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There are 1512 total results for your red search. I have created 16 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
(1) yak hair dyed red; red hair; (2) frizzled fake hair; curly fake hair


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(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (1) red face; (2) villain (in kabuki, joruri, etc.)


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(out-dated kanji) (kana only) crayfish (esp. Japanese crayfish, Cambaroides japonicus or red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii); crawfish


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 taikou / taiko
pink; light red; light crimson (dye)



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tōng hóng
    tong1 hong2
t`ung hung
    tung hung
very red; red through and through; to blush (deep red)



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yóu kè
    you2 ke4
yu k`o
    yu ko
 yuukaku / yukaku
traveler; tourist; (online gaming) guest player
sightseer; playboy; loafer; slacker; frequenter of red-light districts


see styles
 yuukaku / yukaku
red light district


see styles
 yuukaku / yukaku
red light district


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 yuuri / yuri
red light district



see styles
dá mó
    da2 mo2
ta mo
 daruma(p); daruma
    だるま(P); ダルマ
(1) (kana only) daruma; tumbling doll; round, red-painted good-luck doll in the shape of Bodhidharma, with a blank eye to be completed when a person's wish is granted; (2) (kana only) Bodhidharma; (3) prostitute; (personal name) Daruma
dharma; also 達摩; 達麼; 達而麻耶; 曇摩; 馱摩 tr. by 法. dharma is from dhara, holding, bearing, possessing, etc.; and means 'that which is to be held fast or kept, ordinance, statute, law, usage, practice'; 'anything right.' M.W. It may be variously intp. as (1) characteristic, attribute, predicate; (2) the bearer, the transcendent substratum of single elements of conscious life; (3) element, i.e. a part of conscious life; (4) nirvāṇa, i.e. the Dharma par excellence, the object of Buddhist teaching; (5) the absolute, the real; (6) the teaching or religion of Buddha; (7) thing, object, appearance. Also, Damo, or Bodhidharma, the twenty-eighth Indian and first Chinese patriarch, who arrived in China A.D. 520, the reputed founder of the Chan or Intuitional School in China. He is described as son of a king in southern India; originally called Bodhitara. He arrived at Guangdong, bringing it is said the sacred begging-bowl, and settled in Luoyang, where he engaged in silent meditation for nine years, whence he received the title of wall-gazing Brahman 壁觀婆羅門, though he was a kṣatriya. His doctrine and practice were those of the 'inner light', independent of the written word, but to 慧可 Huike, his successor, he commended the Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra as nearest to his views. There are many names with Dharma as initial: Dharmapāla, Dharmagupta, Dharmayaśas, Dharmaruci, Dharmarakṣa, Dharmatrāta, Dharmavardhana, etc.


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(linguistics terminology) (archaism) sociolect or secret language used by prostitutes in red-light districts (Edo period); vulgar words used by prostitutes (Edo period)


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(1) (linguistics terminology) countryside dialect; (2) (linguistics terminology) sociolect or secret language used by prostitutes in red-light districts during the Edo period


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(n,n-pref,adj-no) (1) red; (2) (abbreviation) red kidney bean; (3) (abbreviation) sweet potato (any of a number of different cultivars with red skin); (4) bowl of shaved ice with boiled adzuki beans; (surname) Kintoki


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(1) red-hot iron; (2) swords and guns; (3) gunfire; (n,adj-no,adj-na) (4) (See 鉄火肌) termagancy; violent temper; (5) (abbreviation) (See 鉄火打ち) gambler; (6) (See 鉄火丼,鉄火巻き) red flesh of lean tuna; (personal name) Tekka


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{chem} red lead; minium; lead(II,IV) oxide



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yín hóng
    yin2 hong2
yin hung
pink; silvery red; pale rose color



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guān qiǎ
    guan1 qia3
kuan ch`ia
    kuan chia
checkpoint (for taxation, security etc); barrier; hurdle; red tape; CL:個|个[ge4],道[dao4]



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ā lái
    a1 lai2
a lai
Alai (1959-), ethnic Tibetan Chinese writer, awarded Mao Dun Literature Prize in 2000 for his novel 塵埃落定|尘埃落定[Chen2 ai1 luo4 ding4] "Red Poppies"


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(1) {finc} (See 陽線) red candlestick (in a candlestick chart); bearish candlestick; (2) terminator (boundary between the areas of light and shadow on an object)



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xióng huáng
    xiong2 huang2
hsiung huang
realgar; red orpiment
See: 雄黄


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 mematsu; mematsu
    めまつ; メマツ
(See 赤松・あかまつ) Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora); Japanese umbrella pine; tanyosho pine


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(kana only) land-locked variety of red-spotted masu trout (Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae); amago; (surname, female given name) Ameko


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 uryuu / uryu
rain dragon; mythical beast with yellowish green skin and red tail; (place-name) Uryū


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(1) blue line; (2) (hist) (abbreviation) (See 青線地帯) area around a red-light district where illegal prostitution occurred (marked on police maps by a blue line; 1940s-1956); (3) non-legal public waterway (denoted by a blue line on cadastral maps; sometimes no longer physically existing)



see styles
pín pó
    pin2 po2
p`in p`o
    pin po
(頻婆羅) vimbara, differently stated as ten millions, and 100,000 billions, a 大頻婆羅 as a trillion; it is also intp, as a king of fragrance, or incense.; vimba; bimba; a bright red gourd, Momordica monadephia; a tree with red fruit; fruit of the Binba-tree.


see styles
 fuurai / furai
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) frivolity; unpredictability; erraticism; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) first-time guest in a red-light district; (personal name) Fūrai


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red food coloring; red food colouring


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(1) (kana only) red bean paste; red bean jam; anko; (2) filling (e.g. of a manjuu); (3) stuffing; padding


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(1) (kana only) red bean paste; red bean jam; anko; (2) filling (e.g. of a manjuu); (3) stuffing; padding; (female given name) Anko



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xiàn bǐng
    xian4 bing3
hsien ping
meat pie; pie; pasty
(feminine speech) mochi rice cake with red bean jam filling; mochi rice cake covered in red bean jam; (1) (feminine speech) mochi rice cake with red bean jam filling; mochi rice cake covered in red bean jam; (2) mochi rice cake


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xiāng fù
    xiang1 fu4
hsiang fu
red nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus)



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mǎ lù
    ma3 lu4
ma lu
red deer; fool; idiot (from Japanese "baka")
(ateji / phonetic) (1) (kana only) fool; idiot; (2) (kana only) trivial matter; folly; absurdity; (adjectival noun) (3) (kana only) foolish; stupid; dull; absurd; ridiculous; (4) (abbreviation) (kana only) Mactra chinensis (species of trough shell); (surname) Umashika


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mó kū
    mo2 ku1
mo k`u
    mo ku
lit. nest of devils; place occupied by sinister forces
(1) den of vice; rogue's den; (2) (See 売春宿) brothel; red-light district; (3) (colloquialism) cluttered room


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den of thieves; brothel; red-light district


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(abbreviation) (See たらば蟹・たらばがに) red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)


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mochi filled with red bean paste and topped with green soy flour



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huáng jiào
    huang2 jiao4
huang chiao
Yellow hat or Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism; also written 格魯派|格鲁派[Ge2 lu3 pai4]
黃帽教 The yellow sect of Lamaism, founded in 1417 by 宗喀巴 Tsoṅ-kha-pa, Sumatikīrti, who overthrew the decadent sect, which wears red robes, and established the sect that wears yellow, and which at first was: noted for the austere life of the monks; it is found chiefly in Tibet, Mongolia, and Ili.


see styles
(See 血合い) meat of a fish (e.g. tuna) that is dark red with blood, usu. coming from the parts close to the spine


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 biryuu / biryu
rhinophyma; red swollen nose (often associated with alcoholism)


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(1) (kana only) bishop wood (Bischofia javanica); (2) barked tree; (3) red tree


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 akou / ako
(kana only) Matsubara's red rockfish (Sebastes matsubarae); (kana only) Japanese sea fig (Ficus superba var. japonica)


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glowing ember (either red hot charcoal or the glowing remains of burnt firewood); live charcoal


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(kana only) (See 汁粉) shiruko; sweet red-bean soup with mochi


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dorayaki; dessert made of two castella (sponge cake) patties and red bean jam


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(1) pilaf topped with bechemal or other cheese-based sauce, then oven baked (ita: Doria); (2) casserole dish dedicated to the Doria family, often with green, white and red colours; (personal name) Doria


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(kana only) red sea bream (Pagrus major); Japanese sea bream; red tai; porgy


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(noun or adjectival noun) (1) bright red; deep red; flushed (of face); (adjectival noun) (2) downright (e.g. lie); complete; utter


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(1) (kana only) any large, red, deep-water scorpionfish with big eyes; (2) Matsubara's red rockfish (Sebastes matsubarae)


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Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora); Japanese umbrella pine; tanyosho pine


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red (esp. wine, etc.) (ita: rosso); (personal name) Rosso


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 sangyouchi / sangyochi
licensed red-light quarters


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three-color printing (red and yellow and blue); three-colour printing


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(n,adj-no,vs) painting red; vermillion lacquering



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dān fèng yǎn
    dan1 feng4 yan3
tan feng yen
red phoenix eyes (eyes whose outer corners incline upwards)


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wǔ dà sè
    wu3 da4 se4
wu ta se
 go daishiki
The five chief colours— yellow for earth, white for water, red for fire, black for wind, azure for space (or the sky). Some say white for wind and black for water.



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wǔ lún guān
    wu3 lun2 guan1
wu lun kuan
 gorin kan
五輪三摩地 A meditation of the esoteric school on the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, and space, with their germ-words, their forms (i. e. square, round, triangular, half-moon, and spherical), and their colors (i. e. yellow, white, red, black, and blue). The five wheels also represent the Five Dhyāni-Buddhas, v. 五智. The object is that 五輪成身 the individual may be united with the five Buddhas, or Vairocana.



see styles
wǔ zhuǎn sè
    wu3 zhuan3 se4
wu chuan se
 go tenjiki
The above five developments are given the colors respectively of yellow, red, white, black, and blue (or green), each color being symbolic, e. g. yellow of Vairocana, red of Mañjuśrī, etc.


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 ningyouyaki / ningyoyaki
(food term) doll cake; sponge cake in various shapes filled with red bean paste


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 jigabachi; jigabachi
    じがばち; ジガバチ
(1) (kana only) red-banded sand wasp (Ammophila sabulosa); (2) thread-waisted wasp (any wasp of family Sphecidae, incl. digger wasps and mud daubers)



see styles
jù lán zhà
    ju4 lan2 zha4
chü lan cha
kuraṇṭa; yellow amaranth; intp. as a red flower, among men with 10 leaves, among devas 100, among buddhas 1,000; also as a material thing, i.e. something with resistance. Cf. 拘.



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bā bǎo zhōu
    ba1 bao3 zhou1
pa pao chou
rice congee made with red beans, lotus seeds, longan, red dates, nuts etc


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níng huā cài
    ning2 hua1 cai4
ning hua ts`ai
    ning hua tsai
gelidiella, tropical and subtropical red algae


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 hatsumomiji; hatsumomijiba(ok); hatsumomichiba(ok)
    はつもみじ; はつもみじば(ok); はつもみちば(ok)
first maple leaves to turn red in the season


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 kitarisu; kitarisu
    きたりす; キタリス
(kana only) red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)


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 sennendai; sennendai
    せんねんだい; センネンダイ
(kana only) emperor red snapper (Lutjanus sebae); bourgeois red snapper; bourgeois fish


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red and white candy stick sold at children's festivals


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Chinese fancy mouse (usu. all-white with red eyes)


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kǎ qiū shā
    ka3 qiu1 sha1
k`a ch`iu sha
    ka chiu sha
Katyusha (name); name of a Russian wartime song; nickname of a rocket launcher used by the Red Army in WWII; also written 喀秋莎


see styles
(1) food set out on a stand; gift placed on a stand; (2) (archaism) food brought on a large stand to a brothel by a red-light district caterer


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(noun/participle) (1) call; summons; paging; curtain call; (2) (sumo) usher who calls the names of wrestlers, sweeps the ring, etc.; (3) (abbreviation) telephone number at which a person without a telephone can be reached; (4) (archaism) box-shaped area containing clean water for rinsing oneself (in an Edo-period bathhouse); (5) (archaism) high-ranking prostitute in the Yoshiwara district (Edo period); (6) (archaism) unlicensed prostitute in the Fukagawa red-light district (Edo period)


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 tougarashi / togarashi
(1) capsicum (Capsicum annuum, esp. the cultivated chili peppers); chili pepper (chile, chilli); cayenne; red pepper; (2) (abbreviation) shichimi pepper


see styles
    tougarashi / togarashi
(1) capsicum (Capsicum annuum, esp. the cultivated chili peppers); chili pepper (chile, chilli); cayenne; red pepper; (2) (abbreviation) shichimi pepper


see styles
kā qiū shā
    ka1 qiu1 sha1
k`a ch`iu sha
    ka chiu sha
Katyusha (name); name of a Russian wartime song; nickname of a rocket launcher used by the Red Army in WWII


see styles
sì tiān wáng
    si4 tian1 wang2
ssu t`ien wang
    ssu tien wang
 shitennou / shitenno
(1) {Buddh} the Four Heavenly Kings (Dhrtarastra, Virudhaka, Virupaksa, and Vaisravana); (2) the big four (i.e. four leaders in a given field)
(四大天王) catur-mahārājas, or Lokapālas; the four deva-kings. Indra's external 'generals 'who dwell each on a side of Mount Meru, and who ward off from the world the attacks of malicious spirits, or asuras, hence their name 護世四天王 the four deva-kings, guardians of the world. Their abode is the 四天王天 catur-maharāja-kāyikas; and their titles are: East 持國天 Deva who keeps (his) kingdom; colour white; name Dhṛtarsaṣtra. South 增長天 Deva of increase and growth; blue; name Virūḍhaka. West 廣目天 The broad-eyed (also ugly-eyed) deva (perhaps a form of Siva); red; name Virūpākṣa. North 多聞天 The deva who hears much and is well-versed; yellow; name Vaiśravaṇa, or Dhanada; he is a form of Kuvera, the god of wealth. These are the four giant temple guardians introduced as such to China by Amogha; cf. 四天王經.


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(1) from the area (e.g. person or goods); (2) local trader; local merchant; (3) street tough; hoodlum controlling a territory (e.g. red light district, amusement area)


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(1) from the area (e.g. person or goods); (2) local trader; local merchant; (3) street tough; hoodlum controlling a territory (e.g. red light district, amusement area)


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āi lā tè
    ai1 la1 te4
ai la t`e
    ai la te
Eilat, Israeli port and resort on the Red sea


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red-light district


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(1) night mooring (for a boat); (2) sleeping away for the night (esp. in a red light district)


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 yakoubin / yakobin
overnight flight; red-eye flight



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dà hóng lián
    da4 hong2 lian2
ta hung lien
 dai guren
Great red lotuses―name of a cold hell where the skin is covered with chaps like lotuses.



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dà guān yuán
    da4 guan1 yuan2
ta kuan yüan
Prospect Garden; Grand View Garden, a garden in Dream of the Red Chamber


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being greatly in the red; taking a big loss; heavy deficit


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{astron} (Jupiter's) Great Red Spot



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dà chì huā
    da4 chi4 hua1
ta ch`ih hua
    ta chih hua
mahāmañjūṣaka 摩訶曼珠沙 or rubia cordifolia, from which madder is made.



see styles
pó luó shē
    po2 luo2 she1
p`o lo she
    po lo she
phalasa, the breadfruit tree; intp. as a tree with red flowers.


see styles
zōng kè bā
    zong1 ke4 ba1
tsung k`o pa
    tsung ko pa
Sumatikīrti (Tib. Tsoṅ-kha-pa), the reformer of the Tibetan church, founder of the Yellow Sect (黃帽教); according to the 西藏新志 b. A. D. 1417 at Hsining, Kansu. His sect was founded on strict discipline, as opposed to the lax practices of the Red sect, which permitted marriage of monks, sorcery, etc. He is considered to be an incarnation of Mañjuśrī; others say of Amitābha.


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(1) unloading a barge; (2) small pieces of fried tofu; (3) palanquin that carried guests to and from the red light district


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red-cheeked myna (Sturnus phillippensis); violet-backed starling



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xiǎo xióng māo
    xiao3 xiong2 mao1
hsiao hsiung mao
lesser panda (Ailurus fulgens); red panda



see styles
xiǎo hóng mào
    xiao3 hong2 mao4
hsiao hung mao
Little Red Riding Hood


see styles
 shaohonshuu; shoukousho / shaohonshu; shokosho
    シャオホンシュー; しょうこうしょ
(product) Xiaohongshu (Chinese social media and e-commerce platform); RED


see styles
xiǎo chì bì
    xiao3 chi4 bi4
hsiao ch`ih pi
    hsiao chih pi
 shousekiheki / shosekiheki
Little Red Cliff, nickname of Bitan 碧潭[Bi4 tan2], Xindian, Taibei county, Taiwan
(place-name) Shousekiheki



see styles
xiǎo lóng xiā
    xiao3 long2 xia1
hsiao lung hsia
crayfish; (esp.) red swamp crayfish 克氏原螯蝦|克氏原螯虾[ke4 shi4 yuan2 ao2 xia1]


see styles
red-light district


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 kawamozuku; kawamozuku
    かわもずく; カワモズク
(kana only) Batrachospermum gelatinosum (species of red alga)


see styles
 kawagoeimo / kawagoemo
variety of sweet potato with red skin and sweet yellow flesh (product of the Kawagoe region)



see styles
bā dé ěr
    ba1 de2 er3
pa te erh
Baldr or Baldur, god in Norse mythology; Andreas Baader (1943-1977), leader of Red Army Faction, a.k.a. the Baader-Meinhof group


see styles
protective household deity in Tohoku, appearing as a red-faced child spirit with bobbed hair

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "red" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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