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Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 4905 total results for your Loving-Kindness Conquers All search. I have created 50 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 nanbo; nanbo
    なんぼ; ナンボ
(adverb) (1) (kana only) (esp. used in Kansai) (See いくら・1) how much; how many; how; to what extent; (adverb) (2) (kana only) (as なんぼ...〜ても, なんぼ...〜でも, etc.) (See いくら・3) however (much); no matter how; (adverb) (3) (kana only) (as 〜てなんぼ) what matters is ...; it all comes down to ...; nothing beats ...


see styles
(expression) (1) (with neg. verb) (not) anything; (nothing) at all; (not) any; nothing; (expression) (2) (as ...も何も) and everything else; and all; (expression) (3) (as ...なくてもいい, ...ことはない, etc.) (not) at all; (not) in the least; (not) especially; (not) to that extent


see styles
(adverb) (1) (humble language) please; kindly; I beg of you; if it pleases you; (2) by all means; without fail; (ik) (adverb) (1) (humble language) please; kindly; I beg of you; if it pleases you; (2) by all means; without fail


see styles
 yokei / yoke
(adjectival noun) (1) extra; more; too much; too many; excessive; superfluous; spare; surplus; (adjectival noun) (2) unnecessary; needless; uncalled-for; unwanted; uninvited; (adverb) (3) all the more; even more


see styles
fó shèng
    fo2 sheng4
fo sheng
The Buddha conveyance or vehicle, Buddhism as the vehicle of salvation for all beings; the doctrine of the 華嚴 Huayan (Kegon) School that all may become Buddha, which is called 一乘 the One Vehicle, the followers of this school calling it the 圓教 complete or perfect doctrine; this doctrine is also styled in the Lotus Sutra 一佛乘 the One Buddha-Vehicle.


see styles
fó shì
    fo2 shi4
fo shih
Buddha's affairs, the work of transforming all beings; or of doing Buddha-work, e.g. prayers and worship.


see styles
fó chà
    fo2 cha4
fo ch`a
    fo cha
buddhakṣetra. 佛紇差怛羅 Buddha realm, land or country; see also 佛土, 佛國. The term is absent from Hīnayāna. In Mahāyāna it is the spiritual realm acquired by one who reaches perfect enlightenment, where he instructs all beings born there, preparing them for enlightenment. In the schools where Mahāyāna adopted an Ādi-Buddha, these realms or Buddha-fields interpenetrated each other, since they were coexistent with the universe. There are two classes of Buddhakṣetra: (1) in the Vairocana Schools, regarded as the regions of progress for the righteous after death; (2) in the Amitābha Schools, regarded as the Pure Land; v. McGovern, A Manual of Buddhist Philosophy, pp. 70-2.


see styles
fó tǔ
    fo2 tu3
fo t`u
    fo tu
buddhakṣetra. 佛國; 紇差怛羅; 差多羅; 刹怛利耶; 佛刹 The land or realm of a Buddha. The land of the Buddha's birth, India. A Buddha-realm in process of transformation, or transformed. A spiritual Buddha-realm. The Tiantai Sect evolved the idea of four spheres: (1) 同居之國土 Where common beings and saints dwell together, divided into (a) a realm where all beings are subject to transmigration and (b) the Pure Land. (2) 方便有餘土 or 變易土 The sphere where beings are still subject to higher forms of transmigration, the abode of Hīnayāna saints, i.e. srota-āpanna 須陀洹; sakṛdāgāmin 斯陀含; anāgāmin 阿那含; arhat 阿羅漢. (3) 實報無障礙 Final unlimited reward, the Bodhisattva realm. (4) 常寂光土 Where permanent tranquility and enlightenment reign, Buddha-parinirvāṇa.


see styles
fó zǐ
    fo2 zi3
fo tzu
(surname) Busshi
Son of Buddha; a bodhisattva; a believer in Buddhism, for every believer is becoming Buddha; a term also applied to all beings, because all are of Buddha-nature. There is a division of three kinds: 外子 external sons, who have not yet believed; 度子 secondary sons, Hīnayānists; 眞子 true sons, Mahāyānists.


see styles
fó jiā
    fo2 jia1
fo chia
Buddhism; Buddhist
The school or family of Buddhism; the Pure Land, where is the family of Buddha. Also all Buddhists from the srota-āpanna stage upwards.


see styles
fó dé
    fo2 de2
fo te
Buddha-virtue, his perfect life, perfect fruit, and perfect mercy in releasing all beings from misery.


see styles
fó xìng
    fo2 xing4
fo hsing
 butsushou / butsusho
Buddha nature
(surname) Butsushou
buddhatā. The Buddha-nature, i.e. gnosis, enlightenment; potential bodhi remains in every gati, i.e. all have the capacity for enlightenment; for the Buddha-nature remains in all as wheat-nature remains in all wheat. This nature takes two forms: 理 noumenal, in the absolute sense, unproduced and immortal, and 行 phenomenal, in action. While every one possesses the Buddha-nature, it requires to be cultivated in order to produce its ripe fruit.


see styles
fó jiè
    fo2 jie4
fo chieh
The moral commandments of the Buddha; also, the laws of reality observed by all Buddhas.


see styles
fó mǔ
    fo2 mu3
fo mu
(1) The mother of the Buddha, Mahāmāyā, 摩耶 Māyā, or Mātṛkā. (2) His aunt who was his foster-mother. (3) The Dharma or Law which produced him. (4) The prajñā-pāramitā, mother or begetter of all Buddhas. (5) Other "Buddha-mothers", e.g. 准提佛母; 孔雀佛母, etc. Cf. 佛眼.


see styles
fó zàng
    fo2 zang4
fo tsang
Buddha thesaurus, the sutras of the Buddha's preaching, etc., also all the teaching of Buddha.



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fó dǐng
    fo2 ding3
fo ting
Śākyamuni in the third court of the Garbhadhātu is represented as the佛頂尊 in meditation as Universal Wise Sovereign. The 五佛頂q.v. Five Buddhas are on his left representing his Wisdom. The three 佛頂 on his right are called 廣大佛頂, 極廣大佛頂, and 無邊音聲佛頂; in all they are the eight 佛頂.; A title of the esoteric sect for their form of Buddha, or Buddhas, especially of Vairocana of the Vajradhātu and Śākyamuni of the Garbhadhātu groups. Also, an abbreviation of a dhāraṇī as is | | | 經 of a sutra, and there are other | | | scriptures.



see styles
fó yuàn
    fo2 yuan4
fo yüan
(surname) Butsugan
The vow of Buddha to save all beings.



see styles
fó míng
    fo2 ming2
fo ming
Buddhaghoṣa, the famous commentator and writer of the Hīnayāna School and of the Pali canon. He was "born near the Bo Tree, at Buddha Gayā, and came to Ceylon about A.D. 430". "Almost all the commentaries now existing (in Pali) are ascribed to him". Rhys Davids.


see styles
nǐ wǒ
    ni3 wo3
ni wo
you and I; everyone; all of us (in society); we (people in general)


see styles
nǐ děng
    ni3 deng3
ni teng
(archaic) you all



see styles
shǐ jìn
    shi3 jin4
shih chin
to exert all one's strength



see styles
shǐ jìn
    shi3 jin4
shih chin
to exert all one's strength


see styles
(adverb) suddenly; all of a sudden; abruptly


see styles
sú wǒ
    su2 wo3
su wo
The popular idea of the ego or soul, i.e. the empirical or false ego 假我 composed of the five skandhas. This is to be distinguished from the true ego 眞我 or 實我, the metaphysical substratum from which all empirical elements have been eliminated; v.八大自在我.


see styles
xìn rěn
    xin4 ren3
hsin jen
Faith-patience, faith-endurance: (1) To abide patiently in the faith and repeat the name of Amitābha. (2) To believe in the Truth and attain the nature of patient faith. (3) According to Tiantai the 別教 meaning is the unperturbed faith of the Bodhisattva (that all dharma is unreal).


see styles
xìn zàng
    xin4 zang4
hsin tsang
The treasury of faith (which contains all merits).



see styles
xiū jiān
    xiu1 jian1
hsiu chien
Firmness in observing or maintaining; established conviction, e.g. of the 別教 bodhisattva that all phenomena in essence are identical.



see styles
cāng cù
    cang1 cu4
ts`ang ts`u
    tsang tsu
all of a sudden; hurriedly


see styles
jù yǒu
    ju4 you3
chü yu
Existing together; all being, existing, or having.


see styles
jù kōng
    ju4 kong1
chü k`ung
    chü kung
Both or all empty, or unreal, i.e. both ego and things have no reality.


see styles
jiǎ míng
    jia3 ming2
chia ming
false name; pseudonym; alias; pen name; the Japanese kana scripts; hiragana 平假名[ping2 jia3 ming2] and katakana 片假名[pian4 jia3 ming2]
(out-dated kanji) kana; Japanese syllabary (i.e. hiragana, katakana); (surname) Karina
Unreal names, i. e. nothing has a name of itself, for all names are mere human appellations.


see styles
piān piān
    pian1 pian1
p`ien p`ien
    pien pien
(indicating that something turns out just the opposite of what one would wish) unfortunately; as it happened; (indicating that something is the opposite of what would be normal or reasonable) stubbornly; contrarily; against reason; (indicating that sb or a group is singled out) precisely; only; of all people



see styles
piān yuán
    pian1 yuan2
p`ien yüan
    pien yüan
 hen en
Partial and all-embracing, relative and complete, e. g. Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna, also the intermediate schools (between Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna) and the perfect school of Tiantai.


see styles
piān jiào
    pian1 jiao4
p`ien chiao
    pien chiao
權教 Partial or relative teaching; Tiantai regarded its own teachings the complete, or final and all-embracing teaching of the Buddha, while that of the 法相, 三論, etc., was partial and imperfect; in like manner, the three schools, 藏,通 and 別, piṭaka,intermediate, and separate, were partial and imperfect.



see styles
bèi xī
    bei4 xi1
pei hsi
to know all about; to be informed of all the details



see styles
qīng chéng
    qing1 cheng2
ch`ing ch`eng
    ching cheng
 keisei / kese
coming from everywhere; from all over the place; gorgeous (of woman); to ruin and overturn the state
(1) (See 傾国・けいこく・1) beauty; siren; (2) (See 傾国・けいこく・2) courtesan; prostitute; (place-name) Keisei



see styles
qīng jìn
    qing1 jin4
ch`ing chin
    ching chin
to do all one can; to give all one has



see styles
qiān gòng
    qian1 gong4
ch`ien kung
    chien kung



see styles
qiān jiē
    qian1 jie1
ch`ien chieh
    chien chieh


see styles
xiàng fǎ
    xiang4 fa3
hsiang fa
 zoubou / zobo
{Buddh} age of the copied law (one of the three ages of Buddhism); middle day of the law; age of semblance dharma
saddharma-pratirūpaka; the formal or image period of Buddhism; the three periods are 正像末, those of the real, the formal, and the final; or correct, semblance, and termination. The first period is of 500 years; the second of 1,000 years; the third 3,000 years, when Maitreya is to appear and restore all things. There are varied statements about periods and dates, e.g. there is a division of four periods, that while the Buddha was alive, the early stage after his death, then the formal and the final periods.



see styles
jǐn shù
    jin3 shu4
chin shu
(Tw) in its entirety; all of it; all of them


see styles
yuán xīn
    yuan2 xin1
yüan hsin
The original or primal mind behind all things, idem the 一心 of the 起信論 Awakening of Faith, the 森羅萬象之元 source of all phenomena, the mind which is in all things.


see styles
yuán míng
    yuan2 ming2
yüan ming
(surname, given name) Motoaki
本明 Original brightness or intelligence; the 眞如 or bhūtatathatā as the source of all light or enlightenment.


see styles
returning to normal after all is said and done


see styles
chōng sè
    chong1 se4
ch`ung se
    chung se
 juusoku / jusoku
congestion; to block; to congest; to crowd; to choke; to cram; to fill up; to stuff; to take up all the space
(n,vs,vt,vi) plug; full up; being filled; stopped up


see styles
 choumin / chomin
the whole nation; all the people; (given name) Chōmin


see styles
(adverb) (1) (kana only) first (of all); firstly; to begin with; before anything else; (adverb) (2) (kana only) probably; most likely; almost certainly; virtually; (adverb) (3) (kana only) more or less (satisfactory); on the whole; reasonably; (adverb) (4) (kana only) anyway; at any rate; for now (at least); for the time being


see styles
guāng háo
    guang1 hao2
kuang hao
The ūrṇā, or curl between the Buddha's eyebrows whence streams light that reveals all worlds, one of the thirty-two characteristics of a Buddha.


see styles
tù jiǎo
    tu4 jiao3
t`u chiao
    tu chiao
(adv,adj-no,n,vs) (1) (kana only) (doing) various things; (doing) this and that; (2) (kana only) being apt to; being prone to; tending to become; (3) (kana only) somehow or other; anyhow; anyway; (4) (Buddhist term) rabbit horns (used as a metaphor for things that do not exist)
śaśa-viṣāṇa; śaśa-śṛṅga; a rabbit's horns, i.e. the non-existent; all phenomena are as unreal as a rabbit's horns.


see styles
 nyuukon / nyukon
(n,vs,adj-no) (1) putting one's heart and soul (into); giving one's all; (noun/participle) (2) breathing a soul into (e.g. a Buddhist statue); (3) (archaism) (See 入魂・じゅこん) intimacy; familiarity



see styles
nèi dìng
    nei4 ding4
nei ting
to select sb for a position without announcing the decision until later; to decide behind closed doors; all cut and dried
See: 内定



see styles
nèi zhǒng
    nei4 zhong3
nei chung
The seed contained in the 八識, i. e. ālayavijñāna, the basis of all phenomena.


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (kana only) everything; all; the whole; (adverb) (2) (kana only) entirely; completely; wholly; all


see styles
quán xiū
    quan2 xiu1
ch`üan hsiu
    chüan hsiu
 zenkyuu / zenkyu
complete rest (after an illness)
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) taking the whole day (week, period, etc.) off; being off work (school, etc.) the whole period; (n,vs,vi) (2) suspension of all (transportation) services (e.g. trains, flights)


see styles
whole work; all of the works; (given name) Zensaku


see styles
(1) all flights; entire fleet; (2) all mail


see styles
 zentou / zento
(1) all (political) parties; (2) the whole party


see styles
 zennyuu / zennyu
(abbr. of 全員入学, 全員入園) unrestricted admission (to a school); taking all applicants; accepting anyone who applies; universal admission (to universities)


see styles
quán lì
    quan2 li4
ch`üan li
    chüan li
with all one's strength; full strength; all-out (effort); fully (support)
(noun - becomes adjective with の) all one's power (strength, energy, efforts); one's utmost


see styles
 zenrou / zenro
(1) (organization) National Trade Union Confederation (1930-1936) (abbreviation); (2) (organization) All-Japan Trade Union Congress (1954-1964) (abbreviation); (o) National Trade Union Confederation (1930-1936) (abbreviation); (o) All-Japan Trade Union Congress (1954-1964) (abbreviation)


see styles
quán xiàng
    quan2 xiang4
ch`üan hsiang
    chüan hsiang
in all directions


see styles
 zenshuu / zenshu
(noun, transitive verb) (1) going around the entirety (of a place); going on a trip all around (a place); complete tour; (2) whole circumference; perimeter


see styles
all goods



see styles
quán yuán
    quan2 yuan2
ch`üan yüan
    chüan yüan
 zenin(p); zeiin(ik) / zenin(p); zen(ik)
    ぜんいん(P); ぜいいん(ik)
all personnel; the whole staff
(n,adv) all members; all hands; everyone; everybody; whole crew


see styles
all the questions (in an exam, quiz, etc.)


see styles
the whole world; all lands


see styles
quán yù
    quan2 yu4
ch`üan yü
    chüan yü
the entire area; the entire domain; global; domain-wide
(1) the whole area; the entire region; all parts (of); (2) the whole field (of study); every field; the whole gamut


see styles
quán tiān
    quan2 tian1
ch`üan t`ien
    chüan tien
whole day
all heaven


see styles
all rooms


see styles
all the banks (of a river)


see styles
 zentou / zento
(1) the whole island; (2) all the islands (of a group)


see styles
quán zhōu
    quan2 zhou1
ch`üan chou
    chüan chou
 zenshuu / zenshu
Quanzhou county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) whole state; (2) all states; every state; (place-name) Jeonju (South Korea)


see styles
quán shì
    quan2 shi4
ch`üan shih
    chüan shih
whole city
(1) the whole city; (2) all the cities; every city; (personal name) Zen'ichi


see styles
all tickets


see styles
(can be adjective with の) (1) full; wholehearted; utmost; all; every; (2) overall width


see styles
quán nián
    quan2 nian2
ch`üan nien
    chüan nien
the whole year; all year long


see styles
(1) the whole store; (2) all stores


see styles
(1) all the houses (in an area); all the apartments (in a building); (2) the whole family; the whole household


see styles
quán cái
    quan2 cai2
ch`üan ts`ai
    chüan tsai
all-rounder; versatile


see styles
(n,vs,vi) {sports} complete defeat; losing all of one's matches; finishing the tournament with no wins


see styles
 zensuu / zensu
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) whole number; all; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) total; complete; exhaustive; 100% (inspection, search, etc.); (noun - becomes adjective with の) (3) (See 二倍体) diploid


see styles
quán xīn
    quan2 xin1
ch`üan hsin
    chüan hsin
all new; completely new


see styles
(n,adv) all days


see styles
all compositions; the entire composition


see styles
quán wèi
    quan2 wei4
ch`üan wei
    chüan wei
not at all


see styles
(1) the whole village; (2) all the villages (in an area)


see styles
 zenkou / zenko
(1) the whole school; (2) all the schools



see styles
quán jī
    quan2 ji1
ch`üan chi
    chüan chi
(1) all aircraft; (2) all machines; (3) {Buddh} workings of all things; all activity; (given name) Masaki
all functions


see styles
 zenou / zeno
all Europe


see styles
(See オールウエーブ) all-wave (receiver); full wave


see styles
quán huó
    quan2 huo2
ch`üan huo
    chüan huo
to save life; to rescue; the whole business with all its processes


see styles
all items; all parts; all points


see styles
quán rán
    quan2 ran2
ch`üan jan
    chüan jan
(adverb) (1) (with neg. sentence) (not) at all; (not) in the slightest; (adverb) (2) (neg. context, e.g. 全然反対) wholly; entirely; completely; totally; (adverb) (3) (colloquialism) (pos. context, e.g. 全然いいよ) extremely; very


see styles
 zenkou / zenko
all-A (student)


see styles
(1) the whole company; (2) all the companies


see styles
 zenbei / zenbe
(noun - becomes adjective with の) all-America; pan-American; all of America; (place-name) Zenbei


see styles
(1) the whole newspaper; the entire space (of a newspaper); (2) all the newspapers; (3) whole sheet of paper; uncut paper



see styles
quán xiàn
    quan2 xian4
ch`üan hsien
    chüan hsien
the whole front (in a war); the whole length (of a road or railway line)
(1) the whole (railway) line; the entire (bus) route; (2) all lines; all routes; (3) the whole front (in war); (4) all fronts


see styles
(1) whole ship; (2) all ships


see styles
(1) all warships; (2) the whole warship

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Loving-Kindness Conquers All" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary