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There are 1227 total results for your Grace From Heaven - Grace From God search. I have created 13 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


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Uranus; (myth) Uranus (Greek god)


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(See エロス・2,キューピッド) Eros (Greek god)


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 oyamaa / oyama
(interjection) good heavens!; oh my god!; gee whiz


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{astron} Ganymede (moon of Jupiter); (surname) Ganymede (Greek god)


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(interjection) (said quietly to oneself when things work out as one hoped) (See しめた) all right!; that's it!; thank God!; good!; I've got it!; I've done it!; bingo!


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Scylla; (surname) Skylla (Graeco-Roman God); Scylla


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(1) {grmyth} (See ティタン・1) Titan (pre-Olympian god); (2) {astron} Titan (moon of Saturn); (3) (See チタン) titanium (Ti); (personal name) Titan


see styles
 touiriten / toiriten
(Buddhist term) heaven of the thirty-three; one of the six heavens of the desire realm


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(expression) (1) (colloquialism) (See どれだけ) how much; how many; to what extent; (interjection) (2) (colloquialism) oh my god; how; what the; incredible


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(expression) (1) till; to; over (a period); through (e.g. Monday through Thursday); about (approx. time or place); on; (expression) (2) concerning (an area of expertise); (expression) (3) swearing by (one's sword, God, etc.)


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(child. language) (honorific or respectful language) (See のの) God; Buddha; sun; moon


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 paateru / pateru
(1) (archaism) (early Japanese Christian term) God the Father (lat: pater); (2) (early Japanese Christian term) priest; (personal name) Bertell


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suddenly popular god; suddenly popular shrine


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paradise (por: paraiso); heaven; Eden; (place-name) Paraiso


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Vishnu (Hindu god)


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(See マーキュリー・1) Hermes (Greek god); (dei) Hermes (Greek god)


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 maarusu / marusu
(1) Mars (Roman god); (2) Mars (planet)


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(interjection) (See やれ) oh!; ah!; oh dear!; good grief!; dear me!; thank God!


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(1) Jupiter (Roman god); (2) Jupiter (planet); (3) (abbreviation) Jupiter Symphony; Symphony No. 41 by Mozart; (dei) Jupiter; (wk) Jupiter Symphony (No. 41 by Mozart)


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Roman god; Roman goddess


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yī bù dēng tiān
    yi1 bu4 deng1 tian1
i pu teng t`ien
    i pu teng tien
reaching heaven in a single bound (idiom); (esp. with negative: don't expect) instant success


see styles
qī shí èr tiān
    qi1 shi2 er4 tian1
ch`i shih erh t`ien
    chi shih erh tien
 shichijūni ten
The seventy-two devas, namely, sixty-nine devas, the lord of Tai Shan, the god of the five roads, and 大吉祥天 Mahāśrī .


see styles
qī mó dá lǐ
    qi1 mo2 da2 li3
ch`i mo ta li
    chi mo ta li
 shichi matari
saptamātṛ. The seven divine mothers, or personified energies of the principal deities; they are associated with the worship of the god Śiva, and attend on his son Skanda or Kārttikeya, to whom at first only seven Mātṛs were assigned, but in the later mythology an innumerable number, who are sometimes represented as having displaced the original divine mothers M.W. Their names are given as (1) Cāmuṇḍā 遮文茶 or 左問拏 (2) Gaurī嬌吠哩; (3) Vaiṣṇavī 吠瑟拏微 (4) Kaumārī 嬌麼哩; (5) Indrāṇī, Aindrī, or Māhendrī 燕捺利 or 印捺哩; (6) Raudrī 勞捺哩; and (7) Vārāhī 末羅呬弭; cf. 七母天.


see styles
sān shí sān tiān
    san1 shi2 san1 tian1
san shih san t`ien
    san shih san tien
 sanjūsan ten
Heaven of the Thirty-three Celestials


see styles
sān shí èr tiān
    san1 shi2 er4 tian1
san shih erh t`ien
    san shih erh tien
 sanjūni ten
the thirty-second heaven


see styles
sān guān dà dì
    san1 guan1 da4 di4
san kuan ta ti
the three gods in charge of heaven, earth and water (Daoism)


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shàng tiān rù dì
    shang4 tian1 ru4 di4
shang t`ien ju ti
    shang tien ju ti
lit. to go up to heaven or down to Hades (idiom); fig. to go to great lengths; to search heaven and earth


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(yoji) cannot allow (oneself) to live (with someone) under the canopy of heaven; cannot allow (the sworn enemy) to live in this world; irreconcilable (enemy)


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bù kě kàng lì
    bu4 ke3 kang4 li4
pu k`o k`ang li
    pu ko kang li
 fukakouryoku / fukakoryoku
force majeure; act of God
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (yoji) act of God; irresistible force; inevitability; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) {law} force majeure; vis major


see styles
bù kě kàng jù
    bu4 ke3 kang4 ju4
pu k`o k`ang chü
    pu ko kang chü
act of God; force majeure (law); irresistible (idiom)



see styles
bù chì tiān yuān
    bu4 chi4 tian1 yuan1
pu ch`ih t`ien yüan
    pu chih tien yüan
no less than from heaven to the abyss (idiom); differing widely; worlds apart; the gap couldn't be bigger



see styles
bù jiāo lè tiān
    bu4 jiao1 le4 tian1
pu chiao le t`ien
    pu chiao le tien
 fukyōraku ten
(Skt. Nirmāṇarati) heaven



see styles
bù jiāo lè tiān
    bu4 jiao1 le4 tian1
pu chiao le t`ien
    pu chiao le tien
 fukyōraku ten
(Skt. Nirmāṇarati) heaven


see styles
jiǔ yǒu qíng jū
    jiu3 you3 qing2 ju1
chiu yu ch`ing chü
    chiu yu ching chü
 ku ujō ko
(or 九有情處), 九衆生居, 九居, 九門, see also 九有, 九地, 九禪 and 九定; the nine happy abodes or states of sentient beings of the 長阿含經 9; they are the 七識住seven abodes or stages of perception or consciousness to which are added the fifth and ninth below: (1) 欲界之人天 the world and the six deva-heavens of desire in which there is variety of bodies (or personalities) and thinking (or ideas); (2) 梵衆天the three brahma heavens where bodies differ but thinking is the same, the first dhyāna heaven; (3) 極光淨天 the three bright and pure heavens where bodies are identical but thinking diners, the second dhyāna heaven; (4) 遍淨天the three universally pure heavens where bodies and thinking are the same, the third dhyāna heaven; (5) 無想天 the no-thinking or no-thought heaven, the highest of the four dhyāna heavens; (6) 空無邊處 limitless space, the first of the formless realms; (7) 識無邊處 limitless percepton, the second ditto; (8) 無所有處 nothingness, the place beyond things, the third ditto; and (9) 非想非非想beyond thought or non-thought, the fourth ditto.



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gān tà pó shén
    gan1 ta4 po2 shen2
kan t`a p`o shen
    kan ta po shen
a god of incense and sound



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èr shí yì ěr
    er4 shi2 yi4 er3
erh shih i erh
 Nijūoku ni
Sroṇakoṭīviṁśa. Defined as the most zealous of Śākyamuni's disciples, who became an arhat. Having lived in a heaven for ninety-one kalpas, where his feet did not touch the ground, he was born with hair on his soles two inches long, an omen which led his father and brothers to endow him with twenty kotis of ounces of gold, hence this name. v. 智度論 22.


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 gojuuchimei / gojuchime
(expression) (yoji) (from Confucius) at age fifty, one comes to know the will of Heaven



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wǔ zēng shàng yuán
    wu3 zeng1 shang4 yuan2
wu tseng shang yüan
 go zōjō en
(種增上緣) ; 五緣 Five excellent causes, e.g. of blessedness: keeping the commandments; sufficient food and clothing; a secluded abode; cessation of worry; good friendship. Another group is: riddance of sin; protection through long life; vision of Buddha (or Amitābha, etc. ); universal salvation (by Amitābha); assurance of Amitābha's heaven.



see styles
wǔ jìng jū tiān
    wu3 jing4 ju1 tian1
wu ching chü t`ien
    wu ching chü tien
 go jō go ten
五不還天 Cf. 色界. The five pure-dwelling heavens in the fourth dhyāna heaven, into which arhats are finally born: 無煩天 Avṛhās, the heaven free from all trouble; 無熱天 Atapās, of no heat or distress; 善現天 Sudṛsās, of beautiful presentation; 善見天 Sudarśanās, beautiful; and 色究竟天 Akaniṣṭhās, the highest heaven of the form-realm.


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(rare) (See 有神論) theism (as refers to the existence of a personal Christian god)



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rén jiān tiān táng
    ren2 jian1 tian1 tang2
jen chien t`ien t`ang
    jen chien tien tang
heaven on Earth; nickname for the city Suzhou



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yǐ lì yà jìng
    yi3 li4 ya4 jing4
i li ya ching
Eliakim (name, Hebrew: God will raise up); Eliakim, servant of the Lord in Isaiah 22:20; Eliakim, son of Abiud and father of Azor in Matthew 1:13


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(dei) Izanagi (Shinto god)


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fó jù shí shēn
    fo2 ju4 shi2 shen1
fo chü shih shen
 butsugu jūshin
The ten perfect bodies or characteristics of Buddha: (1) 菩提身 Bodhi-body in possession of complete enlightenment. (2) 願身 Vow-body, i.e. the vow to be born in and from the Tuṣita heaven. (3) 化身 nirmāṇakāya, Buddha incarnate as a man. (4) 住持身 Buddha who still occupies his relics or what he has left behind on earth and thus upholds the dharma. (5) 相好莊嚴身 saṁbhogakāya, endowed with an idealized body with all Buddha marks and merits. (6) 勢力身 or 心佛 Power-body, embracing all with his heart of mercy. (7) 如意身 or 意生身 At will body, appearing according to wish or need. (8) 福德身 or 三昧身 samādhi body, or body of blessed virtue. (9) 智身 or 性佛 Wisdom-body, whose nature embraces all wisdom. (10) 法身 dharmakāya, the absolute Buddha, or essence of all life.


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fó xīn tiān zǐ
    fo2 xin1 tian1 zi3
fo hsin t`ien tzu
    fo hsin tien tzu
 busshin tenshi
The Son of Heaven of the Buddha-heart, a name given to Wudi of the Liang dynasty, A.D. 502-549.


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 fugyoutenchi / fugyotenchi
(yoji) looking up and down, from heaven to earth (having nothing to be ashamed of); swearing by Heaven and Earth (having done nothing to be ashamed of)



see styles
shāng tiān hài lǐ
    shang1 tian1 hai4 li3
shang t`ien hai li
    shang tien hai li
to offend Heaven and reason (idiom); bloody atrocities that cry to heaven; outrageous acts


see styles
dōu shuài shàng shēng
    dou1 shuai4 shang4 sheng1
tou shuai shang sheng
 tosotsu jōshō
rebirth in Tuṣita Heaven


see styles
dōu shuài tiān zǐ
    dou1 shuai4 tian1 zi3
tou shuai t`ien tzu
    tou shuai tien tzu
 Tosotsu Tenshi
The prince, i. e. Śākyamuni, whose light while he was in Tuṣita shone into hell and saved all its occupants to that heaven; hence he is also called 地獄天子 Prince of Hades.


see styles
dōu shuài tuó tiān
    dou1 shuai4 tuo2 tian1
tou shuai t`o t`ien
    tou shuai to tien
 Tosotsuda Ten
Tuṣita Heaven


see styles
bā xiàng chéng dào
    ba1 xiang4 cheng2 dao4
pa hsiang ch`eng tao
    pa hsiang cheng tao
 hassō jōdō
the eight stages of the Buddha's life (Buddhism)
(八相) also 八相示現 Eight aspects of the Buddha's life, which the 起信論 gives as: (1) descent into and abode in the Tuṣita heaven; (2) entry into his mother's womb; (3) abode there visibly preaching to the devas; (4) birth from mother's side in Lumbinī; (5) leaving home at 19 (or 25) as a hermit; (6) after six years' suffering attaining enlightenment; (7) rolling the Law-wheel, or preaching; (8) at 80 entering nirvāṇa. The 四教義 group of Tiantai is slightly different — descent from Tuṣita, entry into womb, birth, leaving home, subjection of Māra, attaining perfect wisdom, preaching, nirvana. See also the two 四相, i.e. 四本相 and 四隨相.



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bā fú shēng chù
    ba1 fu2 sheng1 chu4
pa fu sheng ch`u
    pa fu sheng chu
 hachifuku shōsho
The eight happy conditions in which he may be reborn who keeps the five commands and the ten good ways and bestows alms: (1) rich and honourable among men; (2) in the heavens of the four deva kings; (3) the Indra heavens; (4) Suyāma heavens; (5) Tuṣita heaven; (6) 化樂nirmāṇarati heaven, i.e. the fifth devaloka; (7) 他化 Paranirmita-vaśavartin, i.e. the sixth devaloka heaven; (8) the brahma-heavens. 八福田 The eight fields for cultivating blessedness: Buddhas; arhats (or saints); preaching monks (upādhyāya); teachers (ācārya); friars; father; mother; the sick. Buddhas, arhats, and friars (or monks in general) are termed 敬田 reverence-fields; the sick are 悲田 compassion-fields; the rest are 恩田grace- or gratitude- fields. Another group is: to make roads and wells; canals and bridges; repair dangerous roads; be dutiful to parents; support monks; tend the sick; save from disaster or distress; provide for a quinquennial assembly. Another: serving the Three Precious Ones, i.e. the Buddha; the Law; the Order; parents; the monks as teachers; the poor; the sick; animals.



see styles
bā zhǒng shèng fǎ
    ba1 zhong3 sheng4 fa3
pa chung sheng fa
 hasshu shōhō
The eight kinds of surpassing things, i.e. those who keep the first eight commandments receive the eight kinds of reward―they escape from falling into the hells; becoming pretas; or animals; or asuras; they will be born among men, become monks, and obtain the truth; in the heavens of desire; in the brahma-heaven, or meet a Buddha; and obtain perfect enlightenment.



see styles
liù gēn qīng jìng
    liu4 gen1 qing1 jing4
liu ken ch`ing ching
    liu ken ching ching
 rokkon shōjō
The six organs and their purification in order to develop their unlimited power and interchange, as in the case of a Buddha. This full development enables e. g. the eye to see everything in a great chiliocosm from its highest heaven down to its lowest hells and all the beings past, present, and future, with all the karma of each.



see styles
hán gài gān kūn
    han2 gai4 gan1 kun1
han kai kan k`un
    han kai kan kun
 genkai kankon
what contains and covers heaven and earth?



see styles
chū chán fàn tiān
    chu1 chan2 fan4 tian1
ch`u ch`an fan t`ien
    chu chan fan tien
 shozen bonten
devas in the realms of form, who have purged themselves from all sexuality.



see styles
pàn ruò yún ní
    pan4 ruo4 yun2 ni2
p`an jo yün ni
    pan jo yün ni
as different as heaven and earth (idiom); worlds apart


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(n,exp) god of medicine


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(exp,int) (abbreviation) (See 南無八幡大菩薩・なむはちまんだいぼさつ) O Great God of Arms, I beseech your aid against my enemy



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chì zhà fēng yún
    chi4 zha4 feng1 yun2
ch`ih cha feng yün
    chih cha feng yün
lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world; all-powerful



see styles
hū tiān qiāng dì
    hu1 tian1 qiang1 di4
hu t`ien ch`iang ti
    hu tien chiang ti
(idiom) to cry out to heaven and knock one's head against the ground (as an expression of anguish)



see styles
xǐ cóng tiān jiàng
    xi3 cong2 tian1 jiang4
hsi ts`ung t`ien chiang
    hsi tsung tien chiang
joy from heaven (idiom); overjoyed at unexpected good news; unlooked-for happy event



see styles
sì shí bā yuàn
    si4 shi2 ba1 yuan4
ssu shih pa yüan
(surname) Yosonara
The forty-eight vows of Amitābha that he would not enter into his final nirvana or heaven, unless all beings shared it; the lists vary.


see styles
sì wáng dāo lì
    si4 wang2 dao1 li4
ssu wang tao li
 shiō tōri
The 四王天 and trāyastriṃśas, Indra's heaven.



see styles
sì chán jiǔ tiān
    si4 chan2 jiu3 tian1
ssu ch`an chiu t`ien
    ssu chan chiu tien
 shizen kuten
nine heavens of the fourth meditation heaven


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Kuninotokotachi no Mikoto (eternal god of the land)


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(archaism) god who controls a country's territory; god who rules a country



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wéi rào tiān biān
    wei2 rao4 tian1 bian1
wei jao t`ien pien
    wei jao tien pien
 i'nyō tenpen
circulate around every corner of heaven


see styles
(expression) (idiom) (See 地獄で仏に会ったよう) manna from heaven; an oasis in the desert; godsend; good fortune when one needed it most; meeting a good Samaritan in one's hour of need; (meeting) Buddha in hell



see styles
dì yù tiān zǐ
    di4 yu4 tian1 zi3
ti yü t`ien tzu
    ti yü tien tzu
 jigoku tenshi
The immediate transformation of one in hell mto a deva because he had in a previous life known of the merit and power of the 華嚴 Huayen sutra.



see styles
āi ào luó sī
    ai1 ao4 luo2 si1
ai ao lo ssu
Aeolus, Greek God of winds


see styles
 saiougauma / saiogauma
(expression) (proverb) (See 人間万事塞翁が馬) the future is unpredictable; inscrutable are the ways of heaven; the irony of fate


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wài zài chāo yuè
    wai4 zai4 chao1 yue4
wai tsai ch`ao yüeh
    wai tsai chao yüeh
outer transcendence (perfection through the agency of God)


see styles
dà guāng yīn tiān
    da4 guang1 yin1 tian1
ta kuang yin t`ien
    ta kuang yin tien
 dai kōon ten
ābhāsvara. The third of the celestial regions in the second dhyāna heaven of the form realm; v. 四禪天.


see styles
dà fàn tiān wáng
    da4 fan4 tian1 wang2
ta fan t`ien wang
    ta fan tien wang
 Daibon Tennō
Mahābrahma deva rāja, king of the eighteen Brahmalokas.


see styles
great god of restoration


see styles
great god of restoration



see styles
dà zì zài gōng
    da4 zi4 zai4 gong1
ta tzu tsai kung
 dai jizai gū
The abode of Maheśvara at the apex of the form realm. Also, the condition or place from which the highest type of bodhisattva proceeds to Buddhahood, whence it is also styled 淨居天 the pure abode heaven.



see styles
dà zhuāng yán jīng
    da4 zhuang1 yan2 jing1
ta chuang yen ching
 Dai shōgon kyō
Vaipulya-mahāvyūha-sūtra, tr. by Divākara, Tang dynasty, 12 juan; in which the Buddha describes his life in the Tuṣita heaven and his descent to save the world.



see styles
dà nào tiān gōng
    da4 nao4 tian1 gong1
ta nao t`ien kung
    ta nao tien kung
Monkey Wreaks Havoc in Heaven, story about the Monkey King Sun Wukong 孫悟空|孙悟空[Sun1 Wu4 kong1] from the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记


see styles
point of heaven; corner of the sky


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(exp,n) heaven's dispensation; divine providence; plan of nature


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 tenichitenjou / tenichitenjo
(See 天一神,癸巳,戊申) days on which Ten'ichijin is in heaven (the 30th to the 45th days of the sexagenary cycle)


see styles
 tenichitarou / tenichitaro
(rare) (See 天一神,天一天上,癸巳) day of Ten'ichijin's first ascension to heaven in a year (the 30th day of the first sexagenary cycle of the year)


see styles
tiān shàng tiān xià
    tian1 shang4 tian1 xia4
t`ien shang t`ien hsia
    tien shang tien hsia
 tenjoutenge / tenjotenge
(n,adv) (yoji) the whole world; throughout heaven and earth
heavens above and [this earth] below the heavens


see styles
(yoji) best article under heaven; peerless


see styles
tiān xià dì yī
    tian1 xia4 di4 yi1
t`ien hsia ti i
    tien hsia ti i
 tenkadaiichi / tenkadaichi
first under heaven; number one in the country
(noun - becomes adjective with の) the best in the land; the best of its kind in the country; par excellence in the whole country


see styles
tiān zhōng zhī tiān
    tian1 zhong1 zhi1 tian1
t`ien chung chih t`ien
    tien chung chih tien
 tenchū no ten
god of gods



see styles
tiān rén gǎn yìng
    tian1 ren2 gan3 ying4
t`ien jen kan ying
    tien jen kan ying
interactions between heaven and mankind (Han Dynasty doctrine)


see styles
tiān zuò zhī hé
    tian1 zuo4 zhi1 he2
t`ien tso chih ho
    tien tso chih ho
a match made in heaven (idiom)


see styles
tiān gōng zuò měi
    tian1 gong1 zuo4 mei3
t`ien kung tso mei
    tien kung tso mei
Heaven is cooperating (idiom); the weather is favorable for the planned activity (a variation of 天公不作美|天公不作美[tian1 gong1 bu4 zuo4 mei3])


see styles
(yoji) the whole creation; everything in heaven and earth



see styles
tiān dì xuán gé
    tian1 di4 xuan2 ge2
t`ien ti hsüan ko
    tien ti hsüan ko
 tenchi harukani hedataru
lit. a gulf between heaven and earth (idiom); fig. wide difference of opinion
separated by a distance as vast as that between heaven and earth


see styles
 tenchigenkou / tenchigenko
(expression) (yoji) heaven is black and earth is yellow; heaven and earth


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 tenchishinmei / tenchishinme
(yoji) the gods of heaven and earth


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 tenchichoukyuu / tenchichokyu
(expression) (yoji) heaven and earth are eternal


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(yoji) creation of heaven and earth


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 tenjoumukyuu / tenjomukyu
(yoji) as eternal as heaven and earth


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 tenseijingo / tensejingo
(translation of "vox populi, vox Dei" (the people's voice is the voice of God)) Tensei Jingo (daily column in the Asahi Shimbun)


see styles
tiān dù yīng cái
    tian1 du4 ying1 cai2
t`ien tu ying ts`ai
    tien tu ying tsai
heaven is jealous of heroic genius (idiom); the great have great hardship to contend with; those whom the Gods love die young

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Grace From Heaven - Grace From God" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary