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Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 6014 total results for your Buddh* search. I have created 61 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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Simple Dictionary Definition


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wǔ xīn
    wu3 xin1
wu hsin
see 五葷|五荤[wu3 hun1]
(See 五葷) five pungent roots (in Buddhism or Taoism)
The five forbidden pungent roots, 五葷 garlic, three kinds of onions, and leeks; if eaten raw they are said to cause irritability of temper, and if eaten cooked, to act as an aphrodisiac; moreover, the breath of the eater, if reading the sutras, will drive away the good spirits.


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wǔ nì
    wu3 ni4
wu ni
(1) {Buddh} five cardinal sins (killing one's father, killing one's mother, killing an arhat, shedding the blood of a Buddha, causing a schism within the sangha); (2) (hist) crime of killing one's master, father, grandfather, mother, or grandmother
pañcānantarya; 五無間業 The five rebellious acts or deadly sins, parricide, matricide, killing an arhat, shedding the blood of a Buddha, destroying the harmony of the sangha, or fraternity. The above definition is common both to Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna. The lightest of these sins is the first; the heaviest the last. II. Another group is: (1) sacrilege, such as destroying temples, burning sutras, stealing a Buddha's or a monk's things, inducing others to do so, or taking pleasure therein; (2) slander, or abuse of the teaching of śrāvaka s, pratyekabuddhas, or bodhisattvas; (3) ill-treatment or killing of a monk; (4) any one of the five deadly sins given above; (5) denial of the karma consequences of ill deeds, acting or teaching others accordingly, and unceasing evil life. III. There are also five deadly sins, each of which is equal to each of the first set of five: (1) violation of a mother, or a fully ordained nun; (2) killing a bodhisattva in a sangha; (5) destroying a Buddha's stūpa. IV. The five unpardonable sin of Devadatta who (1) destroyed the harmony of the community; (2) injured Śākyamuni with a stone, shedding his blood; (3) induced the king to let loose a rutting elephant to trample down Śākyamuni; (4) killed a nun; (5) put poison on his finger-nails and saluted Śākyamuni intending to destroy him thereby.


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wǔ tōng
    wu3 tong1
wu t`ung
    wu tung
 gotsuu / gotsu
bottom bracket shell (in a bicycle frame); (Buddhism) the five supernatural powers (abbr. for 五神通[wu3 shen2tong1])
(surname) Gotsuu
v. 五神通.



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wǔ yīn
    wu3 yin1
wu yin
(archaism) {Buddh} (See 五蘊) the five skandhas (matter, sensation, perception, mental formations and consciousness); the five aggregates
五衆 see 五蘊. 陰 is the older term.


see styles
wǔ zhàng
    wu3 zhang4
wu chang
 goshou / gosho
(1) {Buddh} five hindrances (that prevent a woman from becoming a Buddha, a Brahmā, a Shakra, a devil king, or a wheel-turning king); five obstructions to women's attainment; (2) {Buddh} five hindrances (that impede ascetic practices; sensory desire, ill-will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry, doubt)
The five hindrances, or obstacles; also 五礙; 五雲. I. Of women, i. e. inability to become Brahma-kings, Indras, Māra-kings, Caikravarti-kings, or Buddhas. II. The hindrances to the five 五力 powers, i. e. (self-) deception a bar to faith, as sloth is to zeal, anger to remembrance, hatred to meditaton, and discontent to wisdom. III. The hindrances of (1) the passion-nature, e. g. original sin; (2) of karma caused in previous lives; (3) the affairs of life; (4) no friendly or competent preceptor; (5) partial knowledge.


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wáng zhě
    wang2 zhe3
wang che
 mouja / moja
the deceased
(1) {Buddh} the dead; ghost; (2) (usu. as 〜の亡者) person who is obsessed (with money, power, etc.); person with a blind lust (for)
Dead; the dead.


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rén xiān
    ren2 xian1
jen hsien
The ṛṣi jina, or immortal among men, i.e. the Buddha; also a name for Bimbisāra in his reincarnation.


see styles
rén yīn
    ren2 yin1
jen yin
The causative influences for being reborn as a human being, i.e. a good life. Those in positions of honour have obtained them by former deeds of benevolence, reverence to Buddhas and monks, patience, humility, devotion to the sutras, charity, morality, zeal and exhortation, obedience, loyalty - hence they have obtained affluence, long life, and are held in high regard. Those in mean condition are thus born because of the opposite characteristics in previous incarnation.


see styles
rén tiān
    ren2 tian1
jen t`ien
    jen tien
 ninden; jinten; ninten
    にんでん; じんてん; にんてん
{Buddh} earth and heaven; human and heavenly beings
Men and devas.


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rén bǎo
    ren2 bao3
jen pao
The treasure of men, Buddha.


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rén zūn
    ren2 zun1
jen tsun
idem 人中尊.; The Honoured One among or of men, the Buddha.



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rén shù
    ren2 shu4
jen shu
The Tree among men, giving shelter as the bodhi-tree, a Buddha.


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rén fǎ
    ren2 fa3
jen fa
Men and things; also, men and the Buddha's law, or teaching.


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rén jiè
    ren2 jie4
jen chieh
{Buddh} (See 十界) spiritual realm of humanity
realm of human existence


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rén zūn
    ren2 zun1
jen tsun
Benevolent and honored, or kindly honored one, i. e. Buddha.


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rén wáng
    ren2 wang2
jen wang
the two guardian Deva kings; (personal name) Niwa
The benevolent king, Buddha; the name Śākya is intp. as 能仁 able in generosity. Also an ancient king, probably imaginary, of the 'sixteen countries' of India, for whom the Buddha is said to have dictated the 仁王經, a sutra with two principal translations into Chinese, the first by Kumārajīva styled 仁王般若經 or 佛說仁王般若波羅蜜經 without magical formulae, the second by Amogha (不空) styled 仁王護國般若波羅蜜經, etc., into which the magical formulae were introduced; these were for royal ceremonials to protect the country from all kinds of calamities and induce prosperity.


see styles
jīn shì
    jin1 shi4
chin shih
 konse; konze; konsei / konse; konze; konse
    こんせ; こんぜ; こんせい
this life; this age
(1) {Buddh} (See 現世・1) this world; this life; (2) (こんせい only) (obsolete) this generation; present day; (female given name) Imayo
this world


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jīn fó
    jin1 fo2
chin fo
 kin butsu
present buddha


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Buddhist memorial service


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Buddhist memorial service


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{Buddh} buddha state (ultimate level of Buddhist enlightenment); buddhahood


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offering to the Buddha (often rice); (place-name) Bukku


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 butsuzou / butsuzo
statue of Buddha; image of Buddha; Buddhist statue; Buddhist image; (place-name) Butsuzou


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 bussou / busso
Buddhist priest; (place-name) Bussou


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 butsugu; bugu
    ぶつぐ; ぶぐ
Buddhist ritual implements (esp. altar fittings); (surname) Butsugu


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Buddhist scriptures; sutras


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 bussatsu; bussetsu
    ぶっさつ; ぶっせつ
(rare) Buddhist temple


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(1) (before a) Buddhist altar; before the Buddha; (2) (oft. as 御〜) offering placed on a Buddhist altar; incense money; condolatory offering; (surname) Butsuzen


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the power of Buddha


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(n,vs,vi) visit to a Buddhist temple


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 butsumyou / butsumyo
(1) Buddha's name; (2) (abbreviation) (See 仏名会) annual ceremony of reciting the names of the Buddhas


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Buddhist altar fittings; (surname) Butsuki


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(1) Buddha; (2) stupa; (3) Buddhist temple; (4) Buddhist monk


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(1) Buddhist country; (2) {Buddh} the land of Buddha; Buddhist paradise; (place-name) Futsukoku


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(1) {Buddh} (See 浄土・1) realm of a Buddha; Pure Land; paradise; (2) {Buddh} Buddhist country; land where Buddha has appeared to spread his teachings


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 butsudou / butsudo
temple building enshrining a statue of Buddha; Buddhist shrine; (place-name) Hotokedou


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Buddhist (household) altar


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woman interested in Buddhism and Buddhist images


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(1) follower of the Buddha; Buddhist; (2) (See 衆生) all Buddha's children; mankind; all living things; (3) Bodhisattva; (g,p) Busshi


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(See 仏教学・ぶっきょうがく) Buddhist studies; Buddhology


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Buddhist priest


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Buddhist temple


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 bukkou / bukko
maker of Buddhist images and altar fittings


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Buddhist image maker; (surname) Busshi


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coloured curtains hanging from the eaves of a Buddhist temple


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Buddhist image seat; temple pulpit


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Buddhist ritual


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{Buddh} virtues of Buddha


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grace of Buddha; indebtedness to Buddha


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(1) place containing a Buddhist image; (2) (See 極楽・1,浄土・1) place containing a Buddha; pure land; (3) (See 造仏所) independent workshop of Buddhist sculptors (from the Heian period onward); (place-name) Bussho


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enemy of Buddhism


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{Buddh} omniscience (of a buddha)


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Buddhist calendar


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Buddhist scriptures


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Buddhahood; Nirvana


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{Buddh} buddhahood


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(1) a Buddha; (2) deceased person


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temple building enshrining a statue of Buddha (esp. the main hall of a Zen Buddhist temple)


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 buppou / buppo
Buddhist teachings; Buddhism


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(1) Buddha's death; (2) (See 六曜) very unlucky day (in the traditional calendar)


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{Buddh} tooth of Buddha recovered from his cremated ashes


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Buddhist picture


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(1) {Buddh} pure land; (2) (See 十界) spiritual realm of Buddhahood


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{Buddh} (See 五眼) the Buddha eye


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Founder of Buddhism


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 busshin; butsujin
    ぶっしん; ぶつじん
(See 神仏・1) Buddha and gods


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(1) (Buddhist term) seed of Buddhahood; (2) something that makes it possible to attain Buddhahood; (3) teaching of Buddha which make it possible to be enlightened


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 bukkyou / bukkyo
Buddhist sutras


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Buddha's providence


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 butsubachi; butsubatsu
    ぶつばち; ぶつばつ
punishment by Buddha; divine retribution


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Buddhist; Buddhist priest


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 busshou / bussho
(Buddhist term) rice offered to Buddha


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 bukka; butsuka; butsubana
    ぶっか; ぶつか; ぶつばな
flowers or flower arrangements for a butsudan (household Buddhist altar)


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 bussou / busso
Buddhist funeral


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 bukkei / bukke
act of visiting a Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple


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(1) Buddhist term; (2) teaching of the Buddha; saying of the Buddha; words of the Buddha


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Buddha's teaching


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place sacred to Buddhism


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{Buddh} buddhakaya (the body of Buddha)


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 butsudou / butsudo
(1) teachings of Buddha; Buddhist teachings; Buddhist path; Buddhism; (2) Buddhist enlightenment


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Buddhism; priesthood


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Buddhist family chapel; altar room


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Buddhist temple


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 budda; butsuda; budda
    ぶっだ; ぶつだ; ブッダ


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 bucchou / buccho
(1) (See 肉髻) crown of a buddha's head; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) brusqueness; grumpiness


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 busshou / bussho
(Buddhist term) rice offered to Buddha


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tā lì
    ta1 li4
t`a li
    ta li
(1) outside help; help from without; (2) {Buddh} salvation by faith; (surname) Tariki
Another's strength, especially that of a Buddha, or bodhisattva, obtained through faith in Mahāyāna salvation.



see styles
fù zhǔ
    fu4 zhu3
fu chu
entrustment of the buddhas with the transmission of the teaching


see styles
xiān chéng
    xian1 cheng2
hsien ch`eng
    hsien cheng
 senjou / senjo
(surname) Senjō
The ṛṣi's city, i. e. the Buddha's native city, Kapilavastu.


see styles
xiān yīn
    xian1 yin1
hsien yin
The voice of Buddha.


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{Buddh} (See 三諦) truth of temporariness (holding that all things are temporary)


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xiū tú
    xiu1 tu2
hsiu t`u
    hsiu tu
Lit. 'Desist from butchering, 'said to be the earliest Han term for 浮屠, 佛圖, etc., Buddha. The 漢武故事 says that the King of Vaiśālī 毘邪 killed King 體屠 (or the non-butchering kings), took his golden gods, over 10 feet in height, and put them in the 甘泉宮 Sweet-spring palace; they required no sacrifices of bulls or rams, but only worship of incense, so the king ordered that they should be served after their national method.


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(1) {Buddh} memorial service; temple service; (2) (usu. as お会式) (See お会式) memorial service for Nichiren (13th day of the 10th month; in Nichiren Buddhism)


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 dengyou; denkyou / dengyo; denkyo
    でんぎょう; でんきょう
missionary work (esp. Buddhist); preaching; (personal name) Dengyou


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 denbou; denpou / denbo; denpo
    でんぼう; でんぽう
(noun or adjectival noun) teaching Buddhism; rough person; bullying; ostentatious bravado; (place-name, surname) Denpou


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bàn sēng
    ban4 seng1
pan seng
 bansou / banso
priests assisting at a Buddhist service


see styles
qié yé
    qie2 ye2
ch`ieh yeh
    chieh yeh
(female given name) Kaya; (place-name) Gaya (4th-6th century confederacy of chiefdoms in the Nakdong River valley of southern Korea)
伽邪; 伽闍 Gayā. (1) A city of Magadha, Buddhagayā (north-west of present Gaya), near which Śākyamuni became Buddha. (2) Gaja, an elephant. (3) 伽耶山 Gajaśirṣa, Elephant's Head Mountain; two are mentioned, one near "Vulture Peak", one near the Bo-tree. (4) kāya, the body.



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qié lán
    qie2 lan2
ch`ieh lan
    chieh lan
Buddhist temple (loanword from Sanskrit "samgharama")
(1) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 僧伽藍摩) temple (esp. large one); monastery; (suffix noun) (2) {Buddh} temple building; (surname) Tokiai
僧伽藍摩; 僧藍 saṅghārāma or saṅghāgāra. (1) The park of a monastery. (2) A monastery, convent. There are eighteen伽藍神 guardian spirits of a monastery.


see styles
wèi pái
    wei4 pai2
wei p`ai
    wei pai
Buddhist mortuary tablet
The board, or record of official position.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Buddh*" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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