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see styles
wǔ fó bǎo guàn
    wu3 fo2 bao3 guan4
wu fo pao kuan
 gobutsu hōkan
五佛冠; 五智冠 (五智寶冠) ; 五寶天冠; 寶冠 A Buddha-crown containing the Five Dhyāni-Buddhas. The five Buddhas 'are always crowned when holding the śakti, and hence are called by the Tibetans the 'crowned Buddhas' (Getty). Vairocana in the Vajradhātu wears a crown with five points indicative of the five qualities of perfect wisdom, etc., as represented by the Five Dhyāni-Buddhas.


see styles
wǔ fēn fǎ shēn
    wu3 fen1 fa3 shen1
wu fen fa shen
 gobun hosshin
pañca-dharmakāya, the five attributes of the dharmakāya or 'spiritual' body of the Tathāgata, i. e. 戒 that he is above all moral conditions; 定 tranquil and apart from all false ideas; 慧 wise and omniscient; 解脫 free, unlimited, unconditioned, which is the state of nirvana; 解脫知見 that he has perfect knowledge of this state. These five attributes surpass all conditions of form, or the five skandhas; Eitel interprets this by exemption from all materiality (rūpa); all sensations (vedana); all consciousness (saṃjñā); all moral activity (karman); all knowledge (vijñāna). The esoteric sect has its own group. See also 五種法身.


see styles
wǔ suǒ yī tǔ
    wu3 suo3 yi1 tu3
wu so i t`u
    wu so i tu
 go shoe do
The five Buddha-kṣetra, or dependencies, the realms, or conditions of a Buddha. They are: (1) 法性土 his dharmakāya-kṣetra, or realm of his 'spiritual nature', dependent on and yet identical with the 眞如 bhutatathata; (2) 實 with its five immortal skandhas, i. e. his glorified body for his own enjoyment;. (3) 色相土 the land or condition of his self-expression as wisdom; (4) 他受用土 his saṃbhogakāya realm for the joy of others; (5) 變化土 the realm on which his nirmāṇakāya depends, that of the wisdom of perfect service of all, which results in his relation to every kind of condition.


see styles
wǔ xiàng chéng shēn
    wu3 xiang4 cheng2 shen1
wu hsiang ch`eng shen
    wu hsiang cheng shen
 gosō jōshin
(五相成身觀) A contemplation of the five stages in Vairocana Buddhahood— entry into the bodhi-mind; maintenance of it; attainment of the diamond mind; realization of the diamond embodiment; and perfect attainment of Buddhahood. It refers also to the 五智 of the Vairocana group; also 五轉成身 (or 五法成身) .


see styles
rén rén běn jù
    ren2 ren2 ben3 ju4
jen jen pen chü
 ninnin hongu
Every man has by origin the perfect Buddha-nature.



see styles
rén wú wán rén
    ren2 wu2 wan2 ren2
jen wu wan jen
nobody is perfect; everyone has their defect


see styles
fó jù shí shēn
    fo2 ju4 shi2 shen1
fo chü shih shen
 butsugu jūshin
The ten perfect bodies or characteristics of Buddha: (1) 菩提身 Bodhi-body in possession of complete enlightenment. (2) 願身 Vow-body, i.e. the vow to be born in and from the Tuṣita heaven. (3) 化身 nirmāṇakāya, Buddha incarnate as a man. (4) 住持身 Buddha who still occupies his relics or what he has left behind on earth and thus upholds the dharma. (5) 相好莊嚴身 saṁbhogakāya, endowed with an idealized body with all Buddha marks and merits. (6) 勢力身 or 心佛 Power-body, embracing all with his heart of mercy. (7) 如意身 or 意生身 At will body, appearing according to wish or need. (8) 福德身 or 三昧身 samādhi body, or body of blessed virtue. (9) 智身 or 性佛 Wisdom-body, whose nature embraces all wisdom. (10) 法身 dharmakāya, the absolute Buddha, or essence of all life.



see styles
biàn chéng zhèng jué
    bian4 cheng2 zheng4 jue2
pien ch`eng cheng chüeh
    pien cheng cheng chüeh
 benjō shōgaku
to directly achieve perfect enlightenment


see styles
xìn yán jù zú
    xin4 yan2 ju4 zu2
hsin yen chü tsu
 shingon gusoku
perfect reliability in what one says



see styles
xiū liàn chéng xiān
    xiu1 lian4 cheng2 xian1
hsiu lien ch`eng hsien
    hsiu lien cheng hsien
lit. to practice austerities to become a Daoist immortal; practice makes perfect


see styles
 zenshouyuushou / zenshoyusho
{sumo} winning a championship with a perfect record


see styles
bā xiàng chéng dào
    ba1 xiang4 cheng2 dao4
pa hsiang ch`eng tao
    pa hsiang cheng tao
 hassō jōdō
the eight stages of the Buddha's life (Buddhism)
(八相) also 八相示現 Eight aspects of the Buddha's life, which the 起信論 gives as: (1) descent into and abode in the Tuṣita heaven; (2) entry into his mother's womb; (3) abode there visibly preaching to the devas; (4) birth from mother's side in Lumbinī; (5) leaving home at 19 (or 25) as a hermit; (6) after six years' suffering attaining enlightenment; (7) rolling the Law-wheel, or preaching; (8) at 80 entering nirvāṇa. The 四教義 group of Tiantai is slightly different — descent from Tuṣita, entry into womb, birth, leaving home, subjection of Māra, attaining perfect wisdom, preaching, nirvana. See also the two 四相, i.e. 四本相 and 四隨相.



see styles
bā zhǒng shèng fǎ
    ba1 zhong3 sheng4 fa3
pa chung sheng fa
 hasshu shōhō
The eight kinds of surpassing things, i.e. those who keep the first eight commandments receive the eight kinds of reward―they escape from falling into the hells; becoming pretas; or animals; or asuras; they will be born among men, become monks, and obtain the truth; in the heavens of desire; in the brahma-heaven, or meet a Buddha; and obtain perfect enlightenment.



see styles
bā miàn líng lóng
    ba1 mian4 ling2 long2
pa mien ling lung
 hachimenreirou / hachimenrero
be smooth and slick (in establishing social relations)
(n,adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (archaism) (yoji) beautiful from all sides; perfect serenity; affability



see styles
jù zú yuán mǎn
    ju4 zu2 yuan2 man3
chü tsu yüan man
 gusoku enman
complete and perfect



see styles
jiān dàn duì dài
    jian1 dan4 dui4 dai4
chien tan tui tai
 ken tan tai tai
The first four of the five periods of Buddha's teaching are also defined by Tiantai as: (1) 兼 Combined teaching; including 圓 and 別教 doctrine, the period of the Avataṃsaka Sutra. (2) 但 Sole; i.e. 藏 or Hīnayāna only, that of the agamas. (3) 對 Comparative; all four forms of doctrines being compared. 帶 Inclusive, that of the 般若 Prajñā, when the perfect teaching was revealed as the fulfilment of the rest.



see styles
chū chéng zhèng jué
    chu1 cheng2 zheng4 jue2
ch`u ch`eng cheng chüeh
    chu cheng cheng chüeh
 sho jō shōgaku
first achieves perfect enlightenment



see styles
bié xiàng yuán xiū
    bie2 xiang4 yuan2 xiu1
pieh hsiang yüan hsiu
 bekkō enshu
The 向 of the 別教, i. e. the Separatist or Differentiating school, is the 修 of the 圓教 or Perfect school; i.e. when the 別教 Bodhisattva reaches the stage of the 十囘向, he has reached the 修 stage of the perfect nature and observance according to the 圓教 or Perfect school.



see styles
kè hú lèi wù
    ke4 hu2 lei4 wu4
k`o hu lei wu
    ko hu lei wu
to aim to carve a swan and get a semblance of a duck (idiom); to fail utterly in trying to copy something; to get a reasonably good, if not perfect, result



see styles
gōng dé yuán mǎn
    gong1 de2 yuan2 man3
kung te yüan man
 kudoku enman
virtuous achievements come to their successful conclusion (idiom)
perfect completion of meritorious qualities


see styles
shí quán shí měi
    shi2 quan2 shi2 mei3
shih ch`üan shih mei
    shih chüan shih mei
complete and beautiful; to be perfect (idiom)


see styles
quer u shēng sǐ
    quer4 u4 sheng1 si3
quer u sheng ssu
 kakunyū shōji
To leave his perfect life to enter into the round of births and deaths, as a Bodhisattva does.



see styles
wéi shì yuán jiào
    wei2 shi4 yuan2 jiao4
wei shih yüan chiao
 yuishiki engyō
The third of the three divisions of the Buddha's teaching as defined by Tao-hsuan of Nan-shan, the perfect doctrine of idealism.



see styles
shàn jí miè dù
    shan4 ji2 mie4 du4
shan chi mieh tu
 zen jakumetsu do
the state of perfect tranquility and extinction (of suffering)


see styles
sì jù chéng dào
    si4 ju4 cheng2 dao4
ssu chü ch`eng tao
    ssu chü cheng tao
 shiku jōdō
The swan-song of an arhat, who has attained to the perfect life: — All rebirths are ended,
The noble life established,
My work is accomplished.
No further existence is mine.



see styles
sì hóng shì yuàn
    si4 hong2 shi4 yuan4
ssu hung shih yüan
 shi ku seigan
The four universal vows of a Buddha or bodhisattva: 衆生無邊誓願度 to save all living beings without limit; 煩惱無數誓願斷 to put an end to all passions and delusions however numerous; 法門無盡誓願學 to study and learn all methods and means without end; 佛道無上誓願成 to become perfect in the supreme Buddha-law. The four vows are considered as arising one by one out of the 四諦 Four Noble Truths.



see styles
sì zhǒng guān xíng
    si4 zhong3 guan1 xing2
ssu chung kuan hsing
 shishu kangyō
The four kinds of examination, a method of repentance as a way to get rid of any sin: study the cause of the sin, which lies in ignorance, or lack of clear understanding, e. g. moth and fame; study its inevitable effect, its karma; study oneself, introspection; and study the Tathāgata in his perfect character, and saving power.



see styles
yīn yuán guǒ mǎn
    yin1 yuan2 guo3 man3
yin yüan kuo man
 inen kaman
The cause perfect and the effect complete, i. e. the practice of Buddhism.



see styles
yuán jiān yī bié
    yuan2 jian1 yi1 bie2
yüan chien i pieh
 en kenichi betsu
distinct (teaching) that includes the perfect



see styles
yuán chéng shí xìng
    yuan2 cheng2 shi2 xing4
yüan ch`eng shih hsing
    yüan cheng shih hsing
 enjō jishō
The perfect true nature, absolute reality, the bhūtatathatā.



see styles
yuán mǎn chéng jiù
    yuan2 man3 cheng2 jiu4
yüan man ch`eng chiu
    yüan man cheng chiu
 enman jōshū
perfect accomplishment



see styles
yuán mǎn jiě tuō
    yuan2 man3 jie3 tuo1
yüan man chieh t`o
    yüan man chieh to
 enman gedatsu
perfect liberation



see styles
yuán róng sān dì
    yuan2 rong2 san1 di4
yüan jung san ti
 enyū sandai
The three dogmas of 空假中 as combined, as one and the same, as a unity, according to the Tiantai inclusive or perfect school. The universal 空 apart from the particular 假 is an abstraction. The particular apart from the universal is unreal. The universal realizes its true nature in the particular, and the particular derives its meaning from the universal. The middle path 中 unites these two aspects of one reality.



see styles
yuán róng wú ài
    yuan2 rong2 wu2 ai4
yüan jung wu ai
 enyū muge
perfect interpenetration without obstruction



see styles
yuán jué sān dì
    yuan2 jue2 san1 di4
yüan chüeh san ti
 engaku santai
perfect awareness of the threefold truth



see styles
yuán jué dà chāo
    yuan2 jue2 da4 chao1
yüan chüeh ta ch`ao
    yüan chüeh ta chao
 Engaku daishō
Subcommentary to the Great commentary on the Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment



see styles
yuán dùn yī shèng
    yuan2 dun4 yi1 sheng4
yüan tun i sheng
 endon ichijō
The complete immediate vehicle, that of Tiantai.



see styles
yuán dùn zhǐ guān
    yuan2 dun4 zhi3 guan1
yüan tun chih kuan
 endon shikan
perfect and sudden cessation and contemplation


see styles
 daienkyouchi / daienkyochi
{Buddh} adarsa-jnana (great-perfect-mirror wisdom, wisdom clearly elucidating all things)


see styles
dà shàn jí lì
    da4 shan4 ji2 li4
ta shan chi li
 daizen jakuriki
the power of perfect tranquility



see styles
dà yuán jìng zhì
    da4 yuan2 jing4 zhi4
ta yüan ching chih
 dai enkyō chi
Great perfect mirror wisdom, i.e. perfect all-reflecting Buddha-wisdom.



see styles
dà shī yuán mǎn
    da4 shi1 yuan2 man3
ta shih yüan man
 daishi enman
perfect teacher



see styles
dà chì shèng guāng
    da4 chi4 sheng4 guang1
ta ch`ih sheng kuang
    ta chih sheng kuang
 dai shijō kō
The great blazing perfect light, a title of 金輪佛頂尊.


see styles
dà bān niè pán
    da4 ban1 nie4 pan2
ta pan nieh p`an
    ta pan nieh pan
 dai han nehan
mahāparinirvāṇa, explained by 大入滅息 the great, or final entrance into extinction and cessation; or 大圓寂入 great entrance into perfect rest; 大滅度 great extinction and passing over (from mortality). It is interpreted in Mahāyāna as meaning the cessation or extinction of passion and delusion, of mortality, and of all activities, and deliverance into a state beyond these concepts. In Mahāyāna it is not understood as the annihilation, or cessation of existence; the reappearance of Dīpaṃkara 然燈 (who had long entered nirvāṇa) along with Śākyamuni on the Vulture Peak supports this view. It is a state above all terms of human expression. See the Lotus Sutra and the Nirvāṇa sūtra.


see styles
tiān tái sān jiào
    tian1 tai2 san1 jiao4
t`ien t`ai san chiao
    tien tai san chiao
 Tentai sangyō
The three modes of Śākyamuni's teaching as explained by the Tiantai sect: (1) the sudden, or immediate teaching, by which the learner is taught the whole truth at once 頓教; (2) the gradual teaching 漸教; (3) the undetermined or variable method-whereby he is taught what he is capable of receiving 不定. Another category is 漸 gradual, 頓 direct, and 圓 perfect, the last being found in the final or complete doctrine of the 法華經 Lotus Sutra. Another is: (1) 三藏教 the Tripiṭaka doctrine, i. e. the orthodox Hīnayāna; (2) 通教 intermediate, or interrelated doctrine, i. e. Hīnayāna-cum-Mahāyāna; (3) 別教 differentiated or separated doctrine, i. e. the early Mahāyāna as a cult or development, as distinct from Hīnayāna.



see styles
tiān shēng yī duì
    tian1 sheng1 yi1 dui4
t`ien sheng i tui
    tien sheng i tui

More info & calligraphy:

Soul Mates
a match made in heaven; a perfect couple



see styles
tiān yī wú fèng
    tian1 yi1 wu2 feng4
t`ien i wu feng
    tien i wu feng
 tenimuhou / tenimuho
lit. seamless heavenly clothes (idiom); fig. flawless
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) perfect beauty with no trace of artifice; flawless



see styles
tiān zào dì shè
    tian1 zao4 di4 she4
t`ien tsao ti she
    tien tsao ti she
lit. made by Heaven and arranged by Earth(idiom); ideal; perfect; (of a match) made in heaven; to be made for one another


see styles
rú bì shǐ zhǐ
    ru2 bi4 shi3 zhi3
ju pi shih chih
as the arm moves the finger (idiom); freely and effortlessly; to have perfect command of


see styles
miào fǎ yī shèng
    miao4 fa3 yi1 sheng4
miao fa i sheng
 myōhō ichijō
The One Vehicle of the wonderful dharma, or perfect Mahāyāna.



see styles
miào fǎ lián huá
    miao4 fa3 lian2 hua2
miao fa lien hua
 myōhō renge
法華 The wonderful truth as found in the Lotus Sutra. the One Vehicle Sutra; which is said to contain 實法 Buddha's complete truth as compared with his previous 權法 or 方便法, i.e. partial, or expedient teaching, but both are included in this perfect truth. The sutra is the Saddhamapuṇḍarīka 正法華經 or (添品妙法蓮華經) 妙法蓮華經, also known as 薩曇芥陀利經, of which several translations in whole or part were made from Sanskrit into Chinese, the most popular being by Kumārajīva. It was the special classic of the Tiantai school, which is sometimes known as the 蓮宗 Lotus school, and it profoundly influenced Buddhist doctrine in China, Japan, and Tibet. The commentaries and treatises on it are very numerous; two by Chih-i 智顗 of the Tiantai school being the妙法蓮華經文句 and the 玄義.


see styles
miào jìng xìn xīn
    miao4 jing4 xin4 xin1
miao ching hsin hsin
 myōjō shinshin
perfect mental clarity


see styles
 kanryoujisei / kanryojise
{gramm} perfect tense


see styles
{music} perfect fifth


see styles
 kanzenyondo; kanzenyodo
    かんぜんよんど; かんぜんよど
{music} perfect fourth


see styles
 kanzendoutai / kanzendotai
perfect conductor


see styles
 kanzenheihou / kanzenheho
{math} perfect square


see styles
 kanzendansei / kanzendanse
perfect elasticity


see styles
(See 理想気体) perfect gas; ideal gas


see styles
 kanzennenshou / kanzennensho
(n,vs,vi) (1) (yoji) (See 不完全燃焼・1) complete combustion; perfect combustion; (n,vs,vi) (2) (idiom) (yoji) (See 不完全燃焼・2) giving one's all; doing one's best; using all of one's ability; obtaining the desired result


see styles
perfect crime


see styles
 kanzenshinkuu / kanzenshinku
perfect vacuum


see styles
 kanzenkyousou / kanzenkyoso
perfect competition


see styles
 kanzenjiai(p); kanzenshiai
    かんぜんじあい(P); かんぜんしあい
{baseb} perfect game



see styles
wán hǎo wú quē
    wan2 hao3 wu2 que1
wan hao wu ch`üeh
    wan hao wu chüeh
in perfect condition; without any defect



see styles
wán měi wú xiá
    wan2 mei3 wu2 xia2
wan mei wu hsia
flawless; immaculate; perfect



see styles
wán měi wú quē
    wan2 mei3 wu2 que1
wan mei wu ch`üeh
    wan mei wu chüeh
perfect and without blemish; flawless; to leave nothing to be desired



see styles
guǎng dà yuán mǎn
    guang3 da4 yuan2 man3
kuang ta yüan man
 kōdai enman
vast and perfect



see styles
dàn piān bāo yuán
    dan4 pian1 bao1 yuan2
tan p`ien pao yüan
    tan pien pao yüan
 danpen hōen
reject the one-sided and extol the perfect (teachings)



see styles
mí tuó sān zūn
    mi2 tuo2 san1 zun1
mi t`o san tsun
    mi to san tsun
 Mida sanzon
(or 彌陀三聖) The three Amitābha honoured ones; Amitābha, whose mercy and wisdom are perfect; Guanyin, Avalokiteśvara, on his left, who is the embodiment of mercy; Dashizhi, Mahāsthāmaprāpta, on his right, the embodiment of wisdom.


see styles
xíng sè jù zú
    xing2 se4 ju4 zu2
hsing se chü tsu
 gyōshiki gusoku
perfect in appearance



see styles
dé zuì zhèng jué
    de2 zui4 zheng4 jue2
te tsui cheng chüeh
 toku saishōkaku
to attain supreme perfect enlightenment



see styles
qià dào hǎo chù
    qia4 dao4 hao3 chu4
ch`ia tao hao ch`u
    chia tao hao chu
it's just perfect; it's just right



see styles
yìng zhèng biàn zhī
    ying4 zheng4 bian4 zhi1
ying cheng pien chih
 ōshō henchi
The arhat of perfect knowledge, a title of a Buddha.



see styles
chéng jiù zhòng shēng
    cheng2 jiu4 zhong4 sheng1
ch`eng chiu chung sheng
    cheng chiu chung sheng
 jōjū shujō
To transform all beings by developing their Buddha-nature and causing them to obtain enlightenment.



see styles
chéng jī gǎn fó
    cheng2 ji1 gan3 fo2
ch`eng chi kan fo
    cheng chi kan fo
 jō ki kan butsu
perfect one's capacity and experience the Buddha



see styles
chéng wú shàng jué
    cheng2 wu2 shang4 jue2
ch`eng wu shang chüeh
    cheng wu shang chüeh
 jō mujō kaku
achieves perfect enlightenment



see styles
chéng děng zhèng jué
    cheng2 deng3 zheng4 jue2
ch`eng teng cheng chüeh
    cheng teng cheng chüeh
 jō tōshō gaku
To attain to perfect enlightenment, become Buddha.


see styles
(can be adjective with の) undisputed; entirely; perfect


see styles
(can be adjective with の) undisputed; entirely; perfect



see styles
qǔ zhōng zòu yǎ
    qu3 zhong1 zou4 ya3
ch`ü chung tsou ya
    chü chung tsou ya
perfect finish (idiom)


see styles
zuì shàng niè pán
    zui4 shang4 nie4 pan2
tsui shang nieh p`an
    tsui shang nieh pan
 saijō nehan
perfect quiescence



see styles
zuì jí yuán mǎn
    zui4 ji2 yuan2 man3
tsui chi yüan man
 saigoku enman
most perfect completion


see styles
 yuushuunobi / yushunobi
(exp,n) (bringing to a) perfect end; (rounding off with a) crowning achievement; successful conclusion; triumphant finish


see styles
 miraikanryou / miraikanryo
{gramm} future perfect tense



see styles
guǒ jí fǎ shēn
    guo3 ji2 fa3 shen1
kuo chi fa shen
 kagoku hosshin
The dharmakāya of complete enlightenment.


see styles
gé wù zhì zhī
    ge2 wu4 zhi4 zhi1
ko wu chih chih
to study the underlying principle to acquire knowledge (idiom); pursuing knowledge to the end
(yoji) gaining a perfect knowledge of natural laws



see styles
yè jīng yú qín
    ye4 jing1 yu2 qin2
yeh ching yü ch`in
    yeh ching yü chin
mastery of study lies in diligence (idiom). You can only master a subject by assiduous study.; Excellence in work is only possible with diligence.; Practice makes perfect.



see styles
tàn dà bāo yuán
    tan4 da4 bao1 yuan2
t`an ta pao yüan
    tan ta pao yüan
 tandai hōen
to praise the great [vehicle] and laud the perfect [teaching]


see styles
zhèng zhēn zhī dào
    zheng4 zhen1 zhi1 dao4
cheng chen chih tao
 shōshin no dō
perfect enlightenment


see styles
zhèng děng pú tí
    zheng4 deng3 pu2 ti2
cheng teng p`u t`i
    cheng teng pu ti
 shōtō bodai
perfect enlightenment



see styles
zhèng xíng yuán mǎn
    zheng4 xing2 yuan2 man3
cheng hsing yüan man
 shōgyō enman
perfect completion of correct practices



see styles
fǎ jiè yuán róng
    fa3 jie4 yuan2 rong2
fa chieh yüan jung
 hokkai enyū
The perfect intercommunion or blending of all things in the dharmadhātu; the 無礙 of Huayan and the 性具 of Tiantai.



see styles
fǎ huā yī shí
    fa3 hua1 yi1 shi2
fa hua i shih
 hokke ichijitsu
The one perfect Vehicle of the Lotus gospel.



see styles
bō luó mì duō
    bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1
po lo mi to
 haramitta; haramita
    はらみった; はらみた
{Buddh} (See 波羅蜜・1) pāramitā; perfection; perfection of Buddhist practices or attaining enlightenment
pāramitā, 播囉弭多, derived from parama, highest, acme, is intp. as to cross over from this shore of births and deaths to the other shore, or nirvāṇa. The six pāramitās or means of so doing are: (1) dāna, charity; (2) śīla, moral conduct; (3) kṣānti, patience; (4) vīrya, energy, or devotion; (5) dhyāna, contemplation, or abstraction; (6) prajñā, knowledge. The 十度 ten are the above with (7) upāya, use of expedient or proper means; (8) praṇidhāna, vows, for bodhi and helpfulness; (9) bāla, strength purpose; (10) wisdom. Childers gives the list of ten as the perfect exercise of almsgiving, morality, abnegation of the world and of self, wisdom, energy, patience, truth, resolution, kindness, and resignation. Each of the ten is divisible into ordinary, superior, and unlimited perfection, or thirty in all. pāramitā is tr. by 度; 度無極; 到彼岸; 究竟.



see styles
niè pán jí jìng
    nie4 pan2 ji2 jing4
nieh p`an chi ching
    nieh pan chi ching
 nehan jakujō
nirvāṇa is perfect tranquility



see styles
jìng yuán jué xīn
    jing4 yuan2 jue2 xin1
ching yüan chüeh hsin
 jō enkaku shin
Pure and perfect enlightened mind: the complete enlightenment of the Buddha.



see styles
qīng jìng jìng chán
    qing1 jing4 jing4 chan2
ch`ing ching ching ch`an
    ching ching ching chan
 shōjōjō zen
meditation on perfect purity in the termination of all delusion and distress and the obtaining of perfect enlightenment



see styles
miè dìng zhì tōng
    mie4 ding4 zhi4 tong1
mieh ting chih t`ung
    mieh ting chih tung
 metsujō chitsū
The freedom or supernatural power of the wisdom attained in nirvāṇa, or perfect passivity.


see styles
shú néng shēng qiǎo
    shu2 neng2 sheng1 qiao3
shu neng sheng ch`iao
    shu neng sheng chiao
with familiarity you learn the trick (idiom); practice makes perfect

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Perfect" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary