles
jìng huì
    jing4 hui4
ching hui
Calm wisdom, insight into the void, or immaterial, removed from the transient.



see styles
jìng zhì
    jing4 zhi4
ching chih
Calm wisdom, the wisdom derived from quietness, or mystic trance.


see styles
yāng yāng
    yang1 yang1
yang yang
 ouou / oo
dissatisfied; displeased; aggrieved
(adj-t,adv-to) discontented; unhappy


see styles
bǐ tuó
    bi3 tuo2
pi t`o
    pi to
v. 韋 The Vedas.



see styles
wéi tuó
    wei2 tuo2
wei t`o
    wei to
(kana only) Veda (san:)
圍陀; 毘陀; 皮陀; 吠陀 (or 吠馱); 薜陀; 鞞陀 veda; knowledge, tr. 明智, or 明分 clear knowledge or discernment. The four Vedas are the Ṛg Veda, Yajur Veda, Sāma Veda, and Athara Veda; they were never translated into Chinese, being accounted heretical.


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) (1) (See 黙読) reading aloud; (noun, transitive verb) (2) (See 音読み) reading (a kanji) by its Chinese-derived pronunciation



see styles
yīn dú
    yin1 du2
yin tu
reading or phonetic value of a character; (Japanese linguistics) on-reading, a pronunciation of a kanji derived from its pronunciation in a Sinitic language at the time it was imported from China (Note: An on-reading of a character is distinguished from its kun-reading(s) 訓讀|训读[xun4 du2]. For example, 山 has an on-reading "san" and a kun-reading "yama".)


see styles
(1) crown (of head); summit (of mountain); spire; (2) easy win for one; (3) something received; (surname) Itadaki



see styles
xiàng yīng
    xiang4 ying1
hsiang ying
Xiang Ying (1898-1941), communist general involved in forming the New Fourth Army 新四軍|新四军[Xin1 si4 jun1], killed in 1941 during the New Fourth Army incident 皖南事變|皖南事变[Wan3 nan2 Shi4 bian4]



see styles
tóu xiāng
    tou2 xiang1
t`ou hsiang
    tou hsiang
the first stick of incense placed in the censer (believed to bring good luck esp. during festivities); (slang) (Tw) the first reply to a blog post etc


see styles
(1) leaping flames; shower of flying sparks; (2) spreading fire; (3) repercussions in unanticipated areas; spilling over; effects of an incident spreading to those seemingly uninvolved; (4) (med) impetigo contagiosa


see styles
(1) New Year food for entertaining a guest served in multilayered lacquered boxes; (2) (archaism) Kansai New Year decoration (made from food)


see styles
(See 膳部・1) food served on a table (esp. food served on a small Japanese table)



see styles
fàn tǒng
    fan4 tong3
fan t`ung
    fan tung
rice tub (from which cooked rice or other food is served); (fig.) fathead; a good-for-nothing
boiled-rice container



see styles
è piǎo
    e4 piao3
o p`iao
    o piao
 gahyou / gahyo
starving people
(archaism) starvation; (bodies of) the starved



see styles
hún tun
    hun2 tun5
hun t`un
    hun tun
 konton; kondon
    こんとん; こんどん
wonton; Chinese ravioli (served in soup); Taiwan pr. [hun2 dun5]
{food} steamed manjū; steamed mochi



see styles
mǎ bèi
    ma3 bei4
ma pei
horse's back; (traditional Chinese architecture) roof with a low-slung curved ridgelines and geometric shapes on the upper gable walls at the ends of the roof ridges
(rare) horse's back; (place-name) Umanose


see styles
gǔ fǎ
    gu3 fa3
ku fa
 koppou / koppo
bone structure and physiognomy; the strength observed in brushstrokes (Chinese calligraphy)
knack; the ropes


see styles
gāo lěng
    gao1 leng3
kao leng
reserved; aloof; (geography) (of a location) elevated and cold



see styles
sōng kuai
    song1 kuai5
sung k`uai
    sung kuai
less crowded; relieved; relaxed; to relax


see styles
guǐ zi
    gui3 zi5
kuei tzu
devils; refers to 日本鬼子, wartime term insult for Japanese
(1) child born with teeth; (2) child which does not resemble its parents; changeling; (3) wild child; badly-behaved child; (given name) Kishi



see styles
yú ròu
    yu2 rou4
yü jou
flesh of fish; fish and meat; (fig.) victims of oppression; (fig.) to cruelly oppress (i.e. to treat like flesh to be carved up)
fish meat


see styles
sweetfish sushi; ayu sushi; belly of sweetfish salted, pickled and served on rice



see styles
ān kāng
    an1 kang1
an k`ang
    an kang
 ankou; ankou / anko; anko
    あんこう; アンコウ
(1) (kana only) goosefish (any fish of family Lophiidae); monkfish; sea devil; (2) curved gutter; (3) (archaism) fool; (place-name) Ankou


see styles
 unajuu / unaju
broiled eel served over rice in a lacquered box; broiled eel and rice served in two separate stacked boxes, with eel in top box and rice in bottom box


see styles
(abbreviation) (See 鳥頭の太刀) long sword with birds' heads carved on the pommel; (surname) Torigashira



see styles
xiū liú
    xiu1 liu2
hsiu liu
collared owlet (Glaucidium brodiei)
Ulūka, i.e. Kaṇāda, a celebrated philosopher, said to have lived "800 years" before Śākyamuni.


see styles
 rankyou; rankei / rankyo; ranke
    らんきょう; らんけい
(1) (See 鸞鳥) mirror with a mythical Chinese bird carved into the back; (2) (らんけい only) (See 夷則,十二律) (in Japan) 9th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. A sharp)


see styles
(kana only) bamboo shoots boiled, sliced, fermented, dried or preserved in salt, then soaked in hot water and sea salt (chi: mianma)


see styles
(kana only) bamboo shoots boiled, sliced, fermented, dried or preserved in salt, then soaked in hot water and sea salt (chi: mianma)


see styles
(kana only) bamboo shoots boiled, sliced, fermented, dried or preserved in salt, then soaked in hot water and sea salt (chi: mianma)


see styles
(pronoun) (1) (archaism) I; me; (2) (person having) thin or shaved eyebrows; (suffix) (3) affectionate suffix for names of young men or pets; (surname) Maro



see styles
huáng huò
    huang2 huo4
huang huo
yellow peril (offensive term referring to the perceived threat to Western nations, of immigration or military expansion from East Asian nations)



see styles
huáng jiǔ
    huang2 jiu3
huang chiu
"yellow wine" (mulled rice wine, usually served warm)
See: 黄酒


see styles
 ganzou / ganzo
(1) Buddha figure carved into a rock; (2) Buddha figure in a cabinet


see styles
Agni (Vedic god of fire) (san:)


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to receive; to get; (2) to catch (e.g. a ball); (3) to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.); (4) to sustain (damage); to incur (a loss); to suffer (an injury); to feel (influence); (5) to undergo (e.g. surgery); to take (a test); to accept (a challenge); (6) to be given (e.g. life, talent); (7) to follow; to succeed; to be descended from; (8) to face (south, etc.); (9) (linguistics terminology) to be modified by; (10) to obtain (a pawned item, etc.) by paying a fee; (v1,vi) (11) (kana only) to be well-received; to become popular; to go down well; (12) (colloquialism) (kana only) to be funny; to be humorous


see styles
 unajuu / unaju
broiled eel served over rice in a lacquered box; broiled eel and rice served in two separate stacked boxes, with eel in top box and rice in bottom box


see styles
 orikou / oriko
(noun or adjectival noun) well-behaved (of kids, animals, etc); obedient; good


see styles
 orikou / oriko
(noun or adjectival noun) well-behaved (of kids, animals, etc); obedient; good


see styles
 orikou / oriko
(noun or adjectival noun) well-behaved (of kids, animals, etc); obedient; good


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (kana only) light Kyoto-style home cooking with boiled vegetables and marinated food, also now served in restaurants


see styles
(kana only) light Kyoto-style home cooking with boiled vegetables and marinated food, also now served in restaurants


see styles
(kana only) light Kyoto-style home cooking with boiled vegetables and marinated food, also now served in restaurants


see styles
shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup); Italian ice; Sno-cone; snow cone


see styles
katsudon; pork cutlet served on top of a bowl of rice


see styles
(adv,adv-to) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) choked up (with emotion); heart-wringing; momentary tightening of one's chest caused by powerful feelings (e.g. parting with a loved one); (personal name) Kuen


see styles
(Shinto) (honorific or respectful language) shintai; object of worship believed to contain the spirit of a deity, typically housed in a shrine


see styles
(abbreviation) friend with benefits; fuck-buddy; sex friend; someone with whom one is not romantically involved but frequently has sexual relations with anyway; (place-name) Saffle


see styles
sone (unit of perceived loudness); (place-name) Thorne; Soane; Thorns


see styles
blow received by a bystander; getting dragged in to somebody else's fight


see styles
(1) {food} minced meat or fish that is seasoned and fried (usu. served on top of rice); (adjectival noun) (2) tattered; ragged; tangled; (adjectival noun) (3) fine; small


see styles
(n,vs,vi) (1) touch; touching; (n,vs,vi) (2) (ant: ノータッチ・2) being involved in; (3) touch (of a painter, pianist, etc.); style (of writing, drawing, etc.); feel; (n,vs,vi) (4) {baseb} tag; (place-name) Tacchi


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (sometimes written as "W") (See シングル・1) double; (2) (abbreviation) (See ダブルベッド) double bed; hotel room with a double bed; (adj-no,n) (3) (abbreviation) (See ダブルブレスト) double-breasted; (adj-no,n) (4) double-cuffed; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (5) (abbreviation) (See ダブル幅) double width (of cloth; usu. 1.42 meters); (6) (abbreviation) {sports} (See ダブルス) doubles (e.g. in tennis); (7) (rare) (conceived as a more positive-sounding alternative to ハーフ) (See ハーフ・2) biracial person (esp. half-Japanese); person of mixed parentage


see styles
casual talk; frank, unreserved speech; peer language

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Ved" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary