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Simple Dictionary Definition


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 minoue / minoe
(exp,n) (1) one's station in life; one's personal history; one's circumstances; (exp,n) (2) one's lot; one's destiny; one's future


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 tsuujiru / tsujiru
(v1,vi) (1) to be open (to traffic); to lead to; to communicate (with); (v1,vi) (2) to flow (liquid, current); to pass; to get through to; (v1,vi) (3) to be understood; to be comprehended; (v1,vi) (4) to be honored; to be good; (v1,vi) (5) to be well versed in; to be well-informed; (v1,vi) (6) to communicate clandestinely; to keep in touch (e.g. with the enemy); (v1,vi) (7) to form a liaison; to be intimate; (v1,vi) (8) to spread widely; to disseminate


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 tsuuzuru / tsuzuru
(vz,vi) (1) (See 通じる・1) to be open (to traffic); to lead to; to communicate (with); (vz,vi) (2) to flow (liquid, current); to pass; to get through to; (vz,vi) (3) to be understood; to be comprehended; (vz,vi) (4) to be honored; to be good; (vz,vi) (5) to be well versed in; to be well-informed; (vz,vi) (6) to communicate clandestinely; to keep in touch (e.g. with the enemy); (vz,vi) (7) to form a liaison; to be intimate


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 tsuukounin / tsukonin
passerby; pedestrian; foot passenger


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 tsuukousha / tsukosha
(See 通行人) passerby; pedestrian; foot passenger


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(noun/participle) (secret) date; clandestine meeting; assignation; tryst; rendezvous


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 unmeiteki / unmeteki
(adjectival noun) destined; predestined; fated; fateful


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(irregular kanji usage) (transitive verb) (kana only) to dodge; to evade; to avoid; to sidestep


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place of refuge; refugee destination



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dū huò luó
    du1 huo4 luo2
tu huo lo
Tukhāra, the 月支 Yuezhi country; '(1) A topographical term designating a country of ice and frost (tukhāra), and corresponding to the present Badakchan which Arab geographers still call Tokharestan. (2) An ethnographical term used by the Greeks to designate the Tocharoi or Indo-Scythians, and likewise by Chinese writers applied to the Tochari Tartars who driven on by the Huns (180 B.C.) conquered Trans-oxania, destroyed the Bactrian kingdom (大夏) 126 B.C., and finally conquered the Pundjab, Cashmere, and the greater part of India. Their greatest king was Kanichka.' Eitel.


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jīn gāng dìng
    jin1 gang1 ding4
chin kang ting
 kongō jō
vajrasamādhi, 金剛喩定; 金剛三昧; 金剛滅定 diamond meditation, that of the last stage of the bodhisattva, characterized by firm, indestructible knowledge, penetrating all reality; attained after all remains of illusion have been cut off.



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jīn gāng zhì
    jin1 gang1 zhi4
chin kang chih
 kongō chi
vajramati. The indestructible and enriching diamond wisdom of the Buddha. Also the name of an Indian who came to China A.D. 619; he is said to have introduced the Yogācāra system and founded the esoteric school, but this is attributed to Amoghavajra, v. 大教. 金剛智三藏 Vajrabodhi may be the same person, but there is doubt about the matter, cf. 大教.



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jīn gāng jiè
    jin1 gang1 jie4
chin kang chieh
 kongoukai / kongokai
(1) {Buddh} (See 胎蔵界・たいぞうかい・1) Vajradhatu; Diamond Realm; (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 金剛界曼荼羅・こんごうかいまんだら) Vajradathu Mandala; Diamond Realm Mandala
vajradhātu, 金界 The 'diamond', or vajra, element of the universe; it is the 智 wisdom of Vairocana in its indestructibility and activity; it arises from the garbhadhātu 胎藏界q.v., the womb or store of the Vairocana 理 reason or principles of such wisdom, v. 理智. The two, garbhadhātu and vajradhātu, are shown by the esoteric school, especially in the Japanese Shingon, in two maṇḍalas, i.e. groups or circles, representing in various portrayals the ideas arising from the two, fundamental concepts. vajradhātu is intp. as the 智 realm of intellection, and garbhadhātu as the 理 substance underlying it, or the matrix; the latter is the womb or fundamental reason of all things, and occupies the eastern position as 'cause' of the vajradhātu, which is on the west as the resultant intellectual or spiritual expression. But both are one as are Reason and Wisdom, and Vairocana (the illuminator, the 大日 great sun) presides over both, as source and supply. The vajradhātu represents the spiritual world of complete enlightenment, the esoteric dharmakāya doctrine as contrasted with the exoteric nirmāṇakāya doctrine. It is the sixth element 識 mind, and is symbolized by a triangle with the point downwards and by the full moon, which represents 智 wisdom or understanding; it corresponds to 果 fruit, or effect, garbhadhātu being 因 or cause. The 金剛王五部 or five divisions of the vajradhātu are represented by the Five dhyāni-buddhas, thus: centre 大日Vairocana; east 阿閦 Akṣobhya; south 寶生Ratnasambhava; west 阿彌陀 Amitābha; north 不 空 成就 Amoghasiddhi, or Śākyamuni. They are seated respectively on a lion, an elephant, a horse, a peacock, and a garuda. v. 五佛; also 胎.



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jīn gāng shēn
    jin1 gang1 shen1
chin kang shen
 kongō shin
The diamond body, the indestructible body of Buddha.


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jīn zhèng nán
    jin1 zheng4 nan2
chin cheng nan
Kim Jong-nam (1971-2017), the eldest son of Kim Jong-il 金正日[Jin1 Zheng4 ri4]


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ā sēng qié
    a1 seng1 qie2
a seng ch`ieh
    a seng chieh
(阿僧) asaṅga, āryāsaṅga, intp. as 無著 unattached, free; lived 'a thousand years after the Nirvāṇa', probably the fourth century A.D., said to be the eldest brother of 天親 Vasubandhu, whom he converted to Mahāyāna. He was first a follower of the Mahīśāsaka hschool, but founded the Yogācārya or Tantric school with his Yogācārabhūmi-śāstra 瑜伽師地論, which in the 三藏傳 is said to have been dictated to him by Maitreya in the Tuṣita heaven, along with the 莊嚴大乘論 and the 中邊分別論. He was a native of Gandhāra, but lived mostly in Ayodhyā (Oudh).



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ā luó hàn
    a1 luo2 han4
a lo han
arhat (Sanskrit); a holy man who has left behind all earthly desires and concerns and attained nirvana (Buddhism)
{Buddh} arhat
arhan, arhat, lohan; worthy, venerable; an enlightened, saintly man; the highest type or ideal saint in Hīnayāna in contrast with the bodhisattva as the saint in Mahāyāna; intp. as 應供worthy of worship, or respect; intp. as 殺賊 arihat, arihan, slayer of the enemy, i.e. of mortality; for the arhat enters nirvana 不生 not to be reborn, having destroyed the karma of reincarnation; he is also in the stage of 不學 no longer learning, having attained. Also 羅漢; 阿盧漢; 阿羅訶 or 阿羅呵; 阿梨呵 (or 阿黎呵); 羅呵, etc.; cf. 阿夷; 阿畧.


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 yukiwarisou / yukiwariso
(1) hepatica (Hepatica nobilis var. japonica); liverleaf; liverwort; (2) bird's-eye primrose (Primula farinosa subsp. modesta); mealy primrose


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léi fēng tǎ
    lei2 feng1 ta3
lei feng t`a
    lei feng ta
Leifeng Pagoda, by West Lake until it was destroyed (also from Madam White Snake)


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(can act as adjective) non-destructive



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wéi niǔ tiān
    wei2 niu3 tian1
wei niu t`ien
    wei niu tien
韋糅; 違紐; 毘紐; 毘瑟紐; 韋搜紐; 韋廋紐; 毘瑟怒 (or 毘瑟笯) Viṣṇu, all-pervading, encompassing; 'the preserver' in the trimūrti, Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Śiva, creator, preserver, destroyer; the Vaiṣṇavas (Vishnuites) are devoted to him as the Śaivas are to Śiva. His wife is Lakṣmī, or Śrī. The Chinese describe him as born out of water at the beginning of a world-kalpa with 1,000 heads and 2,000 hands; from his navel springs a lotus, from which is evolved Brahmā.



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é ěr jīn
    e2 er3 jin1
o erh chin
James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin (1811-1863), British High Commissioner to China who ordered the looting and destruction of the Old Winter Palace Yuanmingyuan 圓明園|圆明园 in 1860; Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin (1766-1841), who stole the Parthenon Marbles in 1801-1810


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 umazurahagi; umazurahagi
    うまづらはぎ; ウマヅラハギ
(kana only) black scraper fish (Novodon modestus)


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destroyer (ship)



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qū zhú jiàn
    qu1 zhu2 jian4
ch`ü chu chien
    chü chu chien
destroyer (warship)


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(transitive verb) to break; to smash; to defeat; to destroy; to eliminate


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(polite language) (See 届け先) destination (of a letter, parcel, etc.); receiver's address; consignee


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(adjectival noun) (kana only) graceful; ladylike; modest; gentle; polite; quiet; well-mannered; refined (behavior)


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(expression) (See 向ける・1) towards (a destination); for the purpose of; with the goal of; targeting (a group, a demographic)


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(v5r,vi) (1) to run at full speed; to run and run; (2) to try one's hardest


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(adv-to,adv,vs) (1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) quiet (place); still; silent; deserted; (adv-to,adv,vs) (2) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) inconspicuously; modestly; quietly


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(transitive verb) (1) to destroy; to crush; to break by striking; to wreck; (2) to spoil; to ruin


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(transitive verb) (1) (colloquialism) to destroy; to crush; to break by striking; to wreck; (2) (colloquialism) to spoil; to ruin


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(1) (See 分る・1) making someone understand; (2) (vulgar) (slang) (See メスガキ) putting an impudent, provocative brat in her place; (3) (slang) {vidg} thoroughly wiping the floor with one's opponent (in fighting games); destroying one's opponent



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sān guó shǐ jì
    san1 guo2 shi3 ji4
san kuo shih chi
 Sankoku shiki
History of Three Kingdoms (Korean: Samguk Sagi), the oldest extant Korean history, compiled under Kim Busik 金富軾|金富轼[Jin1 Fu4 shi4] in 1145. The three kingdoms are Goguryeo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2], Baekje 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4], Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1 luo2].
Samguk sagi


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sān miàn dà hēi
    san1 mian4 da4 hei1
san mien ta hei
 Sanmen daikoku
The three-faced great black deva, Mahākāla v. 摩, with angry mien, a form of Maheśvara, or Śiva, as destroyer. Another interpretation says he is a union of Mahākāla, Vaiśravaṇa, and a Gandharva.



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shàng xíng pú sà
    shang4 xing2 pu2 sa4
shang hsing p`u sa
    shang hsing pu sa
 Jōgyō bosatsu
Viśiṣṭa-cāritra Bodhisattva, who suddenly rose out of the earth as Buddha was concluding one of his Lotus sermons; v. Lotus sūtra 15 and 21. He is supposed to have been a convert of the Buddha in long past ages and to come to the world in its days of evil. Nichiren in Japan believed himself to be this Bodhisattva's reincarnation, and the Nichiren trinity is the Buddha, i.e. the eternal Śākyamuni Buddha; the Law, i.e. the Lotus Truth; and the Saṅgha, i.e. this Bodhisattva, in other words Nichiren himself as the head of all living beings, or eldest son of the Buddha.


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bù fēn bó zhòng
    bu4 fen1 bo2 zhong4
pu fen po chung
lit. unable to distinguish eldest brother from second brother (idiom); they are all equally excellent; nothing to choose between them



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bù huài sì chán
    bu4 huai4 si4 chan2
pu huai ssu ch`an
    pu huai ssu chan
 fue (no) shizen
The four dhyāna heavens, where the samādhi mind of meditation is indestructible, and the external world is indestructible by the three final catastrophes.



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bù huài jīn gāng
    bu4 huai4 jin1 gang1
pu huai chin kang
 fue kongō
Vairocana the indestructible, or eternal.


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 fuanteika / fuanteka
(n,vs,vi) destabilization; destabilisation



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bù shēng bù miè
    bu4 sheng1 bu4 mie4
pu sheng pu mieh
 fushoufumetsu / fushofumetsu
{Buddh} (See 生滅) neither arising nor ceasing
v. 不滅 'Neither (to be) born nor ended' is another term for 常住 permanent, eternal; nothing having been created nothing can be destroyed; Hīnayāna limits the meaning to the state of nirvana, no more births and deaths; Mahāyāna in its Mādhyamika form extends it universally, no birth and death, no creation and annihilation, see 中論.


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bù pò bù lì
    bu4 po4 bu4 li4
pu p`o pu li
    pu po pu li
without destruction there can be no construction



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èr zhǒng shòu jì
    er4 zhong3 shou4 ji4
erh chung shou chi
 nishu juki
Two classes of Buddha's predictions of a disciple's destiny, 無餘授記prediction in finality, or complete detail; 有餘授記 partial, or incomplete prediction.



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wǔ zhǒng bǐ liáng
    wu3 zhong3 bi3 liang2
wu chung pi liang
 goshu hiryō
The five inferences in (Indian) logic: (1) 相比量 from appearance, e. g. fire from smoke; (2) 體比量 from the corporeal, e. g. two or more things from one; (3) 業比量 from action, e. g. the animal from its footmark; (4) 法比量 from recognized law, old age from birth; (5) 因果比量 from cause and effect, that a traveler has a destination.


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wǔ dào liù dào
    wu3 dao4 liu4 dao4
wu tao liu tao
 godō rokudō
There is difference of statement whether there are five or six gati, i. e. ways or destinies; if six, then there is added the asura, a being having functions both good and evil, both deva and demon.



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wáng guó miè zhǒng
    wang2 guo2 mie4 zhong3
wang kuo mieh chung
country destroyed, its people annihilated (idiom); total destruction



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rén xíng héng dào
    ren2 xing2 heng2 dao4
jen hsing heng tao
crosswalk; pedestrian crossing



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rén chē hún xíng
    ren2 che1 hun2 xing2
jen ch`e hun hsing
    jen che hun hsing
pedestrian-vehicle mixed use


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(expression) oldest mankind (e.g. evidence of)


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bó zhòng shū jì
    bo2 zhong4 shu1 ji4
po chung shu chi
eldest; second; third and youngest of brothers; order of seniority among brothers


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 kakakuhoukai / kakakuhokai
price destruction


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 teishiichi / teshichi
stopping position (of a vehicle; at a pedestrian crossing, traffic lights, etc.)


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 genchouhishi / genchohishi
(work) The Secret History of the Mongols (the oldest surviving Mongolian-language literary work); (wk) The Secret History of the Mongols (the oldest surviving Mongolian-language literary work)



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bā dà líng tǎ
    ba1 da4 ling2 ta3
pa ta ling t`a
    pa ta ling ta
 hachi dai ryōtō
The eight great "spirit", or sacred stūpas erected at (1) Kapilavastu, Buddha's birthplace; (2) Magadha, where he was first enlightened; (3) the deer-park Benares, where he first preached; (4) Jetavana, where he revealed his supernatural powers; (5) Kanyākubja (Kanauj), where he descended from Indra's heavens; (6) Rājagṛha, where Devadatta was destroyed and the Saṅgha purifed; (7) Vaiśāli, where he announced his speedy nirvana; (8) Kuśinagara, where he entered nirvāṇa. There is another slightly variant list.



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liù shí èr jiàn
    liu4 shi2 er4 jian4
liu shih erh chien
 rokujūni ken
The sixty-two 見 or views, of which three groups are given: The 大品般若經 in the 佛母品 takes each of the five skandhas under four considerations of 常 time, considered as time past, whether each of the five has had permanence, impermanence, both, neither, 5 x 4 = 20; again as to their space, or extension, considered as present time, whether each is finite, infinite, both, neither =20; again as to their destination, i. e. future, as to whether each goes on, or does not, both, neither (e. g. continued personality) = 20, or in all 60; add the two ideas whether body and mind 神 are a unity or different = 62. The Tiantai School takes 我見, or personality, as its basis and considers each of the five skandhas under four aspects, e. g (1) rūpa, the organized body, as the ego; (2) the ego as apart from the rūpa; (3) rūpa as the greater, the ego the smaller or inferior, and the ego as dwelling in the rūpa; (4) the ego as the greater, rupa the inferior, and the rupa in the ego. Consider these twenty in the past, present, and future = 60, and add 斷 and 常 impermanence and permanence as fundamentals = 62. There is also a third group.



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liù shī jiā wáng
    liu4 shi1 jia1 wang2
liu shih chia wang
 Rokushika Ō
Name of the king who, thirteen years after the destruction of the Jetavana vihāra. which had been rebuilt 'five centuries ' after the nirvana, again restored it.


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liù dào sì shēng
    liu4 dao4 si4 sheng1
liu tao ssu sheng
 rokudoushishou / rokudoshisho
{Buddh} (See 六道,四生) four kinds of birth in the six destinies
The four modes of the six rebirths — womb, egg, moisture, or transformation.


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(1) hanger-on; dependent; (2) someone who is received coldly; (3) (familiar language) third, fourth, fifth, etc. sons (during the Edo period when only the oldest male could inherit an estate)


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(archaism) inn used for clandestine encounters between lovers


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fēn tuó lì jiā
    fen1 tuo2 li4 jia1
fen t`o li chia
    fen to li chia
(also see 分陀利) puṇḍarīka, 芬陀; 分荼利迦, 分荼利華, 奔荼利迦, 奔荼利華; 本拏哩迦; the 白蓮花 white lotus (in full bloom). It is also termed 百葉華 (or 八葉華) hundred (or eight) leaf flower. For Saddharma-puṇḍarīka, the Lotus Sutra, v. 妙法蓮華經. The eighth and coldest hell is called after this flower, because the cold lays bare the bones of the wicked, so that they resemble the whiteness of this lotus. It is also called 隨色花; when a bud, it is known as 屈摩羅; and when fading, as 迦摩羅.



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chàn à shēng miè
    chan4 a4 sheng1 mie4
ch`an a sheng mieh
    chan a sheng mieh
 setsuna shōmetsu
All things are in continuous flow, born and destroyed every instant.



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qián shì yīn yuán
    qian2 shi4 yin1 yuan2
ch`ien shih yin yüan
    chien shih yin yüan
a marriage predestined in a former life (idiom)


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qián shēng yuān niè
    qian2 sheng1 yuan1 nie4
ch`ien sheng yüan nieh
    chien sheng yüan nieh
predestined relationship



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qián yuán wèi liǎo
    qian2 yuan2 wei4 liao3
ch`ien yüan wei liao
    chien yüan wei liao
one's predestined fate is yet to be fulfilled (idiom)


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jiǎn cǎo chú gēn
    jian3 cao3 chu2 gen1
chien ts`ao ch`u ken
    chien tsao chu ken
lit. cut grass and pull out roots (idiom); fig. to destroy root and branch; to eradicate



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jié shù nán táo
    jie2 shu4 nan2 tao2
chieh shu nan t`ao
    chieh shu nan tao
Destiny is inexorable, there is no fleeing it (idiom). Your doom is at hand.


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shí èr huǒ tiān
    shi2 er4 huo3 tian1
shih erh huo t`ien
    shih erh huo tien
The homa-, or fire-spirits; Whose representations, colours, magic words, signs, symbols, and mode of worship are given in the 大日經疏20. Also 十二火尊; 十二種火法. The twelve fire-spirits are: (1) Indra or Vairocana, the discoverer or source of fire, symbolizing 智 knowledge; (2) the moon 行滿 which progresses to fullness, with mercy as root and enlightenment as fruit, i,e. Buddha; (3) the wind, represented as a half-moon, fanner of fame, of zeal, and by driving away dark clouds, of enlightenment; (4) the red rays of the rising sun, rohitaka, his swords (or rays) indicating 議 wisdom; (5) 沒M004101拏 a form half stern, half smiling, sternly driving away the passions and trials; (6) 忿怒 irate, bellowing with open mouth, showing four teeth, flowing locks, one eye closed; (7) 闍吒羅 fire burning within, i.e. the inner witness, or realization; (8) 迄灑耶 the waster, or destroyer of waste and injurious products within, i.e. inner purification; (9) 意生 the producer at will, capable of all variety, resembling Viśvakarman, the Brahmanic Vulcan; (10) 羯羅微 the fire-eater; (11) untraceable; (12) 謨賀那 the completer, also the subduer of demons.


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shí èr zhēn rú
    shi2 er4 zhen1 ru2
shih erh chen ju
 jūni shinnyo
The twelve aspects of the bhūtatathhatā or the ultimate, which is also styled the 十二無為 "inactive" or nirvana-like: and the 十二空 "void" or immaterial: (1) The chen ju itself; (2) 法界 as the medium of all things; (3) 法性 as the nature of all things; (4) 不虛妄性 its reality contra the unreality of phenomena; (5) 不變異性 its immutability contra mortality and phenomenal variation; (6) 平等性 as universal or undifferentiated; (7) 離生性 as immortal, i.e. apart from birth and death, or creation and destruction; (8) 法定 as eternal, its nature ever sure; (9) 法住 as the abode of all things; (10) 實際 as the bounds of all reality; (11) 虛空界 as the realm of space, the void, or immateriality; (12)不思議界 as the realm beyond thought or expression.



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nán yáng shāng bào
    nan2 yang2 shang1 bao4
nan yang shang pao
Nanyang Siang Pau (Malay's oldest newspaper)


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 genkannokou / genkannoko
(noun - becomes adjective with の) the coldest season (weather)


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qù wū míng huà
    qu4 wu1 ming2 hua4
ch`ü wu ming hua
    chü wu ming hua
to destigmatize


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demolition; pulling down; destruction; dismantling


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demolition; pulling down; destruction; dismantling



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tóng guī yú jìn
    tong2 gui1 yu2 jin4
t`ung kuei yü chin
    tung kuei yü chin
to die in such a way that sb (or something) else also perishes; to take sb down with oneself; to end in mutual destruction


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tūn shì zuò yòng
    tun1 shi4 zuo4 yong4
t`un shih tso yung
    tun shih tso yung
phagocytosis (ingesting and destroying foreign matter)



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tūn shì xì bāo
    tun1 shi4 xi4 bao1
t`un shih hsi pao
    tun shih hsi pao
phagocyte (cell that ingests and destroys foreign matter)



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wú shì chuī xiāo
    wu2 shi4 chui1 xiao1
wu shih ch`ui hsiao
    wu shih chui hsiao
to beg while playing the xiao 簫|箫[xiao1] (mouth organ); cf Wu Zixu 伍子胥[Wu3 Zi3 xu1], destitute refugee from Chu 楚[Chu3], busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politician



see styles
chuī xiāo qǐ shí
    chui1 xiao1 qi3 shi2
ch`ui hsiao ch`i shih
    chui hsiao chi shih
to beg while playing the xiao 簫|箫[xiao1] (mouth organ); cf Wu Zixu 伍子胥[Wu3 Zi3 xu1], destitute refugee from Chu 楚[Chu3], busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politician



see styles
zhōu bì suàn jīng
    zhou1 bi4 suan4 jing1
chou pi suan ching
Zhou Bi Suan Jing, or Chou Pei Suan Ching, one of the oldest Chinese texts on astronomy and mathematics



see styles
mìng zhōng zhù dìng
    ming4 zhong1 zhu4 ding4
ming chung chu ting
decreed by fate (idiom); destined; fated



see styles
yīn guǒ yìng bào
    yin1 guo3 ying4 bao4
yin kuo ying pao
 inga ōhō
Cause and effect in the moral realm have their corresponding relations, the denial of which destroys all moral responsibility.


see styles
 chikaginkou / chikaginko
clandestine bank; underground bank


see styles
dì zhèn liè dù
    di4 zhen4 lie4 du4
ti chen lieh tu
earthquake intensity (measure of its destructive power)



see styles
shòu shù yǐ jǐn
    shou4 shu4 yi3 jin3
shou shu i chin
to die (when one's predestined life span is up)


see styles
(expression) beyond one's wildest dreams; dream within a dream


see styles
(honorific or respectful language) eldest of one's older sisters



see styles
dà lóu tàn jīng
    da4 lou2 tan4 jing1
ta lou t`an ching
    ta lou tan ching
 Dairōtan kyō
A sutra, also called 起世 by 法立 Fali and others; 樓炭 is a Sanskrit term meaning 成敗 creation and destruction.


see styles
dà pò dà lì
    da4 po4 da4 li4
ta p`o ta li
    ta po ta li
to destroy the old and establish the new (idiom); radical transformation


see styles
 taishazukuri; ooyashirozukuri
    たいしゃづくり; おおやしろづくり
oldest architectural style for Shinto shrines (e.g. used at Izumo shrine)



see styles
dà lún jīn gāng
    da4 lun2 jin1 gang1
ta lun chin kang
 Dairin kongō
One of the thirty-three bodhisattvas in the 金剛手 court of the Garbhadhātu group, destroyer of delusion. Also 大輪明王.


see styles
fèng ruò shén míng
    feng4 ruo4 shen2 ming2
feng jo shen ming
to honor sb as a God (idiom); to revere; to worship; to deify; to make a holy cow of something; to put sb on a pedestal


see styles
 okuyukashii / okuyukashi
(adjective) refined; graceful; modest; cultivated; elegant; reserved; restrained



see styles
kǒng róng ràng lí
    kong3 rong2 rang4 li2
k`ung jung jang li
    kung jung jang li
Kong Rong giving up pears, classic moral story about Kong Rong 孔融[Kong3 Rong2] picking up smaller pears while leaving the bigger ones to his older brothers, still used nowadays to educate the young on courtesy and modesty


see styles
jiā pò rén wáng
    jia1 po4 ren2 wang2
chia p`o jen wang
    chia po jen wang
family bankrupt and the people dead (idiom); ruined and orphaned; destitute and homeless



see styles
jiā pín rú xǐ
    jia1 pin2 ru2 xi3
chia p`in ju hsi
    chia pin ju hsi
extreme poverty (idiom); destitute; penniless; poor as church mice



see styles
fù lán tuó luó
    fu4 lan2 tuo2 luo2
fu lan t`o lo
    fu lan to lo
Purandara; stronghold-breaker, fortress-destroyer, a name for Indra as thunder-god.


see styles
píng yì jìn rén
    ping2 yi4 jin4 ren2
p`ing i chin jen
    ping i chin jen
amiable and approachable (idiom); easygoing; modest and unassuming; (of writing) plain and simple; easy to understand



see styles
yǐn yù zhī zhuān
    yin3 yu4 zhi1 zhuan1
yin yü chih chuan
lit. a brick thrown to prompt others to produce a jade (idiom); fig. a modest suggestion intended to prompt others to come forward with better ideas

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Dest" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary